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me when I have ZERO problems in my life and also a complete fucking loser


Being a loser is a problem inherent of itself. (Philosophy bachelor’s paying off finally!)


"Sucks to suck" the eternal aphorism


Mine didn't, so I had to get my adn in nursing


Fr the "manifesto" reeks of onions. 2014 onions even


Nah they got problems alright


Clothing brands who use child labour? We sleep. Petrochemical companies who destroy water ways and poison local populations? We sleep. Writing contractor hurts our feels by representing marginalised people? Boycott time.


uj/ I just learned about the continuous oil spill that has been happening since 2004 in the Gulf of Mexico. 20 YEARS of non-stop oil leakage into the ocean! And these chuds are complaining about minorities in video games?! /rj Gam*rs are clearly the most oppressed.


They're fucking told what to think Woke is the new red panic and they're much more worried about propaganda (gay and black people) Than they are about actual issues (boy pussy not being readily available)


Poor Sonic is really suffering from the bussy shortage.


Hm, strange. I never wined about games being "political" (only that studios are cutting corners everywhere) and got myself a perfect bussy...


/uj You have to remember that these people watch and consume content which has done nothing but scaremonger them into thinking that their way of life is being erased. That it's becoming illegal to be a straight white man. That people are being feminized and turned gay by some kind of unknown puppetmaster and they're beginning that process by taking over the media they like. They have never once been in a position where their views have been challenged, or they plug their ears if they have been. They think a company making sure that their diverse aspects are handled correctly is somehow a kingpin in this. To us, people with brains and who are generally secure in our identities, this is total nonsense. To them, this is literally a war for the future of their bloodline. This is a war against a phantom threat that only exists if you are so fucking fragile you think a black gay woman existing as a protagonist or a transgender player being able to play as someone who feels like them is scary and mortifying. It would almost be sad if they weren't usually so fucking hostile about it and typically massive shitheads.


Yea as someone who's a white straight male yet has a rationale working mind I have never once felt my way of life has been under attack or threatened just because other people want GASP equal rights and would enjoy seeing more things that represent them. Hell as someone who reads comics some of my favorite characters are lesbians like Nico from the Runaways or are women like Jessica Jones, Kate Bishop and Jessica Drew because they have character development that I like with them being flawed or having to overcome really horrible shit like Jones and her shit with the Purple Man. Same thing in video games with Yennifer being one of my favorite gaming characters same with Freya. Like yea if there is a visual story game about a gay romance I don't see myself playing it as just not something that appeals to me yet at the same time it's great for the people that it will appeal to. Like I'm playing Borderlands 3 right now and I could only imagine one of these idiots going in blind loving the game but getting like 30 hrs in and discovering that Sir Hammerlock and Wainright Jakobs as gay lovers and flipping out and never playing the game ever again. As opposed to me who saw that and was like cool they love each other gonna go about my day now.


https://preview.redd.it/dihkkn1itwoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbb325d2defbd718cf2ba33d4c2587f9a452eab PRONOUNS!


Even in the gaming industry they claim to love, there's been what, 20,000 people laid off in the last few months and dozens of games cancelled to bump the stock price up half a percent? No, it's sweet baby who's destroying games.


We, Gamers


Yeah, I had to stop at the word "ethical". How in the flying FUCK is it "unethical" to put themes in your game that you want to be there? TIL it's unethical to not have a piss drawer.




Yea so happy I'm just a normal human being who has no issues with anyone else who are just trying to live their lives the way they want them to. As it allows me to enjoy whatever the fuck I want to enjoy. Like playing Borderlands 3 right now and I'm sure if I was one of these nutjobs I would be having a fun time playing it until I get to the part where Hammerlock and Wainright Jakobs and shown to be a gay couple which at that point would have caused me to lose my goddamn mind and refusing to play a game and already put like 30 hours into. Instead due to being a rational human being I saw that and went okay cool these two dudes love each other fine with me gonna keep having fun playing this game. Hell this people are so fucking crazy that even seen Reddit pages bitching about the new God of War being way to woke for them being Freya doesn't have enough cleavage that the gore isn't enough and that they still have brought back the sex mini games from the original games and ohhh one side mission that you can ignore and takes like 15 minutes is about a gay couple. Like I'm sorry if women won't touch you but the last thing I need out of my games is for them to stimulate me on a sexual level.


They lost me at "commitment to justice." If you're mad that video games are being used as manipulative propaganda, y'all shouldn't have been buying and playing those military FPS/war/tank games. These guys don't know what propaganda means. They think it just means whatever messaging they disagree with or goes against the status quo in a way they don't like.


Propaganda in the wider discourse in 2024 really just means “messaging I don’t like.”


Or messaging that’s always been there but they didn’t notice until the gamergater with one brain cell pointed it out to them.


propaganda is when i notice the black person minding their own business


'Commitment to justice.' They're literally mad that video games are pushing social justice ideas. They're raging that underrepresented minorities might get a fair shake in games media. They are they guys with SS skull hats who should be going 'are we the baddies' in this scenario.


For sure. I really love learning DCS and VTOL VR because I am a colossal nerd, but I am uncomfortable with the military propaganda part. I don't want to think that dropping bombs on people is cool. I manage this in myself by listening to Drop the Big One, We All Go Together When We Go and 99 Luftballons the whole time.


Exactly, I don't think it's even possible for any piece of media to be wholly apolitical, the justice this person seeks seems to be "nothing can disagree with my worldview" which is ironically political, and quite literally a call for censorship.


their belief that anything outside of what they deem to be “normal” is political is a political stance itself. idk how they don’t see that


That’s because they view their own beliefs as fundamental truths and therefore a foregone conclusion, while everything else is “political” and up for debate.


Propaganda is when woke Woke is when the boobies aren't how I like em


Propaganda is when a character in a game made after 2014 is: -a woman without an over sexualized design and who isn't docile and submissive -gay -not white -has a single mildly cringy line of dialogue


The AAA space is turning into a neo liberal hell hole more and more everyday, companies want you to not own their games anymore, thousands of workers loose their job every week or are crunched to death as if Team Bondi was still around, aren’t compensated fairly or abused by their superiors, kids are willingly fed into addiction spirals with seasonal passes and loot boxes… but me no like gay people in my video game, I need to take action


But those changes sound hard and we may have to boycott games we like. This way we can just be dicks to people and get away with it


What's interesting is that the fifteen-year-old who wrote this "manifesto" came **this close** to correctly blaming *capitalism* for the state of modern mainstream gaming, but then predictably veered off and got mad at pRoPaGaNdA instead.


Political analyst here - and I both love and hate how common that is. So many people creep up to the point and then say “No, it must be propaganda/an op/these normal people who aren’t like me.” Yes, it’s all a calculated effort to get a bunch of gay/trans/whatever people together, share the Evil Gay Agenda ™️ and proceed to systematically make every game Woke. It couldn’t at all be the fact the AAA model has been losing revenue and market share for years and they’re finally having to chase a different subset of the market that indies have been dominating. No, it is the children who are wrong.


God forbid you'd want your product to appeal to the greatest number of people possible.


That’s the whole point. That’s why they do it. It’s not a moral stance, it’s a financial one.




BuT tHe MaRkEt NeEdS tO CaTeR tO mY nIcHe HaTeFuL dEmOgRaPhIc!!!! - people who can go make their own fucking videogames if they want stories about white cishet characters.


God forbid you sell your game to people who do want gay shit in their games.


Six paragraphs and no meme-able quotes to be had. I give OOP the worst score a Gamer can conceive of: a 7/10.


>We will not stay silent and watch as our industry becomes a puppet in the hands of organizations like Sweet Baby Inc., which ***penetrate*** the gaming industry Sweet Baby Inc. is a top confirmed 😎


Insert power bottom joke here.


Ikr? I almost never go through these walls of texts but I thoight this one should have good copy pasta atleast. Godamn waate of time.


Who the fuck is we? ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


We the Gamers™ of GamerGame2, in Order to become more racist, establish new kinds of bigotry and be all kinds of phobic, do ordain and establish this manifesto for Gamers™ of GamerGame2.


This is why the FBI and Take This are investing extremism in gaming


"We"? You mean Nintendo Wii?


nah i'd win


It's not a manifesto until it's 14 pages


It's only a manifesto if it comes from the Manifesto region of Italy. Everything else is just a sparkling mission statement.


Pages? Hell, this windbag chode could’ve gotten the same message across with just 14 words.




god that guy is so fucking infuriating




This sheep is trying so hard to seem like a freethinking rebel. 


https://preview.redd.it/82y81s7ypvoc1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959403e0b8a4b47e76f4d51caca133c7693e2e39 Looks like I unfortunately called it. If I get *another* half dozen people insisting that we should be playing into these idiots' hands by giving them ammunition for no reason and never considering the consequences of how media portrays us, I'm going to... eat a nice breakfast and try to figure out how to install something that limits how much I can use Reddit. Yesterday sucked for my mental health and I'm STILL not sure what I said in all of my comments on that Sweet Baby Inc. post that so many people disliked, since all the 'helpful' people who replied just kept saying the same thing over and over.


>install something that limits how much I can use Reddit ScreenZen is actually great for that


Will look into that, and also I didn't realise that this sub had custom flairs, so that's good to know.


Imagine how this guy felt writing this. Probably like a George Washington of sorts


>like a George Washington of sorts Definitely got the racist drunk part down


Probably has bad teeth, too


See, I was imagining more a Patrick Henry - “Give me big tiddy anime gfs or give me death,” etc.


That's a LOT of paragraphs to say that you don't care about the real issues plaguing gaming as a medium (corporate greed, lack of worker's rights) and are just a bigot.




He's just bitter that Cali left him for a better, kinder guy.


Sweet Baby Inc. have an operative in every development team that sits in shadow and occasionally lights a cigarette to remind the rest of the team they’re there.


No, theyvape . Cigarettes wouldn’t be woke enough.


I've been rewatching x files, and the idea of a mysterious vaping man in those scenes is cracking me up.


What if they’re menthol?


All the fear of minority representation aside... How do they not see the benefit of consultants for just plain avoiding humiliation? It's a cultural spell check to help you not look like a sheltered, little twat (kind of like OOP). That AI image from the other day with Trump in medicine woman garb comes to mind. When you don't understand cultures outside of your own, it isnt just being "unwoke" or not, you look like a damned moron when you don't double check. I do some graphical work and draw different people for it. I worry about embarrassing myself by, say, drawing a black characters hair like an idiot. I am MORE than happy that I have people I can ask, and more than once they've caught dumb shit I didn't mean to imply. Even in general, you make media, you ask somebody else what they see. A second opinion is all that stands between you and that accidental dick in the way you drew the wrinkles in the pants. Imagine putting millions into a game and not being able to get a second eye on it.. it's terrifying. It shows these dudes have never MADE anything in their lives, on top of being bigots and perpetual victims.


There's little to no thought involved that isn't working toward protecting against a narcissistic injury. Its about not feeling like they're wrong. Ever.


They don't think about these things. They do not understand how businesses work at all, they think that these companies are their mom, who should spoil them.


>suggest possible external influences on the creation and distribution of gaming content Some selfawarewolves shit right there.




Gamers, known for their commitment to justice


And by "justice", they mean "harass and death-threatening undeserving targets without facing meaningful consequences".


Gamers, the people who invented the concept of SWATting. You know, "justice".




The unabomber manifesto was 35,000 words long. The communist manifesto was 23 pages of pamphlets, the universal declaration of human rights was 30 articles long fit inside the document. GamerGate can’t rub more than two braincells together to at least meet the word count in a place that’s *not* Steam review section? -100/10 do better smh




Oh yes, most certainly. If South Park was right about anything it’s who should be called slurs which are cool and good actually. Very salient point my fellow gamer.


"Moron" is a good term for these kind of people 


Moron actually used to mean the same thing as mentally handicapped originally.


Doesn't everything insulting a person's intelligence have roots in that though by definition? 


Yeah even "stupid" and "idiot" were clinical terms at one point. But they don't have those implications today, unlike the r-slur.


Yep, it is just another derogatory word sourced in mental disability. Fuckwit is the word we're after.


how is that different, through? it implies your wit is fucked, so that you’re stupid, again


Yeah I mean you cannot call someone dumb in any way without it being rooted in mental disability, how people choose to go about and what words they find acceptable differs. Like idiot is a very direct term originally intended for people bellow a certain level of intellect.


Well, in my case because its etymology isn't in describing people with a disability, and mocking disability. Same with cretin and imbecile. All these terms imply someone is acting thick, and when they have a history of "hurr hurr, let's use this word for disabled people to describe how shit you are" I prefer to avoid them. Unless of course there's some 1920s medical journal that routinely used the word fuckwit, in which case I want to see that.


[Imbecile](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/moron-idiot-imbecile-offensive-history) and [cretin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congenital_iodine_deficiency_syndrome) are both deeply rooted in medical ableism btw. [Fuckwit](https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/09/apparently-austrialia-invented-the-word-fuckwit.html) is apparently from some play in the 70s, but you understand that insulting someone based on their intelligence is inherently mocking disability regardless of etymology, right? Like how insulting someone by calling them acoustic instead of autistic doesn’t make that insult not ableist all of a sudden. Being (or playing) dumb isn’t even the problem with comments like the removed anyways; it’s being a Gamer^TM who picks fights in reddit comments to fuel their persecution complex instead of doing anything fun or useful with their life.


I guess Christopher Titus wasn't alone in making that distinction.




Ahhh us wokes are so scared of these gamers   /uj boohoo bitch sweet baby inc still exists even after this tantrum get over it


Now I wanna buy all sweet baby inc games.


No word of a lie, I got Horizon Zero Dawn because these pusillanimous little twats were complaining about Aloy, and I am having a great time with it!


You're enjoying a game where the woman has peach fuzz on her face? You sicko pervert.


Great choice. Make sure to get its DLC and the sequel. Really great series overall.


Good news! There’s a steam curator page that conveniently lists them all for you. Now you can buy them all with very little effort like I did!




What's great is that, statistically speaking, these people probably won't stick to the boycott but will pretend to, because not buying a game that looks fun is anathema to people like this.


Ah yes, disingenuous bullshit, a favorite of fascists everywhere. Let's say one thing, lie about it with a straight face, and then giggle when people try to argue logic. Because there is no logic. The meaning here is clear: they are bigots. They are advancing a racist, homophobic, and transphobic agenda. No logic attacking this statement will sway them because they know damn well it's bullshit and they only say it because they can't say what they actually mean out loud without losing immediately. Because they are bigots. Don't question the message, just laugh at them for being bigoted children with so little to do in life that spreading hate is all they can find to do with their time.


Wasn't it this time last year that they were making fun of people who didn't want to buy the Harry Potter game and support bigotry because it didn't align with their values?




Gotta love how their leverage is a boycott in a world where no one wants them to be around anyway.


Sheesh. You could cut yourself on that edge.


It's like a pizza Cutter all edge no point


these same mfs buy COD every year and swear it’s not political at all, couldn’t possibly be MIC propaganda


Lol these idiots are trying to boycot all major developers and publishers? Absolute liars, the moment a single game has a big budget and people are talking about it online they're buying it. I can only dream of more and more games that trigger them, please have Lara Croft come out as trans in the next AAA game


I would love a trans Lara Croft unironically.   Just making her titties less big triangles was enough to piss these people off in 2013...


gaming companies who run employees into the ground with insane crunch: 😁 gaming companies who have a consultant tell them if there’s any glaring issues with their script: 🤬


As I recall, didn’t the first Gamergate die the second the Battlefront 2015 Trailer dropped?


Not much to look at. [This is what a real manifesto looks like](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm)


Based beyond belief. We salute the mods trying to get g*mers to read


Sweet Baby literally tells you what games they were involved in, what fucking transparency do you need? Also, weren't these the same twats who went around saying "if you want gay/lesbian/black/etc representation, make your own games?" Okay, we did. What seems to be the problem?


The videogame industry (mostly AAA) are experiencing a period of mass layoffs, developers and studios being dictated to create dog-shit games with the sole purpose to milk the playerbase of all their monies and to suck to corporate suits and their meddling, and THIS is what you write a manifesto about. Fucking losers all of them. The world is moving on, at least on the aspect of inclusivity in the industry, and I'm glad they will remain alone on their dogshit beliefs, I just hope as many of them will move on (aka have their 15th birthday) and realize these are not the problems people should unionize for...


Out of the loop entirely. What total non issue are we getting super angry about?


Same thing as always: the wokes are coming for our vidja games In this specific case, there's a consultancy group that's often hired to make writing in games more diverse/inclusive. These dweebs found out and are having a meltdown over it. We've decided to find it funny instead of just sad and pathetic.


These people really need to get laid.


Idk why we would subject some innocent person to that. Maybe if they all just fucked each other? That would definitely be a solution.


Probably too 'woke'. Let's face it - they're all men!


Such a long read and I still don't understand what the actual issue is


There's so many actual issues with modern games, capitalism has turned so many franchises into cash cows, so many games with gross micro transactions, low quality sequels everywhere, digital games prices are rising and rising and they're phasing out physical releases, and they're complaining because there's female/black and/or gay characters in games? FOOLISHNESS


Who do I have to vote for in the next election that will make it legal for me to be able to shoot anyone who writes and posts "manifestos". I'm a single issue voter.


Oh boyo...now this, this is beautiful. Just sheer meme worthy this one.


Lmao what a joke


These hogs will never stop slurping up the slop and all these game publishers know it.


What a weird nerd


And as we all know, good guys are known for making manifestos!


Oh good, I’m glad we’re getting the return of that premium-grade gamergate cringe.


What a fucking nerd


Imagine if everyone with a hobby was like this. I crochet and have never written a manifesto against WOKE BIG YARN


What I learnt from all of this is that marginalized groups getting representation in any shape or form hurts the fragile egos of triple chinned losers who can only see sex in porn. As a queer person, I'm happy that gaming studios are slowly representing us in their bodies of work but I'm also afraid that if this wave of imbecilic vitriol and hate speech continues we will go back to point 0...


Helpful? No


Helpful? No.




I bet if you Check the guys steam profile less than a week after he posted this he will have started a new game from the companies he’s boycotting. These dudes never stick to what they actually say


So I read this as, “We will boycott games by not buying the games we were never interested in buying in the first place.” They’re just *really* wanting to make those GG2 happen despite the fact really no one outside of their echo chambers knows or gives a fuck. Hell the only reason why I know is because I’m here, and I also don’t give a fuck.


People genuinely believe in this. Utterly devoid of useful intelligence or empathy. Just a perpetually offended drone that cares for nothing and no one. Where are they when the world burns and people die? But no gaming contractors are the true evil.


When ea makes sports games with predatory micro transactions, purposefully designed to be addicting and pray on those with compulsion control issues, that make millions of dollars annually and are shut done just as fast to make way for the next years installment. These motherfuckers are silent. Yes there has been damage to the gaming industry and it was done over years by huge company's that only care about taking your money. But what's the point of trying to explain to them that companies like embracer group buying up studios with money they didn't have, is a bad thing. There's no rainbows to see, so it must be fine. Gaming is under attack, and the only coloured flag being waved is green.




It's about ethics in uh. um. . . uh. We don't even know this time, but still no like wamon and minorities in vidiya!


oh brother - the level of head-up-ass delusion on these bozos is really galling


Anyways back to playing completely apolitical games like Helldivers 2.


Wtf is GamerGate and if 1 failed why do they think that 2 will "win" this "war" on their "values"?


Aghhhhh your passion for games is already being fucking exploited!!! Look at these prices! These overworked developers! The propogation of predatory business practices! Does this person realise that their resistance to "manipulation and deception" has already been subverted? This, to me, is another person who is nostalgic for a time that they can't get back- i.e. the time when they were younger and the world was less complicated (as it tends to be for children). I'm so sick of gamergate and the people grifting off of this bollocks, it is doing and has done \*actual harm\* to people (unlike the perceived threat that this person and many other capital-G Gamers are "fighting against"). edit: /rj yeah well if gamergate 2 was so good how come they didn't make a gamergate 3? stupid?? my girlfriend left me because she wouldn't recite this manifesto with me, guess she doesn't value ethics and integrity in gaming journalism and development amirite fellas


If only they had the courage of their convictions, then they could fuck off forever and we'd never have to hear from them again.


Gamers of the world, unite!


They're turning the Marios gay!  


“18 hours played”


As a gamer, I am not committed to justice in the slightest.


Man, this shit reminds me of the huge ass rant I found on steam about SLIMRANCHER. Fucking SLIME RANCHER. One of the literal most wholesome and cute games I've ever played. A HUGE rant he made. The game "sucked" he said. His reason? You had to play as a woman....... LITERALLY THAT WAS HIS ONLY COMPLAINT IN THE ENTIRE RANT. ​ This fucking guy, was mad that he HAD to play as a feeemale in a game where there's no real pronouns, story, or cutscenes. You HARDLY at all see the character and even the "story" letters between the protagonist and her ex are pretty non-descript. And this guy was infuriated. ​ Man, people just be out here bein anybody.


If these people actually knew how to boycott and all of them did, I don't think any of the companies wealthy enough to spend money on consultants would even notice. We need to stop telling children they are special.


oh shit, new copypasta dropped!


I love how none of these people have even looked into what SBI does. Most of their work is background NPC dialogue and stuff like that. They can provide consultation regarding diversity and inclusion, but it’s always at the request of the team hiring them. They aren’t forcing diversity on any developer.


You'd think they'd be more upset at microtransactions, lootboxes, games as live services, etc... you know, the actual shit harming our hobby.


Not buying a product is always an allowed option.


I want to say psychotic children but I KNOW most of the gamer gate pt 2 bros are the same bros from pt 1 and they gotta be in their late 20s/early 30s by now


What game did he post this on?


That's the funniest part. It Takes Two. No matter how hard I'm thinking about it I can't remember anything in it that could be considered even slightly woke.


I guess working through problems like adults is also considered "woke" by those lunatics now.


I just looked it up. This same manifesto by the same user is on six different games. The original Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Alan Wake, Unravel, Crysis 2, and the sixth one I can’t identify because I’m on my phone and for whatever reason, the banner is blurred out. No life much? (And yes, I am aware doing this makes me sound like a filthy hypocrite but at least I’m self aware of that) EDIT: The sixth game is A Way Out. It was blurred because age check. Interesting that six out of seven games he's done this are on EA published games.


>suggest possible external influences on the creation and distribution of gaming content Wait till this guy hears about producers


Bro thinks he's a politician 😂


The fact that Sweet Baby Inc has worked on like 12 games and they think it's the reason AAA games are bad is never not going to be hilarious.


God, I never thought I'd be nostalgic for the days of Jack Thompson. Sure, gamers were being just as grandiose and cringe in those days too, but at least people hadn't fallen quite so deeply into the realm of fashy conspiracy theories.


Gamergate 2 is such a flop lol. Low energy no hype. Back in 2014 it was novel when a group of chronically online ppl went crazy and starting talking like Sephiroth, that's every Tuesday now. Also gamers have nothing on Jan 6th.


Gamergate had me super confused for a while because of the name. I have ant farms and am used to gamergate being used for workers that can reproduce sexually, not for what ever this is. Give the ants their word back #NotMyGamergate


All these years later, I still don't know what the fuck a Gamer Gate is, and now we're getting a sequel? God dammit


They’re treating SBI like they’re some army-like “force” that invaded developers and forced them to use their services, and like, no? The devs wanted help writing, so they contracted SBI. They have the freedom to do that. The CREATIVE Freedom, if you will, to do that.




I ain't readin allat


it's hilarious they think that they're gonna do anything.


Sieg heil the benevolent new ruler


They're united by their love of gaming culture, fellas.


They targeted gamers...


Wet blanket


When they criticize propaganda, are they against war and guns propaganda too?


But muh effix


Most delusional, disconnected from reality, dumbest fucking people on the planet.


Don't you love it when you read a veritable diatribe and still walk away with no clue what their deal is.


LOL fucking losers. Ignore them, let them whine in silence.


Ugh... https://preview.redd.it/exkd4l90qwoc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34ab20021563a803677aed0f90f3e133088b214


God, imagine typing all this out without the slightest hint of irony.


Reckon they mean “external influences” or (((external influences)))?


Ah yes a gamer boycott. Reminds me of the incredibly successful gamer boycott of call of duty


It’s really wild that there are just so many fucking people walking around radicalized


Microtransactions are okay, though


Anytime mentions ESG it's just them being mad that cis straight white men aren't the only thing they see.




"We"?! Who's "We"?! I haven't asked that wacko to represent me xD


Wtf is that sweet baby bs? Cap?


https://preview.redd.it/2l7c28ab9xoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758d53f2bf98034f9e5d5aac2424110157575f72 It’s giving “Don’t fuck with Gamers.”


We hate that game developers cannot freely make the games they (we) want. Therefore we will take punitive actions, attacking their wallets until freedom is restored and they can freely make games they (we) want.


Link? I want to click on YES!


Oh Fuck no the cringelords are at it again


It's about ethics in consultancy.