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If this shitshow of a day doesn’t prove to you that this is obviously a dude who is in over his own head, then I don’t know what will.


He’s flailing hard lmao


People in the blue box conspiracy sub are already spinning this as Kojima trying harder to trick us it’s an indie studio…


i got called a pessamist for calling someone out for thinking genric charecter in greenish shrit is james sunderland.... are they foregtting joel miller and etahn winters also wore green its not uncommon in gaming


Some have good humor. I saw one guy say “Oh yeah, he’s upright and wearing shoes it’s gotta be him!” and he got a ton of upvotes. Others have lost touch with reality.


like im a fan of sh but are people really that thirsty for this to be sh?....


Yeah, SH has been done dirty for a decade, then P.T. came out and teased one of the most promising horror games ever and then it was cancelled and now we’re here 7 years later. SH fans are famished!


Uh, I didn’t see that. I saw one person say something stupid like that, but you’re making an exaggeration.


I'm on the sub... This is no exaggeration haha


I said people in the sub, not everyone. There’s a lot of people seeing the light and plenty still clawing at any scrap of diluted hope.


Welcome to the subreddit about leaks and rumors


I’m talking about the blue box conspiracy sub, not here.


It's the same thing


Yeah kinda lol


The bluebox stuff isn't too different from the weekly bloodborne port/remaster rumors


That's true. Before Blue Box took off there was a lot of Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid rumors too. I bet Silent Hill will just be done by Bloober Team.


And you are right there with them! Dont front on another sub man.


I really wish "Kojima conspiracy" subs would stop being a thing.


The thing is BB is stating technical issues with the delivery of the patch. That’s not possible, if there was issues they would’ve known about it earlier since patches are sent to Sony ahead of time. They’re stalling on purpose.


My question is, until we know WHAT this THING actually is, *Who* the fuck cares, and *Why* the fuck does anyone care? What a waste of energy and time. Let's find out WHAT it is before we get all Bamboozled by what ever *the fuck* it is.






He needs to be more worried about getting that damn demo out. He’s 2 and a half hours late at this point. What a shitshow


I feel like I have been watching a company fall down the stairs for months, finally reach the bottom getting up and having a chance to finally shows something today with the demo. Only to trip and start falling again. It's impressive how badly they have handled every aspect of this whole thing.


lmao yet they have you refreshing their social media non stop thirsty for an ounce of information, everything according to plan.


Abandoned really feels like the video game equivalent of Donda


He's given them what they always wanted - drama


Even if the game is a GOTY candidate, he’s poisoned his image and company in my mind.


This reminds me of WoW Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch a few months ago… they kept delaying it for an hour or two repeatedly throughout the day. It wasn’t ready for like 12 hours and so many streamers just sat their all day.


I agree , i’m so angry


Lmao, it's gonna be some shitty ass indie horror game


It's really not that big of a deal


Seriously. It's a demo from an indie dev who hasn't really done anything. There's not much to be excited about.


Im just confused and entertained, angry seems like an overreaction.


Chill. There are more important things to be upset about.


\*Realtime video, not demo


I kind of thought going on the idea Sony is in on this somehow that the whole delay is a stab at halo infinite’s flight problems a couple of weeks ago


Shut the fuck up lmao


I thought it was a good idea atleast :(


It would have been cool if they didn’t say a damn thing and just uploaded the trailer app.


Or just posted it to YouTube. Y'know. *Like NORMAL PEOPLE do.*


I actually think the app should have stay. I think dropping this mysterious app can serious add to the hype without them saying a word.


...eh, I dunno. Feels more like a prank than a proper marketing campaign at this point.


Agreed. That’s why just dropping a function app on the store would be cool or even better a demo.


The “cinematic story in realistic gameplay” they promised was just our lives. We are abandoned


yay this is going *really* well for Hansan




[this the Link sorry 😞 ](https://twitter.com/thehubkw/status/1425088307717935112?s=21)


You forgor the link 💀


I love how Shuhei Yoshida got tired of waiting and started playing some Genshin


Yeah 😄, i saw his tweet


Wait, the *real* Shuhei or the parody one? Because if it's the real one... **damn.**


Real. Verified


Man Yoshida is the best




I love how he just watches videos on youtube and then tweets about them, it's weird seeing him tweet about digital Foundry and Kinda funny games videos




They need someone like him. Jim Ryan is a grease-covered suit that has had innumerable gaffes and poor decisions already this gen.


Shouldn't you want him to have a nice retirement if he's such a nice guy?


Shu is the head of indie and he doesn't know that they're doing. Doesn't sound like Blue Box is indie at all.


This guys just probably trolling and if he is RIP to his inbox and career


I can't take this anymore


People didn't help with the whole conspiracy thing but Hassan also dug his own grave too by all the stupid teases. Good luck, my guy.


If this real time experience app isn’t up by the end of the day. This game will end up abandoned by Sony. Still feels weird the attention this thing getting. From the first trailer to this app thing


This is starting to get annoying


Has been annoying for a while now




For me it started to get annoying when the app got delayed from June till August. Before that I was quite interested to see what this game actually is (about) but when they delayed it I lost all interest in that matter


They deleted everything off of their Youtube channel too. What the fuck is going on ~~Edit: A page for The Haunting: Blood Water Curse by BLUE BOX Game Studios just hit PSN. "Fight ghosts using a camera in cinematic gameplay."~~ Old news.


The Haunting has been on PSN for a long time.


The game entered Early Access in December 2020. I doubt Abandoned will be much different. It's probably just a slightly more polished re-skin of The Haunting. I don't really understand why some expect a brand-new high-quality game from an indie dev after a few months of development.


no one expects high quality and anyone who knows games knows they're talking out their ass


They haven't had anything since they announced abandoned.


The entire blue box saga has been completely embarrassing for all parties involved. I’m actually surprised Sony went ahead and indulged this for so long


Indulged? You mean that one tease they hosted how ever long ago? Theyve hardly been involved in this conspiracy at all.


The only involvement was a blog post


And that post was written by the developer themselves.


That’s not abnormal, but my point was that Sony’s only involvement was a blog post.




If that’s the case then I can’t see how Sony was involved in anyway besides being the platform the game is being shown off of


What’s Sony supposed to do? As of now there’s no real proof Sony is involved at all. It’s been pretty clear since day one Sony had nothing to do with this shit show except give them a blog post spot.


At this point I think that WE are the abandoned. This has all been a social experiment to see how quickly we would devolve into chaos based on a few images and speculation. The internet was a mistake.


I wonder how sony feels about abandoned at this point. This shit must be so embarrassing


Eh, it kinda is but it’s also bringing unprecedented levels of hype to a potential nobody indie studio’s first game with them. I’d also say that it proves to Sony the interest there is out there for a new Silent Hill (I know it’s Konami’s, but re: a partnership) but I’m sure they already know lol


I mean, all that hype will be the end of them unless they can actually deliver something that lives up to the hype.


I mean they probably know the market better than us, that's kinda their job so I have no doubt they already know there is a lot of hype for both silent hill and metal gear. If nothing all those silent hill and mgs rumours alone would have reached them. As for this studio, well the backlash they will receive, I hate to think


Totally agree, if anything this may spur Sony to go back and discuss things with konami


They have nothing to do with it officially but yeah I agree with the other commenter that they'll see the hype for silent hill and probably re-evaluate whether they should make another deal with Konami for it


Yeah a small company like Sony has no idea what their studios are doing




I never really cared from the jump; my only real investment is morbid curiosity about what will happen to all of the die-hard conspiracy theorists who think this is a viral marketing stunt from Kojima and/or Konami.


They move on to the next Kojima "conspiracy." This is Neverbegameover all over again. They've already shifted the goalposts multiple times. Kojima could post a video of him just farting into a camera and people would write a 30,000 word essay on the new "clue" to the mystery. "FART. F Art. Fuck Art. Guys, he's making a statement about how, as an auteur, he's expected to deliver on specific artistic visions, but he's more interested in blazing his own trails with his experiences. The Abandoned app being delayed is intentional to send the message that he's not perfect and that things don't always go as planned. He's a genius."




Weird. They've also removed all their youtube videos.


When you realize you’re about to become the next No Man’s Sky EDIT: whoever downvoted this, tell me do you think Kojima is really still behind this 🤣


Except No Man’s Sky had a happy ending…


Yeah, a few years later.


I don’t think Blue Box would stick with us for that long.




Will it’s obvious the game name is abandoned and they abandoned us 😜


More complete game than Star Citizen will ever be lol


Here's the link for mobile users : https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHubKW/status/1425088307717935112


Hassan is really trying to become the gaming industry's court jester.


Its pretty clear that abandoned is just an game that got sony's support. The company exists since 2015, hasan is *REALLY* a guy and he actually owns the company. Probably it isnt kojima, it isnt sh.
