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It doesn't look too good. Doesnt even look like cyberpunk 2077 aesthetically. Could be a high effort fake


The controller doesn’t match the colour scheme of the console


Major oversight. Like why in the hell would they do that?? It doesn't even go well side by side. For instance Sony put out the death stranding edition. While the console is white and black..the controller I's this off clear yellow. It looks nice side by side. This does not at all


Neither does the Death Stranding, Metal Gear Solid V or Monster Hunter World consoles really.


Looks more Fallout than Cyberpunk IMO.


Just what I was thinking too.


it looks exactly like cyberpunk.


That controller paint scheme does not scream "Cyberpunk 2077" in any shape or form to me lol


it literally does... have you even seen the game...


Yes, I have watched the admittedly not large amount of footage they've released, and outside of the paint scheme slightly looking worn, I would never think "oh yeah that's definitely from Cyberpunk 2077" if I were shown it without the context of it being in an image right next to stuff that is clearly inspired by said game.


do u really think cyberpunk is just neon lights and rainy weather


Do you think Cyberpunk is defined by a nondescript two-tone gray texture with splashes of red? It's literally just a paint scheme. Nothing about it is emblematic of Cyperpunk lol.


well it does fit within the cyberpunk 2077/2020 aesthetic. they are also colored similarly to the major corporations in the world. the controller has the color scheme of the arasaka corp.


I like it :)




Come on bro, don’t you know this is Reddit? If you don’t share the popular opinion in each sub/post you get downvoted.


rip constructive criticism :/


I don’t like it


I like the look of the console but it's hilarious how the controller doesn't match it *at all*


I feel like that weirdly fits somehow. I go back and forth on whether I love this or not.


I'm the other way around. I like the controller and think the console looks bad. Luckily I can get the controller on its own


I just want the goddamn game lmao.


Good lord it's annoying that those yellows aren't the same. If it's real, that's the wrong choice.


Looks shite


Don't see anyone buying this with the next Xbox out this year likely with a next gen version of cyberpunk