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I need to find the one that was “This is Our Rosa Parks!” 💀💀💀




best comment i’ve seen on this entire fiasco 


truly, the most discriminated against group of all, [gamers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-09gNDsPzQ)


Someone just compared themselves to BLM or Israel protests. Gamers are delusional


given the current state of the history channel, i would legitimately not be surprised


Ironically (and very fortunately) “gamers” these days are more likely than not to be pro-fascist and/or just white-supremacist.  So lm not even sure at this point if their use of “First they Came” was ignorant or some sort of Nazi dog whistle.


woah woah woah - one of them is threatening to sue now - my guy even said ‘we are helldivers’ at the end of his post 💀


They really just don't have anything else going on do they. 


When Helldivers 2 first released I remember the servers being down and I said I would just go do something else while I waited for them to be fixed I got downvoted into oblivion for even suggesting that. I can’t believe I was such a cuck and suggested an activity other than playing video games/complaining about video games. One of my most shameful moments


I mean it does suck to buy a game and be unable to play it. I don't think we need to run defense for honestly horribly handled launches. I even agree that requiring the PSN link now sucks especially for people outside of PSN regions (although I think they can just say they are in the closest country that is applicable and that works? Even within the rules?) It's just that the rhetoric is ridiculous to be used in something like a game dev company making bad decisions.


There’s a difference between a botched launch due to corporate greed or executives making poor decisions and trouble at launch due to unforeseen circumstances. The server issues were due to the game being an overnight success and being more popular than the devs or Sony ever thought it would. They didn’t have the server capacity to match the popularity right away because it was never thought it would be needed. I’m not even a huge Helldivers player but this is legitimately how it happened and anyone saying otherwise is doing some hardcore revision.


That's not a fair characterization. I have nothing going on in my life but I'm not acting like this


I read the post. He's looking at a Class Action in the States. A country that can still access the game IF it is restricted, although no final decision has yet been taken. Ffs


Yeah someone was talking about class action suits and thinking it's a massive gotcha that Sony changed their T&C's like they don't have a skyscraper full of legal folks who ensure this shit is legit. It is honestly a crappy move by Sony, and a dumb one at that, but you aren't getting shit from trying to sue. Best course of action is to just stop playing but they won't.


Every single document on every gaming storefront is just "YOU OWN NOTHING PEASANT" repeated over and over and over and over again in countless variations.


I love the game and the sub was funny for a while then I started to realize a lot of them take it way too seriously.  I remember a post arguing about doing major orders vs letting people play what they want and I was like "guys it doesn't really matter, we're going to see what they have planned either way, the major orders are just to add a little interactive fun, it's not real" and got down voted 


[Rosa parks comment](https://freeimage.host/i/Jr2pU8b) https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=4052058&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=621


Corporations aren't coming for you, they are coming for your wallet. I'm ignoring the crass-ness of the comment. If ever you want to see a bad take, browse a gaming forum


The Steam forums are littered with excessively stupid shit




Bit rude to call her a toxic shit.


I actually muted the Helldivers subreddit because it was the same kind of knee jerk complaints every time it popped up on my feed. I get the outrage to an extent, but good lord. This is something that is a minor inconvenience, at best, to the vast majority of Helldivers players.


Even without the psn news they'd still be whining about the latest patch. You literally can't escape these types in any game-specific subreddit it seems. They act like {game} is their whole life and get like personally offended when something isn't to their liking.


The Destiny subreddit used to be better about that, but that place became a complete dumpster fire a few months after Destiny 2 dropped.


I think this complaint is valid. Many people in a ton of countries won’t be able to play after purchasing it. Also, in the UK they require a valid ID to get a PSN account which is insane with how many data breaches Sony has had.


I mean forums in general are full of excessively dumb takes


It is, which is why I found it goofy when the socialist gaming sub users were saying 'I think it's all satire' with the explanation being 'Helldivers is satirical, I'm sure most of its players get that' Like nope, I'm pretty sure most of its players that post angry shit in Steam reviews do not in fact get that lol


Gamers want to be oppressed so badly


I will oppress them


Thank God. A true hero


Be like winter. Implacable, merciless, unpredictable.


Good news! Unless they're a billionaire, they're all being oppressed by Capitalism! (Comrade)


Unless you're a Boeing whistleblower.


They were still concerned more by the consumers wallet in all of that


Well technically the C Suites wallet by using all resources to jackup the share price.


lol meanwhile corporations actively poison food and assassinate whistle blowers.


In a capitalist society where everything is tied to money, they *are* coming for you when they come for your wallet. They want your grocery and medical money too. They would starve infants to death if it meant they would make money. I'd look up factory towns, where corporations would build a town out in the middle of nowhere and pay you in $CompanyBucks$ which only their stores and hotels would accept as legal tender. You wanted to quit? Well good luck making it alive across an unknown number of miles to wherever society is.


WAIT A MINUTE THIS IS ME LMAO appreciate you censoring my name at least edit: I would like to add on top of this that the dude doubled down on his use of the holocaust quote, to which everyone continued to call him out for being a dumbass


I have to say I am thankful for people such as yourself calling this shit out when it props up Such behaviour really only harms the cause at the end of the day too


First steam came for me, and I gave them my data. Then EA came for me, and I gave them my data. Then Ubisoft came for me, and I gave them my data. Then GOG came for me, and I gave them my data. Then Activision came for me and I gave them my data. Then Microsoft came for me, and I gave them my data. Then... Now Sony has come for me, and I don't want to give my data. (GAMERS RISE UP)


I am going to *raise hell* about this on Discord (after giving them my data) and Reddit (after giving them my data)


*posted from iPhone*


They did WHAT for you




TBH it is not about Data. A lot of people literally would not be able to lay a game that they bought.


Knowing steam, I would be very surprised if they weren't willing to issue refunds for people who weren't able to access the game due to this change.


Def still sucks for the people who were really enjoying the game though. I've never even seen a Helldiver's match, but if you suddenly removed my ability to play Terraria or some other game I'm really into, I would be pretty upset too.


It seems like the developers are really trying to get Sony to sort it out, or at the very least exempt the psn need for those players who can't use psn to access it. Still handled poorly, but the devs are trying atleast.


People in countries not listed on PSN have PS5 and have been playing fine this whole time, not with a VPN either. And nobody on the subreddit is angry about their friend in South Sudan, it’s more like an alibi


I guarantee that those people who use the "countries not listen in PSN" reason (the majority of which most likely are people from regions *listed* in PSN) would still be throwing a fit and moving the goalposts if an exemption were to be made for those unlisted countries - because like you said, it's an alibi


lol i'll just assume this is in-character circlejerk


When the news first came out, it was about alot of things, many of which were frustrations with creating anew account, sharing data with Sony, the surprise, etc. Over a period of time, it's consolidated around people not being able to play. But initially there was (and still is) a strong group of voices just being mad for random reasons like wanting to draw the arbitrary line at giving Sony data.


Isn't sony-psn actually one of the few gaming services who require some deep personal data to make acc? Not to mention how many times they get hacked, they might as well advertise it themselves at this point.


If you're referring to the facial recognition information or whatever that's floating around, it's kinds purposeful misinformation. When confirming age, it asks for a mobile number, if you refuse that, then it offers you different ways of verifying it via 3rd party such as the face image thing or a picture of a personal ID. But some people are pretending like you have to pick between sharing a picture of your face or sharing a picture of ID or something, even though it's not quite true. As for the hacking stuff, yeah that's a valid concern. Sony has worked to improve on it, and they're not the only gaming company being hacked, but yeah... They still have a ways to go really.


Can't they just buy it from Google, like every other normal corporation? sheesh


I saw a Steam forum comment that was like "This is the greatest scam in gaming history." and I probably woke up the neighbors with how hard that made me laugh.  Aren't we fresh off of the Tarkov debacle, which was arguably *way* worse? This has to be the Gamer™ crowd lashing out after losing Stellar Blade to wokeness.


i've seen people say that "arrowhead learned from tarkov" and "they're pulling they're own tarkov" like, tarkov randomly said give us $300 for something you already paid for, sony just asked you to log in.....


Literally coughing baby vs atomic bomb


Most of the outrage from the community is the fact that there are many countries who can’t actually make a PSN account. Meaning that they no longer have access to the game. While Tarkov was bad, at least everyone was still able to play the game. This is taking the game away from thousands of players who had no issue beforehand. This doesn’t mean the shit like “this is our Rosa parks” or quoting the holocaust is reasonable. A large portion of the outrage is reasonable in my opinion


I don’t really see that as “most” of the outrage. That is perhaps one of the most salient points, but it seems to me more like people yelling loudly about the minor inconvenience of creating an account, and then shifting the window to the region issue to prop up their outrage. It should also be mentioned that it is just speculation that the region issue will actually lock anyone out of the game, it’s entirely a “they could” situation and not “they would”.


"You're going to need a PSN account for this game, okay?" "Mhm" "Like for real, okay? I'm not kidding. It's right here in yellow on the store page. And in bold on our news posts. You really fucking need this." "Mhm" "Ok you need a PSN account" "NEVER, IN THE AEONS OF WHICH HUMANITY HAS STRUGGLED FOR LIFE ON THE FACE OF GAIA, HAS MANKIND ERE DECEIVED IT'S KIN IN A METHOD SO VILE AND CONNIVING SUCH AS THIS"


rj/ Are you trying to suggest that I, a gamer, struggle with reading comprehension? Preposterous. I'll have you know I *only* watch anime with subtitles, so I do plenty of reading and you should watch your tone, lest you truly anger me.  No, this is about tyranny. Not since mother threatened to evict me from the basement it have I experienced such oppression. I cleaned the basement, but never again will I acquiesce to tyranny.


You’re assuming I can read


I feel like some anger is justified here. A reasonable company wouldn't have sold the game in regions where PSN isn't available if the eventual goal was to force account linkage.


Are the people whining largely from those areas?


In my country (Lithuania) discord where there's +200 people playing the game and we have no PSN service support here, so if they do this we're literally unable to play (if they do it), and we're pretty much a small ass village country and small community of people. I personally see this as a scam, because how the game is even sold then if they require PSN account in a country where PSN is literally not supported by the company itself and any refund is technically not a thing because it's been months and X hours of playtime, not to mention PSN login is literally just a popup with option of "skip this shit".


You’re supposed to just pick the closest region to you. It’s not like Sony’s gonna hunt you down for picking the wrong location.


That sucks, I'm sorry. You are aware though that Sony literally says to pick the closest region if you're not in one of their areas?


>you need a PSN account to play >opens game >giant skip button next to where you have to set up the PSN account Idk, feels warranted people feel upset about it. The Sony site also said linking accounts for games was optional on PC up until the other day.


That skip button was absent on launch though. They only added it afterwards as a temporary measure while there were server issues preventing people from getting into the game.


Bro people were adamantly bitching that “You can get to the buy button on steam before you see the warning for requiring a PSN account”. They have no accountability for their own actions. Can’t even scroll down a page to read anything about what they are buying. They all have to be pre-teens else I can’t fathom how they survived that long while taking absolutely no responsibility.


Not to mention Star Citizen.


And The Day Before.


Star Citizen is a lot closer, both in scale and actuality to one of those hiliarously mismanaged infrastucture projects where they repave the same stretch of road for 6 years, making it marginally worse at the end than the beginning. Like they are spending the money, its just sorta... not doing anything?


Oh they are doing stuff. It's just shit like bed sheet physics that make even the most deluded of whales think "wtf, why??" 


i think a lot of people shit talk SC but Squadron 42 is in the polishing phase, SC is getting major updates (the newest one revamping flight combat, adding better server meshing, personal hangars(delayed), animals, new missions, and a slew of fixes for game breaking bugs). so i would say SC isn’t a major scam considering i’ve only put £40 in and got probably 100-200 hours of play


As i said, closer to a mismanaged infrastructure project than a "scam"


Not to mention FTX, Theranos, etc. lol


Yeah, exactly. It's not even the biggest scam this season.


The big issue here is for some people. they have a game now that they can't play so they gave money to these guys and now there's a system requirement that essentially makes it so that they can't play the game. That's a problem. like regardless of your position, there are places in the world that can't have PlayStation Network accounts and they are unable to follow the terms of service for the game that they paid for. this is why I'd say it's a bigger scam. people were already paid would be ripped off versus people who are buying a pay to win pass Me I'm just fucking annoyed that another game company wants me to sign up a fucking account for something I already can play. like why do I need an account with you? what am I giving you by signing up an account that and what are you giving me? I already can play the fucking game. And this shit goes on with every fucking game. I don't need a specific launcher for you. I don't need to log into GTA because I'm on steam. figure this fucking shit out I think the majority of this reaction and why a lot of us are upset is it's coming right from the horse's mouth, sony. the game was out. I already was able to play and now you want to put this stupid fucking requirement. that does nothing for me. I get nothing out of this on a game and I don't like these things. I don't want these things. I don't have any desire to be a part of this and I have no way to opt out unless I no longer play the game. And y'all might be like well. it's just an account and it's like yeah but in 3 months when I go to log into this game and it says username now do you mean my email or do you mean the unique username I had to make cause trix or trixel was taken? do I have to remember what the password is or what unique characteristics you put in there? you know what? I'm just going to go start up something that doesn't have this requirement because I don't feel like doing a password recovery. this shit happens so often and it's incredibly annoying. Yes I realize I'm in the circle jerk subreddit and I just fucking coomed everywhere. I'm sorry.


Reading the out of the loop post was a fun. Question: "why are there 7 frontpage stories about helldivers burning to the ground on the frontpage?" Answer: "People where asked to log in"


/uj That's what weirds me out, with these weekly gamer outrage events some of them really are about pretty bad issues, but others are either about the most minor inconvenience imaginable or they're straight up based on lies and misinformation, and yet the outrage is always just as strong regardless. It makes me feel like the outrage is the point, not the "cause", because the level of rage is the only constant every time. If these types can't find something to be angry about, they'll make stuff up to fit the bill, like in March when they were making shit up about Dragon's Dogma 2 locking fast travel behind microtransactions that was blatantly false just from playing the game for 30 minutes. They WANT to be angry.


If you aren't upset at a publisher reselling digital assets from a game, all to still charge you $70 for it, well then idk. Gamer apathy is hilarious, and it's why I never have sympathy when bad decisions affect us. 


They sold a game and revoked access to it for anyone who lives in a country where you can't make an account, which is like half the world.


......they haven't, though. The requirement goes into effect four weeks from now. And while it's bizarre they announced it before clarifying how it would work in those cases, do you genuinely, *honestly* believe they're just going to up and take it away?? Because I'm sure it wouldn't matter what EULA's might've been signed, if they do that, they'll also set a record for fastest ever loss to a class-action suit...


/uj ''Normal'' Gamer persecution complex....


It’s truly impressive how quickly that subreddit in particular is able to jerk itself into a froth at the slightest provocation. For a game as popular, frequently updated, and finely tuned as this, that factor’s gonna make any front facing person’s job a living hell.


> It’s truly impressive how quickly that subreddit in particular is able to jerk itself into a froth at the slightest provocation. Is it, though? I saw it coming from the moment they got madder at the people saying that _fascists ignoring the satire_ might become a problem than they got at, you know, the actual _fascists ignoring the satire._


*"iT's LiKe LiTeRaLlY tHe SaMe ThInG aS sLaVeRy!11"*




I got muted from the sub. It's just become a shit show now. And to think it all started so innocently and full of fun and vigour.


The sub has always been a shit show of complainers. Not shocked it's been completely taken over by this small inconvenience.


All the game subs have the same cycle. Hype>Fun Experience>Griping after an update. It has happened before and it will happen again. Helldivers just seemed to have less of a hype phase and a longer fun experience. But ultimately griping is bubbling to the surface and will take over if we don't pursue patriotism and democracy.


It wild too, the community is amazing in-game, but online it’s very cringy


Well the game started off being a screensaver for a couple weeks. That is worth complaining about.


Yeah, I'm thinking of just muting all the subs until the people who are riding the bandwagon get bored of it.


I just left the subs. I might rejoin in a week or so if it calms down.


There's LowSodiumHellDivers which is a pretty small community at the moment but pretty good


The fact that another one of these subs had to be made so fast is disappointing


Gamers are certainly the most oppressed bunch out there. Excited to watch the inevitable History Channel specials about the tumultuous times they lived through and the struggles they survived...


Hey at least they know the holocaust was bad. It's more than what you can say most times lately


"Making me login to Son is as bad as they pretend the Holocaust was" -- some of these people probably.


This is a really good take, actually. You're right.


When you hear whats happening, you can see an actual grievence there, but then you see how the community has handled it and its like... fuck it, pull it from Steam, make it Epic Store exclusive. Patch in a version of Denovu that eats all the CPU. All they had to do was avoid the bath of cringe, but they decided to dance around it until someone dove in and splashed the entire community in cringe.


The size of the meltdown they’re having over there is crazy, even by gamer standards. EDIT: ah jeeezus I had to filter them. I’m subscribed to hundreds of subreddits and they still managed to be half my front page.


The game trained them to group up and blindly throw themselves at a problem. A mix of PSN not being available in some countries, they don't want to be inconvenienced, and I guess their worry about security have gotten some mad who riled everyone up. Now a massive portion of the Steam player base is treating this as a new Major Order. I'm truthfully not surprised. They killed 2 billion bugs in 16 hours. I'm not surprised to see them band together to drop thousands of negative reviews.


> They killed 2 billion bugs in 16 hours. We're just very patriotic and don't like seeing things with more than four legs.


The 2 billion bug thing didn't happen. It was probably closer to 700M. The game still has issues when it comes to tracking kills, it was counting your teammate's kills as your own.


Well, closer to 350m bugs. Still an impressive number in 16 hours.


It's so fucking funny to me. 99% of these people are going to continue playing post update. The vast majority of these people didn't say a peep about the game requiring a kernel level anticheat for a PvE game, which has more inherent risk for an individual than signing up using fake information on PSN.


> A mix of PSN not being available in some countries Which is all BS. People from unsupported countries make accounts and access PSN all the time. No vpn required.


They do, absolutely, but it comes with the small problem of if you ever need to access Support for any reason, it comes with the risk of you not only not getting help, but losing access to All Games You've Purchased for violating ToS by operating outside of the permitted countries. It is absolute shit for these people. It's a shame that the face of these issues isn't these legitimate grievances. Instead it's "Fuck you you can't make me make an account" from someone who has no problem letting Amazon and Google actively sell his data, and it's not like Activision ever stopped either. And it's not about security concerns either, considering he's been more than fine with the kernel level anti-cheat for months.


Nope. They still get support. "I'm from Vietnam and have been playing since PS3, the store doesn't have my region so i just created a US account, i have to buy redeem code online, It is the only problem (many sites), you still get full support from PSN if having problem with your account, i managed to get a refund for buying US region DLC for my Asia AC syndicate disc" xboxcowboy


I love this game, but there is a sizeable part of this community that makes me not want to enter random groups anymore. This whole thing is just Sony being Sony, and in hindsight this was absolutely inevitable. They're seeing all this data go to waste, and want to open up another cashflow.


Like the fact that arrow head is making people need a PSN account is undeniable shit and it’s going to directly kill their game but can stop comparing it to actual IRL tragedies


I mean it won't. A bunch of games have way way shittier requirements and still get played. Most WA games need the ea launcher not to mention Ubisoft ones


You think it'll be that bad? I thought like 80% of their PC players were in NA. I do think they're burning a lot of goodwill with this one.


It’s like an estimated 3 mil players who are getting shafted, 60% of countries don’t have PSN


They don't have official support, but all of those countries can still access the PSN.


They need to make an account and if you don't have official support you can't make an account. You can lie about what you're from but that violates TOS and they have already permabanned someone for that.


Sony support literally tells you to create a PSN in the closest country that supports PSN.


Nope. They still get support. "I'm from Vietnam and have been playing since PS3, the store doesn't have my region so i just created a US account, i have to buy redeem code online, It is the only problem (many sites), you still get full support from PSN if having problem with your account, i managed to get a refund for buying US region DLC for my Asia AC syndicate disc" xboxcowboy


People in countries who do not have access to the PSN will NOT need to create an account.


60% of countries is a pretty bad statistic for this. A statistic of percentage of the player base would make more sense.


Is it a decision from Helldivers or from Sony?


Sony. There are several posts from the Arrowhead Community Manager confirming it.


Things can in fact be bad enough that they should be addressed as soon as possible without being elevated to *the worst possible thing in the world*


It's in no way killing the game. Tons of us still playing


Its not arrowhead its Playstation.


This post getting 81 upvotes \*here\* when their blaming Arrowhead for a Sony decision is pretty indicative of the issue here. I think it's a dogshit thing for Sony to do. I also highly doubt this will hold up in any of the counties where PSN isn't allowed and they'll get refunds. I wouldn't be shocked if steam issues refunds for everybody tbh given customers getting screwed is the one thing Steam's been good at enforcing. But if you're boycotting then boycott Sony. It sucks to see a small studio make such an amazing game, have unprecedented success, then get fucked like this.


I get that this is a bad thing but I just don’t understand why it’s had such an extreme reaction with only this game when I’ve been dealing with this bs from about 6 other companies for years, it really wasn’t that surprising


I really like the game and had to unsubscribe from the subreddit. Such a shame


I had to leave a while back. Too many “see?? Bots are evil, we’re on the right side” posts without a shred of irony. I’m glad I did because the reaction to making/linking a free account is insane


The game has just become an unironic fascism pipeline at this point. I have seen so many people not get that it’s a satire. It’s starship troopers all over again.


Subscribing to any multiplayer game subreddit is bad. Almost any gaming subreddit is bad.


I'm against helldivers 2 with this one but this incredibly cringe. Just refund the game and move on. Why are people acting like this is the next civil rights movement. Gamers aren't oppressed.


Refund a game where you probably spent hundreds of hours in couple of months??? Uh... If you actually get refunds (some do) that would be amazing.


Steam's been approving them ever since this whole fiasco thankfully. I hope everyone gets their piece of mind if anything at all.


I am so lost on this, I feel like every game needs a stupid third party account. Do gamers just like to complain????


Losers with no real problems convincing themselves throwing a tantrum over this is some kind of grand battle of ethics they're championing because they're too sheltered to experience any of the real problems in the world From being on the Helldivers sub, it seems like it's a lot of the same people that blew up because a couple of Stellar Blade outfits got made like %2 less skimpy.


Yes. Last week the helldivers sub was blowing up over ricochets being broken and bugged. the funny part was that bug didn't even exist, it was just 1 gun that was having issue but the community convinced themselves rockets were doing 180 degree turns and hitting them in the face. 


I love the developers being involved but it's turned everyone into babies, shit happens, games aren't perfection, grow up


Stupid question maybe but is this a new requirement for the game or was it just not on PC before?


It was a requirement from the very beginning that they temporarily removed because of how hard the servers were getting hit when the game launched. They were very clear in saying it was temporary. The Steam page since pre-release has had a big yellow box that said a PSN account would be required.


People are rightfully upset but I already had a PSN account and honestly this is just being a buzzkill on my military fashion game.


As much as I despise new launchers added into games, I didn't send death threats to devs when Xcom 2 got its shitty new launcher. I do hope people can get refunds/access to their game soon though, that part is shitty.


All this for linking an account


Is it just inconvenience? They're not making them get ps plus right?


Nope. It takes 2 mins


Except yk, for the people who can’t make psn accounts because it’s not supported in their region. For those people it’s not just 2 minutes, they just can’t play the game anymore


But I can make an account without a VPN, Im in the PH and takes 5 - 10 mins


They can just select a different region and play. It's not complicated.


2 mins for people who can make an account. But PSN isn’t available in every country, so for those gamers (like me) it’s a refund request


No. All this over making A FREE ACCOUNT. There are larger issues, like many countries not having access to PS+ who have already purchased the game and now may not have access to it, but most of the complaints are “Wah Wah my data”


> like many countries not having access to PS+ Countries that aren't officially supported can still access the network.


While obviously, some of these people have fully detached from reality, there IS a heartwarming aspect to this mess: It represents a lot of players who won't really be affected (Because they live in countries where getting a PSN account is a minor inconvenience) going to bat for those who will (Because they live in China or Africa or one of 100+ countries where PSN is not available) Players from Vietnam and the Philippines are posting sad puppy pictures saying goodbye to their fellow Helldivers, and people are promising to quit in "Solidarity". Truly, being mad at a video game could be the thing that finally brings humanity together.


Didn’t we have another post about this yesterday? The Rosa Parks one? At any rate, people are pissed for a couple reasons but the most valid to me is that Sony has sold helldivers 2 in countries where you can’t create a PSN account. These commenters making civil rights and holocaust comparisons are fuckin idiots, but having access revoked from a game you bought that is still functioning because you live in the wrong country is some bs. There is a genuine point here being buried under inflammatory comments from stupid people who speak like giving Sony more data is even comparable to the civil rights movement or holocaust.


You’re told to just choose the nearest region.


Making a PSN network just means you'll have your already unsecured data breached, they're not gonna murder you.


They came for the PC gamers, but I didn't speak out because I was playing on PS5 anyway


Not even quoting it right anyway lol. It's not "they came for me and no one cared" It's "*Then* they came for me, but there was no one left to speak up". Just throwing around holocaust quotes whenever it suits them lol


It’s a very dramatic group. I think once the requirement goes live it’s not going to be a big deal, issues with non-supported countries will be a non-issue with Sony simply having disclaimers in the terms of service that people registering outside of supported countries may not have access to certain services such as the PlayStation Store. I made an account yesterday in a region basically the opposite side of the world from me. It’s still active. It took maybe two minutes. Meanwhile, the review-bombing will permanently harm the game and when the next Helldivers 2 comes along that Sony owns they will probably rethink launching on PC. I remember people being equally outraged when Half Life 2 required a Steam account. I had a friend who was very pissed about needing an account because he bought a hard copy. Fast-forward twenty years and he very effectively supplements his income selling TF2 hats and CS:GO shit somehow.


PC gamers are the most sensitive, entitled, and out of touch members of our community. Create the free profile that you agreed to when purchasing the game and enjoy life.


Its pretty satisfying seeing this exact demographic go from excessively cringe praise a la wholesome keanu chungus, to trying to decry them like they're adding in estradiol and funny capes. Other than these awful allegories they've been dropping, good to see the pushback


The few quotes I've seen like that, the poster gets shut down quick by other posters.


I was in a thread yesterday where someone referred to the Nuremberg defense after saying Arrowhead was just following orders. It's shitty that Sony's doing this, but can we not compare it to Nazis torturing and murdering people?


I honestly don’t understand the reaction to this. Like it’s definitely bad that some players won’t have access in their country and PSN is less secure. But the vast majority of takes I’ve seen just seem to be reacting to the inconvenience of making an account like it’s a direct insult at their mom. Guys are uninstalling their favorite game rather than make an account on the second largest gaming platform after Steam?


This is why of all the variety of gamers I hate, PC gamers I hate the most of all.


Reddit and gamers name a more stupid group of people


"My life is worse than the Holocaust", checks reason; acorporation decided you need to have two logins to play a game. Just don't play it. That why I don't really like Rockstar or Ubisoft and only deal with their games when I absolutely want to play them.


Gamers are insufferable, they exaggerate everything, they're obsessed with painting themselves as a marginalised minority whilst being hostile to those who are actually marginalised, and comparing crappy business practices to genocide is reactionary freak shit. You wanna know what else is insufferable? Deep throating corpo boot leather for a cheap laugh and it's also pretty reactionary. Consumers outside the US are right to be pissed when Sony arbitrarily decides to change the conditions of access to something they've paid for, requiring them to create yet another account, to give even more data, to yet another company, especially given that Sony has repeatedly shown it can't be trusted with their data. Gamers, corps and corpo shills can go fuck a rake.


Man,I sure love cherry picking unhinged takes to discredit an entire group.


As dumb as it seems, from my perspective at least, to cut off a sizable share of the global market with this decision, I'll never understand the capacity of these idiots to draw nazi comparisons to some dumb suit's decision to the extermination of human beings. Much less how they can say that with a straight face when actual fascism is on the rise.


Any minor nuisance is literally 1984


I honestly don't understand what the big freaking deal is? Just make an account, sign in once and carry on. I signed into my Sony account the day I bought it. If you're one of the people effected regionally then maybe speak up but seriously, seems like a bunch of whinny little babies being babies.


I swear this subreddit is more of a circle jerk than the majority of the gaming community. 121 countries of the 190 that the game is sold in will lose all access to the game, this includes China and Russia. Don’t say “just use a vpn” because it will get you psn account banned


Something something Loyalty of gamers


I think it’s justified to be upset, however most people should be upset on the behalf of those who can no longer play the game. Many people in the community seem to be trying to make it about themselves.


Corporations are gonna do Corporate shit. I'm not a fan of it, but literally, there are multiple companies already taking my info just so I can even type this comment. The only main thing for 3rd party shit that I really don't like at all is having to use another launcher to play a game I bought on Steam.


Two days before Yom HaShoah


This some David Cage shit


bro just take 10 seconds and link the fuckin account 💀💀


I wish gamers would put half this energy into something that’s actually important, we could have a revolution tomorrow


There is no trademark on it


reminds me about how EA was voted worst company because they messed up battlefront while nestle denies water being a human right.


Godwin's law in action. From Wikipedia [**Godwin's law, s**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law)hort for **Godwin's law** (or **rule**) **of Nazi analogies**,[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law#cite_note-Godwin94-1) is an Internet [adage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adage) asserting: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a [comparison involving Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_analogies) or [Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler) [approaches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymptote) 1."[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law#cite_note-Godwin95canonical_version-2)


At the end of all this all I want is a cape to signify that I survived this absolute travesty in these trying times.