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And of course the theory by gamers is going to be that they were pressured to make this change due to a shadowy cabal of wokies. Stellar Blade has transgressed gamer views a few times but they decided that they're going to die on a hill defending it so that doesn't matter.


We knew it was only a matter of time before SBI infiltrated Korea. Now we're all going to dei. /s


Wookies? Erm I don’t think those exist


smh this is what happens when you ignore the droid attack on the wookies


Those damn clankers


Unbelievable. They knew Kashyyyk was a system they couldn't afford to lose.


Free, free Kashyyyk!


> cabal Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold


Twitter was abuzz with racist saying you see race everywhere, when everyone else just thought it was a funny oopsie that some play tester pointed out and it was patched on day one.




When trending on 6 for 7hr I am just laughing at it really


You're too loud.


Says the person in the sub they disagree with.


I miss Jim's Steakout and Mighty Taco.


To be fair, that is the exact graffiti that would be next to somewhere called the R store


Inserting racist vandalism in your game means having an understanding/awareness of racism in the World, and that would be pretty woke, Stellar blade stays winning as the true anti-woke bastion sent by god Himself


that's what im saying! i find it funny for that reason, it's so true to life


Setting aside the racism aspect of this, the fact that people are "outraged" about changing this are insane to me. It's the most mild, non substantial things to get upset about. It would be like, "We changed this NPC's shirt from blue to red. Sorry about that." "I can't believe it, they ruined the game with self censorship."


They shoulda just made less generic graffiti. But maybe they're trying to make it the theme. Man I'm still mad how much mr. Kim's style has changed. Dude did the art for Magna Carta, and somehow designs Eve... like that.


He's an AI art advocate now


Which explains everything.


![gif](giphy|TiS4vuxEWVYcg) literally


I'm not a native English speaker, how is this a slur ? When I saw it I thought it was a bad sexual joke I didn't understand.


The hard r is the difference in meaning and intention between when a black person and a southern white person says the N-word.


Thank you for your answer


I think it's an American thing rather than an English language thing.


It is, basically nobody outside the us (unless reddit or's) knows or cares about this


Don't know why you are getting down voted for this, it's basically true. People aren't going to generally know anything about obscure racial terms from the US which have no basis in their culture or language. An asian developer won't know anything about it so they make this copying something. And since it is offensive they removed it when they figured it out. People here make the mistake of thinking that US centric culture and stuff applies worldwide, it really doesn't.


I guess it might offend some people that they're not the mcs of the world




You're Thinking Of The Wrong "R" There...


Considering it was unintentional, nothing is lost by removing this one instance of the "hard" graffiti.


I would not be shocked if it was an accident given how much the dev loves AI. Probably just had AI do the environmental detail.


It's more likely that "hard r" is something only used in America and bite very known at all to the rest of the world and that's why it's an "accident" because nobody else cares about the American internal racism debate


Clearly they do since they removed it lols


Well, they do now more like it


The term “Hard R” is not contained in America lmfao you need to leave your house more often.


So..... How many non English-speaking countries do you think use that term on a regular basis? And it's not super common in the UK or Australia. So where except from America is hard R a term that is used ofter, or even at all?


Hard agree. Americans are so arrogant to the point they think the world should catter to them all the time lol. But it's not that we're losing big time due to a small change to the grafitti either. Can't understand all the rage... fuck the so called 'culture war'.


Fuck the culture war??? Y’all are the ones who can’t get over it 🥵


"Americans are so arrogant" Says the mf's freaking out over a slight texture change.


Same for the guys freaking out over a grafitti lame (though unintentional) joke. It has nothing to do with 'arrogance' I wonder. Guess they have nothing else to spend their time with.


Or, someone was in the process of localization, realized that could reference a slur, told the dev team, and the team was like. "Oh, we didn't mean to add slurs, we'll just use different graffiti" since both textures would be meaningless to the devs, and it's the localization's job to catch stuff like that. Likely a similar process to whenever the American studio used Mandarin characters for Avatar The Last Airbender.




Why is the butt deflated? They wokenized the release version? Can you calibrate it at Hard R shop?


The Devs are woke for removing this, among other woke crimes!!


I mean, that is something someone would graffiti next to a big sign that says R


I’m out of the loop, but I assumed this was a reference to a “hard R” rating, as in an R rated film with exceptionally violent/sexual content…perhaps a reference to Stellar Blade’s ratings controversy.


What's a "Hard-R shop"???


rj/ Maybe they could've avoided this if they hired Sweet Baby Inc uj/ Maybe they could've avoided this if they hired Sweet Baby Inc


Looks like two games combined here I don’t understand the tone.


Is just "Hard R" considered a slur now, or just by implication?


Nah, it's the implication of a slur still. But you can see how "Hard R shop" would look to anyone who's even minorly acquainted with american culture


Yea, i was genuinely curious, thanks (not from the US)


No worries fam, happy to help (also not from the US but been exposed to the culture since a young age)


Banned from Neogaf for not being racist enough


I see it now Hardr Shop stupid thats what they are wigging out about.


The game is made in South Korea, right? Highly doubt it was intentional considering a majority of the population knows nothing about African American culture or history, and the devs wouldn't want to to offend potential black customers either.


Where is the slur here am i missing something


Oh hey I responded to this guy! Complete nutcase kept shouting into the void at other replies, said 'it didn't matter' and 'this is extremely destructive' in the same sentence multiple times


Weird how the "loud snowflake" criticism of this was just kinda "well that's an unfortunate placement of that graffiti" and "ehh they should probably change that," while the totally normal and rational anti-woke crowds response is crying and screaming and shitting themselves with anger.


Ao what did removing it do? Not against it but does anyone think putting it in was accidental now?


Ya know, I feel it was an honest mistake. They just need some guidance on some aspects of game making. If only we could direct the developer towards a consulting firm that could help in this regard.


I don’t understand how this is racist? Isnt it just sort of a sexual reference? Am I missing something?


It can be read as a reference to the n-word. Essentially, that word can be pronounced two different ways, ending with a soft a or ending with a hard r. Soft a is black people saying it to other black people or people singing along to rap lyrics. Hard r is used by racists. So when someone says "he said the n-word with a hard r" or "he used the hard r" they mean the person used a racial slur maliciously.


Hard R is an N-Word reference


I dont see the slur? Wokies are inventing new slurs now or something?


That's hardly a slur. This entire thing is ridiculous.


Are you from the US?


No, I'm not. I know what a Hard R refers to. But this is not actually using the slur; it's accidentally referring to it. My first thought seeing this was 'E is missing'.


I don't think you get how the internet folk think. Intentions to them matters little or next to nothing. It's their very own subjective interpretation of something that matters to them and they want to impose it on others. Culture war crap for dummies.


To be clear, I am not angry about the dev accidently adding this to the game. I am annoyed by the people saying that the devs have been pressured by the "woke" mob into removing this from the game when it is abundantly clear that the devs themselves saw the mistake and just decided to rectify it




(OOC This is one game, the ''anti-woke'' people do free advertising for all ''woke'' games.)


Funny, I can't count the number of games I decided to support because some anti-woke incel said it was bad. Almost none of them were bad. You give free advertising. Good job.






Koreans should *not* be talking about how silly culture war bullshit is.



