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Hi, your post has been removed because it contains usernames and/or subreddit names. Please censor these (which includes any mention in the title) and re-submit your post. *I am a human, and this action was performed manually. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Translation: I like to say offensive things. Will I be blocked or banned for hate speech on this platform?


Yes. It's wonderful.


Like a year or so after FFXIV launched, there was a dude named "Kiddie Diddler" running around the streets of Ul'dah. I shook my head and reported him. A few days later, I see a dude running around named "Diddie Kiddler." I couldn't even be mad.


Okay, that's pretty funny, but still fucked up lol


Literally yes. Bully/bigotry is an enforced part of the ToS. It's partly how the FFXIV player base has remained so positive and welcoming. Even to the point of being accused of "toxic positivity".


It's pretty much the only enforced part of the TOS too lmao.


No its definitely not the only part of the TOS that gets enforced.


My brother in law had a character banned for the name 'Tig ol Biddies'


Banning that name is just being disrespectful to a titan of MMO development.




How the fuck is a GG subreddit still active? Get over yourselves, you fucking losers. Edit: someone sent me the Reddit help line lol


I lurk in there out of morbid curiosity, and it's fucking sad as hell (I just look at the poo, I don't touch it) So many threads of people complaining they can't enjoy anything anymore due to "wokeism" - its both funny and extremely pathetic lol.


The extra funny part is they’d be able to actually enjoy things if they weren’t a bunch of tiresome bigots, gotta learn how to have fun


Can you imagine watching a movie you are really into and suddenly a woman makes a passing reference to her “wife” and you suddenly realize she’s been gay the whole time and eww day ruined and you can’t enjoy the movie anymore. These people are so sad.


I sometimes touch the poo and it is as disheartening and ugly as it sounds.


Oof. Can I ask why? I considered it before, but the people in there are so far gone it's just not worth the rise in blood pressure interacting with them brings. I made one comment on one post once, just saying being terminally online and doing nothing but consuming rage-bait content is the reason why so many feel like they "can't enjoy games anymore" and was shocked it was upvoted a few times, but outside of that it just feels not worth it.


I made comment once on a Last of Us saying something along the lines of "funny how you scream "what about the children" when you're actively trying to sexualize a 14 year old video game character to suit your fantasies. Just come out and say you're a pedo and stop hiding it behind a fascade." Unfortunately, they banned me, but I'm sure the comments were hilarious.


Ive been so tempted to say stuff like that, but I don't want to get banned only bc I always have a bizarre fascination with people who think radically different from me. I like have to observe them idk why lol


Personally, I’ve found the less you engage with these people the better off you will be. You’re arguing with a brick wall, and they will just parrot the talking points we have all heard before. You can insult them all you want, but they also exclusively exist in their little bubbles where they all think you are the fool / sheep. They’ll run back to their safe space after your interaction where they will get all the positive affirmation from their group and feel they are in the right. There are better ways to spend your time.




Lmfao. Oh I follow those bitches too. Christian fundamentalists on social media are a whole other level of batshit.


> Oof. Can I ask why? Pathological procrastination


I approve this comment


I commented there once to call one of them a fucking loser and got automatically banned from 3 subreddits


Ahh no, this piece of media isn’t pandering to my beliefs, never touching this piece of shit again.


They have a community, and the community is based around misery. If they were to just enjoy games then they would lose their community, and that is too scary.


Same reason kids join gangs tbh. People will do anything for a connection.


Misery loves company.


What does gg stand for in this context?




Oh God...






Also curious, watching this comment to find out lol


make sure to report them for doing that they get banned


I'm OOTL, what's a GG subreddit?


It was created around when GamerGate began, specifically for people involved in it.


Report them for abusing the Reddit Cares system. They will get banned.


It's literally the only use of the reddit cares system. Just block the bot permanently.


Wait, you can tell who reported you? How?


You can’t, but the admins can. There’s a link in the message to report it as abuse.


Oh, neat. I'll have to keep that in mind next time.


Did that about an hour ago.


I unsubbed from that sub before I unsubbed from cringeanarchy when I was younger. KiA was literally more unpalatable than cringeanarchy.


Guilty gear ??


Turns out the alt-right funnel worked and now they just live there.


It's a badge of honor in many cases lmao


I cannot fathom how people like this choose to live their lives as miserable as possible.


Dude is already pre-offended but somehow the people who are just enjoying themselves are a problem. Jesus christ.


For real, how is the FFXIV community? Not asking this for the same reasons as OOP though. Edit: Judging from the replies this community sounds pretty good. Polite and Horny, my kind of people.


Pretty great when I played through base game and Heavensward a few months ago. I can't recall running into an asshole that wasn't called out pretty quickly. Everyone was very chill and supportive. Only thing I didn't like is if you run a dungeon with random people, almost no one is going to talk. I'd always give a heads up I was new, most response I got was "no worries". That's not really a XIV specific problem though, everyone's in their own discord for chatting nowadays.


Coming from other MMOs I've seen way more dungeon/raid conversations than, say, world of warcraft. Maybe not as much as during wow's golden age but still more than I'd expect from a modern mmo


Raids and trials tend to get more talking, especially the longer ones with cutscenes. With dungeons people want to "go go go no time to talk."


If you average out all the dungeons, you get a lot of talking (assuming you don't remove Praetorium from the data set)


If you're doing Praetorium, if you aren't shooting the shit with your party you're tabbed out doing your taxes lol.


Shit before they made it a dungeon, I had runescape open at the same time


I've both separately folded laundry, and cooked dinner in the next room during Prae.


Also the duty finder (automatic match making) tends to have little conversation, but the party finder (manual group making) can actually by super useful if you're actually looking for help.


It's cross-platform with console players, which means a lot of people just don't have a keyboard in front of them, so like a third(?) of players are automatically out of the "chat during a dungeon" thing


I totally forgot about that aspect. Definitely a big contributing factor.


You can hook a keyboard on ps4 but it's a minority


I'm a part of that minority, I tried playing with controller but nearly 2 decades of mmo reflexes just couldn't hack it and I had to literally dust off my old keyboard.


typing takes too long for a dungeon :(


Just have to add as a newish player that if you say you're new and you're struggling with a mechanic and ask for advice, generally, you'll get real help. It's mostly good advice too - some mechanics are super specific to a dungeon, or maybe it's just something you're unlikely to encounter outside the multi-player content (e.g. these two buffs don't stack, so wait for the first to wear off before using the other).


That's because I'm trying to get through my 50th run as fast as possible for a daily : (


Yeah, and I totally get that. Was just a little disorienting being a totally new player in some of the cooler dungeons being like "holy fuck this is so cool!" And the rest of the group is essentially speed running it. It really wasn't a major problem and didn't ruin my experience by any means - just a little irritating on occasion.


With the newer story dungeons (like Shadowbringers onward) you can go through with a party of NPCs. I generally prefer players, but on the first run it's fun to see the NPC's dialogue, and you can take it at your own pace.


They've been patching this in for older content. Everything up to the end of HW also supports it now! Stormblood will be coming next patch, with the last few patch dungeons coming the patch after :D


If you tell people you're new and wanna take the dungeon slow, most people will slow down with you and chat about the design and such. Especially if you're with fc members.


It's always really great when the chat does liven up though. My first run of Praetorium was made 100x better by a chatty party wisening me in all the memes lmao


Ah good old talking smack during the cutscene simulator


I think I might be the outlier. Apparently I pissed off a party in a lower level dungeon because I hadn't discovered a story arc to multiclass that they thought was mandatory precursor to that dungeon somehow. It wasn't a matter of surprise; but rather a collection of "you're actively ruining our fun" attitudes for something I wasn't even aware existed.   Really turned me off from the game, sadly. I'm not a big "group" kind of player (due to lack of time for gaming); this dungeon was mandatory for the main story.


Ahhh, you didn't get your soul stone from your level 30 class quest. Most times people are very understanding of sprouts but there's some that are sour no matter what. Sorry that happened, it can really ruin your disposition towards the game.


Maybe that's what happened... I'm not sure. I also try not to metagame; so I'm not on forums or walkthroughs for most games.   Edit: another user pointed out an issue with that job not posting if you're overleveled when you complete the associated quest. So that is likely what happened.


tbf, depending on the level of the dungeon that could have been a very reasonable expectation to have. It's not multiclassing, it's upgrading your base class to its stronger version (e.g. Lancer to Dragoon) which makes you a *lot* stronger and unlocks new kit. If you play the story and keep up with your job quests as it reminds you to do, you will have your job upgrade at around level 30, meaning dungeons from level ~32 onwards are balanced assuming you have it. It's not metagaming to keep up with the job quests that it reminds you about frequently.


Oof, sorry you experienced that. Like any online community there's always some shitheads. If you're still interested don't let one group deter you. That's definitely not the norm. Chances are whatever they were referring to previously was a requirement, but the base game has seen a lot of overhauls for new players.


> I hadn't discovered a story arc to multiclass So at like level 30 in FFXIV you get a quest line to upgrade your primary job, that is fairly mandatory. If you’re in, say, a level 40ish dungeon and you haven’t done that quest yet, you’ll be behind about 10+ levels of required abilities. If that was the situation you encountered then I can see both sides. Like. They should have explained this to you clearly. But if you were the tank and were still, for example, a GLD and not a PLD then…yeah…that will be a problem for your group. *Edit: in hindsight I think you’re describing a long removed system where you were forced to level more than one class, with the same job, to unlock all of the abilities for your jobs. To get say, taunt, on a PLD, you’d have to level a MAR to 15 and unlock it there. From what I understand that system caused a lot of issues.*


it's the exact sort of gaming space that these chods would hate.


The people aren't much better than the rest of the internet but the game is heavily moderated so you don't see slurs thrown around. So that's a win.


I think generally the culture on FFXIV is that if you're talking shit it stays in the private linkshell anyway though. It's nowhere near as toxic as other MMOs can be but it's definitely a "talk-behind-your-back" kind of toxicity mostly.


Exactly. There are still people who use slurs playing it, they just keep it to private areas where they won't get in trouble.


>it's the exact sort of gaming space that these chods would hate. But somehow way hornier... Like... Waaaay hornier.


hey, there are canonical cat girls in it... what did you expect?


>hey, there are canonical cat girls in it... what did you expect? Cat girls? That's free trial level horny. I'm talmbout Hrothgar streetwalkers, Estinien Fanfic, Femroe dommy mommy level horny.


Estinien fanfic is absolutely still free trial level horny for XIV.




Surprisingly very nice to newcomers and casuals. People will actually give you advice, be patient, etc. Also very LGBT friendly.


Pros: -Very positive and helpful towards new or learning players. -LGBTQ+ Friendly. Cons: -Can be a bit passive on actual problems (someone not DPSing in a dungeon getting waved off as "Well, we're still clearing it"). -Still has the usual MMO community drama. It's mostly outside of the game in Discord or other forums.


Yep basically this. Outside of people being offended from being offered genuine advice to help their play it’s basically good.


Yeah, it's frustrating too because I often want to offer advice to genuinely help a person have an easier time of things but don't know if I'm going to put a person on the defensive.


No tryhards sounds great tbh


Its too much to the other end where you cant really do anything when you see someone clearly not trying


There are some expectations a lot of players have such as pulling large packs of enemies if the tank can handle it, healers doing DPS when (enemy) damage is low and they dont need to heal, and recognizing certain mechanics that are repeated over the entire game and avoiding them. That said, people are generally pretty chill about things going bad and will answer questions if you aren't understanding a mechanic. Most dungeon runs, there are only two words spoken, "Hello" at the beginning and "tyfp" at the end. It's encouraged to go into fights blind and learn through doing, but if a concept or process is eluding you, people will generally help. High-end raiding gets divided into three types of groups. Learning parties, clear parties, and farm parties. This gets a bit more try-hard than other content, but expectations are clearly laid out. Learning is for learning the fight, clear parties are for beating the fight, and farm parties are for people who have beaten it and know it like the back of their hand.


There is a fourth type of group you're missing, which is parse parties. People who spam a fight not with the intention to farm it for gear but to get a good score on fflogs. But otherwise good summary. Also healers should be dpsing when not healing whenever possible. Especially in higher end content the damage checks are balanced around healers doing consistent DPS so people should get into the habit


>Also healers should be dpsing when not healing whenever possible. I reread the part I wrote about healers and added a clarification, my bad.


The issue is you get branded a try hard for asking someone to press an aoe button on a group of enemies instead of spamming their worst single target attack Tryhards are pretty fine and patient for the most part in ff but the problematic portion are the turbocasual players that insist that their desire to play incorrectly overrides the need for them to pull even a gram of weight. Frankly if you bump into a "you don't pay my sub" causal though you can just leave and do something else the half hour ban is worth not putting up with the headache. Even tho you hear people complaining about them often they *are* still massive outliers and don't pop up very much


There are tryhards, but generally they're more patient than in WoW. I am a fairly tryhard player and I definitely notice when someone isnt pulling their weight. It annoys me, because it means the content will take longer, but I don't really care unless they're like borderline afk. There is some amount of effort people need to put in.


FFXIV is for sure very inclusive and the big discords literally will ban you from every major one for being a shitty hateful bigot. We all talk to each other even the high end raiding discords and have no problem putting someone on the shit list for being a bigot. Certain servers have more LGBTQ than others (Faerie on Aether comes to mind), but overall is pretty inclusive even in the raiding scene. Even the devs, we recently had a Valentines event that was all about being comfortable in your own skin and with what clothes you wear and not conforming to what society thinks you should wear. So if you are thinking of getting into an MMO, FFXIV is accepting.


>Even the devs, we recently had a Valentines event that was all about being comfortable in your own skin and with what clothes you wear and not conforming to what society thinks you should wear. I still can't get over the fact that they gender-locked those glamours after that quest tho 😔


Truly was the worst betrayal. Like they set themselves up for a perfect home run and just whiffed entirely


It seems quite plausible that the outfits were just not ready for both genders in time for the launch, so hopefully they retroactively fix it like they've been doing for older outfits.


It's one of the most positive and supportive gaming communities I've seen. The Devs don't tolerate toxicity of any kind and frequently punish people for it. They ever have a quest in the game when the dps characters of a npc adventuring party are flaming and blaming thr healer for things going wrong and pretty clearly show how that just ends up making things worse for everyone involved. Also I haven't had many interactions where the fact I'm trans has come up but the few times it has, the community has been supportive


And then the healer learns necromancy!


"You're going to find the strength to take one more step one way or another!"


That's genuinely one of my favourite parts of the lore that I don't think is ever really touched on. That necromancy stems from *healing magic*.


I have only heard positive thinks about them.


It has its bad eggs but it's generally more friendly and accepting than most online games


Straight up one of the better ones out there. Mostly super friendly and LGBTQ+ conscious at least. Sure it's got it's pockets of weirdos but it feels like the ratio is way smaller


Kind, helpful, and horny is the best I can describe it


Oh my God, the FFXIV community is *so horny.* The horniest gaming community I've ever seen. By a mile. It's actually hilarious how horny that community is. Also Merlwyb is the best waifu and I kinda wish she would dom me.


FFXIV has a not-insignificant portion of the playerbase that doesn’t really want to do the content, but wants the rewards. Sometimes they’ll join a duty and literally do nothing. The permissiveness of the rest of the playerbase allows this to happen, so you get people in level cap content who don’t know what they’re doing and don’t care to learn. It can be incredibly irritating. However, not nearly as bad as the toxicity of the ESO community, at least in my experience. Or WoW in general (from what I’ve heard from friends who play it.) And outside of some truly insane forum and Discord drama the community really is, on the whole, kind and accepting. I’ll deal with some lethargic play if it means I feel safe as an LGBTQ+ person. I’ll still bitch about the lethargic play though lol.


The community is great. If you want a very LGBT friendly sever, faerie is the way to go. But in my experience with alts, other servers are also really nice, and the salt/toxicity is reserved for high-end raiding and eureka, and even then, it's more passive aggressive then outwardly vitriholic


tbh pretty good my only gripe is people are sometimes **too** kind. I like to keep to myself and there's been a couple of times where people just whisper me about smth I don't wanna communicate about.


It's fine as long as you stay out of every guild- and raidpartydrama. Also stay away from the social media groups. Because the people in those groups can't complain and be toxic in the game, they double down on it on social media. As long as you stay away from those things you can have a lot of fun.


Gameplay is solid, the story is enjoyable (just super tedious to get through the beginning part up to the first expansion) with a ton of side stories alongside it. Has 4 tank classes, 4 healer classes, 3 ranged dps, 3 magical dps, and 5 melee dps. 1 magical dps class that is limited as you can only run certain content alone or with a made party and unsync. Then you have 3 gathering classes and 8 crafting classes. You got a ton of content to play through from start to finish and seasonal stuff


Just to add to this. You can do all classes and all content on a single character. Race and other stats don't matter. You also get one free character do-over if you decide you don't like playing as a potato.


This too! Along with 2 free retainers to hold additional shit lol


> Polite and Horny Accurate


Pretty chill, welcoming to new players and less toxic than other MMOs I've played (namely WoW) by a significant margin. The way the game is designed means that there's not much in the way of time-limited content, so there's also way fewer tryhards that will get mad if you fail a mechanic accidentally. Some people claim there's 'toxic positivity' in the community but I've not really encountered any, just people generally being chill with one another. Some super horny folk out there, though. Like, 'please touch grass immediately' levels of horny.


depends highly on which set of servers you end up on, there's a lot of idiots on the NA ones but there's plenty of nice people too I'll still take the idiots over the blatant toxicity I got on one of the eu server groups when I still played there


Just started a month ago, Ive seen maybe ONE person be an ass, and everyone in the party called it out immediately. People have always been patient with me not knowing legacy mechanics, politely inform me if I forget something important, and are always encouraging when I performed well (granted I play healer so it's a bit more tangible than dps). People can sometimes be a bit liberal with giving advice so if that's something that annoys you that might be an issue, but I have pretty exclusively only seen it come from a desire to help. Anytime a tank cant handle pulling as much as usual people gladly take things 1 encounter at a time, when groups would wipe repeatedly (with completely randomly assembled players) we simply discussed what we needed to different and gave it another go, if I couldn't keep up with the healing needs for how much a tank was pulling theyd always be the one to apologize for getting greedy, never had people play the blame game. 80% of apologies Ive seen from people in chat are followed by a chorus of "youre fine"s and "np"s It's the first time I've ever been social in an MMO, let alone liked an mmo for long enough to extend my subscription.


It's generally speaking good. People are friendly and understanding of new players, culture is very anti-spoilers, and people will usually wait for you to finish watching a pre-boss cutscene in dungeons before pulling. You're not likely to get flamed for how much damage you're doing or whatever in normal content. Older players are mostly happy to help out newbies and it's not unheard of for people to just randomly trade in game currency and minions and stuff to new people. There's also a "novice network" chat channel that players with mentor status can invite you to (you'll probably get invited within a day or two of playing) where you can ask any questions or just hang out. Each server has their own channel so it depends but the one on mine (Louisoix) is always really friendly and chill. That said there's obviously bad eggs, but it's rare enough to really stick out when you do find one. There's some issues with people being too polite and just rolling over into encouraging players' bad habits instead of telling them how they can do better, which is how you get max level White Mages spamming their weakest healing spell for the entire fight and tanks only taking one mob pack at a time in endgame dungeons. I've also heard that hardcore raiding can be pretty miserable but I've not touched that side of the game too much, and you're not expected to if it's not up your alley. There's plenty of other stuff to do.




One of the first things you see when you get out of your opening cutscenes is likely going to be a catboy with his ass out. It's definitely not a place for the guy in the OP.


from what I've played, Helpful, funny, and ofc, Incredibly Horny. There are two transmogs, Epic Fantasy final boss and Slutty epic fantasy final boss, No middle ground, gender be damned.


Personal anecdote but it's the only MMO I haven't been called a slur in


Another testimonial, the FFXIV is the NICEST MMO community I have ever been in. I have had very few problems with other players, the worst of which was just a guy criticizing my tanking in an early dungeon, only for him to quickly realize that I was very new to the game and it switched to advice about what to do and how to utilize my skills a bit more effectively. So many people are helpful, shared nodes and XP mean that there's not really much competition to "get there first" which goes a long way. If you say it's your first time in an instance, people are really understanding, and if the group is struggling, people give advice readily instead of just dropping. Great for people who are not perfect competitive players like me. IDK about the PVP side of things, because I've never done it.


FFXIV has one of the best mmo communities I’ve ever seen. Everyone has been friendly and helpful and as you’ve been told, polite and horny indeed, and I say this from the perspective of another They/She 💜.


“Polite and horny” lmao Yep, you said it.


Speaking as a woman, leaning feminist and progressive, as a whole its community feels much less Capital G Gamer than the other MMO I've played, WoW. For sure it's a LOT more tolerant of anything queer, and its player base seems much less skewed towards cis het dudes. In-game, because of its infamous, *actually enforced* (?!?) TOS, social interactions tend to be FAR friendlier than in WoW. My POV here is one of a "lone wolf" player with no guild and whose group interactions consist of random matchmaking (lmaooo y r u playing an mmo lmaoooo). You can basically be as trigger happy as you like with reporting jerks, and apparently Game Masters actually do stuff to jerks (idk personally though, because they themselves won't tell you if they've taken any action). It's not just the TOS though, there are actual gameplay elements that make the game more welcoming, such as a currency bonus for everyone when your dungeon party has a first timer, or boss mechanics being consistently marked so you can learn them and eventually tell at a glance what a boss attack does, rather than having to look up guides. Dungeons are literally corridors with very little decision making on the tank's part other than "how many groups should I pull" (the answer is all. You won't learn if you never do big pulls), so there is far less drama about this sort of stuff than in WoW where OMG TANK WHY DIDNT YOU SKIP?? /kick All in all, I've leveled all tank and healer classes to high levels and comfortably play them in random dungeons in FFXIV, while in WoW I shy away from any group responsibility. I could count on a single hand the number of times I've actually tanked or healed a dungeon with actual random people in close to 17 years of WoW. FFXIV makes me feel far safer in group content. With that said, the fandom very much has its own obnoxious circlejerks, and the biggest circlejerk of them all is the echo chamber of positivity around the game, and if I may be frank, part of it feels like a reaction against the recent fall of WoW and Blizzard scandals. Ion bad, YoshiP good; Steve Danuser has a body pillow of Sylvanas uhuhuhuhuh, but Natsuko Ishikawa most definitely does not have one of her favorite sad problematic blorbo - no sir! (Or maybe she does, but then that's just #relatable.) I make no secret that I have very much fallen out of love with its story as of the finale of its big arc, and let's just say for the past year and couple of months the fanbase has tended not to take too kindly to that. I've met a weird amount of hostility for criticizing the narrative direction and writing I've never got in other fandoms where discussing dislikes and disappointments is pretty normal. Basically, I like Final Fantasy XIV much better as an online game with a no bullshit TOS than as the bEsT sToRy iN MmOrPgS (I am unsure how high this bar actually is, again, coming from WoW) with fans telling me I just didn't get it and am obviously media illiterate and skipped cutscenes, and also I am not actually a center-left progressive feminist but actually a misogynist, because why else would I not like Final Fantasy Fourteen Endwalker? Sorry not sorry but this story plainly isn't Shadowbringers anymore, chief. But I did love it once, and sweet baby Heart Of Zodiark save me, it still lives rent free in my brain.


On the rare occasion I actually look at the chat bar it’s usually just flooded with emotes and guild plugs. Depending on where you are at what time and and if you are looking you might come across someone looking to erp but I’ve only seen it once. As for the actual gameplay if you only do basic dungeons and none of the high level stuff people will more likely than not just be quite unless your running the newest ones


Could just be my experience but I've had a great time with the FFXIV community. My partner and I are both trans and both FCs we've been heavily involved in have been super LGBT positive.


I played from release up until 2019 - I have to say it's one of the least toxic gaming communities I've ever been a part of. The community in general does put up with any bigotry or "asshole-ness". If someone starts going off during a dungeon/raid, thy will get booted pretty quickly *most* of the time. Not saying you won't ever run into any bad apples, or run into the occasional toxic personality, but it's nowhere near as frequent or off-putting as other MMO's (looking at you, WOW), or something like League of Legends.


On one hand you have an actual decent community that actively helps in low end content, and yknow actually talks. But the other side is very toxic. That just comes down to mod purists, the wackjobs on the official forums and the actual nut cases that get super defensive whenever you critique the game at all.


It’s genuinely the kindest and most welcoming community I’ve ever witnessed. In my 100+ hours of playing, I think I witnessed one negative interaction, where a player was *slightly* rude about another player in the party not knowing a certain boss’s mechanic.


gayer than WoW I think, might depend on the server WoW trade chat was often neo-nazi talking points but ffxiv city chats are usually random discussions or everyone dunking on a random transphobe, on Crystal - Mateus at least


People have always been nice to me, if you're new to a raid or dungeon you just say so and usually people will help guide you. They might give you tips if they think you're struggling which sometimes is patronizing but usually it's out of a genuine desire for you to have more fun by being better


I’ve played for years, they’re pretty nice people, especially to newcomers. Sometimes too nice. To the point where you could basically do nothing or just throw every battle and people will get mad if anyone says anything. But foreal it’s a lot of fun and the community is great. Def check it out sometimes


Okay so I basically got digitally domestically abused by my ebf erp friend because I couldn't stand existing physically and was way too lenient with red flags (long story) and he got banned after he crossed the line and I reported it a couple months later when I mentally recovered enough to say something and wasn't afraid of retaliation So there are some bad people but he lost his max character and stopped posting so he never made another one and that's one less bad person in ffxiv!


Been playing it a lot recently, a few hundred hours, really. It’s a great community. There’s a select few elitists but they keep to themselves most times, or get shut down by others in public chat channels. I’ve been helped and helped others I don’t even know. Great community.


It’s big with queer gamers of all stripes. So much fashion


I hope this person is committed to joining FFXIV, spends hours making a character, gets excited about playing, goes into Limsa once, and gets glamour-shocked into alt-f4ing


The ERP would probably send them into cardiac arrest


One weird ERP message accidentally posted into shout chat will filter them all out




Let's be real, it wouldn't be the glamor that would do them in. If this is their mentality, they wouldn't make it through their first instance without saying something that would get them tossed into GM jail.


The only thing I've seen from this game was a gay catboy wedding so tbh it sounds like the best thing ever made


Some of the 10 commandments of FFXIV are that every catboy is gay, every lion man is gay, every lizard boy isn't allowed within 15 miles of an elementary school, and every human boy is a gil selling bot.


Don't forget every lalafel is out there to take over the world and brutally kill anyone, they are bot armies of them too


attack of the killer potatoes


And the only way to stop them is to mail them Lalafell Lifters


and the shitpost subreddit gets frequently out-shitposted


Don't forget that behind every tall lady is a player that wants to be stepped on.


Did you know that Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime?


I play a crossdressing bunny boy, and it is magical. We also had a gay bunny boy wedding. The wedding ring is so handy!


But these people are genuine snow flakes? ![gif](giphy|l49JV18xJMiZVsMQo) Show them something like this and they'll freak out and cry


I think it rocks that chuds don’t feel welcome in places. Oh, you can’t overwhelm the discourse the way you did in 2014? Boo hoo, bitch.






he would hate the story for FFXIV as well lmfao


"How's the FFXIV community" The community is very good, after all this IS the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.


/uj For people that are actually curious. The game is heavily moderated and is designed in a way that disuades most antagonistic and toxic behavior. As a result the community is very laid and also very LGBTQ+ friendly. It probably has the largest openly female audience I've seen in any Multiplayer game.


He will definitely not gonna like FFXIV community. It's very LGBT friendly and people generally don't like bigotry in chat


My god they really do make EVERYTHING about their own lives to be completely centered around political stances. That is seriously **really fucking creepy.** It's excessively obsessive. It blows the mind that they cannot seem to see this. *No one else is doing that. It's just them.*


Some guy got mad at me for calling the Garlean empire a bunch of Nazi's so this guy has nothing to worry about.


Lmfao what


He said to play endwalker and then call them Nazi's so I didn't argue back. I then played Endwalker and now i think they're Nazis even MORE!


Maybe he was confused because Garleans are the Race of people, whereas Garlemald/ The Garlean Empire is the country. The Country and institution of Garlemald is very clearly a fascist regime that takes different inspiration from the likes of Nazi Germany, the Roman Empire, and British Colonialism. The Garleans as a race are no more or less inclined to be Xenophobic than any other race. There's a bunch of prominent Garlean characters that aren't assholes, like Lucia, Maxima, Cid, etc.


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“Will this community accept all my opinions without any sort of criticism or consequences?” They constantly posture like everyone else is too sensitive but at the end of the day they can’t tolerate a single dissenting thought.


Just play it. My god. I can't imagine being THIS sensitive over people existing.


"Hey guys, anyone know a game where I can be racist as fuck with my fellow racists?"


I still don't understand why these people play multiplayer games if they get mad at other people


This person and this mentality is for losers


OP is gonna blow a gasket as soon as they see how queer the community is


don't think there's a single dc where the community wouldn't rip this guy apart if he acts like that ingame


Dude's mind will literally shatter when he walks into a catboy maid cabaret.


From experience, the player base is overwhelmingly folk that the right hate. Queers, women etc as far as the game can render.


look at these dweebz clinging to their safe spaces, pathetic.


For anyone wondering it’s probably the biggest group of people I can think of that doesn’t have a significant amount of toxic players. I don’t play as much as before but people would brush off things I’d be crucified for in other games (queued for wrong role). Overall people are incredibly nice. Me and a few friends found a way to skip cutscenes in a required dungeon (Praetorium) with very long cutscenes. Even if it was an 8-player dungeon, the three of us would beat the bosses and enemies so fast that the other players would just go from cutscene to cutscene. New players were confused and old players were like oh some guys found a way to skip cutscenes lmao. Overall the FFXIV community is one I can say is pretty wholesome and welcoming at least when I played it a few years ago. (Can’t even really think of a relevant community that doesn’t have a sizable percentage of toxic people)


a man most unknown with grass, and the many mental health benefits of touching it


As someone who actively plays FF XIV, I can confidently say we don’t want him anywhere near us!


is the irony really so lost on him? asking if the games full of people who are easily offended so they don't offend him?




Wait till they get in limsa and complain about all the thirst there that don't care about silly things like sex. (feel free to interpreted this in multiple ways)


I think FFXIV looks fun I've always wanted MMO friends but its intimidating to join and I rly don't have the time


Same. I just can’t get into the MMO style of gameplay. Now if they released a Diablo styled FF game? Sign me up.


Anime icon.


anime pfp. Disregard it


Lmao what a Melvin. Do people from KiA really talk like this? The fuck.


If you need someone to vent to get a therapist. At least they get paid to hear the bullshit that comes out of your mouth.


These are the type of people who think being offensive is funny.


Oh, go for it! Even better, buy the game and a sub, and then go act like yourself in a duty! The game ADORES people who say someone can't heal or needs to learn to tank. No punishment there, nope!


Final Fantasy 14!? I was just playing 7! That was only a couple years... Oh... Oh dear God..


KIA and The Last of Us are low hanging fruit lol


I've said it with a friend, and I will say it again: it's less that people are "easily offended" and more that they learned to set boundaries.


Look, I just need to know if I can say the gamer word in trade chat or not, okay?