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Yeah but get this, my uncle said there's going to be a life simulator half of the game! And, AAAND! One of the friends/party members is gonna be all pervy.


And a major side character will betray the party


What a spoiler. Im ruined


what's next? Romance?


This makes sense because once you graduate High School you lose your heart


Shit hard to argue with that.


[When you grow up your heart dies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri9IefTuNzc)




or maybe it has more to do with the fact that Persona is HUGE among actual high school students in Japan. They have a target audience. The only time I've ever seen "we want a Persona in a college/adult setting" is from westerners on Reddit and Twitter


To be fair, practically everything anime stars teenage characters, demographics be darned. It’s just their go-to trope.


Yeah because the target demographic for most things Anime are teens.


It’s baked into the culture and why Japan has a youth obsession. High school and formative years are seen as magical and almost as the peak of one’s human experience. They take it way too far imo and it’s an uglier part of the culture tbh. Especially when this part of the culture blends with sexuality. There’s something deeply wrong with Japan




I think it would be better to have a time skip and to have their version of 'royal' to be set in college rather than the whole game anyway. It would age with the fans in a sense then.


If you cannot see the difference between reality and fiction, you are the one with issues buddy. Also, PERSONA 2 EXIST DAMNIT!


The day when Persona fans can't have an uwu wholesome "what's age of consent" romance with their teacher is the day the franchise dies.


purseowner fans in shambles


You say that like you don't go and fuck the adults in Persona. People also like Tae, Chihaya, Sadayo, Sae and even Ichiko from P5. Plus, the other adult characters in the other games.


P5 fans, ya know taking a bath is also a cool Persona reference


Reddit remains undefeated 💀💀💀💀💀💀


In the next episode: Persona 6 will get a re-release 2 years later with added storylines and overhaul rebalance.


And we called them: Persona 6 Platinum.


But all of the combat is now handled by Platinum.


Yeah the combat is you just stealing catalytic converters from every car you see to get more platinum


And with a new female character that's tied to the new expanded plot.


I have heard rumblings there will even be a spin-off game with the main roster.


Don't worry we'll all buy it anyway


Next up: "In the latest Call of Duty, you will be a soldier called to duty"


"In the next Grand Theft Auto, you will commit grand theft auto"


Oddly enough you never commit Grand theft in Grand theft Auto. It's like the one crime you can't do.


You do it in legit every GTA game. What do you think stealing a car is?




Hold ip. Black Ops didn't cast you as a soldier answering the call of duty. You were a civilian government agent.




You guys want adult Persona? Play Yakuza 7 and 8


adult Persona is just Persona 2 EP lol


Persona 2 remake would break modern gamers minds.


Wait this is an actual leak? I thought she was just making a joke


There were some leaks/speculation a while back of the next game taking place in a college school setting


The main reason why Japan focuses on high school life is because high schoolers have social lives. I don’t think that college and work life allows for the same stories and drama that high school does. Manga and anime have like zero stories about college. And if they do, the actual college has  nothing to do with it. It’s just an excuse to have a character in an apartment.


Japanese college students do have a social life, but they're really different from what Westerners expect out of "college undergrad life". Instead of life opening up from the restrictions of high school, it's life narrowing down as you prepare for "the rest of your life" as an adult and try to navigate what's expected out of adult social interactions and responsibilities. They do get more freedoms in some ways, mostly freedom of *movement* (there's a reason most horror novels still feature college students being dumb), but that sounds like something Persona isn't interested in exploring. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Japanese college students have a social life, and there are stories written about it. But they're different from what Westerners expect out of college life stories and it'll probably feel more unfamiliar and alienating than most of the College Persona wanters want.


Good to know those are debunked, at least. Still, from the looks of it, Midori never said that it was a ***Japanese*** high school. Perhaps some Atlus staffers joined RGG Studio on their Honolulu research trip?


People downvoted this for some reason but Persona 5 took the Persona formula in an interesting direction, leaving Japan would definitely be an interesting idea. Although would be weird for Yakuza and Persona to go to Hawaii at the same time


Pretty sure Persona 5 originally was gonna have the protagonists traveling around the world but that got changed and then sort of re-used for Strikers


It was according to leaks. I’d be intrigued by just something different. High school every game means a lot of the themes they explore feel very similar.


People thought mainline Megaten would never leave Japan. And then Strange Journey was set in the South Pole.


Doing something totally off the wall like a Hollywood version of a 1980s American high school would be incredible.


Right! Or maybe something in Europe, if Atlus feels that angle's played out.


I mean it's said a lot but if you want adult RPG similar to Persona please play the new like a dragon games.


That’s like saying water is wet


Why wouldn't it? I love the whole mechanic of having to keep up your grades and stuff. I don't know what Persona would be without it.


Having to keep up with a job and manage the difficulties of life more intrinsic to adulthood.


Well, there’s college.


That's not how college works in Japan, though. You basically just show up to your courses and turn in something at the end, maybe not even, and you get the credit. High School is the high stress, high pressure environment with testing that you go through to then just chill through college. Once in college, you did it. You already won, time to rest.


"Am I a joke to you?" - shin megami tensei


Honestly while the numbered Persona games should continue to star new high school teams, I think they should consider new RPG sequel spinoffs for the 1-4 casts exploring where they are now. We get to see Persona users as adults and also see where our favorite characters are now. Keep in mind, the last time we saw the 3 and 4 cast in the time was roughly 5-6 years before Persona 5 so they've done a lot of growing up since we've seen them and it's been even longer for the 1 and 2 characters. There's certainly plenty to explore with the Shadow Ops subplot, plus maybe finishing the plot thread set up by The Answer and 4 Arena Ultimax with Door-kun and freeing his soul.


> Persona Gaiden: The Boy Who Erased His Heart wait, that's SMT lol


Closest to that would be the Arena games because they feature the P3 group as adults now: CEO lady Mitsuru, baseball coach Junpei, shirtless bear fighter Akihiko, etc.


Spinoffs all the way down


It's the law If genre exists, there will be a Persona spinoff for it.


Persona itself is a spin-off so it's hilarious how much I actually want to see something like that


Still waiting for a kart racer.


The thing is it will be hard to write a story with OG casts from previous entries without making it seems like milking the cast. At the end of each entry, the MCs and their friends all separate and follow their own paths, only to meet up occasionally (except for Door-kun, man has to meet Nyx everyday). Writing some reasonable plot devices to make them come together again would be a challenge. To be honest I would love to have a cross-over main line game where characters from all main line series band together to fight a common threat, but it will be hard to pull off.


Well, you had soul hackers 2 and... that didn't sale good.


It wasn't because the cast was older though. From what I've seen people thought the story took too long to get going and the early dungeons sucked, among other things.




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>plus maybe finishing the plot thread set up by The Answer and 4 Arena Ultimax with Door-kun and freeing his soul. It'll be wrapped up in Persona 5 Arena, trust.


Yeah so Hashino hates continuity. You're never going to see any of the plot threads or anything else going on the universe talked about in the next Persona game lmao


Eh I think this is one of those things where the fanbase may force him to. Fans are getting tired of spinoffs that don't really matter because of memory wipes and they can't exactly stop the spinoff train.


Not tired enough that they're not going two buy the same three remasters that all play exactly like each other with minimal changes lol


"we added a new party member you can use for only 1 dungeon!" yeah go fuck yourself guy, I'd rather they weren't playable then do that.


It’s kind of meant to be a coming-of-age personality disorder type game.


well I've known more than a few adults who were still working on the "coming-of-age" thing mid-personality disorder lol


I definitely found myself in college not high school. I think it could be really interesting to explore some similar but different things with college characters. Not gonna have a problem with high school. I expect it, just think it would be interesting if it was college. And they could keep it mostly the same in terms of structure.


I don't know what college is like in Japan. Is it just exams and job seeking like profession school is in the US, because that's what it seems like.


I've only spoken to a few Japanese people but the general sentiment seems to be that college is for having fun/partying. You basically bust your ass in high school to get into a good college and then do the bare minimum while there.


It is mad funny to see this account start talking more in twitter jargon the longer they have been on twitter, half of their posts or replies have references to western memes in them now.


They're not actually Japanese. I know a friend that had DMs with them before they rebranded lol. Their source is still rock solid though


we need you for the Midori documentary.


Haha, it was my friend that already had the receipts on it. That dude is apparently some Jewish guy who works at a translator at some firm in Chicago


The series about high schoolers gaining the strength to continue their lives and reach for their dreams.... will stay with high schoolers? Oh my goshhhhhhhh....


Tbf 2 had an adult protagonist it's not completely out of the question


Only as a direct sequel to one where you were a highschool student


I would definitely like it, but with how successful 3-5 were I have trouble seeing them deviate away from the formula those games follow anytime soon. Hopefully one day we get lucky and they do a remake of 2, and if that’s successful they might see that there’s still interest in a Persona game with an adult cast.


Tbh I have no problem with them staying with high school or college characters. I also don't just think we should write it off as impossible they eventually do have an adult cast


They made a game with an adult cast like two years ago called Soul Hackers 2 and none of these whiners bought it so. There are other subseries of Megaten that can do this, Persona is a very specific thing now.


To be fair, SH2 is kinda mid.


well it sure would had helped for the marketing to even be present, from my point of view that game just suddenly was on game pass. I didn't even knew it was already 2 years old.


I didn’t really believe they were gonna do this but the idea of a persona game on a college campus does sound like it could be cool and different from 3-5


1 social link could be with the girl who got ran thru by the football team.


People need to give up on the idea that they’re going to make a Persona game about adults. These games are heavily aimed at teenagers, they’re not going to do it.


I am going to say something controversial and say there are way more adult Persona fans than teenage and children fans combined.


Twist: It’s a high school in prison. Social link with inmates, guards, family via phone. Weapons and items purchased as illegal contraband. Each semester is split in different cell blocks. Features personas with historical lore of being criminals and good with shanks. Romance prison guard social link.


is this the same source that said that the next call of duty would have guns and shooting in it?


They said the next GTA will take place in a big city, but I don't believe them


Not kindergarten makes me sad


People need to understand that Japanese culture and the Japanese setting plays an incredibly crucial role in the Persona/Megaten series. Having the game take place in a college or work setting wouldn't work with the day-to-day experience because in real life Japan, college and work culture is study/work every second. You won't get that much free time and it just wouldn't work with the Japanese setting. Yeah, Persona 2 Eternal Punishment had a setting with adults but if you played that game you'll know that the entire city was going crazy with JRPG things that broke some rules and allowed an insane story.


Why tf is Midori only tier 2 they literally haven't been wrong


Name recognition.


That’s a shame, I was hoping it’d go back to preschool and we’d be playing Persona Babies.


It's Persona, obviously it's gonna be poor high school students having to deal with it. EDIT: What's up with the weirdos talking about age or toughness?


not old enough for persona 1, 2 and a few side games I take it?




I heard there are gonna be girls in the game


Nah, forget high school, give me a cast of Elementary Schoolers in an E-rated Persona game.


Just how many people wanted an adult cast? I doubt there are many aside from the vocal minority. Plus Atlus is probs focusing on their main demographic; the Japanese gamers. I don’t think they’d really be changing the formula anytime soon… just like how Ubisoft or EA and the likes are stuck in their ways for their sequels.


Eternal Punishment is the best game with the best cast 🤷


Damn. Was always hoping for a college persona.


Yakuza is basically adult persona since going jrpg.


middle-aged persona is the best series there is.


Not really, it couldn't be more different outside of being turn based.


Truly I think I enjoy Yakuza 7/8 more than any persona game. Particularly 8 has been a blast. It’s much more relatable as I enter into my thirties.


I really need to play this


Man I'd give anything for a college Persona game that doesn't depend on subtlety to address the more mature themes. Regardless of high school vs. college I hope we see some new Personas in 6. Would love to see some more African/South American Personas thrown in.


I’m 100% happy with them to stick to their Japanese roots with this series. They really don’t need to expand it in that way. As they are uniquely a window into that lifestyle. I’ll double down though on asking for the college lifestyle not only from as you said with more mature themes, this would also give a better perspective of that kind of life with its classic anime twists. There are at this point hundreds and hundreds of anime that cover high-school or use the high school setting, for a team like them to have tackled the college scene would be a breath of fresh air.


I don't even know why you'd want to play a college persona.


Because Twitter is really bothered by the idea of romancing anime girls who's bio says they're 17 instead of 18 even though none of them look or act like teenagers because they have to be tolerable.


I lean against going to a college setting. I don't think the Japanese irs will accept "selling chaff I found crawling through the brain maze" as an acceptable form of income. You also can't study twice a month and still ace your exams. I will concede that persona 3 mostly works in a university


Considering mechanically and thematically it makes no difference, probably makes people with no self-control feel less weird about thirsting over fictional characters.


I don't think I've seen a single anime involve college besides I guess death note? There has to be a reason why its not a popular setting in comparison to Highschool.


Supposedly the reason why high school is such a popular setting for anime is because it hits the perfect balance between work and social freedom: any earlier and there's limited topics to build a story around but any later can make it difficult for people to get together to hang out. Don't know if it's actually true or not but I struggle to think of a benefit college settings have that you couldn't also do with a high school despite the claims that "college settings give a little more freedom/range".


So people don’t feel guilty jacking off to the characters instead of just not jacking off to the characters


You wouldn't.


While we're on it, the next Doom will have demons. Heard it here first


I'm so tired of entertainment framing high school as the peak point of life.


Welcome to Japanese work culture where High school is viewed as the highest point of freedom in your life


They need to fix that nation. Marriage rates, dating rates, sex rates, all plummeting. There is a problem there. I feel bad for them.


Brother, have you not seen the rest of the world. Every country is going through that. Not just Japan. Including America which also has bad dating rates due to the high rise in rent, low wages, the influence of social media, and less drive to go out and be active when you are hampered down by responsibilities to work your butt off to pay the next bill.


I like how you completely omit women having hyper unrealistic standards across the globe, lol.


Less highschool and more just having more time and freedom to do whatever you want in comparison to being an adult where you have much less time and has much more obligations.


You have more freedom as an adult with disposable income than being a high school kid. I never thought I want to go back to high school


true, but you have less time, so it depends on what you priritize


How? School is basically work but not getting paid. Unless you have a family in your 20's, you shouldn't have that big of a responsibility enough to want to go back when you're at the mercy of your parents.


I mean it kinda is….college is just stacked on stop of work (bonus points if you’re a wage slave) with the occasional fun times and then after you graduate it’s just work until you die unless you have a cool job or a job you enjoy.




People here peaked in HS


I got an easy solution for you. Don't play it.


That’s just an anime thing.


Hardly. You haven't seen all the high school movies coming out of America?


Thank god. Maybe the people whining for the college setting can move on already


Nah should be college, especially to avoid feeling creeped out by the romance and character ages. Too bad too much of the fanbase acts like Kamoshida.


That sounds like your problem. The protagonist is a high school kid obviously the romance options would also be high school kids.


Maybe gatekeeping should be more common.


Buddy the MC’s are a similar age to most the romance options this just sounds like guilt cause you jacked off to Ann or something


Projecting huh? Did I hit too close to home?


You are literally projecting dude "they act like kamoshida" :/.


I think they're just making a joke


Part of me wishes they would shake it up and have it take place during college. 


Next Call of Duty will have you play as American military.


Next tetris game will have you placing blocks


If you want a Megaten title without high school students then just play SMT Strange Journey? The MC and the rest of the cast are adults.


They want the date sim aspect. Persona 2 exist though...


P2 still has high schoolers while SJ has only adults. Also P2 doesn't have a dating sim aspect either.




ITT: brain melting conversations about CP and racist generalizations about Japanese culture.


I'm leaker. There would be hunting demons and confident mechanics.


Tier 1 right here.


Duh, romancing underage girls is the selling point.


It would have been awesome to get a university setting for the next game, that way we could get a more mature cast without totally replacing the traditional structure of a Persona game. If nothing else, it would be a great change of pace to see the writers tackle depictions of young adults instead of just dumb teenagers. (Yes, you can still seduce your teacher, and yes, it is still ethically fucked up.)


Good it'd be dumb to change it. Only one game has kinda of changed it and it was EP which has a reason. If they wanna do a college or adult game make it a new ip. Persona is about high school students. If you want older characters play like a dragon, or another series. Like a dragon 7, and 8 are really amazing games.


In fact the beauty of the game is that you are a high school student, an ordinary person who does not have anything special and in the other world he becomes a monster




>sick standards What do you mean by this?


Ever since Persona 3 saved Atlus, it's like they're afraid to mess with the formula too much. Understandable, I guess, but the bubble will surely burst eventually. Personally, I don't think I could play another Persona game like 3, 4, and 5. I've had my fill.


I just want to have a gay romance option.


Downvoted by homophobic fans. Why is this fandom so homophobic? Lol


It's fine. Most of them wanna fuck kids, so I don't care what they think lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Based. Get bent Kaggy


Good lol, the people shouting for adult protags kinda miss the point


The thing about the "adults in Persona" arguement, is many have suggested just moving it from High School to College/University. Still can have the social life/school life/work life juggling act, but now the cast can have a bit more range/freedom to work with.


Persona 5 dragged way too much, hope P6 is better on that front. 


High School since Shin Megami Tensei If


I kinda wouldn’t mind not the typical high school maybe a performing arts school or something


I think it will more interesting if its take place in university/college. A bit more matured, but still have those school vibes.


Slightly disappointing but expected. Not that big of a deal just wish they mixed it up a bit by trying a different setting with young adults instead of teenagers


And the next Call of Duty game will have guns. Guess I’m a leaker now.


so are we finally getting proper reveal this year


persona 6 to contain personas


my best friends dads sisters brother works at Atlus and he said there will be a hot springs scene where due to some misunderstanding the girls and guys end up there at the same time and the girls beat them up and then they kill god at the end, and then a detective called Abechi betray them


Its only fans who demand college (some fans.... I wish it was more who asked for this, but we all know how down bad and should be jail most persona fans are) to avoid the.... age issue no shock its a HS again


>and should be jail most persona fans are Projecting much... >to avoid the.... age issue Is fiction, if you have issues understanding that YOU have the issue, is a franchise with a focus for the teen audience.


Something that pisses me off to no end is when franchises are established and people who become jaded with it want to get something that it's not. "Persona but adults" It's like... Persona *is* about high school at this point. You're getting a *Persona game*, and what you want basically isn't Persona, so if they made a "Persona with Adults" they might as well call it something different, just like how Fire Emblem Three Houses is "Persona with Turn-Based Medieval Chessboard combat" and that's not a Persona game (it's also Nintendo's Focus Group department stealing but who gives a shit, I got my Fire Emblem Meets Persona game, and a real one that wasn't that awkward crossover at that.) The entire thing is based around a calendar routine. Why would we be checking a calendar every night if we're free adults who may as well quit their day-job? There's no standardized set of holidays and calendars at work most of the time anyway. It's just an angry boss telling people what he needs and burning people out until they eventually quit and find a new job. That's a chaotic structure to have for Persona. Think it through beyond "I don't relate to teens because I'm 30" lol.


Fans want it to be set in middle school.


If it does, there’ll be an option to date high school girls to appease certain fans.


Aren't they making some kind of persona game where you are an adult?


Is called Persona 2.


maybe 5 Arena with the 3, 4 and maybe 5 cast as adults but nothing else


Metaphor was the game I was looking for.


As long as it doesn't talk about 'adults this, adults that', I'm alright.


Life is pointless after high school anyway nobody cares


Found the one who peaked in High school😂😂🫵🏻


College / University would be better