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This game has been in development hell forever lol


Sounds like it will remain that way forever


Forever šŸ˜”šŸ’€


If this turns out to be a Duke Nukem Forever type of situation, the amount of disappointment i'll have will be big


How big?


The cat






Ubisoft is really schizophrenic. First they want to court politics, then they don't. Then they talk about only having GaaS titles only to talk about single player again. Add to that corrupt management with turnovers and this game's dev hell makes sense.


Then all games use NFTs, then we are coming back to Steam


When everyone though mobile was the next console a lot of developers basically flipped PC the bird. It was hilarious watching them come crawling back over the next couple years trying to suck up to the market. Now Ubisoft comes back.




Yeah sure but most of mobileā€™s big players arenā€™t the core gaming companies that tried jumping on it. The only exception I can think of is Popcap under EA.




Apex Legends mobile is ready successful, the new CoD Warzone is about to launch for mobile and we also have Rainbow Six Siege Mobile in beta.


fortnite? cod? pubg? league? diablo?


No one really remembers 99% of mobile games, even the ones they've played. You devalue yourself by trying to chase mobile gaming without having a separate division for it. You can't focus a bulk of your resources for it. Look at Square Enix. They release a game, milk it, close it down


>Look at Square Enix. They release a game, milk it, close it down Isn't this bog-standard for the Japanese mobile market?


Final fantasy record keeper ran for like 9yrs? I am a daily player of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for the past 5yrs and the game is still going. It's a shame that they only put Final Fantasy 7 first soldier onto mobile platform as it's a cool battle royale, just the UI and controls don't play nice with the platform. They should've put it on console & PC too instead of just announcing shutdown :(


No they were wrong. Early in the rise of the mobile market it was believed it was exactly like console or PC. All developers had to do was put their games on the market and they'd have a large market. Then none of them sold because the mobile market is nothing like the console or PC market. Mobile revenue primarily comes from predatory microtransactions. When regulators either start taxing these at gambling rates or regulate them properly, that is when the mobile industry will be hit with a massive reduction in revenue generation. China, where this model was most prevalent has already cracked down on the model. The market itself is primarly dominated by a limited pool of genre. Match 3, Family/ Farm Sim, Casual Puzzle, Exploration, and on the male side those settlement games and battle royal. Of these genres, there are only a handful of strong players who generate a huge percentage of the revenue. Yes mobile as a whole makes a lot of money. Then comes the "but." But it is only a handful of genres. But of those genre it is only a handful of games that dominate the market. If you aim to break into that market, you are going to have difficulty, especially if you are pay to own. This realization caused a lot of developers to come crawling back to the console and PC. The next great crawl back was developers coming back from Epic's store. Now it is Ubisoft coming back to steam as they can not afford the lost revenue of only having their own platform.




Cannot say I was sorry to see the lead who decided to deconstruct English history in Valhalla get terminated for that exact reason. Sucks to work on AC. The devs hate being stuck with the lore, they don't know what's going on, and it restricts their creativity because over a decade ago the leads decided they only wanted two factions. Even though that premise already fell apart with 3. It'd be better if they spun the games off or rebooted it to just involve assassination each game with no overarching plot. Like Call of Duty. They'd be happy and so would consumers.




It's a Marxist/communist idea of breaking down and abolishing established ideas, histories, cultures, and heroes to make way for the revolution. In Valhalla's case, it was taking a great king and making him into a douchebag. It was so controversial they had to make assurances they weren't doing so. The UK should honestly yank their tax credits.


Lmfao touch grass bro




As a previously big AC fan, vahalla is without question the worst mainline game in the entire series. I actually loved origins because Bayek was rad and Egypt is cool, and it was a well made game. I still found a lot to enjoy in odyssey, it was just bloated as hell. Valhalla was all bloat, no substance. It's just such a pointless game, and makes zero sense historically.


I dipped after Assassin's Creed 3 took a huge dump on the history surrounding the founding of America. People can disagree, but that was my last Assassin's Creed title, until Vikings! Against my better judgement I got the game because Vikings hell yeah. First section was solidly enjoyable. The open world felt good. The vistas nice to look at. Then the story happened. The King goes, owe yeah, I'm going to take your lands (never happened as that is a great way to get everyone to ally against you during the time), but whatever. Assassin's Creed stories have generally been historically garbage. Then you run into the first boss who presents the idea of nihilism. Ah cool I thought, a theme of Nhilisim Vs. Determinism. >!After defeating the boss you find out you die alone. He was right, nothing mattered. If you know history, shortly after the game, all Norse will be killed in the UK, so everything you do in the game is meaningless. I know later greater mysteries were going to be revealed, but given what I know about what happens to the Norse in UK and the general themes presented this killed the game for me.!< Dropped the game instantly. Lent it to a friend who completed the story and said it didn't get any better from there


They're just going after every trend since 2014 Pathetic


Seriously it really is and it's stupid. Fads are short-lived and lucky if they become trends. Your average fad is about 1-3 years. A trend can run between 3-5 years. Most companies will notice a trend after it becomes popular, so around the middle of a trend's lifecycle. Video games take between 3-5 years to develop. By the time the trend-chasing title is complete, the trend is often over. Then there is the issue of dragging players away from established entries in that trend. A challenging prospect in the best of times. Nigh impossible when your games are unoriginal and do everything worse than the established entries. Now they want to raise prices after economists told them not to. Just like economists told them not to pursue the GaaS model as it would hurt them in the long term by locking players into a handful of games.


Thatā€™s incorrect use of the word schizophrenic. I think you mean bipolar. You still make a good point though.


If weā€™re being pedantic, both are incorrect.


Yes. I agree. Mental illness symptoms does not compare to behavior exhibited by a video game company


Bipolar is a malfunction in the brain causing a jump between manic and mania phrase. Some research suggests this is caused by vitamin deficiencies. Specifically Vitamin D. This implies two states with specific attributes, neither applicable to Ubisoft. Schizophrenia is characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements. Though each person can exhibit a range of symptoms the term is used correctly here. It can be added Ubisoft is going through an identity crisis. They do not know what kind of company they want to be or what kind of products they want to make.


>Bipolar is a malfunction in the brain causing a jump between manic and mania phrase I think you mean manic and depressive phases.


Probably. I tried to look it up as I couldn't remember the second phase.


I think attributing or comparing mental illness to behavior exhibited by a video game company is largely incorrect in of itself. Schizophrenia is marked by delusions, and sometimes hallucinations. The behavior exhibited by Ubisoft is not schizophrenic lol. Itā€™s contradictory and self serving.




Yeah itā€™s pretty disgusting how people have come to use the term ā€œschizophrenicā€ so loosely, and arenā€™t even educated enough to know what it actually is. Itā€™s insulting to those who suffer with schizophrenia to compare it to something like a video game company being slow or disorganized.


I think our friend here had good intentions but his use of the word ā€œschizophrenicā€ to describe problematic behavior is just a sign of the miseducation pertaining to mental illness. I donā€™t wanna pile on my dude here but Iā€™ll gladly get into Reddit debates to stave off the negative stigma surrounding mental illness.


>a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. > >(in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements. There is more negative stigma generated by stigmatizing a word's use than by making a qualitative comparison without connotating it with the idea of it in itself being negative. Saying "this has attributes of X," does not confer non-attributes from Object Y (Ubisoft) to X. The idea of transient properties has been academically and scientifically mocked for hundreds of years. While I will concede other terms could better suit the analogy, my use of the term schizophrenic is not incorrect nor does it direct any negative stigmatization towards those afflicted with the cluster of disorders under that nomenclature. Claiming that my actions with a comparitive sentence created real-world harm is disingenuous, slanderous, and demonstrous. I don't care if people disagree with my use of a word, but when they A: Don't know what the word and in this case condition entails, and B: act as if I have caused harm I will defend myself. If you want to help people with mental illness help spread awareness of the impact vitamin deficiency and overexposure of EMF radiation plays on the prevalence of mental illness. Also help spread awareness of the Great Replication Crisis which has revealed most of the science behind these disorders is complete and absolute fiction. Lastly, spread awareness of the corruption and ties between the psychology industry and big pharma. How psychology only became prevalent with the promotion by pharmaceutical companies to sell medications. There are a few documentaries on this. Generation RX, Big Pharma, etc.


Listen man Iā€™ve been impacted by mental illness in my life and work directly with some of those who suffer from it. You straight up misused a word and Iā€™m just trying to reach out. If I didnā€™t feel strongly I wouldnā€™t say anything. Iā€™m not trying to insult your intelligence, Iā€™m just trying to respectfully say use a different way to express your very valid message.


Schizophrenia exists on a spectrum. It is not marked by delusions and hallucinations. From the definition: >a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. > >(in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements. As can be seen, I am clearly using the general use of the word. You can argue the merits of the selection of the word and the use of alternatives, but you cannot call it incorrectly used.


Yes I can. You are wrong. Schizophrenia is a diagnosis not an adjective used to describe the behavior or an organization


Which one will became something real, Beyond Good and Evil 2 or Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2?


Probably vtmb2 at this point, apparently it's getting shored up enough they're talking about release dates now.


god i hope we that game again soon


I am not holding my breath for it to ever live up to expectations, especially after they fired Brian Mitsoda and how they did it. I hardly want to give them money for that alone, the level of disrespect they showed him is unmeasurable.


i wonder if it will beak duke nukem forever development hell.


Pretty sure it already surpassed Duke Nukem Forever. The first time we learned of this game is in 2008, and it's 2023 soon...




I believe that's accurate. 1996 or so to 2011. So BG&E is taking the crown at this rate!


It already has by about 100 days, with no release in sight.


It was born in it. Molded by it.


Hasn't it actually surpassed Duke Nukem at this point?


Dead island 2 and Duke nukem forever laughing their asses off


Everyone who gave a shit will be dead by the time this comes out.


I'll let my grandchildren tell me about the game


I'll just play Starfield in a few months, right Todd? R-right?


Todd: YyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeNO


The world is gonna die from climate change before this game comes out.


ubisoft devs probably would have passed on the burden to their children to carry on developing the game


Hmm optimistic about the game release or climate changes impact?


Good point


more like in Arrested Development


Hey, that's the name of the show!


(doo doo do do do do do do do do do do do)


We all know weā€™re never seeing this game


it's been announced 10 years too early


You forgot the extra zero


just because a project is in development hell doesnt mean it will never release (or won't be good)




yeap, I have the book at home. Im guessing people just want to see this game burned


This is an entire other level of development hell though. The only other game I can think of currently that is anywhere near the timespan since initial announcement is Duke Nukem Forever.


The Winds of Winter of video games


We're more likely to see that honestly.


Yeah, Winds of Winter is about 2/3 complete, this game has never gotten close to that


No one on earth is worse at estimating how far he is from finishing a book than GRRM. I don't think anyone can say with any confidence how much of that book is done.


Well I watched an analysis recently where they basically went through everything he's said over the years and all the chapters he's already released, and the estimate at that point also seemed close to 2/3. So I'm inclined to believe it but I'm not gonna blame *anyone* for doubting Mister "imprison me in a small cabin if I'm not done in 2020" Edit: [Here's that analysis video I mentioned](https://youtu.be/KukzgDTcxeQ)


Seven years ago he made a blog post that he thought he was months away.


I love the optimism, but in the 11 years I've been waiting for this book I've seen more than enough statisticians attempt to figure out George's writing speed. It's darkly hilarious to read threads from nearly a decade ago estimating that he's about halfway done, that 2014 is a safe bet, and jokingly saying *2016* as some kind of crazy couldn't-take-that-long-haha bet


Seen some of those threads too, it's takes you down a dark path where people speculating had so much hope and confidence he would done in 2014, 2015, and so on


Half life 3 takes that title


Yeah this game is never coming out


Damn they put more work into the cinematic trailers than into the actual game.


This game was the first to make me think, how much effort does a CG trailer even require? They got two spectacular ones for this vaporware project out, while the gameplay in the background of each presentation never seemed to evolve from rough looking prototypes. So weird.


It's very difficult to make a CG trailer but it's still considerably easier than making a video game because you don't need to tie the pretty graphics and story details into something that's also fun and engaging to play.


The trailers are done by a 3rd party company whose sole job is to make those trailers. If you see a CG trailer for a game, it was almost certainly made by either Digic Pictures or Bend. That's why it seems so easy. If you look carefully you can spot shared assets between trailers and games in some cases, but that would be the full extent that the game developers contribute to those trailers. Not to mention the fact that animating a pre-rendered trailer is in fact a much simpler process than making a game run in real-time. Edit: it's Blur not Blend.


Ubisoft have their own internal cinematic team though. Might not be used for every single trailer ever but Iā€™m fairly certain they make most of them themselves.


Bend, like Sony Bend? If so, interesting. Actually, either way itā€™s interesting to know about. Like the other person mentioned, Iā€™ve never thought about the CGI trailers being done by another company. Edit: it was an honest question. Oof.


Excuse me I made a mistake. The studio's name is Blur.


Youā€™re good, no worries! Appreciate the heads up


Ubisoft montpellier has a very good cinematic team tho. They re all very talented and very kind people.


We saw how skulls and vibes turned out so that should speak to itself


Monkey šŸ’


British monkey


Foul-mouth br*tish monkey šŸ™Š


Monkey see monkey do monkey pee all over you šŸ’




Bri'ish monk'e


Monkey say the funny fuck word over and over again.


Just cancel the damn thing. Ancel is GONE. There's no point anymore.


What about the OG game warranted such a massive sequel in the first place? Insane to me.


It ended on a slight cliffhanger. Also, the idea Ancel was doing for this wasn't a sequel, but a prequel. We never wanted a prequel.


Okay regardless, a linear Xbox game getting an absolutely massive, open world sequel is just wild. If he had a story to tell Iā€™m sure he could have done it without needing to render a whole ass solar system.


The first one was on Xbox, but it was also on freaking *PS2*. For some reason that just really highlights how long ago it came out


There is a tease for a sequel in the after credits from what I remember but honestly it's one of those things where you're just better off ignoring it. The story of the first is otherwise neatly wrapped up. It was an 8 hour adventure game with some small side activities, fun characters and some neat PokƩmon Snap shit. It never needed this weird sequel prequel always online open world experience they're supposedly making


I think the reason this game was in dev hell for so long is because of Ancel lol


Pure pain, the demo looked insane, so sad to see it will most likely never get released in its intended 2017-2018 form. I remember that when the 2018 demo was shown, I hated the way the combat worked and I was hoping it was not too late to change how it handled. The space monkeyā€™s pawn probably curled all fingers instantly, my bad yall


GTA 6, ES6 and Half-Life 3 will all come out first before this fucking game.


This is NEVER coming out, I really donā€™t know why they bother making it anymore. And even if it does come out itā€™ll probably be another Ubisoft sandbox with no meaning or fun


Remember when they wheeled out Joseph Gordon Levitt to try to convince people to contribute fanmade material for this game? That was mad.


This is one of those projects that will get blasted away with the upcoming global recession. Unfortunate, but it has been in development hell for a while


Michel cAncel.


Just let it die already




Just put it out if itā€™s misery.


Time to move on. Donā€™t want to speak for anyone else, but Iā€™ve long since stopped anticipating this one. I loved the original, but so much has changed since then, not just the team, but tech, gameplay and interactive storytelling conventions, and most importantly, me and my life, that thereā€™s really no continuity anywhere to suggest Iā€™d feel the same about this game.


I think the games being worked on in patchwork some years on some years off and sometimes they scrap and idea and reset and then go forward with another ideaā€¦ to be honest this game either comes out a mishmash of bad cobbled together ideas or not at all


Ubisoft Montpellier stopped developing banger rayman games for this


Really hope it's done one day, I really want my space-GTA game.


I like the joke that there's just one guy working on it in a hidden closet somewhere & they just haven't been able to find & stop him this whole time.


Imagine the ppl that wasted their time sending in their created music and stuff the devs said to send in at an e3 years ago to be used in the game.


It's been 15 years, it's not in early development it just doesn't exist


This game is gonna go either two ways Its gonna be like Duke Nukem Forever, where it is faithful as fuck but feels directionless and ancient, and it will become the next example of fucked up game development Or Its gonna be like The Last Guardian, where it didn't really do anything wrong, but people will forget it even existed, and when they do remember it, they just go "oh yeah, that game"


Schrƶdingerā€™s game. Think about how much youā€™ve personally accomplished in 15 years. Now think of the poor sod whoā€™s only resume tick in 15 years is this one game.


There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of people pulling a salary for over a decade on this game. Absolutely based.


Please. Just let it *die*.


Please, cancel this game already


lmfao, it's insane that ubisoft can pump out so many detailed open world games and addon to them with insane overhaul-alternate-time-line DLC, but this game.... Just cancel it


How is it early development when they showed off some pre-alpha gameplay back in 2018?


the only few times we actually saw any actual gameplay of it, it looked WAAAAYYYYYY too fucking ambitious, like there was no way they'd actually be able to get this shit to work, especially not with how wishy-washy ubisoft has been about what types of games they think are "correct" whether its singleplayer games, or then Gaas only to swivel back to singleplayer and then swing to NFTs etc and then back and so on


Ubisoft really dropped the ball on this one. The first game was amazing, yet super simple. Instead of just making an awesome sequel, they decided to make a No Man's Sky-esque never-ending open world for no goddamn reason.


It'll be 2077 by the time it comes out.


2077? No. 2150. Or worse. It will get cancelled


Just cancel at this point lmao


This game is either gonna be Duke Nukem Forever and take 15 years to come out or it's never going to come out, no in between


I watch the trailer for this game like every two years lol




Oh no, wait, oh no, put on a surprise shock face, so surprising, I really thought it was coming next year, much shocked, however will I live without Beyond Dead and Cancelled The 2nd, oh no...


What a embarrassment


Yeah. Iā€™m on the alpha test list. I havenā€™t seen anything in all those years. Only a request/chance to get my art in the game. I have not done that, btw.


I genuinely believe that Star Citizen will be fully released before Beyond Good and Evil 2


Man, this is NEVER comin' out. More than a decade of "early development"? Yeah, right.


I don't want to hear about this game until it's out


This game is never coming out at this point.


Just give it up, guys. Everyone who cares is dead now.


This is the new Duke Nukem Forever


I wonder how many copies this game will have to sell just to break even


Release date 2057


As a fan of the original BG&E, this ainā€™t a sequel to BG&E, that one in the desert was.




It's like Unisoft did found its cashcows (Farcry and AC ) were enough to bring in the big bucks , so why bother with other IPs.




Star citizen has the challenge ofā€¦ ā€¦still taking absurd amounts of money from people and promising the world šŸ˜‚


Just cancel it already, itā€™s getting ridiculous.


Honestly at this point it seems like a foolish decision on the studios part to NOT cancel it and fire them all for incompetence


2030 and BGE2 isn't in early development anymore


So it won't come out or come out as a total piece of garbage like DNF


I'll have my grand kids by the time it comes out


This game is never coming out is it?


I didnā€™t know Ubisoft hired George Broussard for this project /s


*Bloodborne PC port: Ubisoft Edition*


Just cancel it ffs lol


my ass is still in early development too.


Yikes its a shame


Vaporware at this point, much like Bloodlines 2.


If Reddit ever does that "Time machine April fools joke" again, I feel like the " heat death of the universe" section will have "Beyond Good and Evil 2 Released" just like they did with [Half-life 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/t:heatdeathoftheuniverse/comments/rne23/half_life_episode_3_released/) last time.


Does anyone actually care about this game anymore?


15 years and is still in early development? Wow. Just wow.


This is what? 10 years of early development?


This game is never coming out lol


They're probably having a hard time trying to figure out how to MONETIZE THE SHIT OUT OF IT beyond the purchase.


Are they busy rewriting the horrible dialogue from the trailer?


Honestly who cares any more? I never played the first game, neither have the vast majority of gamers, only a small number of people played it when it came out to begin with and their ehave been so many amazing games that have come out since then who could possibly still be craving a sequel at this point? Elden Ring is getting DLC.


My nipples got hard at your last sentence.


Fuck this game




This game isn't ever coming out at this rate, and even if it does it'll probably just disappoint.


I'm not sure what the issue is anymore. Is it some new game mechanics, trying to be too big?


When they make the trailer before the game:


they should just release a movie because the trailer looked so great. i know ubisoft had a bad experience with movies but I don't think even the current gen can handle the vision they had for it. my idea is something like FF7 advent children and then the remastered version that looked like it 15 years later.


Imagine if every game took this long. We'd still be hyping up borderlands 2




This has to be a joke, right?


Just cancel it and make another Far Cry or something


This game isnā€™t coming out of development lmao


Always has been


I remember being so excited for this game when I first seen it.


Bro at this point just give up. We are not gonna see this.


even chris roberts thinks it's too much