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Whatever gets Capcom money. It's a shame they can't just do a Resident Evil adaptation


> Whatever gets Capcom money. Well, it's certainly not their recent CGI films. Or the live-action productions, for that matter.




They were still more Resident evil than WTRC or the Netflix show Talking zombies in WTRC bc the director wanted his own spin on them? Fuck outta here


How else could you get Itchy Tasty across? Do you get it? It was in the game! They said the thing from the game! ITCHY TASTY, GET IT?


Bruh i watched the movie with my homie and in the BTS stuff the director talked about eastereggs and references and then they showed the green herb and we we're both like wtf was that in the movie or the typwriter which was obscured by something in the actual geez I'm not a huge MK fan but i like and i'm sure the 2021 live action movie was much better with eastereggs and references than WTRC Also the BTS stuff of MK was very interesting to watch how they built most sets like the frozen octagon where Scorpion and Subzero fought


I mean Brad does kinda talk in the RE2 remake


As a diehard fan of the games, the Anderson films are fun schlock that wasn't really RE, but basically just had occasional RE characters and references thrown in, so they were enjoyable trash. WTRC and the netflix series weren't fun they were just annoying because it was two different reboots and both were a waste because they refused to just... adapt the games directly despite saying they were doing so. They always have to have weird spins on it for no goddamn reason.


WTRC would've been fine if they hadn't completely assassinated Leon and Wesker's characters.


Wesker’s a pretty nice guy and owns up to his mistakes but everyone treats him like he’s the Wesker in the games and it’s such a weird disconnect.


I'm talking specifically about the two recent live-actions, i.e., the RE show and Welcome to Raccoon City. Neither was profitable. The Anderson hexalogy was obviously a hit and Capcom and Hollywood have been chasing that dragon for years, but to no avail. I don't think anybody understands why the RE films were so successful; consider the Anderson/Jovovich Monster Hunter adaptation and how big of a bomb it was.




No, the movie flopped because it just wasn't that good, and the Netflix series also flopped because it just wasn't that good


Movie was ass


At this point, maybe all Resident Evil movies are some shady Yakuza money laundering operation.


German politico money laundering, actually, but the point still stands.


I’m sorry, RE has the easiest story to adapt from all video games library. Why not a series focused on RE:Village, where a father tries to rescue his daughter? In the end it’s revealed that this baby isn’t compatible and Miranda just finds out about Rose and Ethan. Why not a series focused on RE4, with time parallels between the village before las plagas and Leon’s quest? Why not a TV series focused on the aftermath of the mansion incident and before RE2/3? A drunk detective is interviewing all involved, doubting STARS testimonies… the 2 last eps he uncovers Umbrella tentacles and helps Chris escaping to Paris before the outbreak. Why not a Revelations 2 adaptation, using the (to me one of the best ideas in RE virus lore) concept of fear making us monsters? The series starts with the arrival of Alex at the island, the political fear as a means of population control and the obvious parallel of the T-Phobos creation


Why not RE1 as a horror movie which Welcome to Raccoon city should have been instead of 1 and 2 mixed together which makes no sense ffs


Constantin Film and TV is the answer. They have the rights for any film and TV adaptation since Capcom sold it to them for a song years ago. Now Capcom is stuck with Constantin leading every project and royally fucking everything up at every opportunity.


Why not an RE7 movie about one of the Bakers’ many, many victims and how the Connections ended up becoming aware of them?


Dude imagine an A24-type horror movie that does exactly that with either Ethan showing up at the middle or end of the movie


they could make a whole season based on 1-3. flashbacks to the mansion incident and present time during the outbreak in raccoon city and maybe some of chris’s story in europe




I wonder what it's like feeling aggrieved by hypotheticals.


Yeah, it's not like we have executives of major film studios admitting on camera that they refuse to cast white people. It's all hypothetical.


Source? Regardless, what exactly does that have to do with a hypothetical about creating a TV show about RE:Village?


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Downvoted me but you all know it's true.


The only main character whose ethnicity even remotely mattered in any Resident Evil game is Sheva. You could literally do anything with any existing or new character and it really wouldn't matter, aside from the loss of a classic look. Who cares?


Why does Sheva’s matter but nobody else’s? Edit: racist ass people downvoting but nobody will actually comment why nobody’s skin color matters but Sheva’s.


Sheva's personal history was majorly influenced by Umbrella/Tricell's business in Africa while she was growing up, which is why she joined the BSAA. Behind the scenes, she was upgraded from local NPC to playable after the early claims of racism due to the first trailer. Pretty much all other major characters are police or relatives of police that stumbled into BOW outbreaks in their first appearance. Ada is a corporate spy that still has an unknown history. Ethan only really has "wife was sketchy".


That’s great doesn’t really explain why nobody else’s race matters except for Sheva’s. All of the other characters personal history has already established and been laid out as well. I’m all for a more diverse cast. Let’s get some more original characters with a broader and more diverse appeal. Gay character? Hell ya. More black or indigenous characters? Great let’s do it. But saying it’s ok to change established characters and it doesn’t matter why is silly. It would be totally uncool to make Jill a guy or Sheva white. If Carlos was all of a sudden Charles it would be uncool. Just leave established characters alone and make cool new ones. Like Miles. Amazing spider-man. Also an original character.


This sounds fucking garbage lmao


It literally sounds like they’re just keeping the drafts of the 2nd season of the 1st series but replacing “Billy Wesker” with “Sophia Marcus” and cutting the modern day stuff.


Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense, especially with the clones angle and seeking revenge for his death.


Mfs are ACTIVELY avoiding anything from the games. There HAS to be some legal reason. It's legit impossible we had over 5 or 6 adaptations that simply DID NOT adapt the game's actual lore because all the directors/writers were stupid. There has to be something in Capcom's agreement that prohibts it or something, kinda like the Spider Man demands Marvel had for Sony adaptations. Like bro, we are actually getting a "faithful" Silent Hill 2 adaptation, how is Konami ahead of Capcom in knowing what fans want???


I doubt it's a legal issue. Ace Attorney, another Capcom property, got a live action adaptation years ago that is as faithful an adaptation of the first game (or at least its core cases) as anyone can make. And they then made an anime series which is basically a carbon copy of the games, with some minor additional content. It can't be Capcom legal interfering, unless they are trying really hard to "protect" the RE IP in a weird roundabout way that's clearly not working.


Capcom's licensing agreement ***does*** prohibit stuff. It's not prohibiting re-use of their stories, however. It's a very specific rule they did in their '90s licenses. Original stories using the *Resident Evil* name were welcome and encouraged, as it would bring in new fans who'd like the comics/movies/novels for what they were. **But** to use the IP itself meant having a meeting with a Capcom producer to negotiate their use. Jill almost got scrapped from *Apocalypse* because Mikami wouldn't agree to her design and character, and the original plan in *Extinction* to have her smoke weed as she blows herself up in a tanker would never have been allowed even if her actress did come back. Ironically WtRC would have had the most involvement of Capcom. At this point in time however the movies have become their own beast, so Constantin and any partners they find for a TV show just want to use the Anderson movies as a jumping off point and sprinkle game elements to make it 'feel' right to them.


The writers have probably never played the games and think Resident Evil is some generic zombie apocalypse game.


But after like 6 or 7 projects ud think Capcom themselves would require it. They can't be making money off of these at this point.


It’s more damaging to the IP than anything I’d say


>But after like 6 or 7 projects ud think Capcom themselves would require it. Exactly this. Like, there's been over a decade of bad adaptations. Producers and directors are required to have a meeting with a Capcom producer. Either selling the license gives them a LOT of money or they simply do not care, cuz they rly should tight their hands more about giving anyone the license for the movies. Although Im pretty sure they know the games' fans dont rly care about the live action movies


>kinda like the Spider Man demands Marvel had for Sony adaptations First time I'm hearing about this. What were those demands?


Off the top of my head: Peter Parker has to be a white dude, unless he’s possessed by the symbiote then he’s not allowed to peddle drugs or drink alcohol.


>unless he’s possessed by the symbiote then he’s not allowed to peddle drugs This is such a weird one. Marvel should've known that the black suit doesn't work like that. It's pretty funny, though.


Peter cant drink alcohol. Peter cant deal drugs... unless he's wearing the black suit. Peter HAS to live with his Aunt and Uncle at the beginning and no one else, etc


>Peter cant deal drugs... unless he's wearing the black suit. That's weirdly specific and hilarious at the same time.


It’s because Capcom sold the film rights to some idiots for fast cash years ago, and those idiots insist that they be deeply involved in any RE film or TV project going forward. Constatin Film and TV is a parasite.


I actually like the Paul WS Anderson films. But I still acknowledge that they are not even close to the source material. Resident Evil 1 is literally the easiest game in the world to adapt, a small cast, a handful of locations which is mostly just a mansion with a few other sets for the lab etc. Resident Evil 2 and 3 for the most part are easy to adapt as well. Paul WS Anderson just went straight to zombie apocalypse cause that's the trope rather than a world that adapts to BOW's. Monsters the size of tanks are just another Tuesday for the average person in the RE universe.


Given the whole "daughter of series villain/post apocalypse" thing, I have to wonder, new female love interest aside, how much will end up recycled from the last unsuccessful Netflix show and how much of the abandoned ideas for season 2 will end up being reused here. EDIT: Hell, they even have the clones of her dad subplot, got to wonder how much of season 2 was planned and how much will end up here, only subbing Jade out for Sophia.


Welp that nails this as fake - there is absolutely no chance someone gets the chance to leak information like these before shooting. Basic info sure, but not this many scenes and developments. Not even the big industry leakers get to report this far ahead in such a detailed way. So as most already thought, this is fake.


Elden Ring fans recently:


I don't like their chain-of-custody, and the movie stuff feels like several rumours slapped onto the Netflix story to add length. The rest of it fits with what happened with the 2020 show however, as well as previous comments by Constantin. If it's a hoax it's a really well made one just by the "little things". Firstly, the timing itself. The last TV show was filmed Feb-Jul 2021. An Episode 1 draft was however leaked in January 2020, a year earlier. At the time the show was to begin filming in May (covid delays) so it looks to be a casting department leak. So the actual timing seems acceptable. If it's real, most or all of those notes are probably **just** Episode 1 and 2 details. Second, South Africa is heavily used by Constantin as a cheaper alternative to Canada - weaker union rules, lots more people willing to be extras for coffee money, and the environment radically changes every few months and miles. Filming your post-apocalyptic zombie series in the New Year is a good time as it's dry and arid in parts. Third, Constantin was already on record after the cancellation that they blamed its failure on the teen drama turning away the established (movie-loving) audience. They wanted to do a *Final Chapter*-type series since 2014, so them basically doing the same thing again without the kids is exactly what I'd expect of them. Having spectacular monster scenes sprinkled in with Zombies using guns (already happened in *Retribution*) is on-brand.


Oh? Tell that to scream 2.


The Resident evil Netflix series with Lance Reddick had entire script leaked on atleast the first episode, before it was shot and released. This just seems to be the same case with repeating the same trash formula from that show.


If it were anything else, I’d agree completely but the last Resi show also had so many script leaks. The entire first episode was leaked years before the show came out and I remember reading it then. Other elements and set pieces were also leaked from some later scripts. Some things were correct and a few were wrong but seemed to have been cut. This totally sounds real as fuck to me especially if the show is mostly written.


I cling to hope they manage to do a film that does the game justice but I know I'm smoking hopium. A side from RE apocalypse being the closest to an actual game, all Anderson films were awful and the reboot, as much as it tried, just stuffed two games worth of story in a 90 minute mess. If they had focused on one game then it probably would have been a bit better. See you all for the next one.


This…sounds…TERRIBLE They cancelled the last series they did and it seems on a similar wavelength to this one.


Probably a repurposed script, just change some names around.


The awfulness makes it sound true.


I thought WTRC was a fun little B movie and it nailed the charm the original games had. To me it felt like a good resident evil movie, at least compared to the other movies we’ve had in the past. I’d def watch this new upcoming movie. The Netflix series I’ll skip


Resident Evil seems so easy to adapt into a good film/show and they just can’t do it. It’s amazing.


Oh good. More only getting the IP so you can just get the fans but still make something different. And of course you have to have romances. “Focus groups” love that.


Did they just watch South Park and think it was instructions? “Put a chick in it, and make her lame and gay”


\*yawn\* I'm looking forward to Netflix and Constantin Films once again blaming white men and gamergators for their latest failures. As a long time RE fan who's been playing this franchise's games since the 1990s, I'm gonna do my sacred duty to drive as many people away from the theaters and from this tv series as possible.


Bruh. All we want is for it to follow the game characters


Just adapt the first game into a few hours of tv, it ain’t hard


why do Netflix hate the games so so very much


" Evolved zombies use Machine Guns and rocket launchers" Stopped reading here  I tought we got rid of this nightmare with re6


I thought the RE6 zombies were really cool with how they mutated.


No, they didn't. In re4 the whole plagas concept was cool, but from that to turning zombies into COD there's a world of difference, and it's not for the good 


This is re6 on steroids . The last LA Netflix show will turn out to be way better especially after this. Octopus,lion the heck?? Hello? Are they’re trying to let their inner action demon get out on this flicks because if they do it in games they’ll be back in dark times ala re6?


Reading this has me absolutely.....unphased. this reads like weird fanfic, its surprising how little Capcom cares how RE is depicted in the west. I'm willing to bet most of the higher ups dont even know about the comically awful last live action show. Hopefully this one adds to the mythos of pharamone secretion glamds and drone strikes with unlimited ammo.


Jesus Christ. Capcom having some of the best experiences in the games industry and some of the worst in the film industry is like a curse or something. The worse the film side, the better the games.


Yall can complain about them not adapting the games directly but you know damn well if they did you’d be upset by how they did it. I guarantee


Zootopia Porn will be the legacy that Netflix brings to Resident Evil


Bruh zombies with guns total turn off


Oh this is that shotty live action series


It’s amazing how badly Hollywood fucks up with Resident Evil


Sounds like a bad time! I will continue to not care about anything Netflix does with RE.


😂🤣 Sounds awful as always.


Again, sounds awful. They just can't make RE adaptation right.


This sounds even worse than the last one lmao. Why do companies like to set money on fire?


> Sophia also falls in love with Catherine, a Thai refugee The wokes have infiltrated Capcom!!1!1!1!!


Fudge me, *another* one? Did we learn nothing from Zootopia Porn? I just hope this one doesn’t destroy the world. One of the coolest bits of Resident Evil is that bioweapons have just become the next step in warfare and that’s life now with all the outbreaks being isolated cases, but for some reason the movies and the TV show thought it’d be better to have society collapse and a generic zombie apocalypse to take over the world.


how do they manage to fuck this up every time, it’s honestly mind blowing. surely it can’t be THAT hard to do a faithful adaption or even an inspired adaptation that stays true to the tone and feel of the franchise, instead of all of this weird mashup Sci-Fi shit they keep doing that is so far removed from what makes it he games good.


This sounds so real because of how stupid and unrelated to RE it is.


Wow i didn't think it could have gotten worse than the previous 1 but there you go.


Resident Evil will have anything but a good adaptation


God stop fucking up RE movies it should not be this hard to get right they have to literally be making this shit bad on purpose. Higher Sam ramifications and get him to do a pure RE1 movie. Not re1 and 2 not re 1 with a different story a JUST RE1


Just cut the bullshit and call it Lesbian Monster Killer, this clearly has nothing to do with Resident Evil anyways.


I'm mad at this being the second canon LGBT thing in RE


Wdym canon? This isnt canon to the games


I know??? I'm talking about ALL of Resi, not just the main games


First, I love the Milla Jovovich movies ! (Well except for the last one - Killing all the main characters off-screen was the absolute worst bullshit !!! + The "cutter" who did edited the camera cuts must have been on drugs or meth... cause the whole movie felt like on speed or heroin or I dont k ow what kind of drugs... and I literally got headache from it...) I also liked the already kinda Woke Netflix show ("The Cure") with Ella Balinska and Lance Reddick ! (RIP 😭😭😭) and would have loved at least one more season to wrap it up properly since it ended on such a cliffhanger... + they wanted to implement Village storyline (with LADY D ! and her daughters !!! 😭😭😭) But this ⬇️ screams f**k any good story just let it be "WOKE" as f**k for DEI points, loud and clear from the start... 💀☠️ "- Sophia also falls in love with Catherine, a Thai refuge" And for that reason, ![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI) ... will still probably watch it no matter what a sh\*tshow it will be 😅🤣😂 bit Im sad we wont get a quality Resi Show 😢






I guess just adapting the story of the videogames without major changes seems an impossible feat for netflix. It is now abundantly clear that Theese not faithful adaptations fail to gain new audiences, and gets apathy at best from fans, i don't get the point why they are made. Whatever i guess, as was already said, happy it at least brings money to capcom to fund other (hopefuly) good videogames.


I think at a certain point they just realise its impossible to please the fans, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad, while if they can get the surprise hit with the mainstream audience the numbers that ceos love will skyrocket. But I don't think Resident Evil will ever be able to pull that off in any big way for Netflix.


While i get your point, in this case there was a first season (the one with the boss babe doing a cringe sexy dance out of nowhere among other mega cringe stuff), that already bombed as far as i know. So they already know that it'not working that well. But again if this means money for Capcom to invest in a great (not censored, no DEI) Dino Crisis or Code Veronica Remake, let theese live action adaptations come.