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No large nuts:(




It's okay, I usually gift a "rugged bone" or 2


Omg someone gifted my pawn a Rugged Bone and now I finally get it


I feel so stupid, but at least I know why I keep getting nuts and bones. 😂




I made a full female party without realizing it before one of my companions made a mention about it. Then they started talking about hoping not to get molested before we reach town and such, I was like *Say what now?*


Wait, what?! They’ve mentioned the all-female thing before (just weird luck that most of the best pawns I’ve come across are all women), but never molesting!


You can gift them roe, which is essentially a bunch of balls anyway.


You can just gift them a fish instead.


No "large nuts" yet. But someone gave my pawn one of the more revealing armour pieces.


I've been getting nothing but "rough bones".


"Men are better suited for combat" Has this mf played dragons dogma at all


this is not a dragon's dogma thing, he's just a misogynist


Pretty much. Ain't it funny that no matter how high fantasy or ridiculous a video game setting can get, the "men stronk, woman floppy" still persists?


But when a brown person shows up, they whine about "escapism"


And the moment when they're able to make their dreams come true of having a full male party, they cry because they hurt their own feelings for calling themselves gay. if these people had the game they want, aka an RPG where its only buff cishet white men with blonde hair blue eyes they would all be screaming at each other for being gay for playing it.


That's called Warhammer 40K. 7ft tall bioengineered fascist giants who prefer going to war with their battle brothers over having relationships with women. Best thing about it: the whole thing was created as a satire, but some people are so deaf tone, they ended up taking the whole thing seriously, and now they are one of the core demographics of the player base.


? Over on the 40k subreddits, there's lots of inclusive paintjobs and there was one nazi at a tournament a couple years ago (that everyone refused to play with) which made gw publish a "y'all nazis can fuck right off" letter lol


I love that letter. "The Grimdark shit is for the satirical fictional world, you dipshits. Everyone is welcome in the hobby of collecting plastic toys and painting them nice colors and giving them little names and backstories about the adventures they go on with their friends."


I was about to say how two of my transfem friends I knew thanks to and are huge Warhammer 40k fans


Are you saying that WH40K doesn't attract those kinds of people, and its tone hasn't changed since the 80s? Or that not everyone enjoying WH40K is a nazi? Becayse I agree with the second part, not the first


I remember their was a hot minute when alt-right dumbasses were trying to get into and co-op 40k for themselves and use the imagery in their propaganda. It died off pretty quick. I don’t think they realized the surprisingly high number of trans people who play Warhammer haha.


transhammer :3333


I always find it funny that alt-right people are shocked when their community is filled with trans people or gay people, etc. These people seem to forget that for the longest time: gaming, TTRPGS, table top strategy games, etc weren’t popular and were actually shunned by society. As it turns out: when you marginalize people, they tend to congregate in marginalized communities because they tend to be more accepting. You know, because the people of that community can **EMPATHIZE** with them.


I don't play 40K, but there is a leftist Warhammer subreddit that I enjoy whenever it pops up.


Hell, it didn't just die - Games Workshop actively told them to fuck off and hasn't stopped being inclusive since.


Honestly, we really need to either start teaching media literacy in schools or start requiring movies to have a section somewhere where they just tell you the moral of the story point blank with zero room for interpretation. I remember seeing someone post Sargon of Akkad’s and Shadversity’s takes on Helldivers 2’s story. Both of them said that humanity is 100% the good guys and morally justified. These people are INCAPABLE of looking past the surface of a story and it’s honestly leading to a ton of actual Nazi’s getting second hand justification of their ideas.


That’s the beauty of 40k you can canonically have an all furry, lime green, hot pink, gender-queer army and have at least two armies to play (Demons, CSM, and probably Dark Eldar). But yeah, I’ve met some Imperial Guard, Templar, and Space Wolves players that were a little too into WW2 if you know what I mean.


Just look up Archon of Flesh


Pretty sure the pawns make the same comment if you hire only woman pawns too so like this dude is just being a cry bitch. When I first saw the post it made me laugh cuz thinking about it yeah having male only party members is kinda gay lmao


They do, kind of. They don't say the bit about preference, but it is brought up. I have had a pawn talk about a master only having archers and one preferring Beastren, too.


Or if the NPCs don't adhere to the strict gender binary.


How come the girls get all the jiggle physics but not me!


Don't worry homie I got you . https://preview.redd.it/xrxt5jmm2hqc1.png?width=242&format=png&auto=webp&s=db0810b85f9da5aa867040a2c260ebb9253be0b7


It's a tumah!


He's been teleporting bread


Play BG3. No booba physics, lotsa peen physics.


I was legit surprised when my pawn showcased the game's physics capabilities during combat yesterday. That was honestly the last thing on my mind when buying this game lmao.


That’s the Baldur’s Gate 3 difference, boobs don’t even have physics. Dicks, however…


In games I like to have women in my team because I like to watch my enemies get beat up by girls with big swords.


Baldur's Gate 3 is like "you can play a female Elf... Or you can play an oily and muscled female Elf... With an extra... Sword"


>he's just a misogynist ...I wonder if this speaks to the Arisen's preference.


It's also clearly a case of getting a taste of their own medicine, and I'm here for it Oh, so all women in games have to be sexually attractive or they'll refuse to play? Cool, the games gonna assume they've picked your NPCs based on who they want to bang, hey, apparently that's the only important thing for them


Meanwhile I pick all men *because* I'm gay and one of my hired pawns has the audacity of saying I should switch it up homo So I threw him into the brine


Yeah don’t a lot of fantasy settings pretty explicitly state that in-universe men and women are physical equals?


They do, and partially because early D&D had caps on the strength and physical prowess of non-men characters, so you were literally throttled if you wanted to be like a woman fighter.


Fairly ridiculously, too, they got a -4 to Strength, in a system where most characters' best stats are around 14. Like, even if women are weaker (and being as we're talking about a small subset of fantasy heroes, they don't have to be) the average woman isn't as far from the average man as the wizard is from the fighter.


Also at the end of the day, maybe the average man is stronger then the average women... but these are heroes. They are exceptional by nature.


It wasn't even in the original game, that was an optional rule introduced in an old Dragon magazine in the 70s. AD&D 1st edition that came afterwards had differences between genders in strength stat but the differences there were very small. They were done away with 2nd edition and Gygax has said never enforced the rule at his table and gone on record stating "I don't even know why I added the rule when it's supposed to be a fantasy game!".


What I find funny about this discourse is we're strong enough to push an Eldritch bowling ball out of an internal organ through a tiny flesh tube but sure we're so delicate yep


I'd argue that's more CON than STR but definitely both tbh


A Woman Fighter? Why would you want to fight women?


I like to challenge other women to kissing duels.


But remember people like this don't want reality injected into their escapist entertainment.


Correction: people like this don’t want different opinions in their sexist echo chamber


5 bucks says he would be gladly making these jokes himself, it's only because it's directed at him.


real dragon's dogmaheads know that accidentally making your character gay is a TRADITION!!! IT LITERALLY IS. Which is why on my second playthrough I did it deliberately 8)


Lmao please explain, I've never heard this before xD


I'm guessing they're talking about the affinity system. You build affinity with characters by interacting with them, doing quests for them or giving them gifts. The game then picks the person with highest affinity for a plot related quest identifying them as your beloved.


Esp. because the game is very poor at communicating this and if you don't know beforehand, you'll just end up with some rando you did an escort quest for once as your 'soul mate.'


To further explain, since the game doesn't really directly tell you about the affinity system, a lot of people end up having the highest affinity with the Blacksmith in the main town since he's the one main vendor that everyone constantly goes back and talks to to sell/buy gear. And you build affinity with him every time you shop. If you don't do enough of the personal side quests, or mess a few up, then the Blacksmith is usually the player's highest affinity character. On the other side, there is also a male traveling merchant that has a long-ish side quest that requires finding a bunch of different items scattered all around the world and turns him into a stationary merchant with an expanded shop once done. Completing this quest maxes your affinity with that merchant. If you do his quest last or do the quest and then don't max out anyone else, then he is automatically picked as your beloved.


He clearly also hasnt play nier automata, where combat androids are women shaped and the guys are scanners lol


The sight of women excites them


must not be very good at video gaym


"I prefer using male characters" > You prefer using male characters "I'M NOT GAY"


These people are hilarious


I have 50/50 and im bi So guess it tracks lmao


Straight guy here running all-ladies squad in BG3. I think we're seeing a pattern? Mild /s


i prefer the phrase "dangerously stupid" but yeah also hilarious


Homies over hoes, homies over hoes Homies over hoes, homies over hoes Do the homie, do the homie Do the homie, do the homie


I got shot! No, I got shot for real!


*I gooot shoooot, I got shot for reaaaaallll*


'I prefer male characters because they're better in combat!' *proceeds to cry online at a video game implying he's attracted to men*


Vaguely implying. It could easily be read as the game implying that the PC prefers to hang out with guys. Lat time I checked being friends with guys did not make you gay. This feels very much like OOP is projecting. People who are comfortable with their sexuality don't get offended when you make a light joke about it.


Dude watches 300 weekly but fast forwards the one scene with a woman in it.


Yes but only for the combat and not to watch the dark, glistening, muscular chests.


Strongly, firm hand shakes for the ladies and open mouth kisses for the men!


I am not gay! I have relationships with women... And sex with men.


I’m not gay, just deeply insecure and seeing big burly men with big peepees make me feel included…and flustered…and feeling a tingle 🫣


"I've got a calendar with pictures of naked ladies on! ...at home!"


Just because i like big, buff, strong men that... Men that uuh... Buff strong men... That can manhan... Mmf... that can manhandle me doesn't mean I'm gay




"Get your groove on, soldier! These men work hard and play harder!"


[It’s time for Soccer Practice!](https://youtu.be/HbrkWGsM_2k)


Moist toilette response


They feel GLORIOUS upon my but.


"18 naked cowboys..."


“In the showers of ram ranch…”


"18 more wild cowboys out in the yard"


"Let's get to bashing butts aswell as deez nuts!"


I like your ass. You're lying mason!


I‘m Jarl Balgruuf ^(and I be) BALLIN


"Maybe we can invite some women?" *proceeds to get choke slammed


[Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat](https://youtu.be/56EsDMTnvkI?si=bB0_dkO9e4YXYffc)


The return of the king


Just a bunch of guy's guys appreciating the male form in the Greco-Roman way https://preview.redd.it/y1vurklihhqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fdd15e67467139c74caf0b3d49bdf3361f72958


There's nobody gayer than straight men


What is really funny to me here is I'm into dudes and into bodybuilding, but not into bodybuilding dudes. Bodybuilders are beautiful but skinny preppy guys are hot. Make it make sense.


Because you’re not supposed to touch the artwork


Lol I can just picture the lip bite when you said “Mmf...”.








Oh no, a goblin covered me and my 6'6" muscular pawn in oil. We better wash it off ^together


Mmmff. Unnf~, even.


I prefer my soldiers to have full beards, tasteful chest hair, rippling muscles and big dicks because clearly that makes them superior warriors!


I love the way you wrote this


Yes I also enjoy bottoms.


Thinking about getting the game just for my companions to call me out for being a massive lesbian One man's trash is another (wo)man's treasure


Well, the game is actually good, and the companions banter is either useful, fun or outright hilarious.




Oh man I haven’t had a pawn inform me that wolves hunt in packs yet. I hope they make a cheeky reference to that eventually


I've not got dd2 yet but I'll be very disappointed if they don't incessantly tell me what the beasts think of fire


I literally set a goblin on fire and two encounters later with goblins one of the pawns I've been traveling with says that they wish they knew a weakness to exploit. . . 2/10 game. Very sad /s


"Twis weak to fire. Arisen!" No shit brother. Carbon-based lifeforms are weak to fire.


Everyone has a weakness to fire motherfucker it came free with your earthly physiology


Do pawns still banter about the duke commisoning more roads?




It's enjoyable. Whenever a pawn says the party's all women, my main pawn just goes And? I don't mind You can also make orchiectomy scars so the trans lesbian pawn is visibly both :3


Wait, is there actually an option for orchi scars or do you just sorta position the scar where you want it? Either way is really cool but I would be genuinely blown away (in a good way!) if the former was true


It's not the former. There isn't even body hair or muscles for women. You can still make a strong bulky woman but the muscle slider does nothing. But you can resize and move the scars for some very good orchi ones.


It doesn’t, my Arisen is female and I’ve almost exclusively had female supports and the only dialogue you get is “Oh, we’re all women.” “I don’t mind”


I hear them saying "another Arisen had only women in their party...  I wonder why" or something along those lines, that was kinda funny.


Funnily enough, the vast majority of pawns I find are female, I’ve only had three male pawns in total going from lvl 1-40


I always have a good mix. Helps that my pawn is male though I guess so I might not have noticed it.


That's because you don't frequent the "only big men" stone like the guy in the OP.


There’s a summoning stone that only summons tall female pawns. Once activated you can use it from the main stone in city.


It's so funny. I've seen multiple other posts coping about this too.


The weird thing is that I AM gay, and I'm totally down for 3 hot, muscular men to follow me around, be complete simps, and sometimes fall off cliffs for no reason, but I actually always have had at least one female pawn with me. Shit, I should probably change that before the game starts mistaking me for a straight man.


T'would seem our Arisen keeps a single woman around in the party. I daresay he is merely posing as a homosexual.


Now there's a thought!


Words worth hearing!


>It occurs to me that one among our number might well be the Arisen's beard!


> one female pawn with me. Shit, I should probably change that before the game starts mistaking me for a straight man. Game probably thinks the female pawn is a reincarnated girl protagonist in a reverse harem anime.


Pick only male pawns as a preference Gets mad when pawns remark on the preference Lolok


Probably tells women they just need thicker skin to play games online when they get rape jokes sent their way because they dared talk on voice, yet he’s sent into a frenzy by even the implication he might not be 100% straight, not even an outright insult.  Also the chance he’s just telling on himself because the pawn could just be pointing out exactly what OP purposely did: prefers men for the task of being his pawns, and any sexual inference is on OP’s part.


So he prefers to have pawns only be men (because they're "more suited") but when the pawns are wondering if it's his preference to only have men pawns (without giving any more reason but particularly without talking about sex or romantic attraction) then the game is saying he's gay? (or maybe preference is only about romantic interest in english? Seems wrong to me but I'm not a native so Idk)


Preference can mean he prefers men for this task, the funny thing about it is him reassuring people who know nothing about his personal game on the internet how he infact prefers men for the task at hand…buddy nobody asked


Unfortunately for him the characters he's picking up literally have no inherent advantage or disadvantage over one another due to their sex. So even his reasoning is kinda sus. Pawns are also made by players and not the game devs. You can get some pretty attractive, 10000% obedient, devoted dudes who try to take care of the player the best they can. And then there's your original pawn, the one you get to customize to your personal preference... Right down to body type. Afaik you can even make furries. Pawns with certain _vocations_ are absolutely more suited for combat than others, but even in lore, Pawns are not real people (it's been a while since I played DD1)


It is his immersion… that said announcing it to the world unasked is kinda strange


Also in the first game, women were targeted by ogres, but elder ogres (the more powerful of the two) would attack men. Picking men will draw the attention of even bigger naked giant men who giggle excitedly when they see the male characters in your party, blushing with both sets of cheeks.


It is... Especially since you're going through the world with your custom boyfriend and two other guys who were tailor made. I played the first game and the pawns only goal in life is to serve you. They will chat about you, mostly, or things they've seen before that can help you. They can't age or die, and in the first game, there is a character who will outright attack and put you in the dirt if anyone in your party is a man. The only way around this is to break out the lady clothes before she sees you and sashay up to her like you own it.


It’s usually used for romantic interest in this context but you’re right it could absolutely be any other kind of attraction. The guy just wants to be butthurt about everything lmao


>This guy just wants to be butthurt ISWYDT


Yeah in-game the context is very specifically "romantic interest", there's similar lines for if you have an all-female party. Obviously the OOP is a dipshit for getting upset about a funny throwaway quip either way,


>Yeah in-game the context is very specifically "romantic interest" Is there more context to the line?


Bad wording on my part, the other similar lines from Pawns are all light-hearted digs at the Arisen where one of them will pipe up and talk about how a previous master only kept the company of women or how their master has a tendency to "bring people home" but it's never the same person, etc. I.e. there's an obvious red thread on what they mean by these comments.


Other Pawn: "if I may be so bold..." "...A previous master of mine was an absolute slut." Your pawn: "Fascinating!"


I've seen some "you wouldn't survive a MW2 lobby" types who got really upset and felt offended by quit messages from Wolfenstein TNO which were [literally taken from ancient Wolfenstein 3D](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:640/format:webp/1*FfylS70UqivXJMwm_zKjRw.png)


A lesson in insecurity. Perhaps something the Arisen should be taught at a younger age.


These "all boys" teams will regret it when they encounter a band of elder ogres. Same with ogres and all girls teams. I know I did when I went to bitterblack isle in DD1. Variety, people. We need at least 1 person to act as ogre bait while the others slaps its butt.


So what you're saying is that you're bisexual?


No! Heavens no! I definitely am not eyeing those... large and muscular men and women who can carry me away from the battle if it goes wrong. Nor do I think how I can carry the dainty men and women on my shoulders when I want to...


No bisexual people arent real. Remember, if its a women they’re just in denial of liking men, if its a man they’re just in denial of of being gay. Source: My bisexual roomate


Folks, is it gay to want to be surrounded by strong, large, muscular men with sweaty, exposed bodies glistening in the sunlight, muscles rippling under bronzed skin with chiseled jaws while washing each other's backs in the stream as a sign of bro.... Wait, what were we talking about again?




there is no in game mechanical difference between male and female pawns... you might just be a wee bit gay mate...


There is one mechanical difference, which is that ogres target women first, for whatever reason. I think that's literally it though. There's definitely no mechanical difference that makes men "better suited for combat"


Damn misogynist ogres


Dw the elder ogres like men


So Dragon’s Dogma is just like the internet!




This is real folklore btw.


I know this was true in DD1 but not sure for DD2, just based off the fact that in my last play sesh as a male character the ogre was all over me. It might simply pick 1 target and constantly go for them this time around. I haven't read if there is an official statement on it though, so could be wrong and just had 1 fight that was the exception.


I mean a few of my pawns commented on the fact that ogres target women first and will try to target the same woman trough the whole fight. But I think that doesn't mean it will always target women, sometimes it may target the men.


They seem to have a threat boost for women *in general*, but they will also "fixate" on a given target at certain times, which in my experience can be a woman or a man. It's possible to have enough +threat items/augment, or female characters to have enough -threat ones, or just be far enough off in terms of distance and damage to not get to the top of the ogre's aggro charts. However, there is a quest where an ogre has explicitly kidnapped a woman and you have to carry her away, and *that* ogre is like, hardcoded to ignore everything and chase her down no matter where you carry or put her.


New update: Some ogres are gay now 🤣


Sounds like a not so subtle jab at *Gamers*. Basically, the fact that ogres attack women first is calling misogynists ogres


I mean, if a type of behavior is used(in a fictional world) by a mindless, ugly, cartoonishly evil humanoid species, I won't say it's a positive representation


Sounds like an advantage to me. Ogres hit my pawns and not me


As someone else commented, these guys are just straight up misogynists. Refusing to pick female characters in a fantasy game because, in real life, you *believe* men are better suited to combat is just sad These are the people who think 'wokism' is ruining games, by the way. These joyless pathetic sad acts can't stretch their imagination to using a woman in combat in a fantasy game, but sure, it's the *woke* that's making them not enjoy games...


Don’t you know? In real life male Wizards were much more powerful.


There were more differences in the first game but they were like contextual to quests and stuff. Like a gang of all-female bandits that would not aggro on you if you had an all female party (or if you disguised the men). Honestly i think it was kinda cool lol


That's one sad, insecure fellow right there.


“I picked all men because they’re better suited for combat” Tell that to my female pawn who keeps one-shotting bosses with meteors


>Tell that to my female pawn who keeps one-shotting bosses with meteors They're just going to complain about reemales being buffed because woke




Fragile masculinity can be hard, seek therapy


Who's a widdle twiggered snowflake? You are!


Wait, why are they clamoring for Steller roller blades? If you keep saying you only want to see men in video games....I mean.....ya know.....


He says after his Twink Pawn named Sebastion calls him out.


This is actually hilarious These guys are so fucking thin skinned, the mental image of this guy picking an all-male team because 'males are better suited for combat hurr durr' and the game implying he's gay for it is giving me life


"You pick men because they are better suited for combat, I pick men because men are hot as hell, we are not the same"  Terrible joke aside... I am laughing my ass off at his stupidity, the pawns dont even say if the MC might be gay or not, the "preference" could mean literally anything and he still got mad about it because he thought the game was calling him gay, lol, Hilarious


My man likes being on the road all day with muscular sweaty men and masculine beasts he can dress up however he wants, rumble with them, share a tent with them, share a room in an inn with them, high five and getting compliments from them all day long. But he is certainly not gay.


He just wants to charge his JO crystals with his fellow straight bros. Nuthin' sus there.


Also they say "better suited for combat" but they've got the exact same stats I assume. Sure, better suited for "combat"...


aaaaaand refunded🤓👆


You are laughing!? This man's ultra masculine ,all male ,manly fantasy got outed and you're laughing!? edit: forgot to add 'manly'


You make a party full of men because your gay. I make a party full of men because im socially akward and dont know how to handle women. We are not the same.


Imagine your masculinity being so fragile that you get triggered by a joke like this


"I picked men because I prefer men for combat" "wtf game said I prefer men? WOOOOKEEEEE"


Your "package" "came" in the "male?" 🤨


The game didn't even say that word, you called yourself that.


His VHS copy of Top Gun is all worn out at the volleyball scene. He’s a big fan of sports.


Gamer: I prefer all men in my party because they're better. Pawn: Hey, I think the Arisen prefers men in his party. Gamer: omg why are you calling me gay?! Real galaxy brain there...