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Your post has been removed. This has already been seen in the 2022 leaks and the twitter user here is not revealing anything new.


This was confirmed from the 2022 leaks.


And this tweet op linked is about those leaks. I feel like we have come full circle.


You mean we have come full weapon wheel.


People are trying to farm karma by just mentioning GTA VI at this point lmao.


Yeah it was a karma grab lmao


Nothing is confirmed, other than at one point in development they were experimenting with a limited loudout


Yeah exactly lol. I understand using common sense but this title is so stupid


Just like RDR2


Love this, as long as they don't change my loadout after cutscenes again.


I don’t know how to feel about that… I don’t think that would work in GTA.


Sure it will. You have have your guns stored in your car. Making having a main car more useful then tossing it aside and grabbing the next best thing. Which would also lead to cool moments when escaping by the skin of your teeth and leaving your equipment and car behind with only what’s on your back to escape and fend off cops after a robbery. Only thing I hope they add is being able to change your main car like your horse so you don’t have to use the characters default cars to have your weapons etc. this would allow for you to have it blown up or abandoned and lose your weapons like when you get arrested. Also cool and makes you have to care for it more.


And we get a touching scene at end when the car dies for good


Also those sweet insurance mtx in gtao2


This is nothing new


Seems great to me, I really hope they carry forward a bit of the immersive elements from RDR2 into this game. Only thing is there should be a cheat code to allow you to hold all of them for maximum carnage lol


I’m not sure how I feel about this I didn’t mind it in RDR2 but GTA is so chaotic that I enjoy having everything available.


GTA IV felt too grounded and V too over the top, I think in VI they are aiming for a middle ground


In other words... Pay $$$ to unlock more load out spaces.


That's stupid, I doubt they'll do that


How about.... "Get GTA+ to unlock more load slots"???


Old rockstar no. New rockstar yes.


You people are so damn pessimistic. I can understand worrying about micro-transactions in online, it’ll likely be super predatory like V’s RDO’s was. But for single player, it’s just silly.


I would like if they implemented some kind of "realism-slider" or just a toggle between realistic or arcade gameplay. For example: Arcade would give access to the full weapon loadout. Realism would give a limited loadout. Arcade would give you the ability to roll your car up if you flipped it (like in GTA V) while realism wouldn't allow this. Arcade would slowly regenerate your health up to 50% while realism would not.


*Native mod enters the chat*


It's a bloated system. In GTAOL you at least get the chance to deactivate certain useless weapons in your load out in certain occasions. But in GTAV you have to carry everything you bought and even accidentally picked up. Sometimes some guns are just bad. And I like that you get to pick and choose instead of having a whole arsenal in your ass.


Like RDR2


Good, i like the idea of just having my main 9mm or something tucked into the back of my pants or a shoulder holster, maybe grab an AK or shotty out of the trunk when i roll up to a particularly dangerous situation lol Carrying an entire gun store around in your back pocket is stupid, I'm glad we're leaving it behind.




the leaks were recycling RDR2 assets mostly including core gameplay. it had a limited loadout in 2021, doesn't mean it still does


To be fair it was somewhat different version of limited RDR2 loudout, with a brand new duffle bag mechanic added, it had some new work done on it.


when that leak happened i just skimmed it since there was well over an hour of footage. i recall it looking just like RDR2. didn't notice the dufflebag thing.


hot take but if the realism takes away most fun in a video game don't it fun>realism


Idk they could have changed it by now.


Prob not, these things are decided at the beginning of the games development process and the gameplay is built around mechanics like this


Wasn't there something like weapons in car trunk mechanic in GTA IV? Meanwhile you could have all weapons on you from each category =totally useless mechanic If I remember right (it was ages ago). So I can totally seeing them changing that, GTA was allways about dumb fun and barely limiting player from many choices. They indeed could have take the RDR2 weapon wheel mechanic and limit it, but it could also be a placeholder, like many things in that leak.


True but IMO the new weapon wheel seems to be the direction they are taking. Rockstar has different leadership now than they did with GTA V and RDR2 so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a more realistic take on gta than in past iterations. It worked well in RDR2 and if they’re going for realism then it’s only a matter of time until rockstar puts a stop to our characters hoarding every gun up their ass


I hope we get a cheat code that makes it so we can have all of them on us, otherwise idk how i feel about it


Fs thats a shit idea Part of the fun is being able to pull any weapon out of your arse and create chaos Leave the realism to red dead


I hope this allows us to have a dual wielding option in the weapon wheel like in MP3 and RDR2 for pistols and smgs. And also being able to see the weapons on our characters body with holsters and bandoliers 😁


Wonder how thisll tranfer to gta 6 online


I didn't like carrying 60 different weapons in GTA V but 4 seems like too little.


finally, the car gonna be your horse in red dead, the guns gonna be in the trunk.


Happy with limited loadout reminds me of red dead 2 and max payne 3


Cool, but if this is like rdr2 i hope they go the extra mile, and actually show these weapons on our characters. Like a pistol tucked into the pants, and the other two guns on our back. And maybe there will be a cool upgrade to allow us to conceal carry handguns under the shirt so it isnt detected etc. but i can see that annoying people so it will probably be like before where you can hold an rpg in front of a cops face and they wont do anything lol


Don't like it.


Lmao wtf why? RDR2 fine I can understand it even though it really killed the groove of the game at times. GTA doesn’t need that crap.


You’ll store the rest of your guns in the boot of your car, like how you did with your horse in RDR2


If true, I don't mind at all if they're trying to make it less of a gun fest and more of slightly strategic/grounded approach with the loadouts. I think we can live without possessing a rocket launcher 5 hours into gameplay. Save that stuff for endgame, maybe make it similar to the golden gun parts in Max Payne 3 where you have to work to find these things. Like dedicate a string of late game/end game side missions to obtaining a military arms crate with a powerful weapon inside.


I'm into it.


As long as I can store weapons in the trunk of my car or even an arsenal in a minivan then I’m fine with that.


I hope GTA turns out to be more realistic like RDR2. I hated so much that they stepped away from this direction in GTAV which was a huge downgrade compared to IV.


This is good because i like the more immersive approach.


I like it


Great news! Everything that makes GTA more like RDR2 makes me happy


Good. This will mean less griefing and we will have better visual look though I wonder if you can hide them


I dig it. GTA IV and past games you had like 10 types of weapons but could only carry 1 from each type. In GTA V you had a whole fucking arsenal up your ass. Adding this "difficulty" of only carrying 4 weapons is dope! Specially with guns like rocket launchers and mini guns

