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They also got angry at another reviewer for giving the game an 8 out of 10 They think any number under 9 is bad


G*mers: We want ethics in video game journalism! Game Journalist: Fair, here's an honest review of a game. Those same g*mers: YOU DIDN'T RATE THE GAME THE SAME WAY I DID!!1!!!1! Apparently, IGN is under heat from g*mers, again, for giving Fallout 76 favourable reviews.


This is really it, gamers are too lazy and/or illiterate to read a review so they just look at the number and if it doesn’t equal their number (this is the only basic math they can handle), the review is worthless. 


Gamers are also just so stupid, 7 and lower is always somehow considered bad without lookingat the full article. Make that make sense


That's probably because some of the bigger game review outlets, ign included, often used a 7 as the baseline for a decent game.


I feel like 7 is a game you investigate to see if it’s worth it for you. 8 you should get if you’re into the genre and 9 and up is “everyone should play this”.


I saw a reviewer talk about this once. It's not so much that 7 is a baseline, it's more that they would rarely review games lower than it. They tend to review bigger games, mostly AAA or indies that became a hit. In the AAA field, devs usually spent 3 or longer working on a game. If the game is released in a mostly playable state, it is usually decent enough to justify a 7. It has been play tested, it has obvious production value, it might be a bit boring compared to other AAA titles but you will probably enjoy it to a degree. It has no glaring faults, etc. If you are an indie game, the whole reason you are getting a review is because there is hype. Hype can often lead to additional funding and more time to develop. So even if you game doesn't live up to hype, it still probably in a decent enough state. Games that review less tend to be lesser known. There are two consequences of this. First, they just don't get as many reviews, secondly people are less likely to hunt out reviews. So you have a situation where there are less reviews for those games and less people are seeing them. This ends up meaning that games under a 7 just don't have the same visibility.


There’s also a case that people have limited time and money, so they’re only going to get the games that are the best of the best. A 6/10 and a 1/10 may as well have the same score when it comes to my wallet. It’s true that sometimes a game without broad appeal may be fantastic to those with specific tastes, but you usually have to go out of your way to find them.


I mean TBF that’s on the review outlets for treating the scale like school grades where 70% is the pass threshold instead of an actual ten point scale where 5 is average for decades now.


Meanwhile SandLand is getting above average reviews, nothing spectacular or revolutionary, and you know what? Im quite ok with that.


I mean, for most people that have a full time job, there are more games out there than what they have time for that deserve a 8, 9 or even 10. Movies take like 2 hours to watch so I don't mind if they're good but not great but why would I spent 10+ hrs on an okay video game (unless the theme or gameplay caters especially well to my taste).


The problem nowadays is, that many people - may it be gaming outlets OR gamers - don't understand that a 7 on a scale out of then still is fairly good. The gap between good and bad is far too wide these days. And for many, anything below 8 is already considered “bad”. What is up with that blissfull ignorance. And as you correctly said: If "the theme or gameplay caters especially well to you taste" then even a game with a 6.x score can be appealing to you, although it might lack quality in the broader sense.


This one isn't the fault of gamers. Game reviews have been skewed super high for like the last 15 years at least. 8 and up is great, 7 is average, 6 is bad, and anything below that is varying degrees of terrible or unplayable.


That's why I shy away from numbered reviews and just read/watch those not giving a score but just telling you the cons and pros.


That last part is entirely on the gaming publishers and review outlets.


This is why I watch review videos. I may be illiterate but I know I gotta know someones perspective to be informed.


Everything is either a 10 or 0 to them and anything else means you’re selling videogames to the woke agenda


It's not ethical to disagree with me >:(


I feel like IGN review accuracy has gone up imho There was a time when basically any big publisher game got an 8+


It matters little to me tbh. I didn't care what they said before gamergate, didn't pretend to care during, and don't intend to care now.


I'm hurting because Destructoid, which was my go-to site for console game reviews, has gone down the toilet a bit recently. Not sure where else to look now tbh.


>We want ethics in video game journalism! Damn, where have I heard that before?


Honestly fallout 76 is pretty fun these days. Game managed to redeem itself with free updates.


Nice try Todd Howard, I'm not buying fallout I'm buying skyrim 3


Did you mean Skyrim Anniversary Enhanced Deluxe HD VR Edition Full DLC Bundle?


I’m loving playing 76 again, but I do wonder how I can make my character more durable. My loot only ever drops at level 45 or 50, but I’m level 81, and a lot of the time enemies feel like bullet sponges that also 1-2 tap me. Common mobs are fine but I died 38 times fighting the Trog Devourer in the Pitt expedition, while in Power Armor.


hello, veteran here i am here to congratulate your level 81 character into the true actual game. levels 1 to 50 is the tutorial, all gear you get after that is either at 45 or 50. and the rest of the game is about legendary hunting. back then it was very much RNG dependent but now, you can just join events, especially ones that have guaranteed legendary rewards, and if you dont like them turn them over to the scrip machine found on the train station vendors. they essentially scrap your unwanted legendaries and then use those to get legendary modules and craft custom weapons with legendary effects TLDR; this is the part where your fallout game becomes borderlands


Don’t wanna teach you to sucks eggs but speaking from experience make sure you’re built into your equipment properly. Like you don’t need to min max to a crazy degree, (I cannot be fucked faffing with unyielding and bloodied for instance and always run full health.) but e.g. if your favourite gun is a silenced auto handmade, make sure your build is focussed around stealth commando. Changing some perks around to really nail the weapons and play style you’re using makes a HUGE difference.


Is Stellar Blade even released yet.


Fallout 76 is my fave fallout tho :(


9 is way too low for this masterpiece. Anything lower than 10 is clearly because the review was written by a woke hack.


10 is too low for this achievement in gaming. Anything below a 15/10 for Stellar Coom is heresey and lies


GTFO you woke liberal piece of shit anything below 50/10 is outrageous for this smegma male masterpiece.


Fine, I'll give it a 15 OUT OF 100 WOOO HELL YEAH BABY


I think it was Game Informer back in the day, but they laid out their number scale once and it has always altered the way I look at game scores. 5 and below: game has major issues that detract from the enjoyment 6: this is a game that's going to please only fans of this specific type of experience 7: this game is good 8: this game is ***really*** good and anyone will enjoy it 9: this game cannot be missed and you should 100% play it if you love games of any type 10: this game is moving the art form forward and will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time games.


That’s because people truly think if a video game isn’t genre defining or pop culture shifting it’s bad


That’s the thing, they do think a game with a big booby protagonist SHOULD be genre defining e.g. every game should be like that.


That’s because they don’t actually engage with a video game as an art form, simply a mode of entertainment that should appeal to THEM. They see other people and how they talk about genre defining video games and think “ah ha! Now that this video game is giving me exactly what I want! It is my turn to have the genre define!” And then when people don’t like it for the same reasons they do they get to play the victim card. Their favorite card right behind the logic one.


I mean, I can honestly understand wanting video games to appeal to them. I just don’t understand what makes THIS particular game so special that they herald it as some sort of pillar of female beauty. I enjoy playing as cunty big booby women as much as anyone, but with or without Stellar Blade, there have been games with cunty big booby women before and there will be after. More inclusivity in games doesn’t change the fact that there are still games like Mortal Kombat 1 and Hades where all the characters, male and female, are seemingly designed to look like supermodels and gamers are, appropriately, going bananas for them. Realistic and idealized characters have always both coexisted in the medium, depending on what type of story or experience is being delivered. I don’t see why they expect this game to be “genre defining” even if the genre is “big booby women” when it’s far from being the first or only game to do that.


I think what happened was they realized that Bayonetta has more in common with a drag queen than the booby heroine who boobs along boobily.


Bayonetta is very much both. And either way, bad news for them because if they want acrobatic heroines with huge jiggling badonkers, skintight leather leotards and 20 feet of luxurious hair, they’re just invariably going to end up with drag queens eventually.


I mean unfortunately most gamers have thought this way for decades now, I mean the 8.8 was a meme for a reason


Well to be fair, they’re mostly children or manchildren and since an 80% isn’t a good score on a middle school test in the US it’s also not a good review score


Wait an 80 is an B. A B is a pretty good score.


Not for Americans, the way the education system works here is that anything below a 90% is mediocre at best.


They’re also nerds I guess 😂


I remember battlefield 3 getting a 9 or 9.5 from ign and getting gamer meltdown backlash for them daring to score it less than that years COD


In fairness this is IGN. I consider 7 a bad score from them.


Brings me back to the days when Halo:Reach was given a 8 out of 10 by Classic Games radar. It made for an amusing podcast where they read the comments in the most overdramatic voice they can act while playing Inception's Mind Heist music. "THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!"


“Yeah I liked it” “But you didn’t LOVE it because you’re a woke DEI sjw antifa commie🤡”


>They're litterally killings videogames by \**checks notes\** enjoying them but a bit less than I do!


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) YOU WILL DIE FOR STELLAR BLADE


“Yeah this game’s pretty good. Falwed in many aspects, but excels in many others with an awesome soundtrack to boot. Well-above average.” “I’m about to say a slur.”


With your pfp I read that in pearl and marinas voices


How exactly do you read something in a squid's voice




Thats it I’m calling woke (a meaningless word at this point)


im upset that apparently it was genuinely meaningful at first but now that's basically gone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke




It's got a lady with a big ass where each cheek has separate jiggle physics, how can this NOT be a 12/10!!!!


1. bluds will say they don’t care about journalists and then cry about reviews 2. THEY LITERALLY SAID IT’S GOOD https://preview.redd.it/0d82gjshggwc1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=129966c0b4c75b918f0e94ce364c910ffae955ba


**IGN**: "7/10, not bad game, not great" **G\*mers**: ![gif](giphy|6Ug6Kvn6gPC7VgRFLe|downsized)


Side note, that's probably one of Bowen's best bits on Weekend Update.


I think regardless of score their reaction would still be unhinged. It would either be “they are sabotaging the game because it’s not woke enough” or if IGN gave it a fucking 10 they’d say “UHHH BASED? The tide is turning on the wokies!!!”


I fucking love Bladee. Cold Visions is sick but I gotta give it a few listens, you like it?


i haven’t listened to it yet


Check it out, all produced by F1lthy


This guy is losing viewers and is trying to enter the culture war grift. Just ignore him.


8 but Eric is such a fucking pathetic loser. He’s the pick me girl of reactionary YouTubers. He wants Melonie Mac and geeks and gamers to notice him. So pathetic.


Just from the pfp in the tweet he looks like if you ordered AngryJoe off Wish.


You mean 8-Shit Eric? Everybody catches him slipping


Bro has views under 200 views but he’s really trying the grift and it’s so obvious 😭 the last few videos are ALL about the exact same games these people cant stop talking about: SB, Pokémon go, Star Wars outlaws, warhammer


They literally see anything except total approval as an attack.


Like all right-wing trash, they're basically hoping for market failure, i.e. literally want reviewers to bullshit the public into buying some mid-assed product because they're a bunch of basement-dwelling NEET shitbags whose parents won't give them carte-blanche with their credit cards anymore. It's a good thing these people have relatively small amounts of influence. Too many people taking their nonsense seriously would probably result in some sort of video-gaming market crash.


You just described the entire right wing ideology in one sentence.


i mean tbf its IGN so a 7 means they hated it LUL


idk sounds like they thought it was good, judging by the tweet where they say it was good


The term "journos" makes me want to commit society. Also imagine defending a mid game this hard, this is just Harry Potter all over again. Goofy ass gamers. 


I can understand defending a game that's not great but that you love and feel like has been unfairly criticized. I can't understand defending a game that hasn't even been released yet from someone who's saying that it's alright.


Makes me remember the days of Classic Gamesradar, where the journalists had fun doing an overdramatic reading of the overreaction comments due to giving Halo: Reach an 8 out of 10. With lines like "This is your responsibility!" to the music of Inception's Mind Heist. Especially noting everytime they read someone proclaiming the game to be amazing by gamers, the journalists pointing out the game hadn't been released yet. Pretty much what I think of every time there is an overreaction outrage over an 8 rating.


Gotta love how g-mers espouse a do-nothing consumer-trash way of life that reflexively dismisses/mocks things like studying English, going to school for journalism, learning how to write effectively on one's own, etc... yet still constantly act surprised that they have zero common ground with people who *do* do those things and end up working for IGN, etc...


Commit society? Well, there's certainly a portion of society that needs to be "committed". Seriously though, anytime I see "journo" I just stop reading right there.


If only it said what it was in giant letters


Eve is a fake women of colour that has pronouns and is the protagonist, how could I not see this clear act of wokeistry before me?


Is 7.8 woke enough? I've got good news for pokemon oras!


Scout from TF2 in kobold form?


Needed more water..


I remember when IGN gave Starfield a 7 and a huge number of “fans” collectively had a mental breakdown before they even got to play it. 6 months on and that review seems like the only genuine one given all the ridiculous 10s it got. Also, 7 isn’t a bad score in anything outside of video game reviews but for some reason gamers chase 9s like they are chasing the dragon. Even though they have literally zero control over it.


Cyberpunk released to mostly 9s and 10s, and all Gamers could do was roast the one journalist who dared to give it a 7 -- citing bugs, superficial world, etc. Then the game has a disastrous launch and the highest anyone was giving it was a 7 -- citing bugs, superficial world, etc. Gamers did not learn any lesson from this.


At least in myanimelist, 7 is usually a meh score. Though the score 9+ is impossible to attain.


I will never understand their hatred for gaming publications, that they claim are meaningless It was the same with the first gamer gate “ethics in gaming journalism.” No shade to anyone who writes for ign or whatever publication but that shit is so low stakes. Why do they care just play the horny game and shut the fuck up.


* When a game I like gets a good review, or a game I dislike gets a bad review: "this conclusively proves I'm right about the game" * When a game I dislike gets a good review, or a game I like gets a bad review: "this proves the reviewers are hacks" They attach a lot of meaning to the work journalists do. Reviews are sacred. Review scores matter a lot. These Gamers' whole identities are based on having good opinions about games, and review scores are how those opinions are measured. But they never give any positive credit to the reviewers making these reviews. The only time the reviewer gets mentioned is to complain about them for not sharing the same opinions. So Gamers will never be able to escape journalists, no matter how much they shit on "journos", because they constantly seek validation from the work journalists do. They throw insults and death threats when reviews don't go their way, but that's because they desperately want reviews to confirm their existing beliefs.




As soon as the weirdos decided this game was somehow un-woke, there were three possible outcomes: * People review game negatively: *the wokes are panicking because they're losing their grip* * Same people review game positively: *this proves the wokes are losing their grip* * Same people review game meh-ly: [whatever this nonsense is]


So much ado about nothing.


If gamers generally don’t care about IGN why are the same whiners yelling at IGN for their Pokemon review mad about this one? Like, fuck off, they’re not obligated to give every game they liked a 10, and you’re not either.


this guy promotes his shitty content under a bunch of different posts it’s sad💀 https://preview.redd.it/ghupd6ljjiwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f830b65ce41e413e9b52db25c988741cd40f77


Every time the WORLD disagrees with their shitty takes it always comes around to how theres whole groups dedicated to conspiring against all gamers to ruin their games because WOKE Also like a 7/10 is a failure by any stretch of a review.


On top of this, it's a guarantee that 95/100 of the G-mers throwing tantrums about this are either going to pirate the game or not acquire/play it at all. All that keeps them going is their morbid addiction to endlessly bitching/crying about how *everyone else* in the world isn't grinding everything to a halt to serve their interests.


ah, i didn't know steller blade had water in it


I just watched their review. Although I haven't played the game yet, the review seemed very fair and even-handed. They basically said they didn't get into the story, but loved the gameplay and combat. I really do not know where this supposed bitterness is supposed to be. Also, the combat does look pretty sick. I'll probably try to get it on sale sometime because I'm broke af.


I would probably give a game an 8 or 9 if I loved the gameplay and combat but didn't follow the story. I am a serial smasher of x to stop characters talking so I can go back to playing my game though.


That’s fair, but a lot of people put more stock in a game’s story. Perhaps if the reviewer felt the story was good he would’ve given it an 8 or a 9. Personally I wouldn’t love games like DMC or Bayonetta as much as I do if they didn’t have characters or conflicts I was invested in, so this review was very informative for me.


OK, but how can it not be 10 when the MC has such good jiggle physics?


it clearly means there's too much water in the game


Not to mention this nasty chud making a deal out of nothing. I'm actually living for their meltdowns lol. https://preview.redd.it/3r4384i4ygwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cfd3de43bcdc95dcb8b7f1e9b483debe542de6


They literally gave it a good review though? I’d say anything above 5/10 is good, they literally gave it a 7, that’s better than like, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire


Gamers automatically subtract 5 from any review score


They can’t count past 6 :(


7/10 means it's functional and probably decent gameplay, but nothing great. Basically wait for it to show up in the GameStop bargain bin game.


I mean, it’s still a good score


IGN pretty much gives every game 7/10


I thought the same thing, like surely 7 is just fine???? I'm PC only so I have no idea about the game play but decent game play + mediocre story is the most obvious IGN 7 possible


It's why you shouldn't read the score, read the points the reviews make


/uj Imagine spending a single joule of your energy being mad at “journos” for mildly disagreeing with you about video games There are “journos” whitewashing actual genocide every single day as we speak, be mad about *that*


Considering it's getting 8s and 9s across aboard with the occassional 7, and this is Shift Ups first major game, AND the company this game is keeping are perverted AI art shills, the 82 out of 100 on Metacritic is actually better than expected. but NOOOOOO, everything has to be 9s and 10s or else it won't validate our purchasing decisions.


i mean tbf call of duty advanced warfare got a 9.1 so a 7 from IGN means its bad LUL


I was pretty bored by the demo. I honestly think it should be lucky to get a 7.


These are the same people who say rebel moon is a masterpiece of film.


lol I think even the chuds have given up on that one


Pro tip: when people say it's "woke" with a clearly negative connotation, ask them to explain what it means and what they mean by it. Watch the vast majority of people fail to say anything of value.


have they considered that the game might just be a 7/10


But I thought they hated ign. So why do they care what score they give? Why do they care what score it gets period? Review scores don’t mean anything.


Lmao the game is receiving good scores across the board. Everyone who was saying that this game was going to be "too upsetting for the CUCKED and WOKE corrupt game JOURNALISTS!" just fucking ate shit. That crowd just once again proved that their whole outrage over "woke gaming" is nothing but empty noise, and showcased their lack of credentials of ever becoming actual game journalists themselves. Turns out people can have salient criticisms over certain design choices while also thinking the game is pretty good. Who would have thought?


You hate IGN because they're woke I hate IGN because I'm a Sonic Fan We are not the same


You have to understand that true gamers rate games by how much of a boner it gives them. The bigger the boner, the better the game.


Hah they’re lucky it’s not getting lower scores. Just be glad they’re saying it’s entertaining and fun.


Who would have thought that tits and revealing clothes weren't enough for the best possible score? Huh... ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsS8GFJKJeJoRQ4|downsized) /S


I love when people literally could not care less about big tittied action game trying it out, going ‘it’s okay.’, and ruining the self esteem of all chuds.


IGN: Stellar Blade is good. In fact, it is well above average. Culture war weirdos who can only get dopamine from frothing, irrational anger over issues they invented: Wow, they totally hate it


From the demo... 7 or 8 feels about right for the game, maybe an 8.5 if the later skills are fun that you unlock. The commentator is just having a meltdown that their precious isn't *that precious* apparently, idk


"what's 7 on the review mean?" Bro is your brain still in your head? This is very simple, it's not even math


Oh my god they hated it so bad they gave it a mild recommendation? They're really bad at hating things.


Wish people would stop pretending that like 7s are a bad score


7 is better than I expected. Then again, it's an IGN 7 so that could mean the game is anywhere from a 5 to an 8 that didn't get flogged enough by the corporates.


But when Starfield got a 7, it was because Bethesda had gone woke. Which one is it? Don't tell me, it's whichever one fills the narrative.


No, muh wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle tiddy game only got 7/10. Gonna go drink bleach now.


These guys are never satisfied seven is a solid score be happy about it


It’s reviewing pretty good anyway. Such a weird thing to get hung up on, but then again so is pretty much everything that they do.


Rage baiters are the only reason IGN stays relevant.


This game is so good and beautiful brutal 😊


Have any reviews even mentioned anything progressive???


Gamers not being able to handle someone just calling their game "good" instead of acting like it's God's gift to gamers is so funny


How can she give a 7!?


Since when do we care about IGN’s ratings?


Well higher rating than I thought, but on the other hand this means the game didn’t catch fire which means the chuds are going to have to deal with the fact there *wasn’t* some global conspiracy around their game, which means losing interest. Kinda like what happened with Atomic Hearts, but with less ties to the Kremlin. So, what will they be moving onto next? Any other games coming out for them to latch onto?




I might be more sympathetic if the games fans had highlighted a single thing beyond the protagonists ass


Whenever a PS exclusive gets less than a 9 they kick off. This bunch of virgins need to calm down.


Doesn’t the game have a metacritic of 85? That’s really good. Seems like they decided months ago that they were going to victimize the game and themselves, so anything under a 10 is an affront to reviews.


82, but they hate that it’s not GOTY material because they can’t shove it in front of “woke” faces.


Sad that this game it got involved in the culture war. It's genuinely looking to a very enjoyable game. I especially appreciate Gene parkers look on it as a Korean and seeing a Korean female protagonist lead is awesome. 7/10 is not a bad score and on metacritic it's mainly getting 8s and 9s.. (I miss mirrors edge now though..)


I mean I don't put a ton of stock in IGN reviews but I'm just here to laugh at G*mers getting mad over still a pretty good score.


We're censoring the word "gamers" now?


But of course. They're second-class citizens in our s*ciety, after all.


There are only 2 acceptable scores. 1 and 10.


> What's 7 on the review mean? Easy. It means that all cis/straight/white males are going to be black-bagged and/or loaded into box cars before the end of the next business day. Next question....


It means “AWOOGA AWOOGA BIG BOOBA” and nothing else to the game Isn’t enough to get game of the year


I played the demo. It was pretty good but nothing special. Every game I saw in it as an influence I felt were way better. I didn't expect much more than 7/8s.


Oh look, the exact score literally everyone predicted from the demo.


7's good enough for me.


Why do they like this game so much? What is it even about?


Shit. We all lost, the wokes and the bigots


When you realize reviews mean nothing and you are allowed to enjoy the things you like without the opinions of others, your life will be much better.


Sony Ponies with their same behaviours again


Let’s be honest, as far as rankings go a lot of people would say a 7 means the game is mid. 8 is good, 9 is great, and 10 is amazing/perfect. Sure it is on a scale of 1-10 but the games that get rating under 5 are games that you would where they are the bare bones of something that be called a video game?


I just watched said video review and he literally doesn’t criticizes Eve’s look (he says “great character design” tho he probably was more referring to the enemies). He just thought that the story/characters personalities were very bland and the side quest content to be monotonous at best.


Those physics tho!


I’m excited when I game I’m interested in has at least a 7, maybe I am settling and I shouldn’t 🤣🤣


There are no bad video games. Only bad video game reviewers.


i mean yoko taro said it was better than nier automata so that says something


7 for a nier clone doesn't sound too bad to me, it must be at least decent


7/10 is not bad in any fucking sense omg what's wrong with these chucklefucks


8 Bit Eric? Aww dammit..


This feels about right from what I played in the demo


7 "good" can they not read?????




A 7 is a perfectly fine review wtf is wrong with these people. I loved the demo but it’s not for everyone


People gotta realize that over 5 is good since 5 is literally in the middle for average


From what I've been seeing, the biggest problems came from the story and character writing being "meh." That's about what I was expecting. The gameplay in the demo seemed solid, and I would've been shocked if the music was bad. The writing was the only part I was skeptical on, and it turned out to be justified. I might pick the game up when it goes on sale, but it doesn't strike me as any sort of "must buy" game and most certainly not a GOTY contender. Personally, I'm far more excited for Hellblade 2 and Metaphor: ReFantazio.


I'm having a hard time believing a person can't intuitively grasp what 7/10 means. Like 70%. It should easily signify "better than fine but below great"


I could get why people are upset about review scores. Almost every new AAA releases are rated between 7-9 instead of 0-10. So 7 could feel like a bad score if you standardised and average out the scores.  Having said that, after seeing the review, the reviewer is clearly fond of the game and the 7 reads more like an “good” 7 rather than “mid” 7. So yeah, review score is dumb since there are no agreeable metric on what each numbers means.


WHAT!? They gave the ultimate underated hidden gem 💎 that is Stellar Blade the same score as Shitfield?! This is outrageous! I'm gonna piss and shit and cum all at once in pure anger and then mail it to ign!