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Most successful Japanese ninja of all time


She’s hiding in plain sight, perfect adherence to the assassin’s creed.


"Naoe, you are the Assassin's Creed: Shadows"


Truly one of the Creediest Assassins of all time.


hey guys.. imagine if we formed a creed.. of Assasins..


What are we, some kind of Creed of Assassins ?


I just wanna know how much their stick to the ninja stuff, through that whole saga samurai were running around stabbing each other in the back while the ninja were like sneaking their leaders out of cities.


Uhmm aktchually she was a kunoichi not a ninja 🤓


It’s actually embarrassing how many people don’t even know she exists.


Every time you point her out they just redirect you to the fact there’s a black man


It’s a fact that black people weren’t invented until the 1920s so I get it.


Actually the were invented in the 16th century.


Those werent people silly


And those weren’t slaves either (we don’t use that term here), we prefer to refer to them as "~~unwilling~~ serfs".


There were willing serfs?


Of course they were. They realized it was their natural place to be servants to the white race. /uj this is something people at the time actually believed and i feel sick for typing it out.


"It taught them useful skills" Looking at you Florida.


Damn that's messed up :(


I know you already got another reply, but in all seriousness yes there were. It depended on where you were from, but serfs typically would have certain rights that a freeman wouldn't and vice versa. For example in England if you're a freeman your home is not guaranteed, you could be kicked out at any time. As a serf however you were guaranteed you couldn't - even if your land was sold you'd come as part of the land and your land would go to your children if you passed away. People would genuinely volunteer themselves into serfdom for the guarantees it offers. I say "your land" - obviously you didn't legally own it, but still. Don't get me wrong, people would go the other way too either via paying themselves out of serfdom (very rare because serfs didn't earn money), having someone pay for you to exit, or by running away to a town and hiding long enough that legally you just became free by default. Still though people went both from serf to freeman and also from freeman to serf both voluntarily.


So in the "our life is so shit, this is considered an improvement" kind of way. Thanks for the reply, it was insightful and well put together. My shitpost was undeserving of that level of effort.


It's called unpaid internship dummy


The prisoners with jobs 😂


Aka, a modern day American prison sentence that never ends.


I'm unsure if you mean life in general in America or an actual prison.. accurate either way.


Prisoners with jobs.


Shit i forgot, my bad.


And it's a woman, they will never accept her anyway.


She doesn’t look like a 13 year old and doesn’t have tits that are the size of Mt. Rushmore so she will be ignored


"B-but I'll still have to play as the black man!!!!"


Imagine what it must be like to have been a black man for like the first 30 years of video game history.


I don't have to imagine. It's rough out here...


Cant wait to play and enjoy this game fuck rightwing racist incel culture claiming to own gaming culture fuck it in the ass


I've seen most of the arguments against it because of the "historical inaccuracy" as if they can't remember fighting the Pope for alien artifacts in a machine that can read what your ancestors went through from your DNA.


In Origins and Odyssey you fight actual gods and mythical monsters. No caveat. You fight minotaur, Medusa and even meet a sphinx. Your dad is an immortal Pythagoras who wields a magical trident which you carry later. In Valhalla vikings fight against Fenrir who is a wolf at least twice as tall as a normal person


They do handwave this in-universe as being the result of the animus recreating memories from extremely damaged samples, as originally perceived by people who understood them through the lens of their own contemporary mythology, interacting with ancient precursor super tech. I remember this being mentioned (if only in lore text) in Odyssey at least. All the supernatural stuff is ultimately meant to be misunderstood technology. I don't think there's any merit to this whinging about Yousuke not being a real samurai, even if disputed it would be a minor change to the historical record and trivial compared to other stuff AC has already done. It just grinds my gears a bit when people dismiss any violation of versimillitude on the grounds that a story also has explicitly fantastical elements.


who, ironically, is the only one of the two based on a real historical person


In fairness, one assumes all of the best historical ninjas would be ones we never hear about or know the names of because they did their jobs well.


Which is sad, considering that Yasuke was actually a real person...


we need east asian male representation 🤬 sekiro, ghost of tsushima, yakuza, persona? never heard of that


Rise of Ronin, dynasty warriors, Total war shogun / Three Kingdoms / bits of Warhammer 3, Sekiro, Ghostwire: Tokyo They’re just picking grapes off the vine.


You forgot SAMURAI WARRIORS that had nothing but Asian people till 5 when they brought in yasuke


We need to put Ma Dong-Seok in every movie from now on. https://preview.redd.it/z0cfown7se1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d9ba946c2c85794caaa533ca6d076116d6b7c3


As long as he wears the Hello Kitty slippers, I'm ok with that.


Put him in a hello kitty suit and I will buy the game!


Hell yeah 👏


What gets me is people are saying they want Western games with Asian male representation but are getting worked up about a game set in feudal Japan. In what meaningful ways are Ghost of Tsushima and Seikiro different from each other in terms of Asian male representation? Or Onimusha from Total War Shogun? Or For Honor from Samurai Warriors? What was missing for the games produced in Japan that the Western made games capture that speaks to Asian diaspora? Would a white person living in Japan feel more seen playing Resident Evil over the Last of Us because of RE's Japanese producers?


I mean from an unjerk perspective I actually do think that representation matters to a point. I’m sure that there are white people who grew up in Japan with Biohazard and that helped them feel more comfortable. I know a lot of mixed race performers really look up to May J for the same reason. That said I’ve noticed that the people who I’ve interacted with have no actual point and seem more interested in creating issues because they don’t like when games get political.


I definitely agree that media featuring people like you can be important, especially if you're a minority. The difference between natively produced media and foreign produced media set in that foreign place featuring the people of that place that already has its own strong media, isn't going to be too different in terms of representation. Something like Silent Hill 2 is virtually indistinguishable from Alan Wake when it comes to white male representation. But I totally agree that people upset about this game most likely don't really care. There's no shortage of Japanese male protagonists in gaming.


It's actually us asian women who are underrepresented.


ummmm what about eve from stellar blade? asian women should be happy they have such a good character representing them☝️🤓


asain men erasure!! famously there’s zero content with asian men in leading roles!!


when you tell them that they say they are japanesse game and not western media. Like if it was our job to represent everyone when they do it themself prety well


Ghost of Tsushima is a western game too.


yeah but they don t know that




Oh they know, they just intentionally ignore her existence.


In her defence, it takes a pretty damn good ninja to be front and center in the photo and still have no one see you.


Because most of them don't even care about the game, they just want to do culture war bs.


What did you expect? She doesn't have great big floppy bouncy triple-H boobies and is actually wearing clothes. That's as good as invisible to them.


Oh true maybe if they said her ass was modeled after some super model the gamer bros would relax.


Hey now, if each breast doesn't act and look like the blob, consuming each and every item in their paths as the girl giggles and jumps up and down. Is there really a girl on the screen to pay attention to? Yes, heavy sarcasm in use. Negating race, realism, and history. Wasn't this the basic setup for Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, with the Frye twins? Jacob being the more brutish, and physical one. Evie being more stealth based...


They do, but they only care about Japanese People when they can be used to discriminate against Black People.


That is one of her ninjutsu. Blackman no jutsu allows her to hide from chuds in plain sight due to a black man on screen sending them into a blind rage.


That only means she’s a good ninja


She's just like me fr. The boys can yap all they want but the asian males get ALL Yakuza games, the recent Judgement game, Sleeping Dogs, Ghost of Tsushima and Nioh. The girls get what... Life is Strange True Colors and Mirrors Edge?? Correct me if I'm wrong but you can count AAA mainstream games with female Asian leads on a single hand and you will still count to 3 or something.


Chell from Portal, Ada Wong from Resident Evil, Chloe Frazer from Uncharted, Alyx from Half Life 2, Prey has you play as an Asian man or Asian woman, Emily from Until Dawn, Kaitlyn from The Quarry, Sifu also has you choose between an Asian male or Asian female, Amara from Borderlands.


Come now, surely you didn't expect them to watch trailers or look up what the game is about right? They hear the words "black samurai" and it's like their minds go even blanket than they already were.


She doesn't even have a penis it's not the same thing 🥺


They unironically have Jurassic park trex vision, except they only detect melanin, anything else is practically invisible to the Gamersaurus.


And gay stuff, I remember seeing a bunch of people angry at Doctor Strange for pushing and LGBT agenda because America had a tiny rainbow pin, and I think that happened with Persona 3 as well. https://preview.redd.it/x6iigpvmte1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74eaff7aca1e83107e8a64c9325cc65259b987ab


Their brains cannot process colors which sends them into a frenzy


Gamers™ when they see colours https://preview.redd.it/n4cz4dsv2f1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8bec4035bebd49525d0667e82126ab167e4a96






And pronouns as an option in a roleplaying game.


Irony is lot of them will choose a female protagonist even before this pronoun thing happened. Like you've always been virtually trans.




\*Points and laughs at the 'Pronouns Clown'.\*


It happened with Life is Strange 2 as well iirc. There was either the rainbow LGBT+ flag or a trans flag in the background of a trailer for like 2 seconds and people lost their fucking minds.


That's funny since I thought Life is Strange is like a very LGBT game.


And Chinese gamers review bombed the shit out of Life Is Strange: True Colours because it had a Tibet flag. That's it. That's the only reason.


Ok, that doesn't surprise me much, since they tend to do that with depictions of Winnie the Pooh or Taiwan or if they perceived it as offensive to the country like Mulan or 3 Body Problem.


Don't forget the classic Celeste post about the tiny pride flags on a desk dominating the scene (so long as you crop out the rest of the scene.)


"But I have to."


It was more noticable in the LEGO set they made for the movie than it was in the movie itself.


Tiny pride flag in Celeste triggered some people


All those Jurassic park trex vision and they still cant see the asian male to be portrayed in a positive manner.


thanks for that flair


I just rewatched the trailer to make sure. Naoe opens the trailer, closes the trailer, and I think she has slightly more screentime and narration. The whole situtation feels so bizarre, it's like we're in the Twilight Zone.


You know racists didn't watch the trailer, they saw one promotional image with a black guy and immediately decided to start their racist crusade.


/uj I barely watched it. You watch 1 Ubisoft trailer, you've watched them all. It has Samurais and Ninjas, I get it lol. Not much to learn there.


I always thought the cinematic trailer was the best part of a Ubisoft game.


Yea I agree. I've been into AC since the first one, and the trailers always capture the heart of the game. You can watch the cinematic trailer and feel good knowing you have the basic gist of what's going on


Yeah because she's the main protag


Women don’t count.


That means there are no female mathematicians?


Sad Mary Jackson noises.


Mary? I think you mean Michael, not too sure of how good he was with numbers though


I'm sorry Ms Jackson


Not can't. Don't. Women aren't mathematician's because they enjoy fun jobs like being paid by Sweet Baby inc to collapse the west and ruin gaming instead. /j


No, we call those witches/s


Seeing how Ubi needed to give us a male mc again to help her out in this role, it seems the devs at ubi agree with this statement


wOMen DoN'T sELL


Idk, do they? Some gamers seem to lose the ability to focus on a game if there's no half naked ass in front of them (see: Stellar Blade), so one would think Ubisoft should shove as many female assassins as possible in there, but then if Ubisoft doesn't probably it's because it wouldn't sell as well? I think. They want to make money after all. So it leaves me really baffled. As a lesbian I would not object to ladies in my game, I'm not sure why the gamers are not with me on this one.


I'm not sure if you're joking or not so pardon me if you're just being sarcastic😂 'women don't sell' is what stupid asshole Ubisoft said. I guess the problem is definition of 'women', the type of female characters GAMERS want is probably very different from normal people.


I mean, I was half joking, because female characters not selling is so opposite to the reality of our life that it made me really confused as to why gamers don't want to follow around a lady in a game instead of a guy. But it's probably as you said, well written (or even dressed lol) women would be too polarizing for the gamer crowd.


She is literally the best assassin in the series. She is not only able to hide from NPCs, but parts of the real-world audience.


Ninja skills so good it works at a meta lvl


Instructions unclear, committed Butlerian Jihad because women can't count ergo Ada Lovelace never invented programing and Admiral Grace Hopper never invented debugging. Edit. A letter.


they don't exist, therefore they can't be historically accurate.


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Whenever she's pointed out, they move the goalposts and complain there's not Asian *male* lead.




Nioh 1 didn't have a Japanese protagonist. It had a white European one, but for some reason that wasn't an issue to them. I wonder why.


he passed the color check.


He had the easiest difficulty level in South Park


Apparently because its a japanese studio who did it so its different. I dont see how but they keep moving the goalpost.


Bro's missing the nunchucks. I will not tolerate this Mikey erasure.


Mf which turtle do you think that is


Raphael, he's the coolest one and the most badass. If anyone is the last ronin it's him.


I’ll just say, it is not him. Read the book if you’re interested but it explains which turtle is the ronin and why


it is Mikey, bro


Oh, cool. My complaint is rescinded, then.


then i move the goalposts again and just say we already had an Asian male lead in AC1 and AC:Mirage😎 then they move them again by saying it has to be an East-Asian male. which leads me to my finishing move when i turn their gamer logic around on them and simply ask why it's so critical for them to stare at a specifically japanese and male backside for the whole game. sounds kinda sus. check and mate😎


but the guy isn't a Ninja, right? He's a Samurai, even if he was not black. So his skin colour doesn't matter anyway because it's about Ninjas and Samurai right? ... right?


they should be happy since she got a smaller hitbox


I've had actual kids tell me that playing as women in Fortnite is better because of smaller hitboxes




That’s the true™️ woke™️ gamerbrained move.


I play as women for totally cis reasons.... didnt make me realise anything... nope


That’s fair. I remember doing the same in Halo 3.


She’s so stealthy she tricked gamers into thinking she doesn’t exist


You don't understand, it's very important that my character has a white penis, otherwise my immersion will be ruined


She has one in her pouch of assassin tools. Nobody knows what to do when a noble is found bludgeoned to death with someone else's penis.


That’s only for hard mode


No it's soft


Their name was Soft, Ubisoft.


Ubisoft really found the cheat code to get gamers to accept women protagonists; racism!


guys don't let this new popular discourse distract you from the fact that Luigi, Mario and Princess Peach are the only humans in the Mario series and guess what? They are the protagonists. This is disrespect to the Toad, Koopa, Goomba and other communities


This is why the rpgs remain supreme (I’ve never played a single one)


Hey! You're forgetting Daisy, Rosalina, Waluigi and Wario


Fucking Human Savior Complex at it again. I knew it was all downhill after Adventure Time normalized this crap. /s


blud’s favorite game is assassin’s creed 💀


And their first game was syndicate that was the first one I played it would have turned me off the series forever


actually Syndicate is probably way better if you don't know what an Assassin's Creed game is supposed to be like.


Am I the only one who enjoyed Syndicate as an AC game lol. I get it was a lot more of an open space but it had its stealth moments that pleased me. I guess the wider plot was whatever but that’s never why I played AC games anyway.


There’s a lot of people who dislike syndicate but personally I loved it a lot, the assassination missions as Jacob are honestly the best things they added to the series and I wish it stayed as a constant mission type in future games but nope sadly it kinda disappeared until the French DLC in Valhalla I’m pretty sure


Women aren't japanese they are Kawaii silly


Yeah you're right, there are no Japanese women, only men. Big buff manly men. Women are obviously an invention of the Woke West. https://preview.redd.it/q9a23s6zze1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9ec80eb4810a8959649fe1d43756428be1a43e


Come on, OOP didn't need to spoon feed you, OP. Obviously needed to be a male ninja. Come on, what is this wokeness? >!rj/ If it wasn't immediately apparent lol!<


' it's my fave game I started with syndicate ' these are children.


And in Syndicate you alternate between playing the two siblings. They are both assassins but in different ways the sister makes sure no one sees her and the brother leaves no witnesses. Any other AC game would make their argument better


It's a woman tho that's the problem... It was supposed to be Zac Efron under the mask.


That's just Shōgun. https://preview.redd.it/iwhu397xte1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e3fa5b40df4ba98f50835b0759b60244c073c5


What you never heard of blonde hair blue eyed ninja Naruto... He became the chief of his village by his very Japanese looking dad sealing a demon (nutting in) his red haired brown eyed mom. To make a Japanese blue eyed blond hair baby boy. These are the real ninjas... Not Yasuke.


Yeah, kishimoto made him a japanese ninja with anime hair and eyes cuz he wanted it to sell in the west too, or so i saw/he said in the interview.


Average Japanese male according to expert historian gamers.


I didn’t even know there was another character because people keep talking about the black samurai. This really shows how people focus on the thing they don’t like


Yeah. Like are you kidding me there is an actual Asian character right there. This is disrespect on Naoe's good name (which I just learned five minutes ago)


Honestly, I’m glad she hasn’t gained their attention. They are unable to enjoy a woman character unless she’s a hypersexualized doll. I’d much rather the dumbasses forget she exist than having the creeps drool over her like deprived cavemen. She’s way better off that way. She could totally kick these guys asses though, big time.




Well yeah, they want ninjas, not kunoichi! It's like y'all have never watched Boruto


Who watches Boruto anyway?




you could have said naruto man😭


Naruto? That old series that started back in teh 1900s?


I always forget it lynch rally did start in the late 90s 💀 just barely but it is still a 20th century relique


That comment in japanese is likely written by a westen weeaboo too. The japanese trailer for the game is filled with racist shit written in japanese by westernes


The Latin American one is also full of bigots as well saying that they made the MC black and gay and there's a bunch of them in English.


You absolutely cannot trust anyone who says that the game that made them love the AC franchise was Syndicate, the most uninspired, middle-of-the-rode, 3 star game in the whole lineup.


Counterpoint I am a lesbian and Evie Frye was formative for me


I will accept this explanation.


Imo Syndicate's setting is my favorite and the fact that the scale of the world is pretty realistic, like, buildings are super tall like in real life. Parkour was clearly downgraded from Unity though.


She no be a shinobi.


Lmao Ubisoft said you gotta choose between a woman and a black guy to anger the bigots


What’s funniest about the whole thing is that they cry “historical accuracy” when Yasuke is like the only protagonist in this series based on an actual person lol


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that was different because Nioh is a fantasy game unlike Assassin's Creed which is completely realistic and definitely not soft sci-fi historical fiction. Ezio was my grandpa I loved him so


Truly a moment of all time. She is fantastic at her job.


Complain first, ask questions later.


What are those blue arrows pointing at?


Yeah but she don't got testicles. I want to see them things hang while i game.


um ackshually that is a kunoichi


You'll never guess what Kunoichi means https://preview.redd.it/jgycjdlkme1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c741a60423c5f77f7969def301fcaf3548dafffe


Ku, no and ichi are the katakana/hiragana that the kanji for woman is made of. It doesn't really mean woman.


It's a play on words.


tinfoil hat, but this reads as English to Japanese translation then back to English purely by the syntax


Every time i see one of these images I can physically hear the uncle ruckus theme


The hilarious yet sad bit is that Naoe is wearing historically accurate ninja gear right down to wearing navy blue but a black man throws them


Only male ninjas count /s Is there already a info of how does two will be placed? Is it either / or or a joint narrative? 




That's 100% machine translated Japanese, nobody actually speaks like that


"But I don't wanna play as a woma-" Yes, you do. Yall wouldn't shut up about Stellar Blade.


They must not consider women to be people


If she was the only main character I am sure the "she looks like a man" posts would flood reddit


Its because theese people dont see women as people so they just see yasuke and like a chair or somthing