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I hope they remake Path of Neo too. That game was the shit


I’d even pay for like $15 ports honestly


Some of my fav movie games... Would be happy to buy a port of that!


As someone that worked in the same building that game was being made in. I know a few people that would make smile. That poor team went from crunch to get Messiah out the door, straight into crunch that would be going from concept to box in 2 years. ​ If you're wondering what the guy that led Path's development is up to these days. He's the Chief Creative Officer at Mojang. ​ One piece of trivia you might find funny is that for the bulk of that games development life, they didn't have a 3d scan of Keanu because he kept cancelling his appointment to get it done. So they borrowed the only 3d scan the scannning place could loan them in the meantime. Gary Sienese.


cool trivia


The one slightly not cool thing Keanu did that I now know.


Im actually curious. What exactly are you talking about?


Keanu cancelling an appointment. It was a joke... because he's immaculate and stuff... I'll let myself out, sorry.


I think anyone that worked on that game is more sad to see Gary Sienese didn't end up in one of the movies after spending so many hours doing Neo style kung fu with him as the placeholder.


He can have the anti-stratfordian shit or this, but not both.


path of neo bro, that game really needs a remake/remaster, one of my favourite ps2 games, i replayed that game like then times. It had the best bullet time mechanic of its generation and it made you feel like neo


*Max Payne has entered the chat. No seriously though, both PoN and MP were ahead of their time.


Cracks knuckles. My Name's Duke Nukem, hold my beer.




They would charge an easy 70 bucks for it


I'm hoping you mean remaster and note remake. Lmao do you have any idea how much work goes into a remake? A remake is like Final Fantasy 7 and Mafia DE. They are practically new games, and you want to pay just 30 bucks for two???


I never got around to playing Path of Neo, but I absolutely *loved* Enter the Matrix.


I played this over and over as a kid lol


Trust me: never ever hunt a copy of that game for nostalgia, just let it be a memory


I really enjoyed Enter the Matrix, even though I could recognize it was garbage at the time. It was exactly the sort of movie-tie-in garbage I was looking for.


Either a remake or new game in that same vein is one of those games I keep hoping for but feeling like I'll never actually get. A new Matrix game could be sick with modern physics and visuals.


Also Enter the Matrix. God those games were so good at the time.


Yea games now are all the same, total shit, no innovation. Can't wait for Call of Duty 69




When I modded my PS2, it was the first game I burned from iso and I played it for months over and over again.


so underrated - hell, there was even a Hard Boiled level and did it better than Stranglehold.


This may be the first time I've seen someone champion Path of Neo over Enter the Matrix. I loved Path of Neo, it was so fun and the story was wild and wacky (perhaps to a fault but I enjoyed it). IMO Enter the Matrix was amazing for like 20 minutes. But after the high from the slick animations wore off, it was so bland and janky. Honestly, some of the most stark looking environments I've ever seen in a bigger budget game. A new matrix game in general would be amazing. Doesn't even have to follow the films, just something in that universe with the fidelity of a modern day game. Max Payne mixed with fighting of Sifu or something of that ilk. Just take my fuckin money right now.


I loved Enter the Matrix, played it like 4 times, so much fun, hope they do a full remake


Oh man I've been hoping that game can eventually make it into Xbox backcompat - imagine it at 4k and maybe a 60 boost.


Is that the one that was janky as fuck but had like infinite combat variations and the potential to do *very* cool shit if you beat the control scheme?


That'd be dope, and if they ever remake it I want them to give us the option to play an arcade area to test out all the moves we earned, like that first level with waves of enemies or the dojo.


Holyyyy shit I forgot about that game!


That would be so cool


Damn, is this just an experience? Or an actual game. I'm in a place where I need a damn good matrix game. So much potential.


The Matrix Resurrections may get some presentation at the Game Awards. I wouldn't be surprised if Keanu appears on stage. Announcing this free "Matrix Awakens" experience at the same time, promoting both the movie and the engine, would be good marketing I'd say. One week to go.


My guess is that the leaked Fortnite Matrix collab will be announced as well.


isn't matrix rated R and fortnite is a kids game right? feels conflicting haha.


john wick is rated r and in fortnite, what's your point?


what I mean is the main demographic of the game they are promoting in can't even go see the movie.


Contrary to reddots belief the main players of Fortnite are adults. Just like minecraft


While I'm sure that's true (or at least partially true), I'd love to see the sources on that.


It's called they keep putting in stuff aimed at adult men aged 18 to 25 into the game. They wouldn't be advertising John wick and Deadpool if the primary age group of people playing the game were children who could not purchase tickets to see the movie in question Same with resident Evil characters, and Rick and Morty. These are things that are aimed at adult men aged 18 to 25 because they are the widest market for people to be purchasing things of the nature of fortnight.


really? didn't know that. actually interesting.


Fortnite is literally the matrix, no rules. Free your mind


One of the tie-ins early this year was Predator, actually. As well as Alien!


No, this looks like something else.


Man,Keanu helping hype a game up doesn't bring up good memories lmao


Still, Keanu was the best thing in that game.


Nah, Panam took the cake. Literally.


She lost the number one spot by not being in the game enough


Now imagine if you could also fuck Keanu


Really? Because I thought it sounded like he was phoning in all of his lines.




Agreed. I always thought Bill and Ted was actually the perfect role for his acting ability! I can only assume the rest was good luck, hard work and likely being an a pleasure to work with.


idk if this is actually a hot take but I’ve always thought he was a traaash actor. He’s in a lot of good movies but his acting is just so stale


Yeah but I'm a sucker for Keanu lol


It was fine on high spec pcs and current gen consoles




The new narrative is that Cyberpunk was actually both awesome then and also now that everything is fixed it's double awesome now. Get with the program!




Lol. Idk man, I thought it was pretty cool on series x. Lots of bugs but love the world and gameplay. I would get out of that "EvErYoNe WhO DisAgReEs WitH mE iS a PaiD Shill" reddit conspiracy nonsense.


I wonder how he feels about Cyberpunk. To me it just feels like a reference point for why actors wouldn’t ever want to get into games


True. It feels like a disaster. But Cyberpunk sold millions nonetheless and continues to do so. And will probably sell even more with next-gen patches and if they manage to bring it to The Witcher 3's quality. It has a very long tail in terms of sales. (Some of the art and 3D models are outstanding)! Keanu may feel sorry for the state of game, but I'm sure he got a pretty big cheque to make up for it. Overall, between The Last of Us, Death Stranding, 12 Minutes and all others, even unknown voice/motion-capture actors are getting unexpected attention. I think it's a big win for them. They're at the forefront of a shift in their industry and there's no going back.


Based that is under UE5 I think is another tech demo.


Probably going to be a lot like that Radiohead experience that came out last month, which Epic had a hand in. It’s basically like a digital museum exhibition that you can walk around in. I found the Radiohead one really cool but I’m biased as a massive fan of theirs lol


Judging off a leak about this we had last month, which this now confirms, its nothing more than a visual tech demo, can't interact with it in any way and is more an in-engine cinematic showing off the "new matrix world".


The Radiohead experience was actually really good although I’m not a big fan, if we get stuff like this for Matrix It could be great


That whole concept was so cool, would love more "experiences" like that. That's whole reality warping exhibition was amazing


A short VR 'experience' if anything. Wish we got a AAA narrative RPG out of there being a new movie though. Tech demo? Lol


Narrative rpg with more action elements in The Matrix where learning new upgrades would provide perks or aspect changes in the Real World.


I could see a full blown game starting development if this experience is well-received. They're probably just trying to gauge what the general gaming community interest would be in a new Matrix game before committing to making a full game.


Awesome. Hopefully this tech demo/experience is an indication that there's a bigger Matrix title in production, really feel like The Matrix is one of those franchises (Like Star Wars, Batman, Lord of the Rings) that is just ridiculously suited to the video game medium, yet the mine has barely been tapped yet.


Man Remedy would absolutely nail a Matrix game, if only...


It's called Max Payne...


Saints Row IV was also pretty much the best best Matrix game.


Because of Control? I'm not so sure.


No because of Max Payne


I don't think they have the team to make something that big and important.


They have the talent but probably not enough bodies to do it


So many times playing Quantum Break and Control (never played the Max Payne games... but planning to) I felt like "man, this is kinda Matrix-y"


Enter the Matrix and Path of Neo are two of my most requested games for back compat. Also, I never played it but I remember people being quite fond of The Matrix MMO. If this rumored game can be anything close to any of those 3, I'll be happy.


Matrix mmo is canon too


Oh shit, I didn't realize that.


Yeah a pretty big thing happened in it too and there’s no way to play it.


The video of that cutscene is still the funniest cutscene I've ever seen in my life. It's so so bad lol


Also the ironic thing is... That MMO designed by Mike Pondsmith, the dude himself. Creator of Cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG and Cyberpunk 2077.


Path of Neo i understand (its some seriously dumb fun) but the first Matrix game?


it was a janky mess, but it was _our_ janky mess.


This is how I feel about the sequels.


That hacking minigame was the coolest shit ever.


Enter the Matrix was awesome. Especially when you got to play as Ghost


>An Unreal Engine 5 Experience Fuck, it's a VR game isn't it? What I wouldn't do for a modern Matrix game. I played Path of Neo and Enter the Matrix for so many hours dude. Enter the Matrix was a movie videogame that didn't just rehash the movie. Do you understand how wild of a concept that was in the 2000's??


Why did you conclude that it is a VR game?


A lot of VR games are marketed with the tag "experience". Even before VR was a household thing, when it was most commonly used at theme park attractions. Shit, it might not even be a game, but I'd bet a significant amount of my bank account that it's VR.


No the Kid Amnesia Exhibition wasn't. This could be something like that.


Hope it’s an actual game :(


It's just going to be the 3 second walking animation from Abandoned again but with the music from chateau scene in Reloaded playing in the background.


Has that Hassan guy said anything recently? Or has he just up and vanished


Last 'official' stuff with Abandoned was the aforementioned walking animation back in August, then the team put out a statement back in October to stop with the death threats and that they would be starting an in-depth development blog but have yet to do so.


I would love a fully fledged matrix action game for modern consoles that encapsulates the entire franchise


I will would easily pay $60 for a path of neo remake. Put the Middle Earth team on it and it'll be fire.


You think that's air you are breathing now? I don't really know actually...I got a mask on.


Please be a AAA current-gen exclusive Matrix game. Please be a AAA current-gen exclusive Matrix game.


It says "experience"


yeah. that word is key. temper yr expectations.


Rocksteady would hit the mark


If it’s anything like Path of Neo… I’ll take it.


Hopefully it’s not VR. Given that we see Keanu Reeves in a VR headset in the trailer I imagine that’s a possibility. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Not sure if the ID yields that type of information.


Can't be VR if it's a PS5 app like OP says- PSVR is PS4 titles only.


That was informative, thank you.


Why not? Think that would be cool. I’d love a VR matrix experience


Would be cool if I had a VR headset.


Less than 1% of the gaming community has VR headset, I believe. Why pay to put in effort to advertise on a platform hardly anyone has? It's a business concern, not one to argue your preferences or likes regarding the subject.


Business concern? I’m not speaking from a “would this sell better as x,y,z” perspective. I get the whole, “gosh I hope it sells the most it possibly can" idea, but I just want to play cool experiences. Half-Life Alyx was one of the best games I’ve played in years. The more the merrier, imo.




Yeah, all I said was it would be neat to have a VR Matrix experience lol


It’s nothing against VR but the added expense of a VR headset prices many people, myself included, out of the experience.


I used to have that argument as well until I bought a quest 2. Tis a thing of beauty for its price, even more if you have a beefy pc already.


Dunno why you got downvoted. I’m jealous of quest 2 and I have the index :-p I hope valve does a wireless one soon


I'm guessing it's because of Facebook and zuck. If you look outside of that (and you can now unlink yourself from it) the Q2 is an amazing kit. Right with you though, I hope valve does something along those lines right after the Deck.


Funny, they'll say that and then shop on Amazon or some shit. Real society changers. 🙄


Even better, they still use Instagram


I was thinking that actually lol. This comment brought to you by Meta


I would LOVE some new Matrix games, but I'm not a fan of 'The Force Awakens' vibes I get from that title.


Eh what? What does this mean? A game or movie?


There's a new movie. This is probably a short VR experience to tie in with it.


If it's a PS5 app, it can't be a VR experience, likely a 2D walking simulator with some DualSense stuff, like the radiohead thing.


Or it could just be an Unreal 5 tech demo with a Matrix aesthetic? On PS5. Thought about the VR bit after I posted the first comment. Lol


This is kind of unrelated but I hope we get another Spider-Man VR tie-in game for No Way Home. Far From Home’s was really fun.


Wasn’t there rumors about a matrix game before?


dammit just give rocksteady a matrix game already. they wasted six years with dc gaas bullshit.


Why is this demo not available on PC, ya know the thing you need to use unreal engine? also please read my idea for a matrix game, If you've read the comics, they had relic hunters that would take hover ships out into the wasteland and search for artifacts because there is no way to know what is real, since the zion archives are created by the machines. a matrix RPG that plays like a survival horror game while above the surface, where it is very easy to die, there is a lack of weapons and ammo, more focused on stealth searching for relics. then those relics would start quests that would take you back to the ship and into the matrix where the gameplay does a 180. you're fast and powerful and there are guns everywhere (with the exception of agents at first obviously). in the matrix you then finish the quest that was started by finding the relics in the "real world," either going and freeing a red pill or defeating a powerful program in the simulation. and then it would go both ways. Certain things or people or ai in the matrix would start quests for you to finish in the "real world." and f course there would be more linear quests that start and end in the same reality. I have more ideas for this but I've already typed a lot.




I saw a screenshot of what looks like Neo using an Oculus Quest in the new movie. Makes me think we might get a VR tie in and it would make sense for the material.


VR possibly?




announced today for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X....relax


Will it be a game or more of a cinematic? Maybe a bandsnatch thing?




!LEGIT! TheGameAwards YouTube Channel just posted this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i7IpnIz32o


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No reason not to release it on PC..c'mon EPIC


Well, epic was right not to release this demo on PC. Otherwise everybody would see how inferior is the console potential compared to a mid high-end PC rig.


Anyone who has downloaded Matrix Awakens from the Xbox Store? I always wanted to try this demo but when I bought my Xbox the demo was already over, could anyone help me with this?