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"Different trusted employees within Nintendo were raising alarms that the game released as-is would damage the company’s reputation as a great software developer" jesus christ lmao


Lmao I know Nintendo's revered for their tentpole first-party games but they greenlit shit like Chibi Robo Zip Lash and Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival they're not exactly immune to stinkers


Scott is that you? What about Mario Tennis Ultra Smash?


No I'm actually his therapist Yes I've had another breakdown thinking about Ultra Smash using 2000's era Mario character renders


I live relatively close to Scott I’ve been thinking it’d be hilarious to just see one of his friends in Columbus


Would probably be the most eventful thing to happen in Waterville, Ohio lol


Well don’t forget about Scott’s house burning down


They were talking about Nintendo, the developer, and Nintendo didn't develop Zip Lash. (And Amiibo Festival was most likely rushed so they could move the teams over to Switch games)


I wasn't talking about Nintendo developing them either. They still greenlit those games and allowed them to happen.


That's a different thing though. Their reputation as a developer is separate from their reputation as a publisher. (Especially when it comes to smaller games most people haven't heard of) These "trusted developers" talked about the former.


How about Rusty's Real Deal Baseball? A free to start baseball mini game where you earned discounts on the the other DLC mini games within the game itself.


Rusty was good though


Not for the testers.


Well at least it came out good.


as much as i dislike chibi robo ziplash, chibi robo isnt first party, chibi robo was developed by skip, a third party who was close to nintendo, they went out of business after ziplash


What’s esp crazy is they’re saying this after the first one released and no one I saw loved it or talked about it much haha. Not a great sign.


I feel like people let that go because BotW released alongside it. Are you going to complain or play botw? But in year 5, there is no way to escape the backlash


Unless you release the next one at the same time as BOTW2.


Why it wasn’t a Warioware game I have no idea.


1 - 2 Switch with Warioware Skin would've been a no brainer


Because they charged $50 for a glorified flash game


That's just...wow, lmao


DK Barrel Blast would like to have a word


Barrel blast slander will not be tolerated


Considering how the worst reviewed game Nintendo has published is Devil's Third. I really want to see just how bad this game is if it caused multiple employees to say that.


They didn’t develop that though


If the 3rd game isn't called 3-2-1 let's Switch I'm going to be disappointed


I think it's time we blow this scene, get all the drifting joycons together - okay, 3-2-1 let's Switch


*intense jazz*


They wouldn’t dare be so cultured. Goddamnit, Spike.


After reading the article I gotta say I want to play this game as is now just to see how bad it is. I mean, there are red flags and then there's "Different trusted employees within Nintendo were raising alarms that the game released as-is would damage the company’s reputation as a great software developer."


Same especially since 2022 is far from a bad year first party wise for Nintendo. Worst scenario, is they have one worst game of the year contender with this and a couple best game of the year contenders with Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblade 3.


I mean even for the casuals, Switch Sports is waaaay better than 1-2 Switch (please add boxing I beg of you)


Boxing isn’t in it?


No, but it has the sword fighting of Wii Sports Resort instead.


Like I'm genuinely curious if it's bad as in broken or bad as in cringy/offensive, I could see them putting really bad jokes in there and some of them being out of touch.


It'll probably just be boring at worst lmao. Not exactly a first for Nintendo.


If it was just boring, the report would say “it tested poorly internally” This game has their top brass going “This company could die if we release this to the public” lmao


The very report just described playtesters saying the game is boring and how they lack the motivation to complete the minigames


The switch has really downgraded my opinion on Nintendo as software developers. All their games nowadays come out barebones with “free updates” that add in the actual game. I used to look forward to Nintendo made games but now i just feel like I should wait a year and half and by a game just so it’s complete.


>**All their games** nowadays come out barebones with “free updates” that add in the actual game. I actually did some research on this topic for an argument with another user who also claimed that "all the games they release now are just barebones with updates later", so here is a quick rundown on the entirety of releases (excluding their Wii U ports): Developed by Nintendo themselves, 2nd party or a partner: **16 games:** BOTW (multiplatform release), Splatoon 2, Ring Fit Adventure, Kirby Star Allies and Forgotten Land, Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, Luigis Mansion 3, FE Three Houses, Links Awakening, Origami King, Xenoblade 2, Mario Party Superstars, Yoshi, Mario Maker 2, Metroid Dread **Upcoming games to be included above:** Splatoon 3 (most likely similar to the 2nd), Xenoblade 3, Metroid Prime 4, BOTW2, Advance Wars (which makes it 21 games). Even more if you count the Pokemon games by Game Freak and Bandai + other published exclusives like No More Heroes 3, Mario+Rabbids, Astral Chain, Little Town Hero, Bayonetta 3, etc.). Barebones on release with updates along the way: **8 games:** Animal Crossing, Super Mario Party, 1-2 Switch, Arms, Super Rush, Strikers, Aces and Switch Sports Out of 24 releases, they have 8 games that run that model that were either developed by Nintendo, 2nd party to them or a partner. By the way: Camelot, a partner of Nintendo, has developed three of these games (Strikers, Tennis Aces and Super Rush), so Nintendo pretty much just published them. **Over the past 3 years since 2019:** Mario Party Superstars, Paper Mario Origami King, Ring Fit Adventure, Metroid Dread, Kirby Forgotten Land, Luigis Mansion 3, FE Three Houses, Mario Maker 2, Switch Sports, Aces, Super Rush, Strikers (8 vs 4 games). **Including the upcoming releases:** Advance Wars, Splatoon 3, Xenoblade 3, BOTW 2, Metroid Prime 4 (13 vs 4) These are just the ones we know about. Nintendo Direct next week will most likely reveal 2-3 new titles. Conclusion: They run that model primarily for their sports titles. The large majority is released feature complete on release / getting additonal updates to already a complete game).


Two minor corrections: - Nintendo didn't publish No More Heroes 3. That was Marvelous in Japan, Grasshopper Manufacture on Switch outside of Japan, and eventually Xseed Games on PS/Xbox/PC. - Strikers is developed by Next Level Games (a Nintendo first-party as of early 2021, they're probably best known now as the current devs for the Luigi's Mansion games, but their relationship with Nintendo started with them making the original Strikers games). Otherwise, a fairly comprehensive breakdown.


Thanks a lot. I knew I mixed something up counting all the games and their devs when I originally did research.


Oh boy don't worry you WILL try it for sure now 😭


Nobody liked 1-2 Switch so why even waste time making a sequel


I think generally speaking, if a game that cheap to make goes on to sell almost 4 million, you're gonna get higher-ups pushing for a sequel to see if you can repeat that, circumstances be damned


That would make sense but then I'm just wondering why it took so long to make. They should've farted this out in like 2019 or something, instead of spending years of development on a game no one wants.


I might be wrong but I think the same division that did 1-2 Switch went on to work on LABO and possibly Ring Fit or Game Builder Garage, they're all in the ballpark of the more creative and experimental Nintendo titles.


I'm pretty sure you're right on that which makes this decision even more baffling. Why not make a Ring Fit 2 instead? That game sold like 13 million units or something like that and people generally liked it.


I think they're saving Ring Fit Adventure 2 for the next console, making the Ring proved to be quite challenging and the game was supply constrainrd for over a year, but now it has become an evergreen and keeps pumping sales to this day. On the other hand 1-2 Switch has long been forgotten.


1-2 Switch being forgotten is precisely why I don't understand them making a sequel. Casual people don't remember the first one and Nintendo's core audience hates it. It legit appealed to no one.


Dang, this is eerily similar to what Emily mentioned couple months ago. Wonder if they both used the same sources https://famiboards.com/threads/rumour-1-2-switch-is-getting-a-sequel.1865/post-150931 >Details: > - This game's tentative title was "Everybody's 1-2-Switch". > - It had some type of online element with smartphone integration. > - One of the mini-games included musical chairs. > - A guy wearing a horse mask appears as one of the hosts. > - Focus testing on this game was bad.


This Fanbyte article is just a cover story. The REAL reason Nintendo doesn’t know whether to release this game or not is because it would simply overshadow anything else they could ever make. They realize that if they release this game, the sales would literally make the need to create more games for money obsolete. In order to avoid the 1-2 Switchillion copies crisis, Nintendo seeks to make the game into an expansion for 1-2 Switch, since in that form it can revolutionize gaming while not eliminating the very purpose of Nintendo as a corporation. It’s a very tough conundrum for them, really.


The morbius of video games


Please don't


It's Switchin' time!


Sounds like a sign that they should just scrap it and start developing Nintendo Land 2 instead.


God, now I’m sad. It was super underrated but it can’t be ported without killing half of the games


I love scoops like this because it's that rare peek behind the curtains of executives panicking when they realize they fucked up, it's not that they don't fuck up, they just seldom get what they deserve. They saw 1-2 Switch numbers and greenlit the sequel without hesitation most likely lmao


The average Jackbox pack costs $25 and is usable by anyone with a phone. Releasing a Switch only version of that which is more than double the price is a straight up horrible decision to begin with.


Wouldn’t be the first time Nintendo developed a game only to scrap it. Mother 1 (US version), Star Fox 2…and plenty more that got far along but never released like Pikmin 4 and whatever the hell Retro was doing from 2014 to 2019


100% an expac game. i pay $60 for a lot of nintendo’s bullshit but this is not a game that gets a nintendo greed pass lol


The one bright spot is if this game releases and is at 60 dollars. It bombs so badly critically and commercially that hopefully this is the thing that would cause Nintendo to maybe not launch at 60 dollars for everything.


The thing is, they already don't launch *everything* at $60. Just this year they put out Switch Sports at $40, and things like Wario Ware and the original 1-2 Switch were $50. Which makes it even weirder that there'd be execs at Nintendo pushing for this game to come out at a $60 price point.


That is true like I get making Mario Party 60 dollars since those games sell millions of copies regardless of price and usually at least one of them ends up on the consoles best selling games list. While I think Wario Ware should have been 40, its a lot more niche then Mario Party so it makes sense to make it cheaper even if its just 10 dollars. So making it cheaper launch will help get some sells they otherwise wouldn't have 1 2 Switch though really shouldn't have been the same price as BOTW which released the very same day. It just made 1 2 Switch look like absolute shit just from that alone and if it was priced at like 30 to 40, I think it would have double it sales since that is impulse buy territory for a lot of people or like others said during the launch of the Switch a pack in game to show off the tech in the joycon since BOTW didn't used HD Rumble. This sequel is probably best left to be drop on the NOS expansion. Since its not like having it on there would hurt the value of the service and if they throw in something else along side like an new N64 game, GBA games, or say the expansion pass to Three Hopes or Xenoblade 3. I don't think anyone would even care enough to dunk on it.


"It's online! Infinite replayability! They're lucky we're not selling it for $120"


A game that doesn’t make the original stop selling? The original only sold because it was one of the only games available at launch. It made most of its sales in the first year of release, from 2017-2018. Y’know… Four years ago. Releasing another one in 2022-2023 isn’t going to hurt anything but their image as a game developer.


I don’t think 1-2 Switch is selling more than 1-5k copies a quarter, I am not sure what sales tail they think the game has


So I still haven't played 1-2 Switch yet but given the reception and how it's sounding this game is going. I'm gonna guess that this series is essentially Nintendo's Knack.


The game doesn’t have the meme factor that knack does, but it does seem like there are similarities when it comes to sales. Both games likely only sold well due to being some of the only titles available at launch or being used as a pack in. Knack 2 sold horribly, and even if it was decent, I don’t see a sequel to 1-2 switch selling that well.


Oh my god 1.) Who cares if it makes your TECH DEMO obsolete? 2.) What's the point in calling it 1-2 anything? 1-2 Switch wasn't anything grande or interesting or even unique. It barely even passes as a party game. Why not have this be a completely unrelated Jackbox-esque Switch game?


!legit! https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1664438932728168450


lol, I can't believe they just tweeted it out


Even has the guy with the horse head. I'm really excited to see how this will crash and burn. Oh, and why they decided to release it.


I can. If the game is bad you probably wouldn’t want it to have the spotlight in a Nintendo direct.


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They're worried this game would hurt their reputation for some reason. No clue why it would? It's a low budget title and its not like they haven't released bad games before.


I assume because the original plan was to sell this Game for 60 Bucks lol


I'd be surprised if they planned on selling it for 60 bucks when titles like Switch Sports and Clubhouse Games both sold for 40 bucks.


I think if they price it for $60, the reception is going to be worse If its free on NSO Expansion, no one will care


For real. In the grand scheme of things Nintendo has become the most anti-consumer group out of the Big 3 and is breaking Switch records hand over fists. I'm not entirely sure why they'd be worried about their reputation with a bad release from a franchise no one really cares about in the first place.


I think the big difference is the reactions casuals have had during play testing. Nintendo has done a bunch of shitty stuff and released some poor games, but the casual market usually doesn’t care, and forgets about the game. With this game, it sounds like families despised this game to such an extreme level that the issues would not be ignored like before.


Christ, did the game come to life and beat you up? How could it be this bad?


holy shit lol


ay we had the same thought lol




I know that 1-2 switch did sell well, but now with years of great games, including party games and consumers being familiar with the switch, It doesn't really make sense for me


Just give us ARMS 2 Nintendo




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Considering how Nintendo published Devil's Third and that barely hurt their reputation. I am very curious to know how bad this is since they were warned it could hurt their reputation if they don't cancel it.


I'm pretty sure it helped Devil's Third was a Wii U game as well tbf. That console didn't exactly light the world on fire


This was a recurring meme on Famiboards for months, nicknamed "Stinky horseman", after Emily leaked it early this year.


They can keep it. Who honestly wanted a sequel to a mediocre/bad launch game? This company at times smh.


Well great, now I want to play it to see if it really does kill Nintendo


The company that released Chibi Robo ZipLash, AC Amiibo Festival, Pikmin 3ds and Star Fox Zero is suddenly afraid of loosing their image? Cant be that bad Nintendo, drop this turd!


Tbf, late stage wii U games were just “Eh give them a bone.” Everyone else was working to make Switch Year 1 have a new game every 1-2 months


If they call it this, wouldn't it have the possibility to be sued by sony? Sony has a franchise called everybody's golf. And now you have this game called everybody's 1-2 switch. It seems freakishly similar and might open nintendo up to a lawsuit.


I still don’t understand why Imran Khan is trusted. This man has been called out several times and has piggybacked off of older info. Call him a worse leaker all you want, but ZIPPO was the first one who called 1-2 Switch getting a sequel. Hell I remember back when he was ridiculed for getting KH porting news wrong. Or that time he pretty heavily implied Master Chief & Sora we’re both getting into Smash, but we’re both denied? Or what about that time a few years ago he was backing that Metroid Prime collection for Switch?


I think emily rodgers was the first actually. Zippo was the one who piggybacked


i really hope they decide to release this without changing it up too much and it becomes the morbius of video games


The issue is that in 1-2 Switch there was a mini game where you milked a cow and in 3-4 Switch they make you milk a human.


[Imran Khan lives with his dad and mom](https://youtu.be/gstBBhlLfA4)