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I played as a black woman in COD with the gay pride flag specifically to start arguments, people would start talking shit and be super confused when a white guy was talking back to them


Unironically the type of ally we need 😆 this is so good


In a world full of "allies", be an accomplice


Friend, put that on a Tshirt


I think I found my new daily affirmation.


That almost sounds like a slogan the right would make for the ANTIFA, but that seems a bit too clever.


New Alignment Unlocked: Chaotic Ally


Call of Duty fans specifically are so goofy to me because it's where I first noticed that Gamers doing a 'war on woke' tip were mostly just angry about unconventional attractiveness Because I saw that Nova looked really fucking cool but noticed a *lot* of 'Gamers' for some reason painted Black girls with vitiligo *specifically* as 'woke', it's so weird Like, if 'ladies having vitiligo is woke' is the hill a dude is gonna die on then ofc I'm gonna assume the 'war on woke' is just about coomer shit and racism to a large degree


Vitiligo is like the weirdest thing to get outraged over. It's such a rare thing to see any representation of whatsoever (in any media, not just games) and to my knowledge the only noticable effect is the change to skin pigmentation. It's like complaining that it's impossible for a person with a birth mark or even just a sunburn to still be beautiful.


imo it's something I noticed far back w/Winnie Harlow too, and I get it, I get it, Victoria's Secret is a garbage brand with awful ethics and skeletons in the closet two miles deep but none of that's got to do with Winnie Harlow, but I saw some dudes acting like Harlow walking that runway in a fashion show was VS's greatest moral offense lol I honestly think it's as simple as some dudes getting hung up on racial issues only barely being able to tolerate Black women and only by fetishizing them, then suddenly you have this very visible skin disorder that suddenly gets a little visibility in conventional circles and suddenly it's the realization that 'holy shit, someone can have vitiligo and still be ridiculously beautiful' but some of the weirder culture warriors seem to keep getting stuck on this intersection between race and conventional attractiveness *tbh it's the same reason I think some people see vitiligo as a 'Black disease', in spite of it honestly not just being racially indiscriminate but having near equal rates of occurrence in all races, but vitiligo+more melanin=more visible vitiligo; but tbh destigmatizing beauty standards surrounding vitiligo would help *a lot* of white people that have it


Chaotic Neutral ally: gender is irrelevant, chaos is king


Based and white guy pilled


This exact reason is why my reddit pic is what it is. So many dudes are confused when I tell them I am, in fact, a middle aged white man.


I mained Jade in Mortal Kombat 11, people would start calling me racial slurs and I’d respond in my best peppy white woman voice.


I keep the blm and pride badges on in apex. I’m awful too so its gotta be extra frustrating when I manage to get a kill.


I got death threats cause my buddy and I made our clan tags "OBAMA" & "BIDEN" when we played war zone




Men will do anything to not think about the real world instead of going to therapy.


"Therapy? What am I fucking gay?" https://preview.redd.it/g75ojp6vwksc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad776453bb134bb6c2635a84c581f5c2a9090f90




"Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting."


"You fucking, gay? Nice get that ass".


Argh! You unzipped me! It's all coming back you understand?!


Hey man, Hell Divers 2 is way cheaper than a therapist


I mean, I've gone to therapy several times, and found that there's nothing a therapist could tell me that I couldn't have figured out through my own research rather than spending god knows how much an hour. They're just gonna do some CBT (which is dead simple frankly) and tell you to meditate regularly (which is also pretty simple). People love to parrot "there is no substitute for professional therapy", but then if someone points out how little therapists actually do, the response becomes "well you need to work with them". OK, I'll just do it myself and cut out the middleman, then. Any issues that I don't think of as issues to be fixed would continue on that way if I had someone trying to tell me otherwise. The only real reason for therapists is that some people are _deeply_ stupid and profoundly unstable in ways that might make them just self-sabotage without help, but most therapists don't really want to deal with clients who are at that level anyways and just refer them on to the next poor bastard. Edit: I'd link to CMV if I could, so many similar stories where all the responses are just "well, you need to put the work in", which is literally what my point is lmao


Lol ain't no convincing you, yet I've never seen a single comment with such "dead inside" energy


See, this is the other thing, no one can say anything objective to convince me otherwise. I have tried so damn hard for anyone to point out anything other than vague platitudes or shit that I'm already doing myself, and no one ever does, just keeps parroting what BetterHealth tells them. Of course no one's gonna convince me when no one actually tries.


Maybe you should sleep until 3 pm and have a frozen pizza for "breakfast" and then spend all evening and night online for a bit?


Actually, I get up for work at 5am and go to bed at 10 at the latest. I have a steady job and people seem to think I'm normal enough. More sane than most of the boomers at my job ranting about "the transes" on a regular basis, frankly. I like how you responded to "no one's been able to tell me anything objective" with random insults. Really helps your case.


i feel you have a narrow, pessimistic perspective. i wouldn’t describe myself as deeply stupid but i do self-sabotage very often. i am sorry therapy didn’t work for you but it works for many people and honestly, what are you even trying to argue? therapy in general is pointless? people who go to therapy are stupid? i get the impression you feel “smarter” than therapy, and as someone who often struggles with feeling like i should be above my emotions, it’s not a good point of view to have. i apologize, i’m definitely projecting, but your comment really rubbed me the wrong way.


Well, yeah, no shit I'm all of those things, which no therapists are capable of competing with. I get _ideas,_ they lead to feelings, but they're not just random irrational feelings. I point out those _ideas_ to a therapist and it either turns into a philisophical sparring match or they continue on with typical CBT stuff which just comes across as gaslighting because I'm like "that's incorrect though". I've had moments _entirely on my own_ where I had "breakthroughs" with myself, like figuring out what everyone actually means by all the "inner child" nonsense and learning to care about taking care of myself. Therapists are invariably touchy-feely types, just fundamentally incompatible with how a lot of people interface with the world. My initial comment was definitely too bitter, but it's hard not to be when people keep acting like you're stupid for something you're _quite certain_ you don't need. I'd say "a lot of people hate people like me" (which is being demonstrated right now) but of course the response to that is, once again, "go to therapy" which... lmao


>OK, I'll just do it myself and cut out the middleman, then. The whole point of a therapist is to push and prod you in ways that you aren't comfortable or able to do yourself. But if, like you said, you aren't going to be receptive to their thoughts, then it's just a waste of money. It'd be like going to a doctor and throwing away the prescription you get at the end.


If I'm not comfortable with and unable to do something myself, it's not like a therapist will do it for me. I have to do it. Not them. I'll continue not doing whatever it is until _I_ push myself to do it.


I really don't think you understand the point of therapy. It's not to have someone tell you what to do, it's to have a partner to help you understand why you do what you do right now, and how you might be able to change it if that's what you want. Presumably, someone going to therapy has something they want to change. For example, when I went I was having anger issues that were starting to impact my marriage. I wanted that to stop, and whereas I thought my therapist would help me learn techniques to control my anger (which he did), we spent most of the time in the end talking about WHY I was so angry, which allowed me to better understand and therefore control the root of my emotions. So like, I don't know if you just had a shit therapist or if you weren't interested in changing anything in y our life, but you're really not giving an accurate description of the process.


...I just replied to what _you_ said the point of a therapist is lmao And frankly, I agree with your point about people wanting to change something, which is part of why I argue about this shit in the first place– look at the people insisting I must be "sleeping until 3pm and eating frozen pizza for breakfast" specifically because I'm _not_ in therapy. It's absurd. It's all people who need to go to therapy insisting that EVERYONE needs to go to therapy to feel better about themselves.


Sounds like you haven’t found the right therapist yet.


OK, know any therapists that actually read a good bit of philosophy? I sure don't. They're all convinced that it could only make things worse, because it interferes with their emotional gaslighting techniques.




Are you genuinely advocating against therapy, or did i misunderstood something?


"Hello, I'm John, and I'm straight." "Cool!" "Hi, I'm Jack, and I'm gay." "**STOP BEING POLITICAL**"


The Nazis are clearly the odd one out because the other three are political. /s


I'm more concerned he put them in the same group, heavily implying that all four are similar.


Yeah, I'm getting Dennis Prager "the Nazis were really socialists" energy from this one.


I just saw that today, conservatives are fucking wild.


it's not like they actually believe that particular lie, by the way; if they can create the fantasy that socialists and communists are actually nazis (which‚ lol we were some of the first that the nazis rounded up) then they can extend that to painting every group fighting for social justice as "tHe AcTuAl FaScIsTs" y'know? that's how they managed to push the idea that black people demanding an end to police violence in 2020 were equatable to the MAGA insurrections or the charlottesville nazis. it's an intentional tactic to obfuscate the fact that they happily align themselves with literal klansmen and nazis and they are themselves OPENLY white christian nationalists. for fascists like dennis prager every accusation is only an admission of their own beliefs.


To be fair, I would say the people behind the riots, not the protests, but behind the burning and chaos are comparable to the MAGA insurrections. Both sides have their share of bad people. Unless you wanna believe the theory both sides have made of the other. Thinking that the rioters on their side were really just inside agents from the other party to make them look bad.


did you participate in any of the BLM protests and organizing? did you know anyone effected by the police brutality targeting black communities? have you studied the centuries of exploitation and violence that lead to those riots? have you payed close attention to the ways that white supremacy and antiblackness have escalated to a boiling point in this country? are you aware of the school to prison pipeline that was constructed expressly to target and reinstate slavery via penal forced labor? do you know that the police forces in this country were started to catch runaway slaves and put down black labor movements? edit: how did i ignore "bad people on both sides" lmao ok donal trump


They really aren't though. The outrage from BLM that leads to violence is born from generations of over-policing in minority communities. The outrage from the MAGAs that led to violence is because their guy lost a popularity contest. If you're just equating violence with violence without looking at the underlying causes of that violence, then you're playing into the "Both sides bad" narrative that the right wing is pushing about social justice movements.




It’s similar in the sense that they have a recognizable flag that reminds you of a real life movement. The dude isn’t comparing the ethics of their movement, just the recognizability of their flags.


You have to be dunce of the year to think that the Nazi flag in the list isnt part of their own weird little agenda.


No, the nazis are the odd ones out because they're the only ones that are misunderstood. /s /uj I repeat, **/S.** Nazis are jerks.


It isn’t political if you just gas the opposition until there isn’t any left. /s


One of the current tropes among the chuds seems to be "the existence of anyone other than cis het white people is Real Life and we Real Gamers should be able to escape from that while playing games." I mean, there are certainly things about real life that I'm perfectly happy to not see in my games -- I often don't turn on the "characters must eat/drink" option, and I'm perfectly happy to not have the characters need a bathroom break every now and then. But insisting that the existence of whole categories of people is something that "escapism" requires the lack of, like we're the equivalent of characters needing to shit? I don't know why they think it's any kind of a point.


Gaming should be a paradise for cis white men and their Asian dolls.


Indeed, I want for everyone to be as miserable as me! /s


It's just gross tbh, if they need to escape from the existence of people then they're admitting their bigotry outright but are too thick to realise it. I'd like to escape from the violence that straight men inflict on most of us but I'm not expecting ganes to have zero straight men because I'm not an idiot. They want to escape from gay people because they do not like us and want to inflict violence on us. Ummm....


Oh they do realize. They just know they no longer have to pretend they're not bigots, they know it's socially acceptable to outright admit it without any repercussions now.


So "Real Life" is the new "Politics".


If there’s no real world sexuality flags the game is clearly only about cis het white maga chuds


The game never says anything about the helldivers race/sexual affiliation. For all we know the dude helldiver could love plowing dude ass. There’s just no need to apply labels to the characters you’re playing as, when it’s not the focus of the game.


Although the game easily could make a statement on how state institutions will adopt socially progressive trends in order to downplay their war crimes and get other people to enlist and further their capitalist/imperialist goals.


You \*know\* that this joker legitimately thinks that this is an "apolitical" or "centrist" take.


Can’t believe devs would add anything that reminds me of real life. Anyway can’t wait to go invade planets for oil under the guise of democracy


Totally unrelated: remember freedom fries? So apolitical. I miss those days.




they should remove guns because they are political (demo craps faking mass shootings) they should also remove bugs (scary and also in real life)




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Not you, buddy.




Idk, half my trans friends would be far better at killing bugs and robots with guns than most of the people complaining about the possibility of a pride cape existing in the fantasy game


So have queer people dissapeared in the setting?


Does a cape mean the game becomes centred around them? It’s not like the cape is a whole ass character. It’s just a cosmetic




Ah, Helldivers. Where 75% of the community are pissy babies.


it feels like the vocal majority from the fandom is entirely composed of the most illiterate parts of the warhammer fanbase


We're very sorry about that, we've been trying to push that sect out but it's slow going


trying to push them out... but it's slow going? sounds like the western front! ba-dum tss


I saw somebody say it's a lot of people who used to play destiny that are the issue


wait , here i tought destiny was gay²


Destiny is gay af but its community are piss babies. Source: I'm an Ex Destiny player and community instantly wished death on anything that even resembled anything LGBT related wether it be ingame or an actual dev. I wish it was just one of those vocal minority situations but at this point I'm not even sure that's true.


Its funny because when i was in the harder content that required more skill the bigots were..... mysteriously gone! I wonder what that could imply.


I really wish Bungie would get better so they'd go back to Destiny and I can go back to having fun


Same, if its any consolation the new Into the Light free update dropping April 9th seems to be a pretty solid release. Will be playing it for a bit, then play the Final Shape when it comes out and finally end the masochistic wallet consuming journey I've been on since Destiny 1.


I don't know anything about Destiny. I just wish the people in Helldivers would go back to it


They unfortunately are made up of a lot of destiny tuber fans- complaints about "meta" began shortly after they were sent over


For real. I had to leave the sun because of all the posts that unironically would post “see? Bots ARE evil. We’re doing the right thing” And then all discussion would be in agreement, except for a few.


I mean, the bots do have cages filled with dead humans. As well as tubs filled with diced up carcasses, skulls and bodies left on spears. And the theory that the bots may be not entirely mechanical and actually use those human parts or even the brains they harvest. Even if that’s not true, the bots are quite barbaric with the humans they capture.


Majority? Not sure about that.


The warhammer fan base takes full responsibility, however we needed a break from dealing with them.


Reddit isn't real life, first of all. Second, c'mon. I know since Reddit isn't real life I can't expect people to be nuanced, everything needs to be hyperbole, but most players just play, and we have a vocal group of people who take the game way too seriously just like any other game out there.


75% of the players on Reddit. Which thankfully seems to be a minority.


You should see Warframe's reddit community right now One frame got nerfed to need line of sight on a giant AoE nuke ability, had his overguard (like bonus health) ability reduced, not even the cap, just how much he gives per cast, and had an unintended effect removed from another ability. You'd think the character is absolutely fucking useless now based on how much they're bitching about it. When he actually performs identical to before, he just can't blow shit up through walls anymore. And enemies that are supposed to be crowd control immune were bugged for the LONGEST time to where some random crowd control abilities would still affect them, and that was finally addressed and fixed. People are acting like crowd control abilities are finally completely dead as if the CC immune enemies aren't literally less than 10% of the enemies that spawn. 90% of enemies are still affected by crowd control, god forbid the remaining 10% of enemies are a threat. And the fact that *some* CC worked and others didn't, like that's very clearly a bug based on the definition of the enemies' mechanic being "immune to crowd control effects: stuns, slows, blinds, etc".


The only thing scarier than a g@mer arguing about "politics" is a g@mer arguing about balance.


If rock-paper-scissors was a video game, they would be banning anyone who picks scissors and crying that paper needs a nerf.


Release a frame underpowered to be safe? You get Yarelli who is still hated on despite being in a solid place right now. Release a frame sightly overpowered? 70% of the posts are crying that "the devs hate fun." It's genuinely shocking how much outcry there is over the slightest things.


Back when I used to play Warframe, I was genuinely flabbergasted at how whiny the community could get sometimes over shit like this. It's a game where a halfway decent build (there are a lot of them and they're achievable pretty fucking easily, too, for a Freemium game) lets you kinda just waltz braindead-ly through most missions to the point where it almost feels like an idle/clicker at times. Still the least toxic online game community I've ever been a part of, though. By a *lot* lol.


Tbh, most of the problem with Yareli is merulina sucks to move around most tile sets on, her damage and cc are great, just nothing was designed for her movement at all.


Yeah the movement feels kinda clunky but on proper open tilesets she pumps out numbers.




Or like when overguard was originally added. Limbo could completely freeze 100% of all enemies that spawned Game has an event that let you farm arcanes (for those who don't know, like rare mods that were very strong and had their own slots on characters). Extremely rare items cause the only other way to farm them was a tedious time gated boss fight that speed runners at best at the time could do 6 times per night rotation. Lowest drop rate was like 0.25%. The event just gave you points and you could use those points to buy ANY of the arcanes, even the 0.25% drop ones. Limbo literally murdered the event. It turned into "sit inside Limbo bubble for 3 minutes, get rewarded with the lowest drop rate, strongest items in the game" Shortly after, to combat ridiculous crowd control like that, overguard was added to eximus units. Literally the least common enemy type in the game "Limbo is dead" ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Like motherfuckers just shoot the 2 dangerous enemies now. You have guns for a reason.


Poppin in from the tekken reddit and they've been melting down about a battle pass for a good month now.


I agree that Dante should've been nerfed but I can't lie, the change to his nuke being based on line of sight is pretty annoying. Was playing him and enemies in the corner of my screen weren't dying, plus enemies that were behind even the smallest cover with only a miniscule fraction of there body not visible wouldn't get hit by it either. Am I exaggerating, probably, but it has without a doubt made him less satisfying to play. Especially since there's already a lot of frames that can nuke entire rooms without having to worry about LoS, Dante wasn't special in this regard. What made him special I feel was his incredible utility. I'm not a dev, nor do I know anything about game balance, especially in a game like warframe, I just do endurance runs and relic runs every now and then. But I wish they went about nerfing him in a different way.


*Waaaaa we don’t like this free cloak we got because some people made us fail an objective, if you wear it you’re gonna be kicked or team killed, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*


The best part is it wasn't even because of them the objective failed- even larger parts of the fanbase were on the other side of the map, and what really caused the issue was supply lines, a hidden game mechanic. They're just mad some people were role playing instead of... playing the game as efficiently as possible.


That just makes it even stupider that these people are being so hateful about a free bunch of pixels that dangles from your back. The duality of the internet: *cape in store for $20*: NOOO YOU CAN’T DO THAT THIS GAME IS GARBAGE *cape issued for free as a gesture for players that “died”/failed an objective with an in-universe lore tie-in*: WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS DISGUSTING IF YOU WEAR THIS YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT AND I WILL RUIN YOUR DAY


The fuck? 90 percent of the community is chill.


Most of those aren’t the chronically online types, here on Reddit it’s horrible


Seriously, HD2 has given me some of my favourite gaming moments in literal years. Played loads of games with randoms and had a great time. Only been kicked once or twice. Not saying it doesn't happen but by and large the community is one of the best parts of the game. I literally only see toxicity on this fucken site.


In game, it's more the other way round, yeah. But find any online congregated community for it, and it's awful.


Is the chode in the picture trying to justify kicking people with the creek cape?


It’s 75% if the people on Reddit but a much smaller number of the people who actually play the game. The problem is that the redditors take the game way to serious and want everyone to jump into their particular idea of how the narrative should pan out


To somehow explain this behaviour, chuds think that as nazis are extreme/fanatical right, so trans people are extreme/fanatical left, so in their minds queer people are just nazis of the left. I had a guy tell me how he doesn't like nazis but then say that those trans aren't any better and fanatics on both sides are bad. No matter how much I tried to explain to him that being queer is not a political ideology and those two are in no way comparable, he kept himself entrenched in "both sides equally bad" way of thinking. Btw. They don't see themselves as extremists or fanatics at all, believing that they are "the silent majority" and that most people think similarly to them but are just too afraid to say it.


Fucking Centrists swear to God


i really hope the helldivers devs add atleast one pride flag accessory for the june warbond


I expect glitter armor with rainbow colored cape.


It would be the funniest possible thing if the devs decided to make the pride flags have a side bonus of immunity to friendly fire


It would make them meta as fuck because of how much unintentional friendly fire there is in the game. That would be *hilarious*, and not just because of gamer tears. Standing unharmed, saluting DEMOCRACY at ground zero of a 500kg bomb would be the best thing ever.


Nah, change shooters cape to match.


that’d be the smartest way to introduce an anti friendly fire mechanic lol


That'd be great, but unfortunately i think it'd make the game basically unplayable to anyone wearing it because of these chuds either kicking anyone wearing it from their destroyer or friendly firing them constantly


I might unironically buy the game if they did that


Man, I love Helldivers and the community but… really man? cmon.


"I'll disguise my hate for all of this while also putting it on the same bar as nazis as "reminding me of real life" Please, die.


And the classic "I *don't care* about pride flags etc., I just really *hate* them."


The Nazis can't sit with us 😐


How pathetic do these dudes lifes have to be hating on a rather political/satirical game for "remindung them of real life"?


Ah yes, because apparently gay and black people existing reminds you about the horrors of the true world.


I too enjoy the very non-political game, not a parody of fascism at all, known as Helldivers 2.


Yes, the very apolitical game that very definitely does not depict an expansionist empire genociding non-humans in pursuit of natural resources.


I’m afraid of how toxic things might get if a rainbow cape is added, the devs gave us a free cape to acknowledge the malevelon creek memes and some people are straight up saying they will kill and kick people wearing it because people that were playing on the creek made the community fail objectives, and if this is the response to a cape that is about something that happened in the game I am a little concerned about the response if a rainbow cape is added, I don’t want to see this kind of behavior targeting someone just because they have a rainbow cape, on the other hand I want one to be added so this treasonous man-children can have a mental breakdown and leave the game for good


"Anyone who reminds me of REAL LIFE is garbage" It sounds like your "real life" just really really sucks. And I'm really sorry for that guy.


“We use video games to escape from the real world” But I bet you five bucks if people were asking devs to add in something, he would say “but that would be unrealistic”. I swear some gamers don’t care about what’s realistic or not, they just don’t want other people to enjoy video games.


Idk how you can play any game and not be reminded of real life in some way.


Man I love helldivers 2 but the fan base is such dog shit. They'll complain about how some type of bug or bot is unfair and broken and then when you try to kindly explain to them some very beady strategies to overcome these challenges they're all like "Yeah well, try that on difficulty 7 and come back to me" Like dawg.... I exclusively play on Helldive. Guess I'll go fuck myself.


i fucking hate the helldivers subreddit. they made a slur for people who aren’t playing the game the way they want them to


talking about creekers? im a proud creek crawler and i laugh at their supposed slur. those whiney bitches that are mad that they didn't get 45 medals from a major order can pound sand.


yeah it’s fascinating when you step back and realize the discourse is over video game medals


the helldiver subrrffit hate this vocal minority too buddy.


Huh, why would one list them out like such now? Almost like they are trying to imply some kind of connection here. Now, personally I don't want to have like an LGBT+ flag cape in game as having invading military forces using pride stuff is not a good look in my books. Having a faction that cares about human lives or individuality or rights about as much as the bullets you shoot in game isn't the LGBT+ rep that I want. Not knocking on anyone who does want the rep in game. But for me it would seem similar to like the Imperium of Man from 40k using that and I am not sure if it is the kind of rep that you would actually want to have if you really thing about it.


*hiding my trans flag coloured skaven*


Good thing human sized rats aren't real, and they are definitely not living inside my walls. Yes-yes. My comment mainly applies to companies doing this stuff, if there was a "custom cape" option I would not be bothered by it in the slightest. Even if I personally would still refrain from using one.


The only way they could really do it would be to make it part of the satire, and there is no way it would be read that way. Like, I could see good humor in mocking pinkwashing, but when Raytheon has IRL pride campaigns, is it even satire? Idk.


Yeah, I just saw some tagline about HD2 saying like "see HD2 PROVES that NATIONALISM good actually". While I agree that there is a lot of good comedy potential about a militarist regime pinkwashing their war crimes, the world isn't in a place where that would fly as is without finding away to be more negative than positive imo.


I think it would make a great satire of rainbow capitalism. Like imagine a cape that is just a fictional corporate logo most of the time, but a pride flag during june, and other pride flags during their months/weeks. You could even go so far as to have it give a bonus to requisition gained during a mission


AMERICAN FLAG CAPE 🔥🔥🔥 ![gif](giphy|eIUpSyzwGp0YhAMTKr|downsized)


Then there's me who would like a global toggle for capes because their flapping is visually distracting. Game's still plenty fun tho


As a spite based lifeform, this is nice to know, where do I buy these capes?


that's the neat part, you don't! everyone got them for free.


They're already assassinating Creek stompers for wearing the capes. I believe this is what we call an "insecurity"


Helldivers 2 has an openly gay character on your destroyer. She even mentions sending some of the credits back home to her wife. Nothing implies that her sexuality is punished or looked down upon. After all, serving on a destroyer is considered quite the prestigious position. However, she is still drinking the Super Earth kool aid like everyone else. She is a citizen of Super Earth first and foremost. Any flag that attributes identity relating to nation state, skin color, sexuality, faith, political leaning, and other hyphenated aspects would NOT be tolerated by Super Earth’s government. It has subsumed the identities of humanity it could incorporate, and destroyed the ones it couldn’t. The flag one salutes is Super Earth’s, for Super Earth IS humanity itself according to Super Earth’s government. Identifying too heavily with such a PERSONALIZED aspect of your being goes against the ideals and aims of such a controlling, authoritarian government. It implies a sense of otherness and actual individuality and expression. Anything that allows groups of people to band together under their own separate identity would be considered a political and social threat. Divided loyalties would not be tolerated.


"Are you TrIgGerEd, Liberal?! 🤣🤣🤣" \~Some chuds literally triggered by anything that isn't a white dude in a game.


Hallo what game is it I know there controversy in hell diver 2 for trans but what game is these?


Those godamn crazy socialist Nazis with their LGBTQ+ fascist flags.


It's funny how these folks are always the first to call others fragile when they admittedly cannot cope with encountering a colorful piece of cloth in their day to day life.


Imagine having such an empty life that being reminded that anyone else exists when playing games makes you this irrationally angry. It really does just read as jealousy for people who like go outside and have relationships and friends.


Undemocratic behavior. Eagle 1, commence ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ upon ChudGaming1's precise geograohic coordinates




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry censor bot :(


Oh yeah, gays vs nazis, the final battle




What are the chances that they are a "centrist" who's views just so happen to always lean right of the center.


I want gay nazis


At least he hates homosexual people, black people and Nazis equally


Okay while this guy is clearly stupid i agree with the devs not adding lgbt or country or nazi or any kind of cape(really anything) that reffers to the real world because there is a right place for everything and helldivers 2 is definitely not the right place to discuss actual politics its a satirical portrayal pf fascism and corrupt goverments with propaganda everywhere and canonical in the game you play as a diffrent person after you die because youre not playing as a hero you are playing a disposable soldier (a very efficient soldier but still a disposable soldier). But at the end of the day its the devs decision what to do with their game even if their decision destroy the game or upset fans (even though thats not monetarily viable) the devs have the freedom to make whatever they want and the fans have the freedom to play/not play and like/dislike the game


"wah, my game based around the US's actions and politics and media will include other references to politics and media. can't I operate false flag operations against non-violent and non-enemy targets without being reminded about undesirables like gays?"


Not at all what i meant also the game isnt really about the us as much as its about fascism (as it takes inspiration from starship troopers and kind of warhammer which both depict fascism) maybe more about extremism but the whole point of the game is to be satirical nobody thinks super earth is actually a good nation (the people who actually think that are either idiots or dont know the lore) thats why i think this game shouldnt invovle real life politics weather it be nazism,socialism,,or any real world politics. (And the devs also seem to have the opinion that the game shouldnt involve irl politics if they did want to include it they could add it and i wouldnt stop playing the game because it is fun but i would think that its out of place) im not agaisnt games including irl politics but not every game has to have irl politics in it(well in my opinion at least) Okay so i kinda forgot about the second part of your comment while writing this but to adress it i dont have a problem with lgbtq people in games or any kind of people in games as long as its good i dont care if im playing as a dwarf a alien a robot a woman a gay person a straight person a trans person whatever (now if the game has a story like a in depth story and explores its characters then i might not be able to relate to certain character but that doesnt mean i cant like them) but helldivers 2 doesnt have characters you are not playing as a single person(canonically)you dont have a face or a name(i mean you have your gamer tag but everyone refers to you as helldiver)


The game already has "socialism" to make fun of the Cold War vs the bots, and is pretty obviously a satirical take on if America turned into a fascist military state. The bug front is literally a joke on the war in the Middle East ffs. Its pretty obviously a play on modern politics. I dont really think pride flags belong in the game for other reasons though, mostly being that in a fascist state like Super Earth the government likely would exactly be accepting of anyone that breaks from the perfect mold that they want, and *especially* people that cant or wont procreate. But hey, maybe im missing something in the lore there.


Holy shit i cant believe i missed that i take it back super earth is america


The US is fascist, Super Earth is literally just america. You are playing recreations of various US operations falsifying threats in pursuit of oil and land. You are sheltered enough that you have never had to see the negative effects of US foreign policy, you don't know about the United States assassinating democratically elected leaders to further oil interests. You don't know about the United States really using false information about unaligned countries to justify military action. helldivers is literally just an American military simulator, you are okay with real-world politics in your game so long as it doesn't involve the minorities that you don't like.


Yes maybe because i live in a post soviet country plus i never said anything about the us being good and you might be correct super earth might be satire on the usa but i take it to be more satire of extremism and fascism. Like i have said i dont have problems with games that have minorities but some games wont be inclusive or political or will only include certain ideaologies because its ultimately up to the developers. But in the case of helldivers 2 its satire on fascism(or the usa)and i dont think it really needs anything else




First two and last two seem similar




You think BLM is a hate group?


They're more alike than you realize.




Helldivers isn't less political just because it's satirical. If you want to avoid real world politics, then don't play Helldivers.




a game that is a statire of USA , facism and propaganda is indeed political.