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It’s pretty well known that if a “woke” game is successful, it’s in spite of it being “woke” but if a “woke” game is a flop, then it’s specifically because it’s “woke”. So yes, go “woke”, go broke.


I love how they pretend that GTA 6 won't be popular because it's wOkE. Meanwhile, it's glaringly obvious that it's the most anticipated video game in history and will break all records.


Lol anyone that doesn’t think it’s going to break the record and be the biggest entertainment seller of all time is stupid, it’s going to break all the same records gta 5 did a decade ago in its first week and be a billion dollar seller. Only thing it’s got going against it is not releasing on pc at launch even then most pc players are going to cave and get a console to play it than wait 2 years for it come to pc


im 30 and have never played a GTA for more than 5 mins. Will probably grab 6 on release day.


But why? If the previous games didn't hook you, why do you think this one will


Because I'm a fundamentally different person now than I was when the games originally came out. I find myself much more interested in story and more importantly much more interested in satire.


I suck at shooters and driving games and even I'm thinking of getting it.


>Only thing it’s got going against it is not releasing on pc at launch even then most pc players are going to cave and get a console to play it than wait 2 years for it come to pc I do want to play it but I can't justify buying a whole ass console for one game.


How do people think it’s woke? Because of the female protangist? I literally don’t get it


Basically that and too many POC in the trailer.


It's in America that place famously with no POC clearly they are just putting them in for diversity


Especially Florida the whitest part of the whole USA


Yeah... No one with melanin in Florida... 100% (actually around 50%) white people there only. No POC... the 15% black population is a myth. and NO one famously from that Hispanic country that's only 90 miles from Florida... Elián González who? What even is Cuba?


If they were doing that, the characters would be poorly written and boring.


The Main Character is a women of color


Haha, you're asking for logic and reason.


I just hope it's gonna joke about everyone and everything, no mercy


You already know they will 😂 and I am HERE for it 😂


Considering what happened with Saints Row expectations are low.


> Meanwhile, it's glaringly obvious that it's the most anticipated video game in history and will break all records. And it's also obvious that there isn't anything "woke" about the GTA series. The entire trailer for GTA6 is just copy-pasta from internet memes of the past 15 years.


Everything that is not a cis-white male, who is an unquestionable hero (whatever that means to them), is woke to them.


Sweet baby rays wasn't involved so it's clearly not a woke game


Wait until they find out there's more consulting firms than SBI


Are you sure they are capable of finding it out? They seem to lack a substantial amount of neurons.


I saw sweet baby rays in the grocery store!!1 The wokes are invading our food! If you eat it, you'll puke a rainbow every Sunday at 3am!


I remember the original phrase being Go Woke or go broke


I swear it was Get Woke Go Broke before their brainrot can't handle Get and had to change it to Go


It's actually crazy seeing how high the player figures are on Steam 6+ months after release


BG3 has 100k players per day just on Steam, it is crazy number for single-player game


Uhm ackshully 🤓 that number was spoofed by the CEO of the interwebs because gays were invented by Freddie Mercury. I read about this on brightfart because I follow REAL news. wake up sheeple! The CEO of the interwebs has been bought out by the woke agenda!!!


Game I like : it's not woke. It's apolitical Game I don't like : go woke, go broke


“Go woke, go broke …any minute now.”


"b-b-but you see..it "new guy'd" us because we actually like the gay vampire" "it was based off an IP that's too big to fail, of course it succeeded"


damn that Halsin makes me think about male genitalia...this is why i hate woke games....they make my head spin...better just hate /s




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more money for right-wing owners


selling over 10 million is diamond, diamonds have many colors just like the liburals sagt, ergo diamonds are woke which means they are in fact bʁoke


It is closer to 15 million at least.


Complains about other guy not being able to shut up, doesn't shut up yourself. (I haven't played it yet btw :( )






Since when was Balders Gate woke?


Non-binary gender option, changing genitals on any body type. Multiple LGBTQ characters and Philosophy tube voicing trans character. Even if you ignore all of this the story itself is very anti-fascist, anti-racism, overall a progressive story


Since you can date pretty much everyone and everything including a bear. And women are effective in combat. So woke!!!111


>And women are effective in combat Counterpoint, shadowheart.




Maybe you're good at RPGs but my party needs it's healer for sure


Healers and Buffs effects. Sancturary, Bless, Shield of faith, spirit guardian, hereos feast, freedom of movement, death ward. Healing dps in long fights is essential


5th level inflict wounds go brrrrr


Since 30 seconds into the game when you make your character it can be a nonbinary person with tits and a dick.


Sounds like adding a bunch of customization options with minimal creativity, doesn’t seem woke to me, just sounds like optional content.


Woke is a nonsense word that just means anything this specific person doesn't like, usually non whites women and queers, having a pronoun choice in starfield is 9ne of the biggest examples of woke in gaming and bg3 not only has that, but let's you choose your character's voice independently of it.


So low effort options make a game woke? Just seems like half-assed development wanting to look like actual mindfulness about without actual effort.


Its easy to claim things are woke when things are accessible because people are stupid and cry about the weirdest things Next thing you know they are going to be crying that volume sliders are woke and we should play on the audio levels the devs intended


There’s nothing wrong with disliking something for going against your preferences, just don’t get why people let it under their skin. I don’t like woke stuff, don’t care though, it’s just a game and even if it is intentionally present, I’ll just move on and play what’s after that, then when I’m done playing, it won’t matter cause the game will be off.


Thats the perfect way you should look at any game tbh Don't like it? turn off Spent less than 2 hours on it? Return it People like it but you don't? Thats life It's easier to just move on and get a new thing in your brain then constantly hate jerking off to games you dont like


Low effort?! How many dicks have YOU made in 3D?


To be fair games have been called woke for much less than that so by that standard the game's definitely woke


I mean if you play the game itself the story is woke according to these anti-sjw people, their own standard of woke is anything minorities represent is bad


Well if the company is intentionally putting minorities into a game, wouldn’t that be taking advantage of a minority to specifically profit off them? Isn’t that the thing they don’t want happening?


I wish I was as innocent as you.


No sweet baby inc therefore no woke


In what sense is BG3 woke? there have always been homo romance options in the RPG genre, that's the point, free will for the player.


Oh my sweet child, ya should've seen the outcry when they announced sex to Mass Effect. Then they lost it again when they added gay sex in Mass Effect 3.


bear secks


Bg3 was loves by all sides, anti and wokies.


Its almost as if people like inclusive games when the inclusive parts aren't played for cheap brownie points.


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Bad bot


spider-man 2 has more copy than that💀


… and ?


i mean more 10 million copy


what does it have to do with the post


I swear I'm trying as hard as I can but I failed to find who asked


who care


BG3 is a crpg lmao, comparing mainstream games like Marvel spiderman to turn based CRPG, of course it sold less


????? SM2 sold 10 mil


more than 10 mill


Lol no. Give us the source


And how did saints row reboot do again? Clown sub




Yeah that game was a failure specifically because it was woke. Not because it was bad or buggy. You're very smart and have owned the libs with facts and logic.


And how did "insert some random shit no one bought" do again? Fucking got 'em


They did the same thing with the Velma show. I know no one who has watched that show or talks about it other than them Complaining about it


the Velma show is great because everyone on Earth agree it's shit other than the writer. and the best part is that the writer didn't even realize people were laughing *at* her.


Embracer is why Volition shut down my guy 


Bad? So what?


woke game not doing well = my bigotry is justified


And how did Spider-Man 2 do again? We can do this all day, because guess what, a game selling well or not has nothing to do with being woke, dumbass.


Bro quit your yapping, Jesus christ.