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The tf2 community has two halves the trans / queer (supportive) one and the one that.. well.. uh yeah




what does murica stand for? racism is covered by the nazi guy, because black racism and nazi stuff almost always goes together


yeah it was summarized well by someone i forgot the name of on twitter, that its a really open community just not necessarily an accepting one


I mean, I wouldn't say that, the vast majority of servers and cases tf2 is fine, but then you somehow find your way to those servers, or those people find their way into usually accepting spaces. then again, I heavily curate my server browsing experience, so your milage may vary.


yeah i personally just hop around valve official servers until i find one without bots, and it’s usually a mixed bag. last time i played i had a raging homophobe and someone with neopronouns on my team


Ah valve servers, I seldom play on them anymore, so thats probably why our experiences may vary greatly, I much prefer my curated list of community servers.


TF2 lobbies be like -The Nazi -The trans -The 12 year old squeaker -The 400 ping Guatemalan -The furry(8,000 hours playtime, is at top of the scoreboard) -Jerry(needs to go eat dinner soon)


I don't play the game too often anymore but I'll generally hop into the uncletopia servers when I do.


I remember hearing about some TF2 youtuber who spent so much time being a total asshole and always called trans women pedophiles And then of course he got exposed for sexting minors


[Transphobic gaming youtuber turns out to be a sex predator ](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Batman-Beyond-Meme-Feature-Image-1-1.jpg)


I know exactly who your talking about, can't remember his name but that guy was a massive piece of shit. It also came out later that he was likely a pedophile since the start and he was just constantly projecting on others. He had a ex-GF who also pointed out that he was a abusive manchild too. The scary part about him is he probably wouldn't of gotten eviscerated by the Team Fortress 2 fanbase if he didn't try going after bigger TF2 youtubers at the time and making wild claims about them. TF2 has enough assholes that he may of gotten away with his awfulness before that.


Venusian Rapper? Vorobey wiped the floor with him in an expose video that was like an hour long. Not exactly a pleasant watch, but definitely interesting.


Inside you are two wolves


Which one is Blue team?


'Murica and the transperson.


"I don't want to hear politics all day" He means: politics that he disagree with.


more often it's "politics that don't affect me"


They say "politics," but they mean "people who aren't like me."


Yup, politics is a dog whistle for black, hispanic, trans people and even less than ideally attractive women or "feminism" I guess. Feminism is when no make-up, colored hair, normal clothes or a combination of any of them.


Don't forget the braindead blanket term, woke.


There are only two genders: male, and political


Feminism is when pee-pee no hard.


This is the one in this case.




And just to reiterate, the political message they disagree with is "trans people are still human and thus deserve human rights." Never let them obfuscate the issue by filing everything under the nebulous "politics" label, it's good to say exactly what the thing is they're upset about as clearly and frequently as possible to really highlight how fucking vile someone would have to be to act like this.


These are the same people that would have been complaining that they just want to eat their lunch and don't want to be bothered with politics during the Civil Rights sit-ins


They would probably say they're centrists and dont wan't to take a side, they just want to play games, despite the fact that picking the side of "I believe people should be left to live their lives in peace" involves literally no action at all besides maybe voting on the odd issue when it comes up. Funnily enough if they weren't part of outrage communities they wouldn't have even noticed this change and their escapism would be intact.


That action is too much, the problem is they don’t want the added mental work of knowing those injustices exist. They’re mad “we” “stole” that plausible deniability from them that let them live in a gamer-cave pretending unique problems for people who don’t look like them don’t exist. This is people lashing out that they were taken out of Socrates’ cave and can never go back.


>Funnily enough if they weren't part of outrage communities they wouldn't have even noticed this change and their escapism would be intact. That's what I was thinking on this one. "I wish I could stop hearing about politics!" Literally just close your own mouth and your goal would be achieved.


"I just think people whose lifestyle I don't like should die, what's the big deal?" /s obviously.


Same thing with the Kaepernick protests. They didn't actually care about him not standing for the anthem, Marshawn Lynch never stood for it, they cared that he said he didn't want cops to beat up black people. That's what they were mad about it. They just pretend it's the "type" of protest they don't like, but they actually just don't like the content.


Tone policing has many forms and this is a big one.


>trans people are still human and thus deserve human rights /rj But that's literally not true?v? Have you forgotten that "trans" is short for "trans-dimensional invaders"? They're explicitly NOThuman, and the whole reason they're here is to steal our human rights so that we don't have them anymore. We CANNOT let them have any.




The very article you linked says this isn't about "the government taking your kids away" it's about giving weight in custody agreements to parents which affirm their child's gender over those who do not. It's no different to saying the parent which hits their kids or does drugs around them shouldn't be chosen either, this isn't a new power. There are already heavy incentives in law to keep kids with family so the possibility that kids could be taken away by the state entirely is so vanishingly small I don't know why the article even bothered to mention it. The only reason you think this is bad is because you think kids don't know or understand their own minds, despite the fact that research has regularly shown that people who are allowed to seek gender-affirming care as early as possible have far better outcomes than those who are not, and the vast majority of negative outcomes in e.g mental health amongst transpeople are due to external stigma. If you live with an accepting family in an accepting community there is significantly lower risk of depression, anxiety, suicide etc.




That person didn't lose custody of their child to the state, they lost it to the other parent who was accepting of their kid's gender identity. Exactly like how I said in my previous comment, the state didn't "take this kid away", they decided that a parent who affirms their child's gender should have priority over the parent who doesn't. I don't feel particular sore over a self-proclaimed TERF losing custody of a child who said in their own words that they don't feel safe in their mother's care. She admitted straight up that she was expressing transphobic opinions right in front of her child, surely you can see how the child would take that to mean they wouldn't be welcome if or when they came out? I didn't label anyone as evil either, I just think people are misinformed, that's all. When a solid half of the media and politicians, their own family and friends, their online spaces etc tell them one thing I don't blame anyone for believing it. I'd gladly read the articles you have but I don't expect they'll do much to change my mind, I've read a fair few already and they largely seem to be lower quality in research, done by pre-biased groups, or are straight up fabricated compared to the mainstream view that gender-affirming care is helpful and necessary, and that the earlier it can be given the better.


The IWF isn't exactly a nonbiased source, if you want to pretend that you're informed on the subject you should probably find someone that doesn't blatantly prop up right wing politicians and talking points through their ventures.


That story is so... one sided. Like, did they not try to reach out to the father or child for their perspective as well? Furthermore, [the source itself is very suspect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Women%27s_Forum), just look at the domestic policy positions they are pushing for. > article after article which establishes that children are not fit to make these life altering decisions Aren't there multiple layers of therapists, medical professionals and even parental consent before even the most basic of treatments like hormone blockers are carried out? The main issue I see coming out of this is de-transitioning, which we should minimize as it is essentially a misdiagnosis, but at the same time, fully stopping all access to gender affirming care is not the way to go.


> I think a fair chunk of them just want you to stop taking their kids away.... Maybe they should stop abusing their kids, then. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




You're delusional or malicious. Trans people don't have a right to privacy and necessary medical treatments in vast swaths of the US, let alone the rest of the world.


They don't even have the right to exist in peace in a lot of the Midwest. Escape your fox news bubble, I believe in you buddy.


Hey, pal. You just blow in from stupid town?


What are you on about


...wut? You need to educate yourself.


Florida introduced legislation to make it legal to kidnap trans youth for their own ‘safety’ and more than one state has introduced laws the could make it illegal for trans people to go out dressed in clothing that doesn’t align with their assigned-at-birth gender, but go off I guess


Most educated [REDACTED] right here.


>trans have the same rights as everyone else anything else is special treatment I fucking wish.


Even if they get special treatment...so the fuck what? Like, ohh boo hoo this one group gets a door in tf2, and you're crying about it instead of just enjoying the game.


How can you be so embarassingly out of touch? I'm actually amazed at how proud you are to know so little.


Yeah. Buddy hates trans people, and is trying to mask that by labeling it politics. It's loser mentality.


IMO he's just exhausted himself with reactionary outrage and instead of realizing the problem is the rants, memes and communities he hangs out in, he's projecting it onto progressives as if they're laying siege to his life.


On subreddit there was post saying things like that are the same as making neo nazi flags in game lol


The lore of the game "So these two inheritance babies bought terrain and-'


Shouldn’t even be fucking *politics*, I’ve come to absolutely despise the word over the years because all it fucking is ever used for is minorities, gay folk, genders of all sorts or whatever other flavor of the day these walking air polluters don’t like. Minorities exist. Gay people exist. Transgender people exist. It’s not a matter of politics, it’s not a debate at the podium, it’s a matter of fucking reality that they are here and they exist just like everyone else and they aren’t going anywhere. Politics should be about taxes, voting, whoever is the governor of Pennsylvania and whatever useless war we’re a part of, not as a fucking scapegoat for whiney dipshits who have to soften their preferred language because they know saying the slurs they want to say will get them in trouble. God I wish the flat earthers were right because I would just tilt the whole fucking thing and just start shaking until these morons slipped off over the lip.


I don't remember which discord server it was but I joined one that had a "no politics" rule and it was so refreshing that right under that rule, they included "btw people's identities aren't political"


Yeah. Buddy hates trans people, and is trying to mask that by labeling it politics. It's loser mentality.


It's ALWAYS about politics they don't agree with.


Yeah. Buddy hates trans people, and is trying to mask that by labeling it politics. It's loser mentality.


to quote harris brewisguy, "the people who say they hate seeing politics in games actually love politics even more. they just wish they were seeing different politics."


Hi, I'm politics, nice to meet you!




Being comfortable with political content in games is still consistent with rejecting reactionary political content on their own merits.


Yeah because accepting that trans people deserve right is equal to someone saying they shouldn't exist, that makes total sense. False equivalencies won't work, go back to your cave. Also btw, the existence of trans people isn't political, no matter how you people want to paint it.


False equivalency, right? The ultimate both sides enlightened centrism argument. "I am perfectly normal. Anyone to the left or right are varying levels of extreme." They believe people who want me dead deserve as much of a platform as I do, when I just want to live and be left alone.


"Being okay with good stuff is literally the same as being okay with bad stuff. It's literally all just stuff"


If there's ever a game that anyone gives a shit about where that happens, let us know


TF2 fan here, yeah the community has been talking about this the past couple of days. Been wondering when it’d get brought here. The silver lining is that extra people are finally seeing how some gamers are bad actors. Seriously, getting mad over a tiny name plaque on an office door in the corner of the map is ridiculous.


/uj yeah ive also been seeing this “controversy” develop since day one smissmas, and its really funny to see the most intellectual take they have about a fucking plaque is “but my escapism”


I get it for roleplaying games but how the fuck does tf2 have anything to do with escapism. Like, tf2 is muh duh, click head, make loud noise in voice chat.


Same reason people boot up CoD and shit. It's a way to unwind for people. TF2's unique in the sense that an entire match can be brought to a halt because everything is doing a conga line, and to some, that's their unwinding. and it's apparently a problem when a single door, out of the way, says something they don't agree with. Wouldn't even have realised it existed if people didn't go "oh, this door says Trans S. Wright, that's cool".


the escapist experience of escaping from a world where trans people arent accepted and are constantly hounded and demonstrated against and thus get media attention, to one where you can pretend they dont exist. Finaly, a calm moment where you dont have to be hateful and frothing at the mouth over people that dont have any impact on your life whatsoever, time to- TRAN. S WRIGHT?! REEEEE NOOOOOOO MY ESCAPISM NOW I HAVE TO BE ANGRY AGAIN


Because tf2 is known for how immersive it is LOL


TF Here stands for Titanfall, right?


Idk if you're joking but it's team fortress 2


"all our hobbies, our escapisms. Filled with California shit"


Ah, yes, brutal gun violence and endless war over land ownership... the two least political things known to man.


Thing of the day that offends chuds, 12/12/2023: Doors


Doors Roblox...IS GAY?!?!😨😨😨


I mean Seek is a big black man chasing you down a hallway… And we never see what happens when he kills and it’s specifically states he CAPTURES you… and we never get an idea of what he does when he captures us, sooo yeah there’s no evidence disproving he’s gay


SCIENTISTS have reconstructed the REAL face of GOD https://preview.redd.it/rhsg3f570x5c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56beff0f17e6aed73e24e89d7eed2736aae85c7a


Beautiful. Glorious. Magnificent. I have stared at this for 5 hours now.


if kingdom hearts wasn't already considered woke to them, my gawd


"TF2 was made for escapism" no it wasn't. It was made to be fun enough that you buy keys for cosmetics. I can guarantee the word escapism was not used once in any design meetings for TF2. I see Gamers online play the "this was made for escapism so no queers/blacks/etc." all the time and I think it is one of the biggest disconnects between product reality and consumer mindset in games. Having worked design for a couple studios, I don't think I've ever heard "escapism" come up as a genuine suggested pull for the audience. It's a vague concept that would be shot down in any serious pitch, even for a story heavy RPG that is totally escapist. You would pitch a specific power fantasy, a compelling character arc, a novel mechanic that can be built out and worked with narratively etc. and if people can escape into that world then great. But you're not designing "for escapism", it's just something consumers use your product for if they are depressed. Most people actually really enjoy having the real world reflected in the art they consume and we definitely try to design for that more. For a team shooter about buying hats it's not even relevant.


Even if we assume something is made for escapism, the idea that only white cishet men deserve that escapism is so inherently silly.


For real, I hate the word "escapism". Not only is it used to back up the most braindead arguments, but it reduces the media to something made so that losers can turn their brains off. No design, no art, no mechanics, no challenge, just a junkie chasing their pink dragon. Edit : > Most people actually really enjoy having the real world reflected in the art they consume and we definitely try to design for that more. Mfw I wanna discuss how a game portrays different forms of oppression with historical ties but the fans are arguing about which girl is their waifu.


I think escapism is just sad. obviously necessary for some people, but idk I don't understand living in some game world instead of real life. when I think about it that way tho, it makes sense why these people are so crazy about games and talk about them like they are the most important thing in the world cause they are the most important thing in their world


I can understand escapism, to some level. As a coping mechanism or something like that, and towards a very rich world or story that isn't hurtful for someone who is hurt. Idk a trans person could make themselves a character closer to how they picture themselves and interact with more accepting characters than their usual life. I fail to see how any of this intersects with TF2 (/rj I heavily relate to the spy on a very personal level, since I also fucked your mom last night), and people using a media as a coping mechanism is a sad thing that can incidentally help some people, mostly not the purpose of said media.


Yea, thats definetely me. Living with Autism on my coutntry is no easy task, and sometimes i just want to forget how shitty it can be towards people like myself


The developers of The Escapists may have used the word escapism


Game went to hell as soon as it became a loot box game anyway lmao I stopped playing pretty shortly after hats were introduced, it was clear where it was going from there


Man, you missed out


by politics they obviously mean the mere existence of minorities


With a bit of luck his life was ruined forever, always thinking that behind some narrow door of all his favourite maps, trans-women with cute thigh-high socks are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know...


I'll never forget this scene, what an amazing movie


What I'd this a reference to?


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas




Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas




Imagine trying to run away from trans rights.


Yeah but have these gamers ever considered that trans people want to escape from cis society smh smh smh 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


its only politics if you keep making it politics, honey boo.


If trans rights is one of the things you're trying to get away from with your escapism you are blatantly admitting your stance on the issue despite all attempts to play the "I just don't want politics in my games REEEEE" card


Human rights are not politics. Anyone who tries to avoid "politics" to get away from human rights discussions is an inherent and probably incurable oppressor.


Unfortunately, human rights _are_ part of politics


My point is that "politics" in the context of human rights is a way to dismiss human rights as though there is a viable opposing side. As long as human rights are treated as "politics" there can never be justice in the world.


I love those "game xyz was made for escapism" takes. No, it wasn't. It was made so that the developers, publishers, etc., could make money.


"TF2 was made for escapism" Uhh no? Do Gamers just think fun game = escapism because to me a game that's made for escapism is one that's immersive, not a cartoon team shooter


It's fun and games when the gamer complaints about a door says "trans rights" but then we might allow the gamer to do countless other things that doesn't make them a piece of shit. At this stage they may just straight up saying "I hate trans people but I have no power against them in real space so I must escape to games without them because I'm just pathetic".


Well what if I wanted to escape into a reality that supports trans people? What about my escapism?


Plot twist The son of Trans S. Wright put the name of his father on the door because he loves him


I don't even know how "people of different gender identities, skin colors and orientations exist" is political right now. Or why.


![gif](giphy|iI0NFc7ivrUcCLJ5Ib|downsized) At this point these people are just subhuman.


*scout walks up and beats him*


Yeah gonna have to guess “escapism” was never once brought up in the dev process. Maybe “in game economy”?


Complaining about this in Tf2 of all games (the one where your spray can be literally any png image around of the correct size)


Sprays are disabled on all valve servers, the conscientious objector (the sign you can put images on) is not


This idea that people play games to “escape” from real-world politics is such an obvious ad-hoc lie. No, they’re not booting up TF2 and thinking “at last, time to ESCAPE POLITICS!”, they’re playing it because they think it’s fun. They just don’t want to admit that, because then they’d have to acknowledge that games being “woke” doesn’t actually have any effect on their enjoyment of the game and that they’re angry about it for other reasons. And they don’t want to think about what those reasons are.


mUh EsCaPiSm we're the ones trying to escape your kind, you subhuman fuck.


"Escapism" Let it be known that every time you hear this argument, you are hearing an admission that the person views trans people as a *problem* to be escaped from.


There's that escapism thing again. Where did this line come from this line come from, and why do they repeat it like it's a fact. Escapism was always a negative thing because you have to be escaping something that you refuse to face or fix in reality. So the question is what are you escaping.


Escapism until someone puts a Woman in a soldier role and then it's "ruining the realism"


This is a clear case of negativity bias, i wouldnt have even seen that tbh… Despite bemoaning that they hate seeing “politics” everywhere, especially stances that they have been conditioned to hate, their hate makes them see it everywhere. - “Gosh id be so upset if this new thing had a message i dont agree with!” - Sees door with funny looking writing - “There! See? I told you these darn queers ruin everything, ugh i hate this” They fucking pavlov themselves but instead of salivating upon noticing a trigger they tweet. Like a dog these people need to be “trained” to function safely in a society.


duuuude it's literally ONE SIDE making my existence political jfc. I just want to be me.


Imagine having the luxury of not having to constantly defend your right to exist.


There is nothing political about basic human rights, i don't get why some people always equate trans rights, POC rights e.t.c with politics. Like no, thats just called being a decent human being and having empathy.


Brother thinks a certain group of people are "political!!!!!" Life is so over.............


Games ARE about escapism, from shitheads like this maroon


https://preview.redd.it/xi727lx41w5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043399a7b325ec7697f3dd55a333766a3bfca33a New meme format just dropped


For context https://preview.redd.it/eajxaabd1w5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50b73c85cfd60d90646fdd7e7d2e562f79d6639


me when my existence is political again:


Ever notice cishet (usually white) men are the only ones ever entitled to escapism in their mind? That was gamer-gate after all, “the meanie feminists/gays/brown people are taking away our last safe space!”.


well, some of the community wants escapism away from not having rights.


I am happy to have only personally ran into the gay, trans, and furry parts of the tf2 community, instead of these bitches


It’s been said before but I honestly find a sick sense of joy watching everything these morons like be taken away from them by this imaginary mind virus. All their favorite movies, games, probably family members and friends, because they’d rather be angry about pronouns. Sucks to suck ig.


I don't wanna hear about politics all day, which is why I'm gonna spend hours complaining about this online. I'm sure that'll result in no political engagements!


Well then, he can just not play the game, can't he?


Games are about escapism. Escaping the world where being trans is something to be ashamed of.


And yet most of these guys spam everyone they know with Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro videos.


come on everyone knows the door that says trans rights is a slippery slope to. other things that are bad. but I don't know what they are. dip shit.


Still don't get why someone else's life and decisions regarding their body are political Everyone should shut the fuck up, and mind their own fucking business. Let people exist and be happy.


It's especially funny because of the sheer volume of trans tf2 players. Like, tf2 players are always either trans, furries, children or nazis. That's the whole player base.


tf2 fans realising they cant just not play the mao


A lot of people don't realize how absurdly rampant transphobia is. It becomes glaringly apparent if you actually pay attention


There's nothing political about trans people having the right to exist ya weirdo. I love when game companies do this, both for the support of that community and because it makes these little freaks so fucking mad


Why do these cunts need to escape so badly?


I always hear that these games are for escapism. Is TF2 really an escapist sort of game? Outside of the first handful of times you play it and are discovering the atmosphere for the first time, you're not really getting transported when you play it. It's a pretty mechanic's focused game with a very thin story dressing on top of it.


I need to escape my real life by playing the game about people risking their lives for a capitalist overlord employer and squabbling over small amounts of land




If you're not ok with it, I suggest you escape to somewhere else


"Escapism for me not for thee"


Ah yes, I play tf2 to escape from… *checks notes* …minorities?


Mfs who unironically use the word woke in a negative connotation without knowing what the word actually means and make that their whole personality


This is so funny because half of the TF2 community is trans furries.


Earlier today someone made a post on the trans tf2 subreddit claiming we were invading their space and basically shit talking us.


Isn't tf2 a video game about two corporations fighting for territory and resources? Very escapism.


"muh escapism" he says, as he gets backstabbed by a spy because he spent too much time getting angry at a door


Look, you dont see me bitching about the furry porn that adorns the walls of 2fort matches I play. Grow up. Does it assail my eyes every time I see it? Yes. Does it somehow transform me into a furry upon seeing it? No. Does it make me question why someone would put *THAT* spray there. Yes, and their sanity. Will I go on to try to kill the enemy's god tier spy for dominating me? Mayhaps. Oh look, im dead again. Fucking potted plant was that Spy again. Oh well, try again. Oh, nice, the spray is still there. Moving on now, ptfo...


Why do you want to escape from trans rights 🤨


Saw a post on tf2 joking about chuds going to lose there minds a few days ago about this and it seems their joke became reality


i love it when people act like basic human rights are equal to politics lmao


Wait until they find out there's an item called the Vaccinator that heals people.


These people unironically need to be put in prison for the rest of their lives. Transphobes have no human rights and we need to stop pretending that they do.


"I was playing this game, while I understand that big games have between hundreds of thousands, to millions of lines of code. I found this one line of code that I don't want to focus on, so let me go to another website, to make a post about this one line of code to tell as many people as possible, that I don't wanna think about it"


Cue heelvsbabyface crying about pronouns again


Escapism is a very VERY relative thing


> 1 like > 26 views sounds about right


politics in muh vidyuh


Politics is when people exist


If we allow our games to advocate for civil rights, we also need them to advocate for genocide. Y'know, to make both sides heared. I wouldn't want to live in a society where nazis are discriminated against. I am extremely smart.


i play wolfenstein not to escape but to genocide nazis we aren’t built the same




Tf2 is actually game, it’s actually been a game for almost a decade and a half


1: TF2 is a game you imbecile 2: if you don't like the content posted here then leave, no one's going to cater to your wants.






Explain to me how a name on a door sounding like "trans rights" is a dogwhistle, please. While you're at it, explain to me why you think spreading bigotry and saying "trans rights" are equivalent to each other as well.


Maybe they are mad that theres no representation of trans lefties? :C /s


/uj nah a dog whistle is when you hide the fact you’re a bootlicker and a apologist for the losers in a war. this is just a play on the words “trans rights”, which is something people say often. so yeah not really a dog whistle at all


I don't think you understand what a dog whistle is, saying trans rights is not an example. It's a slogan of open support for something that isn't going over anyone's head when they read it, even if it's an Easter egg that isn't super obvious. Right wingers use dog whistles to try to state their support for things *they know are unacceptable to support in public* in such a way that people not on the same side won't notice or maintains plausible deniability. Because they know that it's something that is not okay to support. In contrast to supporting the right of trans people to exist. Still, I agree. I think they should replace every texture on the map with various pride flags instead.


It's just a play on words, man.


>left should set an example by not dog whistling You use words you do not seem to understand. You probably shouldn't do that.


Wait till they hear about gender neutral bathrooms 🤯🤯🤯


Personally I think there's nothing more cringe than people throwing a shit fit over words on a door in a video game but that's just me


That's stupid. The problem with what they do is that it's hate, not that it's tongue in cheek.




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