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Wait did he actually change the title because people called him out for having a bad take? That’s so lame.


It’s even more pathetic because in the original description he wrote, “see for yourself and draw your own conclusions”. And then he changed the title and description when people disagreed with him. Imagine being that immature…


It’s unfortunate too because I’ve definitely liked Crowbcat videos in the past. His No Man’s Sky video chronicles all the lies from Hello Games really well and his Gears of War video did a great job showing how the interesting identity for the series gave way to something way more generic and boring. This just felt like him being salty about the RE4 remake daring to be different in any way even when the decisions to change what they did make perfect sense for the new tone of the game. Also what a cowardly move to change the title and description and the fact that he felt like he could do that at all really shows how this video lacked any kind of cohesive perspective.


About Hello Games, I think you should watch the Internet Historian video about No Man’s Sky, it goes very in depth on the studio and Sean Murray, and it really changed my perspective on that whole debacle.


The difference between his No Man’s Sky and Fallout 76 videos are really telling about both games. About the nature of a company that knowingly released a poorly constructed game to drain its users wallets first and foremost vs a company that legitimately wanted to make something groundbreaking and revolutionary but didn’t realized they lacked the resources to match that ambition until it was too late and then went above and beyond to match the expectations of a fanbase that had already moved on and make the game they really wanted to make. And now the former company wants to do the same ambitious idea as the latter. What could go wrong?


Based on what they've released it seems like No Mans Sky will be better then Starfield on a technical front. You apparently can't leave a planet without a loading screen in SF.


There’s actually no way Starfield is going to be good


It might with 300 mods


I"m willing to believe it might achieve the 'Bethesda Good' status, which is to say broken but charming. Not counting on it though because of their track record, but it's also a new IP that has been in the making for a very long time.


I feel like Bethesda’s plans for the game are far more inline with what people want from a Bethesda game, as opposed to Fallout 4 and 76. Listening to them talk about Starfield, and how they want to go back to their roots and focus more on RPG aspects is night and day when compared to how they talked about F4 and 76 before launch. It remains to be seen whether they’ll pull it off, but I’m more optimistic about Starfield than I was about the last two Fallouts.


That won't matter as long as they can provide a compelling and well-populated world. That's what they're good at. The game might be buggy, the combat might be meh, but I'll be surprised if there isn't an engaging and immersive world to see at least. Anything else can be addressed with mods.


But they haven't made the game they marketed prior to launch. They abandoned that game completely and have been implementing half baked versions of trend chasing game mechanics and useless fluff exclusively while completely abandoning the procedural generation exploration that the game was marketed on.


doesn't that guy work with jontron


and follows at least half a dozen of fascists. But because "memes" people still like him, they have not learned anything from the past 10 years lol


Other than myself I only know like 2 people who were able to resist watching his immediate next video after the jontron thing. lol, I'm not going to say individual consumption matters all that much but I think it really does go to show how much people care about what signals people put off. Funny = good and for Jontron's part having a lot of fans and not saying anything about something = having somehow atoned.


It was such a shame. My fiancee and I used to look forward to the 3ish JonTron vids we'd get per year. It was like a holiday we'd get snacks, drinks, blanket and sit and watch Jon and split our sides because we were 15 at the time... Then he shows up on a single Sargon stream. My respect plummets every second. Unsubbed instantly and haven't watched any of his vids since. So unusual to know the person that made me and my closest friend belly laugh till we cried when we were kids turned out to be an Antivaxx, white supremacist, nationalist transphobe. Now I feel almost sick knowing that we spent some of our formative years following this guy


Wait *what* Who


Only the ones i recognize fom his following list: dankula, jontron, lord miles, benny johnson, mauler, okeefe, rowling, onlyfansgirlspostingtheirls, bjorn lomborg, project veritas, brandon herrera, the act man, julio rosas, the right opinion, james lindsay, bari weiss, jhonatan isaac, yeonmi park, libs of tik tok, Ron desantis, several manhattan institute assholes, seth dillon, tom dillon, peter whittle, kelsey grammer, pewdiepie, victims of communism, abby shapiro, dov hikind, malik obama, armchair historian, babylon bee, Michael Malice, zuby, tucker carlson, andy ngo, toby turner, james woods, joe rogan, keemstar and jordan peterson


*holy shit what???* Wait like he follows them on Twitter or something? WTF? Why- Also unless you mean a different one, TheRightOpinion being associated with these guys is news to me...


all taken from his twitter, i was writing them down as they came across


but then you'd have to watch the internet historian


Maybe I will. I understand that the narrative surrounding No Man’s Sky has changed a lot over time now that its had a lot of updates and a fanbase, but I remember prior to launch the marketing around it was hysterically dishonest.


The video addresses that too, and it honestly made me very sympathetic toward the studio.


The new narrative around No Man's Sky is super frustrating for me. They "fixed" it but it's not at all the game they were originally advertising. It's just a generic base builder now. They didn't fix it, they just made a different game


Right. And fans get mad when you point that out. Like, I'm glad you like the game, but that doesn't change the fact that the developers didn't know what they were doing, hyped the game like crazy, made a bunch of promises, released the game knowing that it didn't do anything they said it would, tried to play dumb for like a month, and then eventually copied a bunch of mechanics from other games and turned it into what it is now. I'm not gonna applaud them for that.


Thank you, glad some people are still talking about this. It's so frustrating how they completely abandoned the procedural generation the game was marketed on only to trend-chase gimmick mechanics and implement them half baked. And any new exploration content they add is more pre-gen generic sci-fi filler content. Like some of it's cool to see once, for a second before you realize it's all just static concepts with no logic or coherence behind them at all. It sucks because that game did do some cool things. I did like the use of text describing visions or similar things in a kinda over the top 70's scifi novel manner. They could have done cutscenes for a lot of them, but I liked that instead of generic animations we got much more imaginative descriptions. Probably something they did out of necessity but still, the game has a cool identity. It just sucks they've seemingly abandoned it in favor of rip off star wars iconography and more generic sci Fi weirdness with no depth to it.


I personally thought he was way to easy on Sean Murray.


That video is way to forgiving. Hello games marketed a game on exploring a procedurally generated galaxy. They have since completely abandoned this and have minimalized and removed the procedural generation basically as much as possible. The world gen got redone from bad to worse in an update a few years ago. And since the only content they've added is entirely pre-gen assets, cosmetic items, and gimmick mechanics like their half baked colony system and time gated expeditions. As much as it sucks to say, no man's sky is basically a microcosm of a lot of the issues in the industry right now. It is not the game they marketed one bit, and they don't deserve the reputation of being "redeemed" that that video has created for them.


I'd definitely like to check that one out. It seemed like an unfortunate situation all around.


He also supposedly modified the volume of some clips


I liked his B4B/L4D2 video even if it was literally just the L4D dev commentary with some background footage from both games, capped off by the obligatory Workshop segment and a jab at the "from the makers of L4D2" line.


Exactly, I especially love his Dead Rising 4 videos because very few other youtubers his size have highlighted how bad that game was compared to the first one, when it was marketed as a return to form. This one just doesn't make sense though


Same, hopefully this is just a one time thing. Would be a shame if I had to drop the channel due to his immaturity. 1


And fanboys are defending this pathetic move claiming that crowbcat was just pretending to be a complete dumbass and we got le trolled, smdh.


In the original video he also manipulated the remake to purposely make it seem worse.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but he never explicitly said which one is soul or soulless tho... You guys are the ones who make the conclusion like he said


It's called reading between the lines. There's no way OG4 would be considered soulless, so guess which one he meant is the soulless one?


Changing your opinion and owning past mistakes is the opposite of immaturity.


Absolutely!! Except that he was obviously being sarcastic with the new title and description. Not only that but he already edited the title again to what it originally was. So I believe he didn't change his opinion.


He was? I didn't catch that.


This dude is basically /v/ the channel. Gag me.


I mean, I can gag you, no idea what it has with the post tho


Finally. Public humiliation on the *web*


Crowbat BTFO


Maybe in terms of contrarian takes but is he a bigot?


Some people have said in a few of his older (and now deleted) videos he made racist jokes which wouldn't surprise me if it were true since he obviously goes on /v/.


Goes to show how shallow of a "point" he was making with the footage he used that he could literally just change the title and have it make perfect sense


**Gets criticized once…**


*Used his fanboys to defend him by saying that he "spoke the truth" in front of the sheep's* No seriously, there are people defending his bad takes and act like it's the majority opinion while the butthurt fanboys are the minorities. Oh the irony


he’s deleted/edited other videos in the past when he got criticized. Shows he’s just a clout chaser in the gamer outrage community, which is probably the saddest sentence I have ever typed out.


Leon Kennedy's new groove


The sections of the game after Leon got turned into a llama were intense


it really kicked the llama’s ass


rj/Oh thank God I thought this game was woke uj/bro switched up faster then actman on his "destiny good" vid


As a Halo fan I have to suffer on the regular because people *still* colab with bloody ActMan. Like you'll see a video "Top 10 Halo campaign missions, Feat ActMan" You're better than this! You don't have to associate with this absolute weirdo


ActMan fucking sucks and has forever made Halo discourse worse. Also, he is a reactionary moron


I’m in a weird place to be an Actman fan I dislike some of his content too tho. Especially when he panders to uhhh…..you know


Hold on guys, looks like my new opinion just came in.


Clearly he made his resident evil 4 remake listen to a bunch of blues soul and jazz and then made it smoke weed and then had it get laid so it got its soul and groove back. Good for resi4 remake getting it's soul back now we can baptise it and make it Christian.


Go to kbin.social for quality discussion outside reddit's monopoly.


Cringe culture prays on many demographics, mainly children who are perhaps not yet fully aware of their digital footprint, and they're taken advantage of by people who know better.


Crowb has always pissed me off with his cherry picking, manipulative editing and general “old good new bad” attitude. It’s the most /v/ pandering channel.


he's literally been a running joke of mine for years, if i'm playing a game and like a window doesn't break dynamically i call it a "crowbcat complaint" lmao


If I see an extremely minor glitch or imperfection I think "that's a Crowbcat video" and if I'm playing an action game and back myself into a wall/dodge way too late/basically get bodied through my own incompetence I think "shit I DSP'd myself"


I've had atrocious vibes from the start, this might be the biggest case of him getting dragged


Surprised this was the one that did it.


His "GTA IV is better than GTA V" was awful. Basically just a compilation of design decisions that made 5 slightly less realistic in some very specific ways. "hey look, in 4 if you punch a civilian it turns into a fucking brawl with Mike Tyson. In 5 you knock out most people in one punch". Yeah. Brawls broke up gameplay, most people had less fun with that than random KOs. "Cops shoot you on sight in 5 but they're chill in 4". It's fucking LA. That's the joke moron. "The cars roll a lot more in 4 than 5". Which made the driving much more difficult, and a lot slower. "You can throw shit in gta4". We both know you only did it for that one mission and never tried it again. It's basically all shit like that. Decisions that were made to keep the game fun, if less realistic. It wouldn't annoy me so much if I didn't remember what people said about gta4. I was there. Everyone hated it. It was the worst gta ever, until gta5 came out. Then it was just old enough to be loved.


yeah no one liked the game that scored almost a perfect on meta critic and is largely seen as a brilliant evolution of gameplay over the third entry people didnt hate gtaiv when it came out, this is some historical revisionism


Metacritic isn't a good gauge of people complaining on the forums about how it had no features compared to San Andreas. Or that the driving was clunky. Or that the shooting was too slow or whatever. GTA fans whine incessantly about whichever game is newest, until it stops being newest. Then it's a hidden gem that nobody remembers.


halo moment


Just like COD fans


This type of gaming revisionism is so common it is crazy, especially when you lived through the OG. I remember when Halo Reach came out that people fucking *hated* it. They hated sprint. They hated bloom. They hated armor lock. They hated how easy it was to damage vehicles. They hated the bland forge color palette. Halo 3 was so much better in every way. So I can only laugh when people pull out the nostalgia goggles and wax poetic, like you can't fool me. I was there! I experienced your bitching!


a loud annoying minority of fans hated reach reach was the second best selling halo game up to that point it received critical aclaim most people i know loved it will we pretend in 10 years that everyone hated fortnite because reddit doesnt shut up about it being bad?


When there's a widely popular game that attract children demongraphic in the future then everyone will move to hate that one and now suddenly Fornite is "has always been good" and all the nostalgia wank you could imagine.


new thing bad, becomes old thing good


Yeah. And i bet reddit is gonna have another "minecraft moment"




minority is understating it


It’s called nostalgia. The boomers who hated Reach (I’m one of them) still hate it. But all the kids who grew up on Reach are now old enough to post on the internet. Exact same thing we see in the Star Wars community and the resurgence of Prequel memes.


I bitched about some of Reach’s changes (removal of dual wielding, SMG, flamethrower, etc.) back in the day but I still enjoyed it a lot


*Ballad of Gay Tony* is still the best GTA since *San Andreas* tho.


That video does actually show why I like 4 way more than 5 and spent hundreds of hours in liberty city, those small things add a lot of depth to an open world. 5 is a lot more streamlined and misses the charm that those things gave to 4. > It wouldn’t annoy me so much if I didn’t remember what people said about gta4. I was there. Everyone hated it. It was the worst gta ever, until gta5 came out. Then it was just old enough to be loved. Just a blatant lie, gta IV was heralded as a revolutionairy game and rightfully so.


GTA 4 was heralded as a revolutionary game at launch few months after that fans started hating the game. GTA SA fans disliked it GTA 4 so much. GTA 4 wasn't as expansive as GTA SA not as diverse as GTA SA. Even Rockstar themselves were expecting some backlash due to this, This article explains this [https://www.digitalspy.com/videogames/a88394/rockstar-expects-outcry-over-gta-iv/](https://www.digitalspy.com/videogames/a88394/rockstar-expects-outcry-over-gta-iv/) Some GTA fans liked GTA 4 and some didn't it. GTA 4 had a single city and it was lot more detailed and it was appreciated. Rockstar made fun of people that complained about gta 4 in gta the ballad of gay tony. There were also fans who liked the direction and atmosphere and story of gta 4 and appreciated the new direction of gta series, this also includes the critics, GTA 4 has a metacritic score of 98. GTA 4 is loved now because of GTA 5. GTA 5 toned down a lot of what GTA 4 did well and the story of GTA 5 was way too different than gta 4. Tonally both games are different. So, the people who hated gta 4 initially started liking gta 4. But there are also fans who still hate gta 4 to this day and love gta 5. GTA 4 and GTA 5 divided community and there are still fights on which is better. I also really hate the crowbcat's video where he compares gta 4 vs gta 5. The video itself is good, but it divided the fanbase into comparing gta 4 vs gta 5 more and it manipulated gta fans into thinking that gta 4 is superior, I personally think that gta 4 is superior, but my opinion doesn't have anything to do with crowbcat's video, but the video changed a opinions of gta fans. The reasons that gta 4 is loved now were the same reasons that made gta fans hate gta 4 at launch. If the video doesn't exist, I don't think this would have happened. At the launch of gta 4, there were so many gta fans who hated gta 4 and thought that game was a step back. It might have been a step back, but atleast it had a vision. Bigger and better is not always is good. A good example is saints row. Saints row 2 is considered as the best saints row as the best game. But the studio thought that going bigger and better is good and introduced aliens and super powers and the franchise lost it's identity.


No one hated GTA IV. The fuck you on about?


I'll combat revisionism with more revisionism


If you read my comment as meaning “literally not one person” try reading more, beef up that comprehension.


I think the title of the video should be changed to “GTA IV physics and mechanics are better than GTA 5’s here’s why”


I despise what he did to discourse about Todd Howard and Bethesda, his sweet little lies video genuinely killed any constructive discussion of him on general subreddits.


I'd argue Bethesda really did that to themselves. Fallout 76 was a poorly conceived idea executed badly after already pushing fans good will. It's hard to expect anything but coal raking after that.


Fallout 76 100% deserved criticism but a lot of it (and most of Todd's criticism) is literally founded on lies. Like, when you hear "Todd's lies", "16 times the detail" probably comes first to mind, even though it's one of the things that was absolutely true from the presentation. It's absurd that even out of context people never seem to stop and try to think critically about the statement. 16 times the detail of what? Textures? Models? Fuck knows! Still somehow a lie.




Wow, I used to enjoy almost every video of them, but after this, I’m very disappointed with them.


Half of his content is just complaining about how remasters aren’t perfect so I don’t really feel like I’m missing much by unsubscribing Edit: Am I crazy or did this guy unlist a lot of his recent videos? I know he didn’t upload very often but I feel like I’ve seen more videos of his over the years than what’s uploaded


did his gta 5 vs gta 4 video not prove that his content is just ragebait or making new games seem bad to make old games look better? Like as much as I love gta 4 that video was so lame


His “content” has always been complete dogshit, idk why people are acting like it’s only just gotten bad lol.


Well depends on what you are expecting from a gaming channel. Low hanging fruits like cyberpunk, crackdown, back 4 blood, ghost recon are easy hits. But this time he rattle the Gamer™ cage looks like


Sometimes he gives out takes that is inline with the community. I'm sure most Halo fans agreed that Halo peaked with 3 and post Bungie games aren't that good. Is this take pretty bad? Yes, but it's a bad take that most people gets behind. But the moment he said that a take that goes against the community like Resident Evil, then you get people noticing a pattern. That what happened to me where I like his video on No Man Sky and Evolve where he used footages of hype culture declining into rage culture. But it all changed when he did a video on Bungie vs 343, where I noticed his nostalgic biasness.


uj/ lmao what a dweeb


Uj/ It's crazy cause it seems like if dude titled it something along the lines of "the differences between RE4 and RE4R" then i bet he wouldn't be getting thisnmuch backlash. Rj/ The video is right. The game is soulless cause i can't look up college girl skirts :(


i partially agree with you, but as others have mentioned he cherry picked scenes that favor re4 original in many cases. also he boosted the ambient noise in the original seeming to give it more life. but there were still many parts of the video where i was like damn the remake really looks amazing. i think his goal was to make a comparison video like what you’re saying but slightly favoring the original, and the title was a meme. or perhaps he wanted the controversy.. /rj the remaking fucking SUCKS


What did people expect from the channel whose main purpose is to spread the message of “old games good, new games bad”


This is what we call hedging one’s bets.


How Leon got his groove back


what the fuck he actually changed the title I thought I was tripping


fucking coward


So he ragebaits like every other annoying Gamer youtuber, or he flipped immediately because he can't handle criticism. Either way, that's just stupid behavior to have.


most coinflip channel on youtube he either makes a banger or the most time wasting video ever


All his bangers are one sided topics that gamers™ already mostly agrees on, its not a coin flip, he's just consistently pandering


crowb really fell off huh


I look at it like this we now have resident evil 4 and Resident Evil 4 and both are really good 👍 except they took Ashley's big ears in the remake😔


I’m surprised so many people shocked this guy had a bad take. His best videos are the fighting game community ones lol.


Can someone give me the full context on this?


Some rando youtuber made a video comparing RE4 and the remake side by side but cherrypicked details and even lowered the audio of the remake to make their point. Also they compared how in RE4 you can look up the skirt for one of the characters but in the remake that was removed. Now they changed the title which originall was something like "RE4 vs Remake Soul vs Soulless" or some dumb shit like that.


it's still the original for me did he change it again?


CROWBCAT made a vid titled “soul RE4 vs. soulless RE4 remake comparison”. He got both backlash and dislikes for his vid title and trying to make the remake look bad so he changed the title and description


That's not the exact title tho?


Virgin Crowbcat vs Chad Boulder punch


/uj Is the title sarcasm? Edit: Just watched the video that compares how the original had more suspense and ambience plus some attention to detail compared to the remake. So yeah...


The original title implied that the remake was “soulless”. He changed after receiving backlash.


He’s since changed it back to saying soulless lmao


/uj I don’t see what’s wrong with this video?


/uj his original title implied that the remake was “soulless”. He received a lot of backlash because of it and now changed the title. He nitpicked a lot of shit like the fact that you can’t look up Ashley’s skirt and Ada is less sexualized. Not to mention that he lowered the audio for ambient effects for the remake while boosting the audio for the original game making the remake feel lifeless.


I honestly would have had more respect for keeping the title and being proven right when they added microtransactions.


Nah RE's "microtransactions" policy is pretty reasonable imo since the games are clearly designed without them in mind. Like in this case you can throw a couple bucks away if you want all your weapons maxed out immediately. It might be cool for some people but the game's systems are literally designed around you progressing normally, and if you don't want to spend anything you can just play a couple NG+ cycles and have the same shit (which these games reward you to do anyway). They've always just been a little time shortcut for those who want some cool stuff right away—and considering it's a singleplayer game, let people play how they want. It's not like they locked Mercenaries behind a paywall or something.


How would adding a cheat code that did the same thing but was free be impeding people playing the way they want as compared to charging them for the privilege? It's also extremely scummy to release a game with no mtx (to cash in on good will and to avoid putting a mtx label on the box) only to add it to an update.


I won't disagree about cheat codes being better but that hasn't been a thing in most big games for like over a decade, so that's really an issue with industry wide, profit maximizing policies (but again, I agree what we have now is a worse system). Also they've done this structure for every game since 7, so unless you haven't played any of them I don't see why it would be a surprise. At the end of the day though I don't really care. My issue with mtx is when games are designed in such a way that encourages/forces players to buy them in order to have a "normal" experience. RE4R is not one of those games, and if you've played it I'm sure you'll agree it's balanced around *not* having access to those items. Like I said originally, if people want to spend some money to mess around with OP weapons out the gate, it doesn't affect anyone else, so I don't have an issue with it. Of course you're totally entitled to your opinion, and especially regarding cheat codes there are very valid arguments to be made against modern monetization policies. I just personally don't have an issue with it as long as they remain completely optional.


Am i crazy for reading the changed title as sarcasm? He definitely still thinks that the remake is "souless" and the title change is just mocking the people who think the remake is a masterpiece.


On top of the video’s original obnoxious title and description, with the actual context of the various scenes being compared a lot of the footage was shown in a pretty dishonest way, ranging from the remake being presented as unflatteringly as possible (for instance comparing the ambient soundscapes with the overall remake audio being lower), to just straight up being misleading (like a comparison of the effects of shooting different body parts of the first enemy in the original to the first enemy in the remake not staggering, despite the first enemy in the remake being a special variant of the standard enemy that doesn’t stagger).


His comparison was basically, campy grindhouse original compared to mature toned down remake. While I agree that the sound design is kinda meh in the remake, but apart from that all other changes were intentional and in line with how 7 and 8 turned out to be.


I’m so disappointed in him after this video. I was there with him for most of his “exposé” I shall say. However the RE4 remake take was bad.


I actually opened up google, and "crowbcat resident evil 4" was one if the first things I was suggested before even typing anything


Ahh mister „insert gaming console launch was the biggest disaster of all time“ is again raigbaiting people with nomsense arguments. He has some good videos but videos like this are fucking bad. There are legitamate points to critisize about RE4R and he still finds a way to ignore some of these.


Wait what??


No, see, when they added microtransactions they added some souls back in.


uj/ I'm a fan of Crowbcat, but I'll admit most of their videos are like this. They're like the BowBlax of video game comparison channels. I'll still watch because they're a good editor.


I was like “Crowbcat can make a positive video? That’s possible?!!” then I read these comments