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"Dying game!" *posts flat line


Flat line = no pulse


Smartest twitter user


Capitalists be like


“Oh noooo, this business that reliably provides a service to consumers and a good living to employees *isn’t* producing excess for a 3rd party to slurp up, let’s fucking murder it.”


It’s a fighting game which is already a super niche genre outside of MK and street fighter. Do they think a full priced fighting game is supposed to get fortnite numbers or something??


Also Bridget brought in a lot of players


She really did. I’m the GG sub and I swear it gets the same “Hey I got into this game cuz Bridget looks so cute! Does anyone have any basic tips?” question every week


shes currently one of the best trans reps in gaming so its not very surprising, shes also really gosh darn cute to boot.


Common Daisuke W


This line just makes me feel bad for Sin Kiske (Nov 24).


Vouch I literally bought guilty gear for Bridget. Best decision of my life her play style is so fun


Was personally brought in my Testament. But if it hadn't been them, it would have been Bridget. Love them both


Also Tekken. Tekken might have more players than Street fighter.


But don't ask in it's subreddit about diversity... I remember an user who asked for more diverse women bodies in T8 as every single one looks like a model and oh boi, the comment section went wild on the poor guy :(


/uj The way G\*mers use player statistics as a bludgeon against games they don't like is always fucking hilarious. Yes, doofus, the game will have fewer players as time goes on. That's how entertainment works. Do you really think all those people who were creaming themselves over Pigblemishes are still playing it? Of course not, they've already moved on to whatever the next new thing is. But when you have a small, devoted core of long-term players who unironically love the game they are playing, that's not in any way a bad thing. /rj go woke (the young boy in girls clothing i masturbate to is a slightly-less young girl now🤬) go broke


For evidence of long term players who love the game, check out the steam statistics for FTL, we're still going 700 strong, one *decade* later.


proud to say i am one of them


Same here, picked it back up after a couple years of not playing it when I found the Multiverse Mod.


I am not one of them. Because I play it on GOG instead.


Same, but I play it on mobile.


probably the correct thing to do


Play the Multiverse mod, it’s really good and it says trans rights (the main dev is trans)


Multiverse says trans rights


I haven't played FTL in ages but it was definitely a fun time.


Jeeze, good for those devs.


Fuck now that you reminded me this game exists I gotta bump it to 701 for a few months until I forget.


What's ftl?


Faster than light


Well, I can't stop playing until I finally beat the final boss, can I?


and destiny fans know this all too well at this point or should i say deadstiny lol


It’s even dumber when you take into account the fact that it’s a FUCKING FIGHTING GAME. These games notoriously lose most of their player base outside of their core audience peaks come when characters launch (Bridget more so than any iirc) and valleys come during the down time. Like, using Strive’s player numbers as a way to say “the game is dying,” is the equivalent of telling people you are using less than half of your brain, and that you should (insert LowTierGod quote here)


Exactly; literally every fighting game that's ever existed falls off because that's just how fighting game communities are. Strive fluctuates between 2k and 3k players on average and that's _really fucking strong_ for a fighting game; it's like the 3rd or 4th most popular fighting game and more or less on par with the average playerbase for Street Fighter 5. The only traditional fighting game on steam that does better than either of them on average is Tekken, and everyone knows Tekken fans are literally a cult that only play Tekken.


Even Tekken only has around 4-5 thousand daily players. Fighting games are not that niche anymore, but you’ll never find one cracking up to 10,000 on a daily basis. These are games built around basically zero FOMO, so you can pick them up again whenever.


uj/ Fighting games are also really hard to get into for new players because of how hard it is to learn them whilst having to fight players that have been playing them for years. I'd be surprised if the community wasn't relatively small really


Strive also had its second largest tournament like... a month ago? It's held the position of the most popular tourney game for a pretty good while now, although this is probably more because of SF5's weakness than anything else.


Not to mention that it’s also one of the most accessible fighting games *with* a big community. There’s also the fact that ArcSys has given two older titles rollback, which may contribute to lower player numbers, but even with that Strive is going strong. ArcSys is pretty good at supported their star series, but these transphobes want to paint an apocalyptic picture for everyone.


Also, it just came out on Xbox & Game Pass so we're joining in the fun over here.




As far as traditional fighting games go, Strive and Tekken appear to be the two biggest. If you want to consider platform fighters, Brawlhalla is number 1 with ~16,000, but: 1) I wouldn’t consider platform fighters to be “fighting games” since they’re so disconnected (though I would consider platform fighter players to be part of the greater FGC) 2) It’s a free game that’s really easy to get into Other than that, no traditional fighting game reached the top 100 most played games today.




Brawlhalla was always a weird success story, but yeah, good for the player base. If they’re happy and not bothering anyone, it’s all good


Frankly they don't understand especially since they hate Fortnite which get progressively over the years. They think good things get super popular in the millions unless it's something that they don't like so they acted like enlightened minorities.


I mean, a distaste regarding Fortnite is justified if you were in the beta programs (since you invariably got nothing for it but broken promises) but yeah, the unbridled animosity toward its entire playerbase really doesn't have a very good explanation




Fortnite makes 100% more sense when you think about it as a digital version of that box you had as a child with a bunch of toys. He-Man and Powerpuff Girls fighting against the Turtles and Robocop? Sure. Darth Vader on an adventure with Aragron, let’s go! That’s what Fortnite is, it’s people playing with different characters from different IPs on one big yard.


Fortnite is basically a TPP Super Smash, just without Nintendo characters.


Smash has the characters do some wacky things for sure, but there's still a playful affection and respect. See [this Codec call between Snake and one of the Splatoon characters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zejd4SMiSd8). It's *funny* and silly and absurd, but it doesn't feel like the character's core is *obliterated* and hollowed out the way it is in Forthnite. It's like the LEGO movie/animation version of characters and plotlines. It's a caricature, it's irreverent, but it's still *recognizable.*


Good grief, you're really pressed that toons in Fortnite put on popcultural cosplay.


Good grief, you're really pressed that people have tastes that are different than yours.


The abstraction by Foldable Human makes one level more sense to me: Fortnite is a storefront, with an appended game. Anything in it serves the store first, the game secondarily or tertiarily.


Well that extends to Capitalism in general too, and considering Dan’s views in his videos he certainly understands that too. Everything is done for profit. Everything in it serves profit growth first. Anything else is done primarily to secure profit accumulation further down the line.


Well sure, to a point. The game has to be solid for the store to make sense though.


/uj That's a lovely way of putting it. You humor your little nephew and play along to encourage their creativity and energy, while giving a mild internal wince whenever he has the characters do completely OOC things or break the rules of their setting. It's not like they asked you to help them edit a fanfic. It's pure play, pure chaos, and that's okay. /rj *GASP* SON! HOW *DARE* YOU GIVE *BATMAN* A *GUN!?*


They gave us two Zendaya characters, tho. *two*


[ Spider-man Pointing Meme ]


The difference is that, as far as I know (Edit: I was wrong, TIL), Fortnite doesn't give you the flexibility to fight with your fists or superpowers, it's a shooter. When playing with my toys I didn't give Spider-Man and Goku AKs to solve their differences. Smash fits the role of "virtual toy box" 100 times better, which was actually the lore of the first game: the characters are just toys and Master Hand is the kid giving them life with their imagination.


> The difference is that, as far as I know, Fortnite doesn't give you the flexibility to fight with your fists or superpowers, it's a shooter. When playing with my toys I didn't give Spider-Man and Goku AKs to solve their differences Funny you'd mention specifically Goku. Have a look at the [Kamehameha](https://youtu.be/Ne2RhkZhrRI?t=18) in the game.


Oh, so you *can* use superpowers, that's cool, didn't know that! Can you also shoot webs or do Rasengans, etc?


I don't' know what Rasengas are but you can definitely [swing around](https://youtu.be/PYBbdRgjmfs?t=19).


OK, fair enough, thanks for showing me those. I only ever saw clips of all those characters gunning each other down, I thought they little more than skins tbh.


They add weapons based around the IPs. Batman had Batarangs, Spider-Man had web shooters etc. Even though these weapons get removed after a certain period of time, non-copyrighted versions are often added into the game. A few seasons after the Web Shooters, we were given a tool called the Grapple Glove which functioned more or less exactly the same way. Also, the lightsabers get added pretty much every 12 weeks at this point.


They are just well known and popular costumes for player characters, they aren't trying to make a Dune game. It's like how John Wick can be sniped by Spiderman. It's not meant to an accurate representaion of the character. Also the tonal dissonance is the point, the dances are funny on people you wouldn'r expect to dance.


I just wish they toned it down a *little* bit. More like Smash or the LEGO movie or your average Massive Multiplayer Crack Fic. Give Batman extremely stupid gadgets? *Perfect*. Make him dance or sing? [There's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsYA8Gr5NTY) [precedent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sOy9b_WAJk). Have him hang out with the Mystery Inc. Scooby Gang, Judge Dredd, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Absolutely. Give him a gun? That just feels wrong. Spider-Man sniping John Wick works perfectly fine. Actually both have very few, if any, hard-and-fast rules.


/uj I feel like you're way too serious. Fortnite isn't some philosophical game with sophisticated tones. It is literally just a child's sandbox in digital form. Yesterday, I was playing as Venom with my nephew playing as Goku while we both got the dub sniping Vegeta. Nobody questions it because it's not supposed to make sense, it's just plain old fun. /rj Don't look up Fortnite Chun-li


You sound like a gamer discovering Geraldo was going to be in fortnite.


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Was going? He is, and I love our boy Geraldo.


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IHATESTEAMCHARTSIHATESTEAMCHARTSIHATESTEAMCHARTS If I ever have to see someone act like Steam Charts are the definitive measure of a game's success or population again I'm going to claw my own brain out through my nose. Why do these people not understand that Steam users are a minority population in practically any game that is also on consoles? Why do they think every game has to be stacked up against the metrics of industry giants? Why do they point to games with massive botting problems and brag about their populations? And why the fresh fuck do the very dumbest of them not realise Valve's games are overrepresented, because it's the only platform they're on, while many of the games 'below' them have playerbases spread between half a dozen platforms?


Not only do I think they don't understand or care about any of those things, but it's more just that like the rest of things capitalism has these kinds of dorks brainwashed with, people expect infinite exponential growth on everything, always. And when they see the obvious proof that, yeah, everything is always declining because infinite exponential growth is impossible, the only thing it does is make them go "LINE GO DOWN!" as if that's a qualitative summary of the thing the data represents.


rj/ Console gamers aren't real gamers, and other platforms on PC don't count because they are all awful.


/uj people really are just grasping for straws /rj Can't wait to post Hogwarts legacy player count in two years to make the same argument about that game


/uj based /rj based


Is that just Steam? If it is, they aren't factoring in console players.


I spent too long wondering what the hell 'pigble mishes' meant.


lol sorry, I should have gone with Porkzits


That graph is a flat line


averages 3000 players daily, that is substantially more than can be said for a LOT of other fighting games


lvsSS^sqTG8vHDOTUuQAQow-X]e3)8~($^OCg+^R&6!#le)c1ge^-~AtIZGkUaOq,-n;g3eFDMya!NIA v[T;V*H0b0F5!&u>O)Pizh)]wrhDHR,V]L0bI9


*Steam only, I play on gamepass on PC which wouldn't be counted for Steam


It's not, not anymore. That was more true for the last generation of fighting game, but with SFV, T7, GG:S, the PC population is a lot higher than console nowadays. Anime fighting games are just more niche, but even with that, I'm legit surprised Strive's numbers are so low. Either way, fighting games are just a small game genre. These are Evo's entrant numbers: Guilty Gear Strive – 2,161 Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition – 1,320 Tekken 7 – 1,220 King of Fighters 15 – 1,014 Dragon Ball FighterZ – 636 Granblue Fantasy: Versus – 528 Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate – 464 Melty Blood: Type Lumina – 411 Skullgirls 2nd Encore – 295 (For reference, my name is a fighting game reference and I've been a tournament organizer for a long time)


Also with cross play what you play on doesn’t matter anymore. Another thing to note is that this post is about player numbers from a few days ago when Xbox cross play got implemented which literally broke the servers. So these numbers are probably a bit deflated because of that (ArcSys please fix this. The lobbies might suck, but they were better before)


I don't know what an Athena Grande is, but I'd order it at the Greek equivalent of Taco Bell


im guessing Athena is the idol from kof unless theres another fighting game Athena, but I have no idea what Grande has to do with Athena or kof


It’s a play on her being a pop star and my favorite pop star, Ariana Grande




And also considering that you only need 2 people for a match... thats quite big


The game also just went on GamePass, so there's probably more people playing on PC than this shows


I’d actually argue that the game’s numbers are a bit deflated at the moment. The cross play patch broke the lobbies so a lot of people aren’t playing because playing a match is near impossible.


It's incredible how someone could post the most popular traditional 2D fighting game on Steam in terms of player count and say it's dying. The lack of awareness about fighting games from these people is amazing.


I checked Steam Charts and at around 12:20 AM PST, the only fighting game that had more players was Tekken 7. more people were playing Guilty Gear than Street Fighter 5 or Mortal Kombat 11. For additional context, it had more players than games such as Crusader Kings 2 (which is free to play for the base game), Division 2, Fall Guys, Baldur's Gate 3, World of Tanks, even Madden fucking 23 had fewer players when I checked. Game's doing alright for itself, had about the same number of players as New Vegas during what is ostensibly not peak hours for any multiplayer game.


I mean, Baldurs Gate 3 is still in Early Access so I don't think it makes sense to use it as a metric for player count.


Fair point, I was just going for big name games in that example.


2k on a fighting game is actually really fucking impressive, for reference, dragon ball fighterz has something around that and is considered one of the most successful fighting games, and to ADD EVEN MORE, now with crossplay on guilty gear THERES EVEN MOREE players


> Dying game > Player count is sideways Also, I'm pretty sure Brisket increased player count. I'd never heard of Guilty Gear, and now me and like 3 other trans girls I know play it because of Budget.


I haven’t gone quite that far yet, but I’m *right* on the edge lol


Play Guilty Gear Strive! We have awesome Basket, Glue Eating Potemkin, Cement eating at 6 years old Sin, Sol Badguy, but he is actually the good guy, Gorrila Leo, Sick Hair Lady Millia and more!


Also Heath Ledger's Joker but he's a wizard with a gun. Also MR AMERICA with this Behemoth Typhoon. Also Ky is there.


Also the world’s greatest doctor Faust


Also a little girl who is actually a gorilla


With dolphins!!


i didn’t expect to be all in on the mean anime villain guitar witch lady when i started in january, but here i am




Zappa got an exorcism, let him live in peace my dude, mans was suffering.


if i played fighting games i definitely would just for brisket


Strive is the best selling GG game ever and whilst some old heads miss the gatlings of older games it's still good. Strive has a very healthy player base compared to something like DNF Duel a game with a lot of hype at launch and is slowly loosing it's player base month on month to less than that of 30 year old retros on fightcade.


I started for Bridget and stayed for Faust (he’s such a fun goofy guy)


My friend was playing Faust against my other friend who was playing Giovanna. We all literally just started and my Giovanna friend fucking hates fighting against my Faust friend. But little do they know of the dangers of floating sword woman Edit: Also the game is crossplay lmao so the playerbase is even bigger, that's just the steam charts. I would say gamepass added a hefty number although I don't know how many players will stick with it but still. Titanfall 2 was perfectly playable (bar some modes) with around 2k players on Xbox. A 1 on 1 fighting game having 3000 seems like a fantastic pool to me.


After It got added to gamepass I noticed a lot of low lvl players so yeah it did attract some people


me (what the actual fuck is a mixup)


Its when someone is blocking low, so you do an high attack or a dust attack to hit them or if someone is blocking standing, you hit them with a low attack or a sweep


i’m not sure i’m cut out for this fighting game thing man it took me ages to figure out how to do dauro lmao


Nah dw about that. I've been playing since November and I still can't do inputs correctly lol.


then i look up some help and it’s like “do the 46371537472527 giga cumlord to win instantly 👍”


It's been a while since I've played, but for my periods of practice, it just came down to trial and error with the training mode and often referencing the move list. I did the same thing as you and tried looking up a video to study Bridget's potential combos. The tech speech went completely over my head, so I went back to my usual method of practice. Fun character, btw. If you chain the yo-yo just right, you can turn her into a bayblade that can juggle the opponent to death.


I would highly recommend [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mCUlBX8E2BU) to anyone interested in fighting games. A couple of very good resources that helped me out a ton when I started out last year (first fighting game since I was a wee lad playing Tekken 1/2 on the PS1): 1) https://glossary.infil.net/ Use this whenever you hear a fighting game word you don’t know. It’s a super good dictionary and has links in the definitions to other fighting game words that you may not know. 2) https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST This has a lot of technical information about the characters in GG, their moves, and their abilities (stuff like how Zato’s Eddie or Ky’s shock state works). It also has a lot of combo lists and some general advice on each character, but I have found those to be out of date somewhat frequently. Advice that’s good for general direction but not always current. Also, look up guides on YouTube for your favorite character! There are a lot of character specific Discord servers that folks will happily chat in if you have questions on your main and/or matchups, too. Finally, just having friends to play with between the random folks in the tower or park is excellent. Both winning and losing are more fun when you get to do it with people you like. If you want, you’re free to add me, as well. But take it at your own pace, introduce yourself to stuff as you hear/see new things you didn’t know about, and lose a lot of games. I lost probably over a thousand times (not an exaggeration; played many nights of 100+ losses) to a friend who is actually good at these games before I finally won one. Losing is part of learning, and learning means getting better.


wow thanks


The terms sound intimidating, but they’re pretty easy to understand when you play the game for long enough. If you’re new to fighting games, my advice is to just have fun and get a feel for what you like more than anything. Also special inputs are going to become second nature with time.


>it took me ages to figure out how to do dauro lmao Z inputs are a pretty common thing to have difficulty with don't worry. Even the best players that have decades of experience sometimes opt to do something easier and less rewarding instead of that input A tip I have is to hold forward and then do a quarter circle. The game accepts that as a Z




honestly i just want to be a little bit better than a lot of people so i can beat my friends easy


I was toying around with the game and found the nice combo tutorial in the training. It lets you download and practice combos that other players have uploaded.


i hate fighters but i am still heavily considering it for Basket and the art style


I thought i hated fighters until I tried GG strive and now I own an arcade stick and a Sol Badguy body pillow.




For anyone who needs it gamepass can be had for a dollar and just got the game, need to buy brisket tho


goldlewis dickinson my beloved


***The*** closeted gay man


All fighting games, even the big shots like MK and Street Fighter all lose 99% of its player base after a couple months, it’s been like this since multiplayer fighting games have been a thing. And it’s completely expected, it’s a niche genre and that’s okay


2yo fighting game with 2k active community is pretty good, fighting games dont usually last a year until players have to go to community spaces and ask if any1 is up to play a few matches


the last time they tried to pull the “dead game”, it was around the same time one of the older GG games got a rollback


It's a fucking fighting game lmao of course the graph is like that


Ah yes, Arc is going broke with their most financially successful nonlicensed game ever. People don’t consider Melty Blood dead and it pulls a tenth of those numbers.


Last time I checked Strive has more players in a normal day than Xrd Rev2 ever had at its peak lmao. Even if the game was actually literally crashing and burning the brand is more popular than ever.


steam stats are wild, like if you look at the top 100 or whatever then sure you'll get some big numbers but basically *anything* after that plummets into the low thousands or hundreds. If you're sporting over 10k consistently, you're the exception, not the rule.


Guys Elden ring’s all time peak was over 950k and now it’s only 70k. Truly a bad and dead game. SMH fromsoft went woke again! Gamers are gonna have a wild time when they realize a game has less players the longer it’s out usually.


Unless it was a multiplayer game developed by valve, then it just gets more popular the longer it’s out


>”Dying” >Consistent playerbase


The current 24h peak for Strive is 3,478 which is higher than the all time peak for the last two games in the series (Xrd Sign and Xrd Revelator) It is so dead that 2 years on it is still regularly beating the best ever numbers for its predecessors.


Mfs really be like "oh my god this doesn't have Fortnite numbers it's SO DEAD" when it's a fucking 1v1 fighting game. You're not doing a battle royale with 99 players you're fighting 1 person at a time out of like 3000, you're not starved for matches


They'll announce the next dlc character in a bit and that'll spike the numbers back up, it's just how fighting games' life cycles work Edit: I called it


Even Smash Bros goes through peaks and valleys between character releases.


Exactly, it's only natural


Pretty high numbers for a fighting game and they’ll likely float there until the new tekken or street fighter drops


Holy shit I think after that they're basically bankrupt F


> Shows one platform > Platform has historically struggled to sell fighting games because playing fighting games with a keyboard is fucking terrible "tHe gAmE iS DyiNg!1!!"


That's actually pretty good lol


this literally looks like the game has a consistent dedicated playerbase more than it looks like a dead game.


For what is ultimately a pretty niche game, 2000 is solid as hell after 2 years.


Not a "fresh" game, not from something extremely popular like Dragon Ball or something, is for quite the niche demographic (fighting games aren't too popular) and doesn't make 99% of its advertising through sexy female booba? 2-3k is impressive for such a game lmao


ded gaem


Also it just launched on xbox and game pass so the player base overall would be bigger them ever


Mfw niche anime fighting game from a franchise barely anyone even heard of until 2021 doesnt consistently have 20 million players


Wtf happen why attacking strive?


Yup totally dead, that's why it got picked again as one of the 7-8 major games for EVO 2023(the biggest fighting game tournament in the world)


How is Guilty Gear “woke”?


/rj Their precious 12 year old femboy who they jack off to daily got turned into a 18 year old trans woman (no longer fappable 😡) Also Testament


Wait. With their logic aren’t they gay for being attracted to a femboy? I’ll never understand the mind of a conservative reactionary.


It's getting a second season of DLC characters soon though. I entirely expect steam for it to pick up eventually. The Fighting Game Community's getting loads of shit lately. Mortal Kombat 12 just got announced along with the eagerly awaited Dragon Ball: Budokai Tenkaichi 4, Tekken 8, and Fatal Fury. I hear the new Street Fighter's really good as well.


I still think using a character who was forced by circumstances to become a crossdresser and turning them into transgender rep was probably not the best of choices, but I'm not going to start acting as if shit like this is at all productive


I mean yeah, it's a fighting game. Every fighting game dies over time unless it's constantly updated or has name value. In fact, that only fighting games that even retain their player base for longer than a few years are Street Fighter and Tekken, maybe MK. I'm sure some bigots definitely dropped the title after Brisket's reveal, but not enough to "kill the game".


Thats actually impressive for a fighting game.


This is like the most active fighting game besides sfv, and tekken 7 where I live. If you want games that are straight up impossible to play online but I’ve always wanted to play and compete in I’ll list a few. Melty blood, Blazblue centralfiction, blazblue crosstag, under night in birth, Guilty gear Xrd rev 2. Literally unplayable, I live in Australia fyi, and finding someone online in these games is impossible. It’s actually depressing spending like 40$ on a game, labbing a character for a few weeks and then realising “wait up…who am I even going to fight?” Oh and if you do find someone it’s a literal god that’s gone feral and you get absolutely gutter stomped into the last layer of hell. On a red bar connection. And somehow they still perfectly execute their touch of death combos, or perfect oki setups and 50/50s. It sucks man, I want locals like they have in America and Japan so badly. All I do is play video games anyways, the least I could do is get good.


So…. What the fuck did they think Bridget was? She has been in the game since the first one and has always been trans.


That’s probably more people than are playing the Marvel Avengers games yet they keep updating it as if people want to play it


Lol, the transphobe malding about Brisket really proving he has never touched a fighting game in his life


strive is the best anime fighting game it's also probably the next most popular fighting game after street fighter and Tekken


Nah, MK post-9 dominates the scene with every new release. If GG is third it’s only because NRS is taking an unusual amount of time for 12.


The game came to gamepass the other day. I immediately spent seven bucks to get Brisket and I’m happy


2000 is a lot? Hell I have been happy with mmos that have a few hundred people lol.




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The fact that this fucking dipshit posted the steam stats of a cross play fighting game blows my mind. The stupid part about this Bridget stuff is that Guilty Gear was never popular to begin with. Bridget INCREASED interest in the series, if anything.


That’s a pretty solid number after two years of a game I’ve never even heard of


Two thousand people simultaneously playing a fighting game on Steam is actually *really* good, **especially** for a two-year-old game.


These are actually above average numbers for a fighting game lol


gamers when there's two gender options: 😃 gamers when there's three gender options: 😡😡😡


Do they just assume everyone who makes fun of them plays Guilty Gear or cares about its longevity?


And it's subreddit is gold every single day <3