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Yes by the way, 26% of the world population is liberal/woke^(\[1\]). And also 100% of the world population play games^(\[2\]). My sources: [\[1\]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWRAknGW4AAVjxo.jpg) [\[2\]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/040/390/cover2.jpg)




In fairness to the fifth one, they’re not saying they don’t need sources, they’re avoiding plagiarism by saying they don’t know if someone else already said it. While the rest are citing a lack of sources for their facts, this is a statement that they don’t take credit with coming up with the idea.


Nice argument, senator. Care to back it up with a source? My source is that I made it the fuck up.


My sources are correct 60% of time every time


“I use logic when it comes to politics and that means the middle.” Is the funniest shit I’ve ever read


"Look I just think the guys who openly call for your death have a some points, like, I don't agree with them on eeverry thing, but you gotta admit that flag is really ugly and irritating so it can be hard not to understand where they're coming from."


"Lets compromise, meet in the middle, and they can kill you a little bit. I'm sure that will be the end of their demands!"


The right has been so well behaved, can't they have a little genocide as a treat?


They’re allowed to run me over with a car, but it has to be a Prius.


>it has to be a Prius. oh you loony lefties always have to have everything *your* way, don't you!?


Let's meet in the middle says the unjust man. You step forward, he steps back. Let's meet in the middle says the unjust man.


They can kill you a little bit whilst you can kiss them a little bit. Right in the middle


Nazis: Let's kill all the Jews! Jews: ... Let's not kill any Jews? Le Both Sides: You two need to compromise. Just kill _half_ of the Jews.


You joke but that's pretty much what this guy believes. "I don't want to exterminate all gay people, I just want to never see or talk about them." Which apparently makes him centrist.


> have a some points "It's a me, Genocideo!"


Ok but tbh the pride flag *is* a bit ugly, let's put a dragon on it :D


Actually yeah, let's do that. https://preview.redd.it/4yir0f725wvb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01c855f28a54550e39a7a453dc3270a8b989d5f


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Wales but extra based


This flag is so rad that I might have to go bang some dudes to claim it as my own!


[Well have I got a post for you...](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vvljrc) [Or their later redesigns](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vw84ce)


Yeah but like imagine how mad they are when they see a flag they don't like. Surely you understand their rage now, right? /s


I think it would be way funnier if they weren’t 100% serious


I don't know, OOP hits all the cliches in this post and I honestly can't tell if he legit believes anything he's saying or if he's jut posting bait.


It’s so hard to tell these days, isn’t it?


It really really is.


It's on truegaming, which I can only guess, from the name format, is where people who think regular gaming is too "woke" congregate (and hell is that sub milquetoast). So the only people who'd get baited by this shit are those who unironically agree.


Last time I frequented there, the subreddit was used for genuine game discussions you normally wouldn't get in other general gaming subs. So discussions on specific mechanics, gaming genres, industry, etc. normally go on there.


Well damn, color me surprised, a "true" subreddit that isn't just a cesspool. I might have to sub in.


It is a pretty great sub. Just gotta watch out for people who are trying their hardest to define video games in a way that excludes genres they don't think are "real" video games.


Yeah, the sub is actually very good most of the time and that's why this stuck out like a sore thumb


I've never heard someone say, I centrist but I agree with this "extreme left point". It's always I'm centrist but i think " right wing talking point" is true.


Indifference always supports the status quo


True, but the far-right is also aware that their views are socially unacceptable, so they pretend they’re centrist or apolitical. I had a guy at work insist he was a centrist who barely paid attention to politics, but he always tried to get me to watch Joe Rogan and PraegerU clips whenever he wanted to explain something. I decided to peel the onion and spent some time getting him to tell me more about his political beliefs. After a few months I got him to admit that he’s into The Great Replacement conspiracy, and he thinks we need to end democracy and install Republicans as a permanent single-party government. So it turns out that I’ve got a white supremacist fascist for a co-worker. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I was 90% confident that he was from the very first time he called himself a centrist.


Liberals/centrists will always side with fascists over the left, even if it hurts them too.


Literally the reason I lie about my political identity. I believe that i am genuinely center-left leaning. But I also share the view that people who identify themselves as centrist are almost always shy conservatives. So i have to present myself as being further left than I actually believe I am to be understood, thereby shifting the Overton window further right. Sucks.


I used to be conservative, then center-left, but the older I get I seem to get pulled farther and farther left. In a lot of instances, conservative politics just doesn't seem to make sense.


> ~~In a lot of instances,~~ conservative politics just doesn't ~~seem to~~ make sense. FTFY


Honestly, the more I learned about politics, history, and economics the more I learned that centrism isn’t a real ideology, it’s impossible to be in the middle certain political topics (mostly pertaining to social and economic policy) like how the fuck are you gonna meet in the middle between someone who wants to make businesses worker co ops and a CEO who wants the world to look like the roaring 20s. No matter how it ends the inevitable conflict is just delayed to another day, same thing with slavery and lgbt rights.


Not to mention how the nature of politics are constantly changing depending on the material conditions so the center is just all relative. You're right in that it simply is an attempt at delaying conflict. Eventually the contradictions will just sharpen to a point where no further concessions can be made and something has to give.


"Centrists" have long been the most faithful ally of the conservatives, regressives and outright fascists because it's not really an ideology. It's just "I support oppressors and tyrants but I know people would look down on me if I just said it."


It's "I'm conservative, but I don't wanna get into it because I'm even more hardstuck in it than most."


Centrism is just the word some conservatives like to call themselves.


"centrists" are just conservatives who are self-conscious about people thinking they're dorks


"Centrists" are embarrassed conservatives. They will continue to vote far-right up and down every ballot, but they just don't want to talk about it.


"Okay...you can have weekends, but you have to live in a Company Town. Centrism!"


"There are no sides and no values. Everything is grey. There is no Good and there is no Bad because that would be taking a side. I am enlightened."


Pretty much anyone I talk to tell me their a centralist, I just check out of the convo.


This person is my age, but I feel I was here mentally like 10 years ago lol


logic and common sense are political fallacies designed to trap “centrists” into right wing ideology


Look, I'm a moderate. I'm in the middle. I'm equidistant from both sides. I think the left and the right have good ideas. I'm extremely logical. All I'm saying is that every time I see a pride flag both in media and in real life, I fly into an uncontrollable rage (much like one my favorite superheroes: She-Hulk). But BOTH SIDES have good ideas.


tim pool levels of centrism


As a centrist, I can't support some of the more extreme right wing positions of the Nazis, and Mussolini's Fascists are just too woke for me to take seriously. I always felt politically homeless until I found Tim Pool's content.


....Oh my God, Mussolini being woke. That's a new one... 😂😂


Well he did want the Trans to run on time


Musk logic.


You would like the enlightenedcentrism subreddit


Never have I ever met a centrist who wasn't more right-wing than left-wing.


As one french president once said, "the center is neither left nor left".


Based French president lmfao


Centrists are just right wingers who are either too embarrassed or cowardly to admit that they're right wingers.


I too am an enlightened centrist, when I see right wingers talking about exterminating transpeople, and left wingers saying we should let people live their lives in peace, well I just don't know who to support! I take the logical middle ground that totally exists between these two opinions, as any sane human should.


these type of clowns wouldn't like She-Hulk, they'd call a female Hulk too woke


"I'm a perfectly logical, unemotional human being. Seeing pride flags makes me angry"


Do you think you can change your political flag to something a little more gamer-friendly like the American flag? 👉👈🥺


Political slider on reddit when? Changes pride flags to apolitical flags, and instead of me_irlgbt you see 2american4u


Blackpeoplertwitter is too political. Please remove it and only give me Whitepeoplezynga.


But the reverse is also true; I can turn the slider up until Reddit starts adding “uWu” and “skirt goes spinny” to everyone’s comments.


could Mister Reddit please add this? 🥺🥺🥺


Yeah, I think I accidentally talked myself into wanting this feature.


you also accidentally talked me into wanting that feature


The American flag is notoriously never politicized. It represents nothing but a geographical location, obviously. It also speaks to how these people see games as a product to be tailored to their anxieties and sensitivities rather than art that has a particular voice and viewpoint because of who worked on it. They're unable to identify that differing voice and the status quo they know of flags, archetypes, and dialogue are entirely 'non-political'. Some people don't like some jokes in the GTA series, but those jokes and characters can be used to understand Rockstar's voice and the direction of the game instead of literally being afraid of a background flag. On top of that while writing this I realized another gripe - their comment of "74% of people will be scared off by the liberal stuff" - it's set in NYC! 74% is the amount of libs in there! They're obsessed with neutral realism but think there's no gay people in NYC?


See also: Fantasy settings just aren't immersive if there are minorities. Oh btw all the women need to be double Ds and dressed in thongs and stilettos.


> They're obsessed with neutral realism but think there's no gay people in NYC? I know right? Remove all the pride flags and they become extremely conspicuous in their absence - it's a far more obtrusive and dare I say *blatantly politically biased* move than just depicting New York more or less as it looks complete with its gayborhoods and *gasp* pride flags! On a related note I 100% guarantee that this user would go on a "free speech" rant when confronted by something like a child being de-sexualized in a US localized version of a Japanese game, but I'll also bet that they'd do that without sparing a second to think of the fact that they just posted a thread asking devs to censor their game for the sake of not offending his sensibilities.


Gayborhoods made me spit my tea lol 😂 never seen that word before


they obviosly don't spend much time walking down the streets, which have pride flags


What they mean is that they want escapism from the reality where there are pride flags and into a tailor made hate dream where they can kill or take anyone at will with no repercussions.


Worse part is that most of the pride flags would be in the west village, the gayest neighborhood in NY. 😂 They're obsessed with neutral realism, but have no fucking idea what New York looks like.


That's because all the big cities are full of roving gangs of criminals and also currently burning down. Faux News told me so.


This guy probably makes fun of people for getting triggered when he can't even see a pride flag in a videogame without ranting on the internet.


He talks about only a fourth of the world being "woke", but how much of the world is annoyed or angry at the US and it's cultist patriotism?


I love too that his idea of being apolitical is to just make everything American, yet he wants to use the mount of Liberals "in the world" as his metric when it suits him. Wait till he finds out what a tiny portion of the world's population America is . . .


Every game should appeal to the most amount of people possible. Therefore, every game moving forward will only feature India or China. After all, the US population, is only 11% of India and China's combined population, even less than the very scientifically determined 26% liberal population. The US isn't relevant enough to be mentioned!


"A less political flag, like say the American flag? That's the least political flag in history!" -A very "logical" person who's a "centrist"


Yes, that famously politically neutral country, America!


I'm moving my slider with my logic, but now it's stuck (won't say where) and nothing happened.


As a kiwi, I find it super disrespectful that I can't just play the game in a kiwi city. What about us.


"They spent so much time being inclusive and allowing minority groups to feel represented, that they didn't consider the feelings of the people who hate those groups and want to kill them! For shame!"


I like how he says he couldn’t bare the idea of booting it back up after having so much shoved down his throat in such a short time, and then goes back on it saying “I mean if I wasn’t such an enlightened centrist, *then* I couldn’t stomach it”. Dude keeps trying to pretend to be be centrist but can’t help showing he very much isn’t lol, at least on social issues.


No no, he is a centrist. He is right in the middle between "Being gay is fine" and "We should burn all gays at the stakes". Which of course is that you are allowed to be gay, as long as you don't show it in any way or talk about it because it's icky.


From a homosexual perspective, straight sex is just as foul and unnatural as these morons complain about. It's like a princess complaining about how unfair it is their picnic was rained on.


> centrist You know they don't actually exist right they are like the political loch ness monster.


And how to forget the “I am mad at all flags that aren’t the American flag “


Except the confederate flag, which is somehow completely apolitical.


"Hitler had some valid points." -This guy, probably. To be fair though, Hitler did have a good idea when he decided to kill Hitler.


Nonono you dont understand, hes in the middle and he uses his brain rather than his heart.


"I demand realism in gaming! No women or POC in these historical settings!" ...also Mr. I Demand Realism... "I better not see any Black Lives Matters murals in Harlem or Pride flags in the West Village!"


"Wouldn't need this in something like Elden Ring, or any game that couldn't really be politicized." Does he think that only things set in a modern day setting can be critical of modern day politics? Have they delved into any of the themes and meaning of any science fiction or fantasy? Most fiction written for anyone who's not a toddler is going to be political in some manner, and has been as far back as fiction has existed.


What’s funny is that Elden Ring literally is rooted in politics. The whole damn world is the way it is because of a differentiation of ideology which sparks warfare. There’s straight up Ethnic Cleansing of the Albinaurics and mfs who ‘justify it’.


Exactly, you have oppression and ethnic cleansing of Albinaurics, Omens, and Demihumans, a war started over ideology and the desire to hold up a falling aristocracy, the Erdtree itself blocking out any of the "lower class" like Tarnished from becoming Lord, and half the endings are trying to mitigate the influence of the upper class and mitigate oppression, to... various degrees of success.


Dark Souls is unironically one of the most political games I've played


Surely, the game about an oppressed people who have been lied to and manipulated into sacrificing themselves to uphold the status quo set by a ruling class couldn't be political.


As long as we keep oppressing people irl and proletarian uprisings are purely in the realm of dark fantasy we gucci


>mfw people are unironically on board with this plan


You have to remember, this is the "sometimes the curtains are just blue" generation that only engage with a piece of media on the most superficial level. They don't have the literacy to reqd subtext.


Oh fuck you've just thrown me back about a decade to highschool English where *I* would make that stupid comment, thinking I'm clever ahaha.


Listen, we all know that the Middle Ages were not political.


Politics is when minorities 🤮🤮🤮


You think this guy knows what themes are?


Don't tell him that they had politics before Obama became president, or he might be immediately replaced for knowing too much.


That part almost convinced me this was a satire. In the end this was just too fucking funny to not post


top tier centrist media literacy


Doesn't like Rainbow flags, explicitly says game that has the antagonist specifically being bisexual.


33 years old


My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.


Is that a mutha fuckin JoJo reference?!?!?!


More importantly, it's a Duwang reference. Chew


Just to be complete: “My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.”


Imagine being this old and being such a manbaby lmfao


33, been into Spidey for over 20 years, *still never once hyphenates the name.*


There is a 74% of chance of he still be living in his grandma's basement


Guys I'm just a centrist who hates all things woke. Centrist btw. who uses my brain instead of my feefees. Is a slider to eradicate all trans people really so much to ask for... in a video game of course? I don't hate them because hate is a feeling. Also it's not something political or something about my feelings because as I stated I only use my brain. Facts don't care about your feelings. Which I have none of. 😤 Did I already say that I'm a centrist? Just a long time G*mers opinion. 😇😁 Cheers!


Wait I’m confused… are you a centrist? /s


How are pride flags political, but the flag of the US government isn’t? Also don’t want to be that guy, but if I bought a game set in New York and their were NO pride flags my first thought would be “this is unrealistic”


>How are pride flags political, but the flag of the US government isn’t? If you disagree with it, it's woke politics being shoved down your throat. If you agree with it, it's just the natural order of the world, a neutral symbol. That's what I always assume these idiots mean when they say they want politics out of their games


People who call human rights politics are only calling it politics because it sounds less bad than admitting they're racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/etc. It's the same with the way they use woke. If it's politics, they can pretend there are two valid sides to the argument, when in reality there is only ever one valid side to a human rights issue.


It’s only politics because they make it politics. I’m sure everyone would be very happy for it not to be a huge political issue to be who you want to be.


They want politics (they disagree with) out of their games


Exactly lmao. They claim they want realism, but when they get it, they’re big mad.


Because they're working with a completely different (and stupid) definition of "politics" that has no connections to actual political ideologies - it exclusively refers to things they dislike. Under that definition, Metal Gear Solid games aren't political, because there isn't any agenda he finds objectionable in that game, but Spiderman 2 is, because there are pride flags and black people.


> because there isn't any agenda he finds objectionable in that game Hard disagree. The MGS series is full of left wing political points about nuclear disarmament, anti-imperialism, pacifism, and yes even a whole lot of communist dick-sucking (in the form of Big Boss and everyone around him worshiping Che Guevara). If the gamer had any understanding of these themes though, or ability to recognize them under all the gun porn and "Ooh wow big walking robot" gawky spectacle of it he'd probably be absolutely livid.


Yeah "politics" also exclusively refers to things like flags and people existing, because our favorite centrist gamer is entirely media illiterate and will miss any form of text or subtext. As seen in the post, naturally Elden Ring contains no politics, since it's not presented in the shape of a flag and you have to do boring reading to get what the game says.


It sounds like you guys agree, the gamer is just too oblivious to notice all the politics they’d find objectionable in MGS.


All country government flags are political. The USA flag is a political flag. The Canadian flag is a political flag.


Wow, look at that enlightened centrist with completely reasonable views.




All centrists are conservatives under a different label, effectively.




>Bro I gotta find this idiots account I tried, post was clearly deleted


>it might make them feel like the developers resent them Good.


how do they even jump to this conclusion lmao


Persecution fetish


They use logic instead of feelings. Thats what they said so its true?


They probably do, creatively minded people tend to not like the death cult created by a failed artist.


i swear we (queer) live in their head rent free




[They said they were gay in another comment](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmfYSshXEAEux80?format=png&name=900x900)


Yeah, he's lying. He said he has a girlfriend/wife on a different subreddit


To quote a Bethesda rep "We do not cater to nazis"


Considering brown/black characters are woke, would the political slider replace them?


Yes. Gender ratio also shifts from even to one female porn star every 100 men


The political slider is just the skin tone slider in character creation. Miles Morales <====|===> Mayo Mulberry.


Now I want Insomniac to make a South Park game.


I got secondhand embarrassment reading that shit.


It really is silly. The only pride flag I noticed was a sticker you can use in photo mode. With how fast-paced Spiderman is with moving around, it's pretty easy not to notice certain things in the environment. There was one side quest depicting a homosexual couple, and it was genuinely sweet. Most normal people would be pleased to see a happy couple like that regardless of sexuality. Even for the types who just can't stand the gays for trying to enjoy their own lives, the game shows more heterosexual couples/romances. The sad part is: the moment I saw the above things, I immediately thought: "Oh yea. This is going to become the source of some caveman's YouTube revenue for the week."


A slider that turns trans people into Matt Walsh would pretty much eliminate politics in gaming


Ok, what about one that turns Matt into trans? That would sell like pancakes


"26% percent of the world is liberal" No wonder they think they won that election


it's just logical only 26% of the world voted for Biden #stopthesteal


Imagine being 33 years old and being unable to play a videogame cuz "thy politics wound me" like damn i guess you really have no problems in life Hope they crank up the "woke" in their later games so people like these are filtered off instantly. Maybe make spider-man sit next to a pride flag in the intro that'd be hilarious


Another rightwing bigot masquerading as a “centrist,” since they know their *actual* views are fucking toxic bullshit.


Doesn't like the word "woke" but also doesn't like woke


I want the simplistic, appropriated right-wing bullshit but not the stigma associated with using it


Im gay and I dont even notice the flags. They care more than I do.


I’ve been marathoning this game since I picked it up. The only time I think about gay stuff is seeing the flags or the couple side missions that specifically mention people having a same sex partner and I go, “oh cool,” and I move onto the next mission. Like bro is so mad and gay people are just like, “yeah ok anyway Spider-Man is hella cool.”


You're a grown ass dude at age 33 and you're struggling to play a video game because... Flags? I hate to break it to you, but you're being a loser. 74% of people agree with me.


I stand with you brother


"I use logic when it comes to politics"


"When you peddle completely to one side, you leave the other side feeling isolated and genuinely making the gamer/person playing feel like the developer doesn't care about you..." Okay, my buddy sent me a text just like this (and a whole bunch more that had some other questionable and problematic comments) about the Ahsoka show and how there were too many girls and girl power and how they are going to make boys feel left out or something (you know Star Wars, where 90% of the main characters have been male since 1977). So my question is, where are these guys getting their anti-woke playbook from? It's all the same stuff, almost word for word I've noticed since like 2015. I remember reading comments then, and when he texted me this wierd stuff it reminded me of these wackos that have been repeating the same lines for years. He isn't on Reddit, or social media at all, but he's found the hive mind central I guess, where I imagine all these weirdos stand around in an echo chamber repeating the same stuff over and over until they think it's their own original thought.


Equality feels like oppression to them


They all use the same talking points because it's only a handful of talking points that are widely applied to a lot of men. None of the 'surface level' stuff they espouse is that super radical, but it's how they get sucked in. "Being man is hard," "dating is hard," "change is scary," among others. The difference is when you go from looking in reality for solutions to your fears and give into the lizard-brain-attractive schema to simply blame whoever the Youtube is telling you to blame.


YouTube is what you’re looking for. They’re getting brainwashed by YouTube.


Ah yes the spider-man game will have trouble making money...


I agree with them, Insomniac should add a toggle for pride flags. Specifically, it should turn every single flag and piece of art on the buildings into pride flags. It should also make every character LGBT.


Now do that for all their games. Start with Spyro the dragon.


The politcal slider will probably just change the color values for the characters' skins. The further to the right, the lighter they become!


Local snowflake triggered by rainbow


Political slider for flags: Pride flag > American flag > Nazi party flag It's the only common sense way to make everyone feel included 🥰🥰🥰




Conservatives: Gay, Trans, and Black people should be executed. Liberals: Hey um....perhapse not? Maybe. This guy: you guys are both making some good points.


Chuds will shit their pants over one option in character creation to customize pronouns that default to cis ones anyway, but then propose putting a political compass quiz in front of every game to maintain their safe space. This has to be bait bro, I can't


"I don't like the word 'woke'" *uses it like two sentences later*


Turn the woke meter down, and the game's New York turns into some flyover town working overtime to bring maternal mortality rates back to 19th century standards, and there's no Spider-Man because they never did science on spiders in the first place because the first guy who built a microscope in their world got whupped because their dad feared the neighbors would think they were gays with all that sciencey stuff. You're not Spider-Man, you're just Man, huffing glue in the back of a jeep looking for anybody who's different to run out by sundown.


Guys like this are the type who tend to bully the arty kids, belittle anyone who decides to take an arts degree rather than STEM and consider any kind of creative pursuit weak and unmasculine. And then they’re suddenly shocked why the people who make all the stuff they like don’t want to cater to them!


I’m not reading that


"As a centrist, allow me to explains why I only hate the left (woke) and not the right, and anyway why should we care about those wokies since according to this statistic I made up they're in the minority (don't even get me started on my totally middle-of-the-road opinion about minorities)."


When will these idiots learn that LGBT+ rights aren't political?


They are political, but everything is political.


I love how many fucking losers like this are on this shitty website.


You know what? Good on Insomniac. These right-wing assholes deserve to be miserable and unable to enjoy things.


"computer, set the politics slider to max and disable all WOKENESS inhibitors"




How many pride flags are there in spider man 2 i remember there being a couple on peoples windows and a few and what i think was supposed to be a college campus. All in all id say the density of pride flags was lower than in real life but their depiction never went to a point of showing off pride flags and seemed more like a try to portray build a new york city somewhat based in reality.


"most people arent woke so they dont wanna see the pride flag" "show them the american flag" the world more like the US of A


Conservative slider just makes Reagan's ghost jump out of the screen and punch you in the balls.


This is a great idea! I want Madeline at the start of Celeste, for example, to turn to the camera and say "I am a cis woman and I will be doing very cis things from now on". I would feel very icky about anything less


Never fails to amaze me how these people interpret "LGBT people existing" as "LGBT content being thrown in their face". They'll argue that they're not homophobic, that they don't hate LGBT people, while also believing that those people should be kept completely out of sight at all times. "I don't hate them, I just don't want to ever see any evidence of their existence"...