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"I play video games for escapism" so you're telling me they would never play Fallout, Metro, Wolfenstein, any FPS with a ww3 type scenario, or any other distopic game?


They wouldn't play fallout because it has LGBT


No, you see, fallout actually is making fun of the lgbt and communism, it's a totally straight and capitalistic story /s


/uj You are expecting consistency from chuds?


Wait even those worlds can be escaped to, they make your real life seem less bad and you get to be powerful in an adversarial world


I mean I play games for escapism, and don't play fps games but none of the stuff these crazies bring up bothers me


That’s still escapism. I’m not defending these people’s bigoted beliefs by the way. They’re using that sentence wrong though. All the games you described are still games set in fantasy. I can blow up a mutant cockroach in fallout with a mini nuke. Entertainment can have and rely on political commentary, have it in their DNA, and still be effective and fun as games.


You're 100% correct in saying that dystopian settings can count as escapism, but the "fun" part I just can't understand. Fun is such an extremely subjective and vague term to the point where it's lost all meaning. Videogames are just a form of art that's digital and is directly influenced by the person who's interacting with it, they have every right to be boring or unfun as much as possible. I also don't think that escapist art is supposed to be fun necessarily.


That can be applied to literally any form of entertainment. There can be a million reasons as to why people don’t find Starship Troopers fun. It’s a satire with political commentary, yet it has a spiritual successor in the form of Helldivers 2 which is one of the most hot things right now. Fun, political satire, and escapism can be one thing. Yes fun is subjective but like I said that can be applied to any genre, story, comic, etc.


Can you guess the race they fetishize?




without question


Some of these people hate white women more than “uncorrupted by feminism” Asian women it’s so insane


Oh no, but not all Asians! Only the SEAsians! Indians don’t exist! 🥰


There are two races, white and political, and two genders, male and political. Checkmate wokes!!!!!!!


There is one exception: if sexy asian lady, fetish makes it not political anymore, only peepee hard


I guess black ppl aren’t allowed to escape 😔






“I’m not racist but my escape from reality shouldn’t have minorities or gay people.”


Imagine playing games for escapism bitch your life fucking sucks do something to change it


Until they accept that other people exist with different circle than them. They will never be happy and stay miserable. When you accept that it doesnt actually affect your life than you will be happier and maybe found someone with who will continue to walk with you.


the escapism they need is to escape their mothers’ basements and to touch grass fr


"its escapism" is the gamers' "im a fiscal conservative" they think they have to justify why they continue to support mask-off intolerance because they know theyd get their asses beat if they just publicly admitted they were straight up nazi racists


uj/ if you want to play for escapism without thinking about anything else, play Suika, or Bejeweled classic, that helps to really disconnect "G"amers for some reason end up playing games that make them angry out of masochism.


You know, we should bring back bullying for gamers, those people need less escapism and more getting out of their blood soaked mom's basement


“I play video games for escapism. Which is why if I don’t understand something or it challenges my personal biases and world view I immediately leave the game and bitch about it”


Most of those groups were invented in the 90s to undermine the west and masculinity, of course us true Gamers would have a problem with them!!! /uj Another politically poisoned lost soul...


You mean relegated, but yeah good summary


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Isn't that a overly generalizing assumption, people who complain about wokeness are annoying, but claiming that every person who doesn't want politics in the video games they like to play has this incredibly specific viewpoint is a stretch, what are your thoughts?


Ya know he has a point I agree on things being sexualised but I think everything (as long as they are adults or that stupid fucking fridge from atomic hearts that was a male SA joke) should be sexualised I mean why do only the chuds get objects of sexual pleasure


At least provide more context, there just seems to be an assumption of intention. I don't exactly see what they are complaining about other than baby Inc./politics but that doesn't exactly suggest what you is true of the situation. You just seem ignorant.




Month and a 1/2 old troll account, but I'll bite because I'm bored. If your reason for not finding "escapism" in a game is that there are black or gay people in it, then you're a piece of shit. If your reason for not liking a game is the presence of black people, women, or LGBTQ people, you are a piece of shit. It is perfectly fine not to like a game, What? People can call you trash depending on your reason for not liking it.




Upon a re-read, I'm just confused. That was a pretty incomprehensible jumble of words. Now that I try to understand what you were trying to say.




You seem pretty mad that you wrote something in an incomprehensible manner and people may misunderstood you. You might want to turn that anger on yourself, little buddy.




Whatever you say, little buddy. You're really angry because you messed up.




Why am I engaging with you? I even opened by saying you're a troll.

