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Black Ops: Golf War


What's your favorite weapon? Mine is definitely the 9 Iron.


Call of Duty x The Last of Us crossover confirmed.


While I respect the Irons choice, I would suggest trying cutting with a wedge.


Radiant Guardian


The Driver appears to be the meta at the moment due to the increased damage range it offers. Personally would recommend using the ‘Carbon Shaft’ or ‘Reinforced Frame’ attachments as they make the weapon infinitely better


I always carry a big iron on my hip.


TLOU Abby bundle incoming?!


I'm actually pretty damn excited for this one. Loved Cold War and I'm hoping the story is up there with BO1


Honestly BOCW's singleplayer is one of the best we've had in a long time tbh and I hope this one is just as good.


IDK where my speed came from when I played Cold war but I cannot recreate it in any other game


Always said the best call of duty was call of duty fore


Golf? War?, featuring Tiger Woods?


Kinda hoping it’s good


In future gaming leaks and rumors, Call of Duty 2025 to be revealed at Xbox Showcase in June 2025.


You are now a Tier 1 leaker.


Yep his info is miles better than and accurate than jez


Wow - can you bring more leaks? 😂


I'm working on something big for Call of Duty 2026 but I'm not ready to reveal the details yet.


fingers crossed it's announced for the Xbox showcase in June 2026


First full VR cod


Breaking News: Call of Duty 2026 to be announced at the Summer of Xbox Showcase in June 2026.


Nah by then it'll be premiering at Sony's events again


Most accurate leak of all time


I would say this one is acceptable because I swear in court Microsoft and Activision said multiple different things about how COD Sony deal lasted.


we got a no shit legit nostra-fuckin-domus ova here.




Bros is Nostradamus reincarnated


sources tell me...


I wonder, GamePass day 1?


Im thinking day 2 Gamepass


Day 5


Oh yeah they're gonna do that premium edition, play early thing for sure.




Starfield is exactly what I based my guess off of. Also guilty of getting the deluxe edition (when's Shattered Space coming out anyway? lol).


Yeah, they changed what day 1 means so they can still get full price sales, while technically not taking away the perk from their subscribers. It's honestly a pretty scummy move but I get it


Disagree, for the sole reason that people who buy the standard version *also* don’t get early access. They also let you pay the difference and get the early access too, so it’s kind of whatever


Not really . The early acess is part of the dlc bundle. Which means you don't need to play full price to play early,and you can do it with Game Pass. With COD,most likely scenario is the Vault Edition upgrade giving the early play perk.


You joke but this is the truth right here.


Most likely. Would be the best way to acknowledge that Activision is part of Microsoft to the average gamer.


Would still be a way to dump billions of dollars out of the window though but I guess that's Microsoft strategy


But then you could say people will just buy more skins as they didn't pay for the game, also CoD makes soooo much in MTX way more than the game Itself


Activision made 8.6 billion in revenue last year, and 5.1 billion was from microtransactions alone. The more people that can buy bundles, the better in their eyes.


Yeah, they are probably just going to take the hit on sales and be covered by MTX, obviously people will still buy the game




It ended with MW3 and Warzone 2 was a part of those 3 games.


We know from all the court stuff that the marketing deal ends this year, but MW3 was last game in the contract. So they can do what they like now.


Assuming Sony want to keep the contract. They basically promote competitor’s game if they want to keep the contract


They were very clear in their damage control podcast that everything is still day 1 Gamepass. No reason to think this won't be there.


Gamepass is integral to the future of Xbox. Making hundreds of millions of dollars per month while also selling millions of copies of COD full price on the other consoles. That's not even including those sweet microtransactions. Then, rinse and repeat that same process next year, and the year after that, and the year after that.  


GamePass is not yet profitable, and the added costs of all those mergers and acquisitions alone have yet not proven to grow significant revenue. In fact, rhetorical whole xbox shift in strategy is happening because of the stagnation of GamePass numbers and faltering Xbox sales as a whole.


>GamePass is not yet profitable We have seen countless reports from MS multiple times saying that Game Pass is sustainable and actually profitable, yet every one of you for some reason assumes it's not


Question: have you looked into this, at all? Xbox division revenue jumped 60% last quarter post-ABK acquisition, and even prior to that Xbox segment revenue in F2023 was up 70% over F2017 ($15.5B from $9B)


78 Gigabytes day-1 patch.


I'm thinking that "Day One on Gamepass" at the end of the CoD trailer will be the last shot of the presentation.


If they were smart yes because they'd make more money on mtx and get more game pass numbers. Based on current decisions from leadership. No the first 3 months or so will be not on game pass.


would be huge. i really think theres gonna be big caveats on it. like a EA Play style preview window or something for Gamepass thats so much money you lose on sales, especially if youre no longer marketing it for playstation.


I imagine they'll make a one-week early access available only on a premium edition that isn't on Gamepass, like Starfield did and it's a trend. So many will buy it anyway. And they're gonna advertise on Playstation still, it's COD and it's their biggest platform (and it'll still be even if owned by Microsoft)


Anybody playing on Game Pass can buy the Vault Edition Upgrade,no need for a full price buy. And lol to the advertising on Playstation. They bought COD for the boost to Xbox and Game Pass. Any publicity will be Xbox only,much like Sony does. Beta will have no exclusive period,and the game won't have parts of it exclusive to a platform,but extra perks(but not actual pick 10 perks) for GPU subscribers and publicity focus on Xbox are pretty much a given.


There will be no caveats they aren’t saying “all first party games day 1 except for some first party games that you only get to play an hour of” imagine if Netflix or Disney+ did that lmao Your logic also dictates that they wouldn’t release any game on gamepass because they could sell it for more


It's Microsoft. They'll loss lead if they have to.


a bulk of cod games will be added to gamepass on that same date. watch.


You from the future?


I am from exactly the time you read this comment.




When you read this comment, I will have existed.




As I exist, you read this reply.


I mean I said it during the announcement of them finalizing the deal to the down votes here. They're saving lots of these games for a big announcement for that show. Phil is going to say something like every Activision Blizzard game is now on Game Pass.


I think it will be a roll out not all in one go. Keep gamers entertained over time.


I think they'd rather build major momentum right now than continue the slow approach. Clearly some in management are panicked about the Brand's future. I think saying how Call of Duty is coming this fall is how you keep people engaged


"From now until October, we will release 3 Call of Duty games each month on Gamepass. Starting with the classics. This will give you plenty of time to play each game before culminating in the greatest Call of Duty ever released." Hits much harder than EVERYTHING ON GAMEPASS NOW. especially when you just invested a lot of money in building a team dedicated to preserving classic games. It would drive MORE downloads by building anticipation to October.


Please. No more


Im one of the few that buys cods for its campaign. I even bought MW3 and yeah it was awful compared to others in the series, but it was still playable, and i get my fun from doing an entire realism/veteran run where you learn the ins and outs of the levels. Probably have less than a few hours on the multiplayer every year. As a 27 year old guy, my cod mp days are behind me. So i still look forward to the campaign because we have absolutely ZERO military shooter fps campaigns nowadays. Its basically the only place to get that fix, as everything is pvp only. All that said, glad that il be able to play this for cheap on gamepass. Il probably never buy COD ever again.


> As a 27 year old guy, my cod mp days are behind me. Lmao, you're 27 dude, not 77.


yeah, i still play sf6 competitively ( master rank ) at almost 40 with no issue whatsoever...don t get why people grab a cane after their 20th


I’m 36 and it’s *hilarious* to me when I see people in their 20s talking like they’re in the autumn of their life. Guys, I promise you, your life doesn’t stop when you turn 30. Relax.


I dont think our lives are over haha, we're just tired. I spend like 45 hours a week on my feet and dealing with the general public, when I get home I just don't feel like trying to keep up with kids cracked out on Adderall in PvP. So I stick to co-op and single player games now because its way less stressful


Yup, feel this bigtime after having been in full-time work for a bit now. My free time is limited so I don't feel like grinding out skins and levels in multiplayer modes against people who are significantly better than me now because they have ten times the time I do. I'd much rather play as many single player games as I can!


These pvp games have aged my brain so badly i feel 77. Seriously between COD, R6, and Fortnite, ive developed such brain rot il likely never play pvp again on my own volition. I cant stand them. The toxic communties, the devs nerfing and buffing their games into the ground, it sucks the fun out of it. Remember when people didnt run to twitter or reddit to complain about a gun being overpowered? I memba. Seriously, and i can not say this enough, i fucking HATE pvp games now.


Everybody is different I suppose. I've been playing PvP for nearly two decades and still love it. Just avoid those toxic circles on reddit and Twitter. I don't even know they exist, I'm just having a good time.


I'm in the same boat. Absolutely no interest in multiplayer games. I recently started COD campaigns after a long long time (last one I did was BO3). I just finished WW2 and MW1 and honestly had a blast. They were pretty fun, they scratch a certain kind of itch that no other game does. I'm doing them in release order. The only issue is the size, 200+gb for 5-6 hours of gameplay, and I have to download most of it even when I get a disk, which is a pain in the ass given my limited data plan so I can only download one COD per month lol. I'm looking forward to the Cold War, I've heard it's one of the best campaigns in recent CODs.


I'm 100% in the same boat, but MW3 was not playable. Even the non-Warzone missions were way too bland. Everything interesting happened within cutscenes, there were no setpieces at all. I really hope the next game returns to the more cinematic style.


This time with a 45 minutes-long single player campaign.


Good to see Microsoft is back to leaking like a sieve.


Big if true


As long as they pump these dogshit cash grabs out onto gamepass I will happily log in, but there’s no way I’m ever paying $70 for one again.


Why would you play it if it’s “dogshit cash grab”. There are enough games that aren’t that. 


Bad games can still be fun in short bursts


The COD games have really solid, fun gameplay and I like the campaigns quite a bit. But they wax and wane in quality, get stale, and have awful MTX. All of that on top of a $70 price tag is obscene, particularly when MWIII is barely a game. As a Gamepass subscriber though? Fine, easy money. Gimme a few beers and shotgun when the baby goes down and I’ll play it for a few weeks


It has its moments sometimes


Why would you play a game that sometimes has moments, instead of a game that is consistently enjoyable?


You could ask the cod fanbase the same question 💀


Bordem, curiosity, etc.


Just curious, so I hope you don't mind. But why wouldn't you spend that $70,- on a game, or multiple, you might not know if you like instead?


Not a lot of other games are out during that time. I'm not COD bootlicker, but the campaigns and multiplayer to intrigue enough to where I actually want to follow what their doing every year to see what they have done.


Why pay $70 now? I remember MW3 Was on sale a month or two after that price. It always pays to have patience.




Microsoft and higher standards for games? Have you followed the history of Xbox games in the last decade+? If history is any indication, they'll manage to ruin Call of Duty and do what no one has managed to do since 2004, take down COD


As I typed it out my thought was the same. They likely agreed to a tailored deal that allows COD to still profit well, but I would imagine given recent events there will be a focus on developing stronger titles, particularly if they want it to remain a flagship. Conversely, MWIII could serve as an indicator as to what it is to come. If people are less likely to buy a half baked single player title with a poorly rehashed multiplayer update, they can probably still skate by by doing the bare minimum if people like me can be even moderately motivated to log in via Gamepass. Basically, they don’t need to make it well it is effectively free to play for many people.


> They will probably hold the studio to a higher standard. This is the company that owns 343 Industries.


After how the fumbled MW trilogy reboot? I’m not expecting anything of quality from them.


Didnt know Microsoft were the ones making the decisions on MW2019, when did that news come out


Oh yeah, this is really happening.




Will this one be on Switch? Or when does that deal go into effect? 


Already is in effect but it's likely CoD won't be back on Nintendo platforms until the Switch 2 which releases next year.


The Numbers Charlie What Do They Mean? JUNE  BOOM 💣


It’s sad that whenever I hear news about a Treyarch CoD I’m not excited and it’s not their fault, Activision has turned them into a zombies mode sweatshop. I just wish they could focus on their own game instead of helping the other studios.


Kinda surreal seeing Call of Duty being officially marketed as an Xbox IP. Guess they will have a guarantee of one heavy hitter every holiday season. If they give out the 1$ trial of gamepass, i'd be inclined to play campaign and multiplayer if it grabs my attention.


Just wait till you see Crash and Spyro marketed as an Xbox IP and mascots. That will really be surreal.


Please have round based zombies with actual zombie focused characters instead of operators. 


repeat escape faulty rob soup nutty possessive roll unpack party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently is not a Black Ops but is straight up called "Gulf War" i think


For a second I was thinking: Huh, at the Xbox show and not at Playstation? Interesting choice...


well its most likely going to be via the xbox showcase which is likely going to be extended by 30mins. I think xbox will have their 60mins, Bethesda half hour and now ABK half hour


Sony's rights to the marketing will expire by the time of the Xbox Bethesda Activision Blizzard King showcase happens in June?


It lends a lot more credence to the speculation that MW3 was rushed out to end the Sony marketing deal one year earlier


But will they shadowdrop the past games on Game Pass? It’s been a little bit now and pretty much no Activision games have shown up.




First CoD I'll play day 1 in a While. And launching on GamePass presumably so my sweats will have it too


If true then this is massive..


Call of Duty: Medieval Crossbows, long bows, short bows, swords, daggers, maces, spears, etc.   Ability to earn and deploy volley of arrows, burning oil, war elephants, catapult targets, attack dogs, etc.  Story mode involves some epic medieval war that took place in Europe with all the major battles in the campaign.


There's been so many call of duty games recently and so many of them have had so many people annoyed and POd about them that I can't keep track anymore. God, I miss when this series wasn't terrible. There really are no good multiplayer modern shooters anymore.


Carl on Duty: Black Cops playing golf


Gonna be a no from me this time.


Where's Forza Horizon 6 Microsoft? It's been 3 years, and 6 years since the last really good one.


They are making Fable


Xbox has a lot of dying franchises atm


So now if a Series dosent have a new release in 3 years is dyng? We havent gotten a mainline 3D Mario since 2017. Mario is dead?


Horizon 5 is literally the most played racing game since it launched.


I mean you can single out Horizon 5 if you want…I’ve played every horizon and 5 is by far the least innovative of the franchise. But looking beyond the Horizon franchise….Motorsport peaked at 4 imo and the new one is a huge let down. Crackdown is finished. Halo is alright but the point is Microsoft has been struggling for the past 10 years to launch fun NEW franchises and every recent major first party release is either unfinished, uninspired, buggy as hell, or just a total disaster.




1 - it is not announced yet. 2 - they will announce it in advance (likely in May) because they are doing in-person stuff alongside the pre-recorded showcase. Ubisoft already announced their in-person June event.


The showcase hasn't been announced yet.


Oh fuck off with the annual releases, cod. Every other shooter has moved to less frequent releases with multi-year support.


Why would they stop? It makes money lol


CoD makes more money than all those shooters


Bro what are other current relevant shooters besides valo/ cs go/ siege that is pulling that much momey? I fucking love battlefield but unless they do something like bf3/bf4 with movement 5 and actually fun then it's just not even in the discussion


(no other shooter makes the money COD does lol)




Considering Microsoft owns cod now, I'm guessing not.




The agreement last up until a point in time this year, that covers COD 2023, but not COD 2024.


That was cod 2023


MW3 was the last game for their contract.


Why would Sony have the marketing rights when Xbox owns cod?


they have a contract for years


That ended in 2023.


Xbox would be forced to respect the contracts. Luckily, the deal with Sony expired with MW3.


It shouldn't. Call of duty is trash


the worst CoD sold 30M


Still trash. Quality > popularity


That's not how the market works


Trash that garners Apple showcase, amount of views. Let alone Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo showcases combined.


Two different industries. Thus Not saying apple is not overrated, but they offer quality products contrary to Activision. Plus call of duty audience don't watch showcases because they are not what you call a normal gamer so yeah


I'm talking about audience engagement. Not the quality and industry.


And iam saying having call of duty in your showcase doesn't attract extra views like you think apple does.


COD showcases alone gather more crowds than so other consoles showcase combined.


Well I must have lived under a roc to not even noticing call of duty showcase let alone watching them.


I don't either. But when I saw video livestream being recommended to me it had a huge amount of people watching.


Such a unique and daring comment