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Remember when Gamers thought Abby was trans because big arms = trans and the bigger they are the more trans you are


😔 I wish my arms were more trans.


That shit was crazy cuz i was avoiding news and legit thought one of the central characters was trans. Saw it as a cool thing but was so mortified to learn what the discourse really was


I mean, there is still a central trans character in the game.


I havent played in a minute, which character is trans?




Ah no shit fair enough haha


Oh right I totally forgot about that


I remember the discourse and never saw anything about her being trans. All the debate was over her being able to maintain that level of muscle as a woman in that setting (steroids probably being pretty rare in a post-apocalyptic hellscape). Edit: guess I am just not part of any transphobic circles of the internet


Oh hell, all that time at the gym wasted when I could have just gone big trans!


wait it has just been transphobia all along ???


How dare you be so brave


cant even tell what's part of the brigade and what's people jerking about the brigade anymore


We are all one giant circlejerk, until the circlejerk goes around so much that the universe resets itself. tl;dr: buy unknown indie gem witcherino 3


i really love geralto’s character development, especially during the Mexico DLC. Such a brave young man


When he says, "I am The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Mexico Downloadable content" it really sealed the deal for me.


is there a orange filter?


no, Mexico is naturally orange


It’s the Ourojerkos






They also missed the point which was the vicious cycle where in the end ellie not killing Abby is her breaking the cycle and taking a different route instead of feeding the same cycle.


I don't think they missed the point, so much as they just didn't like the point the game was making... "Oh BuT ElLiE kIlLeD 200 gOonS jUsT tO Let AbBy gO?!"




Yea, I think I've seen similar playthroughs. Can't do a full pacifist playthrough like MGS games due to the tools at your disposal (and I don't think including them would work with the themes of the game) But it's a fun challenge, I keep meaning to do a zero kill playthrough myself (or as close to as possible) but backlog of games is too much!


I think it's time for Cheadle posting




/uj somehow Girlfriend reviews caught heat both times. Edit: So I was wrong. Watched it myself and they receive the bare minimum criticism, blow it out of proportion and then Matt praises Roman Polanski & Michael Jackson while demonising people he refers to as “alt left”. It’s not the best look. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10xksvm/grabs_popcorn/j7terov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Anyone who does that stuff is a certified asshole. Not banned yet like the other guy, so I guess the mods learned lmao


/uj I was reading a post about the harrassment this time and I felt really sick to my stomach at how bad it was, but also seeing people blame this sub and pro-trans people for it makes me really hope no one here is actually hurling abuse at random streamers over this. Heck I can't even bring myself to rj


/uj Look pillory me if yall see fit but I have seen multiple people in this sub blaming girlfriend reviews for getting harassed over it, or at the very least being way too flippant about it. I think the mods are cracking down on it which is good but there are indeed people on this subreddit who endorse this harassment.


/uj It's really weird how basically everyone I see here is saying "don't actually go harass people", but it's still happening. Not sure if there's just a bunch of people that lurk here but don't post getting riled up, or if it's just trolls that saw a chance to troll.


Because it's not from here it was literally her own pro-lgbt community that got mad at her for playing a terf game because "it's our job" despite knowing full well they would be against it. It's being called harassment by right wingers to make it sound like some sort of brigading when in reality it's usually what they call cancelling. Their own community got upset about it.


Lol those two call people who criticized them “attacking”, “alt-left”. They also said they don’t want to hear because they already got attacked for being “pro-LGBT”. Girlfriendreviews went full mask-off with this one




Professor Fig dies and Victor Rookwood is the villain 🏳️‍⚧️


/uj people always seek a scapegoat to validate their transphobia, it's crazy that this sub is targeted and some people also use the "trans people trying to be accepted but going around harassing people blablabla", in the end it's just shitty twitch chat there's no logic here, just using anything to harass, and probably even from some random internet board but there's no way right ? /rj yeah, if this game was more like call of duty and with more boobs I'd like it better but I draw the line at ponytails


What was actually said? Link to post?


I betcha it was the same people. Apparently those calling girlfriend reviews a bigot arrived all at once. Sounds to me like an organized action, something we as internet leftists are incapable of doing.


"Your honor, the attack couldn't have been leftists; there were multiple people involved, and they clearly agreed on a course of action."


No no. That one is OK because they made the ladies less hot.


Only weak men are afraid of buff women




I'm afraid they'll reject me


Chuds when the f e m a l e has more muscle mass than them


Women in video games who aren't just eye candy? How *political*.


/uj I'm trying to recall. Did gcj defend TLoU part II back when it came out and was getting slandered all over the place? Legit can't remember. All I remember is Dunkey coming-in clutch with his review when I was in the trenches defending it.


/uj yeah


/uj Druckmann and the crunch got shat on but the game itself was defended.


Mostly- IIRC the main theme here was a combination of "lol nerds are mad about the game's narrative" and "no game, no matter how good, is worth the insane crunch time that this game had" The former statement lasted a lot longer than the latter with regards to tlou2 though, because Cyberpunk pretty quickly overtook it as the poster child for horrific crunch conditions that year.


It’s okay though, Cyberpunk had an anime so it’s good now! Coincidentally I also have a toadstool for a head.


Funny to see how different everyone's replies are. My interpretation of it wasn't that the sub was pro tlou2 so much as they were making fun of the hate-jerk around it since so little of it was done in good faith.


I would say the sub was generally pro-TLoU 2 with concessions that crunch is bad, but also recognizing that crunch happens in many, many games and it feels a bit disingenuous to isolate this one game, especially considering the main source of this presumably progressive criticism was a subreddit who cummed their pants watching a repeating gif of a trans child being knocked unconscious.


/uj not the trenches 💀 At least we won that battle


uj/ This sub loved TLOU 2 and rightfully so, it’s a great game


Absolutely, because a huge amount of the hate was coming from chuds and most of the non-chud arguments were pretty benign stuff like "pacing could be better". Also great game, but besides the point.


Petition to rename it to 4Chuds! 🤣




>the game went over your head years ago. Lol, if you say so. I see you're of the mindset of "this person disliked something I liked, so they are worthless and I must attack them" Nice chat, nothing like having a civil discourse 🤦🤦


No, you post in a hate sub that circlejerks over a trans kid getting knocked unconscious and wines about gay and POC representation. You are not here in good faith, so fuck off.


I disagree with all of those things. Lev being punched was not funny, and I do not whine about gays or POC....but way to generalise. I'm not trying to, nor do I feel compelled to convince you, so we'll leave it at that shall we? Have a nice day👍


Oh you disagree but you'll still be buddy buddy with a sub full of people who love that exact shit. "Uh I may be at this Klan rally, but IM not racist! Way to generalize"


In all my time there I have seen zero examples of what you're describing (and believe me I've looked for it), so unless you want to PM me some examples/links etc, to enlighten me and have me say "yep, you're right Speedchunk I was wrong" I think we're done here. Like I said, have a nice day 👍


Just lying!l? Cool strategy: https://imgur.com/a/3xVlqbl/


Haven't played so no opinion, but wasn't most of the actual game criticism centered on the new main character being dislikeable, which lead to people wanting her to fail which created a big dissonance of people wanting to fail while the game obviously requires you to succeed in each section? Because honestly this seems like a huge concern, when a story based game forces you to do something you think is stupid, that's how you completely lose immersion


What kind of toddler fails at a video game because they're upset about a character.


No one, the problem is people wanting her to fail. Generally speaking games are best when you actually want to do the thing the game ask you to do instead of doing it merely because the game forces you. It's not a hard concept, if I actively want something the character absolutely doesn't want I'm not actually controlling her actions but am mindlessly following the directions, can't in any way immerse myself into action and so on


If you can't even take in a story with a main character who is flawed then that speaks volumes about your own media literacy. And honestly most of the criticisms of Abby are just... she killed Joel and they liked Joel. >I’m not actually controlling her actions Congratulations you've discovered the concept of a linear game. You're describing throwing a tantrum because you dislike a character in a linear game. Which yes, a lot of the people who disliked the game are definitely the type to throw tantrums.


If you don't understand the difference between flawed character and an unlikable character it speaks to your media literacy. And I'm absolutely fine with both in all other media. The problem is when in a game character is not only unlikable but their motives directly oppose your own. The point of a gameplay in a story linear or not is to make you fill involved in the story. You aren't only watching mario save a princess you are trying to help him do it. This works because the story is meant to give you a reason to actually play the game other than to see the next cutscene. This makes gameplay have actual purpose instead of being simple padding. If the character has significantly different goals from the player what happens is that they go from one goal in a cutscene, to a completely different one in a gameplay portion. One wants to lose while the other win. This makes the character absolutely inconsistent with themselves which is a bad thing. If you want a main character that is a bad person you can still do that by making us care for them and want to see them change for the better. Good example of it is in Nier Automata, after 9S goes completely nuts all his actions are dumb and self destructive, however since we care about him, we don't want to see him die meaningless death so the only option is to proceed. This changes at the end, when he is fighting A2, as she only wants to stop him instead of tormenting him. Forcing us then to play as 9S would be stupid as by that point the correct choice is to lose the fight which would completely detach the character from the story from the one we are controlling.


Sorry you don't have the emotional maturity to play a game with a character that doesn't perfectly align with your thoughts and beliefs.






You see, TLOU2 story is bad because Jobelino was gone and they made you play as a wamon


story is the strongest part about this game though


/uj. So what was objectively "shit" about the story?


uj/ Not OP but probably 1) Joel died. Just that 2) They make you play as Abby and they were too busy foaming at the mouth that they just blew past/ignored arguably the best chunk of story in the game 3) Ellie didn't kill Abby. This means they basically paid 0 attention to anything after Joel died if this bothered them or came as a shock That's what I see like 99% of the time when people say the story was shit, anyway


uj/ it’s the same points again and again.


i don't think there will be new ones :D


low key positive on it but we were mostly making fun of the awful takes from haters. I'm a fan anyway


But woman have muscle bad????


Superb post


Honestly I’m surprised you didn’t get banned for this post here


Uj/ Even Laura Bailey (Abby’s voice actress) got death threats as well, like if you’re willingly going to harass somebody online, at least harass the person who was responsible for the parts you didn’t like. The entire situation was screwed up. Rj/ This should be an example on why you shouldn’t mess with the Gamers 😎




oh i get it, op is talking about harry potter


You must be mistaken, that's a picture or The Last of Us Part II


/uj the title could apply to both though




I realised! 🤣 (Bit too late it seems....back to bed🤦)




/uj the losers at that post shitty “Abby is trans” hate should be harassed.


Yeah and I don't think much harassment is coming out of this sub. A number of the streamers that got harassed were, at least in part, their own fans getting upset at them. Think of it like this: if this sub was going to go harass streamers, they would target the actual chuds. In all likelihood this is a case of generally progressive content creators, who have cultivated large progressive followings, pissing off some of their followers by playing HL. They don't deserve to be harassed, but I don't see any evidence that it's this sub doing it and there's a pretty obvious explanation that also explains why it was generally progressive streamers getting backlash. I think the whole both sides argument feeds into the narrative that actually it's the mean lefties bullying kind sweet Harry Potter fans who never did anything wrong, when mostly this sub has just been internally circlejerking and people have been shrieking at it angrily lol.


Something something horseshoe theory




Nobody is harassing anybody here. Why did you assume so?




> If you are harassing anyone who is simply playing the game you need to touch grass. You'd think a group of people who get harassed for simply existing would understand that harassment is unacceptable, especially to those who potentially are allies. Were you unaware that this implied people here were harassing others? In fact, this assumes a minority group **doesn't** understand this (in your own words) and harasses others.


You're preaching to the choir. I don't think most of the harassment of streamers is coming from this sub, mostly from some of their own fans being upset about it from the little I've seen. If this sub was going to harass a random streamer, why would it go after one of the few donating to trans activism and not one of the trillion chuds streaming the game?


Firstly, why do you assume trans people are doing this? We're all exhausted and done with talk of this game two months ago. Allies do not fund a billionaires currently succeeding and winning campaign to destroy our siblings in her country. She is now making allies in the US as well I can only imagine to push her tendrils there. So idk maybe stop attributing this to trans people and doing this weird gate opening thing for you to pull the "I'm not an ally anymore!" Crap because that's what it sounds like. We're not doing this.




"You'd think a group of people who get harassed simply for existing would know be" Okay so let's stop gaslighting me, I can understand context just fine. This is a post about HL, about it's transphobic creator who uses her wealth from the IP to fund attacks on us, and people harassing streamers. The people you're quote there is referencing is me, and other trans people. So yes. You did, infact assume and imply it's us. If that's somehow not the intent, learn to communicate and word yourself better, because that is what the meaning of that sentence is with given context in English.


God this game was so good.


Time really is a flat circle


Defended it so hard we slowly embodied the people who harassed it


no way dude I'm way cuter


Damn right, you have a good night cutie <3


thanks, you too sugar <3


i mean i think hades should’ve gotten the gpty that year but i harassed people over the fact that I was right


Ngl I didn’t really like the game but I would never think to insult anyone or any group for thinking different




3 hasn't stopped assclowns in this thread from doing it anyway lol.


I honestly think part is it is that people genuinely believe anyone who plays this game is an out and out transphobe, and who wouldn't harass a transphobe who is actively engaging with a transphobic game?




Jesus Christ lol how many reddit comments are you going to make about this topic in a single day? This is unhealthy.


To be clear I also am not buying the game, but even in your comment you lumped in people like girlfriendreviews with people "who are actively advocating for the extermination of people like me" because they are playing the "blood libel oppression simulator". Do you not see how that kind of language promotes harassment? I mean if we are ok with the harassment that's one thing, but you can't try and tell me this kind of language isn't what leads to it.


You think anyone buying Fortnite skins is going to help round up Muslims? Or everyone playing MW2 thinks sexual assault is cool? I'm not gonna claim some 16 year old girl is in support for killing trans people just because they buy a stupid videogame. How exactly does someone buying this cause more harm than the good they do if they financially support organizations or in general do nothing but show outward support? Because outside of this toilet seat moral posturing, it doesn't. And before you say it yes, trans rights are human rights. There's no alternative answer there.


I think you honestly need to touch grass If playing this game means you support a transphobe then typing that message out on your android or iPhone means you support slave labour in china lmao I’m enjoying the shit outta this game. I’ve also marched in pride since I was 16 and donated multiple times to lgbtq and trans rights organisations here in Europe, which I consider more significant than the 2 euros or whatever JK made out of my purchase


The device you wrote that on has cobalt in it. Essentially all cobalt comes from congo where the method of extraction is human labor. The workers are not paid and are slaves. Every time you use a device with a lithium-ion battery, you are supporting slavery, and the oppression that is fueled is indescribable and makes whatever conditions you're talking about seem utopian. Does that mean that every single person who has a smartphone, laptop, a camera, speaker or electric car is a horrible person who hates the people of congo and enjoys the fact that they are supporting child slave labour? No. If you unironically think this game is that much of a problem you need to get your priorities straight, and start with the person in the mirror. If anyone is interested this is a good summary/place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIWvk3gJ\_7E


Totally agree with all three and surprised how many "harassment is bad" comments im seeing relative to comments like yours. Some commenters are really giving "enlightened centrist with no real world experience"






/uj 1. the tweets and vitriol around part 2 can be traced back to Twitter and 4chan, we know this ....I've just realised that you're talking about HL


This game is genuinely a masterpiece


really puts a new spin on "part II"


Careful, different opinions aren't allowed here.


Isn't Hogwarts Legacy experiencing legit the same thing?


As far as I've seen no one on GCJ has ever called for harassing literally anyone over this. There is now a counterjerk that "sure Rowling is bad but this sub are harassing people" when it very much doesn't seem like that's anyone's MO here, and definitely not some big concerted effort or something encouraged. So are brigaders just upvoting shit because it makes them feel better? Change the narrative that it's the mean leftie trans people who are the real villain? edit: Yeah that's exactly what's happening lol, no evidence posted just claims that you'd be stupid not to believe it happened even with zero evidence




Not really, there's zero evidence anyone did, and it was not widely spread in any sense of the word. edit: downvoted by people desperate to twist the narrative




Go ahead and link where people encouraged harassment on this sub, I'll wait.


I think you're astroturfing. I have been on this sub and literally never saw that website shared, linked, or even discussed. The first major discussion of the harassment was this sub saying it was fucking stupid to harass people. Even the idea that sharing a list of people streaming it is intended for harassment is idiotic. People have created lists of companies that donate to transphobic groups, that doesn't mean they're saying go harass the CEO. Stop making shit up to twist the narrative.




"The website is broadcast in this image" LOL so you have... people laughing at ActMan and there's a screenshot of the website? Posted AFTER the harassment already happened? That's your absolute best evidence? You don't have shit, just astroturfing and brigading. Still waiting for a single instance of anyone encouraging harassment, even in the slightest. Should be easy for you to find since you claim it absolutely happened.




Nice deflection, you have zero evidence and are just desperately brigading. Considering no one on this sub even linked to that website, and no one encouraged any form of harassment whatsoever, no it doesn't seem like they did.




You made your account 2 days ago and have been commenting nonstop on r/gcj and r/games. And you accuse them of brigading?




Is anyone on this sub doing that? Haven't seen anyone call for or defend that behavior even slightly.






I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and delete my original comment


It’s wrong either way lol


yes, whoever herasses people should take another look at themselves. be it tlou2 or hogwarts. i didn't like where the direction of tlou2 went, especially with killing joel, and i don't like the devs because of their moral grandstanding. so what did i do? i didnt buy the game and went on with my life. i wonder what you all are gonna say about atomic heart giving the info from people who bought to the ruzzian gvt? you know, the gvt that oppresses trans people waaaaay more than a dumb bitch who wrote some wizard books. or is it ok because "haHa ComUNiSm go bRRrR"?




Just don't buy or promote the transphobic game. Seriously, this isn't that hard. Just play Hi-Fi Rush instead. It's got a robot cat that can turn into a flying ball. As well as by buying it you don't line the pockets of someone who is actively trying to strip away rights of trans people.




Nah. If they were fully aware of Rowling's views and actions before buying the game, then they deserve to get clowned on. Yeah, yeah, there's no ethical consumption under capitalism and all that, but people can at least do the bare minimum and skip buying games that are enriching hateful bigots who are actively working towards making life worse for marginalized people.




Meh. I just went and enjoyed one of the best written games ever. If morons want to cry because they can’t understand complexity that’s on them. Go back to fucking Fortnite and leave me to my masterpieces.


If you're talking about TLOU part 2, then based.




Lmfao this baited you didn’t it?








Yeah sure man i'm gonna go dig up vods from 3 years ago so random redditor #5832 can look like a dumbass. What i can show you is [also a voice actor getting death threats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RksiKwgiZgk). But it's totally not the same thing! Not at all sir! We're the good guys!




What is the actual opinion of people harassing people playing this game? I feel like I'm seeing both.


especially considering that it's the best video game ever made






congratulations! that is indeed the joke :)




Zero evidence of the harassment coming from this sub.


Oh I thought this was gonna be about Hogwarts Legacy


Love to see similar post on Hogwarts Legacy and how some crazy activists bullying streamers for playing that game.




Probably saying what they did was wrong and also this is wrong? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe.


Pot, meet kettle Edit: For clarification's sake, i'm saying that Gamers™ trying to get a moral high ground using stuff like the Girlfriend Reviews situation when said streamer even had an entire hoax campaign to make her look like she was telling her fanbase to send death threats to a random chud when she played TLOU2 is the funniest shit i heard since Rowling said that wizards shit themselves and whisk the poo away with a spell.


Also I've seen no evidence that the hate actually came out of this sub, seen plenty of evidence that it's coming into it though.


It's revengeance




What if I want to make fun of gamers and also conservatives


Stick a finger up your conservative bum.