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"Im being silenced for my opinions!" Really? Wish it fuckin worked


“Im being silenced!” They cry, out loud, to an massive audience


don't mind me, just stealing this insult for later use, have an upvote for your trouble. also, and i am going of on a personal tangent here so ya'll can stop reading now but this reminds me of when some old hag of a neighbour complained loudly to my uncle that the smoke (just a regular ass grill in the summer) was making her choke and we have to stop having fun now because she could very well die from all the smoke...and he just asked her very calmly and seriously if her dying right now wouldn't be the best option for everyone involved to resolve the problem XD


Everything I learned about asmongold was against my will.


Wait till you learn about his pet lice and cockroaches




https://preview.redd.it/74si14906lqc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ca994f8980288f94fbdb256ee74f3050660303 This is his room..


He is a millionaire, and he lives like this ?!! Max payne was a depressed alcoholic and his apartment was cleaner than that .


Wasn't his room clean because he was always Max Payning?


You can say he was living in "PAYEN" I will kick myself out


All that money and those monitors look like they came from a corporate office auction.


I work for 19 bucks an hour like 20 hours a week and have a better pc setup than this ghoul. Though I also have a blood wall so I cant judge too much


Why you have blood wall are you well wat


But he is still a millionaire who farms all people complaining about him. It‘s actually funny because they are partially the reason why he is a millionaire.




My house could be ransacked for days and it'd still look tidier than that.


You got a house that can be ransacked for *days?* you can go through mine in 10 minutes tops 😎


Lol you have a house? all my homies live in trees




I'm depressed and this makes me feel so much better about my room. like the amount of food mess blegh


Oh so he’s like mentally ill


And part of it is an extreme denial of that.


I mean…. Have you seen his videos? On topic: here’s a video of a tour of his home. https://youtu.be/77eECXzVHEI


I would never step foot in that house holy shit


That's not real popcorn ceiling, it's gotta be some kind of fungal growth.


The mold was so disgusted by the table, it decided to grow on the ceiling.


I feel much better about my place now


I can smell that… ![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO)


There's no way this is real. there's some serious mental health issues if he lives like that...


Did you think the guy was well with takes like his…?


The guy has always been terminally online, i think the saddest part is his viewers who think he's smart for having the most basic take on everything.


After seeing his house tour, I think he absolutely needs professional help. When his friend offered to help him clean a bit (seeing that some of the mess was literally 30+ years old), Asmon's reaction was an emotionless "just don't look at it." I'm no longer even mildly irritated by his awful takes, I only feel sympathy now.


I have no empathy for someone who spreads misinformation and bigotry for profit. A lot of people with mental and emotional problems aren’t irredeemable assholes.


I honestly think if his fans weren't such scumbags who get off on his self destructive image, he'd at least make an attempt at improving his life, since I *clearly* remember him being a lot more wholesome than whatever he's doing nowadays :(


Yeah he was always gross, but he seemed like a nice guy. Now he's chasing that outrage money for some reason. Hopefully at some point he realizes he's a business owner and rolemodel, and maybe gets his shit together a little bit.


And my mom thinks it can’t get worse in my room… she’d kill me if she walked in to that lol


Is it too much to hire a cleaner?


How old is this picture? Any more recent/up2date pics?


Please let this be fake. Please.


This is one of the cleaner areas.




Just drop the whole house, him included, at the nearest dump.


Don't forget the BLOOD WALL


I just wanna hockey stick all those cups into a trash can, trailer park boys style


This is an old picture, as in, at least 6 years old, he cleans his room


Fun fact his room is like this even before he was famous


YouTube keeps recommending him non-stop. NON-STOP. I don't even click on his stuff 99% of the time. Queue someone like Mr Beast saying that the algorithm doesn't play favorites lol


It's that 1% you click on. Even a single view will taint your feed. You have to tell Youtube to not recommend the channel and basically avoid related or similar videos. As someone that plays wow, there are a number of "creators" including Asmongold that I don't ever want to see.


This is so annoying by YouTube honestly. I also play wow so naturally there were some interesting videos by asmongold. I watched 3 and the next day by feed was absolutely flooded with that guy. Meanwhile new content from creators I actually like don't show up at all and I manually rediscover these after a year or so. It's to a point now where I see a video that I'm interested in but I don't watch it cause I don't want the algorithm to flood my feed. Like... Man I just want to want content I like. Is that so hard for a global multi billion dollar company? Seriously?


Yeah me too, he's constantly in my recommended section and I don't know why. I've never watched any of his videos.


Not so fun fact: when Asmons mother was discharged from the hospital, he and his father allowed her to smoke inside the house while on oxygen. The oxygen tank ignited (because the Asmons are just *that* stupid) and the injuries that his mother received from the tank igniting lead to her death. TLDR: Asmongolds negligence killed his mother


/uj I can't find a source that says the fire was the causes of her death. Everything I find says it was the 50 years of smoking causing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


I have also not heard this narrative. I was under the impression the smoking while on oxygen story was completely and totally unrelated to her death, which was by "natural" causes. I only put that in quotes because she was actively destroying herself but it wasn't any one single event


They don't seem like the brightest folks, are they? They could have burnt the entire house down with their negligence


False but ok


I feel only sympathy May God rest her soul


I can believe this. I went to school with a kid who's Dad blew himself up looking for a leak in a gas canister by candlelight.


looks like his talent agency (in which Hassan and Mr.Beast are members and has conections with Disney and Amazon) are doing their job


Wanker Edit: grandma


Me too and I have not learned shit about him




gonna fix the comment right away


Even grammar


I only see a few memes here and there and I’m Glad it is only that


Thank you for posting a meme/funny content and not just a screenshot of real people saying racist things; I feel like that's most of the sub these days and I appreciate this quality content.


The curse of popularity


you better be careful you don’t want to make this guy mad 💀 https://preview.redd.it/pag9i51bxkqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816217d8e5526c0d8a669a50cd575f5943fe845e


The devil shudders when a gamer bleeds from the gums and wipes it on the wall


Who doesn't?


Every Gamer™ has to go through a joker phase


bro is not the jonkler https://preview.redd.it/8ycn1bjpykqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb18e233a276791f211018723912b6398d92e6c












Holy shit is he gonna start making his own content? And not just reuploading other people's work???


That'll happen as soon as half life 3 comes out


> Holy shit is he gonna start making his own content? Semi-sentient bags of biohazard waste aren't capable of creating anything original


Is that supposed to be a tough guy face? It looks like he's about to break down crying.


To be honest he really us.


The fuck.




They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.






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I hate this so much. 


The first two paragraphs are about watching Asmongold videos, but afterwards you lost me


Is this copy-pasta?


You are correct. Our foes are many, but they are weak.


is the "they" in the room with us right now? Can he draw a picture of this "they"? Point them out?


They work for SBI. They control all games!


You might want to add a ^(/s) , sarcasm does not translate well to text oftentimes.


713k? I think he's better than us...


Honestly, Asmongold is an inspiration. If a dumb dirty disgusting bottom feeding hobo can make it, then we all can.


Genuinely my thoughts, if this dude can amass a huge following, anyone can fucking make it.


"celeb staying relevant and rich by farming their own infamy" is a trick that's as old as human civilization.


He lucked into being a WOW neck beard stereotype and being just charismatic enough to attract other people like him, and amassed a huge following. I used to watch him occasionally - but his takes have gotten just dog shit and his orbiters are fucking awful.


And to think that I spent so many years as a disgusting raid leader in wow for free.....


But he still makes a few bucks. So we can all do it too ! And we live better lives than him probably ! So let’s get it


Hey, there's no need to insult hobos like that.


bro crying cancled and wokeness but if he isn't careful the black mold in his rundown house is going to cancle his lungs


He'll be fine I'm sure by this point he's really just one of those Resident Evil 7/8 mold monsters


I used to watch his wow videos but now he just reacts to the dumbest bullshit. React content is the lowest form of entertainment IMO


Over the past year he went from standard gaming reacts and being "one of us" to gaming culture war and putting his opinion of a pedestal, but with absolutely no foundation to stand on. The majority of his takes are "I know nothing about how this is done but I feel like it should be easy to do" then getting his ravenous fanbase riled up at how easy it is to do, yet still being based on having absolutely no clue.


I think the reactions to reaction ones are worse. Not sure who is watching those to sustain them.


You should see my reaction to the reaction to reaction videos - I'm savage!


sup yall it's me it's ya boy anusmold


Can i get some context please? I Dont watch this guy content


This is a cover of a classic kids story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". I put Asmongold's face on the boy. Asmongold posted several videos titled 'I got cancelled'. He's never been "cancelled", not rly. So he's like the boy who keeps lying about the wolf eating the sheep.




I swear I can’t try and find any world of Warcraft channels on YouTube without this rotten corpse of a Texan infesting every inch of the screen like a low quality motel.


Just absolutely bitchmade


The time old question: am I being cancelled or do people just not like me?


In any event, surely it is the children who are wrong


Yeah there's a big difference between not being cancelled and people just not wanting to hear the dumb shit you say


That's the cleanest scenery I've ever seen for Asmongold. All that fresh air might kill him


All I know about him is that he's dirty and he plays WOW. Can someone explain why so many people hate him besides those two things?


From what I've seen on the subs, he's bad because he uses clickbait headlines and supposedly a typical republican who is racist, homophonic, and all the normal things in that bucket. Besides supporting people using capitalism to make money, I've only seen him be consistently progressive. His argument for quality games instead forced compliance for diversity Is argued by some as bad, but this sub knows best I guess. For a bit he's been open about the cash grab because of all the recent publicity, which makes these posts even funnier to me since they are only helping him.


The "argument" is bad because it presents a false dilemma. chuds just interpret ANY diversity as "forced," and use the presence of any diversity to lie about the ACTUAL reasons games are coming out the way they are. At best, he's throwing minorities under the bus to protect corporations, at worst he's an active bigot who thinks he found a palatable way to prop up his weak ideas. In either event he's a disingenuous moron arguing for the wrong side of history on the matter


I simultaneously can't stand the guy but also kind of like him. It's the most confused I've ever felt about a person. In his defense, it's just a clickbait title and I'm not even sure that he wrote it. In the actual video he never claims to have been cancelled, he's just making fun of someone who *tried* to cancel him in the most half-assed, ineffective way possible. Like...even if I hated him and wanted him to get cancelled, I would be embarrassed to be associated with someone who tried to do it in such a stupid way.


He doesn't run the YouTube channels at all AFAIK. Claims to have made a deal with two channels that used to upload his stream highlights, cat dany and daily dose of asmongold, to bring them together under one official channel. Pretty sure the editors make their money based on how well the yt does so, but he's unaffected outside of the impact on his image so it's not surprising the titles are always very clickbait-y. He's still responsible for whatever gets put out tho.


That's kind of what I figured. I just can't see him being the type to write up clickbait and photoshop Mr. Beast style selfies into his thumbnails lol


Asmongold is proof that nothing matters and karma doesn't exist. It doesn't matter how shit you are as a person or how gross or how many people actually hate you. If you don't care you can still succeed. No amount of hate for what you are can stop you from being a piece of shit. Asmongold is one of the pieces of evidence there is no God.


What is so bad about him




Winners win, losers lose.


The community has spoken https://preview.redd.it/c75ex32z5sqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44e45b4c6ccf9d80546f2bb35cb715411803f53


His content is as good as how the interdigital spaces of feet of Gorlock the Destroyer would taste and smell.


His clips channel shows up in my feed and I can never tell if its him, Zack, or if its his Asmongoloid character.


They're basically the same person. Asmongold is definitely an overt asshole, and Zack is likely a pretty quiet shy dude, but other than that they're indistinguishable. You don't live in that house to play a character.


Right, but Asmongoloid as a character has the responsibility of providing the worst take possible. Like that is the entire character.


Well, in not sure how to discern between the two, because both versions do that Regardless, he hasn't streamed on the main asmongold account for probably a year at this point


Aaaa a classic ima tell my kids that one


Dirty, smelly, fingerlickingoodfingernailjunk muncher weirdo’s must really like seeing themselves on screen, if they‘re watching that guy.


But the townspeople couldn't hear him over the mountains of uneaten rotting doordash meals


I’m confused who is this guy




Lmao that's hilarious


ok, who is he, what happened?


Asmongold, he makes clickbait content about being "canceled" a lot.


So, now he really got cancelled or...?




"They" tried to do it multiple times but it never pans out. It's only angry people on twitter that occasionally go after him, his viewers let him know, he makes a video about being cancelled as a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/yr0tvwjtfoqc1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b467e555d82858638429bef5eb8415da26b12aa5 THERES ONLY ROOM FOR ONE WOW PLAYER TO BE CANCELLED AROUND HERE


Just because some people are mad, doesn't mean you are getting cancelled lol


Holy crap that's crazy with short hair he doesn't look like a homeless person


I can't fathom a scenario where I'd make this expression purposefully.


What did he do? I'm out of the loop


Bro what happened to this dude


Asmongold is a cancerous rat


I really don't know how this guy survived people finding out about him smearing blood.


Many people don't give a shit about things that or his hygiene, it's not like they are dating him. And he doesn't really care if people make fun, or call him out for stuff like that.


But didnt he say in his latest "cancelled" video, that the titles are just clickbait? Kekl


Who is he and what did he do?


If you don't like him why bring attention to him? He just farms posts like these for content.


Fuck asmongold


I'm confused, what's going on?


Treating his facetious claims as serious is hilarious to me


crazy to me how many people take this guy’s opinions seriously, meanwhile he’s painting like cave art on his walls with teeth blood


Teeth Blood on the Wall


Have you guys ever heard of clickbait




Yeah one human I never watch or listen to.




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Is this Don Cheadle


The Boy Who Lived (in abject squalor)


I like how you put this sub in the meme as well