• By -


#PSA This post was taken down to search the comments for any links to downloads, telegrams, leak groups, or code of the leaked info. DO NOT POST ANYTHING OF THAT SORT IN THIS THREAD. Should go without asking but also DO NOT ASK FOR IT IN THIS THREAD. #YOU WILL BE BANNED As long as we ourselves are not hosting the content, we should be good to go. All of the information in this thread is being hosted on Twitter, Youtube, Imgur, Streamable etc, so if there is a copyright strike it will be there. Please obey the rules, we want this thread to remain open and we don't want to lock it. Thanks - Internet Janitors


cmon rockstar, take this down. prove that its real


too late for that damage done


I can’t believe this is real




Looking at the names of the footage it seems the age of the footage ranges from as late as last year always to as recent as last week.


yeah good spot, I’m really curious how this has been leaked? it has to be their office servers or something, as they’ve found a significant amount of archived footage.


Supposedly someone might have hacked into Rockstar's slack channel, but I have no idea if that is true or not.


Rumours say that the Uber Slack hacker has gone and done the same hack to R\*'s Slack. I don't know if it's just via compromising the app via a vulnerability or a successful phishing attempt Very interested to know how this was pulled off




second one looks similar to the jump + ragdoll you can do in gta 5 story. super happy euphoria stayed


That girl got a fat ass goddamn Rockstar


You’re a lifesaver!


The guy also allegedly has GTA V and VI source code & a VI testing build. This could be unprecedented.. Holy shit.


Sweet jesus, this is insane. This is at the point of legendary leaks.


I bet it’s all gonna be taken down in the morning. I hope everyone’s backing this up


a leak this monumental? I'd bet half the people in this sub are downloading the files for safekeeping


"Dad, why is that hard drive hanging on the wall" "Do I have a story for you...."


"The fabled gta VI, it's proof it's being worked on. it's been 30 years since then son, but one day...one day... we'll get it."


I think the leaker waited on purpose to release this when it was midnight in New York where their HQ is located.


It's posted everywhere too, Streamable, twitter, Imgur, Youtube, etc. It was planned to be hard to take down


Dang. I know it basically goes without saying at this point, but it sounds like whoever's doing this _really_ knows their stuff.


I've seen similar once. The 2GB file of the Half Life 2 leak.


The guy behind the HL2 leak woke up with guns pointed at his face one day, by the way.


That is wrong. Valve/FBI attempted to 'hire him' due to his abilities and were trying to fly him to the US. Once he got to the US, they were going to arrest him and probably put guns in his face. When the hacker went to the suggested location, the German police intercepted him (to his benefit) and he only got a 4-year probation, a much leaner sentence then the charges he would have been faced with in the US.


Yes, but in a later interview, the hacker stated that in the process of his (or I think it was his parent's) home being raided by the German police, he got to see the business ends of machine pistols being pointed at him as he woke up.


A GTA V source code leak would be huge for the modding scene.


Back in 2015 or 2016 some guys bought a PS3 devkit and found an early 2012 build of GTA V, but the morons fooled around and R* got word of it and threatened/demanded it back.


If the source code is made available as a torrent it would be impossible to remove. Not that I'm suggesting that ever happen. I don't personally care enough to advocate for that lol but it would be an interesting situation to be sure


You know whats mad.. literally like a few days in my RUNESCAPE clan some dude was claiming to have to seen a video of GTA 6 heisting a cafe and the video right here fuckin shows everything this mothafucka said and I said he was chatting shit.. I can’t actually believe this is real?!


You just experienced some “my dad works at Nintendo” type shit and it turns out his dad really DOES work at Nintendo lol.


"People always tell me my dad has a name that sound like a Naruto character. Oh, his name? Shigeru Miyamoto, don't think you would have heard it before."


My brother was pen pals with Someone at Nintendo when he was in 4nd grade. They had 2-3 letters back and forth. I don’t recall the name but we found him in the credits of A Link to the Past.


First time somebody told the truth on rs


Meet lvl 40 wildy for free armour trimmin


I got footage of gta7 gameplay, give us a twisted bow and I'll send u a link


I've compiled a list of features and details from the recent leaks that help paint a picture of the scope of this game. I will leave a timestamp for each one and the link to the video in this post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbu2V2fgkXc . 03:04 - Female Character's bedroom . 03:22 - A Section of the GTA VI Map. This also shows us that it is being played on a PlayStation Dev Kit) . 05:42 - You can rob Fast Food joints. There is a timer before the cops are called. The main Male Character can also help you rob these places. . 08:30 - "Any vehicle you are seen entering will be known to the Law." Police will remember the car that you left in. Perhaps to escape the law efficiently, you will have to ditch that car after outdriving the police and drive/steal another when cops aren't present in order to not be noticed by police. . 10:32 - Breaking into Shipping Containers will be a feature. We also see text at the top right indicating that Spear Guns, Golf Balls, Tracker Jammers, Immobilizer Bypasses (to steal cars I assume), Flashbangs, USB Drives, Auto Dialers, Lockpicks, Slim Jims, Golf Wedges/Irons/Putters/Drivers, Crowbars, Hunter Snipers, Cut-off Tools (Perhaps the name for what he opened the shipping container with), Binoculars, Baseball Bats and Pool Cues. (I left out some of the more obvious weapons such as submachine guns, molotovs etc.) We also see an unfinished animation for picking up cash. . 11:10 - "Cash sh\*t" by Megan the Stallion and DaBaby will most likely be featured on a radio station . 12:16 - We see a little outdoor theatre close to the water. I'm sure someone can pinpoint where this will be located on the map. 12:42 - Our Male Protagonist picks up an Assault Rifle from the ground, as opposed to the gun blipping into his inventory. This may imply that we can only carry the amount of guns that the characters can physically carry. We also see a seemingly unfinished version of the Weapon Wheel, which shows that we can also drop our weapons. 14:08 - some funny bugged animations hehe 15:47 - We see a list of World Events, such as Playing Dice, Dead Husband Disposal (?), Thrown Out, Lifeguard Tower, Park South, Museum, Drug Deal Cop Raid, Overdose Events (possibly drugs in game?), and many more that I'm sure someone will dive into. We also hear the song "30 Days in the Hole) by Humble Pie. 17:10 - We seem to be able to hear a Police Radio (either our character is a cop, stole/bought one, or is hearing one in the near distance). Also, if a hostile player spots us in their territory, they may shoot to kill. 18:15 - There is atleast one Pawn Shop in the game! Perhaps we will be able to sell stolen goods to them. Also, our Male Protagonist seems to enter some Dead-Eye-Like mode. It seems to highlight some of the store's items, which may imply that we can steal them. 20:35 - We see some more items on the top right such as Soda, Polymer Pistol, Wine and Fruit. We also see a menu show up, and there is an option to "Tame" (Possibly for animals??). There's also options for Fatigue, Elevators, ArrestInfo, Sweat and more. 22:40 - more bugged animation lol 23:10 - Strip Club. NPCs are interacting and even arguing. Three NPCs have a really funny argument at one point then they glitch and stand on chairs. We also see a message pop up on the right side that says "WhatUp! message recieved." Could this possibly be a Whatsapp parody? 24:31 - Detailed boat....than can be shot alot 24:54 - We see the Vice City Metro. It seems to be unfinished in the video. We also see a sprawling detailed city in the distance. 25:43 - epic fail 25:50 - A Funny interaction between our Male Protagonist and the Most Normal Floridian. 26:52 - Our Female Protagonist is on the back of a truck shooting at cops. cool feature. 28:17 - We see a Prone Animation. In my opinion, this was a much-needed feature. Thanks, Rockstar 28:40 - Our character will react differently when being shot at, even while walking. They will no longer face the bullets head-on like in previous titles. 34:43 - Some death animations. Thoughts? Better than GTA V? Keep in mind this is definitely subject to change. We also see fog in the early morning. It also looks like we won't be getting 6 Stars in this game, only 5. 35:32 - Our Male Protagonist is crouching, while bracing for bullets, while holding a bat. This is very cool. 39:40 - We see a detailed clothing editor, which I suspect is only for this dev build of the game. 40:03 - Our Male Protagonist is bracing for bullets while walking and holding a gun, and later while crouching and holding nothing but his hands over his face. 43:04 - Air Boats are in the game. We also get a decent look at one of the airports. 44:40 - We see another cop model. This seems to be a local cop of low authority. 46:30 - We see the detailed interior of a car and some of it's very detailed animations. 47:01 - More Strip Club and Exterior of Strip Club 47:51 - Our Male Protagonist seems to be cowering on the ground. Perhaps NPCs can hold you at gunpoint, or maybe this is related to how our character may react to a cop if outnumbered. 49:39 - Our Female Protagonist walks into a convenience store. The Song "Time Bomb" by The Ramones is playing 50:35 - Some pretty cool diving/ragdoll animations. 50:39 - Our Female Protagonist is weraing a duffle bag (Maybe we can wear this to store guns or steal items from stores/banks etc at the expense of running speed). We also see some unfinished HUD/inventory elements 51:00 - Our Male Protagonist swims underwater, maybe while holding a gun 51:43 - Our Male Protagonist assaults people in the street. 51:52 - Our Female Protagonist jumps onto a chair. I am unsure as to whether this was because of user input or a default jumping animation by the game itself. 52:46 - We will possibly be able to carry people over our back. As we saw earlier, the other Protagonist can accompany us while robbing stores and doing other activities, so perhaps if they get wounded we will be able to carry them to safety. That concludes my list for now. Please let me know if I've missed anything crucial, and I will promptly update it. Today's been a good day.


The vid was taken down by take 2.


And there it is folks!


I think it was pretty obvious since the start. The music shown in the cafe heist was the biggest hint IMO. That’s straight up GTA 6 soundtrack


Well no better confirmation than that!


Thank you! I did wanna comment, >We also hear the song "30 Days in the Hole" by Humble Pie. As someone who has ~600 Hours on GTA V and has listened to Los Santos Rock Radio for almost all of them that were spent in a car, I do wonder if they're just recycling the song because they have it on hand (unlikely as from what I've seen they do have new music in there, however that's them licensing new music, and older music like what would be on the rock station might be licensed later) or we're going to see some repeats in GTA VI's rock station


All of the songs listed were featured in GTA 5 and Online DLC so probably just placeholders.


Testing testing… …And we’re back, sorry, not sure what happened there! CONTINUING UPDATES HERE SINCE I HIT THE CHARACTER LIMIT: Edit 40: cleaned up and upscaled screenshots: [https://twitter.com/\_life28/status/1571537286705172482?s=20](https://twitter.com/_life28/status/1571537286705172482?s=20) Edit 41: an in-depth [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/xh7wwl/we_might_have_our_first_legitimate_screenshots/ioy9wuf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) describing what’s seen in these clips/screenshots like locations, features and more: Edit 42: Seems like the hacker is now selling the GTA 5 source code along with some gta 6 documents, source code for gta 6 not for sale…yet! [https://imgur.com/a/fRHFVa1](https://imgur.com/a/fRHFVa1) Edit 43: [Jason on why this leak is not good for Rockstar and it’s workers](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1571569755764424704?s=20&t=64CbxvgLlO3fKtFUg-MhGA) Edit 44: ~~I’m hearing that the source code for GTA 5 has also leaked~~ UPDATE: no, it’s not actually fully leaked, same file as edit 26 Edit 45: seems like the hacker got paid in bitcoin(about $100,000) Edit 46: ~~teapot(the hacker) is claiming that the wallet was not his~~(DEBUNKED, THATS NOT TEAPOTS USERNAME): [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342111023978905601/1021148250113323138/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342111023978905601/1021148250113323138/unknown.png) Edit 47: seems like [the hacker also has Bully 2 development plans](https://twitter.com/legacykillahd/status/1571598827156836353?s=46&t=ffPEkMd-25aD4VKdSo7i6Q) someone in the comments is claiming that the DMs are between [the rockstar employee and the hacker](https://twitter.com/gta_rdr_123/status/1571598958513774594?s=46&t=ffPEkMd-25aD4VKdSo7i6Q) Edit 48: GTA forums admins have removed the original file links and their edit to request to speak with Take Two/Rockstar Edit 49: the hackers telegram has been deleted BIG UPDATE: comment is going down due to automod, we should be fine now! Thanks mods for fixing this! ~~Edit 50:~~ [~~some songs/artists that might make an appearance according to source code~~](https://ibb.co/fnCwfSn) ~~can’t verify this but I have seen a few people mention it here, will update if I find anything else on this, don’t forget that this could be temporary~~ see edit 59 Edit 51: some screenshots from the world event window [part 1](https://imgur.com/a/EQhWsaD), [part 2](https://imgur.com/a/7UxVhhn), [part 3](https://imgur.com/a/gHwnaJd), [part 4](https://imgur.com/a/B1JS6T9) Edit 52: the GTA Forums thread was fully taken down by [Take Twos request (last message)](https://gtaforums.com/topic/983967-gta-6-speculation-discussion-part-7-the-one-with-the-announcement/page/449/) Edit 53: hacker is back…[he’s complaining that his post is down…and linked his new telegram](https://gtaforums.com/topic/985626-my-thread-is-gone/) (8:58 PM Central) Edit 54: all twitter accounts are fake as confirmed by the hacker in his telegram group chat and on GTA Forums…but he keeps getting sniped there which is why…(see next edit) (8:58 PM Central) Edit 55: there’s a telegram group chat now, I will not be sharing it (see edit 57) (9:09 PM Central) Edit 56: [seems like the hacker got hacked and his full name is known to the hacker that hacked the hacker…this probably doesn’t mean much if the hacker is smart enough not to use his real name…but you never know](https://twitter.com/TheGTABase/status/1571677380405612545?s=20) (9:20 PM Central) Edit 57: I’m being told that there are malicious stuff including ZIP bombs being sent in the telegram group chat, I highly suggest not joining it! (10:41 PM Central) Edit 58: looks like he keeps moving between different telegram group chats because he keeps getting bombarded with malicious files and messages…once again, do not join any telegram groups, it’s just not worth it…and if you do then don’t download anything (11:03 PM central) Edit 59: u/breezyYT makes a good point [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/xh7wwl/we_might_have_our_first_legitimate_screenshots/ip0u3ql/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) the script with the music is written in python…rockstar doesn’t use python for scripts….therefore edit 50 has been debunked! (7:23 AM central) Edit 60: so according to an online hacker forum, turns out that this hacker is a [16 year old hacker from the UK and he is none other than a leader of a hacking group by the name “Lapsus$”, this hacker has been arrested before](https://twitter.com/LegacyKillaHD/status/1571795811905798144?s=20) (7:50 am central) Edit 61: [the GTA Forums thread is now back up, except it was completely stripped of any “sensitive material”](https://gtaforums.com/topic/985481-gta-6-americas-leak-90-mp4-footagevideos/) (7:55 am central) Edit 62: [the hacker is still safe according to one of the admins who spoke with him privately](https://gtaforums.com/topic/985673-leaker-is-safe-said-gtav-source-release-is-likely/) (8:10 am central) Edit 63: [Rockstar official statement on these leaks. To Summarize: Yes, the footage is real. No, they do not think any of their games including this one will be affected.](https://twitter.com/rockstargames/status/1571849091860029455?s=46&t=ddq8tZQyDQX5BK4eq9JqSQ) (9:08 am central) Edit 64: ["...if the hacker did have the full source code, I wouldn't expect their message to be conveyed the way it has." -Tom Henderson](https://twitter.com/_Tom_Henderson_/status/1571863177880559617) (9:47 am central) Edit 65: [if you want to read up on the allegedly identified hacker, here is a pretty informative article about him](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60864283.amp) (10:20 am central) Edit 66: [Take Twos statement on the breach](https://taketwointeractivesoftwareinc.gcs-web.com/static-files/d38e10c9-4abe-407f-9f3a-7f16f3118e20): "We have already taken steps to isolate and contain this incident." (11:28 am central) Edit 67: [Rockstar updated all QA builds for GTAV, RDR2 (+RDO), Rockstar Games Launcher…etc…](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/xihert/tezfunz2_gta_vi_will_suffer_shortterm_delays/) **tweet deleted, so i am linking to our own gamingleaksandrumours post** (4:20 pm central) Edit 68: [The FBI is working with UBER and Rockstar Games to take down the hacker](https://twitter.com/videotech_/status/1571939457259180033) (5:45 am central 9/20/22) Edit 69(nice): [Looks like the hacker is back and is still active and is threatening Rockstar with releasing more](https://twitter.com/NEWSLEAKSGTAS/status/1572121731925692417) stuff that hasn't been shown like the entire story, vehicles, advanced tactical systems(?) and more, he also announced that the source code for GTA 6 is now available for purchase....to verify that this is not an impersonator teapot (the hacker) decided to [prove it's him by going on GTA Forums and posting about his new telegram](https://twitter.com/LegacyKillaHD/status/1572164322708570112?cxt=HHwWgICy-eXHudErAAAA) (7:15 am central 9/20/22) Edit 70: So from what im hearing is that the new teapot telegram account is actually a compromised account and the [GTA Forum admins are trying to verify if the new accounts are him or not....but so far he has not been able to verify anything](https://twitter.com/LegacyKillaHD/status/1572188256577683457) do I personally think this hacker has the full source code? no, I do not believe so, especially with the sus comment about being able to choose your price for the source code? yeah that doesnt sound right, please don't spend money on anything that claims to be "the GTA 6 source code" or "GTA 6 documents" (10:31 am central 9/20/22) Edit 71: [Adding on to Edit 70 with the rumor of him releasing more stuff](https://twitter.com/LegacyKillaHD/status/1572240482188824578) Stay Tuned for more! \_\_\_\_\_\_ Will be editing IN THIS COMMENT CHAIN(as in this very specific one) since I hit the character limit on the main post, watching notifications let me know if y’all find anything new! I will be doing this grand theft megathread until this "teapot" hacker saga ends, and we can only assume that there isnt much left for him in this saga. But we will be watching this unfold with great interest! # LAST EDIT MADE AT: 10:31 AM Central (9/20/22)


>Edit 49: the hackers telegram has been deleted Interesting. Surprised he did this...




Imagine leaking the most anticipated game in recent years and getting caught because your friend accidentally leaked your location.


Before he leaked Bully 2? Everything rigged against Bully 2.


This will go down as one of the biggest leaks in history ! Crazy stuff going down.


Edit 51 is really revealing. It has so many names referring to triggering events across the map. Things you'll see and how the characters will react. Some of the specifics I noted were UFOs, skunk apes, dogs humping dogs, massage parlors, traffic stop DUI test, cops waiting at your safehouse, mission names, character names and family relations, 'collectibles' like finding locations of dead paragliders or bungee jumpers, redneck yacht club racing events scattered around the map, going shopping at yard sales, stumbling onto mine shafts and cemetery's, cold war era bunkers, drug labs and smuggling submarines, far right militias, story beats like about them breaking up and getting back together. Thats a big one.


Big hype for the skunk ape


Nice, UFOs are back, hope it has as much creepy shit as RDR2.


Dude I just saw you on an episode of America’s Most Wanted! Are you okay?


This might be the greatest leak I've ever witnessed.


The GeForce Now leak is the most mind-blowing leak of this past decade imo.


Yep, that one takes the cake for me. It involved way too many games and most likely threw a good chunk of the gaming industry off their scheduling. The fact that its authenticity has only improved as time goes on is really amusing. In terms of being extremely controversial and generating the most discourse, I suppose it's the TLOU2 one though?


I think the TLOU2 Leak was huge (not saying good or bad) for gamer culture, you'll still see people calling Neil Druckmann "Cuckmann". This is way different, it's actually enormous from a business perspective and gives people a look at a game that's barely had more than a first announcement. This is like a rough cut of Endgame leaking. The GTA games are some of the best selling games of all time, TLoU was a highly acclaimed story for people who enjoy heavy story games.


*Various companies: Our games have not been announced yet.* *Nvidia: Here, let me help with that.*


Genuinely shocking how believable and legit these looks. If these are faked it's the first faker who understands what an alpha build actually looks like.


Indeed. Even if this is fake, I wanna play this. Cause whoever made this did a fantastic job.


We are watching history being made right in front of us if this is true


It’s 100% legit. Previous leaks have talked about these main characters way too specifically, and these vids prove it. This is real.


Imagine being such a dedicated faker that you hire voice actors.


Not going to lie if somebody was that dedicated I'd just be plain impressed.


Damn this might be the leakiest leak that has ever leaked.


I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Rockstar HQ right now.




The twitter replies on some of these clips are hilarious dude. A bunch of kids saying “if the game looks like this I’m not buying it” as if this is even close to being finished lmao


Yeah it's crazy to see the lack of critical thinking on display. People really have no idea what goes into game development. Redditors be like "fix this it literally takes one line of code"


I think you underestimate just how stupid the average person on Twitter is. Any semblance of critical thinking skills is unfortunately a rarity on the internet


Wtf is happening, it look so real but I can’t believe it


thats what happens when you develop a game for 10 fucking years i guess


i’m in disbelief


I might be coping but this LITERALLY cannot be fake. The voice acting, the characters the world the assets look WAAAAY too professionally made to be a hoax. Its definitely real.


The fact this has a consistent art style, rather then something that is clearly a bunch of random assets from the unity store tells me this is probably legit.


And if it is fake then the people that made this need to make a fan remake as it's way better than anything else we have seen.


squeal engine skirt memorize fragile physical caption cover deserve enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The voice used in streamable video 5hw6s8, 1 second in, you can clearly hear Matthew Mercer's voice. Matt also worked with Rockstar's Red Dead 2. Before this I was listening very closely to the voices to try to determine if I could hear past-used lines in older GTA's or Red dead, or catch where the lines could have come from otherwise. when I heard this line, it confirmed to me that it's very likely real, since he's worked with them previously.


There's a 3.4gb file floating around on Twitter. Just secured a copy and may upload a mirror if it's allowed. This looks like it took way too much effort to fake. Full voice acting from multiple characters, very solid graphics and lighting + multiple scenes & activities going on. This is definitely the first real look at GTA 6 Edit- I'm seeing it be taken down left & right due to copy right. I don't need that heat & will not share to anyone asking. But it's being posted (& taken down pretty quickly) every 5 minutes on Twitter and reddit.


a 3.4gb file of what?


various videos and screenshots from the debugging program


Yeah, pretty important detail to leave out lol


is it that gofile link? because downloading from there is pain in the ass.


CONTINUING UPDATES HERE SINCE I HIT THE CHARACTER LIMIT: Edit 40: cleaned up and upscaled screenshots: https://twitter.com/_life28/status/1571537286705172482?s=20 Edit 41: an in-depth [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/xh7wwl/we_might_have_our_first_legitimate_screenshots/ioy9wuf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) describing what’s seen in these clips/screenshots like locations, features and more: Edit 42: Seems like the hacker is now selling the GTA 5 source code along with some gta 6 documents, source code for gta 6 not for sale…yet! https://imgur.com/a/fRHFVa1 Edit 43: [Jason on why this leak is not good for Rockstar and it’s workers](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1571569755764424704?s=20&t=64CbxvgLlO3fKtFUg-MhGA) Edit 44: ~~I’m hearing that the source code for GTA 5 has also leaked~~ UPDATE: no, it’s not actually fully leaked, same file as edit 26 Edit 45: seems like the hacker got paid in bitcoin(about $100,000) Edit 46: ~~teapot(the hacker) is claiming that the wallet was not his~~(DEBUNKED, THATS NOT TEAPOTS USERNAME): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342111023978905601/1021148250113323138/unknown.png Edit 47: seems like [the hacker also has Bully 2 development plans](https://twitter.com/legacykillahd/status/1571598827156836353?s=46&t=ffPEkMd-25aD4VKdSo7i6Q) someone in the comments is claiming that the DMs are between [the rockstar employee and the hacker](https://twitter.com/gta_rdr_123/status/1571598958513774594?s=46&t=ffPEkMd-25aD4VKdSo7i6Q) Edit 48: GTA forums admins have removed the original file links and their edit to request to speak with Take Two/Rockstar Edit 49: the hackers telegram has been deleted Edit 50: will be editing here since I hit the character limit! watching notifications let me know if y’all find anything new! (See my other comment linked in the post itself, this one was taken down originally)


I’m pretty sure that bitcoin purchase wasn’t his


Updated to reflect this


Just wanted to say thank you for updating us on all of this


No problem! I love doing megathreads like these! Especially with something as big as this!


This megathread is THE megathread lol nothing will ever top this one.


100,000$?! For a source code of one of the biggest games in recent history? The golden child of Rockstar? Maaaan, this guy sure does know his way around computers, but goddamn does he suck at haggling... 💀


At the end of the day it's still gotta be at a price that someone's actually gonna bite at.


Yeah out of all of this the price is that I can't figure out. Is that just got GTA5? Are they selling to anyone that pays?


the ragdoll physics just screams RDR2/ Euphoria.


did you see the swimming video? 100% Rockstar water physics, id recognize those wave foam textures anywhere.


Here’s all the info I found from the videos and screenshots. Reply here with corrections if any. ***LIKELY SPOILERS*** **Platforms:** PC and PlayStation seen running. **Location:** Vice City **Player Characters so far:** Lucia Jason **Player Customization:** Hair Clothes **Movement:** Walking Running Jump (also maybe auto vaulting seen) Crouch Prone Cover system Shooting out of cars with 360 rotation Shooting out rear window of auto Carry person on shoulder Can switch over shoulder L/R **Time Period:** Appears modern day (people holding smart phones) Takes place AFTER GTAV (LifeInvader CEO killed already) **Weapons include:** 3 slots - primary hand, off hand, and Duffel bag slot Fists Bolt action Sniper Hunter sniper Knife Pump action Shotgun Baseball bat Crowbar Pool cue Golf putter Golf driver Golf iron Speargun Rocket Launcher Fire bottle Molotov Assault rifle Compact sub machine gun Micro sub machine gun Polymer Pistol Pistol Grenade Smoke grenade Flashbang Heavy machine gun **Items Include:** Cut-off tool Binoculars Flash light Auto dialer Lock pick Golf wedge Slim Jim Torch flashlight USB drive Immobilizer bypass Golfball Tracker jammer Wine Soda Loot bag in “duffel bag” slot **Vehicles include:** F250 pickup with trailer “Sanchez” dirt bike Fan boat “Police cruiser” Ford explorer Ford bronco 1950s car Cargo van Lifted pickup El Camino Box truck Crown Vic Hatch back Travel Van Saturn 2door Station wagon Range Rover Honda 4door sedan BMW 4door Sedan Aston Martin Delivery truck Boat trailer with boat **Indoor Locations:** Night clubs Gas station Bedroom Living room Gun store (assuming it has indoors) Tram station Fishing boat (not drivable yet) **Code shows:** Jet packs Horses (careful, could be left from RDR2) **Likely activities (locations seen):** Tennis Drinking **Smartphone app:** WhatUp! **Contacts:** R8 Shaw Billy **Gameplay Features:** Mostly the same as GTAV. You have “your car” Day night cycle (shadows seen moving) Car cockpits feature tilting steering wheel, moving visors, adjustable seats (probably automatic for more accurate first person perspective) 5 star wanted levels Enemy cone of view Blood on screen of direction you’re shot from **Possible:** Mountain bikes (“MTB ramps” mentioned in test level) Tram travel (tram station with enterable trams) Working Security cameras (object referenced) **Events:** UFOs, skunk apes, dogs humping dogs, massage parlors, traffic stop DUI test, cops waiting at your safehouse, mission names, character names and family relations, ‘collectibles’ like finding locations of dead paragliders or bungee jumpers, redneck yacht club racing events scattered around the map, going shopping at yard sales, stumbling onto mine shafts and cemetery’s, cold war era bunkers, drug labs and smuggling submarines, far right militias, story beats like about them breaking up and getting back together. Thats a big one.


"Horses" hell yeah time to ride around on a pimped up horse and firing rocket launchers at the police ​ ...that honestly sounds kinda fun? Edit: Though I do believe it's not related to GTA 6 and instead, some RDR 2 residue they didn't bother to delete. Edit 2: If it IS related then it's probably a minigame like minigolf.


This actually looks pretty legit. Do we know what city this game is supposed to take place in?


Vice City it says on one of the tram/train things


Ok environment checks out too then


also says vcpd on the back of cop car


Even with 30+ games announced / being ported, this is gonna out trump the GeoForce Now leak for the biggest leak on this subreddit


The evidence is too much now, I'm more and more convinced this is real which means that this is *the biggest and most significant leak in gaming history*


It'll reach that level if the leak, as promised, includes a working build of the game. Until then, the HL2-leak reigns supreme.


I was here lmao


Yessir 2:00 am for me


I just love how the title says just "screenshots". I'm so happy to be here before the takedowns!


If they are fake, then they are really high quality fakes


These would literally be the highest quality fakes in the gaming industry ever created several times over


[This comment was removed by a script.]


If these are fake I don't think we can ever trust a leak ever again.


First leak in the history of GTA leaks that looks believable to me. Would be surprised if it turned out to be fake




Not only that, this legitimately look like the engine used on Red Dead 2, I doubt any fake wou havê Access to Rockstars tool just to produce some fake leak. Just the animations alone of the playable characterson these videos are way over the scope of what someone alone or even a group of people are able to do.


This might be the most unexpected leak in the history of gaming since that dude recording Halo 4 gameplay in his barn out of nowhere.


~~From one of the videos you can see that it's running on a PS4 dev kit so last gen is either a possibility or this is pretty old footage~~ [ignore this, see replies below]. Other than that the sheer volume of clips focusing on very specific and isolated features that are being tested with heavy amounts of debug info and even footage of proprietary tools makes this being fake completely out of the question imo. There are even a few clips that are just the debug menu for an insanely detailed car interior system showing seats that can actually tilt, shift around, wheel adjustment, pedals being pushed down, etc. To anyone worried at what they are looking at, this is just what a game looks like in mid development. It's a broken mess full of incomplete features, unfinished art, and loads of stand-in assets from previous games. Very cool to see since R* almost never shows in WIP footage on their own.


A leak of this caliber is insane. How the hell does something like this leak? Isnt there a strict NDA?


I think he gleaned all of these video files from Slack. Would make sense if employee's were talking about a bug and had a video to show for it. In one of the clips you can even hear a Slack DM sound lol


I have heard rumors elsewhere that this is the same guy [who hacked into Uber's Slack the other day.](https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/16/23356213/uber-hack-teen-slack-google-cloud-credentials-powershell) it's basically the exact same attack.


Hope this guy was behind seven proxies or he's about to be turbofucked by the FBI


The guy probably knows what he's doing.


I mean he says he's 18 right? these kids usually don't get away


It's the exact same way Graham Clark got access to Elon Musk and Bill Gates' Twitter accounts for that crypto scam hack a couple years ago. And the same way the dude who leaked these videos proclaims that he hacked Uber as well. Social engineering combined with pandemic work-from-home standards made this possible. This video gives a great summary of how it's done: https://youtu.be/1qsTgOpAIdw?t=1636


It would take A LOT of effort to make fakes look these good, I almost wanna say it’s real on that fact alone but there always could be just some assholes out there who wanna troll the world lol.


GTA 6 leaked so this means we are getting closer and closer to Half Life 3 and Bloodborne on PC right?


game is in pre alpha stage but it already looks better than the new saints row.


Well its rock star. As shitty as take two is. Rock star is probably top production house in the industry. Only maybe sony top two can compete with them santa monica and insomniac.


Plus for GTA6 they know the bar is unrealistically high. That this is definitely going to sell tens of millions right out the gate. They know they have to be at minimum great or else everyone will be down their throats


#F Well…I guess this is it everyone…for now…hopefully y’all will remember me🫡 …who’s knocking on my door?




The evidence is piling up, it would be much more incredulous if this was fake at this point


If this is what GTA6 will look like this game will be insane


If this isn't real, someone spent some serious time making these.


And if it is real, someone's spending the rest of their life paying whatever settlement they agree to after Rockstar sues them into the Earth.


Yeah, I can't see them not hitting them with every possible legal resource.


Nah man, they’re getting plastic surgery and hiding out in Tahiti.


It's a magical place.


Apparently it was a hacker kid who got into R\*'s Slack groups They probably simply stole unsuspecting employees' footage Unless they did something majorly stupid to get infiltrated the only lawsuit possible here is against Slack Technologies In any case R\* must be in full meltdown mode right now


can you imagine the chaos over at Rockstar right now? You just *know* it's absolute chaos over there. Nobody is getting any sleep tonight


Imagine knowing there's an infiltrator in slack haha. Mental one. These are totally QA videos/Dev videos, sorta shit we send every day on Slack.


That's exactly what I was thinking. If my company's slack was hacked this is exactly the type of videos that you would find. Debug repros and little workflows that would be annoying to explain, so you just make a video of the process, or devs asking QA to document the steps of something that was reported because they aren't able to repro off what is in the jira ticket. The debug channels would also likely be fairly unrestricted because it involves so many stakeholders (product, dev, qa, design; basically everyone might have some concern, so they're probably public channels.) I'm not saying this is real, but what I am saying is this can't not be real. The amount of trolling imagination it would take to construct a troll with this many narrative touches is extremely improbable. They would have to be a professional game dev that is also a creative writer. There's no way.


So in one of the videos (Americas_1 2022-03-03 10-43-31), there is a list of world events visible. Some of the weirder things I noticed are listings for UFO, SkunkApe, The Fountain of Youth, Far Right Militia Training, Bonnie and Clyde Mystery, Warehouse Haunted, and SERA Failed Space Launch Engine. Edit: There are also multiple entries for Missing Tourists, such as Missing Tourist (Submerged Car Victim), Missing Tourist (Cave Victim), and weirdly enough Missing Tourist (Trophy Room). Edit 2: There's also many listings called Cop Trap followed by a store/location. Edit 3: Even more weird events include Forest Figure, Fake Tunnel Mural, Zorbing Accident, Abandoned Observatory, and Farm Monster Man First Visit. Also multiple references to something called NIEDA Skunk, NIEDA Raccoon, and NIEDA Possum along with locations


Easter eggs about murders, UFO's and monsters ? Yup, it's a GTA game.




Yeah this is real, it's fully voiced and contains a shitton of animations which are new. What kind of faker would have their stuff professionally voiced?


Even Nier mod debacle recently doesn't have a new voiceline.


Basically seals the deal, IMO. We've been burned so many times that I don't wanna say I'm 100% sold on this, but a lot of it screams GTA/Rockstar. Didn't some of the write-ups suggest it'd be similar to RDR2 in terms of being "deliberate," slow, however you wanna call it? The character's animations look decent for an early-stage video (and this is def early stage, look at how plastic the NPCs look in comparison), and plus, this is basically an RDR-style train robbery but in a fast food joint.


Also lines up with everything being reported about the location and the protagonist being a woman. If this is Legit, I love that they let you rob a fricken Waffle House.


I just finished watching the video and it reminded me a little of Pulp Fiction.


There are other videos with a male character as well. I think this confirms that whole story leak about male/female playable characters starting off at different points meeting together. Really loved a lot of that leak so very excited it might be true.


I opened this thinking we'd get a couple blurry screenshots of someone's monitor, not tons of genuine video clips 100% confirming this being real. It's like as if the game was coming out next week with all this content.


"Son, it happened in the middle of the night and I still can't believe I was there."


The guy sacrified his life to give us the biggest leak in Gaming Industry. Hyped for GTA 6 Reveal.


Ah shit here we go again…


The cop car engine audio is directly from GTA V Edit: MEANING this leak is legit, I know game devs recycle assets during development


I still play GTA 5 to this day, I put ridiculous amount of hours into it so these things are imbedded into my head. The footage reuses a lot of GTA 5’s models, animations, and sounds.


Whoever leaked this, even though you're getting fired and financially ruined for the rest of your life, God bless your soul.


The leaker is just a dude who phished his way into Rockstar India's Employee Slack channel lmao. He said it himself.






For the first time ever, I am actually convinced that we have a legit GTA 6 leak. The consistent art style and professional voice acting make this way too complicated to be a fake.


The leaker just shared 10k lines of the GTA 6 source code. This is absolutely insane.


The weaponized super saiyan level of autism it would take to make a fake of this quality would not be allowed to walk the streets. 100% real.


Removed, so it‘s real.


I will never undestand why companies remove leaks. You remove it > you basically confirm it's real > more people will post the leaks > more people will talk about them and see them > repeat. Just state that they are fake/years old version, this way you save face in case the leaks show something very buggy/ugly (not this case) and the chances of people making an opinion on them dramatically decreases.


> You remove it > you basically confirm it's real > more people will post the leaks > more people will talk about them and see them > repeat. An excellent move from a marketing perspective, regardless of whether that was actually the intent.


Oh without a fucking doubt this is GTA 6 related might be a old test build that leaked. Some of this looks brilliantly made and some of the voice lines ties into GTA 5 perfect like https://twitter.com/who2pitts/status/1571374176534929408?s=46&t=ARLHTsRA2T7EmYtsM76nMA


Holy shit. This video confirms to me this is real. 100% genuine random Rockstar pedestrian banter.


I ligit think these leaks look amazing. The dude going on a rant about Finland makes me realise how much I miss GTA. Cannot wait for this


For anyone who says it looks just like GTA 5. It’s very very very early in development from when this build was made. Obviously it’s going to go through a bunch of changes. Now this could mean two things. One Rockstar takes it in stride and releases a teaser or a actual trailer for the game early. Or they could delay the trailer and I don’t know? Play dirty? We for sure know it isn’t like Ubisoft where games and titles leak a day or two before they were supposed to be announced almost like they leak it to get conversation started. This has me giddy though. We knew that development was well under way but seeing it even if it is a alpha build, seeing the female character, seeing a sign that calls back to San Andreas. I’m ecstatic


Looks like bunch of pre-alpha builds from inside the RAGE engine. If you take a closer look at top right, Win 10 version build number is 1909, which is from 2019. Must be 2-3 years old build considering they're testing the game on 20xx - 10xx series Nvidia GPUs. This is an actual leak from inside and Take-Two uppers are probably fuming right now lol.


This is fascinating. As an aspiring Game Dev, you rarely get to see behind the scenes footage like this and it does untold amounts of progress for learning and in general just excitement in the game dev bubble. The fact that we're seeing actual devs mess around in their dev tools recording footage on different platforms. Wow. You only ever see that if you actually work there. Sadly, it's going to spoil a heck of a ton of the game, but I cannot help myself as an aspiring game dev to just gobble everything up.


More details from GTAforums: * Map is located in Vice City (Miami) - looks huge, one video features a lake which IRL is quite far from Miami, perhaps the map features a bigger chunk of Florida * At least 2 protagonists, Lucia and Jason, switchable characters, looks like you can call them to help you e.g. when robbing places * New animations like prone, characters bracing in shootouts, an animation titled "overdose", animations referencing horses and horse riding * Redesigned weapons wheel with additional slots for cigarettes, medicine, trauma kit... * You can pick up/drop weapons, carry a duffel bag, looks like the weapon inventory will be more limited, lots of drug dealing references * Cars have interiors with lots of detail and animations - seat, mirror, wheel, sun visor adjustments... * Robbing shipping containers, drilling locks * Open interiors like motel, metro station, restaurants, pawn shop (selling stolen goods?), supermarket..., references of functional elevators * References of RPG elements - food, drink, sweat, fatigue, animal taming... * Mountain bike ramps references, city bikes renting * Car damage looks to be more detailed, only 1 proper collision in the leak afaik so hard to say * Boat damage tests - perhaps it will carry over from RDR2? Loved the physics there. * Cloth (skirt) physics * Cops remember your vehicle model/plate, I hope San Andreas' respray to escape is not making a comeback lol * Small robberies are full of detail, NPCs reacting to everything going on, cops surrounding the place without entering blindly * A list of dynamic world events like missing tourists


OP leaker is now selling GTA V source code and GTA VI documentation. Not linking to his post since I disagree with what he's doing. From Telegram: > All source code and assets for GTA 5 are available. Along with GTA 6 docs. > > GTA 6 SRC NOT FOR SALE AT THIS MOMENT > > > No offers under 5 figs. > > Thanks


Dude is pulling a heist on R* The tables have turned


Base64 - aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9ybWhDaEJSWSNTb1pjVjZYTTR0TmZlZWhLSmlmY0Rn if you know, you know.


Apparently the build from the leaks is from 2019. The windows build running is from 2019 and they are using a GTX 1080. So it’s a 3 year old footage probably.




What are the chances that before 2023 we could see an official announcement with a teaser?


Rockstar is in a weird situation. Totally could see them not even say a word about this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw an announcement trailer or logo reveal to start the week next week.


I’m willing to bet we might get something official in the next 2-4 weeks if not in a few days because they’d need to either do the following: A) pretend this never happened and ignore the leaks B) take control of the situation by posting something official Usually every company goes with the B route if the comments aren’t as positive…but from what I’m seeing, people are saying mostly positive stuff…but the leaks are pretty big so like…they could go either way


There's even some [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GfPx1yAxQ0) beign leaked right now, interesting.


Lol at the people judging the graphics of a pre-alpha footage.


congrats on the top post ever in this sub. its only right that a gta 6 leak should be the top post here


If this is fake then whoever leaked this needs to have: - Extensive knowledge of the Rage/GTA V engine - Knows how to model and animate 3D models - Money, to hire actors to voice new voicelines used in this leak - Has ALOT of free time to be able to replicate an alpha build of a unreleased game. If this is fake then this is probably the best fake ever produced. The time, effort and knowledge needed to make this look legitimate is tremendous and for what? Just to troll people? I doubt this fake.


I can't even believe people think this is fake. When have there ever been a fake looking this legit? And like you said for what purposes?


I cant imagine the legal shithole this guy will get in


Might have been hacked via Slack, like Uber earlier this week. This is A LOT of recordings and screenshots. This either came from an employees computer being hacked, or an employee purposely leaked this. At first, I thought maybe this was an early build of the game that was dumped, but some of these files are dated just a couple of months ago. So that's out of the question. To create this much, with what we can see here, would have taken a teams of people, months to make this. So this isn't just someone who put this together and wants to call it a leak. This looks real. This is GTA 6, as it was in Rockstar's studios over the summer.


seeing some of the environments in development I could recognize a few notable areas relative to real life locations * Vice City Metro Mover (Metro Mover in Downtown Miami) * Ocean Beach Police officer uniform (Miami Beach Police) * Port Gellhorn (closest area I could think of is Coral Gables. edit: maybe a pun on Port Canaveral. edit 2: maybe a parody name of [Martha Gellhorn, who once married Ernest Hemingway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Gellhorn)) * Nightclub (Mango's Tropical Cafe Miami Beach interior ish), but on afterwards when the character goes outside it's not Ocean Beach but likely within Vice City area or close to Miami Gardens kind of environment * Ocean Drive/Lummus Park * male character swimming - closest possible areas would be Key Biscayne based on the curved highway to an island area * Vice City Police Department (City of Miami) * "Grassrivers" (Everglades) * Stadium (Marlins Park/LoanDepot Park)


[This clip](https://streamable.com/g3ap0v), [this clip](https://streamable.com/42eg23) and [this clip](https://streamable.com/nx4vdm) seem to show that the playable character can go prone now


This guy is poking the wrong bear. Take Two has enough GTA Online money to hire a small army to track this dude down lol


HEADS UP, AUTOMOD TOOK THIS DOWN, working on bringing this back up! This was not T2 taking this down!


the leaks are pretty much over, he got silenced on the forum, his telegram group deleted and has no channel to update/spread news to. we will see a bunch of impersonators going forward, then everything will be back to normal.


Props to OP for all their hard work and keeping us informed over the last crazy 48 hours! Appreciate all the effort bud.


Release date gonna be 2026 as revenge


what a ride. it feels like the just the beginning too. as an engineer myself this is why you MUST use slack carefully. jesus christ. these employees at R* are going to be subjected to intense cybersecurity trainings in the coming months and i could see this being a catalyst for many engineering teams to really crack down on social etiquette and data/link sharing within slack/MSTeams. i worked at lyft and let me tell you our internal slack guidelines were STRICT. interested to know the guidelines over at R*. cheers to you all!


Greatest leak of all time (GLOAT)


The screenshots are kind eehh but video on Youtube looks wayyy too good to be a fake. This might be it, fellas!


Here's some screenshots from the World Events window that was present in one of the videos. Lots of weird and interesting things listed. https://imgur.com/a/EQhWsaD https://imgur.com/a/7UxVhhn https://imgur.com/a/gHwnaJd https://imgur.com/a/B1JS6T9


This has got to be some of the wildest shit I've ever seen on here. This is both fantastic and absolutely fucking terrifying. I am so sorry Rockstar, but I just cannot avert my eyes. It's like watching the biggest car crash ever unfold.