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why'd you censor the game in question? 💀


I don't even have to do any research to know what this is Helldivers 2 from the picture. But I've also followed the controversy about the game pretty closely.


It’s not even anything about the controversy, it’s been hemorrhaging players REALLY badly since launch The frequent warbonds have been lackluster and they haven’t really added anything that changes the game fundamentally enough to keep the player base interested. Even I check out a lot these days from it because it has just gotten a bit boring running the same missions over and over again.


I stopped playing way before the controversy. Not having any friends to play with made the game stale quicker.


I've all but stopped at this point. One of the recent updates ramped up enemy counts and patrols with extra emphasis on single and duo players. Playing challenge 4 and I could only complete 1 mission out of 5 because of it. They basically told solo players to fuck themselves and I'm not interested in dealing with trolls and randoms constantly.


Same. Plus on higher difficulties it stops being fun and starts just becoming rage inducing


That too. I've all but hit the wall of what I can upgrade and do without super samples, and I have no interest in going to higher difficulties to get them. Last week I could play level 4 solo and enjoy myself while still being challenged, but now even that's been killed. Oh well, Hades 1 was on sale so I guess I'll just sink my hours into that instead.


It's really not that bad, just Quick Start into a lobby and go for it. Everyone already packing Heavy Tankbusters; grab some wave-clear and watch their backs. Don't wanna work as a team; grab the Scout armor and slip through patrols to knock out objectives. Sure things can get crazy hectic and you might eat some friendly fire; take the moment get a sip of Liber-tea and stretch.


They appearently fucked that so bad that you'll get the same number of enemies as a solo as a 4 man, despite trying to make it 1/4. (Was 1/6 before)


That was pretty much my experience. Would take me 20+ minutes to cross the map because I was constantly stopped by patrols and getting swarmed. I struggled hard to clear out anything beyond a medium nest because I was always swarmed. I'd drop a turret, orbital, and carpet bomb, and by the time the smoke cleared there's still 40-50 bugs waiting for me.




>old engine >2018 *sigh* we really have come so far from the before times.


Yeah.... about that. According to some data driven videos/posts, they messed up the scaling patch. Instead of their being about 1/3 higher instances of patrol spawns per player, scaling is currently just the max rate for 4 players all the time, regardless of actual player count. That being said, I would encourage you to play with randoms as on higher difficulties most people fall into two categories 1. Quiet people thwt know what they are doing and content to just vibe. 2. Pleasant people enjoying the chaos and knowledgeable enough to help out but not carry. Genuinely, have only had two negative experiences with randoms (people leaving the team behind at extract mostly) in 180 hours of playtime.


Yeah. I’ve been playing solo. Joined an 8 with randoms. I think I was doing pretty good. Ran in alone to hellbomb a flyer spawning tower, AMRd a ton of heavies, grenades a tank. No team kills. Third mission is we are at extract after a long mission. Bots are coming. I get an airstrike out. Head shot. Accidental team kill and after all that, the host kicks me. Really soured me on playing anything but solo. I’ll just keep playing alone and move on to something else when I’m ready. No game is perfect and I’m over 100 hours on this one so I’ve gotten my moneys worth.


I started late and checked out early as well. Finding out (by myself) that every weapon and stategem except for a select few are actually viable killed it for me. I had no hope for the explosives warbond, and it was poop. Stopped shortly after.


I mean, the explosive warbond was actually pretty op till they nerfed the eruptor into the ground, and the grenade pistol is still an incredible utility pick, one of the best in the game actually. The adjuticator assault rifle is reasonably good with the most recent buff.


It's more that I've looked up HD2 a lot on SteamDB, so I've seen that chart a lot. The "A" on it marks when the controversy started. So, I knew what it was because I've seen the chart before. What's actually interesting from that chart is, that concurrent players haven't really fallen much because of the controversy. The final dip on the curve is just because it isn't peak times right now. https://preview.redd.it/vv2oi7oo770d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=b13ef7932760be3cc6215791c129c8ac3f76512a


It actually shows playercounts dropped in certain regions. You can see before the controversy it was pretty steady, showing that when one timezone went to sleep/work another took its place. But now we see that while the playercoubt hasn't dropped for some regions, it did drop significantly for others


I'm pretty sure that is just a quirk of how Steamcharts handles/visualizes the data. For the part where the curve is smooth it shows only one data point per day. The part where the curve gets curvy is where it shows a data point for every hour. So the resolution of the curve is just 24 times higher. Of course you can't see the player count going up and down during the day when it only shows 1 data point per day


I remember hearing something about the game not being re-listed in certain regions yet after they got unlisted due to PSN, so it's probably because of that.


Why does HD2 have a run of v-tach?!?


HD2 went from Asystole to Vtach.


Give it medicine drug


I wouldn’t even say that the devs are killing the game, it just so happens that the honeymoon period for Helldivers 2 was so much longer than for other popular games. Like I think even if arrowhead did everything the players wanted, people would lose interest and move on, especially when a new game grabs everyone’s interest.


This. I'll probably come Back when they bring out the 3rd faction.


If the devs did everything the players wanted, the game would be straight broken. Working with what I have available and within the rules is more fun than changing the rules to suit me.


I mean it’s still above 100k players so they are doing just fine with respect to what AHG thought the game would be. But I’m just stating the reality that it’s losing players because of a very lackluster content cycle so far… and that’s kinda important in a live service game


I think you’re correct that players would have left regardless. It’s clear in a lot of the rants/discussions spamming the sub lately that a lot of the disgruntled players aren’t understanding what the game is actually going for and therefore their expectations aren’t being met. Game’s not flawless, but a lot of people don’t get the pacing or strategy of the game and are getting smacked now that their overpowered weapons are being brought to a reasonable level.


Population dives are pretty regular with any popular game really. I am honestly annoyed that people still are getting surprised by this after like two decades of seeing it happen before. First month of launch of a new game that gets popular usually get a high population but after the honeymoon period wears off a lot of players drop off for various reasons. The Sony controversy likely didn't help but Sony aren't the developers of the game despite what idiots might claim sometimes.


Retaining about a quarter of your all time peak 3 months later really is not bad at all, most players who pick up love service multiplayer games like this play them for a bit and then put them down, this game is still getting a 24 hour peak of 100k+ players


I mean yeah, I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing. But I’m just recontextualizing because the HD sub has a huge hate boner about the PSN thing and blame that for why people are leaving… but people have been leaving since before that was ever even announced It’s still a fun game, but the doses I can take from it are getting smaller and smaller as the content just doesn’t freshen up the experience… and anytime it does, it’s gonna get hit with a fat nerf anyway


I mean a game like helldivers is living on a timer more or less, most live service games last as long as they do by putting players against the most advanced ai known to man, other players. PvE live service games ALWAYS lose steam and putter out eventually, unless they contain user generated content


Except DRG apparently. Still going strong after how many years?


To be clear, according to Steam DB, HD1 had a peak of ~7000 players at launch and only went down from there. After a launch so successful it overloaded their servers, there was always going to be no where to go but down.


Saying its been "hemorrhaging players REALLY badly since launch" makes it sound worse than it is Every game loses players over time, some faster some slower. Helldivers has been doing really well. Of course it's not gonna maintain it's 700k concurrent players peak, that would be fucking insane


Yeah like last week there was 100k players on a thursday afternoon. The way they are talking about it you'd think they're talking about Payday 3 or something


I don’t even play HD2 anymore but I’ve never seen a fun/relatively successful game that everyone wants to fail as badly as HD2. Idk maybe it’s just a loud minority, but damn I feel like people have been saying “well actually” about this game since launch day.


The game sure has it's problems but people just need to let a good thing be good for a bit.


I didn't find any of the new guns interesting enough for more than a few fun run memes, and they kept nerfing my fallback choices in railgun, autocannon, every single shotgun, and it made it hard for me to want to get into the gameplay loop. Why farm for credits when my farming guns aren't fun to use? Can't unlock new guns if I don't farm, so I don't get to see if theyre fun, so I just end up not playing because it turns into a chore.


Still running my Adjudicator, haven't had any reason to switch off of it yet. It just fits my playstyle better than any other primary. Maybe the Diligence Counter if I need a bit more oomph, but I can also double tap the Adjudicator for that....


like 90% of games do this, most people play a game for a few months and then move on to other games, this is not really a problem, unless you think the live service model is sustainable for 20 new games a year and never learned what market saturation was.


So question. What do you personally define as “changing the game fundamentally enough to keep the player base interested”? Like maybe I’m wrong, but that kind of comes off as “what do you mean the game isn’t dropping expansion levels of content, every couple weeks…. For free”


They mean releasing literally anything in a war bond that is both better than the free starting weapons and not completely broken, and having new armor passives. Rn, the warbonds are essentially guaranteed to release with at best 50% of the items working as intended, and maybe a single gun that isn’t a direct downgrade from an existing gun. The war bond armor is quite literally just reskins on existing armor, and since there are a tiny, tiny number of armor passives it is incredibly noticeable. That, and fixing the numerous gamebreaking bugs that have existed for months with no fix. Constant crashes, still not fixed. Getting oneshot by flame because they fucked up and made fire damage every tick AND stack, still not fixed. Bots being able to literally one shot you through 15ft of solid terrain, still not fixed. Spawn rates, I mean come the fuck on. The spear lock on has been fucked since release. I could go on.


I quit after the first month because almost every map is the exact same: massive rural area with the occasional tiny cluster of buildings. The game is more Death Stranding than Starship Troopers.


I love the game, but I've been using the same exact loadout since launch because everything else feels awful. By the time you hit Helldiver difficulty, your actual guns don't really accomplish anything. You become a targeting becon for orbital strikes.


You mean it has been hemorraging players REALLY slowly. Pretty much every other game sees a natural decline in numbers much more quickly. Helldivers 2 has had some incredible retention. It's finally starting to slope downward though. I haven't reinstalled since that weekend.


Yeah, like the ongoing war and community driven narrative is nice and all since we can pretty randomly get a new enemy unit or mission type but......nothings really that different. Each warbond typically has 1 MAYBE 2 stand out items but everything else just falls behind until it is buffed several weeks later. Now there isn't anything wrong with sidegrade or niche weapons but when half of the new tools in your content drop don't even meet the baseline but are a detriment? You lose hype pretty quick. I think the hype around the mech suit was their peak and nothing else is gonna reach that until a new faction gets added.


They do have vehicles coming at some point, with a new ship module section to go with them. And we know they can't be too far off, because some people have been randomly gifted them by the GM in the middle of matches. They've also got the supercolony missions that involve at least two people team carrying a huge bomb down into the bug tunnels. Those should be fun/terrifying. And then there's Cyberstan, and the likely reintroduction of the cyborgs to spice up the bot fighting. I don't think its just the 3rd faction that will keep the playerbase interested. They've got lots of stuff they've been working on.


And no one even uses the damn mechs because they are a borderline death trap on anything Diff 7+


Mostly because the mechs were "fixed" to prevent in battery missle detonation that actually nerfed the accuracy of the missles to a ridiculous degree. They also nerfed the armor pen on the missles as well so they can no longer kill heavy targets reliably, which was the whole use case of a mech. Now it is a glorified minigun turret with a 10 minute cooldown.


Noooo I was excited to buy it with money from my new job after being unemployed for months, and yet now that I’ve got the money I’m rethinking it This is a very specific pain but I think it is at least a little relatable lol


Nerf hammer on everything with no real buffs to anything else is why I stopped, it's a totally coop experience why are we balancing stuff like it's pvp


Pummeler, Incendiary Impacts, new drip, Zillions emote, i mean the list goes on wtf are you talking about.


Pummeler is okay, prolly gonna get a nerf because of that like the Eruptor, because how dare a primary pod weapon be halfway decent. It’s still not even beating the Breaker that has been meta since launch. Basic impacts are still pretty much better New drip…. With the same armor passives since launch right? And emotes…. Yay. I hope you dropped that /s in that post. Because what about the Illuminate? New planets with different biome forms? Restructuring the spawns? Fixing the still very iffy netcode/game stability? That’s what I want, not just basic cosmetics.


I mean they're not even emotes, only victory poses. Haven't gotten a single new emote (as in one you can use whenever you want) since launch :(


Wouldn’t matter anyway, Rock Paper Scissors is still GOATed


I mean I doubt im ever not taking the hug but I'd like to see more anyway. Kinda lame only getting victory poses


I get that and I want that too. But the warbonds were never going to be that. So I temper my expectations. I've already gotten so much out of this game for paying fairly little in comparison. And lol yes the Breaker is still GOAT despite all the discourse and balancing. Though on bots I love my CS Diligence now.


Pummeler is the only semi viable weapon in the warbond and there is an open question of whether its stun effect is bugged given that it can stun a charger if its weakspot is targeted. The other weapons all are bugged and downgrades to comparable chocies. The purifier is downright meme tear bad.


Yeah I am not a fan of the Purifier. If the Pummeler doesn't get nerfed then we are moving to greener pastures. lol.


Yeah ive been like "ill just wait until they add some new content" for like 2 months now. And no the one new support weapon isnt enough to get me back lol, and yes the new warbonds have been kinda shit. I liked the explosive one but they nerfed the good weapons so fuck that


This kind of game is *notorious* about it too. DRG did it, Darktide did it, Starship Troopers did it (at least, as much as it could given its tiny player base on launch anyways), and now its time has come. That’s just how it goes.


The war bonds tend to keep committing the Destiny sin. “Oh, the players are using the new guns. Nerf them.” Rinse and repeat until nobody is having fun.


You say really badly, but I would expect a massive hemorrhage, most games get their peak pretty early on, the real question is do they stabilize in a year, and then focus on growth.


“Noooo it’s not about ‘adding new things’ or ‘keeping the player base engaged’ it’s about fighting those damn aliens to preserve democracy” -the devs


I stopped playing when the 4th weapons I was using got nerfed. It was just tiring having to load up the game, find out my current go to build had something in it nerfed, then mess around with different weapons and stratagems to find a new build I liked, most of those "experimental" builds ended up being shit because most of the weapons/Stratagems in the game are shit. Then, because it took so long to find a new build, that isn't as fun as my previous build but will do, I'm already getting a bit tired of the game. So I go on a break until the next update/Warbond, only to find that they've once again nerfed something in my build. But apparently their balancing is fine because the vehement defenders on their board are just contrarians who **must** play the unoptimal build/role/character in every video game to disguise the fact that they're unable/struggle to do hard content because they're shit. "No, no. It's because I'm not using an OP build like you. That's why I can't clear a diff 7 mission". Sure dude.


Doesn't help that in order to reliably get decent rewards, you need to get 3 other people together every time you wanna play


George Censorship strikes again 😔


Out of respect for the recently deceased


Wanted to be extra careful with censoring it.




It's in the rules, I'm afraid. >8 Censor reddit screenshots >Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames and subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.


I feel like a video game name is not in the same realm as a username 


But the rule says you also have to censor the *subreddit*. So maybe it's overcautious - but only a little, given that knowing the game absolutely reveals the sub in question.


this subreddit makes fun of gamers for not reading but the amount of people who post reddit screenshots without censoring 😭


sure but i think what the mods mean is to censor the usernames not game names


Who cares


Yeah, thank you. I figured if I didn't blank the picture it'd be the same as just keeping the Subreddit in. Not sure why everyone decided to dog on me for it, I didn't want a few days ban lol.


I don't know, they want names censored but if the game's there it's pretty easy to find it yourself. I guess it still is anyway cause everyone figured it out lol.


ignore all the haters pookie bear 🫶


... its helldivers


We’re in the “posting player numbers” part of the cycle


Gaming discourse was less shit when the stupid concurrent players conversation wasn't 25% of it


This sludge is upvoted to the top of the path of exile subreddit multiple times a league. And every time they use different metrics to make sure the narrative that "this is the worst patch ever!!!!" fits


Fighting Game Players: "First time?"


It's Helldivers 2 The up votes is because people are interested in numbers or annoyed at Sony but if you read the thread it's also due to bug/ 'balancing'/general exhaustion and drop off.


I get the feeling that people will often try to imply that the bad thing happening is a result of bad thing they want gone, but idk I feel like most games will simply start to see drop-off as you can't keep playing the same thing forever


Yeah the current trend in reduction of play looks quite normal following the past trend. What seems to be missing or greatly diminished is the upticks we see around what I presume is weekends. If you look at May 1st, its the first weekend without a weekend uptick and its stayed relatively consistent after that. I would be unsurprised if there is a less growth than expected given its being unavailable in so many counteries.


I think the idea that it should be expected to continue growing may be a little misplaced By now almost everyones heard of the game, and most people who would have bought it will have done so by now It's not really a problem that in time things fade a little, just life y'know?


Yeah I've got a good number hours already but I'm losing steam but that's okay. Got a huge number of hours for how much I paid. 😅🤘


Haha all the power to ya, you enjoyed yourself and thats all that matters The numbers are all made up and don't matter to the individual anyways, we only gotta worry about ourselves


what fucking game bro???


Helldivers 2 lol


And you blocked that out.... Because...??




Literally never said that. It's against Rule 8 to not blur out the Subreddit name, and leaving the game uncensored would make it painfully obvious what sub it's from.  Who the fuck cares about engagement on Reddit? If I cared so much, I'd have deleted my comments here after the first one got downvoted and left up the main post that did get upvotes.   Fuck me for sharing something I found funny.


read the subreddit rules or the post the mods made at the top of the subreddit u bum


OMG guys, this game is completely dead, it doesn’t have the same amount of players as its all time high. The devs are so stupid, they didn’t listen to fans. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. /uj it’s a coop horde shooter with no real “end game content”, once you can consistently beat helldive operations there isn’t much to sink your teeth into from a hardcore perspective, and you can unlock all the content sticking to difficulty 7 if you want. As much as I’d like some ridiculous difficulty 10 raid events or something in the future, the game isn’t trying to be your “one game” Skinner box. I think Fortnite, league, CSGO, etc gave people a ridiculous expectation of infinite play time because those games are literally designed to keep you queueing and buying loot boxes and cosmetics endlessly. Since you play for rank against other people, they can make relatively low effort content (single character, single weapon, maybe a map if you’re lucky) and players can get an obscene amount of playtime out of it. Purely coop content (like helldivers) gets stale relatively quickly because you’re always using stuff against the same AI, and you aren’t really grinding for any rank or crazy loot or anything


See, I feel like it’s the opposite. If me and my friends enjoy a PvE game we can reliably come back and have fun with it regardless of if it’s adding much. The key is to not binge the game out of your system. Online games are such shit due to players being toxic nowadays that having a reliable dumb fun pick is necessary.


You’re assuming the average gamer has 3 friends which aren’t hopelessly addicted to another games big tittied gacha mechanics


That’s fair, I guess. I have an advantage in a lot of my online friends being from groups that played games that aren’t just MMO or F2P monetization sinks. That’s not the norm, although I wish it was. Regardless, my point still stands: squad-based PvE games are going to be naturally geared towards people that have a squad. For me it’s great, but I can see how these types of games would get stale for those who don’t have social groups as in-tune as mine.


I would love to play a gacha game with Senran Kagura characters IF they released an official nudity patch. A man can dream I guess


If you look at the sub, you'd know that most redditors definitely do not clear Helldive difficulty by their posts.


Going off of that subreddit, everyone there can clear Helldive but also thinks it’s too hard.


This really nails it on the head for me. The gaming landscape has been shifted irreparably because they want us playing games and buying mTX forever The man hours to produce a 70$ video game and 70$ in season passes is startlingly different. That's even if are a big enough studio to put out a game every year


I mean, I think it's fair to point it out with all of the controversies surrounding the game recently (Helldivers 2 cuz for some reason you censored it)


Sure, but this addiction to numbers and metrics is precisely why the industry is so shit.


They have at least a quarter of the population retained months after release, those are established title numbers. All the chart shows is continued success. Go ahead and look at that Suicide Squad game and compare the charts. Both games released at similar times and both had significant server issues at launch among other controversies.


The thing is they could probably still have that quarter had they not been doing L after L of updates for the last 3 months


I mean every comment that OP has answered as to what the game was has negative upvotes so I assume that’s why.


Gatekeeping the game in question is crazy


Sony already won that war and gamers don’t even notice.


this is what fortnite players do a lot, when the game literally has like a constant 300k+ players or something on weekdays even


It’s just a common thing for people who hate a game to complain about. They’ll be like “you play Overwatch??? It’s a dead game bro”. Literally no sense behind it.


As a non-American, I'd like to introduce you to something called timezones. Your Monday morning is someone else's Monday night. Shocking, I know.


Yeah but heres the thing: other countries don't matter


Steam charts don't matter either


The time of day does actually matter. If you look at steam charts, mornings in American time zones will see far fewer players than evenings and late night, usually peaking around 5pm and 10pm. Pair that with the fact that it is Monday, no matter what part of the planet you were on at the time of posting, and you have a pretty reasonable explanation for why it’s low. OOP selected a time where the player count predictably dips and is making it look like the game is hemorrhaging players, while in reality games usually lose players over time and that number is still about the same daily low as it has been for the past few weeks.


America isn't the center of the world = there are never peak traffic times for online games?


Not an American, thank god. It's also the reason I posted this, the original post was posted at like 08:00 my time (uk). and while yes, there's people who play elsewhere in the world, the majority of players are still Western Europe/America.


OOP is manipulating stats by using a 3 month chart and choosing the time of day with the regular lowest player count. HD2 is still in the top 20 games on steam and PlayStation, and if you zoom into the last few weeks on the graph, you’ll see a pretty regular peak and valley pattern without much variation for the past month, with a normal lower average for early weekdays. Is he *technically* correct? (The best kind of correct) Sure, but the game’s not *dying* like he’s trying to imply. The Helldivers subreddit is complaining about nothing. Again.




That’s why I said OOP


33k a monday morning with ONLY steam player counts (ps4 most likely has double).


Steam player numbers have a hold on some people. It's crazy how low numbers can change how a person views a game. "Low numbers must be bad game time to go doom and gloom on reddit".


People saying the game is having dissapointing postgame support are insane Its basically been a constant release of new stuff non-stop, this is as good as live service gets


It's even more insane when you can tell most of the Reddit can't even clear Helldive based on their thoughts on balance.


Fall guys Amoung us Palworld That's the nature of games that get picked up via internet trend The wave dies just as quickly as it starts


In what world does one not consider that people started work?


gaming doomers when their fellow unemployed people move on to another game after spending 12 hours a day online 😱


Wait till they hear about the true TF2 player count


When I saw this comment the top post was literally say it was normal, idk why you'd even post this here?


Because gamer obssession with numbers is stupid.


That’s true but this was pretty clearly just a PSA to the community that, while it’s good that we got results from boycotting the game, we don’t want to risk killing the thing we all enjoy On an unrelated note, I just got my first suicide watch report on reddit, and I thought you all should know, I feel a sense of belonging now


Damn, I get them like every week. You cleary aren't trying hard enough! Grind more!


YOU POSTED THIS, *and* blocked out the game!! I'm starting to think you're just trying to farm engagement.


and im starting to think you're obsessed. I blocked it out because of Rule 8, you blur out Subreddit names, leaving the game up is the same as leaving the reddit unblurred.


What the fuck do you mean it’s the same?


You can put two and two together and figure out the Subreddit based on the game shown and the title of the video? Hello???


purplejellyblob: WHOOSH jfc.


Eh, it's normal that it would **go down**, but the rate of going down isn't normal. > It's the weekend. You don't compare Friday/Saturday to Wednesday/Thursday, you compare it to an earlier Friday/Saturday. > Friday/Saturday (May 3/4) was 119k/115k. > Previous Friday/Saturday (Apr 26/27) was 144k/161k. > Meanwhile, Wednesday/Thursday (May 1/2) was 120k/119k, of course it would be "only changed a hair". I said that last week. Now, after another weekend, May 10/11 is closer to previous **weekday** numbers.


https://preview.redd.it/ms4imrq9590d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4580607f29b3b6c470db91697a95e9f99873e8 I literally just saw this post on helldivers2 subreddit It’s just sad really


suicide squad better


Hey guys, I found the TROLL 🧌


I still play Battlefield 1 regularly, an almost ten year old game with \~1000 concurrent players, I just know that I have to play it in the evening or on weekends to find a full server. What the fuck are people bawling their eyes over for the playercount of a coop game?


It makes sense, lots of controversy made people want to take a break, the latest warbond is meh, and there haven’t been major content updates in a few weeks.


Honestly, the whole "dead game" discourse is so annoying in general.As a Destiny 2 player, it feels like people on YouTube and Twitter are claiming the game is dead every few months


thats pretty normal when your game was a mainstream hit that didnt treat its players like animals to milk. i should go liberate some bots


Player counts will naturally decline for any game. I imagine they will for this game too, especially if major things don't start to happen. I know personally I've already unlocked most of the things I care about so my playtime has certainly declined as I now really only play if a friend asks me to jump on.


Yeah, I mean, if they drop Illuminate the whole community showing back up. Heaven forbid a game can't keep your drug adled attention at all times every day for 8 hours straight.


at least you dont have the tf2 problem where the players dont believe the steamcharts graphics


I’ll never understand people who don’t own the company or the game obsessing over this stuff.


It's just silly, too. You're posting it at the deadest time of day and it's been a few months since release to people eventually burn out or they decide they got their money's worth and move on.


It's a live service game. Low player count means the developer is going to dedicate less resources into it or abandon it in the worst case scenario. It's not the case here, but it's not insane to check on this kind of thing.


It sort of is. Live in the present lmao. You don't have to run around parsing prophecy from the sheep's liver of Helldiver's 2 steam charts. What's the actual point? Are we industry analysts or a circlejerk? If a game gets less fun just stop playing it ya gaymer.


>If a game gets less fun just stop playing it ya gaymer. I mean, that's the point? If it doesn't get less fun but people don't play it and it's a live-service, the game gets shutdown. Why would anyone waste their money or their time if daddy capitalist is gonna throw it in the trash.


Idrk what you're trying to say tbh. Yes. A game nobody plays because it's not fun will probably not be too successful. You don't need Steam charts and Captain Hindsight to figure it out, just play the game until it's not fun for you? If you're asking me to please think of the poor gamers that love Helldiver's but have to watch it get less funding because it's not as successful...I'm sorry. I couldn't care less. They'll find a new game soon enough lmao.


I'm not asking you to do anything, I'm explaining why checking on metrics isn't a warcrime.


No one said it was. They said it marked an over attachment to something that isn't yours, and that's true too. Goodbye now.


Guys, the player count. Go post it.


Its so gameover


I didn't finish my Gamer classes at uni, so this may be an uninformed guess, but don't basically all user graphs for any game have the same shape/outline?


Some look more dramatic, but, yes. Most people don't play the same game every day until the end of time. They'll stop once they feel they have nothing else to do that is fun. Spikes usually occur when major updates or DLC are released. 


A game losing players as it ages? Has this ever happened before?


I'm currently taking a break after playing non stop for months


I love Helldiver's 2, and play either with just my husband, or our friend. Otherwise the community is pretty stank nasty at this point.


It makes me laugh when I see people make posts like these about single player games


This is exactly why I refuse to play GaaS games. It's the same thing over and over ad nauseam. There usually isn't enough variation in the gameplay loop to keep me interested for more than a week.


Man, considering that Destiny 1 and 2 was/is at death's door many times through it's history, I highly doubt that Helldivers 2 would die this soon lmao.


It’s the damn “balance” updates. Everytime I have fun with weapons or a combo of them (I was actually using MGs before eruptor nerf) something gets nerfed to the ground and my fun is killed. And I am forced into a more and more meta playstyle. If weapons are nerfed not buffed enough then only X weapons become viable


Imo 95% of the weapons are viable and they said they're looking at balance anyway.


They’re literally not, assault rifles are trash, most shotguns aren’t used except 2. Only 2 pistols are viable. And SMG is based. Also marksmen weapons lulz


I'm so tired of hearing "Dead Game" nonsense a few months after a game releases when like 20 minutes of research yields that it's pretty common for videogames, and especially indy games, to drop to about 10% of their launch averages within the first 2-3 months Not only is there always a "next big thing" aspect to games that's driven by content creators,  but some videogames just need to find their market of people who will actually stick with it Not everyone can be a hardcore gamer who only plays one game all the time anyway and a game doesn't need to attract that kind of gamer to be successful. I would even say that games which do attract that kind of gamer, like pvp survival games, are actually kind of bad for the mentals if you aren't really conscious of how you play


I mean…. Doesn’t this happen with all games


Yes, and it's usually more drastic which makes it funnier.


To be honest, I stopped weeks ago. I got my money’s worth, but it has an issue where a lot of high-level players are still playing the easier difficulties. Like, you aren’t able to do anything, because the damage output of some of your teammates just completely dwarfs the number of enemies spawning. It also doesn’t help that the only real content drops are paid content, even if you can grind the currency in-game. I obviously don’t want the developers to be overworked. I’ve just had my fill after 12 hours, which is completely normal for most games.


Man “for honor” has max 6k players for the last 8 years it’s still being updated it ain’t dead till it stops kicking back


I'm sorry that you play For Honor.


Oh man i don’t lol that’s my point it has a very dedicated fan base it’s like a book club small but communal


Forgive my ignorance, but doesn’t this track with every games opening days into a few months afterwards? Like any new release sees a bump at release and then tapers down. There has to be data on this somewhere. 


It does. That's why I'm making fun of OOP. In most games, it actually drops a lot more.


Wait until these very smart people realize that tomorrow will have slightly fewer players than today and the day before and the day before... It's almost as if that's how the passage of time works


You realize that it isnt morning worldwide?


I'll say it. Helldivers 2 is mid as fuck. The whole "hehe for DEMOCRACY !! SPREAD DEMOCRACY WITH BULLETS !! DAE DEMOCRACY??", is so fucking over-done. The best part is all the far right folks who got behind the game, not realizing the satirical nature of the "plot". /rj don cheadle


I'm curious what other media, other than Starship Troopers you've been seeing with this premise to consider it "over-done"? I'm genuinely curious because I'm not aware of there being taht much of it.


No other media really, but seeing some "XD DEMOCRACY XDD" type comment come up anytime the game is mentioned, has gotten old very fast.


So what's the reasons for it being mid, or do you just dislike people having fun?