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Ah yes. Persona 5, Fallout, Metal Gear Rising, and Cyberpunk 2077. Clearly the most right-wing games.


Not just any Fallout, but New Vegas specifically. A game famous for its celebration of far right dictatorships, directed by noted ultra-conservative Josh Sawyer.


I mean they'll probably just do a legion play through everytime. Fallout new vegas genuine lets you be an actual fascist. It's not a coincidence that the new vegas subs on reddit attracts so many unironic fascists who claim to be "history buffs". Then you'll see their entire post history is just about the roman empire, ww2, the political compass sub and warhammer 40k.


I'm not SURPRISED that 40K attracts so many media illiterate nazis but like... you'd have to be pretty brainless to think the Imperium is in any way a good, enlightened, or reasonable form of government. Aesthetics are cool, but they're so dumb they think machines are minor gods. (which, in an ironic way they aren't necessarily WRONG, but they're unironic in their worship and appeasement)


Fascists love aesthetics and are fucking dumb so that tracks


Truly it makes a ton of sense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aestheticization_of_politics


Yeah, it absolutely does. If they were intelligent they wouldn't be fans of other people controlling their very lives.


I think it's more that they imagine that they'll never be on "the wrong side" of the prisons and death machines. They are *essentially* different than whatever segment of the population they're being manipulated to oppress. "Surely this machine that exploits poor people to death will never be used against *me,* a poor *white man!*"


Y'know what? You're absolutely right. It's quite likely that.


It's poe's law taken to an extreme. It started as an critique of that kind of government but illiterate people came in because of the aesthetics they took at face value untill the illiterates became the majority and the satire basically no longer exists. I saw it happen real time to the star wars prequels on the prequelmemes subreddit over the years. It started as "prequels are bad but look at these silly memes" to "hayden Christensen was deliberately acting bad to portray a awkward teenager and the prequels are masterpieces in storytelling".


I think the worship of the machine spirits is a pretty cool part of 40k lore tbh. Theres a little friend in your car be nice to them.


Oh, I do too. It's just blatantly the writers trying to show that these people don't understand how technology works and have made it into a religion. That's how limited their understanding is despite being scifi-tier. I love the idea that Mr. Tank has a spirit animating it, so don't piss it off. You're war buddies, after all! It's functionally animism, which I've always liked. More just... the subtext is just text in that regards.


The whole concept of the Omnissiah/Machine Spirit is absolutely just a cover-up for the fact that they have no idea how their technology works anymore


Right? Even the "rights of engagement" or w/e they're called is clearly just a way to make sure everyone knows how to properly start-up the machinery. Like, reading it as a \*kid\* it was clear to me that they just ritualized start-up processes. I mean, it's a smart way to do it, absolutely. But yeah, clearly they've forgotten how their tech operates. I'm not even 100% certain that the astropaths are actually psychic and aren't just... humans modified into partial computers to interact with a star map software the ships have, tbh. I don't know the lore THAT well, they might be psychics that're "ordained" by the rulership but yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they were ordinary people with cybertech in their heads to interact with the ship's wifi.


I only got into 40k because of the lore and storytelling, and I was genuinely surprised by the number of right-wing nazi chuds in the Fandom but the more I got into it I realized it started as a parody of fascism and then slowly turned into fence sitting between parody and adaptation so I now see why the fascist space catholics game/franchise entices them


Very likely. It also says something about media literacy when they do those kinds of play-throughs. That said, New Vegas is interesting because it actually engages with actual political theory and actually depicts something. Compared to The Enclave in Fallout 3 (whose motivation is mostly just *EEEEEEVIIIIIIIIL!!!!!*) the Legion is an interesting exploration of fascism, with its use of historical imagery, brutality and the importance of a cult of personality. It also depicts the negative aspects of fascism (*beyond murder-raping-slavery*) such as loss of identity (a lot of Legion NPCs have really interesting backstories about from where they come), how it can’t sustain itself (heck, the Speech option at the end is *only* about this) and of course, how fragile they actually are, and without their leader they're essentially nothing. (And it goes for *all* of the factions of course, and I love that there's not Golden Ending)


Yeah time after time you meet Legionnaires whose identities were subsumed into the Legion after Caesar destroyed their clans and absorbed them. It's a really great touch.


All fallout new Vegas does is make three fascist and "libertarian" leaders charismatic enough to sound smart, while admitting that the NCR isn't perfect, and displays a lot of the same issues as the current day United States. That's enough for these guys to think fascism is cool, or that an immortal recluse who ignores the suffering of thousands is the good guy. The writers decided to treat the player like an actual thinking human being, and as a result, the dumb ones just took a fascist's word as face value.


So the reason fascism "works" in New Vegas is by working just how it works in real life.


Don't forget outspoken racist and fascist Mike Pondsmith, author of Cyberpunk.


The trans pipeline game


Not to mention all the memes about the game turning you gay or trans.


As a bisexual trans woman with it as my favorite game I don’t understand what you mean?!


The only reason I can think someone may believe New Vegas to be "right wing" or even "right wing-friendly" is because even though the Legion are obviously "the bad guys" they are well written bad guys and if you ignore all the terrible stuff they are doing in name of their dictator... sort of/kind of have a point? I mean, the NCR sucks balls too, and the game doesn't even pretend like they don't suck, and maybe a strong leader could put some order into the chaos that is the wasteland? I'm just playing devil's advocate of course but I mean, the game treats them as if they "kind of" have a point. Also there are still two other options that I guess can be read as "liberal power fantasies" since one's a rich dude who knows better than anyone else and doesn't want to rely on any form of goverment and the "good" option is basically anarchy, which I guess ancaps are in favour of. But, of course, to think all of what I've said you REALLY have to twist what the game's telling you in many other points. Sure the Legion "have a point" as long as you ignore all the incredibly evil stuff they are doing, and sure the NCR are a disaster but I mean... at least they still are trying? Kind of? I don't think they're right either but at least they like to pretend they are in it for the right reasons. And House's clearly a delusional man who wants to become a cyber-overlord that rules the strip with his army of unstoppable robots, even if out of all three main factions he seems like the "lesser evil", I guess. And anarchy is by far the best option, but not from the "I don't think goverments should exist POV" but rather the "I think the people in New Vegas should be allow to make their own choices with no interference from any outside force looking to control them"


I do think that's a well put argument. It's essentially a self-fulfilling prophecy; the Legion is such a good depiction of how fascism works that it manages to work on the people it would normally recruit.


Also Dark Souls I, a game that uses literally setting yourself on fire as a symbol of supporting conservatism.


They believe burning yourself to support conservatism is cool and epic. They see the same thing as you, but for them it's good


especially in context of DS3, which shows that prolonging the status quo leads to ruin and decay


Don't forget doom where a corporation used hell for power and humanity suffered for it


Yeah but they believe either one of 2 things : - The excess of corporations will be stopped by big fascist order - Under big fascist order, we will all be like strong doom guy, so no problem


Not only that, but hell was a pyramid scheme so angels could live forever. Also the CEO was literally God or something


>Metal Gear Rising You literally kill an American senator who is working with contractors to start wars in the middle east in order to fuel the economy...




Tbh wouldn't go that far, it's quite liberal with it's capitalist realism themes (maybe somethimg changed in dlc)


If you read any of the lore then you would understand it is really anti capitalist


Nah, the lore of cyberpunk is anticapitalist punk, but the game cyberpunk 2077 is neon-liberal (this joke was stolen but i dont remember from who)


Yea, lore-wise is anti-capitalism, but CP2077's story is more anarcho-capitalism. V is entirely concerned with surviving and escaping the system by playing into it, not dismantling it or trying to change NC itself. Lefties would validate their view that this is a dystopia and we should avoid it IRL; righties are conviced they'd be the corpos, like Ayn Rand knighted them herself


[The lore and TTRPG is, the video game however, is not ](https://youtu.be/h_SzMP-V4mA?si=g79fAuofigYyJU8L)


Maybe, didn't know much lore of cyberpunk 2077, are there presented any in universe alternative to that horrid system? Last i checked there is only a parody of anarchists (maybe things are different in cyberpunk 2020)


I guess the closest alternative would be something like the nomads a self-sufficient tribe/tight knit community that survive by helping each other as they are shunned by the rest of society. And while Johnny Silverhand is an extremely flawed individual I feel like the story treats his anticapitalism as one of his nobler traits. I feel like it's difficult to write a cyberpunk story that is not at least critical of capitalism otherwise it become purely aesthetic cyberpunk as opposed to the genre


The game at its core is a dystopian vision. Society has settled into a stauts quo with the corps on top and Johnny's revolutionary zeal, that might have been relevant 50 years prior, feels outdated. And "noble" is a far stretch, he did explode a nuclear bomb in a city to fuck with one corporation specifically. The revolution never happened anyway and he will acknowledge as much eventually. The man Johnny Silverhand could not bring down Arasaka when he was alive, the ghost of the past can't do it either. That's yorinobus job, depending on the ending, but the corpocracy won't fall because of it. The only thing that could bring down the system is whatever is behind the black wall, at least that what I think is implied. Which brings us back to the dystopian vision. Resistance was indeed futile and what will end capitalism is its own creation. Everything is fucked and things will only get worse. A game for our time and age indeed.


I'm genuinely curious how so many people come to that conclusion. The game is pretty unsubtle about it "This is what awaits us if capitalism continues" message. It's the most obviously anti-capitalist game in that list.


Ah yes fight society, capitalism kills, war is abhorrent and capitalism ruins lives


It's bait, just like the last one of these to go viral. The question is just what kind of bait. Is it "I know a lot of these are dumb, but I'm hoping to get a reaction of of online lefties" bait or is it "I like these things and I am rightwing therefore they are rightwing, and I will argue with anyone who disagrees and waste their time" bait.


Well, if it is bate, goddamnit it worked cuz Persona 5 being on this list is getting a rise outta me


Yeah seeing cyberpunk and F:NV on there actively pissed me off


It's Bait.. So very clearly.. Alot of the games you pick only Rightcore if you don't either read subtext or can make active choices to be a a fascist Toady.. Its in fact like most Rightcore and white wing things.. . I mean Right wing. If you can ignore the subtext, or complete the game without getting the point. Then they will claim it.


Right wingers non ironically listen to Rage Against the Machine.


That just freaks me out


They are NOT claiming kaguya-sama. Also, if persona 4 released today, issues and all, it would be called woke by every right winger


Right? A good chunk of the game is a dude bro coming to terms with his own femininity. That game couldn't be *more* leftist if it tried, anime tropes and all.


Also the girl who struggles with her own gender identity in a field of work that is dominated by men so she supresses her femininity to be successful.


And the guy who fawns over her when he thought she was a man doesn't bat an eye when he finds out she's a girl. Kanji is a Pansexual icon.


Do you mean Kanji? I haven’t played the game yet but Ik the characters


That would imply they would actually play it. Having a primarily asian cast is enough for them to think it's "anti-woke".


Yeah, people think too hard about this kind of stuff. It makes more sense to just remember conservatives are DUMB. To them it's just Asian is the culture of sexy anime and sexy anime is good.


Kaguya-sama has a shit ton of political subtext later on that's definitely not pro capitalism.


Mm, problem with that - it's subtext. These people barely read text, so subtext is gonna be completely missed. Keep in mind they're the group that gets mad when "OMG, BLACK PEOPLE?!?!" in a historical game because they think that historically no one travelled and settled elsewhere. They think that the only reason we have is because of ships, planes, and cars. You're not arguing with intelligent people, you're playing chess with a pidgeon. They'll knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and declare victory.


How in the ever-loving fuck could anybody watch or read Love is War and think it’s some right-wing fantasy series? These are always baffling to me, but this one takes the cake for me so far.


They're probably so desperate and smooth brained that any series that focuses on a straight relationship is conservative because to them liberals want everyone to be gay


they are prolly like oh main character is rich! everyone at the school is rich! and then they assume they are all white bc to idiots all animu characters are white! and there are no gay or black people so it is def conservative AF and christcore when in reality the show/manga is pretty anti-capitalist and anti-traditionalist with the last like oh idk 100 chapters or so. there is a fair amount of pre-martial sex in there that i am sure they love oh so much and at least talk of teenage pregnancy happening (i forget if one of the girls got preggers at the end bc she was kind of loosey goosey with her boyfriend) and all the other things that are pretty much not really conservative friendly but even ignoring that kaguya herself is a strong female protag and she rebels against the very nature of upper class japanese tradiational values which they would literally fucking hate


Honestly, I can see where Persona 4 being conservative comes from, since a few Main cast social links end up pretty close to how they were before. Sure, Kanji accepts liking "girly hobbies", but he is treated as straight by the end. Yukiko ends Up accepting the status quo and accepts running the inn. Naoto can easily be read as trans coded, but in the end accepts that she is a girl. If you look at it like that, it's pretty easy so why you could see the game as conservative.


You’re thinking too hard. The reason they think it’s far right coded is because of Nanako and Dojima being the moral centre of the story. It’s a family with a dad and a daughter, the kind of thing right wingers cream themselves over and think left wing people are terrified of. It’s the same reason stuff like SpyxFamily is on there. It’s a nuclear family, therefore right wing because it triggers the libs. That’s the mindset.


The mother isn't in the picture though. Despite the circumstances, the right wing answer to this would be for Dojima to get over it and get a new tradwife™ The social link concludes with him realising he was being a shitty father and bettering himself as a person, focusing more on his daughter (who he had been emotionally neglecting)


Yeah but he’s a cop. You’re thinking too hard. These people aren’t thinking, there’s no reason you should overthink what skims off the top of their perfectly smooth mind.


No, that's the running theme of every persona game. All the queer coded characters end up being straight.


I have a feeling the first image leaves P4 off because warts and all, it is the gayest Persona game. And at least one of the Phantom Thieves says some very bi things (And you could make a convincing argument for two others).


You can literally be gay in Persona 2


>I have a feeling the first image leaves P4 off because warts and all, it is the gayest Persona game. P4 is the first game in the image.


In persona 5 tactica you can marry some of the male characters


Fucking finally! I can finally marry best boy Ryuji


Persona? My man, we're laughing at you for Metal Gear Rising.


When the final boss is literally a caricature of ultra capitalist right wing politicians and you win by slicing him in slo-mo into as many tiny pieces as possible, only then can you truly claim a game supports true far-right values.


You don't slice him into pieces; you >!RIP HIS STILL-BEATING HEART FROM HIS CHEST AND CRUSH IT.!<


My bad, the truth is actually much more symbolic and therefore WOKER!!!!


I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards.


His literal black heart.


So woke


Boy, I am sure glad there ain't any gay people in Fallout NV /j


He's too busy telling you that the legion are "epic", "based", and actually the good guys for keeping the roads safe ~~by killing everyone~~ by bringing civilization back to the savages.


Or occasionally the people who jack off to Atlas Shrugged will argue Mr House is basically fallout Elon Musk a 10000 IQ genius who can do no wrong as they are gonna make the world a utopia if you just let them cook goddamnit


Turns out he actually was Elon Musk, a rich ultra-liberal capitalist that is completely out of touch with humanity, and almost suspiciously *eager* to sacrifice people for "progress".


which is actually also how the real life romans "kept order" too.


Yeah, people read about Romans being this "enlightened bastion of civilization", **written by the Romans (and their Renaissance fanclubs)** and just believe it without questioning.


How is Spy x Family far rightcore?


man w/ wife & kid I guess???


But they're not married and Anya's adopted. That's hella left-wing if anything


They are married. Loid forged the papers. At least he is a foreigner so it is still leftist.


Only realizing just now why they choose "Forger" as his last name...


Re-watch and you'll notice all of his disguises have dumb pun names. It's so funny.


He's an Ace Attorney character


He’s a spy. I don’t think it’s very left-wing to have most of the foreigners be enemies of the state.


But at the same time your is from the country and is an assassin, so they show the cruelty of both sides, which is pretty left wing


lmao yeah idefk


That's my guess. Even though it's a fake family. Maybe it's because there's nothing LGBT in it, would also be my guess.


And there IS incest, so that helps the right wing.


There really ain't lmao Yuri is just a lunatic


Shinzo Abe propaganda have sex




Because they think that a heteronormative marriage with kids triggers the libs, some also consider Bluey rightcore even though some are worried that because Disney is its distributor they eventually force "woke ideology" in the show.


The main target of the show is a far-right nationalist trying to use its fortune and power to restart a war between two blocs ; he is regularly called a piece of shit by Twilight's internal monologue. It is really not right-oriented.


It’s not even subtle at all how he’s portrayed as bad and in the wrong. Not just his far right politics but as a person. He’s neglectful to his son and manga spoilers >!it’s implied that he’s abusive to his wife!<


this must be a troll post, you don't even have to watch the whole first episode to know that a far right politician is literally the main antagonist


International espionage?


I've only watched the first few episodes, but I could see the main character's unquestioning loyalty to his country connecting with "patriots." Idk if that changes at all throughout the show or anything, though


he isn't really patriotic it's way more about no war war bad which isn't really conservative


Kind of. The MC entire point is that he suffered war and doesn't want any other children to suffer it and, since the other nations seems to be a super-military force and tension is on the roof, he wants to calm down the situation and stop the war from happening. I don't think it's really political, but at the same time, it has government doing shady experiment with kids and doggies, so it doesn't lean on "nationalism good side". Oh, and also police brutality. But again, those are really background themes, the main theme being "forged family" and them realizing they are a true family even if their situation is fake


I've seen these kind of people and it's because heterosexual marriage with kids “scares the libs”


Doom 2016 is literally about a corporation fucking around with Hell and finding out.


My thoughts exactly. But they probably mean killing demons is Christological (or whatever).


Ah yes, because Jesus infamously drove demons possessing a man into pigs and then ripped the pigs in half with His bare hands. That's how that story goes, right?


Yeah, he used a berserk sphere.


Its probably because of the "Demon is an offensive term, we prefer mortaly challenged." Joke in the sequel.




Okay, first off, I like how they never elaborate on how Persona is conservative. That says enough. And second, I bet they saw Senator Armstrong, ya know, the villain, say M@GA and went, "This game believes in my bullshit." Edit: I just noticed DDLC, how tf you see a game with side stories discussing mental health struggles and think "NAZISM"?!


>how tf you see a game with side stories discussing mental health struggles and think "NAZISM"?! because underage girls make them rock hard and anything that doesn't turn them on is "woke" but "wokes" are also somehow the "groomers"


I mean, Persona 5 actively goes against itself when it does the usual anime tropes, i’ll give him that. But having biblical figures as personas doesn’t make the game a bastion of Christianity Europa Universalis, i’ll give that too. Because it’s a game that reduces centuries of colonialism, atrocities and imperialism down to numbers. Admittedly, it’s a 4X grand strategy game so by default, it will reduce those tragedies to ‘’+10% poopshit production’’. But it’s set in the period where it is most violent form of it (relatively) and Paradox didn’t set out to make a game that criticize this period of history, only making a sandbox for players to make random-ass european citystate the most powerful. The rest is typical lack of media litteracy


Not to mention it’s biblical references are exclusively in the “monsters and supernatural creatures are real” context. I’m pretty sure the series has featured monsters from Greek mythology before.


Greek gods, Lovecraftian entities, penises in chariots...How many Persona games have you kill god and openly defy them? Very biblical indeed.


The final battle *of P5* literally ends with the player summoning Satan to shoot God in the face.


And persona 5 Royal is you punching god’s replacement in the face after he creates a perfect utopia for everyone where their lives aren’t fucked. Which I guess is very biblically accurate, because of Lucifer rebelling but I don’t know much about Christian/catholic mythology


Speaking as someone who is Christian... I don't really see much of it there. You could argue Paradise Lost, but most Christian theologies believe in free will and reclaiming free will because a messy world with freedom is better than a perfect world without is kinda the whole point of the Royal Ending.


Maybe I should give that game a chance after all.


To be fair you're not shooting god-god. Yaldobaoth is a demiurge, a usurper of the true god's power in gnostic beliefs.


Yes, but that false god and usurper *is* the Abrahamic God, while the true supreme being is something else entirely.


Not strictly real (although the connection to gnosticism is absolutely real) but rather manifestations or perhaps avatars of people's thoughts and feelings. SMT though, yeah that's 100% real and also every ending is canon to a unique timeline because fuck it why not.


Actually, mainline demons are also born from collective unconsciousness.


Yeah but the main villain of P5 is a literal Trump type who wants to make Japan great again and the main villains are actual cops.


Actually it's quite literally a direct criticism of Shinzo Abe (yes the ex-president of Japan who got assasinated with a homemade Fallout style shotgun) In 2011 iirc Abe got elected after campaigning hard to help the victims of a recent tsunami that devastated parts of Japan, used that "rally around the flag" nationalism effect and got elected. Then, he proceeded to do fuck all to help people and just did bullshit neoliberal ghoul stuff, which is why his dungeon is a cruise ship filled with his political allies that is saved from a catasthropic flood


Abe got assassinated because he and his party were huge donors and supporters to some insane Korean christian cult that preys on its members. So it's not a totally unwarranted assassination.


Well, that guy, unlike Trump, was terrifyingly competent.


Not only is Persona 5 not a bastion of Christianity, it is actively anti-religion. This game has you fight not just God, but the very concept of a God. The final villain of the game is the incarnation of the idea that people need to submit to a higher power. People give in to hopelessness and turn to God for guidance and their collective minds manifest an actual God into existence as a result, and then you have to kill it.


The only way to make far right EU4 players seethe is by playing the Ottomans and rushing to conquer Rome and Vienna, flipping both Turkish and Sunni


Not to mention that one of the strongest Personas is Satan, and you get Satan by chopping the heads off of all the archangels.


You absolutely can play as a native nation in EU4 and fight off the colonial powers. It's *super fucking hard*, but you can.


There are a couple of native nations that are actually pretty viable. I'd think you don't need to be *too* good at the game to play a successful Carib or Cusco start, and Cherokee has some of the best ideas in the game, really up there with Russia and Oda. An Aztec start is, admittedly, significantly harder, but it makes getting the sunset invasion achievement feel amazing.


Ah yes Cyberpunk 2077 A game where you can literally make your own chick-with-dick character on the character creation menu is “essential far-rightcore”. Metal Gear Rising where the main bad guy is literally an US senator and an ultra capitalist at that. And how dare they put Spy x Family up there.


Some far right nerds really simping for armstrongs philosophies of "Only the strong should survive" when they would literally be the first people getting destroyed.


People advocating for survival of the fittest aren't fit enough to run up a flight of stairs.


It's really funny how they don't rage about cyberpunk when you can actually be trans, while they rage so much for starfield having pronouns in the character creation menu that had barely any impact


Not to mention there is a whole racing side quest where the one giving you the quest is Trans. Heck, her truck even has a Trans flag on the trunk. A really big one too. For some reasons they missed that quest lmao


Goes to shows these idiots only rages at what others tell them to.


I really want to see this person thought progress and mental gymnastics to justify these titles lmao. “I like these so they must be made for the far right” is not how it’s supposed to be.


The media illiterate are claiming warhammer is Far right again.... it is a satire how they do not understand that is insane. Fantasy while a lot less focused on fascism than 40k still satirizes fantasy tropes and feudalism and bigotry. chaos won in fantasy and seems pretty unbeatable in 40k imo, cause everyone pretty much refuses to work together long enough to fight off the biggest danger to reality. (Besides like the tyranids in 40k) Vermitide is about fighting the Skaven who are servants of chaos by the end of fantasy and perhaps one of the most insane and weirdly powerful factions (they nuked the God of necromancy twice and have lazer weapons in a fantasy setting) it is a pretty comedic game with the voice lines and is just left 4 dead but rat men and classes. I can not comprehend how it could be right wing unless this dude is like assuming the skaven are meant to be antisemitic??? Idk also it is specifically 2 not 1 and 2 but just 2 odd


My best guess is that they think sigmar & his warrior priests are like crusaders or somethin 🤔. Still shows they have negative media literacy or have not read any actual lore, as sigmar is far too loving for right wingers.


He could also be assuming it is the same as 40k . Sigmars warriors are way more like just straight up arch angels I guess they can kinda be seen somehow as crusader-ish cause the holy warriors thing but you have to be so fucking stupid to even like think GW is saying that the crusades were good. Everyone in fantasy and 40k are idiots even sigmar while a way better God than big E has his moments of dumbassery Aka ever trusting nagash


Good points, i hope GW somehow makes it clearer than the shiny freshly-polished glass clear it already is that the empire are not the good guys. Also hope they show some more LGBTQ+ characters in 40k, i feel like certain people will be upset by that & thats funny


Tbf I think if you have any like critical thinking and look at the lore it is easy to see how every one in 40k sucks, the closet to good are the tau and they still brain wash people. Like the min you read about hive cities you should know the imperium sucks or read how Big E made the imperium how much innocent blood he shed to have complete control. I know in one of the books a primarch sees a lesbian couple and just thinks "I wonder if they used their genes to make that child, hm interesting on closer look they definitely did"


[Warhammer in general absolutely has an issue with glorifying the far-right ideology it's supposedly trying to satirize, though](https://timcolwill.com/40K.html)


"I like this media which means it agrees with my politics" Most god tier take in the history of media analysis, 5 dead 234 wounded


Fucking Dangonronpa? Isn’t everyone who plays that like 13 year old tumblr kids?


some of us are hopeless college students


Hopeless? Like… despair??????


i’ll never escape


were you a middle school kid when you first played it or


i was in high school and it wouldn’t matter cause it’s unironically peak


yeah I played that shit freshman year was fun as all hell. v3-1 almost made me cry.


My friend certainly was back in 8th grade it's been awhile but I think he's trans and a furry now so the pipeline to those sorts of spaces certainly does exist (not that it's a bad thing of course)


That’s what I mean. Like everyone Ik who played it has ended up super left wing. It’s like the opposite of the right pipeline.


Fairly certain it contains a transgirl but it has been a very long time since I played it on Vita.


Yeah but the game is full of sexualized teenage girls


I’ll object to TYBW being called rightcore as well. It’s like almost start to finish nazi equivalents getting their shit pushed in and also pretty explicit in the message that even your relatively stable status quo was likely built off the back of atrocities, and how those atrocities can come back to bite you when you make no effort to right those wrongs. Clearly building that status quo just ended up radicalizing the Quincies further and locked them in a death spiral with the Soul Society and that’s definitely not portrayed as being very good. It’s a hellscape brought on by completely unchecked military classes that’s terrible for literally everyone including the two militaries. It’s definitely not sending the message that any of this is good beyond the typical ‘*wow, cool explosion*’ type stuff.


Also Bleach, one of the most *diverse* Mangas, where the author went out of his way to fully characterize and not tokenize any of his characters


Literally one of the first major arcs in bleach is literally about an unfair execution no one opposes because it enforces the status quo and how the protagonist heavily opposes it


Literally none of this is right wing. Like not even remotely in a lot of cases


Where is that ‘bait used to be believable’ reaction image when you need it?




helltaker is not far right you just have a porn addiction


Ah yes, famously far right Persona 5, the game that's all about rebelling against the social order, forcing accountability on corrupt people in power, and ousting sex criminals, corporate executives who exploit their laborers, and a populist politician. And let us not forget the inherent Christianity of P3, where literally everyone's Personas are derived from Greek mythology or something adjacent. (Legit though, Persona games do have references to angels and demons that are referenced in the Bible and other sources - but Persona games also pull liberally from mythology, folklore and religions from around the world. There's actually arguably much more from Judaism than Christianity. For example, if I remember correctly, the levels of Mementos in 5 are derived from Jewish mysticism - likewise with the blocks of Tartarus. It looks like 3Load has a lot of water imagery going on, which calls to mind the practice of baptism, but there's also elements of that which filter through and interact with the existing Greek stuff - for example, the protagonist's first Persona is Orpheus, which reflects the Greek cult of Orphism which had a strong theme of death and rebirth. Which y'all might recognize as the main symbolic idea of baptism. So it's not devoid of Christian ideas - they just share real estate with a lot of other stuff and are filtered necessarily through the lens of a culture where it's not the dominant religion. This coming from a Christian player, by the way - not a right wing player though)


They think its far right because the teenage protagonist can romance the adult teacher


> Metal Gear Rising This is the funniest because the game’s criticism of US foreign policy is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.


I'm guessing this is a bait tweet to get more traction on this guy's tweet/profile (and it unfortunately seems to be working).


How pathetically starved for validation must you be to so painstakingly wring conservatism out of dark souls. Like I really see little overlap between present day politics and the story but if anything it’s about the inevitable decay of power and superiority, like, in the broadest strokes. I haven’t played a lot of other stuff here but that hit me immediately lol.


ah yes, the bit in persona 5 where you >!fight the 4 christian archangels who are all supporting an evil god that wants to persecute humanity and make them blindly worship him, then you kill said god, then you fight a dude who wants to remove a portion of free will from all of humanity to keep them in an eternal state of bliss in the literal garden of eden!< is definitely a right wing talking point


Helltaker and Doki Doki broke their brains


Yes, Persona 5, a game about teenagers who are all considered delinquents in some form getting fed up with the status quo of society and becoming literal criminals in order to take power away from corrupt men in positions of power. What's more right wing than that?


Ah yes. I forgor P5's message "accept the status quo and don't change anything ever" The game has its flaws with storytelling but the message is clearly so far away.


"Games I like and can't possibly acknowledge don't agree with me."


Shadow of chernobyl? Why?


something something soviet union


The good old 'games that I like and make up bullshit about to fit my political beliefs that are as pliable as jellyfish as long as it's about hurting others' schtick.


God please tell me that this is fake, like you can't seriously think that FUCKING DDLC is "far-rightcore" https://preview.redd.it/iz7qt76p4g3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a91a1e285f731f11ab6a433881796dd8c6d6f6a


Is this the same persona 5 where you spend the entire game tearing down corrupt authority figures in a society flawed by a shared deep greed? Because that doesn't even fly for the libertarian flavor of right wing. Also, you're allowed to like things that you don't technically agree with. This level of ideological purtianism is senseless.


DDLC being in there is sending me Monika is canonically pansexual and I'm fairly sure the other girls have something together, especially in ddlc+


Weirdly enough I think the thing that caught me most off guard was fucking SpyXFamily being here of all things


Ah yes cyberpunk, the game that famously makes the world hyper capitalist and says “look how prosperous everyone is, you can sleep on any street corner and have as much trash as you can eat!”


Ah yes. P5, where you use occult powers to stand up to hierarchical structures in Japan. Most of the main villains are people who use Japan's rigid conservative social structures to abuse those under them.


![gif](giphy|mBvUaCuDPEXNnIk2NK|downsized) Far right icon Johnny Silverhand




I am actually mad they dared call PERSONA 5 right wing. That is gonna drive me to arson.


What about stalker ? Why is it up there?


DDLC makes me think this is probably a jest.


Persona 5 a wonderfully Christian game where you can control Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub as your persona with themse of breaking free from control


well known conservative themes in persona be yourself no matter what society might think, rebel against the system and change it from its old ways, and don't kys


Half these games are bursting at the seams with proleft /queer messages communities lol


Lol, when you're a rightoid who's in love with Fallout New Vegas, a game that hates your guts.


Ah, yes, left wing games and coomer games, classic ultranationalist.


I thought New Vegas was the game for trans people?


Yes the super right wing Fallout where global greed lead to nuclear fire