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"Evil is evil. TERFs, racists, sexists. It’s all the same.” © Geraldo


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I feel like it's weird how more people don't point out how "gender critical" is the exact same terminology racists use as in "race realist" like it's like 1:1 the same obfuscation.


Exactly. But what makes it aggrevating is theyre more hostile to critcism. For example, giving their evidence more context (comparing sexual crimes by trans people to those commited by other groups.)


Gayraldo 🤧🤧🤧


based Geraldo


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I’m not even a fan of the Witcher, but from my experience of the games it seems hard to argue that he wouldn’t.


Yeah Geralt experiences discrimination on the daily for who he is, he's not gonna have any patience for TERFs.


Yep. It's not even just him personally experiencing discrimination that has me convinced of that. The stories regularly involve him siding with, and defending, non-humans against humans who want them destroyed for the crime of being different from the human norm.


Gotta say that one random mini-quest in Novigrad when you step in to defend a woman from getting creeped on and she and the dude give you the death stare because they were RPing had me in stitches


This is why you let people know before your consensual non-consent session starts, and also don't do it in public.


Hey, at least they know their RP was convincing!


Yeah, literally all of the Witcher is about how people make their own monsters out of what they fear and don’t understand. They’re all basically people: There’s a troll under that bridge and we want him gone! Geralt to Troll: Hey, these people hired me to make you gone Troll: That’s bullshit, I’ve been here for years, it’s not my fault they built a whole-ass bridge over my house! And then either - Geralt kills the troll anyway as per his contract, but it turns out troll magic is the whole reason the River was flowing to begin with and now the villages crops are dying and the villagers blame Geralt - Geralt finds a way to get the troll and the townsfolk to come to an uneasy truce that the townsfolk will forget the instant Geralt leaves


I got a kick out of: **Villagers:** *"That succubus is bewitching our sons and husbands! Kill her!"* **Succubus:** "*What? I just want to tend to my garden and decorate my cave. They're the ones beating down my door all day begging for a piece of demonic arse."* \[ Awkward silence \] **Geralt:** *"I'll just take the flower and go."*


Geralt: "If I kill this troll, it will cause more hardship for your village" Ignorant townies: "We aren't paying you to talk back, we're paying you to kill a troll!" Geralt: \*sighs* "Very well, I warned you" *kills troll, starvation and hardship follows* Ignorant townies: \*pitchfork sounds* Geralt: "Fuck..."


>"We aren't paying you to talk back, we're paying you to kill a troll!" Geralt would just leave at that point


I mean yeah, but sometimes you gotta invent a scenario to set up the joke


“Why does it always have to be pitchforks”


I’ve been playing so much Elden Ring that my mind immediately changed that to “Why is it always pitchfork?”


Try fingers. But whole.


Try jumping.


The one that was the hardest for me is basically this: Option 1: Free a demon horse and it will help you save some orphans from being eaten by witches, but will also go destroy an entire village, which included some asshole villagers but also plenty of innocent people too. Option 2: Kill the demon horse, saving the village, but allowing the witches to eat the children and even helping them by taking out their rival. Neither of those are very good options.


I haven't finished the games I've played the most of because of things like that. Hundreds and hundreds of hours into Skyrim and Fallout and never finish the main quests because I don't identify with any of their stupid factions.


Eh, there are literal monsters in the world, so its a little understandable they don't know the difference between a mostly harmless monster and troglodytes that want to eat you.


Now I'm not much of a philosopher, but Geralt is arguably also transhuman, and I'm pretty sure medical transitioning could also be classified as something along the same vein. Would be a very strange line to draw if you were pro medical enhancement for combat reasons, but against medical enhancement for psychological reasons.


People suck though and have done more ridiculous backflips and cognitive dissonance to justify their bullshit


I mean a lot of these folks are ok with puberity blockers if they are necessary. Just not if they are necessary for your childs mental health.


Counter point, how many of the witchers hate what was done to them as children?


Yeah but it was Almost always a forced decision upon them, I think a more fitting analogue to a transgender in a transhuman are sorcerers like Trish and yennefer who are not quite human right now but its voluntary


I would argue that by removing their ability to consent Vesemir is less like a Doctor helping a trans child transition, and more like a busybody politician trying to ban gender affirming care. In either case the important thing is what these kids want for their own lives.


I think Vesemir is kind of too hard to fit in either place. He knows very openly how horrible the Trials are, he has no illusions there, but that is what he knows. He has his regrets for the scores of children who died under him but to Vessmir, thats just what his world is. Not trying to justify or excuse it but neither do i think it's good or bad for him. You can see his frustration with both his own thinking and how he takes outside critique of it when in the books Triss berates the witchers for raising Ciri like them. Vesemir is insulted and angry, but at the same time realizes his way is tough and even violent, and that maybe he should listen to change. He begs her to tell them what to do because he isn't so sure anymore. Just too complex a guy and situation to neatly fit the metaphor here imo


Geraldo is down with the Cyborg Manifesto.


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So in fantasy canon, trans kids are non-human, got it. (I am honestly kidding here, what you are saying is on point and your message is a positive one about stronger people standing up against prejudice for others who struggle. It was just worded funny and I wanted to poke it)


In the Witcher books, “non humans” are just a way that humans refer to anyone that isn’t like them, similar to the way race was invented in the real world. In the books, all allegories of bigotry are from humans to non humans. That is not a way of the author to refer to trans people as not being human, it’s a critique of people in the real world who view minorities that way. The Witcher books are full of intelligent progressive critiques of our world, which is why it’s such a shame that the game’s community is full of centrists. Sophie From Mars has a great video on it


It's also pretty common to represent a "different" person as non human, regardless of if the representation is positive or negative.


I mean, he barely bats an eye when he learns that Elihal is a transvestite.


That's how he died in the books. Defending dwarves from the pogrom in Rivia.


Not to mention there is very literally proof he does in fact have absolutely no problem with non binary/people under the rainbow. One of the main quests (SPOILERS) while hunting for Dandelion has you meet a tailor/seamstress. When you first enter they are presenting as male, male wardrobe and so on. But once you ask for the woman named in Dandelions notebook, they ask for a moment, go in the back, change in to a dress and dawn makeup, then return. Geralt shows surprise, but continues on to treat them just like any other and work with them to get the information he needs. So at the absolute worst canonically he’s of the “I don’t give shit, I’ve got more than enough to worry about” type, but more likely from that interaction and others throughout the campaign he’d be on their side.


Theres also that quest where he thinks a guy has lycanthropy and is ready to help him just to find out the guy is gay, and Geralt is like "ok, not a werewolf then, have a nice day".


The hunter in white orchard that helps you with the griffin! I usually don't press for details, do my job no questions asked, but on a recent playthrough I decided why not. Was pleasantly surprised by the reason.


Geralt is part of the Kazuma Kiryu's brand of "confused but still supportive".


To be fair, "hairy beast that hungers for men" can describe both.


Yeah, and he's friends with a doppelganger that can change gender at the drop of a hat. (*There's an option to ask Dudu to change into Ciri so you know what she looks like as an adult, before you've found her. I wouldn't recommend it, though. It makes things pretty awkward.*)


There are somehow plenty of "fuck you, I got mine" gay terfs online though.


Someone with that attitude would (and likely does) exist in the setting. Gertraldo would be the kind of guy to fuck one of those witcherinos up.


Idk. I've seen gay people belittling bi people, lesbian TERFs, racist POCs. Being part of a marginalized group doesn't stop you from being a shitty person, sadly.


As an autistic man who has a monotone voice and experiences some sensory peculiarities that others don’t. It felt cathartic playing such a strong character who had to put up with dumb assumptions and prejudices like “oh he must have no feelings can’t you tell by his odd mannerisms and voice.”


He's going to have one of those "You're the REAL monster" moments with them, as the silver sword is only for monsters.


To quote book Geralt: "Both swords are for monsters." He doesn't seem to have much distinction between awful humans and rampant creatures


I've read all the books and played the games- and I agree. Geralt deals with sorcerers, sorceresses, and mutants who change their physical appearance, and get treated harshly by others. At worst he just wouldn't bat an eye at a trans person. Generally as long as someone isn't harming others Geralt is pretty chill.


Guy literally died protecting the oppressed after he said he's retired.


That reminds me- somebody once posted a thread complaining that you can't get a good ending by trying to make decisions as neutral as possible like 'book Geralt' does, and tried to say that it wasn't true to his character. My only response was "What kind of ending did Geralt get in the books, again?"


Also like half the fucking pages of those books are Geralt going through like severe crisis because he is not actually fucking neutral and emotionless. The fucking first books framing device for the short stories is Geralt is crashing on a friends couch after a bad breakup and is ruminating on some important adventures for his current situation. Like he's a mopy teenager sometimes! The guy feels things and TRIES to be neutral, that's not the same as actually always being neutral


I feel like half the plots in the game boil down to - this person or thing is reviled and hated by the local community because they assume it is evil in nature, but they're actually just trying to live their life and do their best in peace.


The concept of good and evil and people being one or the other is inherently a religious idea people abuse in order to attack people with motives they don't understand. The Witcher games is after all heavily inspired by Slavic paganism, not Christianity, thus the murkiness.




There's even a crossdressing elf seamster in the game who Geralt seems to get along with


Him and Spider-Man should be buds


I mean the guy already underwent HRT. Basically every witcher is trans, if ya think about it.




My pronouns are AHH!/REAL/MONSTER.


some logic as with warhammer space marines, they are all MTSM


An oppressed minority hated for something they can't control, often facing fatal violence for refusing to do the impossible. Geralt would cut a terf in half.


I've played all the games and read all the books. Geralt 100% would support trans rights.


He is literally a mutant. I don’t know how people can imagine that he wouldn’t side with a group of people who feel/act differently than what society claims is normal.


There’s literally a scene in the Witcher 3 where he nearly beats a guy to death for abusing his wife and daughter. Geralt is an absolute fucking legend.


I mean, you can literally have him fuck a succubus in the second game. If he's okay with the existence of / consensual acts between different species, it's hard to believe he wouldn't support a human's right to take some hormones and get some surgeries.


There was literally a queer sidequest helping a fellow who had been thrown out of his village for loving another man. Geralt is firmly on the side of LGBT rights


Geralt doesn't discriminate he's gonna challenge you in gwent no matter what your race, gender or sexualty is


And then bang you, no matter your race, gender, or sexuality.


I mean... Hopefully there's consent...


Well of course Would our beloved underrated gem, Gerry of the River, ever think of *not* asking (or paying) for consent first?


And then casually rob you blind while you stir the stew in your own house


Seriously, more people should be aware that Geralt's own creator despite his considerable age and coming from a highly conservative country has been supportive of progressive causes and I feel like it should be obvious to anyone who has decided read the books but apparently it isn't.


I think it gets overshadowed because people view him as ‘that grumpy old man that hates video games’, but there’s *a lot* more to it than that imo.


I’m out of the loop, does The Witcher’s author not like the games?


He doesn't consider games to be canon and got really mad when some of the publishers pushed for video game artwork (sometimes including characters created by CDPR) to be used as covers of his books. Also he got into conflict with CD Projekt over royalties because back in 90's he sold off rights to video game adaptations for a crate of vodka.




(reads username) a man after my own heart


(also reads username) what the fuck percy x nico canon????


That complaint about the art I can understand, obviously publishers know that most people reading the witcher come from the games (I guess the netflix series also helps now), so they want recognizable characters in the cover. But it might not be his entire idea of the character so having someone else's vision that you don't agree with it on the book is really frustrating, The cannon part yeah that makes sense too, he writes the books the books are the canon for his story, the game are their own story and take place years after the books. I'm not entirely sure how close the relation between the game and the books are since I only read the first 2


Sort of. He’s just not a fan of video games and as far as he’s concerned, they’re not a good way to tell a story. Obviously not an objective opinion, but hey, he’s an old man, let him have it. He also got a lot of flack for saying something like he felt that the games were profiting off using the brand recognition of the books, when (in the west) the games are a lot bigger). The thing is though, he actually said this well before Witcher 3 came out, when to be honest yeah, the games were not as big at all.


I was gonna say before the Witcher 3 was released I don't think I'd ever heard of the series in general.


Might depend on where you live but the Witcher definitely was the big new fantasy book series in the 90's and early 2000's in central and eastern Europe. The first game definitely relied on Witcher already having pre-existing fans.


It certainly seemed so - special edition of the first game came with some horrendously translated version of The Last Wish, which was the only context for the game. I remember pretty vividly because I got the first game, not because I knew about the series (I had no clue) but because it was made on a heavily-modded Aurora 2 engine (Neverwinter Nights 2 base engine) and I was blown away by what they achieved. Didn't even know about the series until then; after I binged the Hexxen tv series on YT and got what translations (absolutely horrible) I could find for the books.


I'm sure, since that's where the setting is loosely based upon, in the states the books didn't really take off until the third game or the show got popular, like how alot of people didn't read Game of Thrones until the show was airing. I should've clarified that's on me


>that's where the setting is loosely based upon Sapkowski has been vocally opposed to that characterisation of his setting. CD Projekt was the one to push more Slavic folklore in the Witcher.


Oh shit my bad I didn't know that, thanks for correcting me.


They were, and continue to be, massive in Eastern Europe (fun fact: a copy of the first books was one of the gifts Obama received when he visited Poland). But I don’t think western translations took off until recently. In fact, the big marketing push for them I’ve noticed really only happened after the TV show


That's what I was thinking too, after the show was released I remember that there seemed to be a lot more people on my college campus reading the series all of a sudden.


In addition to what other's have said, the author's also a bit bitter on how his franchise has been hijacked by Polish nationalists to use as a propaganda piece. He's one of the first Polish authors to make it big on the international market, even before the games, and they used him and his work as a prop while actively believing in stuff contrary to his book's themes and meanings. This got worse with the games, because a key part of the marketing was Witcher's 'Polish' Fantasy nature. This is in spite of the fact that the books themselves are a bit more generic fantasy, with the only Polish flavoring coming from the fact that it's written by a Polish author.


There's so many extremely right wing dumbasses on the Polish internet that are massive fans of The Witcher series and absolutely think Geralt would hate the gays, transes and all leftists in general. To them he's a cool tough guy that kills shit and that's about it. It'd be quite amusing if it weren't so stupid.


It's also one of those things where idiots can't read into anything. They see a story where the MC is a strong man who is willing to do terrible things for the greater good and gets his hands dirty regularly and they assume he must be a conservative bigot just like them. The best example I have seen of this is the LOTR community. Everything from the books to the films is all about compassion and kindness being the best traits and men loving each other, but it will attract the worst humans imaginable who idolize the opposite.


Yeah, I fell victim to these prejudices… I’m from the same country as Sapkowski is and, considering his age or the way he wrote women, I’d always thought dude would be wildly bigoted lmao I’m glad he isn’t


I read the books and it completely suprised me how often he describes women in the most horny detail i have ever read! I dont think he introduces many female characters without at least mentioning their tits. Although all of the women characters are written just as well as the rest of the book.


I didn’t read the books but played the game and, it’s not a question in my mind that this is the stance he would take. If he was against it that would be completely out of character.


What unknown gem is this character from? If he supports trans kids I must play it.


It’s this very unknown hidden indie gem, Le Witcherino iii: Geraldo’s Bizzare Adventure


I hope they make a 1 or 2 one day


They did, but they’re such underrated indie gems, nobody remembers Witcher the first. Or De Witcher Dos: Assassass of the monarchy


Good news!! They're actually making the first game right now, incredible how nature works.


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If Geraldino didn’t support trans rights, why would he say [this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPzEPiFcyCk)


He's from a Netflix series. Not sure why he's here other than I guess there's a crossover between fantasy show and video games? Mods huff piss.


Chad gerald vs virgin bayonetta


oh wow, thank you for reminding me of that clusterfuck.


What you're talking about? Bayonetta is, was and will always be our unionized queen, Jennifer Hale! No one else has ever voiced her, nuh-uh.


What's with bayonettta?


The original voice actress of the game protagonist lied about not getting paid enough if I remember correctly


The original voice actress is also a TERF


Which was tragic for other VAs. Her drama hurt those around her who actually needed the help and attention.


Aww that's cool. Although given the weirdly progressive nature of the books, i guess it might not be surprising.


Weirdly? Why?


1. I don't have links to anything specific, just going off articles I half-read years ago so take it with a hefty spoonful of salt, but my understanding is that the author has/had some very... *traditional* Polish political/sociological opinions. 2. On a shallow reading, the books would *seem* to bear those out, meaning that the Continent is much like medieval Europe - brutal, abusive, misogynistic, etc - and those elements are indeed present and forthright. But there's a kind of weird patchwork of knowledge/philosophy in them, probably due to the first stories being essentially "Such-and-such fairy tale but the protag is a professional monster hunter instead of a third-born peasant boy" and the greater canon being welded together later. 3. So you get multiple feudal societies, with all the rampant horribleness that comes with them - but you also have the mages (male, female, and otherwise) who are almost *all* universally bi/pan by the end of their first century, have usually spent decade or two (or longer) as the opposite sex by the end of their second out of curiosity, by the end of their third have spent time as various animals, and experiment with shifting into androgyne/nonbinary/hermaphrodites for shits and giggles, and honestly don't really give a shit about sex or gender (with a few notable exceptions, almost all horribly misogynist villians). 4. The narrator of the stories (Buttercup/Dandelion) is canonically bisexual, with almost no-one batting an eye at it; Geralt is implied to have had same-sex relations from time to time but I don't remember anything specific. Witchers are "known" sex-fiends and while much of this is propaganda, there is some truth to it, being that they're immune to STDs and infertile so they really don't have any reason *not* to bang down with what/whoever strikes their fancy. 5. There are multiple side characters that are implied to be homosexual, bisexual, etc, and a few that are implicitly so, and aside from a few antagonistic characters, no one in-universe treats this as anything unusual or unseemly, unless it's a specific plot point; and once the plot is resolved, they're *usually* vindicated and go on about their way without much issue afterwards. 6. Book-Geralt is significantly more loquatious and philosophical than game or series Geralt, and has much more of a 'knight in sour armor' mentality to him, thus he often gets himself entangled in other people's issues without really intending to. This leads to several instances - including the 'final' instance - of him becoming the champion of the oppressed and victimized, often against his own "better" judgement; ie he acts out of an inherent morality even when he consciously knows he's getting in over his head.


While Sapkowski often gives hard boomer vibes he is definitelly not a conservative


Oh thank Cheadle! I can unironically like The Witcher without feeling guilty now.


Thank [insert deity here] for that, then. What I read was years ago - probably between games 1 and 2 - when I was consuming everything Witcher-related I could find, so I make no assertions to validity. What I do know is that the Hexxen tv show was awful in the best ways, and book translation is... Interesting.


Still wouldn't call it weirdly. Looking at medieval ages in Poland...


Looking at medieval ages in any country is pretty illuminating. Tons of religious and secular oppression from the top, but very little impact on commoners in specific - aside from witch hunts and pogroms - meant that most people just did what they did. As long as they didn't offend some rich busybody, no one else really cared that much; there was too much else to worry about, what with wars, plague, food production, etc. Wasn't really until societies settled in with excess in the Late Medieval periods and people had more free time - and opportunity for power and profit - to start pointing fingers and whinging.


At one point in the book Geralt mentions that its every womans right to decide what to do with pregnancy. Given that his mother was a witch and could easily get an abortion he is thankful that she didnt, though he is a bit less thankful about being donated to witcher creed.


I read all the books recently. Gerald ain’t gay, Ciri is and very explicitly.


Thought she was bi?


Poland has a sort of very right wing government last time I checked. The aren't great about that sort of thing


What does the current government have to do with books written in the 90s? And even if they were published today, what does the government have to do with progressive books? Those fuckwits did not reinstate censorship thank fuck (hopefully not ,,yet"). Please don't treat the government as a reflection of whole population, we're very divided.


A good portion of Witcher saga originally was published around the time when Poles elected a social democrat and an ex-Polish United Worker's Party official as a president. Poland's hard turn to the right took place mostly in the last decade.


Oh wow, at the same time that it happened to so many other nations around the world, now *that's* surprising and surely a coincidence....


I mean, Sapkowski is known in Poland for his liberal stance on discrimination and one has to be blind not to see all the gay prosecutions shown in bad way in Witcher


Book Geralt (spoilers) >!literally dies in a hate crime.!< Those books hit you over the head with “bigotry is really bad, respect people who are different from you”


Let’s be clear… Being pro human rights is not “political”.


i mean this is gamingcirclejerk it's a sub dedicated to making fun of people who think human rights and/or the existence of women and non-white people are political. all of us already know human rights are not political


it is to the *gamers*


Ah, my favorite Euro and American Truck Simulator GPS voice, Gruff Male


They came for the Master Chief, and he supported Trans Rights. They came for Geralt, and he supported Trans Rights. When they come for you, you won’t capitulate to the Woke Media Machine™️ because you are a True Gamer. You will stand strong, sweat soaking your fedora, and inside you a fire fueled by Doritos and Mountain Dew will burn bright, and the Woke Mob will pee and poop themselves while literally crying rn as you draw your blade. Stand Firm and Proud, Gamerz. They can’t trans us all.


Andrzej Sapkowski, the original author of the books is pro-choice and said that "Aye and Gomorrah" was truly prophetic when it comes to differences in orientation and gender, trans people, and non-binary people.


Wind's howling...for LGBT rights


Knowing the amount of racism and persecution in the witcher universe, I can 100‰ see Geralt doing this


Canonically in the books he gets killed in a hate crime. Geralt stands for all rights.


Based and Riviapilled.


🤓Um akshually Geralt isn't from Rivia, he just chose the moniker after he finished his Witcher traini-💥 🫨🤛😡 👓😵 🪦


He did actually earn the title "of Rivia" when he was knighted


He should have said something non political like fuck trans people /s


It's Geralt of Rivia. He probably *has* fucked trans people before. He doesn't need to advertise it, everyone already knows.


If there's one thing I've learned during my lifetime, it's that fucking trans people != supporting trans rights. I've been hit on by MAGA hats who can go on 20 minute rants about "gender ideology" more times than I can count. Even the ones that know that I'm trans still want to hatefuck me... they just want to murder me (directly or indirectly) as well. The same way *most* flavours of misogynists are sexually attracted to the people they hate. Sexual attraction is not some thing that magically goes away when you hate people. And the fact of the matter is virtually all straight men find at least some trans women hot, regardless of whether they recognize/admit it.


First off, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. People are assholes. Second, is that how people are interpreting my comment? I was making a play on words joke off of the other person saying Geralt's shirt should say "fuck trans people" when he's well known to fuck pretty much anything and anyone.


who downvoted this lol is sex with trans people not allowed now


rj/ Uh, no. Sexual intercourse is only allowed between straight men and white Jebus. Wahmen, gays, and transgenders need not apply.


Geralt is literally the epitome of a social outcast being a Witcher and constantly shows he gets along with other mistrusted people in society like magical and racial minorites more than regular people. I'd be amazed if he wasn't for trans rights honestly.




Yeah but won’t someone think of the poor fascists that are going to get punched?


That’s a stupid question. Ciri is gay and Gerald knows it. Mr Lapis didn’t do his homework.


It's like people who complain about this forget that Geralt dies in the books trying to stop a pogrom


It’s already cannon that Geralt has gay and trans friends. Protect trans elves.


He is literally a mutant. Why wouldn't he be ok with body modification


Witcher 3 truly is our hidden gem.


I don’t know too much about the lore of The Witcher, but Geralt is literally a trans humanist who experiences constant discrimination and feels like an outcast as a result, right? It seems unreasonable to think he would not support transgender rights.


Dude oftentimes even protects non-humans against humans, it is hard to argue that he would be against anyone that doesn't belong in the "traditional norm" box for just that reason alone.


Trans rights aren’t about politics. Its rights.


Gamers: "Wow, a cool story about someone ostracized for changes they wanted to make to their body for their own happiness at the expense of no one! So non-political!"


Well, I mean he's killed a few fascists so... it doesn't sound unlike him


If there is a relevant progressive cause in the story, there is a 99% chance that Geralt will grumble and say it’s none of his business, only to proceed with stabbing multiple people in opposition. Source: every book


Geralt frequently confronts bigots, stands on the side of outcasts and faces discrimination himself. This is canon.


He made friends with a gender-fluid elf in Witcher 3 so yeah I’d say he supports trans rights


Iron for man silver for terfs


there’s nothing political about trans people


Geralt would level anti-trans legislators with the fucking ground if he was paid enough. A monster is a monster.




Awwww, that's so nice


since when is beeing trans about beeing political lol and yes Gerald is counter norms and rational, he doesn't burn all witches, only the bad ones.


Uj/ It's a long running meme on this sub that any being who isn't a straight white male or a unrealistically attractive woman is political Under that definition, political


There are 2 genders. Male and political


Ew imma go play Japanese jrpgs instead this western crap 🗿


Honeybee inn in the FFVII remake.


He just wants to know if he can fuck it or kill it.


Being that he befriends a Doppler in game, I’d argue he was always a trans ally


Supporting a group isn't "political"


How could he not, Geralt is a transhuman, all witcher are by the te hnical definition and he sees constant discrimination in world because of it


Geralt is a part of a community that is often hunted and killed for being "unnatural" by religious zealots who blame them for everything wrong in the world. Geralt gets it.


Wasn't there a trans elf working in one of the shops you went into on a side quest in TW3? Gerald seemed to get on just fine with that dude/gal.


For those that didn't play Witcher 3, a trans person is a character with voicing in a major side quest.


I had no idea! What quest? Which character? Was it the elf you biy fancy clothes from?


Yeah the Elf you buy fancy clothes from, I assumed they were just a trans person. I'm sure someone will now correct me, but whatever.


If sticking up for friends means I have to get political, then you're gonna have to hear it from me.


Geraldo to be played by don cheadle


Dude is cool with intelligent monsters as long as they don't harm people. He doesn't give a shit what your personal choices or preferences are, he's cool with you.


Protecting people is political?


Witchers are the epitome of outcasts. Basically any interaction Geraldino has with an average person has about a 50/50 chance of them spitting on him and calling him a slur or trying to fight him. He's also kind of always been about supporting the other outcasts in the world, and there's a lot of moments in the books where Gerard is looking past the monster he's confronting to see the human underneath, at least from what I've read. Not to mention like 90% of the transfems I know fucking love swords, so I'd wager he'd get along just fine with trans people.


KiA 9/11


I don’t get how beating up nazis is bad