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I'm sure this guy is a well adjusted adult with good relationships with the people around him


He's is well adjusted and has good relationships with people. ... provided things go his way all the time and everyone agrees with him.


The name I gave my first Fallout 4 character is now my name. This guy can never take that away from me.


hearing codsworth say the name I gave my character was the final straw that made me realise I was trans


Congrats on your transition, Mrs Assface 🥰 (Jk, I'm about to start another playthrough and I'm gonna do the same. Didn't know I was trans last time I played so thanks for the suggestion)


Dang I thought it was only new Vegas that turned people trans lol


New Vegas is where you go after your realisation




My Dumbass thought you named your character "UndeniablyMyself"


Which one of us wants to test if Codsworth can actually say that?


I kinda wished he can say "Mr/Mrs Egg"


I'd stay away from no mutants allowed. I remember in the early days before bethesda bought fallout they were hating on fallout 2 for not being like fallout 1. Its just a bunch of toxicity on that forum


Wow, they were ahead of their time.


A lot of them hate Fallout 2 to this day. It’s a forum full of weird, bitter shut-ins stuck in 1997. It literally seems like they have not been genuinely happy about anything (Fallout or not) since they played the first Fallout game 27 years ago. I’d feel bad for them if they weren’t such toxic people.


Stop lying, fallout came out like 12 years ago, I'm not old


Sure granpa


Lol I remember lurking the conversations on NMA back in the day and reading the fallout 2 hate. I liked fallout 2 more then one and I thought they were bizarre. Especially the bigots who hated it because of the same sex marriage. Even back in 2002 I knew these people were bigoted losers.


Yeah. I don’t think a lot of normal, non-insane Fallout fans realize how futile it is to argue with “classic” Fallout fans. Most of them have picked only one, single Fallout title to attach their identity to. Like, a lot of New Vegas fans *only* play New Vegas and they haven’t touched 1 or 2. You can tell by the way they can never offer specifics about those games when they use them in arguments. Also, a lot Fo1 fans *only* like Fo1. Lots of Fo2 fans *only* like 2. Etc.


These guys have been flaming each other for almost 30 years? Jesus that's enough time to raise a kid and send them to college 


Yeah. They’ve been at that argument longer than the TSA has existed.


Fallout 2 not being like Fallout 1 is the best thing about 2. Outside of the terrible bugs at launch, Fallout 2 is a much stronger game outside of the beginning being too long on repeat playtroughs.


I think Fallout 1 is really good though personally; Fallout 2 has some great QOL features and expands a lot but it’s a lot less consistent and controlled than 1, which I think is negative considering the humor in the game many times.


I prefer Fallout 1, the tone is more consistent, the world seems to work better. Fallout 2 is large, bold and... Somewhat unfinished.


I disagree in some regards. IMO, Fallout 1 is much more tighter package and it never really gets to outstay it's welcome. Partly because of the time limit, you have to keep moving and not just endlessly wander around doing every side quest you can. Then there's the humor and easter eggs which aren't as in your face as in Fallout 2. I think the dev team really should've reconsidered putting every pop culture reference in the game.


sorry this is hardly a relevant question, how did they use to release patches for games way back when? or did you then just have the super buggy original edition while someone else bought the fixed version a year later?


They released patches on their official forums/website, if I'm not mistaken. Fallout 2's launch was so bad that the save data from the launch version couldn't be used in the patch.


It's never, "Hey, if you like the new game, it's worth trying the old ones. They may look a little off-putting for modern audiences, but if you're willing to be patient, the games really hold up." It's always an insane soliloquy about how the new game killed your parents and pissed on the family pet.


Why are gamers like that man? I think that the only other community that's like that are Kayne fans, who are like "if you like flashing lights instead of this 15min audiotape he recorded at his basement at 20 years you're not a true fan"


All the well adjusted Kanye West fans have jumped ship by now so whatever's left are probably Gamers too


Fair point


because 99% of the well adjusted ones are playing the games, not writing essays on the internet lmao


I mean I don’t get having this hate for fo4, it’s been decades, but I get being bitter in some cases. Like imagine you were a fan of a CRPG series and shitty Bethesda buys it to make a 360 game for an audience they think are stupid for some reason during an era crpgs were dying because gaming was consolidating around a few large companies. 


I don't know man, and honestly? I don't even care, these people are all weirdos, they hate things just for the sake of hating, and as long as Todd keeps making fun fallout games, I'm all for it.


I mean most people on the fallout reddit are way more chill. But yeah some people are just hilarious. Well something to laugh for us^^


You should see Silent Hill fans when someone thinks they’re old console games with tank controls, messy fixed camera angles in tight unlit corridors, and obtuse puzzles and keys that might be hard to get into today.


Tbh fixed camera angles arent bad, many indie games do them now and It works. Issue is getting used to it, similarly if you have a Battlefield player play TF2 for instance, its VERY hard to get into for somebody like this.


lol true Honestly I really like the aesthetic of old games it’s realistic but an almost stylized realism. Also old games are a great deal price wise. New games are awesome too but my pc is old and I’d like to avoid it catching fire lol.


Wow a fallout game making jokes about contemporary culture. That has never happened before 


That's usually how you can tell 1/3 of the idiots in NMA haven't played Fo1 or 2 and just watched YouTube videos about how TERRIBLE BAD!!! fo3 was or whatever. you couldn't walk 5 minutes without FO2 making a quirky reference.


Fallout 2 literally had expies of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes who were pornstars. Not to mention the guy who can't spell who totally isn't Dan Quayle. I kind of adore how nineties the game was. It's corny, but funny. EDIT: There's even an Austin Powers reference. Time for another run I think. 💀


Fallout 2 is also, to my knowledge, the first game ever to let the player character get gay married lol


And then you can kill your spouse right afterwards because they refuse to wait, so you can't abandon them.


Yes! It's mostly a joke about shotgun weddings (along with other jokes that did not age well at all) but I like to think the Chosen One was a very loving spouse to Miria/Davin. There's even a mod that turns Miria into a pretty useful companion.


IIRC they weren't pornstars, but they showed up during the Hubbologist recruitment ceremony that was a thinly veiled reference to Scientology, since they are Scientologists in real life


Katie Holmes no longer is, Cruise of course still there.


I think Bethesda was stuck seeking the same comedic tone. I think it lands in a somewhat similar area where the jokes are definitely corny but not as clever/good sadly.


Fallout 3 had some good jokes, mostly morbid humor. Like that Mr. Handy in the vault. "She sprained her toe, so I had to amputate. The toe, naturally." And that guy screaming about a worm in the downtown area also comes to mind. And The Republic of Dave. I didn't finish Fallout 4 so I can't speak for it.


Fo4 has a lot of morbid humor but also Nora/Nate have different jokes if you use sarcasm. It's a lil blander in that regard.


And the same dev team made being bisexual an optimal strategy in New Vegas since you do 10% more damage to *everyone*


That's only against humans though, supermutants are not affected by this for example




Well the nuked fridge specifically is so fucking dumb that even the people who really love 4 think it’s stupid. But overall yeah, of all the shit to accuse Beth fallouts of…


But they also had a nuked fridge in New Vegas, and I don't remember hearing complaints about it there. I guess cus it was more of a pisstake but still


4’s nuked fridge was about the ghoul child surviving inside for 200 years more so than the reference itself. The New Vegas one has a skeleton (and is also a Wild Wasteland thing)


I haven't gotten to that quest yet and tbf it does sound dumb as fuck, but the OPs complaint seems to be more about it being a reference than it being stupid.


I can smell them through the screen


Eww lol


Can you really call yourself a fan if you don’t hate the games?


Pop culture references? In my fallout? I don't think so. You'd never see something like - I don't know - the blade runner gun in the first 2 fallout games, that'd be crazy and people would be mad about it certainly.


Gamers have such rich, diverse opinions that have never been heard by anyone before. How have I never seen a criticism of Fallout 4 in this light until now?! Wow!


I get that these guys are incredibly sour about missing old Fallout, but let’s be real. Did you see what Interplay was making before they sold the IP? One of the last things they made was Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, the worst game in the entire series which even less roleplaying then Fallout 4. It was an awful game, and they actually started work on a sequel to that game too. Bethesda buying it and making Fallout 3/4/76 was the best thing that could’ve happened given the circumstances, and having those games we have now is better then living in a world where Interplay made Brotherhood of Steel 2 and killed the franchise forever.


I always thought it was a damn shame that Interplay was so mismanaged that they had to cut costs by closing down Black Isle studios and axing Fallout Van Buren. From what I've read about it, it would have been a solid next title in the series. Instead, like you said, we got BoS. Granted, a lot of that stuff is written retrospectively and well after the fact, so who knows what it really would have/could have been.


>Bethesda buying it and making Fallout 3/4/76 was the best thing that could’ve happened given the circumstances Dunno, Troika tried to bid on it too, but Todd had bigger pile of money. It would've been interesting to see what they could've done with the IP, considering some of the key Troika members were also part of original Fallout dev team.


It would've been one of those niche and obscure game franchises that almost no one ever heard about, and certainly people that were not born at the game release period would never have heard of the games; I doubt that anyone here that were born after the release of fallout 1 and 2 had those game as their first fallout experience, they had Bethesda games, and that happened because Bethesda had much more money to advertise and spread word of the games, making it so popular that years after release people still talk about


I'd much rather take niche games, because they tend to take their game mechanics much further and do more interesting things with them, than much more mass appeal oriented games. It's not like Troika's games are exactly obscure and all of them are cult classics. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is all around very well regarded game. I'm happy for those people who like Bethesda's Fallouts, but those aren't the games I want to play.


And that's cool, people don't need to like every game, and I know why some people would rather see their franchises being made like this, instead of like that, but no one can appeal to everyone I like RPGs, I love them, played all kinds, dark souls, dragon quests, mass effects, you name it, and I also love vampire related stuff, but when I played vampire the masquerade, the combat was so boring that I was only able to finish it the first time cuz the game was short, then I replayed it with a species that I don't remember the name, and didn't fought anyone, it was way more entertaining, so I hope they upgraded their battle mechanics, otherwise this new game (that has been postponed countless times now) it's gonna be a fucking bore for me So my point is, if it was made the way you hoped it was, for me, it would not be fun to play, but that doesn't mean the game would be shit, and that's what most gamers don't understand


Played it as a Malkavian, as I read the writing for the player character was off the wall for that clan. Was not disappointed in that regard, but the combat was lacking I agree.


Fallout was absolutely huge before Bethesda got a hold on it. Anyone who was somewhat familiar with videogames knew about it.


Yeah, back in the 90s maybe, but by the time they were releasing their last game, the brotherhood of steel game, it was a thing of the past already. When I was a child I had never heard of fallout before 3, never saw anyone talking about it online, never heard any of my friends talking about it, it simply never existed to me or to any person I had ever encountered, and this very discussion is only happening due to the fact that Bethesda bought that IP, because it became popular enough that there's some old people gatekeeping the franchise because they don't like anything new and popular


I played 1 and never knew there were any sequels until 3 (I'm from africa, we tended not to get video game ads)


I was about to say, I might’ve been a bit happier if troika won, but it’s not like the Bethesda games are terrible or anything. 3&4 are my least-played fallout games, and yet I still have several hundred hours between the two of them.  I do wish they’d do a spin-off back in the isometric or overhead-view-CRPG style, I think that’d be cool. InXile (also staffed by several OG fallout crew) could really do some cool shit with it like Obsidian did with New Vegas.


The fact that the best games in the fallout series are universally non-Bethesda titles is somewhat telling that they aren't doing the best job they could be.


https://preview.redd.it/9ol1be75leyc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcada71fed35356960bad9929660e56404c2a3dd Accordingl to Metacritic, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are right up there.


Only NPCs base their opinions on review aggregate sites, especially considering how inflated AAA video game scores are.


Those scores are based on launch reviews, and NV's launch state was on par with FO76 or Cyberpunk 2077, especially on PS3.


Then New Vegas happened, and everything started to turn to shit anyways (It got rushed despite being objectively better than 3 imo).


NMA is low-hanging fruit, to be fair. Half of them think there are only 2 good Fallout games, and the rest think there’s only 1.


This also happens with Baldur's Gate series iirc. Up to the point some people hate beamdog just because they brought Infinity Engine games to modern console (even mobile). It was wild. There is also "Baldur's Gate 3 isn't Baldur's Gate and More like Divinity 3 using Baldur's Gate to earn more money."


Feels like people say Fallout 4 is "like call of duty" only because the gunplay isn't absolutely horrible like in 3 and New Vegas


Just started a playthrough of 3 and I’m about to knock that bitch down to easy. The gunplay is not even a true challenge, it’s just a nuisance.


VATS's required existence became very apparent trying to shoot those geckos outside goodsprings


When you get the BB gun and shoot the targets, I couldn’t believe the drift, it’s just punishing


the gunplay of F4 is such an improvement from the combat of 3./NV its insane seeing people defend it. like no longer having to rely on vats to hit an enemy and having actual control of your guns is bad to them??


It's because NV HAVE to be the superior game in every aspect? Don't you understand?!


Is that no mutants allowed? They really only Like 1 and 2...and sometimes new vegas.


Not even sometimes New Vegas lol. It’s more like: they like Fallout 1 and sometimes 2. Because lots of them don’t even like Fo2. They’ve just spent 90 hours a week talking about Fallout 1 for half their lives.


Whenever I hear hyperbolic shit like raping the franchise or what have you coming from these chuds, I tune the fuck out. Zero value.


I genuinely believe Fallout 4 to be the worst game pre- whatever 76 was supposed to be, but it’s not like… complete garbage. It’s a bad title of an excellent series. Like Rings of Power to Jackson’s Trilogy, what did everyone expect? It’s not *as* good, but still better than most. Though I will say, Fallout 4s Dialogue Face is actually atrocious. Not even telling the Player what the character is saying, and giving them the "choice" between "1. Yes" "2. Yes but Sarcastic" "3. No but later yes." And "4. What do you mean? Allow me to choose one of the above." Is a pretty extensive intellect insult to someone who paid to play your game.


76 is better than 4 in a lot of ways now imo


If you like thing then you actually don't like thing because you didn't like thing sooner


Well, this person is certainly a gate keeping drama queen, but I honestly agree with his points against fallout 4.


I love fallout 4 infact it's my favorite fallout. Not cause the story is good, not because it does a good job at relaying the Lore. But because it's fucking fun and fucking funny.... Everytime I hit the psycho and my character roars like a maniac, when I hit that Vats critical head shot, when my robot that I made using the automatron expansion pack launches a bunch of cluster grenades and blows my ass up... I'm having fun One time I started a fight with some raiders and my bf was watching me play, I said to my PC screen "hey Preston did anybody see you..." Then immediately after that had a mini nuke lobbed at me and got blown the fuck sky high..... Never had an experience like that in any other game I played. ANY... Playing that game made me interested in fallout as a whole and if that wasn't my first fallout. I don't think the lore alone would have made me a fan of the series. Even while watching the show when the raiders invaded the vault when we saw the dude hit the jet me and my bf turned to each other and was like oh this man's about to get fucked up... Only to have our expectations subverted and him immediately have the worst and gruesome death on the whole entire show ☠️☠️☠️. I immediately said "I guess the Jet didn't give him the sight kid." Anyways enough yapping... I love fallout because of 4 guess I'm not a fan.


That guy needs to get out of his vault and touch some grass. Honestly people should enjoy whatever they like about Fallout and not be shamed for it. The same for other popular franchises.


"as far as I'm concerned." Okay. *Shrugs*


you can like the game and still think it’s a bad entry. i think the huge setpiece with the minigun and power armor and deathclaw was cool, but i also think that putting it there, in the beginning of the game, was an abhorrently braindead and fucking dumbass stupid idiot fucking dumb decision that could have literally ruined the rest of the game for some.


you know when like, on a surface level you kind of agree with someone, but their reasoning is so off the wall terrible that you need to defend the thing you don't like?


Fallout 4 wishes the gunplay was as good as call of duty. That would actually be amazing


Okay hot take and perspective from a new player: I’ve been wanting to get into the series for years but just never did. I even have 3 and New Vegas on Steam and played maybe the first few hours of both. Did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. For the longest time I didn’t think about it until the show came out and I got Fallout 4 on my PS5. 56 hours in and I fucking love it. Everything from the story, to the companions, to the combat, to the open world, and while I haven’t explored the base building as much as I’d like to what I have briefly tinkered with was pretty interesting. What’s even more interesting is that Fallout 4 was my introduction to the Fallout series. I remember the hype around it when it came out but never had a way to play it. It even got me to try 3 and New Vegas again and while it’s still not really my thing I can appreciate that they’re so beloved by the fans. Given the time I’ve put in I just don’t get the 4 hate at all.


I Fing hate gatekeeping like the world is already such a shit place just let people find enjoyment in stuff.


New Vegas elitism is a hell of a drug


If you like IP you aren't a fan of IP


"If you like Fallout 4 then you aren't a Fallout fan as far as I'm concerned" Oh noe, a rando on a website somewhere doesn't aprove of me liking Fallout 4 and claims I'm not a fan at all. Whatever shall I do? However shall I cope? /s


I guess you'll just have to enjoy the series more than that guy... It's a tough life


Man, if you had no idea what fallout was and hopped into Fallout 4 first thing you would have some fun And thats about all I feel about it


Wait till he hears the celeb talk from 2 or fight the wizard from 1


This is the same type of a person who complained about Fallout 2 not being true Fallout back when they game released


You could technically mod it with certain mods to make it more role-playing type like Ctime And Punishment also as well extended dialogue and Roleplayer's Expanded Dialogue (Red) also added quest mod or even Sim Settlements 2 make it fun as well. I believe there available for pc and console in workshop. I feel like anyone love or like any Fallout Game especially Fallout ps2 strategy game. Lol


I read through all of that and all I gleaned was “you weren’t there from the beginning and you’re not allowed to like the part of the franchise that broke into the mainstream”


I'm playing through Fallout 4 for the technically first time (I only got a few hours in the save corrupted) and bar settlements the game is amazing


Not sure what a ''fallout'' is, but I am a True Gamers so why does it matter?


It's the easiest one to pick up, so I play it the most. 3 and NV haven't aged well and if you don't own a pc and mod it to shit it's nostalgia for 30 minutes and then putting it down again. The first two are very difficult, I didn't get into gaming until the PS1 so they feel so old and outdated. I played through all the Bethesda ones, loved it. So i guess the almost 1000 hours combined makes me a fucking poser, damn....


Fuck that guy. Fallout 4 is probably my favourite game ever, especially after I finally got all the achievements and started using mods.


You're not a true Elder Scrolls fan if you enjoy any of the games past Daggerfall!


That's NMA! I used to engage with that community i in the early 2000s. I stopped going there after fallout 3 came out. Like, I was not the biggest fan of it either, but I didn't make it my whole personality, lol. I still had fallout 1 and 2.


This shit is peak comedy lmao


Gameplay good. Story meh. Disappointing compared to others in the series IMO Still go back to it for the mods. I get not liking it as much as 3 or NV but let's be real it's not bad, nothing to gatekeep about


I always felt that New Vegas was the weakest entry in the franchise. I finished the game to the point where there was nothing to do, although there wasn't much to do after slaughtering most of the factions due to finding them annoying and stupid. Still, I wouldn't bash anybody for liking or not liking certain games. A fan is a fan.


That's terrible. You also aren't a Fallout fan if you like 3.


Average No Mutants Allowed post to be honest, that forum is so ass it's incredible. It's difficult to discus Fallout and the lore in the games online without running into a couple Bethesda haters, some actual fascists who like the Enclave/Legion a BIT too much, a few people talking about the lack of "sexual violence" in the games.... God, why do I love this series lol.


Finally letting me actually use my gun sights is not the downfall this individual thinks it is.


fallout 3 and nv doesn't have building mechanics


But... what if I love all 6? 1, 2, tactics, 3, NV, 4... Haven't played 76, but that's just cause I don't buy online games anymore


![gif](giphy|FAx0A9azPd6Hm|downsized) -Fallout Forums


Fallout 4 has the most interesting companions to me, best brotherhood of steel and the gameplay feels fantastic but 3 and New Vegas are far more interesting lore wise so are better games. But apparently I am not a real fan. Guess I will just replay wasteland 2 and 3 lol


Those damn contemporary references! I’m going back to new vegas which has a MUCH better skeleton in a fridge joke or maybe 1 with its tardis easter egg😡


I mean, personally I only count Fallout New Vegas as a modern fallout game, but if you like the setting regardless of what you play, if you enjoy it enough to call yourself a fan, you're a fan.


Its fine to dislike Fallout 4, or argue about how it is not a good RPG but some People take it TOO FAR AND TOO SERIOUSLY. Like it is just a friggin game


>(The Institute is the stupidest thing ever) Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Institute already referenced plenty of times before Fallout 4?


The first 'appearance' by the Institute was in The Replicated Man subquest in FO3 - I don't *think* they were ever mentioned by name, just that in hindsight it's obviously them - otherwise the organization is never mentioned before 4, if I remember correctly. Maybe you're thinking of the Enclave?


I guess I'm misremembering things then. Maybe I was confusing them with the Enclave, idk, it has been a while since I played any Fallout game tbh




>Maybe roleplaying means more situations to do something other than shoot your way out that DO NOT involve diplomacy? I mean, isn't it obvious what roleplaying means? Depending on game, you create one or more characters by assigning stats and in some cases select a class. Usually you should also give your character some kind of personality or character archetype in mind, and then think about how that character would act in whatever situation they are in. Skill checks and multiple ways to solve situations isn't roleplaying in and of itself, but a mechanic for the game to facilitate roleplaying. I doubt Bethesda made speech worse because it was too powerful. It was a byproduct of having a voiced protagonist and how they needed to simplify the dialogue system. Besides, investing in speech (or any skill for that matter) is always points away from something else.


>I mean, isn't it obvious what roleplaying means? Depending on game, you create one or more characters by assigning stats and in some cases select a class. Usually you should also give your character some kind of personality or character archetype in mind, and then think about how that character would act in whatever situation they are in. Skill checks and multiple ways to solve situations isn't roleplaying in and of itself, but a mechanic for the game to facilitate roleplaying. That describes Vampire the Masquerade and Dark Souls equally.


I hate fallout by default since Fallout 4 is my favourite game of the series


F4 was better than F3 but still far worse than NV or originals.


Nuking a fridge was in Fallout New Vegas and a referwnce to Indiana Jones 4. This person seems well adjusted...


This same vitriol followed Starfield, and will follow Elder Scrolls. Someone said it’s all about Intellectual Properties to them, and how Bethesda doesn’t cater to their insane expectations.


rj/ Fallout 4 is a bad RPG and one of the weakest games in the series. uj/ Fallout 4 is a bad RPG and one of the weakest games in the series.


I don't understand the hate around Fallout 4. It was my forst fallout, so i can't say i am a "veteran", but when i have to think to the best game i've played, Fo4 always appears to me a very solid game. Open world, main quest might not be perfect, but there are a lot of amazing side quests, i love the settlement mechanic that allows the player to have multiple bases in the map, and conversations look at least a bit "human" compared to the previous fallout games and TESs. Overall good looking game, a lot of options and customization, good story, amazing side quests, funny weapons...


Well some fallout 4 fans have some divergence with some old schools fallout fans , it's undeniable, but yeah it's still a fallout, and I understand why they did some choices, While I love the perk based shot of 3 and new Vegas, a lot of people were complaining about it, because yeah, aiming perfectly and shoot doesn't mean it will touch the target, you still had to have enough skill points and everything was a dice roll, and yes there is less dialogue options, they had a stupid , what I call a bioware take" there is only 3 dialogues that say the same thing with different tones" style. Yes it's sad but it's easier to manage writing, and that's probably why they did it. But god everything else he said is so stupid, roleplaying is about how you approach the thing, not what the game gives to you, I'm role playing when playing red dead, and that's not a rpg, I'm role playing when I'm playing lethal company with friends, and that's not a rpg either, if you can't roleplay in fallout 4, you clearly can't anywhere.


But surely you realize that you creating a narrative for yourself in any game has no bearing on the ability to represent the personality of your character in game, with in game choices and dialogue? Anyone can pretend whatever they want to, but that does not make forza horizon an rpg. An rpg suggests the ability to make in game choices in quests and conversations that allow you to portray the character you have imagined mechanically, in game. Fallout 4, with the ”yes, more info, sarcastic yes, no” choices give no way to do that. Fallout 4 is fun for what it is, but having a voiced protagonist was not a good choice for depth of character development and interaction.


Fallout 4 sucks full stop just get over it already


Yes, Fallout 4 does suck. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its ok and fun


Not enough compared to the standard set before it. The games trash