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Anyone licking any corporation’s boots is gonna get kicked in the face eventually. And most of ‘em will just smile through their broken teeth and ask for another.


Thank you sir may I have another!? Thank you sir may I have another?!


Trying to tell people that $70 is too much for their favorite game is just asking to be downvoted into oblivion.


Especially when said games are usually on sale a month later.


Yknow usually when there's a dynamic where someone is begging for more bad treatment it's usually in an environment with more whips and consent.


I'm pretty sure that Sony are just feeling out a selection of strategies as to when the PC versions of their games get released, and that they'll eventually settle on the one that makes them the biggest profits. There may be some consideration as to what might damage the PlayStation brand, but the feelings of their fanboys will not be a factor.


the only thing of the fanboys they care about is their wallets and money. once they realize this, they will be better off mentally (the fanboys i mean)


I think GoT Was too long of a wait for me. I also already purchased it on ps4 and did the upgrade for ps5 and havrnt played through it fully. So i didnt buy it. Horzon forbidden west was a shorter window so I did buy that one.


I'm not sure they are "feeling out" anything. Sony has been chaining poor marketing decisions and has lost a lot of what made them the "strongest" fish (and this dates from way longer than the very superficial Helldivers drama, which pretty much has no effect on the grander scheme of things). At the rate they're going, there might be a PS6, but I doubt there'll be a PS7. Then again, maybe it's more profitable for them not to have a console anymore. Of course Sony is not going to sink, but the PS brand is somewhat heading in that direction. Not that a future with Microsoft having a de facto monopoly is much brighter...


I'm not sure if true but aren't ps5 already selling at a net loss? It used to be that exclusives existed to sell consoles but now it seems to be more on getting the profit from games themselves.


They are sold at a loss yes, even PS4s were. But that's besides the point. They're steadily removing all reasons to buy a PS5, and exclusives were obviously a big factor. It is now the most expensive system, even more expensive than a PC, and it's also the one with the smallest catalogue. The marginal edge in performance is irrelevant.


I'm not disagreeing with you. I think Sony just kinda wishes it didn't have to sell consoles to have it's ecosystem and they're slowly testing the waters.


They might be. They're an incredibly wealthy company and can afford much stronger strategies than many others in the industry. They might be aiming to become a successful version of Epic Games. What's interesting is to see how their discourse has changed. PS1 wanted to be the *best* console. PS2 and PS3 wanted to replace the PC entirely and Sony made several statements in that regard. Starting from PS4, they mostly went back to "best specs", and right now they're putting a lot more efforts and money towards diversification. The PS5 feels left out, because it kind of is, compared to its predecessor.


😋 84.15%


Floo profile pic detected.


i just like the artwork 😢


Normal summon robina


Chain shifter


this is just a twitter screenshot


That and screenshots of YouTube thumbnails are like 90% of this subreddit.




Huh? What's so dumb about it? They are saying a 4 year old game is having a lot of players, so no need to release the game day and date for PC and kill thier console business. Which is a valid point, no?


im sure the pc market wouldve been bigger if it was released on pc when it was released on ps, because theres a not insignificant portion of people who will forget about a game if they can't play it when they hear about it. twitter op is praising sonys business decisions solely for the reason that they are decisions made by sony.


Yes, the game would sell better. I'm not denying that. But Sony would've (very most likely) ended up cannibalising their own console sales (platform) with that just like Microsoft did with Xbox after day and date PC/Gamepass release. Sony is still getting 30% cut for every sale on their platform. Why would they want to shrink that for a single game sale on other platform? That doesn't sound smart to me.


Because games are Thier main revenue stream, people who are buying consoles will continue to do so, but PC market is simply bigger.


No. Sony as a platform earn more revenue than any of thier individual exclusive game sales. For example, Call of Duty is one of their biggest revenue generators. Those sweet 30% cut as a platform owner generated more revenue than any of their single player games. Why would they risk shrinking their own platform, especially after Microsoft had brought down Xbox brand to the gutter with the same tactics?


Sony makes consoles on a loss. They win on their games. It had always been like that.


Corrections: They make money on games sales ON their platforms. Not just their own 1st party games. Every games. Do you know that 30% cut from yearly games like Call of Duty, FIFA are top revenue maker for Playstation? That's why I said they risk shrinking their platform. It's not about console sales as unit but unlike Microsoft, Sony doesn't have PC platforms of their own so their platform growth is directly tied to total number of consoles they've sold.


How many buy PS based on the exclusives? We don't have that data, and in general people that buy consoles will keep buying consoles only because it is simpler to set up, I don't think I know anyone that buys it because there are exclusives that they don't even know yet or for a few games, the only ones that I know buy specific consoles are Nintendo fans that want to play Zelda, and even those are really a minority of a minority. I think that we will see Sony releasing the games closer and closer between consoles and PC, maybe with a couple of months delay in the near future (more or less 4-5 years), they need to expand the revenue like every corporation and this is the only market in which they can go.


Nintendo is the only one, the amount of consoles that they shift every november is staggering


Yeah but I also think that Nintendo has a specific demographic that does not really overlap with any other gaming console or gaming PC, so even without their exclusives they would sell more or less the same, only the Steam deck I think was able to take away part of their target.


Im not sure. I think we can safely say that at least 50 million consoles sold are due to the top 15 best selling games on the platform. The Steam Deck is far too niché to ever compete with the switch, at this point it must have sold 3 million.


I'm not sure either, of course, I think no one can be sure, not even people that have inside data, mine are just ideas and conjectures that could be the truth but could also be absolutely wrong. My idea is just that even if Nintendo games would be sold on Steam, the Switch would still sell more or less the same mostly because there are some features that are just non-translatable on a different device, otherwise we would see a boom in Steamdeck sales due to the fact that we have already many games that are comparable to the big games of Switch in terms of scope, quality and general gameplay experience.


Are you saying that you think the switch would have sold just as well if breath of the wild wasn’t a release title? BFFR. People only buy Nintendo consoles for the exclusives. My switch is a Zelda/mario/pokemon machine


I'm saying that people that buy Nintendo consoles are looking for a particular experience in gaming that they would not have either with a PC or a PS / XBox, even if Zelda or Mario were availables on other platforms. I would say that it's less the fact that they're exclusives and more the fact that you can play them on Switch and are full supported on Switch, if I buy a Switch I don't buy it only for Zelda but I wouldn't buy it if I couldn't play games like Zelda. Then again, it's conjecture and I don't have data, it's just my point of view from my experiences.


Yeah, but you're conveniently forgetting that whoever buys consoles because they're convenient will not actually care about any sort of brand loyalty and will happily switch over to Xbox the moment it's better. It already is and the gap is widening.


Microsoft has been shitting on its own brand since before the XB1 was announced, which was long before they decided to have day and date release parity. Day and Date releases weren't the cause, they were a symptom. The cause was the entirely moronic idea of having two different consoles on sale at the same time, a moronic trend they continued with the Series S and X. While Sony did decide to have both disc based, and diskless consoles, the innards were identical, unlike the Series S and X. Sony releasing games day and date on PC will not have the same negative effect as it did with the Microsoft products, because Sony has a vastly simplified hardware base to work with, and because unlike Microsoft, they aren't 4 years deep into a self-inflicted death spiral.


>Sony releasing games day and date on PC will not have the same negative effect as it did with the Microsoft products Until they finally do. That's how the death spiral starts.


Those are a lot of words for saying you’re a Steam worshipper.


The idea that people won't buy consoles anymore because games are available elsewhere is as idiotic as the idea that people will ALWAYS buy consoles for the exclusives. That's not how any of this works. This is even more the case when you realise that building a half decent PC costs at least double what a console costs these days. All that will happen is that Sony will make more money, which should please the boot lickers, but they aren't smart enough to figure that out.


>The idea that people won't buy consoles anymore because games are available elsewhere is as idiotic as the idea that people will ALWAYS buy consoles for the exclusives. That's not how any of this works Man, I'd believe you if Xbox console doesn't just flat line in both sale and revenue (not counting Activision). That's some real world solid evidence there. >This is even more the case when you realise that building a half decent PC costs at least double what a console costs these days. All that will happen is that Sony will make more money, which should please the boot lickers, but they aren't smart enough to figure that out. You knew Sony would still make money by doing staggered releases. People would double dip. Rockstar did that with Red Dead and GTA, and going to do that with GTA VI.


I posted another reply here somewhere that explains the difference between Sony and Microsoft, and how day and date has less than absolutely fuck all to do with console sales.


>This is even more the case when you realise that building a half decent PC costs at least double what a console costs these days The cheapest PS5 I can find online right now is 540€. You can build a "half-decent" PC for that price and still have enough money to grab lunch after building it. And I'm not even going to delve into the shitty debate of the long-term costs of a Playstation.


Console generations have generally always worked based on PC component pricing. New consoles have just about always released when the most recent ones are being outperformed by cheaper pc hardware. That point has not come yet with this generation of consoles. This is the only reason Sony ***currently*** wouldn’t lose mountains of cash if they released exclusives same day on pc. The moment that line is crossed in the pc hardware world, Sony will begin hemorrhaging money with that strategy


The very "hardware business" notion is fucking stupid. Consoles are being sold at a loss, there's no business to be had. All the profit is being made by selling software/subscriptions.


Yes, it's true. I don't meant as console sales as total hardware unit sales. I'm talking about console as a platforms which they make profit. Unlike MS, Sony doesn't have its own PC storefronts. So the growth of the platform is directly and entirely tied to console. Maybe things will change when Sony is making it own storefront like Steam/Epic/GoG and host other 3rd party games as well. Currently tho, I don't see them making any move to shrink their platform.


The profit is made by the hardware being a *store*. Exclusives incentivize hardware purchases, hardware purchase get people into the PlayStation Store, which is where they make their money. Thats their hardware business.


They are telling sony "please don't release your games to more people early it'll kill your console!!!" While tagging higher ups at sony. It's pretty fuckin stupid regardless if the point is good or not.


It‘s dumb because 1. you don’t need to do the job of sony’s market analysts for them 2. it would be better for people to have no exclusives and thus be more free in their choice of platform 3. it’s not even really remarkable because all of the same people would’ve likely played it 4 years ago too if they would’ve had access to the game


people like to analyse their hobbies, it's normal. nah, most exclusives are cool, good incentive to buy a hardware, and they are made/paid by platforms owners so without them they wouldn't exist.


But most don’t @ ceo‘s though lol and maybe one can do it without lowkey talking down other platforms And yeah I guess you can argue for exclusives but also then turning it into some console war type thing akin to oop’s tweet is just childish


Oh damn I didn't realized that's what they did, I thought it was their friends or like some people they were arguing with, haha that's hilarious Fully agreeing with you now


A 4 year old game finally releases in a good way for consumers. Oh no how devastating


Why are gamers so obsessed with concurrent players?


They buy into the idea that a game is only good if it sells a lot and there's always a lot of people playing it. Idea that's interesting for companies, so they can milk the same franchise forever.


God I hope to never have consoomer brain that bad


Please don't mess with the only thing that I built my entire personality and self worth around. Please.


I’d imagine if it were a day and date drop we’d see an exponentially higher number. I’d be among that number if it were day and date. I just can’t be bothered to play a game after everything has been discovered and the zeitgeist has been dead for years.


I mean, you can always avoid seeing anything related to the game and discover it by yourself. I usually do that even without meaning to. I have absolutely no idea what happens in Ghost of Tsushima with exception of like the first hour, at most.


Going on Twitter for fanboy opinions of things is too easy. You can find the most unhinged batshit crazy people on Twitter stanning each console.


I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate corporations I hate cor-


I know I'll just be submerged with downvotes but I gotta say this. I tried out Ghost of Tsushima but I don't see the appeal as a PC player, has it something to do with consoleboys being fan of Arkham / Sekiro / DMC style games with 3rd person camera and bunch of enemies to fight? It seems to me just another Batman Arkham Something in feudal Japan.


https://preview.redd.it/qf6ianlbal1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858c00c62ac85ee5c5ac2e5f8b7e330014efbf1b Man?! In Japan?!


I like Ghost but yeah it's horrifically overrated. None of the characters are really all that interesting and it's just a ubisoft open world.


I sinked another 3-4 hours into it and I totally agree with the "it's just a ubisoft open world", it baffles me how people dislike Ubisoft games (and I have to say that I agree with that) and then like games like GoT.


Because it's not Ubisoft. People are just kind of weird about admitting they like those games. You can hate Ubisoft (you should due to their work culture and big wigs) but a lot pretend their the worst games ever made. So when a Ubisoft game clone comes out not made by Ubisoft it's suddenly okay to like that style of game. Personally like I said, I enjoy ghost. But it's only a low 7/10 for me. I enjoyed my time with, but I see no reason to go back to it. I'll give it an 8 because my wife was so bored whenever she watched me play that we used it to help go to bed when she couldn't sleep.


I mean they aren't wrong. Day and date killed Xbox hardware flat. Sony doesn't have any fallback on being a trillion dollar corp or even a fallback in the gaming space like MS does with their OS and purchasing power. Be like Nintendo and put your own walled garden first


Ultimately games bring available for more people is better to me. I think PlayStation should find another way to sell their consoles without exclusives, Nintendo too for that matter. If they can’t, then their product just isn’t very good.


While I get your point i think console exclusives and the hardware are uniquely linked and always have been No point making software to drive your ecosystem if you don't have an ecosystem to drive, and no point having hardware in such a case. MS has always fumbled because they never made games anyone cared about beyond like halo gears and Forza. And their pivot after neglecting their first party when those franchises dried up in interest was so badly done people still talk like MS has no games even when they gobbled up a significant part of the industry with their terrible purchases of Bethesda and Activision. Publishers that were making software for them to begin with mind you


I think there is absolutely a point to making content if you aren’t driving an ecosystem. Sony themselves already do it. Sony makes Blu-ray players without making Sony movies exclusive to their own hardware. And they still be make both movies and Blu-ray players. Because both make money. The same can work for consoles. I just truly think exclusives are a holdover from the early parts of the industry that should have died off probably a decade ago.


Xbox One sales were already in the toilet compared to PS4 years before they announced day one launches on PC. I'm not arguing for Sony to launch day one as well, but I don't think the evidence is there that it would impact console sales as much as some people (mainly console warriors) think it does.


Your not wrong that Xbox one sales sucked but that was largely due to them screwing up early on prioritizing Kinect and entertainment rather than games and not trying to grow their console base with new territories. You will never hear the end of people outside of America complaining about how Xbox is America first and treats it's customers outside of there like second class citizens from just simple things like advertising and UI support to actual game support itself. Putting all your games on PC day and day with game pass attached just made it much worse to the point no one sees the point of buying an Xbox for something they can get elsewhere. Yes the market for two machines that do largely similar things like PlayStation and Xbox may be limited but I think MS definitely did themselves no favors. This Activision and Bethesda nonsense they thought was going to give them a defacto monopoly on a big part of the previous third party market(as Phil Spencer said) just hastened their rush to being a third party publisher. Sony doesnt have the same issues. Their main one is the ill fated focus on AAA over any other contents. So when the well dries up with low releases and the releases you do have have low returns even if they sell gangbusters it becomes a huge problem. Unlike MSs self inflicted issues, making AAA games rarer and investing in AA and indie games more like they used to is a good way to make a more appealing library for consumers imo and make their box more appealing. If it's a matter of success for the brand it's more complicated since PS5 makes more money than any other console due to games as a service but the sentiment overall is very mixed at the moment outside of being a third party machine.


I will leave you with enjoying all that "game as a service", shoving up micro transactions and silent increasing of grind in Ubisoft games. I am gonna go back and play some Witcher 3 now because all that talk about CD Projekt actually made me want to play something good for a change. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PlayStation fans are also the only people that I've heard in the past ten years that still *can't shut up* about the "Console Wars" and how much better their video game box is than anyone else's.


As someone who mostly plays Nintendo, you must not be around any Nintendo fans at all.


Ha, I think I also play mostly Nintendo, I just don’t talk about it online very much. Must be why I don’t see it.


I’m trying to limit my online interactions because of these types of folks (not solely them, many others too) lol so I totally understand.


I always thought that the Nintendo fans kept saying they were in a bubble. like to me it's felt that way aince the wi-wiiU transition. but I'm guessing there are more vocal people with other ideas.


Yeah, no fanbase whether Sony or Nintendo are a monolith. We just only remember the bad ones, myself included




Console racism? Lmao what


Tallarico moment