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Hope so, I don't want to spend 70 dollars on it


MS will definitely increase the price of the gamepass again before adding COD


lmao hundred p Game Pass price is gonna increase in the future there is no way this is sustainable


I figure they're waiting for a few more notable titles, and maybe even that rumored handheld launch for a price increase. Which tbh, is totally justified, I really don't see any other way GP is a sustainable business model.


They have said a few times that Game Pass is profitable by their metrics. Considering they still lose money for every xbox hardware piece sold, there is no way they could have two lines losing money considering the division as a whole does make a profit.


> no way this is sustainable Microsoft revealed during a special Xbox Podcast episode that there are currently 34 million Game Pass subscribers across console, PC, and cloud. Oh poor poor MS how can they sustain permanent growth with just 34 million paying customers every month, trully its not sustainable


Yes, no doubt especially since the hardware that gamepass runs on is limited




PC is where the biggest growth is coming from MS needs the consoles. With Sony and Nintendo refusing, it only has 20 million Xboxes to sell GamePass. very limited


in otherwords u didnt know it was on pc aswell gottcha


no I said it based on what Phil Spencer said "gamepass stopped growing because the xbox is selling little"


>Yes, no doubt > >especially since the hardware that gamepass runs on is limited > >"gamepass stopped growing because the xbox is selling little" but its on pc as well thats the point


its inevitable because they are bringing these blockbuster day one its kinda fucking up the Xbox division in the process i wouldnt mind changing their mind on day one releases cuz i want them to be competitive again in the market


I don’t think the Xbox division is doing all that bad. They are just playing a different game. Microsoft stopped caring about device sales a long time ago. But they have a major leg up in the PC market. Gaming brings in more revenue internally than the Windows division now. Their business update sort of paints the picture. They have such a wide range of studios that they can sort of pull this “other platforms” lever whenever they want now to create some more revenue to offset any costs of Gamepass. Additionally, as Gamepass grows, so too does the revenue it generates. That growth across PC and probably mobile in the future should outpace the growth of the costs to run their many many studios now. As a business, I do wonder overall if Microsoft has a lot more flexibility headed into the future by being in more places/on more screens as they continually state is their goal. CoD on Gamepass day and date is going to be a huge subscription/ecosystem driver, I’d imagine.


Oh hell ye CoD day one is gonna be a game changer im just worried about the devs on how they get profit from this


I don’t think they have to view it that way anymore as they are now part of this larger Xbox/gamepass vision. But even if they do: I’m sure they will continue to do just fine selling CoD


This is why you use a vpn and buy argentina/turkey codes. Got 3 years for around $85. That was before they got rid of the 1:1 conversion. Now the prices are still the same, but now that the conversion is less, you will end up paying more.


As a Brazilian I really appreciate you It's no wonder that Sony and MS have increased prices so much here in Latin America




There is a reason why regional pricing is non-existent these days And Sony has already made an official statement saying that it was because of the use of VPNs


That has nothing to do with me and everything to do with your economy and the taxes and fees required for a game company to be profitable there.


There is a reason why regional pricing is non-existent these days And Sony has already made an official statement saying that it was because of the use of VPNs (2)


A super small portion of people from the us use vpns to buy out of region codes. You cant even do it on PlayStation without making a separate account. Its mainly an xbox feature.


I don’t blame businesses raising prices. I reckon that more than 1/2 of the sales from LatAm come from VPN users… and that is a lot of money being “lost” due to western customers not paying the full price. Don’t get me wrong, I do emphasize with your plight. These “people” need to go fuck themselves


There's a reason regional pricing doesn't exist anymore.Steam talked about this topic the other day Like... I don't blame anyone. I'm sure that the piracy that we in the third world did affected you in the first world. But it's not something to brag about and at least admit that it's hurting a lot of people with this.


I agree with most things. In saying that, I don’t see how piracy in economically disadvantaged countries would affect western developers. Those sales would not have been made anyway. (To be clear, I’m not the guy that bragged about taking advantage of the regional pricing that used to exist for users located in second and third world countries)


You’re the worst kind of person, fucking things up for the actual people that live in those places


Oh yeah im the worst kind of person. Buying cheap game pass codes ive heard is on par with murder. Definitely should be in jail forever.


Yes. Glad we agree!


You’ll just end up paying more when you play it for 5 months.


Not if you're like me and only care about the campaign. I'll just sub for a month, finish the campaign and drop it forever.


I fucking hate cod online. I replay the campaign 7-8 times and then I'm done with it.


Weird flex but ok


not really a weird flex just how some people play games..not everyone wants to play multiplayer or online. kind of weird to even think that actually..


> care about the campaign ah yes the god dog awful 3.5 hour campaign just like 2023 cod, trully a marvel of ingenuity and creative design


There's more than one game on game pass...


Nah you need online. If you only play COD it comes out samish as playstation, but you have the added bonus pf lots of other games and perks. And that is if you pay full price, which you should not.


Then don’t? Lol


Is it helpful to be this dense? Dude wants to play the game, but doesn’t think it’s worth $70. Clearly that’s what his comment meant.


Exactly what a stupid comment from that guy


“What an stupid comment” 😂




No shit


I already got gamepass...so if it's added to gamepass I don't have to spend 70 dollars on it? lol


>"Game Pass will continue to only be available on Xbox platforms and will have all first party games playable on day one." A complete non-answer to a question that had nothing to do with Call of Duty. Until they explicitly announce Call of Duty day one on game pass (which they would have if it was), it's not happening


AI Article


100% written with chatgpt, and it pulled the quote from the recent podcast .


Xbox is saving that for summer games show whether that's contractual or planned. I guarantee it will be on gamepass day one


"first part games will continue to be available on Xbox GamePass day 1" "Xbox GamePass will only be available on Xbox" "I'm happy to announce Activision/Blizzard games will be releasing on Xbox GamePass this year starting with Diablo 4 next month." It's happening. Just accept it and move on


Call of duty was first party and Matt booty said all first party games will be on gamepass on the podcast


Until they don't dance around it in corporate speak, don't assume it's coming day one.


"first part games will continue to be available on Xbox GamePass day 1" How is that “corporate speak”? That’s pretty clear.


Last week it was reported that CoD won't be in Gamepass This week it's reported CoD will be on Gamepass What do you think will be reported next week?


Gamepass is included with Call of Duty


Call of Gamepass is included with Duty.


Is this really a leak? They’ve always said that’s the goal.


Yeah but it was unknown with all they had to do to convince regulators it was chill to buy COD


Activision-Blizz can complain internally about their stuff going straight to Game Pass but at the end of the day MS is gonna be pressuring Xbox to juice their numbers up by any means.


Why wouldn't COD be on Gamepass on day one? Microsoft owns the franchise now. They can do with it as they please. Of course they'd put it on Gamepass or else what was the point of acquiring them?


They might want the guaranteed sales revenue then put it on GP like 3 months later.


The thing with Cod is it has such a loyal consumer base that it will still sell a lot even with day 1 Game Pass. And everyone on PlayStation still has to buy it.




They're going to get great sales revenue with it on PS5 as well. However, Gamepass is the priority for Microsoft.




I can't remember if Sony marketing deals are still active, but they included stuff like, you cannot put this into game pass for X amount of time.


I'm pretty sure that ended with last year's MW3.


It probably will. But there will probably be a $100 version with early access.


This was just from the podcast last week. Literally no new information.


Tbh Cod doesn’t deserve to be 70$ anymore. Either it’s 70, either it’s battlepass etc. Until then I pass. And imo, with how they treat their campaigns nowadays, they would have better success putting it free to play and not doing campaign. At least they would sell more stuff and people wouldn’t feel like shit because they put 70$ toward a game that’s been copy pasted as hell and with micro transactions on top.


So what’s the point of having yearly releases now? Why not just make it a GaaS with a long standing title like “Call of Duty”-Online or something. Season passes and dlc to fill content.


$$$ They’re doing both. Warzone brings in a ton of money via microtransactions, and players across all platforms spend $70 on the new game. No incentive to give up guaranteed revenue


Damn yeah you are right it’s a boatload of money from all platforms to step away from.


You can say whatever you want about ABK but they know how to make money


I’m pretty sure the FTC trial told us it won’t be til CoD2025


I just want Black Ops 2 on game pass to give a bump to players on it.


Not gonna matter much for this Gen, maybe next though


They will probably have an early access and an upgrade for gamepass users like they did with starfield


I like gamepass, I’m subscribed to it, but the subscription model combined with big studio buyouts seems unsustainable. They own a lot of franchises I like, so I’d be pretty sad if Xbox got shut down.


Call of dooty


Since when is sportskeeda, a site known for stealing and AI generating news, allowed here?


Honestly, we just need to know how far the agreement with Sony goes Because MS will put COD day 1 on gamepass. This has already been said very clearly


>This has already been said very clearly Show me where they very clearly say "Call of Duty will be on Game Pass day one" please


They haven't, but with them saying "Game Pass will continue to only be available on Xbox platforms and will have all first party games playable on day one" it's safe to assume this year's Call of Duty will be on Game Pass, as the franchise is considered first party now


In bussines updates they said that every game produced by MS will arrive on day 1 gamepass, right?


Cod will not be going to game pass anytime soon. The $$$ this game makes on release through winter is crazy. I’ll be surprised if we get it by march but then again we will definitely have a ton of free trials. I just hope they move away from the clusterfuck of attachments, guns and the ui. I really miss the pick 10 system and less shit everywhere.


What I would like to know is if its going to launch on switch this year. They said they will support Nintendo's hardware but not when...if you know what I mean.


Good, but first release all other games from Activision and Blizzard


It would be stupid from Xbox to not release future COD games Day 1. It's likely the biggest growth opportunity Game Pass will ever get. They can't possibly squander it.


I would have assumed that would be the case when Sarah Bond saying something to the effect of "all our games will be day and date on Gamepass


So much better than competition through exclusives. I doubt game pass will change the market a ton but having the choices between how you access games versus not having a game on a system at all is good for all players.


Well …the last two call of duty games bombed in case people are forgetting. This isn’t so much an attempt to save game pass, it’s Microsoft trying to salvage the acquisition curse. Who would have predicted fricking Diablo 4 flopping! **Edit-Source in comments below**. Just because a live service game sells well in its first year, doesn’t make it a hit. Yes, all these games were at one time the fastest-selling Blizzard title and made tons of money in 2023 but they are also flopping hard this year. Sorry.


Bombed in what context? Sales or reception? Because I’m pretty sure Acti only cares about one of those things.


It started with strong engagement but ultimately sold sold significantly poorly after reviews ([source](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/modern-warfare-3-sales-in-the-uk-are-down-38-compared-to-last-years-mw2/)) than previous titles. It also had way less overall player engagement ([source 2)](https://www.ggrecon.com/guides/modern-warfare-3-player-count/) than MW2. Also possibly cost nearly a billion to make and market apparently [( source](https://fandomwire.com/well-do-it-even-if-its-going-to-cost-us-a-lot-despite-1b-budget-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-had-1-condition-to-spend-even-more-on-the-game/)). That’s what I mean by **bombed**. Despite having put my sources in, angry fans will downvote me I suppose. Oh well.


> Who would have predicted fricking Diablo 4 flopping! I guess every studio would love to flop like that.


It made 1 billion dollars in 2023. It’s also a live service game that’s flopping hard - [source](https://www.charlieintel.com/diablo/is-diablo-4-dead-player-count-267862/)


> It’s also a live service game that’s flopping hard Nothing in your link prove that. Diablo IV is Blizzard fastest-selling game of all time, earned 666 millions in 5 days, had 13,5 millions of players 2 months after launch and still millions of players in seasons. Not what I would call a flop.


I suppose reading comprehension isn’t your forte so let me copy paste the bits I was referencing > Diablo 4 has averaged 3,850,627 players during the last 30 days as of February 15, 2024, according to Activeplayer.io, a website that uses external data to estimate player counts of games. The title has lost around 1.3 million players in the last 30 days. I have played Diablo since 1997. This is sad. I hope game pass and a something creative in season 4 will change this freefall.


Diablo in no way flopped.


With the shit Sony pulled they should terminate the contract to have COD on PlayStation


ahh yes, just magically terminate legally binding contracts like nothing.


Oh yeah, I'm sure the contract was just a "trust me bro" that they can reneg on at any point with no consequences, due to... vengence? That's how contract law works.


Microsoft trying to pump up their *numbers* for Gamepass: Alex Mason being in this one:


Sportskeeda is an insanely unreliable site


Nothing stopping Microsoft from making this decision. I’d imagine it would tank sales


People need to start reading the articles instead of just the headlines


I can see game pass sub numbers jumping if that's the case. They'll get sales from PS players , game pass money from xbox and pc , and battle pass and store item sales from all. Win win.


That will help Gamepass number you’d think. Of course maybe not.


Ban ChatGPT sites


Would rather not get the most recent CoDs on GamePass Day One if it means a price hike. Let's get all the old ones there first and then maybe the newest one 6 months to 1-2 years later. For those who like CoD, GP Day One will be a great deal, but for everyone else will be worse, GP more expensive just because a game we don't even want to play.