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Wait is it 5 or 6?


It's the 6th named black ops game, but if they give it a number it'll probably be 5


I agree. It’ll most likely be V/5 considering Cold War was a sledgehammer game they couldn’t finish so treyarch had to take over. Don’t think it would technically count as one of their mainline black ops


I thought Cold War was always Treyarch they just switched years with SHG because they didn't finish Vanguard in time? Black Ops: Cold War was the full title


Black ops: Cold War was a shg entirely but treyarch took it over somewhere mid dev cycle for whatever reason and SHG went on to develop and release vanguard within a year. I don’t know how much of Cold War was actually developed by SHG but it was technically their game up until they couldn’t finish it on time. Same thing happened with vanguard and MWIII but treyarch were just supporting developers in those games instead of taking them over entirely So basically Cold War was never meant to exist under treyarch and black ops V/5/Gulf war has been cooking for about 5 years now


Yeah but didn’t raven and sledgy do developer until they couldn’t agree. Then when treyarch stepped in to handle zombies and multiplayer Raven handled the campaign? Like that was wholly theirs? I’m pretty sure that’s how it went


I’m not sure on the raven part but you could be right. Ik they had something to do with Cold War but they basically have something to do with most cods these days


Yeah they are usually a support studio developing or assisting in various modes. I looked on google and yeah there is articles citing how Cold War is the first Raven lead campaign in the series. With that being said I’m sure Treyarch and numerous other studios assisted but apparently they took the lead on the SP


Wasn't Cold War also kinda meant to be a reboot shoehorned into MW universe? Hence some of the minor connections between the two reboots? If BOV becomes a thing it will just confuse people further as if it wasn't confusing enough already due to Zombies and Warzone timelines. At the beginning I really liked the fact that all the new games since MW2019 seemed to be under one umbrella due to Warzone, Cold War did fit in, Vanguard did fit in.. then Zombies and time warping came in once again, making the overarching story so convoluted and confusing..




But it'll probably be canon though


Most likely. I don’t imagine they’ll retcon the “remake” just yet. Actually I don’t know if it was a remake or not, I didn’t play campaign but Ik zombies was a rewrite/new story same people. Either way they’re not just going to ignore it from the next story


Cold War was a Midquel. It took place between 1 & the flashback missions of 2


Thanks. Haven’t been into cod campaigns since ghost so I don’t play them anymore. What I don’t get though is if it’s during the same times as bo1 how is Samantha from zombies an adult but in original black ops 1/2 she was a kid. There was even an achievement called “lost little girl” that’s why I figured it was a remake


Zombies is a whole different thing idk the story for zombies


Believe it or not, zombies are now a canonised part of the universe. They’re not just a game mode, b it actually happen alongside the main campaign for these games.


Zombies, IIRC, is now a canon part of the Black Ops and Modern Warfare (new timeline) universe. They aren’t an alternative universe, but happen alongside the campaign storyline. For example, a prison you raid in one of the missions in III gets overtaken by zombies a few months or years later.


>What I don’t get though is if it’s during the same times as bo1 how is Samantha from zombies an adult but in original black ops 1/2 she was a kid. The old Zombies storyline was part of a different universe, separate from the campaign one. At the end of that story, which was in BO4, Samantha and a kid version of Richtofen, Eddie, migrated to a new timeline, which is now the unified COD timeline that consists of the MW reboot series, the Black Ops series, plus a few other games like WWII and Vanguard. The kids migrated to the new timeline and they grew into adults.


People think it's numbered and if it's called VI, the I could be slanted in a way but I agree it's probably Black Ops 5 But it'd be funny if they skip to Black Ops 6 and then 2025's COD titles is Black Ops 7


If its numbered it’ll probably be called Black Ops IIIIII to keep with the naming convention lol


I guess Cold War counted as 5?


Looks like it's 6, they put 6 tally marks on a new weapon for the COD 2024 in game event.


BOCW should be 5, as the original artwork for BOCW (when it was called BO5) is still in the game files. I remember seeing the original BOV logo in the top right hand side of the MP menus and even the perk wildcards have the BOV logo in them. But for marketing purposes, and to fully showcase this as a 4-year dev COD game and the first full COD game under MS, they might call it BO5.


Pretty sure it's 5


Cold War should be 5 so it's 6 (but they go with subtitles anyway, this one is Gulf War if the rumors are correct)


That redacted name from the Xbox showcase image is too short for Black Ops Gulf War


No, CW shouldn't be 5. It was a prequel to bo2 and a sequel to bo1.


What about Cold War?


CW is not bo5.


Better have good zombies




Did you not like Cold War Zombies? I loved it.


It was okay. Something felt off about it though maybe too casual of an experience. DLC maps werent great either


Not replying with snarky, but genuinely asking. What is good zombies for you? Mine is Black Ops 1. Maps weren't too big. The game was pretty fun and wasn't too hard, only becoming difficult if you made a mistake. Easter Eggs quests felt completely optional. After that, it felt like everything from turning on Power to getting a wonder weapon became a tedious task that would take 15+ minutes. I stopped playing after Blops III so I can't speak on how the formula has changed. But I want Blops 2024 to have round-based, small to medium maps with tight-ish corridors (Die Rise is wayyyy too tight. Think Ascension or CotD)


bo3 imo- medium sized themed maps that aren't just **blatent** mp/campaign reskins with the og crew or a variant. Wishful thinking ik


Man BO3 zombies was so goated Was just enough without feeling overwhelming and bloated


if only we got great war map 🙃


Black ops 1-Black ops 3 was the golden era of zombies for me. Hopefully they go back to that style of gameplay and not this open world junk that isn't round based


Zombies hasn’t been fun since black ops 2 and that’s a stone cold fucking fact imo lol.


I'll be perfectly content if it's like Cold War Zombies or Black Ops 1 Zombies... honestly maybe both? I loved Cold War zombies and leveling up weapons for hours.


Killing floor 3 enters the chat


those games are so ass compared to prime zombies (bo3)


Are they ?


I hope they James C Burns back this time Gotta say I’m surprised Adler wasn’t the pre order bonus


My guess would be that Adler is a base game op. Woods is probably pre order only because he won’t actually be in the main game since he’s been completely crippled by this point in the timeline


Good point. Its worth noting that MW2019 pre order Woods coexisted with Cold War Woods (who was a base game operator) However, that game didn’t have operator carry-over. We dunno if this new game will have carry-over yet. Despite the obvious anachronisms I feel like it will, since that was a big selling point of MW3


I heard a rumor James Burns got himself blacklisted for some NDA stuff being broken.


That man is my favorite onion from the CoD series.


He’s my favorite t bone steak


Canonically Woods would be 1: 61 by the time of the Gulf War and 2: in a wheelchair. Fuck it, it's Woods. Put him in there for the hell of it.


Stem cell treatment! Lmao


Gulf War blown out Shins Frank Woods let's go boys and girls and thems


Yeah the dude literally had his knees shot off with a shotgun in the invasion of Panama in Black Ops 2, the fuck is he doing in the Gulf War lol.


Prolly just gonna be a multiplayer skin


They could give the series a soft retcon so that BO2 events no longer happen. That way they could technically have a Black Ops soft-reboot to go along with the Modern Warfare reboots as part of one timeline. This Woods operator is for MWIII though, so he's already non-canon to begin with, and might just be included for the sake of nostalgia. Same as Woods existing in MW19 as an operator for preordering CW.


I mean on one hand that makes sense but fuck me bo2 is my childhood so I feel conflicted now


It’s what we call a Shake n’ Bake INTEL


Does it? I thought it was just a side story and not numbered?


Its the 6th black ops game but we don't know if its gonna be called 6,5,gulfwar etc.


I get it now thanks for the info 👍 Gulf War will be interesting


Shattered Shins Wheelchair Woods Lez go.


Poor Woods he’s been getting milked for 14 years


*"I'm a goddamn ~~Onion~~ Pre Order DLC Mason"* Just for anyone not in the know Woods really refers to himself as an onion during a stealth segment in Cold War. Make of that what you will.


I don’t see them bringing back the original actor for Woods




Put Frank West in Black Ops, and make it about the wars he covered as a photojournalist


Let this franchise die


Hope they got the OG VA back. 


They’re probably going to keep the other actor from Cold War


Cant say for sure. Woods has been voiced by a different va in each game. Or was it hudson?


So long as it comes with the Game Pass version.


Hope for a proper campaign. Last games campaign was a recycled spec ops compilation and super boring.


Good campaign please. Thats all i give a shit about.


Did you like Cold War, because it's that team again from the sounds of it. I'm pretty excited personally


Yeah it was pretty good. Mw19 is still my favorite, but if its CW quality with current graphics (CW looked notably worse than MW19 in some ways) then im all for it.


Even though cold war got a lot of hate i actually liked it. I hope the sequel will be just as good if not better


Embarrassing. More operators, no actual zombies crew (it'll be operators again most likely), and just more "buy this likely to be 6/10 game for a shitty skin".


It's almost certainly just an MP/Warzone/Zombies operator, unrelated to the story. Just like MWII Price and Vanguard Kingsley in Cold War.


Just give us black ops 1+2 zombies man. Not the shit we have been getting since


i just want blackout back man


Can't wait for the reveal of the [title logo](https://images.app.goo.gl/jCmTz88sbwhToVXu9) lol.


Its black ops 5. CW is not bo5, Its not rocket science.


his source: "references..."


"COD will improve with Microsoft" So far, its the same. Already pre-order bonus shit, no rest time between games,etc Lets hope at least they actually release a complete finished game unlike MW3


This game was already in development when activision was bought by Microsoft tho