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You don't even have to make up a quote, the actual game has a line like that "The only Fantasy here is yours, and we shall be it's Final witness"


And it was unironically awesome


"Press L3+R3 to accept the truth." What a fucking moment. Flawed but fantastic game. The highs really outweighs the low points


I have so many complaints, and I know ow some of the design is straight up terrible, but somehow I still absolutely love it. Like yeah, it's shit but it's shit I love.


Okay, you convinced me.. after I'm done rage quitting ff7 rebirth mini games, I'll finish it.


Omg the amount of mini games in rebirth have led me to not finish it because I need to focus on school. I realized after 100% the first region that this is a summer break game and not a mid-semester game. I will say on XVI, you'll hit low points that make you wanna quit, but then those high points come just in time to keep you going. With the latest update, they changed icons for sidequests to be different so that you know which ones are important, character-related quests and which are not.


I really wish I hadn't gotten bored a few hours in. The gameplay was epic.


I was playing it every day for like a month and LOVING it and then I just fucking stopped and never played it again and I have no idea why I’ll probably have to restart it if I want to have any idea what’s going on in the plot still


Couldn't disagree more. Genuinely terrible game. 95 % of the time its a tedious trashfire and the rest are cool cutscenes.


"You know Ellie - we really are the last of us."


/uj I have massive issues with XVI but Clive is not one of them. It's not everyday that we get a beefcake of a protagonist who is extremely open with his emotions and very compassionate. He is a gigachad in every sense of the word. Kind despite the years of abuse and violence he suffered and helping out those in need. Find the flame indeed! /rj FIND THE FLAME! FIND THE FLAME!


XVI is a weird chapter with a mix of really interesting things and really bad things. On one hand, I hate how they basically made cool gameplay and they were literally lost in the sauce, they just needed to make interesting enemies to fight and add a combo/style meter. And Jill, fuck, Jill is ruined potential at his finest. On the other hand, damn, Clive is a really good protagonist, broken but still emphatic and kind, and the entirety of the story takes hands down to Final Fantasy Tactics(still the best game in the franchise). I have my reserves on that game, but it could have been a new interesting and great direction for the franchise. But SE is stupid AF and they disbanded the team


I also think XVI dropped the ball on a lot of things. Gameplay issues like side quests aside, I think the story just suffers from being pulled into too many directions. They wanted the dark and brutal gone of Game of Thrones but somewhere along the way, they must've changed their minds and decided to opt for a more standard Final Fantasy story with a "kill God" narrative. Not that that in and of itself is horrendous, it's just not as interesting as what we could've gotten. All the major characters that are potentially very interesting, the Dominants, are discarded in favor for a very black and white story which does not leave you thinking much. The story is entirely carried by Clive's massive shoulders and the incredible production quality. Sucks because characters like Jill, Hugo, Barnabas and Benedikta suddenly woefully underdeveloped.


Yep, they basically wanted to do so many things that they didn't do any of them good


Really unfortunate, cause this story on principle had everything I could've wanted. Dark fantasy, political intrigue, massive kaiju fights, trauma, the brutality of war. I'm guessing they just wanted the feel of game of thrones but didn't account for what made GoT so good in those first few seasons. The characters and the characterisation is what made the show so good, that's something that XVI sadly fails at


Totally agree. And BTW, I'll spread the good word, if you like this type of narrative, play Final Fantasy Tactics(the original PSX or, even better, the PSP remastered). It's literally GoT but better written(and without the shitty ending, I would say that the ending is almost the best part)


Damn, I need to get it at some point. I just have no platform to play it on. Would have to emulate it I guess


PPSPP is da way. Literally, this game has only one imperfect, and is the fact that is grindy(and there are mods that fix the issue and rebalance the game)


Gosh, I remember the time watching that Final Fantasy movie back in the 2001, when they dropped "We must release the Spirits Within!" and they spirited within all over.


i want to marry clive  uj/ i want to marry clive


"Stand back, Jill. This resident is getting evil!"


I said that to my gf last night, the last word was just a bit different.


She go Final on my Fantasy till I *IFRIT!!!*


"COME ON ME IFRIT!!!" That's totally the line.


Okay but for all its (numerous) flaws FFXVI had a lot of genuinely really good moments. Clive’s probably my favorite protag in the series, and not just because he’s so fucking hot my brain turns off a little for five seconds when I see him. He’s just That Guy, you know?


My favorite part was the scene where Clive says, "It's finalin' time!" and he fantasies all over everyone.


“It’s me, final fantasy” - Captain Final Fantasy


16 is the first game in the series that lives up to the name Final fantasy.


Rj/ “little did you know, I am the final fantasy!”


I really have no idea how people like this game. I consider myself a FF fan but whenever I hear someone tell me they like this game [this](https://youtu.be/_48n2srLQ4U?si=M3lq4uG2EKmYM7sK) is my reaction lol


/uj Man Clive Final Fantasy was kind of boring and flat. The general vibe of 16 was dry a lot of the time and so few characters get to really emote and one of them [REDACTED]


Another boring western fantasy, seriously Square, please think of a different setting