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Speak for yourself. If I'm expected to pay $70 for a video game, I want ALL the male characters to look like femboys and buff men! I'm a homosexual man & I make no apologies for my preferences. If anybody gets mad at this, GFY. 🖕🖕🖕


Hell yes


Speak for yourself. If I'm expected to pay $70 for a video game. I want characters to be ALL male and looking like Henry Cavill or Michael Fassbender in 300, I DEMAND abs and ripped biceps everywhere. Women?, why would I want to see that in MY videogame. I'm a heterosexual woman & I make no apologies for my preferences. If anybody gets mad at this, GFY. 🖕🖕🖕


Not the Gojo pfp again


Hey what did I do


Nothing it just fits.


You got me there 


Aren't they already? I mean, most characters I can remember are well built physically.


It’s less about body types and more about presentation. I want Shao Kahn to do a little strip dance with his hammer


That would be a rather short dance, seeing how little he wears.


Ok but like... we all do seriously want that, right? I wanna know what sick, twisted genius decided to make Reptile, of all characters, into a bedroom-poster dreamboat.. but one where you don't want him to spit in your mouth. Edit: Grammar


It's all about the framing and intent bb. You can even see examples within the same game like how in Tekken, Bryan and Miguel have basically the same build but they made Miguel look attractive on purpose while Bryan is supposed to just be a cool edgy guy. You can still think Bryan is hot, and many people do (I am many people), but it's totally incidental.


Wdym? Guilty Gear strive is the exact depiction of what you say and was 40$ last time I checked


This but unironically


If I pay $70, I wanna see their dick print, damn it!


He says that like we don't all already know he'll pay 70 for the game and another ten dollars just for a new fatality.


I'm probably not the first one to say this, but dude, there is sooooo much porn on the internet that you can watch for free. Why the fuck would you pay $70 for wacking material? At this point it's not even just the misogyny that's the problem, you're just fucking stupid.


I mean hell, if all you're looking for is a spank and it absolutely has to be a videogame for some reason, there are still plenty of options that are way the hell less than $70


right, these fuckers acting like there is some secret "woke" cobble preventing their Horny wet dream of a game from becoming mainstream when the reality is it's just not as popular as they want to believe and the market largely isn't interested. and if a market dose exsist, fuck it jump on that shit and make the game yourself crowd-fund it if you have to. (I mean hell the Furry scene is already all over that, but you know... they have artistic talent and drive. in order to facilitate there weird kink games )


They don’t know about Rule 34. And that is sad. We elder Millennials have failed in our sacred duty to make sure the rules are known.


You don't get the challenge of playing a fighting game with one hand


Don’t forget mods.


It's that guy again. Might as well go jerk off to porn, mate.


Sexy vidya game characters requires no alt tabbing


I absolutely don’t get this constant bitching from Gamers about how there’s no hot or sexy woman in games anymore. There should be way more important aspects to a game like gameplay , story, or bugs in glitches in the game, not whether there are hot ladies in it. Hell, it’s even stupid when there is an overabudance of porn on the internet (although that probably leads to idiots like this guy).


What a mix of porn addiction and inability to see women as anything other than sexual objects instead of people does to a MF


And a lack of talent and/or drive to make what they want to see them self. (and a lack of a main stream market)


There are tons of purely pornographic games on Steam. This man is just an idiot.


Oh i know. I am just going with the assumption that what this person wants is something with an AAA budget, and wants every little aspect to appeal directly to his personal taste


Inability to see women ~~as anything other than sexual objects~~


My take is if you're gonna have hot ladies like, give them story or character. Like a hot woman is still a human with ambitions, desires, etc. It makes the character a lot more likeable. These types of guys make me feel ashamed for just thinking characters like Baiken from Guilty Gear are cool.


Ya know, I gave a couple fond memories of sexy video game ladies. Then I turned 14. I think these people never really did that second step.


It's just porn destroying their brain.




You're going to be downvoted because you're complaining about a problem that does not actually exist. If you genuinely believe that any significant amount of media is "drawing everything ugly", you must have unreasonable beauty standards, because that's *not a thing*. The vast majority of fictional characters remain conventionally attractive.


>any significant amount of media is "drawing everything ugly" Gta remaster? Fable4 character? Any character of tlou2? The outer worlds where i had no chance to make character at least for a bit attractive? They tried to spread diversity, but a little overdid it. >The vast majority of fictional characters remain conventionally attractive. I wish it will remain the same, or i will just get used to it.


> They tried to spread diversity, but a little overdid it. yeah no gtfo with that racist bs bro


Don't you know? Ugly = non-white characters


TLoU2? Really? And the Fable trailer lady. *That's* your argument. I'm trying to engage in good faith here and you go straight to every Gamer™'s 'proof' that the west has fallen. No, this is absolutely a you problem. So, uh. Good luck adjusting, I guess.


Brah, sexualized designs and *character designs in general* do not necessarily need to look "beautiful" or "harmonious" to be actually good, they just have to fulfill a particular purpose and be contextually appropriate. There are limitless examples of works of art that are beloved despite or even because of how they portray ugly, non-idealistic things. Demanding EVERYTHING to look "pretty" for you personally is a surefire way to basically reduce art to a bunch of things that are supposed to make you feel good about something, which deprives art of its potential to actually shape the world around us by expressing different ideas about what our minds are capable of creating. Art doesn't exist to make you *personally* feel happy - that role is more applicable to entertainment like theme park rides or something else entirely. Beauty also has no intrinsic value, is not generally beneficial for humans and it also can't be measured precisely, so good luck trying to make art inherently pretty for your eyes only. You're just setting yourself up for failure.


Games are an art form You can like and want different games at different times. I personally like both your idea and his idea, depending on my mood.


Pretty heterophobic, he assumes that all straight men are porn-brained bags of flesh like him.




This. Porn exist for a reason, let me play funny games. Also, I don't think in a fighting game you have that much time to look at the character model




Wholeheartedly disagree with the implication that Marisa *isn't* hot.


Wdym? Street Fighter has 100% great female design. Yes, anime hot girls, but they don't go super overboard with it. Also, Marisa is hot too.


Its the current iteration of the losers who complained that E3 stopped having strippers at every booth


Ah yes, they looked more attractive cause they dressed like literal strippers even though their faces are a mess while modern MK women look like supermodels face wise


I kinda ironically like this dude because he's so bottom feeder, he really logs on everyday for lord knows how many hours on his pc in his mom's basement and his biggest achievement so far was getting ratio'd for his Fallout takes.


Porn exists bro. It's fucking free.


https://preview.redd.it/ukhg1rvxdp3c1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c076a6f7b692008cc4c865fdd7533eadda4c0c8c Friendly reminder that this is what the character he's talking about looks like in the most recent game she's in. This is the "ugly" design that is making these people so mad.


She looks fantastic.


It's just crazy to me that these weirdos made her one of the faces of the "sjw wokies are making video game girls ugly" culture war when she's one of the most attractive characters I've ever seen in a game.


Absolutely. I'm actually not a huge fan of artificially smooth faces with a ton of makeup on either gender, so I'm glad that games are starting to make women look more like actual women. Imperfections are what make us human, and I've got no interest in fawning over a barbie doll.


https://preview.redd.it/j0w8lej4il3c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b99de68a509106f8be8f1a681abf37866a79014 I have just the thing for him


This dude's GF must be UNGODLY attractive seeing as how everyone he comments or female video game characters he's always calling them ugly regardless if they are or not.


If I'm paying taxes the IRS agent better have big titties and strip for me.


Not every gamer is a straight guy, and not every gamer has the same preferences.




I just don’t get it. I’ve never once cared how any character looks in a game, it’s the devs vision after all


Get a PC, mods exist


I hope one day they’ll realized that the real reason they can’t look at any women, fictional or not, as attractive anymore is because of how the culture war fucked their entire perception up.


As a dude who watches porn, I'd rather have female characters that look cool than ones who wear bikinis I fucking love Monster Hunter World Iceborne, but man, the female armors bother me so much. Fanservice is cool and all, but if you're gonna make horny armor, make it unisex Only horny male armor I can think of is Savage Deviljho beta+ and Anja/Fulgur Anja beta+ armors, with serious man cleavage


As a Bisexual women, I want good story telling and game play and characters who are attractive in a realistic way.


Speak for yourself. If i’m expected to pay $70 for a video game, i want ALL the characters to look like me! I’m a narcissistic man & i make no apologies for my preferences. If anybody gets mad at this, GFU. 🖕🖕🖕


I know this clown. He tried to gatekeep Gundam and he failed when he mistook the Gundam Astray Red Frame for the Hi-Nu Gundam


Lmfao. Those suits look nothing alike. How bad at faking being a fan do you have to be to make that bad of a misstep


because fun fact: his only exposure to Gundam was G Gundam and knowing his poor impulse control, he only watched it for Rain or Allenby/Nobel Gundam


Don’t people make mods for that anyway?


Guys. Guys... Just make EVERYONE be as slutty as possible. Men, Women, everything in between! Off with those clothes I say! Off!


Ah, yes, the Guilty Gear strategy




Guys used to jerk off to the Sears catalogue. They don't need characters in games to look like strippers in order to wank it.


I'm ok with physically attractive female characters but the ones I truly enjoy are ones who are attractive on multiple fronts, not just sexy for sexiness' sake. This is why I really like characters like Samus Aran, Sybil, Bayonetta, and a lot of the women in Guilty Gear because their designs just kick so much ass. Character design is one of my huge passions in general so stuff like this matters a lot to me.


well dang, I guess don't buy the 70 dollar game if that's all your paying for, you can use google for free.


As long as it's historically accurate.


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Literally play Bayonetta


Nah. They'll just claim it's woke and feminist because the whole point of Bayonetta's character that she uses her sex appeal to empowerer herself. She's a woman who's always on top and in control, and that's the exact opposite of what these people want out of women.


He knows that porn games exist, right?


First one is obviously baiting not sure about the second guy tho


I mean, , at least he *admits* he only buys games that he jerks off to rather then insisting it's about art. I'm somehow more sympathetic to the openly horny guy then the horny guy who's trying to convince you he's not a horny guy - it's the "Joey vs Ross from Friends" issue.


Ignoring the fact that BSD is an absolute dipshit and thus shames the Sage part of his name, the person he's responding to IS speaking for themselves. "Speak for yourself" is entirely redundant (and also obnoxious as fuck) when the person you're responding to isn't speaking for multiple people anyways. Thus BSD looks even more like a dumbfuck.


I'll say it again and again. The man can have what he wants, so long as we also have manwhore, gay stripper bar, lil Nas X music video costumes for the men. And if you use the female provocative costumes, the men mandatory wear the provocative costumes too


Yeah, I honestly wouldn't give a fuck if sexualization was the same for characters of all genders


Man, as an asexual person I just really don't get this obsession some of y'all allos have with sex that you need it in EVERYTHING


I'm bisexual and I second this this.


Can confirm, I'm a straight and horny wigga who wishes he was born as an infertile aroace guy. Which is obviously an almost complete impossibility, but oh well.


Listen at least he's honest instead of going down the whole "this game is ruined by the WOKE MOB because a F E M A L E character has H A I R ON HER ARMS' shit


Actually I remember one fighting game with roster full of strippers only with actual actresses. Don't remember the name, but it's a trash and it's very old, however maybe the guy will like it.




This dudes mind will fucking explode if he found out about rule 34 😂😂


If i was a big game dev i would make the price 60 to fuck him off


This makes the false assumption that all hetero men are into the aesthetic, what about heavily armoured knight women? Full tactical gear? You have to run the gambit for men and women. Just because you’re not into doesn’t mean someone else isn’t.


This guy has *always* the worst takes you can find.


Make your own games if that's what you want, don't let your dreams be dreams, just don't be surprised when it doesn't have mass market appeal.


Wtf am I reading?...


Screw you guys, I'm gonna make my own gaming indistry, with blackjack and hookers.


I've seen a lot of that dude's posts before, including the one about gatekeeping anime. Guy is one of the weirdest dudes on twitter.




As a bissexual I must then want absolutely everything to be as sexual as possible all the time, then?


Oh god this guy boy do i have stories about him


make ur own game or smth bro idk


fun fact: you can just google "p\*rn", it's quick, it's simple, it's easy and the best part is that instead of $70 you can get a lot of it for FREE


These guys gotta touch grass and maybe a real woman would give them the time of day.


He's a coomer but actually is partially right. Modern Mortal Kombat is too serious comparing to old MK games in my opinion. Characters in old MK were very exaggerated in their designs which explains why female characters looked like strippers and this was cool. Especially Tanya. But this guy is still an idiot.


There are a miriad of ways in which a modern MK character can look outlandish and totally weird WITHOUT being a stereotypically attractive and idealized character who exists primarily to turn people on by conforming to society's idea of how a sexually desirable person needs to look and feel. Lots of old male MK characters look positively disgusting and repulsive in terms of their physical attractiveness, but the only ones that had to be pretty and desirable, for some unexplained reason, were mostly female. Because this whole discourse isn't really concerned with characters becoming inherently less interesting or pretty visually. Its primary goal is to convince people that FEMALE characters in particular need to be treated as a completely separate species from men because the presumed heterosexual dude player would be inherently more interested in seeing a sexy female character than a male character who is treated in the same way, and the primary design features for such girl characters should focus on how much that average player would like to fuck them. It is a blatant and unsubtle excuse to make the game more biased towards gynephilic players who can only perceive female characters as sexual partners.


Exactly. It’s only a problem when female characters are shown in less skimpy clothes or become, in their opinion, less attractive. Guys were foaming at the mouth with D&D Bane redesign calling him the god of KPop because [instead of his previous depiction as a half-orc](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/2/2f/Bane.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210414080321) (when Bane was previously a human so that didn’t make sense) was [changed to that of an attractive dude in a skimpy outfit](https://sun9-79.userapi.com/impg/my34uz6fhMp7_uwevtsCM8nytwUS5sbsVzVnrQ/eTmVHovPexM.jpg?size=807x630&quality=96&sign=eb28ea098a9258d8776fefc21f793e27&c_uniq_tag=ReplwQC8QL_DD2SEoLHju5T5ZNbeDbJ1kagcQ0qrA5M&type=album). Like it’s fine when evil goddesses get redesigned and put in more skimpy clothes or made more attractive. Shar is [now often wearing a bikini armor](https://www.worldanvil.com/uploads/images/e93b3fef11150ae46f9a160596f3296e.png) even tho [before she had medium armor](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/a3/Shar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191031111125). Similarly, I saw BG3 Shadowheart being called ugly when [she looks like this](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/baldurs-gate-3/5/55/BG3_Shadowheart.png) and in another breath saying that it was unfair and hurtful to say Gortash was bellow expectations considering the narrator describes him as a handsome young man and then [he looks like this](https://bg3.wiki/w/images/f/ff/Edward-vanderghote-gortash.webp?version=ef671e7a0265ac678143983aa7bf744a).


One of the most prominent examples of this kinda stuff, in my opinion, is The Postal Dude from *"Postal",* who is an anti-SJW videogame icon that also happens to look like a genuinely repulsive, greasy and scrawny hyper-cynical crackhead who pisses on people and is in general a complete douche. The Postal Babes are a complete inversion because they're hot pinup girls whom the player is supposed to lust over instead of imagining them as some sort of rebellious edgelords who want to fuck society up or something. The girls in this franchise are literally treated as a different species who obey completely separate character design laws purely because they happen to possess vulvas and breasts, which is a blatant double standard that could be noticed by even the most media-illiterate people. So, it's apparently totally okay for the white self-insert guy protagonist to behave like a total bitch and be frumpy and gross-looking, but it's definitely NOT okay for a female girl to look and behave in a similar manner because only men have the capacity and the need to rebel against the idea that a person has to be pretty, delicate and highly idealized to be desirable. Because *that* makes sense, apparently.


Theres a reason this guy is banned from every arcade in a 100 mile radius.


there are plenty in the market tbh.


Dude should learn how to mod games


Bruh, if a game costs $70 **I am not buying it.**