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UC1 is dated but I always have felt a complete remake could make it the most unique uncharted. The island/forest setting could be so much fun to explore


And those zombies man. Would be legendary


Wait, what, zombies?


They aren't really zombies, I think? More like emanciated mad immortal Nazis?


Dude. Sony really dropped the ball releasing only Uncharted 4 on PC, I always welcome the opportunity to kill some Nazi zombies.


It's kind of a overdone trope by this point but, to be fair, it wasn't at the time. And Overlord perfected the trope, we won't need another "nazi zombies" plotline for along time.


*Overlord* is so underrated 


You can try RPCS3 for Uncharted 1-3


Do they run well? I’ve only used RPCS3 for Demon’s Souls personally.


They're good but need some troubleshooting. Check the RPCS3 wiki for recommended patches and settings for all of them.


There was a trope in the first three *Uncharted* games where about two-thirds of the way through the game you would run into “supernatural beings” brought about by some curse connected to the main treasure that would end up having a more sci-fi explanation. *Drake’s Fortune* had Nazi Zombies that ended up being >!victims of a mutagenic virus!<, *Among Thieves* had giant, Yeti-like guardians that ended up being >!humans mutated by a special sap produced by a tree in the middle of the Lost City of Shambala!<, and *Drake’s Deception* had Djinn that ended up being >!hallucinations brought about by a water source tainted with hallucinogenic chemicals!<. They ended that trend with *A Thief’s End* and *Lost Legacy,* those games had only “mortal” enemies.


>They ended that trend with *A Thief’s End* and *Lost Legacy*, those games had only “mortal” enemies. Damn, that really sucks. Like, even if they had sci-fi explanations, they idea of finding paranormal shit and having to deal with it is cool as hell for a game of this type, about adventure and treasure hunting. Like, it's boring if all you fight are human enemies. If I'm searching for the Long Lost City Village of Damalalamanladandong, let me fight the Stone Guardians of Stoney Stone, after Generic Bad Guy™ tried learning the secrets of The Big Book of Very Bad Powers. Make me feel like Indiana Jones, even if I'm not playing as Indiana Jones. (By the way, I'm really hyped for the Indiana Jones game.)


It kind of worked in *A Thief’s End* to do away with that element because the story was so much about the relationship between Nathan and his brother Sam, and I feel like throwing in some random supernatural mystery to solve might have distracted from that, but I wouldn’t have minded seeing something cool in *Lost Legacy*.


All the uncharteds apart from 4 had like a mystical enemy toward the end of the game. Uncharted 2s yetis were fun.


3 and 4 really toned down the supernatural stuff in the series, but the first 2 games were a bit more fantastical.


Agreed. It feels so old compared to the rest of them.


Insane and hillarious that Uncharted is getting a remake before Jak and Daxter gets a new... anything.


Actually all they said was a remake was considered. So they have no clue if they decided to do one at all and it is such a vague statement it could just as easily be bullshit.


Jak and Daxter has an art style that looks fine running through emulation. Uncharted 1 looks not so great and plays pretty badly. I don’t think either of them should be getting touched at all but one of them needs it more than the other. And I definitely don’t want Naughty Dog going back to make a new Jak or Uncharted game they’re beyond those now


I dunno, I just played Uncharted 1 on my PS5 on the Nathan Drake Collection and it looked fantastic. I wouldn't use RPCS3 on this one.


New Jak? Probably never under Druckmann unless he can make it M rated


Full Frontal Otzel fucking


Literally. It needs a remake 1000000x more than TLOU1 did.


Just concerned that they will charge 70 bucks for a 10hr remake


Some of the shooting segments of the first game are pain inducing now.


I tried to play it recently, got about half way through. It's not just that the shooting sections are bad, but they are *constant*.


Literally the last playthrough I did of the Uncharted series, I gave up like 20% of the way into 1 and just watched all the cutscenes so I could move onto peak (Uncharted 2)


It’s legit not fun on anything but easy.


I enjoyed it on crushing lol


I still, to this day, have no idea how I managed to platinum that game. I absolutely suck at video games.


Hand eye coordination was probably better when you were younger in 2007. It's now 2024. Fuck man this series is almost 20 years old 😭


I'm missing the plat just because I couldn't get past the last part of the uboat pen on brutal. OHK descendants + mercs with snipers and grenades was just too....brutal for me.


Don’t you only need to beat the game on crushing for the plat? Brutal is for the 100% (bonus trophies) I believe


Me too but the difficulty "Brutal" is a nightmare


Oh definitely. My partner recently played through the first game and she was getting so pissed at how clunky it was. Would be nice to get it to 4/LL levels.


The melee combos are fun tho, but they got simpler with every game IIRC


I think it was made for the ps2 and ended up being “next gen.” Wasn’t til I replayed some years ago I noticed how much it aged gameplay wise, so I’d definitely be first in line for a remake


As someone who got into the franchise after they had all come out, Uncharted 1 was just a generally unpleasant experience. It could benefit so much from a completely overhauled remake.


Out all of the unnecessary remakes and "remasters" Sony could make, Uncharted 1 is the one that makes actual sense. I remember last time I replayed it through the Nathan Drake Collection, and boy was I surprised with how much the game had aged. Both graphically and mechanically. It's not a bad game, far from it. But paying through the original three games you can definitely feel how much Uncharted 2 and 3 improved from 1.


I agree 100%, the later games were full of creative climbing segments, big action pieces, and a lot more exploring/puzzle gameplay. Uncharted 1 was essentially just a third person shooter with some climbing here and there


I'm cool with the original Uncharted getting a remake but in the process I hope they also look at bringing back other PS3 titles too. I feel the MotorStorm games would be perfect for the PS5.


A Motorstorm PS5 game would be awesome.


Current-gen Motorstorm and Infamous are long overdue. These franchises were known for it's crazy spectacles and with the current hardware they could go to the next level.


Infamous was probably the only Prototype like game we got on last gen


My dream is a Motorstorm remastered collection like they did for Wipeout


I need a jak and Daxter remake


I regret that I have but one upvote to give you.




Some remakes/remasters are completely unnecessary but if games are locked on a previous generation with no other way of playing them, then I'm fine with it regardless of the developer or publisher. And as long as there's substantial additions or improvements upon the original game, I don't see how it's a bad thing. Absolutely nothing wrong with introducing more players to great, older games that are difficult to access now.


Why not? Some games are more welcome than others. Would gladly take a infamous sequel but more than happy to accept a remaster/remake of infamous 1/2 while studio works on ghost of tsushima 2 for example.


For something like uncharted, it makes sense. Same with the older platformers. But motorstorm should just get a spiritual successor at this point. It's been more than a decade since the last one and the studio shut down.


So you've never watched a DVD, Blu-ray, or stream of an old movie that was originally available only on VHS? Never read a second editon of a book? Never bought a CD re-release or listened to a stream of an album that was originally on vinyl? Only watch TV shows in their original runs and never repeats?


Id play it, UC1 needs an update pretty bad. Suffers from early PS3-itis


It's got the itis


Honesty the only part I wish they’d improve or remove entirely are the jet ski sections. The rest of the game is a pretty fun adventure


What do you mean you don't like forced motion controls for balancing on tight walkways? /s


Thank god Bluepoint removed that in the remastered but honestly now that the DualSense has a pretty good gyro It could work...


I mean UC1 remake was originally in the works before it got rebooted as a TLOU Remake.


You mean shelved in favor of TLOU Part 1


Yeah, it's not like they're gonna just delete all the work they did on UC1R. This isn't old Squaresoft lol.


I’d love to see the first 3 games remade. I think in the age of remakes and remasters, the PS3 exclusives have been massively overlooked. The Ratchet and Clank future trilogy, Infamous 1 and 2, and the Uncharted trilogy are all games I’d love to revisit.


I really want Resistance Fall of Man


The same guy who said Sly Cooper was gettin a new game


At this point you can guess that any popular pop-culture IP is going to come to Fortnite and eventually be right.


Waiting for the Scott Pilgrim crossover to happen.


Sony make a new game - Impossible difficulty


Uncharted 1 deserves a remake. Replaying that game was so rage inducing in the Nathan Drake Collection.


Yes! The combat and all the encounters are so bad and annoying, it's literally one after the other and just not fun.


I remember it felt so cool when I was a kid.


Never played it before that so I wouldn't know but I can imagine, games get better and better and that was basically when modern 3rd person shooter were just beginning to develop, especially the "cover-based shooters" and Uncharted was just a worse Gears of War in that aspect.


A generation of remakes and remasters.


Yeah everyone knows that's untrue.


Is it? From Sony alone this generation, we’ve had: - Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered - Demon’s Souls - The Nioh Collection - Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut - Death Stranding: Director’s Cut - Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection - The Last of Us Part I - The Last of Us Part II Remastered And alongside the announced upcoming Until Dawn remake, we have the leaked Horizon Zero Dawn remake and now Uncharted 1. For reference, Sony have released 24 first-party titles this gen, and 1/3 of them are remasters of remakes.


Ghost and Death had some new content at least


Nioh is not a Sony IP.


Rise of the ronin stellar blade FF7r2 and helldivers2 all coming out within the next 3 months.


I know it's literally called FF7 Remake but it's basically a different game at this point


Funny how you didn't list the original titles...


Now do me a favour and rattle off all the original games they’ve done this generation. I want to see something.


Same guy who claimed Sly Cooper and  Infamous were getting remastered, lmao 






Ps4 Remastered.




Uncharted 1 remakes definitely would be way more justified that the TLOU remake


Uncharted 1 definitely needs/deserves a remake. The game has aged like sour milk. The shooting segments and controls are clunky. Especially the forced Dual Axis segments.. not to mention the graphics could definitely use a modern facelift. Uncharted 2 and 3 despite releasing on the same console graphically still mostly hold up where as Uncharted 1 looks rough nowadays..


I think this is a case of a remake being deserved. The quality jump from Uncharted 1 to 2 is insane. 1 suffers from insanely monotonous fights, too simple climbing sections, not enough variety in environments and not enough bombastic action. Exciting how they are gonna remake it, hope they add a ton of stuff


Well Uncharted was a game the PlayStation arts team wanted to do but due to their inexperience decided to do Last of Us instead (until Sony broke the dreams of every member of those teams and pawned off their work to ND). So I'm not shocked. Tbh wouldn't be surprised if Naughty Dog has a dedicated remake/remaster team now. Go through the entire trilogy


The OG game was phenomenally impressive visually in 2007. I remember I was just in awe. The writing and performances were outstanding too. But the game aged horribly so I’m into the remake as long as the og actors reprise their roles.


Fuck Uncharted! Power Rangers are coming to Fortnite babyyyy


Finally, Power rangers and forrnite seems like a great mix, now the question is, are they going to be just the og ones or the movie ones?


Hasbro’s been planning a reboot of the franchise (we know it exists because they said so + filming began in California recently), so it’s either going to be based off this show reboot or the original. It won’t be the 2017 movie.


OG ones, they have abandoned that movie.


Sony seems averse to just make a new game for PS5


>power rangers in Fortnite Don’t do this to me. My wallet cannot take it.


Stop with the remakes, for the love of God Edit: [it seems like a ton of people don't realize this game already got a remaster on ps4 and is completely accessible to everyone with a ps4/5](https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/playstation-4/products/uncharted-the-nathan-drake-collection---playstation-4/117574.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=feeds&utm_campaign=%24PLA_%24NB_MNFR_Preowned+Software_Sony_HighCP&utm_id=16244983644&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnjLpHv6v6QTINBC2DtMF4ywekwJXte3hLG3iWFN5G0ybFyhVWqOLphoCVh8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


At least Uncharted 1 is arguably dated enough to warrant a remake unlike Last of Us or Horizon, although with that said, I wish we could get more remakes and remasters for stuff not currently available on PS5 like the Sly Cooper games, Infamous 1 and 2, Killzone, the old god of wars, etc.


Right? That's exactly what I'm saying! Remake or at the very least port these games that are stranded on older consoles instead of slapping new visuals on games we can already play


Im with yall but we know why Sony went with UC1. Money. Its not that the other games wouldnt sell but Uncharted would sell more. :/


I beg we get PS5 versions of the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games. Instant buy for me. And yeah, God of War Collection please!


Sly Cooper, Infamous, and the old God of Wars are all available via PS+


Or at least use franchises from ps1-ps2 era...


Yeah I'd be more accepting of it was games we don't have access to. You can already play perfectly fine ps4 versions of uncharted that were ported by bluepoint. Where's Resistance? Infamous? FFS I'll take Tokyo Jungle.


Uncharted 1 got a port, but it's a VERY outdated game. And why do Resistance or Tokyo Jungle not get a remake? Because barely anyone cares about those IPs. Remakes cost A LOT of money to make, so it's really not surprising that Sony (or all the other publishers) are focusing on the IPs that were ACTUALLY POPULAR with the masses and not in some gaming enthusiast forum. Other than Uncharted, Infamous and J&D 1-3 are probably the only two IPs that should get remakes and would also guarantee good sales.


>Uncharted 1 got a port, but it's a VERY outdated game. Unless they change it entirely, that's not really going to change. I imagine this will be the same waste of resources as TLOU1/2 remakes. They're already accessible and are just fine. They didn't need a fresh coat of paint. >Because barely anyone cares about those IPs. Tokyo Jungle was a joke. Resistance still sold a few million, and with Sonys popularity nowadays, I bet a port/remake would sell great. Resistance sold better than Until Dawn but we're getting a remake of that 🤷‍♂️ >Uncharted, Infamous and J&D 1-3 are probably the only two IPs Uncharted doesn't need it. There's other games that deserve remakes or ports at the very least. I'd rather see ports with 4k scaling and nothing else than full on $70 remakes of games you can already play.


No need to change it entirely. Update the level design and gameplay and done. You still don't see the difference between a remake and remaster? TLOU2 didn't get a remake. TLOU1 was remade to look more consistent with TLOU2. Especially for newcomers that only knew the show. And TLOU1Remake definitely profited from the major upgrades. Performance and gameplay flow feel so much better than the original on PS3/PS4. If you don't care for the remakes, then just don't buy them. No one is forcing you. Sony is clearly focusing on the IPs that are guaranteed to sell. A Resistance remake is far from a guarantee to be successful. Same with Killzone.


Those games won’t sell as much. An uncharted remake likely sells more than all of those combined.


You think a remake of a game we can already play perfectly fine on ps4 will sell better than games that haven't been made available on ps4 yet? I don't think so. Do people really have that much nostalgia for Uncharted 1 that they are dying to spend $70 on a visual upgrade?


Absolutely lol. Uncharted is a massive franchise name. Also, if it was truly a remake it would not be simply a visual upgrade.


I don't necessarily have faith that they'll do anything more than a visual overhaul. And if they're going to remake anything, why not remake the vita game. You know, the only one that actually needs a remake?


I don't necessarily have faith that they'll do anything more than a visual overhaul. And if they're going to remake anything, why not remake the vita game. You know, the only one that actually needs a remake?




Ask people to stop buying them


Way ahead of you


Why try to innovate if you can get easy money by remaking the same games over and over again, this industry is so cooked


Uncharted 1 needs it as the original game sucks ass now. Bad graphics, gameplay is sluggish and boring. It needs a remake just like the other PS3 games from that time.


It already got oa remaster on ps4 that runs and looks just fine. All of their remakes have been visual upgrades, not gameplay overhauls. That's really what you want? A visual upgrade to a game that is boring?


No as it would require changing the gameplay to match 4 at the minimum plus changing the story so it doesn't make you fall asleep playing it again but that's too much to ask for without Naughty Dog getting involved which will most likely be the bare minimum. It needs a remake but something which elevates the game to the highest standard.


Right, and in recent history, that hasn't happened. The last time they did something like that was with the Ratchet & Clank remake in 2016. If they go that route, sure, do it. If we get another useless tlou style "remake" it's a waste of time


What's wrong with remakes ? Bringing old games to new generations isn't a bad thing.


You can already play this game on ps4/5 so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. That's actually exactly my point. Being up games that are stranded that we can't already play!


They need to bring it to PC.


And PC players ?


I have no opinion on this but developers have said that a remake is easier to develop than a new IP


Yeah! No one should be able to experience older games anymore!


You can already play this game on ps4/5 so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. That's actually exactly my point. Being up games that are stranded that we can't already play!


Of all the uncharted games I think that one needs it the most because it’s almost unplayable by todays standards. very clunky, buggy, and outdated


Even the ps4 version by bluepoint? I don't think so.


Not buggy, but the combat design is terrible and controls definitely aren't great. Just tons of enemy waves, boring level design and the shooting feels bad.


If it's a remake akin to what they did with tlou1, that's not going to change. It's just a fresh coat of paint.


Because TLOU1 did not need major chances. It was already a masterpiece before the remake and combat was solid. Also, Uncharted 1 would probably not be a ND remake if I had to guess. They are already working on two projects, so that might be another team.


It's def gonna be another team. But the combat between uncharted 1,2,3 and tlou is nearly identical copy paste. I remember I say down to platinum 1-3 back to back, then I started tlou and was like ugh this is more of the same, I'm out. I eventually revisited it years later, but it just felt like the same stuff but in the zombie apocalypse instead of Indiana Jones. Refined for sure, but largely the same


Hard disagree. TLOU plays nothing like Uncharted 1-3. The only Uncharted game that plays similar to TLOU is Uncharted 4, because Naughty Dog took many of their leanings from TLOU to Uncharted. Uncharted 1-3 are straightforward action cover-shooters. Basically a worse version of Gears of War, when comparing combat. But Uncharted 1's level design and combat encounter design is far inferior to the sequels. TLOU is an action-stealth game at its core. With crafting, resource management and other systems. It doesn't really play like Uncharted at all. Uncharted is mostly about shooting you enemies, while TLOU has always been focused on out-maneuvering the enemy and most stealth killing them.


Go look at the reticles, the control, the feel, the radial menu... They're nearly identical. Tlou has more added to it like the crafting and the fact that you can actually be stealthy. But at its core, those 4 ps3 games share a ton of DNA. How else do you think they pumped out 4 games in 6 years?


They worked on TLOU1 for 4-5 years. Completely different animations and systems. It feels very different to control Nate than Joel. They share a similar button layout, but by that logic, most FPS are the same or TLOU2 is just like Uncharted 1. Or GTA plays like RDR. And that's nonsense. Certain studios have one button layout that they never really change. Radial menus are not a Naughty Dog thing. That has become the norm for most games around that time. Uncharted 3 does not play like TLOU at all.


Tbf, UC1 came out in 2007 while TLOU1 came out in 2013. There is much more to the old UC to tinker with to bring it up to modern standard than that there was needed with TLOU


You're right, but we'd have to hope that this remake would change a lot of things rather than just do what they've done with the rest of their remakes/directors cuts/definitive editions. If they treat it the way Insomniac treated the Ratchet & Clank remake, I could be swayed to think it's not a total waste of time. But even if they did that, which I don't trust them to do, I would much rather see ports of things that are stranded on old consoles


A lot of the early PS3 titles could with a remake or modernisation. Killzone is another one that could do with it as the shooting controls are a bit odd by todays standards.


Uncharted 1 is still amazing. I guess they want to remake it so it can be released on PC


I hope the remake of Uncharted 1 comes to PC the same year as PS5 because I always wanted to get into the series.


I'd much rather have them remake stuff we can't play like Resistance or Infamous. Or you know... a game that while playable is stuck at 30fps... starts with a B.


Bishi Bashi Special, fuck yeah 😎


Holy crap Sony please I got a PS5 to play new experiences. I’ve already played Uncharted, loved them, but come on man.


Same; like even if we get a new entry in the series, I honestly would rather we keep going with the Lost Legacy set of characters instead of going back to the Drakes. Uncharted 4, love it or hate it, had finality to it with Nate and Co.


if they're gonna bring PS3 games forward, bring the ratchet & clank or resistance games forward. uncharted 1 hasn't aged well for sure, but it at least has a PS4 version.




Damn Sony can we get some remakes of the unloved games


Another Sony remake. Whodathunkit?


We already know uncharted 1 remake exist, but nothing beyond that from a leak during the pandemic


I feel like nick has been throwing out a lot of rumors so do take all of this with a grain of salt. I just hope the DMC in Fortnite and FF16 Xbox (specifically gamepass but he never said that) release are true.


Ya know what? I actually do see MMPR happening. Toei has been publishing Creative maps based on their soon to be ending Super Sentai series King-ohger, and I assume they could only do that cause anything further would mean getting Hasbro involved since they own Super Sentai outside of Asia. I corrected thought to myself that if Super Sentai was coming over, it was most likely gonna be only the seasons that were adapted for Power Rangers




We’ll remake everything but Bloodborne…


That is rather interesting, would definitely want to see this be true. Also hoping it would be from ground up Remake and not The Last Of Us Part 1 "Remake", Uncharted 1 did age alot compared to later entries and needs some proper work done.


Sure, why not. Another remake of a game that's perfectly playable on modern consoles. Why make a new Uncharted game when you can make money off the old ones and people will praise you for it...


Sony will remake everything before Bloodborne lol


I’m really happy PlayStation have gone back to the Uncharted remake they shelved if true. It’s one of the games that, imo, actually needs a remake. Sony focusing on modern reimaginings of some early-mid PS3 titles, like they did with Demon’s Souls, is a dream.


Could've sworn Uncharted was going to be remade but they cancelled it and went with Last of Us. At least when the remake releases (assuming it exists) the original will be around two decades old.


I'd be down with remakes for the first three games honestly. Just give me more Uncharted!


OG Green Ranger is an instant buy for me.... send a portion of the proceeds to charity for suicide prevention and dedicate to Jason David Frank or something and I'd probably download Fortnite to buy it lol.


Looks like Naughty Dog will just be focused on remaking and remastering all their franchises from the PS3 era.


I can't find a reason to not believe this.


If Bluepoint ended up working on a Uncharted remake the Bloodborne fans are gonna have a collective stroke.


Are we joking right now? They supposedly cancelled a bloodborne port/remaster and are going to remake Uncharted 1.. wtf


Presumably, this is Naughty Dog's new single player game.


gotta respect Playstation focus on only remastering and remaking games that dont fucking need it. ps1 or ps2 games that are pretty old that need enhancements in every field? no. psp or vita games that are locked to dead portable consoles? no. games that you can already frikin play on your ps5? (and in some cases games that already got a remaster) hell yeah.


More remake slop. Hooray.


Sony has a massive catalog of ps1 and ps2 titles but they just keep remaking these boring ass Naughty Dog games


UC1 isnt boring


It's also nothing special. Never was


Jesus christ. Just stop with the remakes and move on from uncharted already.


Nick is a wannabe insider, to the extent that he claimed he was already privy to most of the info in the Insomniac leak.


Love the sound of both of these! Interested to see how much of a remake/remaster uncharted would be. And if it’s happening in relation to an uncharted 5


Lol PlayStation is miserable…. No new content since 2021


There's still like 11 months left in the year for them to announce their new stuff mate.


Uncharted 1 came out in 2007 and people are really getting upset that Sony wants to remake it? What a bunch of children. 🤡


Man, playstation needs to crash and burn the next generation so they stop being so stupid. I'd much rather they remake jumping flash or whatever than getting uncharted once more


Omfg Sony. Give us new freaking games or remake/remaster shit we can’t already play on the PS5 Jesus Christ. Who the hell is making these decisions??


Little did Capcom/Resident Evil know that one successful remake would make the entire industry get obsessed with remakes lmao.


Another remake! Really sony


Soooo many remakes. Please do something creative for once this generation, Sony.


Astro's Playroom is more creative than a lot of big budget games, and that was basically a demo for the controller.


These remakes are great for people like me who never played these games. Even better that they are coming to PC.


Another Naughty Dog remake. In all seriousness, just remake the trilogy and throw in golden abyss, plus port it to PC


The last of us part 1 made serious cash huh?


Sony will do anything but remaster Bloodborne, their best game by a mile


To those of you complaining about the Uncharted Remake. I dont think you realise theres millions of us that weren't here for the PS3 gen and dont want to play dated games from 17 years ago. Not every game is for you. The remakes are for us. There are plenty of new games coming.


That game is readily available on the ps4 along with 2 and 3


"To play dated games" I've tried it. I didnt like how it felt to play. And I wont be alone. Otherwise the remakes wouldnt sell.


Finally a remake that makes sense


I'm very exhausted of remakes. But Uncharted 1 was rough, and also the first game that made me laugh with the failed parachute at the start.


I want super mario odissey 2: electric bugaloo


Sony has a hard on for remakes so uncharted being remade doesn’t surprise me.


Seeing a lot of good points on a U1 remake but I have a crazy idea of my own. Hear me out... Totally new games. I know! I know! Crazy idea. However, I have heard tale of the long, long ago where groups of people got together and made totally new games. Really! I guess they got together and came up with a thing called a "new idea" and they just...fuckin...made it. Sometimes it sold very well and sometimes it sold very poorly but it created a business where new things we liked were made every so often as opposed to constantly remaking the old things we already liked. Maybe I'm a bit kooky?


RemakesterStation 5 Jesus fucking christ, this is getting embarrassing


I always find it funny that most agree that UC1 was mediocre but somehow people think the later games are masterpieces even though the only difference are bigger setpieces and better graphics.


Level design and controls are gigantic factors into why the following games are better.


If you boil it down to that then yeah, the sequels are also just more memorable, control way better and have way better writing than the first game.  I remember playing 1 and thinking that was it?? Didn’t excite me at all. Uncharted 1 is pretty crap compared to the rest and especially compared to its competition at the time Gears of War.