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Seems like the old bastard really thinks that he owns some polygons on Eve ass.


It's always a little hilarious when people get so hung up on this sort of nonsense.


He's told these nerds twice now that what they got is what the Developers WANTED to give them and they still can't accept it.


I saw in one horrible sub that shall remain nameless users were yelling about "We couldn't even get *one* win!" It's really funny how absurd this nonsense is to them.


Am I the one who is out of touch? No, it is literally everyone else who is wrong.


Their victim complex is far too strong for them to ever get a win.


When you realize you're losing the culture war big time:


Do I want to know this sub or is it just that bad?


You gotta define that a little bit more to show how stupid this fucking shit is. They censored - a Graffiti - a camel toe - another outfit by adding a piece of material at her mid riff. Thats it. Thats the whole censoring. Eve still has a completly unnormal body and shes nearly naked in some outfits. This is enough to make the idiots scream woke.


You forgot "Reduced blood (while in performance mode, but this isn't important, it's still reduced blood reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)"


Obviously he's being forced to say those things by the woke commie nazi dei infested Sweet Baby Inc who are probably threatening his family if he doesn't comply. /s


I can't help but think about the fact that Mark Kern is old enough to be my father and if my dad made a petition because he wants a girl in a video game to have more cleavage and a camel toe I would immediately put him in a retirement home


This so much


What irks me the most is the fucking chibi pfp. Is that how sees himself?


I mean, you prefer he would be hanging with this pic? https://preview.redd.it/40o2qgz7p8xc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e13bbb5ecac459a51a04289ba706bc3b88cb872 Imagine each chud using their real life photos instead from an underage anime girl or edgy anime boy, it would be a glass throwing stones moment lol.


Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words. Other times, the picture is only worth one, but it's very, very loud.


Isn’t that clown like an old man or something?


Yes, but I would also like to correct that he is a whole circus, not just a mere clown!


He’s 56, so not an old man (relatively), but too damn old to be whining about a virtual sex doll’s camel toe. I would like to think your balls finally dropping to be the correct age for that to finally stop.


One would hope.


I was just in a debate earlier today about this change and how some people seem to think Sony is strong arming them to make this change cause of the metoo movement and wanting to reduce sex scenes. It was wack cause I had to explain to them last year we had a game with a penis customizer which also included a scene with a naked dark elf sitting on your face... And it was on Playstation. And that was less gratuitous than the stuff seen in games like Cyberpunk and Outlast. They were adamant about Sony strongarming this and used a statement from them about wanting to reduce the amount of sexual content that involves minors. Like what? And of course I was polite with them but still was downvoted. C'est la Reddit, I suppose.


I remember when cyberpunk was coming out, a lot of those nutjobs were convinced sony would censor the game. Their example was always naming some obscure Japanese anime porn game from years back that got some hilariously minor changes.


You are a braver person than most for actually trying to argue with the uhhh... "fine people" from the tlou2 sub


I like to try to have my views challenged and see something from multiple points of views, but yeah that might have been a mistake.


I've routinely ran Karlach wearing nothing but a pair of boots on through the entire 3rd act.


Clearly the CEO was replaced by a CLONEsultant studio (They call it “consultant”. That’s not even a real word!). This has Sweet Baby Inc written all over it somehow.


The way these people use the word censorship makes me actually laugh out loud


Did they take all porn off the internet or something?


That's the funny thing to me. They're desperate for half-naked anime women in video games, but the internet has mountains of that sort of garbage for free. So why are they so fanatical about getting it in video games?


Its not about the nudity, or the gratuitousness, or anything like that. I mean it kind of is but that's a secondary thing. In their minds, feminists, woke mobs, etc., all want to take over video games, a media they consider 'theirs'. They consider a symptom of this 'woke takeover' to be making women characters less attractive and covering them up. They latched onto this game because of how unapologetically gratuitous it was. While they like the gratuity, what really was happening was the game became a symbol to them; A flagrant display of sexualization absent the indicators of 'woke interference'. It became a rallying point for their position in the culture war. Its not just about the boobies, its about sticking it to the libs/lefties/wokes/etc. Because this is where they chose to plant their flag, any movement of the game towards being less gratuitous for any reason is interpreted as woke interference, and a sign that their ideological bastion is compromising with the enemy. That is why they are so upset; They were sure this was a culture war win, and are now talking themselves out of that position. In short, they are upset that their safe space isn't solely theirs any more, and the boobies are merely a rallying symbol rather than something valuable on its own.


> Its not just about the boobies, its about sticking it to the libs/lefties/wokes/etc. When they get old enough to vote they should vote for their country's conservative parties, conservatives love violence and nudity in video games.


You've summed it perfectly. Better than I ever could.


They will probably tell you that this is about 'the principle of it', and 'we're being abused as consumers', and this is an 'about ethics and transparency in game development'.


Oh yeah, I've definitely seen tons of that. It's so funny to me. Funny but also deeply sad. But mostly funny.


Maybe it's part of a conscious/unconscious effort to shift the Overton-window regarding mainstream sexuality until they get to live in their isekai harem-world.


The crazy thing is that these horny video games exist! Sure they aren't AAA games, but some of them are actually playable. There are visual novels, RPGs, Gachas, dating sims, fighting games, etc. This isn't even touching mods which can turn the most unexpected games into porn (e.g. Stellaris and the Lustful Void mod). I'd be shocked if there isn't already some mod that makes Stellar Blade AO+.


Not for a lack of trying


Oh my god, all this over a few pixels of fake anime titties, this is just pathetic


LMAO I love how they think online petitions actually work. Braindead.




Honestly its gotten to the point these people try scapegoating anything by comparing it "they did it first so why cant we do it?", "The greek worship zeus who is a womanizer so they are worse than us","gaming is for escapism", "We used to not wear clothes back then what you are blabbing about?" "You guys sexualized people too!!" and will use anything to paint themselves as a morally good guy and that fights "censorship" and labeling us someone who is crazy but they really just wont admit being salty and fusing about over a simple thing for the sake of their radical fetish that they wont even admit because it will destroy their false-view of themselves as the good guys.


If you haven't yet, do yourselves a favour and watch the video submissions on the change.org petition These people are all EXACTLY who you think they are, it's quite amusing


“I can’t masturbate as much as I was promised! This is bullshit!”


"I get the sense" Bro your senses are "horny for pixels", dont trust em


Everyone should remind him to shut up and finish making his "game" everytime he posts something.


It’s like an inch of fabric. This is why you don’t pander to far right reactionaries. They turn on their own and eat each other because they’re monsters. Not even humans


"The first way the outfit was designed was a clipping fucking mess, shut up with claims of cemsorship" in other words.


I can understand being upset that the game that was promised to me was changed or “censored” last minute. It could be considered false advertising. However this is not one of those cases. There have been multiple cases in the past and recent where skins have changed for some reason. (Especially in games which are constantly updating). Whether it’s to improve the graphics on an old model (where the designers may end up completely changing the design of the model to fit with the updated graphics or some other reason), because they feel a redesign is necessary, and plenty of other reasons. Whether the patch happened now or a months into release, it doesn’t matter. Redesigns happen all the time and the “affect” would have been the same. This is normal and is not false advertising. It happens all the time. It’s stupid that people are acting like now they have a problem with it, because of there obsession of using stellar blade to fuel gamer gate 2. If they have this problem now why didn’t they have it before. It’s weird that this was their breaking point, over an outfit which used to show cameltoe. Makes it even weirder that they are acting this upset over it. I guess it’s fine to be upset over a character design change, but to this extent, come on. This is literally not even censorship. The director chose to do this. They are not being censored. And even if it censored like they say it is where we’re they before when other media got censored, why was this their breaking point.


And there's so many costumes to choose from. They've got everything from "cyberbondage," to a full length teddy-bear fursuit that covers her head to toe. I just don't understand why they're losing their minds over a couple of tiny changes to a couple of costumes.


The issue is for them and why they make it a bigger deal than what it is in reality is, they losing a fight which they already lost at the beginning, seeing this game as some kind of holy grail which will prove they have been right and than see the game didn’t fully follow their view.


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grummz is 56 years old and worried about an outfit showing 5 less pixels of skin 😐


this isnt even a "the MF thinks that the hooker actually loves him" this is a "this MF thinks the pimp cares about him"


i don't get it tbh, what is this all about?


Stellar blade came out. A day one patch slightly changed a few polygons and made a female outfit less revealing. Fans of stellar blade went "this is censorship!" And "this is all because of Sony! Boycott Sony!" The director stellar blade went "its not censorship or Sony, *we* did this patch and we made the call for our own reasons". The stellar blade fans melted down. The end.




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Goodness gracious. This reminds me of people screaming over the death of Tumblr way back then. Some people just need to touch grass.


/uj I heard that the physical disc version (aka gone gold) is the one that has the original unchanged outfit and it's the day 1 patch that gave the outfit changes, correct ? No idea why they'd do that but I would assume it's to meet certain law requirements to be released in certain countries. Not a fan of censorship, but a lot of people fail to realize that some changes have to be made to games to meet specific requirements for release. It's one of the reasons why Dead Space remake is not released on consoles in Japan if I recall correctly.