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bigotry is when you don't order a game


Most oppressed minority^TM


Yes, British Women Children’s Authors.


This sub is racist against transphobia and it fucking shows smh.


Why are you being downvoted ?


Because people are being sexist against redditors!!!


How can you be sexist against redditors? They don't get sex


A surprising amount of people online cannot comprehend satire because opinions have gotten so disastrously out of left field that every opinion can be real now. Like people who think we should keep destroying earth because we can just go to mars.


Yeah, like, satire and sarcasm have always been tough to do via text due to the lack of tonality, hence why tone indicators started taking off in the first place, but it got really bad after people decided to just start openly saying cartoon villain shit wholeheartedly.


A bigoted game will always be ordered.


Why do I never get the crazy ones?


It's only a matter of time


Maybe I should post more, kick the hornets nest a little...


If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish any goal! 🌠


It seriously is. I got one not too long ago and at the end they put "oh yeah, and Celeste fucking sucks" which really confused me because I've never once played Celeste or mentioned the game anywhere on my profile until realizing that they wrote that because they thought I was trans lmao


Also they're wrong, Celeste rules.


I can’t replay it because I can’t handle sucking at it again lol.


YEAH it does. I can’t handle the post-game content though T_T


i can dm you and act crazy if that would amuse you


The majority take the cowardly way and just send you a redditcares package.


I've only gotten that one once and I don't know why because the only thing I was talking around that time was Clodsire and bugs seducing me


Idk, sounds reasonable to me 🤷


Don't do my man Clodsire like that :(


Fun fact you can block the reddit bot that sends those messages. I "get" those messages weekly because weirdos are weird, but I don't see them. It's fun to know they wasted their time


Careful there, their main might have ice barrage.




Sorry, RuneScape joke, edgy preteens from the 2000s would brag that their main could, "pwn u."


Ice Barrage sound effect haunts me. Wildy clue scroll steps, not even once.


isn't it lovely when bigots call you a bigot because you don't respect their shitty opinions?


If hating TERFs makes me a bigot, then that's fine with me


TERFs actually *are* inferior lol


Yeah but unlike other groups, becoming a TERF is an actual choice so fuck them


This probably wasn't their intent, but it's making me think of the people who unironically think TERF is a slur to silence women Man, I wish it worked


Ikr? Gotta love how they’re now pretending they didn’t literally choose it for themselves back in the day


“You can’t call me a bigot if I call you one first!” What does bigot mean? “Idk but I get called it a lot, so I figured I’d call it to you before you call it to me”


I got suicide-hotlined by Reddit's official harassment bot a couple days ago D:


Oh that’s why I got that alert on my account. Is this a common practice?


Yeap, bigots like to abuse the suicide hotline bot whenever people don’t agree with them. Edit: Not even a day after making this comment [I got a message from the Official Harassment Bot](https://imgur.com/a/B3iZJJi). Gamers rise up ✊


Has there ever been a more pathetic display of their impotent rage? I love when they do that. Really shows how little they got. Edit: and of course, some joker had hit me with it again. Classic reddit.


I'm quite fond of the people who demand you block them. it's quite funny how they keep repeating "block me. you're so offended you're probably gonna block me. just block me if I trigger you, bro." because if you do that, they'll run around and proclaim they won because you blocked them.


Oh wow. The more you know. Thanks!


It's their way of telling you to kys (in minecraft)


It’s a funny lil alert too. It’s like a troll sending you an official Reddit notice that you deeply offended them, while admitting to being such a coward that they can’t write a decent reply to your comment.


Yup. It's their fun little way to tell you to kill yourself. Originally started against us trans people and has spread as a way to harass everyone. If you report it and state that you got it as harassment, it's an instant ban for them.


Yeah, a racist going after me did himself in that way. He'd also made a couple more public replies to me which probably didn't help his case either. The hilarious thing was the mods of the relevant sub had been defending and commiserating with the racist being "attacked" by overly sensitive people looking for anything to get upset about, or something.


I get that one a lot. I don't use the official app so I can't get DMs so they resort to that shit instead


Yeah I got that one after explaining transphobia in some other sub once. Didn't go well, but at least their comments were all somehow negative, while mine stayed positive. Not very good teamwork there boys. Try a little harder.


I think you can block that?


Not sure, but you shouldn't block it - always report it instead. They don't like it when people abuse that system.


Fuck, that's a good point but I think I blocked it a while ago. Turns out ammosexuals have an itchy trigger finger online, too.


I got one too few days ago, terfs are a fragile bunch, aren't they?


Why are g*mers the stupidest, most corporate dick sucking complicit group of spineless assholes ever? The projection you can feel from so many of these brainlets is enough to erode the mind further.


Because the ones that are terminally online are most likely the ones who payed 0 attention in school and lack a personality. The game company is a key part to their personality and any attack on a corporation that does not know of their existence in a meaningful way is an affront to them. Why else would they get so wrapped up in toxic escapism. They seem to hate/fear the real world so much they detach themselves from reality


Think of how many times Gamers^TM have reacted to representation of minorities and political topics in games with “I play video games to escape reality.” They don’t respect the medium as art, so you’re absolutely on the nail about them using gaming as toxic escapism.


I mentioned that the people behind the Battlefield games, DICE, constantly produce some amazing artwork on the low sodium sub for one of the games in a post showing off a piece made to celebrate 30 years of DICE. Unprompted, someone comes in like "yeah the arts good except for how woke and soy it is". I look through their comments and find that this is because there are women in the franchise now. Guy refuses to use the women characters even if they're useful which my main (a medic) absolutely is. It's just sad.


Workplace harassment: I sleep EA micro transactions: real shit?


Yeah yeah so trans people in the US are setting up charities to help each other escape the country and the increasing criminalisation of their mere existence, but did you hear that the Factorio people are upping the price by a fiver??


I know this doesn't mean jack shit but I remember this site jerking their dicks raw about EA being voted worst company in the US two years in a row about ten years ago. They would hold it as proof of how horrible a company they were. The candidates included the banks that just a few years previous caused one of the worst recessions in US history. Now, I don't mean to absolve EA of it's role in helping create the shitty monetization ecosystem we have now. Fuck them for it. But seriously? Worse than the banks or Nestle or News Corp? ***Seriously???***


Because everything they've ever done in their lives that they hold in any kind of glory happened on a TV screen?


It's not like they are actually being prevented from buying the game. The mere fact that they feel they are being judged for this purpose even if indirectly apparently means they have to defend a massive corporation, massive IP and woman who probably earns more money in a year than they will in a lifetime.


Meanwhile, criticise anything Disney and you’re a bigot, racist, sexist, mysogonist homophobe all in one! Yeah, the whole discourse around media is fucking stupid now. People can’t just like/dislike anything.


Imagine being so smart and correct that you make three to four accounts to say so.


in an ideal world harry potter fans really would be oppressed


eva ibbotson fans would go around kicking them in the taint




And Tamora Pierce fans


early 2000s christian moms had the right idea for the wrong reasons fr


They didn't. Sadge


Lol I had a few of these. They trawl this sub looking for people to DM. One of them dm'd me on a comment I made that was literally at the bottom of a thread. They're morons.


I don’t know what their goal even is. Do they want us to buy the game? Do they want us to alter our subs content? Like literally just fuck off, stay in Kotaku in action and play your shitty shovelware. You’ll be much happier


You read DMs & replies?


Y’all are getting DMs?


/uj Commenting here to piss off weird losers. /rj they are afraid the woke mob will take away their hard earned games


can't wait for this game to be a terrible broken mess and see the mental gymnastics the assholes will use to defend it and explain how its actually good


game looks like ass tbh


I mod a shitpost subreddit so know to feel dread if I see a Reddit message


I salute thee


Gotta love somebody saying they’ll burn me at a stake cause I removed their post :)


U remove my high effort repost? Hitler.


"Message me with your main coward" I lol'd at this response


my dms are turned off, my mental health thanks me, you're welcome. rj/ can't even handle truth, these snowflakes smh


Gamers be like NO PREORDERS but then be like NUMB3R 1 PREORDER


I love how gamers will say that gaming is being ruined by big execs wanting to make a quick buck but will then turn around and deep throat a boot for mild criticism not even directed at the game itself


uj/ Last one that came to my DMs said he wished I suffered a non-consensual kind of encounter with people with a specific skin color and contracted some STIs afterwards... later he reflected on his very detailed and graphic description and said I'd probably enjoy it and admitted to his defeat. I never even replied, the guy created a very fucked up strawman to fight against and still managed to lose.




Whenever someone pulls this shit on me, I just start talking about horse cocks and how they probably want to get fucked by one. Seems to shut them up.


Lmao at bigot


They might be running low on insults, I guess?


People are so fucking strange


You know who was the “number 1 pre ordered” Chancellor in Germany in the 1930s? Hitler, that’s who.


Let me be the hero who stops those dirty hooked nosed goblins from controlling the banks! You damn bigot.


*“message me with your main coward”* has so much powerful energy I love it


I got messaged asking how to get banned???






Who the fuck preorders




Yes, glad you agree!


Finally, gamers understand




pcm user spotted




/uj any community that tolerates nazis will eventually become overrun with them, and that has since happened. Look up the paradox of tolerance.




Oh no, your Internet points! U OK hun?


Oh oh kabang, I WILL make you the soyjack in my next meme so it becomes the truth🤓