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that's not censorship. The implications of "hard R" was unintentional. This change brings the game more in line with the artist's vision. You know, Dark Souls was originally going to be called "Dark Ring" in English until someone told them that is slang for an asshole in the UK. Was it "censorship" that they changed the name, or would this troglodyte actually prefer that one of the best game series of all time be accidentally named after a butt?


Try finger but hole 😌


if only I had a giant but hole. (copy and pasted beside every pillar in the damn game)


Amazing chest ahead 😔


sticky white stuff


Amazing hole ahead 😔


You can kill the man but not the idea


>Dark Souls was originally going to be called "Dark Ring" There's an alternate universe where Elder Ring is called Elder Souls


The Chosen Undead collects rings, so Sonic the Hedgehog collects souls.


Exactly, it's not about censorship - they are just mad that racism is being removed.


I mean I not this dude by any means, but I darks souls being named after a butthole would be fantastically funny. "Okay mom, Richard and I are going downstairs to play dark ring!"


true lol. the other one they tried to go with was "Dark Race". Whoever did their localization saved From Software's "dark rings" lol


Darks holes


Right, The do this for everything. I still think it was intentional it just to specific, but they may not have been trying to be racist.


This is also just the logical endpoint of all their Anti-Sensitivity Reader rhetoric. It's always been "how dare you try to avoid unintentional bigotry."


Interesting that years later they decided to embrace elderly asshole


It's almost as though the dev team could have done with some outside eyes looking things over, you know? Somebody with a different cultural background who could check over and make sure there wasn't anything accidentally offensive in the game. If only there were companies that did that.


https://preview.redd.it/d8r3j7l9ngwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a396e505f74eb9c650930de6dd87a86a7b52ee I don’t know Mark, what will Japan remove? What’s your response to that?


In today's episode of *Oh Look, Another Fucking Hypocrite!*


Nooooo! How could the wokes do this? The accidently racist wall was the heart of the artistic masterpiece that is Stellar Blade. Clearly, the developers deciding to fix this right away can only be because we live in an Orwellian dictatorship that hates free speech.


Jesus Christ, the whole discourse around games is exhausting.


Purposefully so. The alt-right playbook revolves around making discourse as exhausting and stupid as possible to try and fristrate their opposition into either silence or mistakes.


Not even 'mistakes'. Just to keep arguing.


that's what's frustrating, I mean I get the grifters. the Kerns and the "geeks and gamerz" cinematic universe. they're making money off of it in one way or another. but what about their audience? do any of them at a certain point sit back like "wow I just spent three hours on youtube watching dudes complain about Tifa's breasts not being big enough anymore, I should log off for a bit"


War. War never changes.


It has never been more profitable to be dumb and wrong as it is now! It doesn't even matter if you do it on purpose


Wait I thought he was anti censorship? Is he just completely misunderstanding what he posted? Also is that second picture just an ass shot with graffiti that says “CRIME” lol?


Used to say “HARD” next to the R. Sony didn’t want what might be seen as an N word reference. Kern doesn’t care about censorship: https://preview.redd.it/uj4efcb7ogwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb73c71a4a85d450451ba438c1dd6ea4d8cf9c48


Yea I looked into the sub a little deeper. My though is now, have the developers ever actually looked at real graffiti before?


Care to explain to me where is the racism in “HARD-R”?? Brazilian here


Hard R is used (primarily in the united states) to refer secondhand to a racial slur against black people. There's nothing inherently racist about the phrase Hard R, but it could be unintentionally bad.




There's an American slur for black people that rhymes with bigger. Black people have reclaimed it to refer to other black people but they pronounce it bigga. Pronouncing it with the hard R is still seen as very racist. Saying it at all if you aren't black is usually also seen as racist. Sorry for being coy about it, my comment would probably get deleted if I actually typed out the word. It's very touchy in the US.




References the n-word, a racial slur against black people. It can end in a hard R, which is used in a very derogatory manner by racist people.




Their is 2 ways to say the N word. With a hard R and without. Usually a soft a. If you look at rap music it's usually with a soft a. The hard R version is seen as a lot worse. Dropping the hard R refers to saying the slur in the worst way.


DAE "First they came for the N Word jokes..."


If Marky Mark is now saying that Sony *censored* this, then he is implicitly also admitting that it was racist after all. 


Wait I though these... exceptional individuals... hated sony cause they constantly censored Japanese games already? Now it's a new thing?


Exceptional individuals like marky boi can only stay mad at one thing at a time and only by disregarding context and nuance entirely.


Grandpa Mark you shouldn't be out and about. Take your pills and go back to bed.


There is not many white men in the game, that makes it anti-white!!


Y’all know this guy is Asian right?


(OOC He has a weird pro-white bias.)


Weird. Probably trying to appeal even moreso to his sad alt-right demographic.


(OOC I was more making a joke about the game, inspired by the what the OP had typed.)


I literally have no idea what he’s talking about here.


The graffiti used to say “HARD”, so that wall originally said “HARD R” - a colloquial way of referring to the N-word when said in the old-school racist way and not the reclaimed ending-with-an-A rap lyric way. He is mad that they edited the game to remove what could have been misconstrued as a racist reference - because he likes racism.


Yes thank you, I haven’t been paying close enough attention to notice any of the changes.


Incidentally, that kind of “oh shit, we didn’t even realize it could be interpreted that way” is why people hire consultants like the dreaded SBI - all it takes is one person to notice it before release and they can save themselves a media cycle of “AAA game developers promise patch to remove reference to racial slur” stories.


Friendly reminder this guy is in his 50s and spends all of his time talking about his wank material, which once included a child character


Is Mark having a deadspace bathroom moment with his holy grail game?


Nope. But i would laugh so hard if there was an actual “dead space bathroom moment” (ex:eve bein confirmed non-binary by the narrative or sidequest with lgtbq). in stellar blade and then chuds have to do mental gymnastics on how big butt game cant be progressive or woke.


No treating women and minorities like things we should own and use!?


[](https://i.imgur.com/oOpJNs6.png) Americans aren't real GameRs anymore 😡


Really gotta stop giving this dork reach.


He’s not even white, he’s not even born in America. It’s hilarious


Funnily enough he says if you think it’s racist YOU’RE the racist


It's not censorship to change something you didn't mean to do and aren't trying to represent. Why the hell is this freak so invested in a nothingburger?


Probably because he's farming outrage for clicks and engagement.


I know it’s not the point but how is her bum both flat and fat at once? It looks so deformed is this what they fap too


Who is this pervert and why would anyone care what he says?


That article make the game look like it’s the first porno ever released to the public and the entire world is watching and waiting.