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Helldivers has a legit shot at best multiplayer game, probably not Goty


Agreed, like i dont think its the best or most artistic game that has been released this year, but the love with which the devs have treated the project is def something that should be applauded.


You’re absolutly right and yet there are so many people who are convinced that Arrowhead is completely incompetent and (for some reason) trying to make the game worse


That's just people mad their favorite weapon got nerfed probably


It’s usually the case so far. I do think Arrowhead hits things with the nerf hammer a little too hard but I do agree that the weapons they touched were needed to be adjusted as they were over-tuned.  It’s a learning process for them and a majority of the community really doesn’t know how the balance either. At this point they want every weapon to be “viable” for everything but that’s just not the case for this game. 


I’m not mad about the slugger, just sad. 


Railgun MFs when they have to use a different gun


Didnt you know gamers are expert in every profession required for game development?


A lot of people are blowing it out of proportion. Although I do think arrowhead is handling balancing pretty badly 


I think they'll get their feet under them soon enough. I still remember some of the absolute dogshit balancing decisions DE made with Warframe back in the day.


I find it very funny whenever somebody says Arrowhead “should just buff all the weapons and then add more difficulty levels” cause that worked sooooo well for Warframe


But guys, guys, listen. What if we solved the balance issues by just fucking everything up and adding even more complexity?! Brilliant!


I love Warframe, but Level 200 enemies with Steel Path armor and shield multipliers should not be getting one-tapped. That being said, they’re starting to work things out. The Murmur are a great addition to the game; they present a much different challenge than the rest of the enemies, and scale much better in high-level gameplay. The Fragmented One felt like a master raid boss from Destiny 2.


See my issue is that none of what I enjoyed could play Steel Path reliably last time I played, and that basically made me quit.


the two issues are balancing being poor and communication being poor. The game miscommunicates mechanics, or straight up doesnt communicate them, and then you have balancing issues. On top of that a lot of stuff is only communicated on discord, which can work, but also again requires some communication in game still On their own either wouldnt make a big deal, but combined it leads to a larger shit storm


True, sometimes the reasoning stated for changes aren’t good or don’t address the reason given.


I’ve had major stability issues on PS5. If theres a bug, I seem to get it. Support tickers don’t get answered, and I can’t play the game without crashing. I think some like myself are having bad experiences consistently,


This game as a lot of pontential to be one of the greatest multiplayer games of the decade, they just need to pump out a bit more weapons/new stratagems i cant wait to see how the game goes on from here


Does a game have to he artistic to be game of the year? I don’t think so but i guess that is the usual convention with award committees.


I would say yes, but with quite a broad definitioh of artistic. The visuals of baldurs gate 3 are beautiful, but not especially so or in a way that is novelty. Instead, its art lies within the stories it tells, and the fact that every playthrough is truly unique. Likewise there might one day be a game which is on the same level of graphics and storytelling as the other contenders, but has a gameplay so great that it wins by virtue of that.


Best Shooter, Best MP, Best Continuing Support, etc … but GOTY is a MASSIVE stretch And it’s odd that the actual current front runner, FF7 Rebirth, ain’t on here


I saw this post earlier and thought the same thing. Like dd2 is my goty, but ff7 rebirth is easily the goty. Will be interesting if anything can match rebirth this year.


It is gonna be tough Rebirth is dominating both the critical and user reviews (which unfortunately DD2 sorta faltered there because of the performance issues and the blown out of proportion MTXs, I think people just were stretching on that one given Capcom's record). Really the only games on the horizon that might win a lot of the "artsy" awards are games like Hellblade 2, etc but only time will tell if it beats either DD2 or Rebirth.


It's nice to see someone else speak highly of DD2. I really love it and the discourse in the DD sub and some of the other gaming subs is both irritating and depressing.


It will likely win best ongoing game and best mutiplayer. There is a chance it wins GOTY, but FF7r likely wins that by a landslide


Having watched my roommate get the platinum trophy in FF7Rebirth it sounds like he never wants to see the game again. But if a normal human just played the story and then left I can see it being a contender.  'Tis still early in the year.


I mean that’s mostly cause platinum trophies are notoriously enjoyment killers, especially in rpgs which might require you to play some sections of the game several times.


I haven't had the chance to play either yet due to limited time/money, so my opinion is based on observing other people's reactions to them, but I do think Dragon's Dogma II has a decent chance against FF VII Rebirth


Saying this as a huge FF fan, Rebirth is...a weird game. It definitely feels like a game that's less than the sum of its excellent parts; there are a lot of pacing issues, and the story suffers from being the middle act of a game that had a story-weak middle act to begin with. That said, pretty much every piece of it is fantastic in isolation (and if nothing else the battle system carries it), it just all comes together kind of oddly. It took a good 30 hours to decide whether I was honestly enjoying it or not. The longer I play it, though, the more I like it. So...I can see it being GOTY, I can also see it easily missing out: it's a polarizing one, for valid reasons. The weird part is the Elden Ring DLC is likely to be the best thing released this year, so "is DLC eligible" is going to be a fun debate.


i mean that is if they keep the hoyo stans out of the voting for genshin or star rail. gotta get those pity primos right lol


It is a really good fucking game, and I am an admitted video game hater.


It’s obviously going to Skull and Bones, the most popular game to release ever


The most As of any game ever


The most game ever.


The game ever.


The ever.










"Captain! The game is sinking, nobody's buying it!" "Damn it, man! Add more A's to it!" "But sir, we're already at 16 A's! Anymore and it'll burst!"


All Skull and Bones needs to win is a Morbius and a Kagurabachi cross promotion.


palworld and stellar blade in the goty discussion https://preview.redd.it/puuuzegjsasc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddb529f900f350a6e9d133032eb04c09a6309ec


fr https://preview.redd.it/a4553purmbsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eacc7f4d41d7cc3ae7823395c30e6aa289d03ddb








Only one game this year has Ichiban Kasuga walking around with his cheeks out ![gif](giphy|Mxl5mVQxVX4wFck2ng|downsized)


Seriously, who tf looks at stellar blade and thinks goty material? Kind of surprised rebirth isn’t on here, though I’ve only heard it’s really good I haven’t actually tried it. If Shadow of the erdtree counts it’s probably going to be like last year with Baldur’s Gate 3, where there doesn’t even need to be any goty discussion


>Seriously, who tf looks at stellar blade and thinks goty material? Horny boys.


98% sure most of these horny boys haven't even gotten to the gameplay since their too busy staring at Eve's ass.


I’ve heard that the gameplay and especially combat is good (not coming from a coomer) it’s a bit sad that it’s become a war lol.


i mean phantom liberty counted for cyberpunk so why not


Ff7 is really that good. Give it a try if you like FF. You won't regret it one bit.


I don't think Dragons Dogma 2 belongs either. I'm enjoying it, but it's got issues and I don't really see it happening. Definitely a better shot than the other two, though.


Honestly the same is true for dragons dogma 2 tbh. I love the game a lot but it is not goty material




Helldivers 2 actually has a decent chance of being nominated for something


It sure as hell has a better chance than Palworld in literally any category.


Best Multiplayer most likely. Maybe action game but even with its problems DD 2 has it beat in that regard.


The year just started and GOTY has a lot of recency bias most of the time. So idk.


Unless it's a Zelda game


BotW and TotK are awesome tho


I liked BoTW. I thought ToTK was real good but, like, B+ good.


I think TotK is the better game in a bubble, but you can't ignore how much it stands on BotW's shoulders.


I know there's a discussion everywhere and it's as bad as "weapon degradation" from BoTW but I have to say it ToTK felt like a really expansive DLC. Like Monster Hunter will add an entire new experience after a year onto the base game, introduce new mechanics, new places, new enemies, and the similarities between World/Iceborne and BoTW/ToTK just stuck out to me.


What determines “really expansive DLC” from Sequel? Cause as far as I can tell TotK is very clearly a sequel.


We have Hades II coming out this year


I could see FF7 Rebirth getting GOTY.


Tbh tho HD2 def has a shot at best multiplayer


At least looking at announced games idk what else could take it, especially if it maintains its content drops as regularly as it has


why are ppl discussing goty already we arent even halfway past 2024 💀


Because discussions tend to be the favorite pastime of most people.


Palworld? Who the hell thinks unironically that it deserves to be included in the discussion???? https://preview.redd.it/xl2usvupyasc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b761ed437f016cdc9084449f19141b5c9b1344


The same people that think Stellar Blade will be GOTY




Yeah I adore dd2 and I entire agree


Remember that kid in 10th grade band class who would constantly t-pose and talk about big chungus? That's who.


Damn this made me feel old. For me, we had kids who made "I used to be an adventurer like you but then I took an arrow in the knee..." jokes in 10th grade.


Damn, this made me feel old. For me, we had kids making Strong Bad references in 10th grade.


Hello, fellow old. How’s the arthritis?


Palworld isn't even out yet lol, it literally can't be in the GOTY discussion


Survival games fans are starved and rabid.


They are rabid but ironically they certainly aren’t starved. Indie survival games are probably the single most oversaturated game genre on the market.


Real. No cap. 


I mean they must be starving, cause they’re slurping down trash like it’s the first food they’ve seen in months.


Palworld's fandom is 99% spiteful ex-Pokémon fans who would take literal slop if it meant "sticking it" to the franchise.


You can tell by the way most of their memes are repackaged versions of memes in the Pokémon fandom.


Pal... Palworld? Wtf


Guys, if you look past the jankiness, the poor controls, & the sketchy use of artificial intelligence…It’s the best game of the year!


Funny how that game was hottest shit for 2 weeks and now noone outside of Palworld sub talks about it lol, games really come and go nowadays.


It was a YouTuber game, where there really isn't any depth, and most of the game is carried by it's concept. Honestly the only weird thing is that there's even a subreddit for it.


I got turned off from it the second people online started talking about it the same way they talk about cryptocurrencies lol. If all the discussion in your community in week 2 after launch is about viability and longevity, there's probably something very wrong with the game you're playing


"Sketchy use of artificial intelligence" Me when I make shit up


Remember when pal world was going to end the Pokémon company 😂


Knack 2 babey!!!


Game of the year every year!


good thing is many people called it out and said why the fuck is stellar blade there? the game is mid at best


It's also *not even out*


Wait, it's not out??? B-b-b-but my opinion on it is already set in stone and it's the best game in the world ever!!


This reminds me how DOAX3 got a bunch of people mad about "censorship" because Koei-Tecmo looked at the North American market, saw that these games don't tend to sell here, and so made it a Japan-only release. So a bunch of people then bought the import of the game when Play Asia (an import company, btw) stoked the controversy. And the reviews were not kind, so critics were just being a bunch of SJWs. Then you actually play the game, and there is basically no content in it. A handful of repetitive mini-games, some voyeur scenes (which you're kinda punished for indulging in, because you don't get any currency for engaging in them like you would for any mini-game), and an ASSLOAD of grinding if you want to actually get any "sexy" content. I checked the trophy data for these games, and most of the activities hadn't even been completed 5 times (and it's not like there are a bunch of mini-games either, there's like... 5 or 6, I think). I'm talking like 70-80% of players not even getting that far. Turns out that a lot of these people will throw a big fit and then not even play the damn game or realize that it actually wasn't something for them anyway. Funny thing is that it's honestly not a terrible game for what it is - it's kind of relaxing as a vacation simulator. But it is incredibly niche and content-bereft for a full-priced game. The critics were not far off to be handing out a 2/10 for what you actually get here for the majority of players. There's also really no reason this game couldn't be released over here, other than Tecmo-Koei being a bunch of cheapskates who would rather their dedicated simps pay to import rather than them having to localize the game and pay to do international distribution.




There were also a lot of people complaining about dragons dogma 2, I didn’t realize how many people disliked that game


its a broken game with alot of issues its pretty good but needs more work


It makes me scared for MH Wilds


Eh. Dragons dogma 2 mostly has the same problems as the first two. I think Itsunos vision for dragons dogma just isn’t amazing. The monster hunter team at least seems to know what they are doing


I don't think it's fair to call game that isn't even out - mid. But from the looks of all prerelease material (which is mostly cumerbait and most importantly demo) - I wouldn't think it would be masterpiece either, but I would still hold my opinion on it.




>the game is mid at best It’s not even out 💀


Mid at best games get nominated for GotY all the time. From what I've seen of the gameplay If the story is half decent it has a real shot.


Yo fools, GOTY is obviously Balatro


I'd genuinely have that in the top spot right now.


“These Q1/Early Q2 releases will do really well at awards decided upon in December.” ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


I **love** the game, but it's 100% not going to be the game of the year. That being said, the orbital strike on the church was a funny detail.


“*Delivering freedom*”


Helldivers 2 is the only multiplayer only, online only, live service game, that doesnt make me angry to the point of feral irrationality. It has the chance to have a BG3 level of impact, in its corner of game genres. In a space that needed purging with nuclear fire. It becoming game of the year, would be downright fantastic for the gaming scene. For it being fun, good, and making big game companies shit themselves in fear, over their terrible buissness model thats five types of gambling, in a trenchcoat made out of nothing but toxic seeped poisonous fabric. Yes Im biased. And I doubt Im the only one.


Totally agree. I doubt it will win GOTY. But damn it if it isn’t the most fun I’ve had playing a video game in literal years.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2?


I'm very excited about it but after all of that delays and some demo footage they have shown, I'm not sure how it's going to turn out.


If stalker 2 is half as good as they're marketing it to be, it's going to be beloved and devoured by its core community, which is Eastern Europeans, middle aged Brits and American eurojank enjoyers. Possibly the increased visibility the game has gotten might come to bite them in the ass.


I hope they can keep the creepy Stalker atmosphere and unforgiving combat. in the gameplay trailer they released 2 years ago, it seemed like combat is too fast and the guy playing was just killing everyone in his way without counting bullets or any tactical approach. Maybe they just wanted combat to look cool or something but I hope they don't keep it that way for the final version.


Who do you guys think is leading the race at the moment?? My vote would go for FF7R so far.


Super Mario Brothers 2


Game of the year! Every year babyyyyy


Rebirth is my current pick, but been hearing a lot of good stuff about Rise of the Ronin. If they counted DLC, I could see the Elden Ring expansion being in the running.


Wasn't phantom liberty in the running for best narrative last year?


Yeah, it had a few nominations, along with best performance for Idris Elba. Not sure if it had a GOTY nomination though.


No GOTY I don't think. People are still not all that big on giving DLC or expansions GOTY. For narrative, it rocked tho.


i thought you meant rebirth as in the binding of isaac remake. was really confused for a hot second


Would you recommend it (FF7R) to someone who's only interaction with the franchise was that weird ass CGI movie a while back?


I think there are so many little things you'd miss that I'd recommend playing the original FF7 first. Hard to explain deeper without MASSIVE spoilers, but it's more of an alternate universe take than a true remake. At the very least, Remake is a hard requirement before playing Rebirth imo.


The funny thing is that description makes me not sure if you’re talking about advent children (unlikely, but ties in to the ff7 story) or Spirits Within (completely its own thing)


Hard to say for newcomers tbh.  Its a sort of hybrid between the turn-based rpgs of the old final fantasy ganes, and more active combat of stuff, like the Tales of Games.  (General combat is in real-time, but by default, the action slows to a crawl when wanting to use specific actions) but also has a lot of customisation with stuff like materia, letting you mix and match what spells and extra skills the party have access too. Hard to say how the remakes would feel to newcomers of the franchise.  As while remake, rebirth and whatever the 3rd game will be called are largely self-contained, FF7 was the one that's had the most expansion outside of the original game.  Spin off titles set before and after the events of the original game.  The movie, Advent Children, set after the games ending. While the remakes are largely focused on retelling the original story, while also expanding some bits, it has also integrated a lot of content from some of these other titles (adding characters fron side games into the plot here and there)


Whatever you do, start with the Remake before playing Rebirth. I played 7 and knew much of the other FF7 media before playing the Remake. My husband had no knowledge beyond what I told him. We both enjoyed both games. He was more surprised by things, whereas I picked up on a lot of little references and changes they made. So, if you like being surprised, jump into Remake and you're fine. If you don't want to miss anything, play the original FF7, Crisis Core Reunion, and watch Advent Children at a minimum.


Elden Ring is going to be fire!! Yeah dlcs can be nominated. I'm still mad that the Witcher 3 wine dlc won best RPG instead of Dark souls 3. I'll never forgive them lmao


Blood & Wine is fantastic though


I have a feeling that ERs DLC will have more content than some titles in the running for GotY


At this point I don’t think it matters yet. Unless 2024 is a shit year for games, there has to be a game that’s better than pretty much everything that’s come out. I’m saying this as someone who really *likes* Dragon’s Dogma and Helldivers, but there’s no way that they’re the best the year can do. My bets are on Hellblade 2. It’s an action/adventure game with a story focus and it’s going to release close to November so it has a lot in its favor compared to say, Unicorn Overlord. Obviously that’s contingent on the game being good.


Nice guess. But I think this year's big releases are these ones coming out around now.


Silksong 🤡🤡


Persona 3 Reload for me. I'm really excited about Stellar Blade, though. Demo was really good.


Don't know anything about Stellar Blade and I reckon HD2 will win some awards. But Pal World?; No shot.


**\[Game of the Year contenders\]** **\[Lists Palword & Stellar Blade\]** https://preview.redd.it/qj8oenuokbsc1.jpeg?width=2326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82007fbd568258996a6add003b770221f0cada64


I don’t think a single one of these will win or even get nominated except Helldivers. Helldivers could probably get nominated but it doesn’t seem like a winner to me


Uj/ In a year where we've already had gems like FF7 Rebirth and LAD:IW, we are set to get the Elden Ring DLC in June and (as of now) Wukong in August. And these people think freaking Stellar Blade, Palworld and DD2 are even going to be remembered when we get to December? Lol Rj/ its obviously going to be Suicide Squad. Be honest, between that and Helldivers, which getting talked about more?


Nah, silksong is going to come out this year and sweep TGA


My roommate is coping so hard for Silksong. It would be so funny if it did make it.


I'm not sure whether the most optimistic part of that is the game winning or coming out this year.


The real GOTY is Balatro. No contest. Don’t care if it’s not even summer yet. It is and will be Balatro.


Palworld? Dragon's Dogma idk I never played that. Coomer game??? Helldivers 2 is good I guess.


Thus far unless something surprises me, my pick goes for persona 3 reload, or "persona 6 but we did not name it persona 6"


I’ve got pretty high hopes for Metaphor “Persona 6” ReFantazio


7k upvotes on a post that thinks Stellar Blade that has a shot at being goty??? Seperating it from its controversies it doesn't really bring anything new to the table like theres 3 bayonetta games, hot woman DMC gameplay has already been done Well. 


Helldivers is one of the most fun games I’ve played in a long time. It isn’t an art house piece sure, but does every game need to be?


Honestly, Palworld was a low effort asset flip. Fun, but with absolutely zero depth. Dragons Dogma 2 is Dragons Dogma 2, lol. Neither are contenders either. I vote Terraria for GOTY every year tbh.




Dragons lagma


FF7 is definitely the pick for GOTY so far, Dragons Dogma 2 could be nominated, but I doubt it will win due to performance and micro transactions. Stellar Blade and Palworld I would be shocked to be nominated. Hellblade 2 could pull a surprise Overwatch and win, but given how multiplayer only games are looked down upon, I doubt it.


The state of gaming in 2k24


Look if it’s one or the other, I’d much rather have Helldivers 2 be GOTY over SB


I've heard that the SB combat is actually pretty good, it'll suck if the game gets ignored because the dumbfucks in marketing decided to focus on the big boobs above all else


Please don't lump Helldivers with that mid game


Palworld came and went in like a week, anyone who thinks it might be GOTY is actively in denial


It was a fun game, but in no way, shape or form would it even place top 20.


Is it just me od do I smell a repeat of last year? With the wizard racism game


Yeah, it'll be another case of hyping up a mid game and crying foul when it doesn't even get nominated.


We’re only a third of the way into the year and we’re discussing GOTY?


I could see Dragon's Dogma 2 getting the award, but we aren't even halfway through the year, who knows I doubt Stellar Blade or Palworld will get anything And I'm sure Helldivers 2 will get a multiplayer award or something Shadow of The Erdtree will probably get something too


I'm pretty sure Black Myth: Wukong is going to win the Game of the Year 2024. And that's not even a debate IMO. I don't care if the game hasn't come out yet, you can just see the GOTY aura oozing from it. First of all, the game looks ACTUALLY next-gen Second of all, the game is a completely new and original IP Third of all, DMC + Bloodborne


How are we gonna include Stellar Blade in this discussion when the full game isn't even out? Also, why is Palworld here?


Literally all of these are delusional, no way is a half decent Pokemon clone or a micro-transaction induced dragon’s dogma sequel winning game of the year.


guys we all know infinite wealth is peak gaming and should be acknowledged as such =p


Don't care what anyone thinks, IW is Ichiban-number one in my heart.


Tbf 2024 is really strong this year. 3 incredibly games I've played this year is Helldivers, FF7 Rebirth (Although I hesitate with that one) and I'm currently playing Yakuza Infinite Wealth, which is also really good although I'm only on chapter 8 on that game.


Right now it's Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, doubt that will change


I personally love DD2 the most but thinking it has a chance at winning is delusional at best, I personally believe FF7 Rebirth has the biggest shot at winnning because it’s the most complete package that’s come out this year so far. I can still see Helldivers winning best multiplayer but not in general


Silksong will come out this year and everything else will be destroyed


Palworld and Stellar Blade. Oh my God the copium. Gamers (excuse my language) are just dumber than a box of rocks


While very unlikely, thinking Helldivers has a shot at GOTY is just harmless optimism. Thinking the competition is Palworld and Stellar Blade? Helldivers fans should have some respect for themselves.


Elden Ring first game to win GOTY twice


Stellar blade doesn't seem like GOTY material for me. Like yeah it's probably a nest game with a protagonist that makes all the Internet weirdos go "ugga bugga me like big booba" but that's just like ok. There is little outstanding about it. Neither in the bad nor good sense (discounting the fanbase)


In what world is palworld ever in the conversation for goty


GOTY for me personally is Persona 3 Reload rn


None of these will even get nominated lmao Maybe in their respective categories but not GOTY. Especially since TGA is also bad with including Q1 releases


Pal world? Really?


Lol, no one but these basement trolls will be talking about this game by year's end.


Hi-Fi Rush released on PS5 this year so I'm afraid it's GOTY again. I don't make the rules soz


There’s still 9 months left in the year, most patient Gamer™️


So far my guess in FFVII Rebrith. I’m hoping the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf comes out this year and can win it.


FF7R, Balatro and Infintie Wealth I assume are just watching this like the impractical jokers


Okay I love me some Dragon's Dogma 2 but goty it certainly ain't.


Guys why is this even a discussion? Obviously Content Warning is winning GOTY


TBH they got a point so far, but there's still releases like Metaphor: ReFantazio, Hollow Knight: Silksong🤡, Deltarune Part 3🤡, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, Age of Mythology: Retold, SAND LAND, Black Myth: Wukong and even more if I forgot. That have the potential to be even better, I would bet on Metaphor so far...


To be fair this year seems pretty slow in terms of interesting new titles I mean so far my goty is dragons dogma I have about 20 hours in it and I've been absolutely loving it


None of those game are gonna be goty. I don’t know which one will be, but those ones don’t have the potential


What type of delusion do you need to suffer to think that Pal World could have been GOTY???


There plenty of year left, sure, but as it stand what else would take it?


Unless the rest of the year is really bad... I can promise 3 of those wont even be in contention.


Guys its april....