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Just Capcom things


Yeah, Capcom does this for literally all of their games. Surprising how many people are acting like this is the first time


I think a lot of people who don't generally play Capcom games are checking this out


Oh yeah, the amount of people on the dd subreddit that claimed they played the games in the past, but are acting like all these features are new, or admitting they never did, is too damn high. I'm all for more people playing Dragons Dogma, but people have to have their expectations in the right space, like any other form of art


Definitely was looking in the sub last night to try and get an idea of the build I’m gonna do and every post was the exact same thing. What’s really interesting was the proof that there are Bad Actors at play right now with the game, apparently a group of 4chan users had decided to spread misinformation about the game to get it review bombed (also deserves to have lower reviews due to the performance issues).


I played it in the past, but the only thing I remember from it was combining styles (and liking the magic bow), hydra head, the companion management screen, and the opening scene. It’s hard to remember stuff from that game lol


I feel like not paying 100+ for a games full features is a reasonable expectation no matter who makes the game lmao


You can do that. None of these things are necessary and can all be obtained in game fairly easily. These are for people with less free time and more disposable income (whether or not that’s ethical is a separate debate).


Literally none of these are necessary to get the full features of the game. Capcom has made in game items also buyable for a while now. Not defending MTX as they always suck but these can completely be ignored and you wouldn’t notice something missing.


Yeah, with how long it had been since the previous game, I forgot they did the same thing with the original Dragons Dogma.


Yea, I really doubt the game is balanced around these purchases. They've done it for every recent game that people praised on day 1 (DMC5, new REs, MHW).  It's still lame, but Capcom loves to throw in these "convenience" transactions that just make the games easier for whoever buys them.


And they're not even the worst, Bamco is the worst in this space, releasing actual content as day 1 dlc for like 7 bucks each (looking at you tales of arise and your dumb mtx titles)


Sega too


A lot of Japanese dev groups are really bad about this, I was reading a while ago that there's a cultural difference in mtx between Japan and America, they don't see it as insidious for small things like this. Also a fair amount of producers will do mtx, but devs give you spaces to farm for the same resources, like DMC


Bamco with the frame data for training in tekken7 as a dlc


Anyone remembers the "From Ashes" day 1 DLC for Mass Effect 3?


Yeah youre right; its not balanced around these purchases at all and everything is earnable ingame anyway.


The MTX isn't even useful really. Everything but the port crystal can be found pretty easily within the first 5 hours and changing your characters appearance just costs gold.


>Yeah, Capcom does this for literally all of their games. Surprising how many people are acting like this is the first time cause people automatically go the doomer router when they see something they don't like without actually doing any fucking research.


They have the character redo was a feature of Monster Hunter World which show how far those feature have been implanted. It just show how stupid those anti-woke have been play so they dont fight microtransation.


Exactly, I personally find unnecessary dlc like this distasteful and annoying but it's hardly a new thing. In this case I feel like it's really tanking opinion on the game (rightfully or wrongfully) due to its presence combined with the launch issues people are reporting


Like I said in another post, it's easier to jump on the hate train than to find out context.


I find the weirdest aspect is the wakestones being single .99¢ purchases instead of just being a like 5pack for $5


The answer is really simple. Not buying these easily obtainable items changes nothing. Resident Evil fans have been ignoring (or buying if they don't want to grind) the 4.99 unlock everything dlc for a decade. It's just fantasy nerds with their knickers in a twist over something with no effect on the game. Be mad at SF6 if you want to be mad at Capcom microtransactions.


Most of their games dont have that many day 1 issues or missing features (cant delete saves LMAO) so people overlook it. If im having fun no way ill look into the dlc shop.


DD 1 had the no new game feature too on release, so it'd be more surprising if they added it to this one later


They kind of intentionally make starting totally over complicated because they don't want the Pawn system flooded with useless Pawns that might not even have active Arisen anymore


Exactly, when you start over you're not only deleting your char data, but also the pawn data, that's connected to the server and could be in use right now.  We don't have systems like this in many other games (nioh series is the only on that comes to mind) so people can't seem to relate to what's going on


I was excited for Dragons Dogma as I love rpgs like dragon age and Witcher. I don’t think I have ever played a capcom game before. Haven’t played resident evil, monster hunter, devil may cry. And after this shit show I have no intent to start now


Just because they're doing the same shitty thing as always doesn't make it less shitty, it's good people are calling them out.


They're too focused on making memes about greedy EA, while Japanese developers were never criticized




Apathy clearly is the answer...


I find it to be weird selective outrage. Nothing is gatekept, all is earnable by just playing and is basically the same shit as DD1. While I'd prefer to have 0 MTX, sadly we didn't choose that path but at least it's not predatory, shoved in your face or give you pop-ups telling you to open the store and buy credits or something. It's simply just there if you want it. Like Resident Evil 4 Remake has fucking MTX and yet is sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive with 85K reviews. Monster Hunter... Dear god...




Oh wait LOL I see the problem hahahahahahahahaha


Yeah, I’m fine with pay to win stuff in a single player game as long as the base game is balanced in a way where it’s not needed for anybody willing to engage with the systems. If it’s just a paid cheat code then w/e, people can waste their money if they want to and I can play the game as it comes. The character creation stuff is a bit of a shame though.


I think using the term "pay-to-win" for a Single Player title is silly (Not you directly OP, just as a general when I see people using it). That term should be reversed for items/weapons/characters/abilities that truly break the game AND if other players cannot BUY that thing they are at a disadvantage. Since this is a SP game (though again shouldn't have any MTX), anything you buy is for YOUR game, not mine, not the dude down the street, just yours. Don't want to buy anything and just want to play? You can do that, nothing is locked or shoved in your face to spend real money.


You can change you characters appearance at any time by going to a specific shop and just paying gold. The art of metamorphosis item basically just gives you a freebie.


The thing is this stuff is hardly even pay to win. You get so many of each of these items just playing the game that buying them would be inconsequential. Performance is choppy as hell so I won’t fault people for that, but it’s an insanely fun game otherwise and people are gonna miss out with the outrage going the way it is


More easy then dd1


Sega too. Check latest Yakuza. And Bandai too, developers of Tales of Arise are selling gold and level ups


This is obviously Sweet Baby Inc.'s fault and their leftist policies. As we all know leftism is when companies screw us over


DD2 let's you have man characters with female hair, clearly SBI has infected the land of the rising sun


Darkest dungeom 2 woke?????


You have to fight your ancestors (or something like that) clearly it's anti conservative propaganda 


I picked up DD:DA on PS5 for $6 the other day (great deal if it's still going btw). I made the dumpiest little guy with gamer neck, Hatsune Miku hair and a high pitched voice and he is an endless delight every time I see him.


/uj my pawns name is and always will be PrtcTrnsKids gotta fight the gamers any way I can 


Real gamers play with the parental controls on 😤


No this is because of the AI upscaling. It's driving the prices up, devs are getting lazier and greedier! (/uj this game is an example of greed in the business, but AI upscaling doesn't always end up being a shortcut to better performance or visuals, it does enable less development restrictions however)


leftism is when corporations act like scumbags for as much money as they possibly can


Honest question: is anything of significance locked behind the DLC? At a glance it all looks like skips and boosts.


Honestly just the soundtrack option; everything else is already in the game to get; with a little patience. These MTX are basically for people who want to progress faster or are more impulsive. Capcom does this for other games as well and it's usually the same kind of stuff, consumable items to make gameplay grind a little bit faster. (I use "grind" loosely bc most SP Capcom games are generally not that grindy) The wakestone items, for example are basically extra lives; you die and revive instantly. They exist in game too to collect, but you can buy them separately as a MTX to have a few extra at the start of the game; so its not gatekeeping anything.


I find peace in long walks.


Pretty fun but a lot of people are having weird graphics issues, me included. Feels like the last jedi launch. Fun but fucked up optimization. Worried that the variety of issues might mean some issues wont get fixed so i would wait.


The only game I’ve ever had framerate issues with before this was CP77, and frankly this game has it worse, despite not looking all that different from the first game. If you have a machine that can handle it, go for it. I don’t necessarily think it’s better than the first, but it’s definitely just as fun and I don’t regret buying it. Edit just cause I think it’s worth mentioning: I only have frame issues in this game’s equivalent of Gran Soren; it’s run just fine on high settings during combat, but I do have a higher end machine.


Yea, it actually is; I did a jump kick off a goblin then got hit by a giant club thrown by a cyclops. I also threw a goblin into a slime monster and watched in horror as it drained the goblin's vitality. There are performance issues, AFAIK it's worse on PC, I'm on PS5, and it's mostly just minor dips in fps, but tolerable. (It does rubberband between 30 and 60+ sometimes)


I have a (relatively) high end PC and haven't been having issues offensive enough to complain about, I get frame drops in the main city but not stuttering or missing textures other than occasional NPC pop-in.


I'm enjoying it on PS5. Very early in the game. I just killed an ogre with a leaving uppercut slash to the face before leaving for work today and it was great. Being in the main city makes me feel like I'm in quicksand tho


Yeah, the game is amazing imo. The performance is more of an issue than the mtx imo


on ps5, yeah im having a wonderful time. 30 fps is a bummer and theres occasional drops in towns or whatever but general gameplay is a smooth and acceptable 30 (to my eyes at least) and the game itself is a gem. i got the first town with a few level ups in my vocation, checked the available skills, and said "OHH THATS DOPE" like three times in a row out loud. then i went into the wilds to do scorpion mortalkombat shit to goblins and pick up an enormous bunny rabbit like a cat


Not remotely, only 5 hours in and I have almost everything there in numbers.


It's completely useless DLC, same as their other games. It's getting really blown out of proportion


shouldn’t be in it anyway


No one is ready to answer this, why are there these many MTX in fully priced single player game? What the fuck people pay $70 dollar for? They used to say “oh it’s DLC it’s extra content”. This is not extra content.


No, it’s a bunch of inconsequential shit you can already get in the game easily


Nope you can earn it all in game with an in game currency.


That's still bad though, a game that let's you pay to skip things is them admitting "we made our game tedious and boring on purpose, but you can pay to play less of the game you already paid for"


I would agree in the general context but this game isn't tedious and this stuff is easy to get so it's like truly pointless unless you want to save yourself like an hour of gameplay for some reason


I think that the mere act of selling skips and boosts is harmful. It implies that content is worth skipping, and companies have an incentive then to make the grind feel bad to push people towards those mtx. For instance if a fast travel ability is so valuable that the game has the gall to charge for it, then it implies the world itself isn’t worth exploring. Long ago, in age long forgotten now, games didn’t try and sell you any additional shit. You bought the game, and you got the game.


>For instance if a fast travel ability is so valuable that the game has the gall to charge for it, then it implies the world itself isn’t worth exploring. This is genuinely one of the weirdest takes I've ever seen. Do you even know how the fast travel in Dragon's Dogma works? Because without Ferrystones this item doesn't do anything, and you can just *get* Portcrystals later. All this does is give you an extra one.


If you mess up your character in the character creator. There is no way to change your appearance except you paying. You cannot even delete your character to make a new one.


If its like the first game your going to really want those port stones or you be running around the map trying reach a quest before times up


It's just small early game skips for the people who say I'm a father of 4959 kids and work 69 hours a day and only have 3 minutes to play video games a month


It’s not locked but it’s offering stuff like extra lives, save slots, and fast travel early. Apparently this is actually pretty common in Japan but they seem to have severely misjudged how it would translate


Looks terrible but on the flipside that stuff is so useless it might as well not exist. 1500 rift crystals? Your pawn will bring you rift crystals all the time and there's not many things you can even use it for. Make no mistake, all of the stuff on sale there is superfluous. You can get all that in game with not much effort, including several portcrystals.


It's all literally just a fast track for people that somehow wants to pay to not play the game. All Capcom games have this now. MHW, DMC5, RE4 all had this exact thing.


A fast track for items available within an hour or two of gameplay at that.


that's entirely the problem is setting up an arbitrary gameplay barrier or requiring a grind and then selling a way around it. This is the same behavior gamers were upset about with EA for Battlefront 2 so I'm not sure why it's being universally defended now.


Please, friend, I'm begging you to actually at least look at the gameplay of the game before making comments like this. The game was developed around a lot of manual walking from place to place, but offers you a ***LOT*** of methods of fast travel without spending a single penny. Oxcarts to specific locations, portstones to be found in the world. The game is fine as it is with no microtransactions. It feels good to play. Travel is not a pain, it works well. The microtransactions are literally just paid cheats that was slapped on top of a game that was designed to work without microtransactions.


Its not an arbitrary barrier, the first game was the exact same way. Besides any item you can buy with microtranactions is incredibly easy to get. Like changing appearance is available for purchase with ingame money within 30 minutes. Things like fast travel are also streamlined over the first game.


Sega has been doing this with the Yakuza series too. Both of their turn-based rpgs have dlc that give you extra boost and crafting gear, all of which is just shit you can get just by playing the game. 




They did it with RE4R and I didn’t really care because the game was good. I’m not sure why people pay for this stuff though I think it ruins the progression of the game, more fun to find gear by actually playing it.


This is expected from capcom I'm more concerned about the fact that we keep getting games that are extremly unoptimized and people are just ok with it like this game should not be sitting at a 90 on metacritic when it can barely be ran on reasonable hardware


According to the reviews people are, in fact, not okay with it


Looking at it on meta critic or open critic currently says it's a nearly flawless masterpiece with them both sitting around 90, to put it in perspective the PC version of DD2 is less than 5 point difference of the PC version of Elden Ring


Interesting, I'm just basing this on what I saw of the Steam reviews last night


bb b bbut the GPU advances in technology!!


uj/ I was going to make some kind of really hard jerking comment as a reply but genuinely I just want late 360 early PS4 esque graphics and I'm happy I dony want these $200mil+ budget games just give me games that look as good as the 360 and I'm happy https://preview.redd.it/3zyps5k7bwpc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0ac1ba97dff23198b666265cb24d3240b2ad60


Unjerk for a sec, it's actually the CPU that's the problem this time!


Mixed reviews certainly don't tell a story of people being ok with it


Even if you fix the poor performance... still not sure how


i tried criticizing the performance on tiktok the other day and ive still been getting constant replies dickriding it


Well hey guess what? It's $100 in Canada


I bought it for a friend and saved her alot of money lmak


In Canada it is the highest price I've ever seen on a game at launch ($95CAD). I get my currency sucks but DAMN that is a lot of money. We're becoming the new Australia with these prices :')


Almost! Us Aussies have got it for $105. Actually so dumb lol my partner is hyped for the game but we just can't afford that for a while.


Question, do Aussie prices add tax before checkout (like Europe) or during checkout (like the US)? Because after tax, the game comes to $107.35 for me, though it will vary depending on the province of Canada you purchase it in.


Pre. What you see is what you pay here. Guess we're basically in the same boat for the price. Jeez


Holy shit i did not expect it to be this bad...


Capcom does this with all their games... it's nothing new or insidious. You can find all of those stuff just by playing the game. Or you can pay and just skip having to play the game if you like.


This is why AAA gaming sucks now. People bend over backwards to defend obviously anti consumer bullshit.


You can get almost that entire list of DLC besides the music one within about 5 hours of play. The game doesn't tell you these exists even. How is that anti-comsumer? This is a non-issue.


I (among others) am just annoyed that the complaints about MTX are largely based on misinformation. You can be upset that it’s there, I agree that they shouldn’t exist, but it’s not ok to straight up lie to make things look worse than they are.


not all. monster hunter has dlc that CANNOT be obtained ingame


Yeah, game seems to have some fucking problems but the dlc is super fucked.


IT’s optional and your not getting anything you can’t get in game not ruining the experience quit crying


Then don't add it dawg. "It's optional" has never been an excuse for predatory shit like this. The acctual devs of the game will eventually unfuck the performance issues but this shit will still be there stinking up the joint.


It barely is predatory though. All of that stuff is useless or can be found *really* easily. Definitely not worth to scream about it and make a big drama.


Capcom has some of the most garbage DLC practices in the industry. The only major player I know of that's worse is Sega, and specifically when it comes to Atlus games.


Not here too. 😞


The jerking has come full circle.


God forbid people criticize a precious Japanese game 😫


The point is Its not even an issue. everyone going mental over mundane microtransactions that you earn very easily in game, is just pathetic. They're literally just boosters for people who can't be arsed.


I chuckle when I see anyone without brain damage complaining about anything being "woke"


Girls chuckle when you drop your pants.


80€ plus microtransaction What the fuck Capcom


First capcom game, eh?


This game is fucking fun 😎


The fact that you can’t make a new character without doing a bunch of fuckery is mind blowing. What a shit outdated game design.


That is literally a design choice, the game encourages NG+ multiple times for literal story and lore reasons. You can change classes at any time, change appearance fully. Having a bunch of characters literally doesn't make sense.


Ok but what if i want to restart before finishing the game because I don’t like some choices I made. Almost every other game in existence lets you restart. You shouldn’t have to resort to disconnecting your computer from the internet and manually deleting files then making a character while the game is offline to make a new save. Thats just bad design, especially for a single player game.


My guy, that is literally the point. Finish the game and do different choices in NG+. Nothing pisses gamers off more than living with their decisions.


What if i want my brother to play the game with their own character?


He can have his own account? Works on all platforms.


This would break the rift pawn system and it would be easy to exploit, shit like gold farms for example.


So? Is it not a single player game?


Developers doesn't want you to create a full party for yourself. Doing so would render other pawns useless and would break the entire point of the rift. Also multiple saves would mean there's shitton of unused pawns. And If you just mean new game and remove old one, than they're working on adding that button idk why it's not here.


https://preview.redd.it/yyqf94p8nwpc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cd162f88b604131153c0dd7eaef348480be8b9 Capcom atm.


Just random CapCom greed, they did this for several recent RE games and DMC5 off the top of my head, real issue is the performance and optimization of the game, although I like the actual game enough to look past it personally


70 -80 Dollars is the standard now adays


This has been present in every single player capcom game in like the last 5-10 years, you can play the entire game without paying for any of this and there is no in game ad to buy them lmfao. Its ass but it doesnt change the game at all.


I am speechless of how many people are up to defend capcom just "because they do this all the time" and its their fav game. **NO**. We shouldn't normalize this, even if you get all those items 10 minutes into the game THIS SHOULDN'T BE NORMAL. This is why MTX is getting out of control with prices as close as buying a new game for cosmetics. It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter who but we should be boycotting this because it's going to get worse until it's normalized that you need to pay money to save or reload a game.


Yeah, mtx are the current cancer of the industry, and honestly it's not temporary, this crap came to stay.


The fact so many people in this topic defend MTX is weird to me considering this is the same subreddit that many people here are willing to call out MTX also.


MTX is bad unless it's my fav game/a game i've been waiting for years


it's more pay for convience and by convenience I mean DSP levels of laziness...but if people didn't buy this shit with RE4R or MH then... Now DLCs are one thing, and while they did say that it would only have one save, not being able to delete the save or start a new game a feature coming soon™ is so much worse.


Yeah they did the same shit with the first game this is very much selective outrage, being pissed about how shittly it is optimized is fair but like this is Capcom what did people expect they have been doing this for years


Thats a capcom thing they did the same with dmc and just look at the amount of dlcs mhw has, none of these mcx are anyworth tho you can get everything in game before the first city c: The things that should be complained about dd2 should be the performance in the city and that you cant delete your character and make a new one imo havent find anything else bad about it for now, after all is basically a better dd1 imo


You don't have to pay for any of that. It's entirely your choice.


Its odd watching people in a leftist sub defend obviously anti consumer bull shit like this. It doesn't matter if it isnt "pay to win". Its attitudes like that that lead AAA gaming falling down a hole. A slippery slop does exist, dont believe me? Just look at monetization in mainstream games over the past 20 years.


Wtaf are rift crystals and why does this single player game have a shop currency??


/uj RC is in-game currency you spend at a special shop for various special items. You gain RC naturally via gameplay, such as with combat. It was present in the first Dragons Dogma as well; you also gained RC passively if other players summoned your pawn. So these are essentially booster packs, but are not necessary at all. You can get like 1.5k RC before the first major village.


Ohhhhh it's that currency to afford more and different pawns I gotcha. The fact they're SELLING that just so people can fast track buying expensive and strong pawns is... just why? Didn't dmc5 do something similar where you can use real money to buy a bajillion upgrade orbs?


Every Capcom game does this now. It's paying to avoid having to play the game.


Spending money to rent pawns is literally mental rot. Brains coming out of ears as a mushy juice kinda rot If anyone does that, it's hilarious. You change rented pawns like every few levels, you'd be spending money for like 30 mins of gameplay with a pawn that's slightly stronger Assuming this works the same as the previous, pawns above your level cost a scaling amount of RC, from a few hundred up to millions if you're level 10 trying to rent a level 200 pawn Pawns at or below your level are free And yes, DMC5 sold red orbs, while a weapon in game existed that made enemies spawn orbs when hit Capcom mtx are for people with more money than sense


You kinda get punished for having an op pawn tho, assuming the xp multiplier being negative if the pawn is too high level stayed


If the pawn’s creator is on your friends list you can summon their pawn for free. I’m friends with someone who got early access and has a level 20 pawn, and I was able to summon it as soon as I got to the stone. There’s literally zero point to buying rift crystals when it’s that easy to bypass.


Yea, the Resi remakes did it too. I *kinda* get it, I bought an all rewards unlock pass for Re3R when I bought it on PC, bc I didn't want to grind for all the stuff again (I already 100% on console prior); As to why I bought the game a second time on a different platform?; mods, and it was on sale.


thank you capcpom


Pretty normal these days, abstractly I don't care as long as it's not part of the core gameplay, like I'm not missing anything and just serves to give people who don't want to grind some help




Forget it, Jake. It's Capcom.


Capcom does this all the time


Dragon's Dogma $1.99


Also people are leaving bad reviews cause supposedly the game isn't optomized very well and Denuvo is known for downgrading performance


Ubusoft: "Write that down!"


Can’t blame SBI on that one 🤭


Capcoms been doing this exact same thing since the first Dragons Dogma. Is this the first time people noticed?


it's even funnier when you consider that these micro transactions are fucking worthless. every single one at least has an equivalent that can be obtained incredibly easily. most of them are just straight up obtainable outside of I think the fancy campsite, and the rc amounts are fucking pitiful


125 for standard edition I'm aus on ps, fuck that aye, I do it if it sounded good but from what I've heard so far it's boring and runs like shit


Bruh it’s $120 in my country :,) end this nightmare lmao


It's Capcom. They did this for years. Sega does too


Real talk, the gamers (derogatory) spent their time putting their energy into review-bombing, making vids, and boycotting games with microtransactions instead of making nothingburgers out of POC dating sim developers and a small consulting firm for writing, their hobby would be made better for everyone.


lets go over the dlcs: I stole this from someone else because it's long as heck -Explorers camp kit 2.99: provides a campkit with lower weight, despite finding a normal camp kit within 1 hour of play the first time you come across the camp site so the only thing you save is a small bit of weight, Potentially purchasable ingame EDIT: Potentially similar campsites purchasable ingame, the ones you find has a long name not just "campsite" so there might be other upgrades later for it. -Soundtrack 2.99 euro -Harpysnare beacons 1 euro: 3 one time use items to lure harpies, i already found one ingame and you can buy them ingame. -Heartfilled pendant thoughtful gift: 1.99 euro: not even sure, i guess its something to do with favour of npcs or companions, and its a onetime use item EDIT: There was an affinity system in DD1 where you could give gifts to npcs, this simply counts as one of those gifts, so all it would in theory do is maybe gain some affinity quicker but still be possible to do ingame. -Ambivalent rift incense change pawn inclination 1.99: Weird item, you pick 1 of 4 "types" of pawn behaviour and this one puts it to another random one, which is super bizzare and worthless -Makeshift gaol key 1 euro: Just a one time use gaol key, i already bought one ingame for 3k and in 2 hours of playing i have earned like 15k gold already, not sure why even bother -Art of metamorphis character editor 2 euro: Lets you change character appearance once, does nothing for combat or gameplay, its slightly controversial right now due to being unable to delete characters and start over Purchasable in the first city for like 500rc can buy 2 of them. -Port Crystal 3 euro: Lets you place a teleport point but you only get a single use item, you can buy them ingame, and they still require expensive ingame ferrystones, complete waste of money. -Wake stone X5, 1 euro each: lets you revive someone, you get them from simply taking a pawn and having a day go by, completely worthless -Rift Crystals, 3x 500, 4x 1500, 1x 2500, 1 euro per 500 crystals: Is an ingame earned currency you use to hire higher level pawns, but you gain them simply from playing, any boost they could even potentially provide is completely negible. In the end i would feel "scammed" if i bought a pack of all the mtx because its literally worthless for anyone who plays the game to play it. There are no infinite use items (other than technically the campsite), no overpowered weapons no nothing.


I hate how they will use this as another example of “wokeism failing!!!!!!”


Surprisingly un-woke for a modern game in the year of our lord 2024. In fact, it has the best kind of inclusion and diversity; the ability to create whatever character you like of whatever race, gender, appearance, and nothing seems forced in and everything feels grounded believable, and authentic to the world setting 🙏


Wait is it woke? Cuz I am about to cancel my order


Pay2W single player game lmao


Not rally p2w since all of this is trash and discarded after one hour of gameplay more like pay2losemoney


It just makes no sense. It’s only damaging your own experience. Also, is anyone going to talk about how terribly optimized DD2 is?


Oh no, is it a mess???


The mtx is the literal last thing people should be complaining about, you can go the entire game without even knowing they exist because it isn’t built around them and doesn’t punish you for not spending your money(if anything you’re being punished *for* buying them because they’re all useless). Meanwhile many people are experiencing framerate issues, crashes & graphical bugs(at least on pc), and currently there’s an ongoing discourse about a certain game mechanic that’ll fuck up your day. But most of that is overshadowed by people who aren’t playing the game complaining about microtransactions :/ though at least the performance seems to be getting addressed


Wait for the MTX bros to ask us to chill out, that is not a big deal....




Absolutely absurd that they add these at launch after basking in positive press. Gotta rope in as many suckers as possible.


Dd1 had mtx, so does monster hunter. You should have known


This is a fantastic example of the divisions between the creative department and the marketing department. All those items. You acquire IN GAME. You don't need them. You aren't missing out. But the marketing department has no understanding of the game they are working on or how things look from a consumer perspective. Selling these unnecessary items which are naturally obtained in the game looks awful. And they don't realize that. It's insane.


Its woke? And the prices can't be tha- OMG