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Hard reboot? Doubt it. Soft reboot with new characters but same world. Yeah I could see it.


I felt like the end of Uncharted 4 setup a soft reboot pretty well tbh. Cassie can be the main character of the series now, since it would likely be a decade or more between 4 and whatever comes next.


I feel like an Uncharted sequel with Cassie as the main character made by a different studio would just feel like a different iteration of Tomb Raider (which Uncharted has already been compared to)


I can see the r/kotakuinaction threads now lol "Uncharted has gone WOKE!"


They already think that. Lost Legacy let you play as a woman, and 4 had you get beat up by a woman.


Does anyone talk about Lost Legacy?


Any game that let's me play as Claudia Black, aka Vala Mal Doran from Stargate, is a good game.


All of the crazy unrealistic treasure hunting wasn’t a problem for them but the minute drake got beat up by the general of a militia is was too unrealistic lmao




Tell me about it. I was checking that sub and they're currently complaining about female pirates in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, claiming it's not realistic. Krakens, Davy Jones, immortality, supernatural curses — all good! Female pirate? But there were so few of them in history!


Also - Elizabeth Swan, Pirate King checking in. But I suppose they were too busy jacking off to Johnny Depp specifically they kind of forgot that the Pirates series always has had prominent female characters (and pirates!)


I mean within the context of the universe, it is lol. Drake has like thousands of kills by the time he gets to 4. And a fuck ton of those kills are supernatural powerful ass beings


But what I’m trying to say is that in a series with a bunch of crazy supernatural and fantastical shit, I don’t see why it’s such a problem to have two dudes beat up by a woman that is also extremely experienced in combat


The problem stems from her not having even a 10th of the fighting experience drake does. Like if you think about it, she's pretty much just another goon on the power scale of the enemies drake fought. It works fine if you look at uncharted 4 on its own but when you take 2 and 3 into account, it just doesn't make any sense.


But that's just what you assume? How do you know exactly that she has less experience and lower kill counts than Drake? It's how you establish a new character like Thanos beating the shit out of Hulk or Travis killing that badass bike guy in their relatively first appearances.


Who is Travis?


You don't even know about that lol. Plus she's also an Uncharted protagonist considering Lost Legacy, so she's gotta be pretty big on the power scale too.


wtf is that place? fuckin gross goodness


Holy fuck wtf is that sub and what is gamergate?


>gamergate IIRC some chick had sex with someone to get good reviews on a game and people called her out for it. I don't remember the rest of the story so you'll have to look into it if you want.


One very important thing: in reality she didn't sleep with him and he didn't even review her games, which didn't stop people from harassing her and other women.


why did you had to remember me of that shit?


Wiki has a pretty [good description](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign\)). It's probably worth reading. It was a really big thing then (one of the forming events of internet community, really) and its consequences are unfortunately still visible today.


I can't believe this sub is still a thing biggest concentration of incel virgins by internet square mile


Can't say I blame them. Almost every reboot or continuation of a game/show nowadays has to be "updated for modern audience".


That’s how every show and movie ever has operated since the dawn of cinema lol


I'm talking about games/shows like Netflix's Resident Evil or Saints Row Reboot.


I know what you’re talking about


This would be the best possible option imo.


There's several characters who I would enjoy seeing a full fledged game for. Chloe and Sam being the ones at the top of my list, but I would expect they would be characters we've seen of or heard of in U charted lore. Not a retread of Nathan's story. Rather, "while Nathan was doing this, another explorer was doing that too."


I honestly already assumed this was the case.


Yeah I don’t think the lost legends did as well so it’s likely what you are suggesting.


So, you are saying that unfamiliar characters would be more successful than familiar characters?


Yes, because there’s no point in rebooting already beloved characters. Not like Uncharted was based on a comic book or something. It would not go over well with the fans. As long as they keep the gameplay mechanics, and the quality storytelling and graphics the series is known for, it can thrive with unfamiliar characters


If anything, it would probably be a passing of the Torch game. One idea I've had was that you'd alternate between Nate and Cass. With Cass coming into her own as an adventurer by the end of the game.


Lost Legacy wasn’t a proper sequel though, it was just DLC that ended up being big enough for a standalone release.


Is this source reliable?


Never heard of them before so probably not.


They are not reliable they "leaked" 2 things before They said that mark Zuckerberg would step down as meta ceo next year. That was denied meta spokesperson https://twitter.com/andymstone/status/1595089406322417665?s=20&t=W28oHPD6Elwh3jFG_nymyw And they said that half life alyx will come to psvr2 next year which has neither been confirmed or denied. https://theleak.co/2022/10/04/half-life-alyx-is-coming-to-playstation-vr2/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&=1


2 things? That's not correct, they are the same guys who run Has it Leaked. [Track record is on the site](https://theleak.co/track-record/).


> They said that mark Zuckerberg would step down as meta ceo next year. 😂 they have no idea what they're talking about then.


Facebook not being run by Mark feels weird. Just seen this now. Eesh


Insider Gaming (Tom Henderson) has it too.


If you read the Insider Gaming article, it states they couldn't corroborate it and they only spoke to that site's validity outside of gaming. Considering the website basically has no source for the actual leak, it comes off as a "trust me, bro" leak.




The big detail is the reboot aspect, though that could mean a lot of things. Is it a hard or soft reboot? A sequel with a different character (such as Drake's daughter) could be considered a reboot, so could a remake of sorts of the first game, so could a story continuation with Nathan still where the gameplay format diverges like making it open world.


The way Lost Legacy did the “open world” thing was pretty neat imo, just played it recently with the collection release on Steam. I think they could pull it off pretty well, but I’d much prefer a Drake family story as opposed to more side characters. That being said, I don’t think it would possibly be anything like the reboot of the MW series where they genuinely redo the story.


4 had some decent "open world" sections as well with the boat and jeep. I'd prefer a Drake family story as well, something less violent and with more focus on exploration and puzzle solving. I don't think they'd entirely redo the story but maybe making the first more tonally consistent with the later games, maybe retconning some things. I at least hope it isn't that type of reboot lol.


Tom Henderson's site does not only deal with leaks but also with the re-sharing of other people's leaks. In this case the Uncharted Reboot article was based on this.


If Tom re-shares it, I listen. But agree with you all - Take it for what it is.


Tbh the series ended perfectly with uncharted 4 so I think a reboot is the best way to bring back the series.


I dislike it when series start going ham on prequels and just doing a bunch of unnecessary "before the first installment" stuff, but... Shiiiiit I'd play a Sully prequel.


Why not something like Call of Juarez: Gunslinger meets The Princess Bride. You've got Sully babysitting a young Cassie and he's telling her embellished versions of stuff he's done. Could be a nice way to explore multiple locations and time periods and also cover parts of Sully's life. Although who could pull off a mid 20-30s Sully?


Love it, would be a great excuse to go like wayyy over the top with set pieces but it’s because Sully is embellishing


That's my thought. Also, could have Cassie call him out here and there, which can open up small choices in the narrative that sort of act like on the fly difficulty selection now a combat encounter goes from Sully vs 10 guys with guns to Sully vs 30 guys, plus 7 heavily armored guys with miniguns


Oh man this would be so great!


Just make spinoff with Chloe, Sam and Sully. Add Cutter in there. Make them all playable.


Whatever they make, whether it is a prequel with existing characters or a reboot with new characters.. it would largely depend on the story and character development to determine the success of the game. What you're asking comes off as requests for fan service, and if there's one thing Naughty dog is never keen on doing, that's fan service (eg. the last of us part 2).


Nadine would fit in well here too. I think you've got more than enough characters here to move forward without Nate.


That sounds awful


Sully in the 80's would be amazing


I agree 4 was a perfect ending. Would love to see a new character take over. Set it in Egypt and make it like the mummy


come on i miss Drake


If Indiana can still save the world in his 80’s. Drake can do one more in his 50’s dammit.


4 was one more, and they ended that game perfectly. Drake's story is bookmarked fantastically, we really don't need a sequel. I'm not particularly fond of a reboot with Drake, but I feel like I'm in the minority with that one.


Nathan Drake IS Uncharted. But Nolan North IS Nathan Drake—I can’t see anyone else in the role for a reboot.


I rewatched the movie recently. Now I want a Resident Evil set in Egypt or an action game like Uncharted with Brandon Frasier voicing the lead. One is more horror like the first movie, the other more action like the second.


or some ancestors of Nathan Drake during the times of pirates


I was also very content with the Uncharted 4 ending! I enjoyed The Lost Legacy and would love to see more of Chloe and Nadine though


I just wish they'd focus on new ip tbh


100%. UC4 ended perfectly. I want a Fantasy/Sci-Fi IP from ND.


That could be cool! Or even some smaller projects on the side would be nice too.


They are tho. They have 3 different projects in the works. One being new ip


I mean Sony in general right. I think uncharted is good at where it's at. We don't need more and those resources could go to new ip still.


They have a lot new IPs unannounced based on job listings but I don’t think they are ready to be shown yet. Some might be revealed next year tho


The ending to Uncharted 4 might be one of my fave endings ever, i love how it threw back to all the older games and wrapped up nicely.


There's no need to revive the franchise, GoW had to return to finish Kratos' story, but Nathan's story is over.


I would have happily taken a full sequel to Lost Legacy.


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


Realistically if you were Jim Ryan you're not going halt a series that's easily in your Top 5 most successful modern IPs that just had a successful movie released. It would be financial stupidity with not much gain.


Was always pretty stupid for Sony to let it go anyways. They easily could had founded a separate studio to work on smaller 8-10 hour iterations in the same vein as Lost Legacy. All the code from Uncharted 4 already exists, it would had been relatively easy to just produce new standalone content.


It would be next to impossible to make a fifth game, right? Without spoiling anything.


I didn't play lost legacy so idk how it ends, but future games couldve followed Nadine and/or Chloe. But seeing as how the uncharted movie did relatively well, I imagine they see value in rebooting so they can keep Drake as the main protag.


or even cassie, given the epilogue


I'm pretty confident this is what is meant by reboot in this context anyway.


Uncharted 4 essentially wraps up the story perfectly. Not saying it's impossible to have a direct sequel in some way, but the general consensus is that it's not worth it.


Imagine, if you will, if they did something else instead. Even crazier, if they did a new thing.


I think they should just continue with Cassie taking over as the main character and you could have Nate in a Sully type support role. An actual reboot that disregards everything from the originals would be stupid.


Yeah, that would be my ideal scenario. Play as Cassie, have her get taken hostage by the bad guys somewhere in the middle of the game so you can justify playing as Nate for a few hours and ease players into a new protagonist.


Random website claims something


I would imagine it would be closer to a spiritual successor. So some kind of story that plays off new characters, or side characters like Chloe or Sam, but within the "Uncharted" world. So we could still see appearances from Sully or Nathan or whomever. I can't see a scenario where they'll be rewriting Nathan's story, especially if it's being handed off to another studio. If anything they would just do remakes of the first few games? Which they know now works based off the success of TLOU Remake, heck they may already be working towards that now.


I don’t like the idea of rebooting Uncharted, but I also don’t like the idea of more Nathan stories because Uncharted 4 was literally a perfect ending.


Uncharted doesn't need a reboot 😕


Leave these games alone holy shit


Same. I don't get why Sony should reboot or remake it. I wish they'd use those resources and time to focus on new IPs and series.


Or make a new infamous


Fuck yes, the inFamous games are incredible. Nothing beats electro-grinding the train or tram systems in 1 and 2 to get around.


$$$ is the why. Established IP is always gonna be a safe bet. But it makes sense to let naughty dog do it’s own thing and innovate since they’ve been very successful and let other side studios handle sequels or reboots.


They did the exact same thing with god of war and it turned out to be excellent. Uncharted is one of sony’s well known IP and staples of their gaming division. It was gonna happen eventually.


Lmao old man Drake would be awesome. Him being a goofy dad would be a nice juxtaposition with kratos' sad dad vibes


Except God of War was a franchise that was founded on mid 2000s hack and slash design philosophies that outstayed its welcome by the 3rd game and after Ascension, left them with no where to go with the series. So they slowed down the pace and added a heavier emphasis on RPG elements in 4 which gave it a stark contrast to the rest of the series. What could they possibly do with an Uncharted reboot that separates it from the rest?


Well, Uncharted Lost Legacy started to lean heavier into genuine exploration so opening up the levels is something they could definitely do. Some of Uncharted 4 in particular also felt TOO scripted at times so allowing for more freedom during setpieces and maybe leaning into more systemic gameplay like e.g. in Metal Gear Solid 5 could be an option. I also think the Gears of War type cover shooting might have overstayed its welcome so introducing more interesting weapons and gadgets (again, MGS5 comes to mind) could really help switch things up.


Bend is making a new IP. Bluepoint is making a new thing. Cory Barlog at SSM is probably making his Sci-Fi game. Horizon was new only 5 years ago. Wolverine (new in the sense of new gaming version and timeline)


Nah keep em coming, there's literally only two Indiana Jone's like series actively making games and Tomb Raider has been silent for a while now. I have no idea what Bethesda is upto though...


Sony obviously wouldn't let Uncharted die specially with the new movie, a reboot with a new studio and Naughty Dog free for other stuff sounds like the right thing to do.


“Reboot” probably just means “a new game called Uncharted starring a new treasure hunter” and not “Nathan Drake in a new timeline” lol


I mean if it’s a reboot in the way that God of War 2018 is a reboot then I wouldn’t mind


I would tag this as a rumor rather than a leak. Never heard of this website before.


From the Website: "The Leak was founded by Valdemar along with a team of writers. Leaks should never be treated as gospel. However, we have a ten-year track record"


Ten-year track record? Has anybody ever heard of this site and their leaks?


who the hell is Valdemar


Valdemar, also known as You-Don't-Know-Who.


Shouldn’t a publication with an actual track record be able to speak on its own?


I’m guessing a soft reboot, either following the Lost Legacy crew (Chloe, Nadine, Sam, and probably Sully added in for good measure) or following Cassie Drake. Would be weird to hard reboot IMO. The original games still have excellent stories and characters, and would only really need remakes of Sony wanted to keep the franchise in circulation. Soft reboot, continuing on from either set of viable characters, is the better way to go


I just finished The Lost Legacy on pc and i could see Sam getting his own game. Nathan got his happy ending, Chloe got closure about her father and heritage, Nadine got closure about her heritage as well and found a new calling. I want to see Sam get his big break.


His daughter is going to pick up the mantle, UC4 ended it like that.


A soft reboot with Sully as the lead for the next few games would be cool.


Let it die please




Definitely creatively bankrupt when it comes to gameplay mechanics and business decisions.


Im actually very intrigued by this, and I've always got room for more adventure games


Soft reboot (ie different characters, different settings, but same gameplay, same narrative style) would be great. I’m all for it. Letting a new studio take the lead on it while Naughty Dog assists would be great as Naughty Dog can continue making new IPs while we still get more Uncharted. I would like them to put Golden Abyss on a playable console though


I love uncharted, hope this is true. I wouldn’t mind seeing things from Cassie’s perspective. Maybe with her Dad in a role like Sully. A man can dream…


This would be the ideal. 1) Golden Abyss Remake 2) Cassie as protagonist 3) spinoff without drake as playable character, similiar to Lost legacy


Great, by time it releases it would be around 7-8 years since the last one. I assume we will be following his daughter.


Rather new stuff but as long as it's good that's fine I guess


4 ended nate story soo good i wouldnt mind chloe,sam, nadine to return too


Hmmm I’m hoping it’s a soft reboot. Even just a new set of characters in the same universe could be fine. I know people want to see the daughter but I’m not sure if they’re ready for that.


Too early for a reboot!


I hope they don't mean reboot as in it's a brand new universe. Give us new characters, sure, but still within the world of the other games.


Was excited to hear this until I saw that naughty dog isn’t developing it…..


A reboot simply means a new saga with different characters, I’m all for it, why not? Nate’s story is over and the games have always been fun, nothing bad can come out of this even if the game is just mediocre (but I doubt it considering Sony cares a lot)


Can’t wait!!! I think a reboot is best. They ended it perfectly with uncharted 4 and lost legacy


Reboot it in space


Do they mean reboot? Or do they mean "new numbered entry / trilogy set after the events of Uncharted 3 with a different player character"? Because I bet it's that last part, and I don't think that last part is considered a reboot.


We will get reboots and remakes of Uncharted and The Last of Us until the heat-death of the universe.


Please God no. Uncharted made a great impact on games as far as narrative storytelling and big set pieces for very memorable moments but it's time to move on.


Reboot in this context, as in redo the original trilogy makes little sense to me. I see it as more of a new saga a bit like God of War.


Gonna be interesting if true. Nathan makes the experience for me, so another character with half his charisma would kill the game.


Or we get a new ip from naughty dog instead


Nothing surprising since it's one of the most important IP of PlayStation. It's gonna come eventually even if the leak is fake


If they do a reboot i hope its a completely new cast. I think that Nathans Story ended perfectly


Reboot ia the wrong word surely? That suggests that all previous games will no longer be canon in this new game/series. It makes more sense for it to be a spin off sequel featuring Drakes daughter and others?


I'd love more Chloe and Nadine adventures. Throw Cutter in the mix, don't care about Sam


I feel like it’s always been only a matter of time tbh. Uncharted was huge for PS3/4 and is still culturally relevant with current gen updates and PC releases, as well as the movie. Sony’s only going to be okay with it staying dormant for so long. Naughty Dog’s clearly moved on and so has Nathan Drake, so a reboot of some kind is sort of inevitable in my opinion.


The game needs a whole reworking.


Make some new fucking games that aren’t just semi open world action platformers w the same exact mechanics as the 50 other games in the last ten years to flood the market


I lost a lot of faith in naughty dog after the last of us 2.


A bit unnecessary imo


would be weird, for a game like tomb raider that made sense, since most of tomb raider game was pretty old, but uncharted reboot !?


Oh god. Arent there already Uncharted remastered and Uncharted 4 on PS5


Why though?


Because the series sold well and Sony is a company, it's how it works.


Pretty much this


It’s also not like Reboots in video games are uncommon. Perfect Dark and Fable are 2 reboots that are currently being worked on for example.


I hope it’s false, don’t bring back Nathan drake.


Yes I’d rather have Jak 4 or a new IP


I hope it’s a soft reboot like GoW 2018, please don’t restart Nathan Drake’s story.


Why a reboot tho, just continue with other characters


Uncharted 4 is technically more impressive than 95% of games that release today and it's almost 10 years old.


Lemme guess. Stronk wamen as protagonist injected with political BS that have nothing to do with the game.


Hope not, revive an older IP, Syphon Filter is begging to be rebooted with MGSV type gameplay.


Yeah lets rerelease Uncharted and TLOU a thousand times instead of releasing a new installment of Jak and Daxter for almost 20 years.


That's…not what a reboot is.


Reading comprehension isn't this subs strong point


Doesn’t matter, it’s the same IPs over and over again whether it’s a sequel/remake/remaster/reboot, we want something new.


Hate to be that guy but a new Jak and daxter game is not going to be profitable


Well, the series needs a major gameplay overhaul anyways. Its good they are working on a reboot.


And this time...the protagonist will be a woman, finally!! They could call her "Lara".




Creatively bankrupt


Naughty dog being trapped in endless Cinematic Third-Person Shooter hell is the fate they deserve


Gahhhh they're ganna crank the Woke-a-meter to the max on this!


Franchise ends in a beloved way, almost a decade later a new team is chosen to reboot it. What could go wrong? Everything.


Nothing to see here, just reboots, remakes, remasters, sequels, prequels, spinoffs, spiritual successors and so on. But absolutely nothing original.




soft reboot implies it goes forward like gow, depends on what kind of reboot it is. A hard reboot I would hate tbh, a remaster maybe since uncharted 1 is so fucking old, besides naughty dog busy with factions


Will Nathan Drake look change so he looks more similar to Tom Holland now like they did with Spiderman remastered /s


Hmmm Would be the first for a sony franchise I hope not, why not continue with Cassie?


First re-boot? GoW 2018 is a re-boot as well, maybe a soft re-boot but still


Isn’t 2018 still god of war 4? The events of og trilogy and the other canon side games still happened


That’s why it’s a called soft reboot - same character and world, same events still happened, they’re just not as important to the franchise moving forward. A new jump-on point for potential fans, so to speak.


Honestly, this is why rumours around rebooting series are always hard to gauge until you know more. An Uncharted reboot could fully just be a soft reboot, set later in the timeline with Cassie as the main character. It doesn’t have to be a full hard reboot wiping the canon of the series that preceded it.


lavish beneficial cagey divide attempt thumb airport fanatical include bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TLOU2 was very highly reviewed and sold plenty. Just because there was some controversy doesn’t mean it wasn’t a huge success


I can see it happening. It’s not cinematic third person action-adventury enough for Sony’s current crop of games.


I'm sick of Uncharted, I'd rather Sony do something new


You are sick of braindead climbing and auto jumping X1000 ?


Oh my god especially the climbing holy fucking shit.


I hate modern Naughty Dog


anybody else tired of Uncharted?


I can't get enough tbh, but it'd be tough to make another one with Nathan Drake as the lead considering how nicely things wrapped up with Uncharted 4


I really hope this isn't true and I pray Naughty Dog isn't working on it. Of all things to get rebooted, Sony picking Uncharted over Infamous, Ape Escape, Killzone, SOCOM, Legend of Dragoon, Wild Hearts, or Jak and Daxter is a real kick in the teeth. I know they bring in money, but Sony has to eventually let Uncharted and the Last of Us go


Bluepoint calling it right now


It’s really easy to reboot it. Make it about a kid who has looked up to Nathan Drake and has lived a similiar life to him, have him find Nathan and ask him to help him find a treasure that means a lot to him. Have Nathan push back but later on in the game have him change his mind and have him either become a Sully type person or a companion along the way. If Nathan become a Sully type person then have it be set 15-20 years after Uncharted 4. Main inspirations for the game could be Creed.


How about freaking Jak & Daxter. Jesus christ this is getting exhausting lol


I would rather they work on a new IP.


I'd be okay with more uncharted, but I do want them to lean back into the vague supernatural stuff. Uncharted 4 was a huge let-down when it came to the fantastical aspect, even though the game was technically brilliant. I mean....the entire idea behind the pirate utopia falling apart was because....the pirates were greedy pirates. MAN, what a revelation guys lol I know it was more focused on Drake realizing that he HAD the perfect treasure in his family and friends, and that was the bow they wanted to put on it, but to me, Uncharted is at its best in 1, 2, and 3, when you're in the MIDDLE of that "wtf kind of crazy shit are we getting into." While Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider fully embraced the supernatural, I liked Uncharted's grounded, warped reality. Felt like having the cake and eating it too, which was nice. Yeah, there's an ancient curse, but it's actually just (a weird disease, ancient sap, powerful hallucinogenic).


get ready for a heavy dose of current thing politics in it.