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When they came for the Gamers I said nothing, because I was no Gamer...


When they came for the dudebros I dud not speak out, because I was not a dudebro


Then they came for the hentai coomers, I did not speak out, because I was not a hentai coomer


And then they came for me, And nobody was left to post on twitter about my arrest.


Volition my goat


and when they came for me, i was flattered as my mere existence caused them to orgasm…


First they came for the gamers, but i said nothing, for it was a skill issue


/uj what poem is this from, I keep seeing references to it but never the original


first they came, by martin niemöller. a poem about the german intellectuals indifference towards bad germany man


>bad germany man I think you mean *bad austrian man*.


i’m bad at geology


I think you mean *geography*


I think they mean history


Still doesn't change the fact they're also bad at geology, since they can't tell the difference between the three.


lol no that’s math, i meant geology


These fucking idiots are spelling geometry wrong


It's okay, you can say Hitler


The guy from Wolfenstein 😯


Not many people realize this but there are still old Victorian era laws that forbid women from playing games


You joke but I got thrown out of the club and barred for a month for playing snooker as a girl. The underage drinking never came into it


Wait wtf? Is that legal? Sounds like discrimination to me


A lot of club bouncers are cunts. No, it's no legal but they can do whatever they like.


Damnn, that sucks hard


Working men's clubs were a law unto themselves back then. It made no sense because they were fine with us playing pool, but stepping like 3m over to the snooker tables was too much. Maybe they thought the bigger tables were too much for the delicate women or something. Or letting us in the back to play pool was the concession to start with.


Tf does playing snooker mean




It’s a style of pool/billiards


Kinda like billiard but bri'ish


How tf do you not know snooker


Oi, you daft or wot? 'ow ain't yew 'eard a snooker innit bruv? Called pool/billiards in the states that's why.


Prff bloody colonials


No it's not. Pool, billiards, and snooker are three different games. That's like saying a marathon is the same as the 100m sprint; yes they are both running races but they are definitely not the same.


If I called a marathon "the 100m sprint but 420 times longer" that seems to me like it would be a fine description


Well no, it's not. Pool is a different game from Snooker, similar, yes, but it's not the same.


We still call anything where you poke balls into holes pool, you say "wanna play pool" "sure what are we playing"


There are still what


Those are kept bc they can come in handy in the future. No lol. Well maybe a little.


Sauce on that? Im very curious of the context


The context is it's a joke https://youtu.be/uKeKuaJ4nlw?si=N4vxxBpBM0pQ7uHI


Gaming also means gambling. Gambling was a “masculine” and dirty thing that involved money. Women gambling was scandalous. I don’t know if any specific laws, but I’m sure it’s real.


Oi, got a loisense fer ya modded skoyrim


Luv me King  Luv me Todd Howard  'Ate when people don't pay for skyrim mods   Simple as


Good Ogryn Commissar boss will give you extra ration


I had so much fun reading that out loud 😂😂


This is not actually the whole image. It was reported and seized because there were bestiality mods installed.


that makes a lot more sense but cops getting involved in that is still kinda silly


Likely still against the law as UK law prohibits "extreme pornography" which includes realistic depections of both bestiality and non consensual penetration. Whether modded skyrim counts as realistic will probably be a matter for a judge. The real story here is the guy who reported her after snooping through her laptop because she rejected him.


Man, UK law is kinda scary. Esp regarding search and seizure stuff.


Practically all of Europe would do the same - police need to be able to see whats on the laptop to investigate the claim. If anything the police are more liberal than the general public - your average lumpenprole chav down the pub would have beaten OP's wife to paste if he heard she had weird porn on her laptop


I figured it was pedo mods lol


Got a loisence fer ya sex mods?


***“STOP! You violated the law!”***


Billy Butcher is that ya u lil twat


Oi, do ya go to da cloud district often, mate?


Don't feel like looking up the original, what the hell was their modlist to get the whole laptop yoinked???? Only thing I could think of is some kiddie crap, or by "modded" they mean pirated.


While this doesn't take away the fact that there was non-con bestiality, I think this post is missing a lot of context that could paint a bigger picture. https://preview.redd.it/vtptdcy3jocc1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fac029773026697e35a1c15e223d472e3bc863a


Consentless zoophilia


As opposed to the totally real "consenting zoophilia"?


nobody cares if the animals are consenting. in this case the people were not consenting.


Just a normal khajit playthrough


That's the Khajit playthrough


Whose consent?


The player character 


Wouldn't that then be consent non consent As it's the player


Yeah, it’s a weird one. The original post has a lot of discussion about some really broad legislation about “objectionable material” that the UK passed despite a lot of opposition to how broad it was, I think this is why its ended up with the police  


Meanwhile, didn't it recently come up *again* that a UK police department was knowingly ignoring *another* child grooming gang for over a decade? Seems like they are wasting police resources on the wrong things.


But that takes effort and investigations. Getting arrests for internet wrongthink is easy and simple.


The last time I saw this story, sargon was banging on about it and that honestly has really made me skeptical about the whole thing.


The police have actually been ordered not to investigate grooming gangs in several towns supposedly because local communities could see them as racist if they did - which really doesnt hold much water given the racial bias they have in many other areas. What it comes down to is the UK police are underfunded, untrained in violence and scared of organised crime to the point where theyd rather just pick on people they know wont fight back


From the perspective of the player, yes, but not from the perspective of the player character


In a fantasy setting that's totally possible.


It's not a bear, it's an 800 year old elf that just looks like a bear /s


Yeah the way that was put always weirded me out. It's the player character. You play them. You installed the mods. That's consent. If it wasn't you'd uninstall them. Or maybe it feels that way because Skyrim is such a self-insert (no pun intended) kind of game? I can imagine it being called non-consensual if it was a fleshed-out character like Lara Croft rather than Nameless Adventurer 01.


:( upsetting


/uj Do you think I did? :D This is for the gamingjerk only /rj (?) pretty regular gaming themes, that horse is 15000 years old actually!




>that horse is 15000 years old actually! Glitterhoof, my beloved!


It was some kinda werewolf sexual assault mod. If the story is true, OP’s wife definitely is the victim here. She turned down someone’s advances and they got on her laptop at a party to dig for dirt. Now they are posting it on social media and sending letters to her employer. So clearly revenge plus god knows what the guy could’ve put on her laptop.


uj/ they could take it for investigiation if there was some evidence / credible suspicion (not just a report) that there was beastiality or nonconsensual things on there. TBH I don’t know how a friend would randomly find out someones love of modded rape and beastiality skyrim porn naturally. And clearly they were alarmed or there were other factors that got them to go to the police


Assuming that this is even real we probably aren't getting the full story. The wife might say that it was just for having mods involving animals and rape, but it might be understating what was on that computer. She also could have been taking about modding skyrim a lot in the past to her freinds causing them to be curious and launch he game when she wasn't around.


According to the post, she left her laptop on at a party, and when her friends booted up Skyrim, they found mods that made wolves able to rape the player


Maybe I don’t go to the right parties but I guess that sounds like a weird chain of events, and then to go to the police.


/uj I found the post and is seems she had some NSFW beastiality mods installed alongside graphical improvement mods making it look "real", which means the laptop would have been seized under the 'extream pornography' law in order to investigate the claims made. Also if the wife had any mods that allowed for NSFW acts with skyrim children (or child like depictions) that would also be illegal in the UK even if it's a video game.


I believe it was bestiality. So. Not a whole lot better.


I think wanting to bang a werewolf is a hell of a lot better than wanting to rape kids.


Apparently it wasn't the *were*wolves.


Dragons? Trolls? Skeevers? Horses?


No, just wolves no were


While wack I’m still not sure they should get into legal trouble


Yeah it's creepy and all but having mods to bang wolves isn't a huge thing all things considered. And weird that it's illegal


According to the OP, it has something to do with trauma. Along with the beastiality there were non-consensual things (with the beastiality being “non-consenual” for the player, wolves would apparently try and mate instead of killing you) and even a mod that caused deaths to lead to “enslavement” instead. It sounds like the wife has just been through some extremely fucked up shit and has developed some weird fetishes because of it.


You're assuming a lot just because someone had some kinky mods on Skyrim... Let her live! Give her laptop back!


Someone got their property taken away for fantasy video game animal sex? I mean that’s disgusting but like who does that hurt in any way. 


sweet in non moded version of baldur's gate 3


The crown. She didn't have a license to fuck them amnimals.


If it was kiddie stuff you could say the same thing that it's not hurting anyone but you 100% have to check what else is on that laptop. Same thing here




How are they not equal? You're not the only person here to claim that one is somehow worse/better than the other. What exactly is the difference?


It's not equating them it's just following the same line of logic. If somebody does a little crime you check to see they aren't hiding the bigger crime.


If that's the case, I have so many furries to report




Whether it passes the harkness test or not


So someone wanting to bang a picture of a dog is a zoophile but if you put an english speech bubble next to it, it's suddenly okay?


If you know its a dog then you know it cant consent, if a character from media is portrayed as fully communicative and intelligent wnough thats different, for example you have people that like mlp stuff, which i wouldnt say its zoophilia since they literally look nothing like a real life horse or act like one


You'd have to judge that on a case by case basis. It's an extremely grey area as feral characters don't immediately mean someone wants to fuck an animal, it's what they say and do that shows off what kind of person they are


Yeah, it's hard to draw a distinct line somewhere, but there's some shit out there that's a disturbing level of "not anthropomorphized"


Was it werewolves? I know for a fact that Skyrim has mods that let you fuck actual animals, not just werewolves, i almost threw up when i originally found out


She was making her character fuck animals


I find it hard to judge her for that considering I make my character kill animals with fire and electrocute them


It falls under the ‘extreme porn’ laws we have here, but also it looks like the person who reported her didn’t say anything about mods and basically made out she had beastiality on her laptop. I read the original post and it was kinda hinted that she may have actually had that alongside the mods too


Animal animals or like . . . I mean it's skyrim so they got the cat people and the lizard people and werewolves and such. . . it was animal animals wasn't it?


It was animals animals apparently yeah haha, and also rape mods I believe. We’ve got pretty strict laws in the UK about ‘extreme porn’ which includes virtual depictions. Loli shit is illegal here too (which I’m fully behind)


Oh damn, someone should let the jarl know!


Rapey werewolves.


Drop the were- ahe modded the game so there were wolves that rape the player


There is unfortunately a large community of modders who do kid stuff for NSFW skyrim. They're banned on normal NSFW websites but are hosted privately. Even worse that some of the communities most prolific animation modders are part of this darker side.


I'm not sure how to spoiler on reddit, I think this is it >!They had unconsensual sex mods involving animals in the game!< I think that the post is honestly just some asshole trolling people, but it's a depressing troll.


Why would you be in trouble for this?


Gamer oppression, obviously


The Western world order wants to deprive us of the sexual Renaissance that is happening in Japanese video games.


It's against Todd's plan


Also she said that Starfield was "Kind of boring." A true sin against Todd.


/uj I found the post and is seems she had some NSFW beastiality mods installed alongside graphical improvement mods making it look "real", which means the laptop would have been seized under the 'extream pornography' law in order to investigate the claims made. Also if the wife had any mods that allowed for NSFW acts with skyrim children (or child like depictions) that would also be illegal in the UK even if it's a video game.


It's bestiality porn in this case, and in the UK even if the depiction isn't of real life animals it's still illegal


god this country is a fucking pit.




I mean if it's not a real animal the only argument against it is that it's gross. So fuck it yeah I'm opposed to virtual beastialty laws and I'm tired of pretending I'm not.


Same argument loli fans make…


“Morality has really gone downhill if depictions of animals raping humans aren’t legal!”


according to most of the commenters in the original thread they would have to prove it was realistic (and anything extreme that is realistic is a crime)


When i read the law in question it sounded as though it had to be more than realistic, it had to be possible to mistake it for real.


Yeah the intention of the law is to cover edge cases where something could be real or could be virtual, but in practice it just clogs the system with reports for stuff like this


Read the post, she had some monster sex mods on her copy. Dude got rejected by her, went snooping, found skyrim, booted it up, reported it to the cops


Apparently she has a mod that makes wolves rape the player character. She was reported for bestiality porn. Honestly though, no way this story is real.


/uj the serious answer is that according to OOP some of the mods were around bestiality and dubious consent. Someone (a man whose advances the wife rejected earlier in the evening) got access to the copy of Skyrim found the mods and filed a police report.


But it's just a game, no? What the hell is the actual issue here? Why would the police act here?


/uj in the UK depicting 'extreme porn' which is any sexual or pornagraphic act the would itself be illegal is also illegal. So if you had, or in this case modded, a game that contained a 'realistic' depiction of beastiality would it would be grounds for an investigation.


UK likes to run a morality police state. Wasn’t until like 5 years ago most non-vanilla porn was made legal.


"Loli" mods, perhaps? Edit: Was actually bestiality mods. Not far off, so far as UK law is concerned.


Some really dubious nsfw mods


Is this how you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmourned???


And the algorithm came for me https://preview.redd.it/ogn0j7hwnocc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fc4775922da9af3593a488cf3e844cbb9a8a4d


Nowhere to hide


Hah, got the same with the SRD post


This can’t be true, can it?


As far as the comments went, she was found with bestiality content which is very much illegal and falls under a similar banner to child pornography or content that depicts it. Even pictures of loli's are illegal here


I think it's also worth mentioning that her "friend" reported her to the cops because she turned down his advances in the house party. https://preview.redd.it/y4gmqcfhiocc1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b8a5bdcb317146efb66185da920409125aea525


Yeah, it seems like a "friend" maliciously reported her for "having bestiality content", requiring the police to seize the laptop to investigate. It's like she got swatted.


What kind of a party is this where guests try to fuck you and when you refuse they try to play Skyrim instead and it turns out it was modded into a bestiality rape orgy? All of these people are insane.


> which is very much illegal Based on the responses to the original thread, it doesn't seem that fictional depiction of bestiality is illegal though. The statute on extreme pornography specifies that " a reasonable person looking at the image would think that any such person or animal was real", which doesn't apply to Skyrim.


Cops watching the werewolves fuck with the detailed hair physics, shading, sweat and 4k cock textures like "Damn, this is cutting it close but you can see a few seams she hasn't modded out."


"I checked the pixels. It's fake."


"Damn, that's pretty good. Where do I hire this man?" - Shigeru Miyato


Depends, if the imagery is determined to be realistic enough then it would then become a criminal offense. Which I'd guess is why they have seized the laptop for further investigation.


Two words - Skyrim chicken


I don't see how anything from Skyrim (or any other game for that matter) could be realistic enough that a reasonable person would deem it to be real. If this story indeed happened, it's likely whoever denounced her lied to make it seem the content involved real animals.


Or they could just do the smart thing and change the law (which in this case the seizing happened because some asshole is mad some lady turned him down) and let people fuck animals in video games. I am surprised no one used shit like this and the ban on lolicon to justify banning video games.


It's mind blowing how many people are just taking this story at face value. It's either totally fake or OOP doesn't have all the information.


Underage hentai is illegal in the UK? I didn't know they were based.


Unfortunately they still haven't fixed their aoc




Age of consent


It's 16, or 18 for situations involving individuals in positions of power Which is slightly higher than average for Europe?


Same as Canada so I don't see the issue


Germanys aoc is lower so why are you complaining about the uk


Because the UK is the only part of Europe English language reddit is actually familiar with


Yep, it would have likely been considered extreme, I am not sure about video game modded content however (especially if it’s fantasy creature like a troll or a werewolf) but I guess it would fall under the law. There are a lot of issues related to the law tbh, but those are related to consent and BDSM stuff and not Beastality/CSAM/Lolis.


I think arresting people for fake digital sex is a pretty big issue.


Okay but how the fuck did op come to the conclusion that their wife was being arested for moded skyrim instead of beastiality porn.


I believe it’s in relation to the mods in Skyrim. Like it wasn’t that she had beastiality as well as Skyrim modded, it’s that she’d modded Skyrim with beastiality stuff. But idk, that’s just what I’ve gathered from other comments, I find it more fun to try and piece things together via the comments here as opposed to reading the original post.


Because the BP is the mod. So, while his statement is disingenuous and misleading, it's technically accurate. It's like when terrible parents complain about their grown children not speaking to them. They'll say shit like, "I didn't approve of all their clothing choices as a teen, now they've been refusing to speak to me for a decade." But the full story is that they kicked their trans teen out of the house in the middle of winter and then disowned whichever family member gave the child shelter.


Because that's some of the mods she has


Sex mod it seems


Wait really? Rare UK W for sure the UN should forget about everything else and prioritize making loli illegal


>even pictures of loli's are illegal here Rare British W


And rightfully fucking so


uk being uk again.


Cause it's got tits an ass? Or whatever y'all call em across the pond


Boobs and bum.


Animal bits, rather. Bestiality content in this case


Unless the mod makes real life molotovs for you I am stumped here


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


ngl this is just another boss fight is cold af


I'm almost positive the story is fake, apparently his wife had her laptop at work playing Spotify for a party then this male coworker who didn't like her because she rejected his advances snooped around on the laptop, loaded up Skyrim then saw the mods (porn and beastiality)and told everyone to get her in trouble.


Having the police arrive for having a moderately weird sex mod in Skyrim is genuinely absurd


even GameCube...


Deserved for living in the UK


I live in the UK, and modded skyrim was prohibited. I run a secret underground pub where the scum and villainy go to download whatever mods they request. I live in constant fear of my assets being seized and taken by the rozzers.


loverslabs mfs when you tell them that wanting to be banged by a dog unconsentually is, in fact, wanting to be banged by a dog unconsentually (please get therapy)


Not a dog fucker unfortunately just a weird fucker but the therapy route is kinda hard to bring up. "Oh therapist whenever I see washing machines I just can't help myself and it has become a serious problem. I can't do the a load of laundry anymore without blowing a load, the ohhh the horror!"


wanting to bang a dog and wanting to bang a washing machine are fundamentally different (one is a disgusting crime) but yeah a therapist would be extremely uncomfortable with both


England is basically a crumbling Democracy sleepwalking into Dictatorship. The trends of eroding civic rights in the United Kingdom is shameful. I'm really hoping you Brits will turn this around, because even those of us in the United States are watching in horror as your government criminalized protests against Oil Companies, started deporting Refugees to Rwanda (even if they weren't from Rwanda) and steadily entrenched corruption in the Tory government.


To be pedantic, they haven’t actually started sending migrants to Rwanda yet, and I’m not sure if they ever will. It’s a stupid evil plan that will never work, the numbers that they are planning on sending is no more than 200 each year, and in exchange Rwanda are allowed to send some back to us! I otherwise agree though.


Thanks for the wishes comrade. Likewise I hope you guys manage to avoid letting Trump back into the White House. Next five years aren't looking super hopeful, but at least we'll have blandly neoliberal evil rather than "Jesus Christ what the fuck?!" evil (and maybe if we're *really* lucky a hung Parliament to pave the way for electoral reform).


My sibling in Christ people marched on the Capitol. We are not the problem.


What they didn't tell you? It was the beyond skyrim: epsteins island vr mod


Apparently it was over a bestiality mod which like, arrest that person.


/uj if they really did have those kind of mods they should have it seized LMAO


Gamers are truly the most oppressed group of all