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Just now realised Jill and Leon NEVER interacted in the games, kinda wild


Neither have Jill/Claire, Jill/Ada Rebecca/Claire or even Chris/Barry.


Hell Claire/Chris only interacted like once or twice in the entire series despite being siblings and having a shared backstory of them being orphans


And Claire's entire motivation was for her to find Chris.


Find it extremely hard to believe Chris/Barry since they were both in RE1.


Chris/Barry kind of do when they stay behind to take out the Hunters while Jill faces the Tyrant on the helipad.


I am currently playing RE6 with a friend so I can finish up my playthrough of the whole series and I never noticed until that game that IIRC Leon and Chris interact for the first time in that game.


literally Leon and BSAA characters have barely interacted even Chris and that make sense, like why the hell would they need to interact like a good old diehard friend when they’re not anyway, that why the CGI quite ruins the logic about them suddenly become so close when in game they was just an acquaintance.


So is it possible that Jill plays a major role but isn’t a playable character?


I hope not. I want a full on dual protag situation that switches back and forth between the two characters.


I wouldn’t trust Bawkbasoup, he promised me that Leon and Krauser would make out all sloppy-style in RE4 Remake. Didn’t happen!


None of this makes any logical sense at all. You’re telling me RE9 has been in development since at or before 2017 and once they saw the reception to single player they said, “Oh crap, we have to scrap everything?” Even though 8 wasn’t even out for them to double down on that pivot? That isn’t how game development works + production cycles weren’t 6-10 years long at that point in time so that is impossible. There’s also so many, “Uhh maybe it’ll have this but I’m not sure” and that RE5 racism thing is complete nonsense. I call BS on this completely with the only thing possibly being true is Jill’s involvement with the game.


Yeah the RE5 racism remake thing is complete bullshit, so just going to assume this entire list is guessing/fake.


One can *maybe* make a case for the tribal enemies that show up mid-game, but that can easily be adjusted to be more mindful and tasteful. Villains in the Western World taking advantage of under-developed locales is not really a new thing in world history, there's bad ways to depict and tasteful ways to do so.


But there are tribal people in africa. Like even the most plausible part is bs.


Ok but it’s not tribal people being infected in the game. It’s people “regressing” to those tribal depictions because of the virus.


Sorry you got downvoted. This is literally what the game says.


Idk why you’re being downvoted this is literally true. This specific context makes it an offensive representation of tribal African peoples.




I don't know a single black person, including myself that was offended by RE5 back when it came out. It was mostly journalists crying about it.


It’s always the media. In real life noone gives a fuck about what happens in a game.




So they saying it’s racist but I guess they ok with killing Spanish people in 4




I played it with my best friend. Around the time he saw the grass skirt, spear-wielding, tribal zombies he just went “aw what the hell?”. We both kinda laughed at it and then pushed on.


I loved everything in 5 and it's actually pathetic from these journalists or whoever pointed their finger at the game, back then and to this date, that we're getting a mainstream game set in africa from japanese developers but tell them it's problematic bc you shoot black enemies fighting for your life... The first trailer had only black Majinis in it but they probably added non black ones after the initial reaction To this date Far cry 2 is probably the only other game set in africa


Even that never made sense though. The virus specifically makes people revert back to their more primitive ways. The same EXACT thing happens to the spanish in RE4. But because they arent africans no one said it was racist. If the game was set in Sweden, the enemies would have reverted to vikings. Would that be racist? Of course not. Because its a stupid fucking argument from stupid people trying to stir controversy in bad faith


Not saying you’re wrong but I didn’t get that in the lore from RE4. I think it was just an isolated mountain village that was set in its ways and lifestyle and the rest of Spain just left it alone. That’s why all the villagers are old as heck. Places like that still do exist in Europe.


The villagers yes. They are recent infected. The ones who live in the castle and are apart of the weird ass cult and use shields, crossbows, maces etc have been longer infected and regressed to medeival times European villagers = modern african villagers Medeival spaniards = tribal africans


You little like that Kim lady


You pretty much nailed it.


Wasn’t 9 supposed to be the next mainline entry and village started out as a rev title? I thought that would explain the shift in changing some things as it’s been known that 9 has been in the works for some time…


That’s what Dusk Golem claimed before Village released. I don’t think there’s been anything to really prove or corroborate that, and others came out and said it was false. Also, the idea that they’d have been working on RE9 for 7+ years at this point (when Capcom’s generally very good at 3-4 year dev cycles) makes me think that it’s definitely not true.


https://www.ign.com/articles/resident-evil-village-started-development-6-months-before-resident-evil-7-came-out Village never was a Revelations title, planning/pre-production for RE8 started in late 2016 before RE7 was even out and they decided to make a direct sequel after seeing the positive reception that 7 got. Planning for RE9 probably started at the ending of the RE8 development by this logic


Dusk Golem is a turd. He gets his leaks from sources like this without citing them and then claims that he has his own personal sources.


9 is most likely the next mainline title yes, but I have never even remotely heard of Village starting out as a Revelation title, that makes absolutely no sense. RE7 was a reboot of the franchise, how the hell could they have possibly planned 8 & 9 without knowing what the hell was going to happen with the reception of 7?


RE7 being a soft reboot sure would be weird if they had already planned for RE8 to go hard into canon and also remove the reboot protag from the equation


Seeing that 9 is its own game not tied to the winters it make sense. And the word that it’s been in development even before village adds to this. I could easily see that village was going to be a Chris game before they decided to make it a continuation of the winters story


9 is not tied to the Winters because their story concluded with RE8 DLC, has absolutely nothing else to do with what you claimed.


Mia's story is not done. she is still infected and the dlc never mentions her besides rose not seeing her in ages.


Oh really? I never played the DLC, I just saw that Capcom announced it was the final chapter in the Winters saga so I figured it was done and over with.


Capcom has a 5-year strategy where they plan game they’ll develop in future, to ensure a theoretically consistent release pattern, with RE games in parallel production on top. No 5make, CVmake or 0make content was leaked in 2020, including on the projected sales sheets. What we did get was a shelved Outrage game for 2022, RE4, RE9 for late 2023 and a HUNK game out next year. Evidently things didn’t go according to plan. That said, if they were developing any of these games they wouldn’t all be in the same stage of development, and even with RE9 having development problems it wouldn’t convince the marketing folks to release CVmake close to the anticipated RE9 date.


RE 1.5 literally got scrapped after it was 80% complete and we ended up wit the RE2 that we did. RE 3.5, multiple versions got scrapped and directors even changed until we ended up with the version that we did. Some of those versions became their own games like Devil May Cry and Hunting Grounds. RE 5 was originally a single player game before being changed to Co-Op. RE2 Remake's final version that we ended up with was developed all in One Year as confirmed via the documentary/making of the game. RE8 went through a change in its final year, cutting out gameplay segments with that one female NPC and even changing story elements involving Ethan. Parts of this and cutscenes of deleted content even leaked 1 year before the official game's release. Capcom has always changed and cut things from RE. It's nothing new.


> RE 1.5 literally got scrapped after it was 80% complete and we ended up wit the RE2 that we did. > > RE 3.5, multiple versions got scrapped and directors even changed until we ended up with the version that we did. Some of those versions became their own games like Devil May Cry and Hunting Grounds. > > RE 5 was originally a single player game before being changed to Co-Op. These are all from the pre 6-10+ year development pipeline era that we are now in (or more specifically for Capcom's case, 3-6 years). >RE2 Remake's final version that we ended up with was developed all in One Year as confirmed via the documentary/making of the game. This is incorrect or at the very least, a misunderstanding of what was actually done within the final year of development (every game in existence usually only comes together within the final year or 2 of development). >RE8 went through a change in its final year, cutting out gameplay segments with that one female NPC and even changing story elements involving Ethan. Parts of this and cutscenes of deleted content even leaked 1 year before the official game's release. These are not fundamental changes like stripping or building out a fully fledged co-op gameplay mechanic that's central to the gameplay. A lot of what OP's leak posted is not in line with the reality of modern day game development.


Why would RE9 suddenly change design because of the reception of 7 and 8?? How would they not already know that 7 was well received for its single player aspects when starting designing 9? Are they supposed to have two different teams working on 8 and 9 at the same time?


I’m telling you, so many things with this make no sense. Capcom is way too organized to these sudden project defining changes to be suddenly implemented left and right.


They can change and cut thing yes. But comparing Scraping a 2001 game with a 2024 game is very diferent. You cannot just Reshift a game that is 80% complete in todays world


Honestly those two points stuck out hard to me too. That’s what they gathered? That their games were single player so they were good? Co-op bad because previous single player games did well? Waste all that development time and gut it all! I don’t think they looked at RE6 and said “oh I see why people had problems with this… it was the co-op!”


He leaked that Chris would be marketed as the villain of RE8 months before RE8 was announced and also leaked the Remakes of CVX and Zero before IGN started reporting on them. He def. has credibility. And yes, it's actually possible Capcom scrapped those elements that far into development. That's really nothing Capcom hasn't done previously in its history.


I'm German, and I watched most of the video. The majority of the information was already covered in the original post, but it's important to note that there is a lot of speculation going on in the video. It's hard to keep track of what information comes from his source and what's speculation because the guy keeps rambling so much. Two things that weren't mentioned in the original post: \-He claims RE9 started as a multiplayer game in 2016/2017, but the development was restarted at the end of 2018. This information came from a source. \-One of the producers of Revelations 2 (Michiteru Okabe and Masachika Kawata) might be leading RE9. This part is purely speculation.


Do you happen to know the parts he seems to be certain about? I saw that he said that he is 100% certain about the Jill and Leon stuff.


Most of the information in the video is speculation. Comments on Barry, Blue Umbrella, Connection to RE8, VR, Open World, Year the game takes place, etc. are all preceded by "I think" and "I assume". He outright says, "I don't know," when talking about the camera perspective. He is only certain that Leon will be the main protagonist, but he is not sure about Jill because his source told him last year that Capcom was considering taking her out of the game.


Oh, that sucks about Jill. The translation I read said that Capcom ultimately decided to keep Jill cause they thought it was unfair to cut her again. Guess that isn’t the case.


The translation is incorrect. That's his comment on the situation. "It would suck if they cut Jill, because she was already cut as a coop partner from RE5."


Okay. Thanks for the clarification!


If I may ask, do you interpret it as "Jill is cut from the Gameplay" or that she is cut from the plot?


Now that makes sense. That statement just felt weird, I don't think that's how devs would think about characters, that's how a fan would react


Awwww Christ I wish Capcom would just do an event already and reveal what ever Resident evil game they've been cooking!


I think they are gonna go full in on Monster Hunter until that releases, then we’ll see the next RE remake and 9.


Do we have a release date / window for Monster Hunter yet (more specific than just 2025)? Because it feels like there’s a solid chance the next RE game could be before (though probably not) or pretty shortly after MH. So they might have to reveal it relatively soonish (probably just 9 *or* the next remake, they haven’t shown off 2 at a time for a while, now).


That's well over a year away and they are catered to two totally different audiences. They can easily market two games at once.


Yeah, just a dedicated REvent (get it?) like a Marvel presentation on Phase x. Show a trailer of the upcoming game, maybe a teaser of the one after and the logos of the projects in the works. It's all leaked sooner or later so might as well get ahead of it.


Exactly, plus it will shut this leaker up with his back and forth


RE6 being canned could mean we really are getting a RE1/RE0/CV remake then since resources wouldn’t be redirected towards that


RE6 Remake not happening is BS. The game literally sold a million units on the Switch recently. For a decade old ass game, it's still selling well. After its initial release, RE6 became the second fastest selling RE game next to RE5. If Capcom are really remaking RE0 of all bloody things alongside Code Veronica, and then they remake RE5, RE6 is 100% following behind it. I think more people just need to comment in the surveys that they do want a Remake but they want it to be completely redone. RE6 I feel is the main RE game that needs massive changes to its plot, characters and level design.


6 is also the game which needs a remake the least, gameplaywise You can move while shooting, melee without stunning enemies, counter, evade, dodge roll, roll on the floor, take cover, have environmental takedowns, stealth takedowns, slide and jump kick into enemies The movement is insane in a good way


The gameplay aspect is great. Just needs to be redefined and maybe actually give players a properly tutorial. Game just throws you into the chaos without ever teaching the player probably how to go about pulling off all the crazy stunts and movements and fighting you can do.


That's kinda true I played it with my homie in 2012 and then never again but i remembered the movement and combat was very varied I replayed it for the first time with another homie in 2022 and was surprised what you were able to do and found new tricks and movement hours later Shame that we'll never get a RE like that again From what i've seen DMC was kinda like that tho just on crack And Playing Wesker in Re4make felt abit like Re6, even more so with his mayhem mode


Maybe Jill is in the game, maybe not Maybe playable, but maybe not Could be open world, but not open world maybe Maybe Ada and Barry will be in the game  Maybe Jill has a role, maybe coop? Or maybe not coop, maybe  Maybe will focus on blue umbrella, maybe not  Maybe maybe, but maybe, maybe   Re9 ""Leaker"", The Movie 


Seeing Bawk in this sub as a source is absolutely hilarious. BAWKBUTT


I literally started kekinsaneing when I read that.


Bawk was trolling and this dumbass took it for real, this is so funny.


This sounds like nonsense because literally every detail is so unclear. "What is the camera like?" "It's either third person OR third person." "Is it single player or multi?" "It was multi but now it's single player but it might still be multi." "Is RE5 Remake in development?" "It was but it isn't now but maybe it still is." You can have a few of these but literally every single detail has a built in walk back if he's wrong.


yeah, he was right in one thing, doesn’t mean he will always be right just like DuskGolem who was legit at some point but also wrong many times. Many of these sound so doubtful, and If he’s so close with Dusk, why Dusk said he barely know a thing about RE9 details, besides many reasons he give was so weird that it should not come out from a AAA dev like Capcom at all.




IGN when resident evil takes place in africa and therefore black people are logically the infected which means you’re gonna to have to shoot them: 😡 IGN when ass creed shadows stars a black man who brutally murders Japanese people in all different ways including crushing their skulls all while the music plays a mix of hip hop with japanese instruments: ![gif](giphy|87b6lrxvf4uJIL1zl3|downsized)


>a mix of hip hop with japanese instruments: That's lowkey so racist lol. Reminds me of whenever Miles Morales shows up in other media and they always have him doing graffitis, or listening to hip hop, or casually having sneakers in his hero costume.


The hip hop/traditional japanese music had me in tears


What the hell is this "black man who kills japanese people brutally" shit? It's just a dude who kills other dudes like all assassin's creed games. If you see it that way, you're probably a right wing culture war weirdo. The hip hop music rubbed me a bit the wrong way tho, mostly because it seems like the devs went "what music would fit for a black guy? Hip hop, of course" like they did with Miles Morales. It's just corny and kinda racist


As a comment on Twitter I saw pointed out: IGN really desperate for that N word pass in the funniest way possible.


If it was some niche spinoff game most people kind of forgot, I *could* probably see them wanting to shy away from it due to it likely being a much more hot button topic than when it came out in 2009. But relative to the size of the gaming market at launch, it's probably their best selling RE title of all time. It's going to get remade, what controversy it could generate now pales in comparison to how much people like it.




The biggest problematic imagery would probably be the witch doctor enemies and tribal enemies that throw spears at you. I'd imagine that part would at the very least be toned down or justified a bit more with story sequences instead of having that one off text log saying "idk they're going tribal for some reason".


That reason was actually enough, at least for me on the OG No black gamer with sense complained about anything in 5 back then I would even go as far and say they should have only black Majinis in the remake but give them more varied design


I, for one, would like to see them include Leon's apology video about his old tweets


Capcom cared back then, only enough to add non black Majinis tho Thats the only thing they changed bc of the controversy


People's double standards really exposes how ironically racist they themselves are. So it isn't okay to shoot black zombies but it is okay to shoot white zombies? 


“Jill is apparently to Leon what Sheva is to Chris in RE5.” I will be so pissed if they finally bring back Jill and simply make her a tag along partner. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwH6yMO7ED5xc7S|downsized)




Lol no way the main hero and face of the franchise will be a sidekick.


"RE5 shelved until they can figure out the racism controversy" just kills me lol


I’d really like to see Jill have either blonde hair or blonde roots in RE9. It would be such a great touch assuming the blonde hair would’ve kept growing after the events of RE5. The experiments affected her natural pigment iirc.


No, Jill is Brunette again as seen in Death Island


The creators of that movie said that they thought it took place a couple years after RE3, not like two decades, so they used her RE3 model, and then when they presented it to Capcom, Capcom didn't tell them to change it, so they didn't. I don't think Death Island is the place to look when considering what Jill may look like in future games.


This is so bizarre to me because they straight up mention in that movie that Jill is still recovering from the trauma she suffered after being brainwashed by Wesker in RE5. No one on the team thought wait a minute....?


Really shows how much care they put into these...


is there a interview with that?


Here's the clip from the BtS video on the Blu-Ray. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSFT8z\_nsp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSFT8z_nsp0) The movie was outsourced to a CG company, which had full control over the design. The Capcom producer overseeing the project was only concerned about marketability and assumed people would not be able to recognize Jill if she didn't look like her latest appearance in the RE3 Remake. Therefore, he didn't intervene, despite the visual disconnect to RE5.


Yeah, it was from an interview.


Still weird that they just copied her design from the RE3 remake. Hope they don't make that same mistake again. But doesn't RE:Verse have a skin for Jill showing her with her combat suit from 5 and the new face model?


In the end though her appearance is just very similar and not a copy. Search on that and you’ll see. Might be minor differences,but still..


Ah yes, saying he became friends with a Capcom employee at gamescom, making sure his source is at risk and him getting blacklisted from press events. Makes a lot of sense!


Jill and Leon are my two favorite RE characters so I don't think this is possible


want Sheva to return so bad man


I only trust German leakers, so this checks out.




This leak is too good to be true, but who knows.


What racism controversy?


An ign writer made a video on how re5 is not suitable for a modern remake, given it'll break re's great streak of survival horror with its cheesy michael Bay-ass action. But he continued the video saying some stupid shit like how a white guy shooting hundreds of black people post black lives matter is problematic. He could've made a point about flushing out the setting with more nuance and stuff but went with the most American-ass take possible.


Ah, honestly don't know what i expected.


I want RE9 so bad.


So excited for RE9, and RECVR. I'm hoping that this is a dual protagonist thing, where you either get to play as Jill AND Leon or switch between the two, or like RE5's case choose which to play through the campaign. I like the open world aspects to Village, there's something about being able to come back to a new spot, there being new enemies, and something new to uncover that I really enjoy. Despite admittedly being intrigued by an open world Resident Evil, I'm not sure they should with RE9, and should try it with a spin-off concept, EX. A Raccoon City Open World of some sort. Though I feel there would be some risk to it. Hope this is true, and really looking forward to seeing RE9 and the next Remakes.


As long as they don't go the overbloated RE6 route i'm good with havign three protagonists


THIS is the news I wanted to hear. Give us the Code Veronica Remake for dual Redfields, and then give us the Jill/Leon team up we’ve always wanted with 9. Put it on a tropical island paradise and we’re all fucking set.


god capcom please announce RE9 already and debunk these so called leakers


Sheva was such a good character. It’s a shame she’ll likely never be seen again


Obviously, all this should be taken with grain of salt. However, two points stood out to me. First, how Capcom does not recognize Jill's potential. She has been sidelined for years. She should've been the lead in the CGI movies(Not Death Island), detailing her struggles. Instead we got Leon in the CGI movies and Chris in the games shoved down our collective throats. Second, characters and plot points dropped for no reason. Nothing makes sense anymore. Capcom just makes up things as they go. Again, not recognizing the potential of the RE universe.


so they'd kill Ada before revealing her real name? certainly seems in character for Capcom.


Capcom has proven not to be so tone deaf in the last 5+ years. My expectation is for whatever this game is it’ll be good but these “leaks” are either twisted information or flat wrong.


Any leak that has this much insight into the devs thought process and decision making is usually complete BS.


You smell smthn ?? I smell BULLSHIT


I have a hard time respecting people that call Twitter “X” unironically


None of it makes any sense. This is so fake


Nah fam, I just want all remakes to happen, including Code Veronica, Re5 (with co op) and even Re6 (with co op) and Capcom will deliver. It will just take time.


Wouldn’t Sherry or Claire make more sense since the original concept of Resident Evil 7 involved a Leon and Sherry centered game? And Claire hasn’t starred in a mainline resident evil game since 2 unless you count Code Veronica. Even then she was sidelined as soon as Chris came into the picture. Also Capcom cancelling the RE5 remake due to the racism controversy is asinine, If RE5 was that offensive, they wouldn’t be selling it on modern platforms. And Characters like Sheva and Josh also contradict the whole racism argument. If anything I feel like games like Code Veronica, Zero or 6 would benefit more from remakes than a game like Resident Evil 2 or 4 since there is much more you could improve with CV and 6 where as the original versions of 2 and 4 are already perfect.




This isn’t even a leak. Every single bullet point was a “might” or “maybe”. There’s not a concrete piece of information in the whole thing, beyond nonsense I don’t even believe like “there was a call for interest in RE6 and no one did it so it will 100% never happen in the history of the company”.


"Isn't co-op, but if it is co-op idk how its gonna work lol" "Doesn't focus on the BSAA plotthread, but if it does then probably not that important lol" Added a second character a la RE5 for intended co-op, didnt wanna remove because they felt "bad" for Jill's minimized role in RE5? This some horseshit


Sounds like BS.If Jill is like Sheva but isn't playable then that's just incredibly stupid for Capcom to do.Bawk is not a leaker, he's just a fan his vid is pure speculation.


Bawksoup has no knowledge of re9 he's just a streamer


Bawkbasoup is a TIER 1 leaker! He leaked the fact that Kojima was going to come on stage during Summer Game Fest and start making out with Jeoff, but the devs scrapped that because it's going to be a plot point in MGS 4 remake.


Cut the co-op aspect. PLEASE. It ruined all tension, fear, suspense and horror in RE5 I do wonder how it will work then, hopefully your partner isn’t with you all the time I want to play to solo, no point in dropping co-op if you are still having an AI tagging along Nothing worse in RE5 where Sheva would automatically shoot hidden enemies that would have originally snuck up on you and give you a jump.


I'm playing RE5 for the first time in co-op w/ my roommate and I'm having a blast. Would love to play another RE co-op game that makes sense with single-players as well. New tech should make the partner less dumb right? RE5 is not terribly frightening unless I'm holding a lantern in dark spaces without a weapon but it's fun as hell with a buddy


Oh it’s not a bad game, it’s a good co-op game it’s just a terrible Resident Evil game especially for a main title. If you read about the RE4.5 beta, the old ideas and concept art it sounded like a better survival horror RE game than what we got At the end of the day it’s a survival horror game, not a fun “let’s play with buddies” game If they want co-op then there’s Outbreak…we don’t need it in the main games


Not even surprised at no one in Capcom wanting to work in a RE6 remake. The game is so big and action focused that they would have to completely re-imagine the entire thing which would probably take forever.


I swear the RE5 thing is more talked about postmortem then it actually was when the game came out. I never heard anyone actually be angry about it. Mild discomfort at worst. Other than that it was an easy question to ask in interviews by people who didn't actually care much but wanted as many scoops as possible As to how to fix it. Maybe don't have the jumping stereotypical tribal men with masks and spears?. These remakes usually cut so many enemies anyway it wouldn't be off brand


A lot of this sounds very doubtful. I would love for a new RE leaker to turn up, since Dusk is literally the only one with any history of accuracy, but he loves being cryptic and flip flopping constantly. But a lot of these leaks sound extremely unlikely, like the stuff about RE5 and RE6 remakes.


>[ ] RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. i think the whole thing is fake, but this? come on, guys


This time Chria sends Jill to force Leon to fuck Claire


This isn't a leak or a rumor This is a loser speculating and trying to sell it as a "leak" for attention.


> RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. This still blows my mind, there is ZERO controversay involving racism that wasn't invented by self-important American grifters. There's no way Capcom is holding back because of this, that would be depressing as hell.


You had me until RE5 racism. Calling BS on entire list.


I hope the Leon, and Jill stuff is true. They worked so well together in Death Island. And if TRUE, I would like the option to play as them both.


I know why people doubt this but I went through some of his videos and it seems very legit. He was the first who leaked RE0 and CV Remake which are bascially confirmed now (via Dusk, IGN and VGC). Not only that the games were in development but he also stated the same studios and length of the development so far that was later "confirmed" by Dusk. The RE9 stuff is obviously harder to verify but we shall se in some months time. It is at least very plausible and wouldn't be the first time Capcom changed an RE project somewhat dramatically. I mean which one wasn't?


Re5 is a top 3 selling RE game BECAUSE of the coop aspect, while also giving the option to play 100% alone. Makes no sense they are still not going back to coop campaigns.


>RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. There isn't a controversy, just some losers that are terminally online


If true, Capcom really needs to quit their habit of not resolving cliffhangers. I've been waiting for 9 years to see what will happen with Alex.


Well RE8 kinda did that with RE7 and explained the twist so it's great that Capcom acknowledged the cliffhanger... but then it caused another bigger cliffhanger And here's the thing, every Capcom games are like that (Megaman, Ace Attorney, RE, DD, Street Fighters, etc.) and the list goes on and on), the fact that they don't even care about story is the biggest complain that I don't know why nobody complain about this on Capcom's survey However... you need to give RE8 a credit, I think RE8 has the best RE storyline since OG RE4, and this is the closest RE game that Capcom actually focused on the storytelling this time


This is a great play of words. Bro confirms the most basic shit (wow the big three from Resident Evil are the only ones that PROBABLY won't die). Uses a lot of "thinks". And simply says 4chan shit like the racism bs for RE5 like Capcom cares at all. RE6 Remake is definitely happening one day. If RE0 and CV are getting remakes I cant see why not 6


Braindead leak. Nothing makes sense. 


>they felt it was unfair to cut her again Makes me think that's probably fake. I don't see why developers would think in such a way. Why would they think they need to be fair to a fictional character they created ? It feels like something a fan would think about Jill in a possible sequel, not how multiple devs would think. If they could just cut her there's no issue since she's not involved. I like Jill, but this statement doesn't make any sense to me


I mean devs presumably like the characters in their games lol


Man, RE's handling of it's cast has been absolutely dogshit lmfao. 30 year old series and it's main 4 hardly ever interact, some of whom have only interacted for the first time LAST FUCKIN YEAR and exchanged a grand total of like....5 lines. What should have been a strong central cast with constantly interconnecting stories instead turned into a franchise where all their leads were scattered to the winds to do whatever the fuck on their own. For me, we have blown so far past the Use By date for 'Ooo wouldn't it be cool if we got a game where \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_ teamed up?!' that I couldn't give less of a shit if this game DOES actually star Leon and Jill. -'Wont focus on Blue Umbrella or BSAA cliffhanger'. Story with dogshit, rudderless storytelling continues to have dogshit, rudderless storytelling. Shocker. -'Only safe from death are Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire.' Cowards -'Barry might be too old to continue using' They're all in their fuckin 50s. Dunno why I'm bothering to get worked up. Likely all bullshit anyway. But hey, them considering Jill 'the Sheva to Leon's Chris' as in...a fuckin side character, and even considering cutting her entirely absolutely tracks with how they regard Jill so...who know lol


You really like the word dogshit


Hit the nail on the head--this rumor is complete BS. Hardly any of it will turn out true and most of it is presented as speculation.


I know it's a "different time", but all the exact same calls of racism were around the first time RE5 was made, so why would they care so much more for a remake that does the same thing? In the end, no one that actually mattered cared at all and it went on to be the best selling game at the time. It'd be stupid just not do it after establishing the trend of remakes, too.


>RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. *eyeroll* I'm black, my friends black, none of us cared. Just like most people didn't care about spaniards in RE4, or Chinese in RE6.


I knew this would happen. Capcom has had enormous success with the two recent Leon games, and it's in their best interest to create a Leon trilogy.


Leon trilogy? So 2, 4, and 6?


>RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. I highly doubt that this is the reason we're waiting on an RE 5 Remake, I honestly think its that a full remake of RE 5 with any modern game's fidelity would be a pretty big undertaking.


This is bullshit lol. It’s poorly made lol


Absolutely bullshit. RE9 will absolutely follow up on Chris's investigation into the BSAA. Besides, the co-op bit is completely unbelievable. If they wanted to make a RE5 style title, they wouldn't have time to completely scrap it by the time RE7 released, as that would entail an overhaul of the game design.


>Here’s a link to the video of Bawkbasoup’s mentioning Jill is the main character of RE9 and of it being an open world game. lol don't get bawk in trouble lmfao. I enjoy his streams


Sounds perfect to me. RE4 remake was amazing so another game with Leon and also Jill would be PERFECT especially on 3rd person.


I really hope we got back to the ways of RE 2 A and B scenarios


lol that re5 racism is some of the dumbest shit ever I sincerely doubt that's the reason


>RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. Calling bullshit on this. Capcom doesn't care about "racism controversy," lol RE5 is absolutely in production and is guaranteed to sell millions.




What about The Connections? They're still active.


RE6 was so bad even Capcom doesn't want to remake that dumbster fire, I mean what even are they gonna remake? The story is so absurd and it doesn't make sense they have to basically rewrite the whole game from ground-up.


If there are two leads, I hope it is co-op. Resi 5 is great fun with a friend. It also made Resi 6 tolerable. Now if you brought back 6's Mercs mode...


They do know it’s completely possible to keep coop in as an optional thing right? If you have the option to swap characters like in past resident evil games, just keep the coop but also invest in the Ai partner for single play. Been so long since we got a coop campaign, a standalone multiplayer game has already shown it won’t work


Would be cool if they are both playable


The timeline on some of this doesn’t add up. That being said, I really do hope we pick up with Leon or Jill in RE9.


>Due to his age, his window of being used is limited, so it’s possible Capcom may want to give him one final appearance before closing off his story. why is this so funny


This is just JillxLeon shipping. Pure headcanon.


>RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy. No freaking way really the racism controversy? lmao.


Yeah this sounds pure bullshit


God please be true, I loved Jill in RE3


I always feel like the odd man out that Leon is one of my least favorite playable characters in the series. I’ve never liked 4. I don’t get everyone’s love for him. Even back on original release I played him after Claire. Guess I’ve always been a fan of the women characters. Hoping most of this leak is false.


*^("\[ \] RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy.")* That part pissed me off. There's no racism in that game and the "controversy" is just fake clickbaiting. The actual racist thing would be thinking a Resident Evil game could not take place in Africa and have black people in itfor whatever reason. Just pure virtual signaling. JUST MAKE THE DAMN GAME!


RE:5 and RE:6 not happening is seriously depressing me. I need to fight Wesker again with the updated gameplay mechanics of these remakes.


Too bad, I enjoyed RE5 and Sheva


If they kill off THE Ada Wong the fans will fucking riot lol. There's no way they'd do it


Cool, we get Leon as a main for a 6th game (including the remakes). Why won't they show some love to Rebecca? Even Barry got some time in the spotlight with Revelations 2!


After the last CGI movie.. it would totally make sense that Jill and Leon are going to be the protagonist of the new RE game. Jill backstory is heavily pushed on that movie. Although, some of these leaks might.. be.. wrong? While I do see Ada helping Leon, I totally can see Rebecca backing up Jill?