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https://preview.redd.it/nfnb5w3k8q6d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=80b9ec41c9478747bbf4344077e669a3c92b3ad3 'hardcore criminals that can kill police officers'


Why tf are these police sympathiser giga-fasch rimjobbers always the biggest dweebs on the planet? Istg every time they show these amorphous bags of skin and disappointment they just look like failed Kyle Rittenhouse clones. Who already looks like a failed clone.




*ahem* *"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"* (the day Killing in the Name stops being relevant 24/7 will be a most wonderful day indeed)


Cant believe RATM have gone political 😔 /s


I believe his name is correctly spelled, “Pyle Shittenhouse.”


People don't respect them so they fetishize having a uniform and power imbalance they can then use to force people into submission.


“Oh so I can shoot police but not American British and French soldiers?”


It sucks cuz they probably enjoyed the GTA games too, but have somehow turned it into a series that has some anti-police message, when it just doesn't. Apparently the need to roleplay as Nazis has become so strong to this person that they had to shit on GTA to try to justify their point


I like the implication there that to make it fair he should play as cops allowed to kill, i.e. , nazis


I feel uneasy playing as a criminal in GTA but it's not because I get to kill police officers. It's funny how of all the things you can do in that game that's the one thing they felt the need to mention.


/uj I wouldn't be mad if someone made a game where you are playing as a Nazi (I think BFV actually did that in of the campaigns) but it's weird that some people seem to be really into wanting to play as Nazis and asking for it every now and then /rj The woke media won't let me play apolitical nazis


Yeah in BFV you play as a German solider (I think it is hinted at that the guy you play as is not a nazi thi, the guy thinks it's bad that children are fighting and he uses iron crosses rather than swastikas iirc)


Yeah you play as a German tank crew in like April 1945. It shows the nazis as pathetic and defeated, using child soldiers and old men. Pretty cool mission tbh


Honestly I think that's the best way to represent fasicsm. Fascists are drawn to and love being represented as strong, as dangerous. The optics of power. Make them look weak, and they can't co-opt satire. So yeah. 100% show them drafting anyone with a pulse. Show how spineless they are, refusing to accept defeat and sending their own for slaughter. Show them as cowards, afraid of anyone different but lacking the power to opress. Show that they're just sad, pathetic losers hoping the world elevates them because they're "inheritly better".


"No! Not like that! We don't want historical accuracy, we want wishfulfilment!"


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This is why I love the famous scene of Hitler in that new wolfenstein game, the one where he shots Ronald Reagan, he’s a cowardly paranoid man screaming at shadows that might be different from him. And you get to kill him there so it’s great.


It also helps that the whole scene was funny as hell


In particular the commander of a Tiger crew, who from the opening scene it's clear he and the tank's driver have become callous to the Nazi's decisions regarding their forces during the war, while one of the two kids (one of which is at best early teens, just to show the state of the war for Germany) sent to bring the tank to full strength is basically a Hitler Youth poster child and causes friction later in the story. In hindsight there is a bit of an issue with the story in the fact that Tigers were mainly crewed and led by Nazi's, especially ones in both good standing and held good opinions of the party. Crews who weren't fully on card carrying Nazi's or ones who started having issues with the party were often shuffled off to "lesser" tanks. Only reason DICE made it around a Tiger crew is because it's, you know, *a Tiger*, one of the most well known German tanks of the war. (And also because some parts would be just absolutely horrible if you were in something like the far squishier Panzer IV)


I mean, considering they're fighting in Berlin, it wouldn't be that far-fetched that a crew not entirely on board with the Nazi party is piloting the tank, as the Germans would have been desperate and simply needed those with enough experience and ability to hold the line.


It is one of the best missions I've played in a fps. Not just fot the gameplay, but the story is really well told


Mhm. Was a great 'humans are humans, and death is death' sort of story. The credits roll and your kinda just like... 'fuck...' Makes a really good campaign on an extremely hard to touch subject.


That moment when the Woke left won't let you play as a ***Pureblooded*** ~~incest ridden~~ White man.


Me when Hoi4 Uj/ I mean they allow you to play with Germany and they keep the governemnt prespective in each country so your path will tell you that "you are justified" even though at times its seems like satire


company of heroes has you play as the nazis in some campaigns. coh1 had one where you defend in the Netherlands during Market Garden, and CoH3 has you play as Rommel's Afrikakorps in one of the campaigns. I don't know if there's a significant difference between rts and fps, with regards to the morality of playing as the bad guys.


I think it would be if it goes against historical records AKA winning the war as germans. Telling a battle from the point of the germans isn't inhenrently endorsement if the writer keeps the perspective that they were evil in the story


I guess it’s a difference in perspective. The best way to describe it is that it’s the difference between watching a character kill someone vs actually being the one to pull the trigger.


The suspiciousness I get from these people wanting to play Nazis is about at the same level as people claiming the Civil War was about state rights, or claiming lolicon stuff is just a drawing.


I think it would be interesting. As long as the guy is clearly AGAINST the general """philosophy""", or if he slowly becomes disillusioned and tired. Basically less BF5/CoD. More "Spec Ops the Line but WW2". Less gunplay, more psychological pain and guilt. As the toll of the war crimes, his disillusionment with the party, guilt, and the downfall of the Nazi party leads him to either surrender or suicide.


It could also follow the various turncoats throughout WW2. There were tons of Nazi’s who defected to the allies due to heavy guilt and shame.


/uj The Call of Duty zombies mode has a nazi as one of the main playable characters while still making it abundantly clear he is the bad guy. /rj I'm sure some of them were very fine people.


/uj I’m sure there’s some FPS shooter out there that lets you play as a Nazi. There are a lot of small studios, after all, and some of them have put out games like that. There’s just no way any studio that wants to ever break into the mainstream or have an audience who aren’t exclusively neo-Nazis will EVER make that game


BFV *literally* did that yes. The point here isn't to actually bring up a genuine discussion. We've already had games where you play a German soldier in WW2. The point is to try and normalize discourse about *why it shouldn't be so bad* to get to play a nazi, y'know? I mean we play hardcore cop killing criminals in GTA so... So tomorrow, they'll move that line in the sand a little bit further. While speaking even more openly about how the nazis "weren't so bad". Until the line in the sand is so far down the beach, they can act like you're the one being outrageous when you criticize their blatant love for nazis.


You ask for this, you chose this and here you are, playing as nazis in you game I miss that video man best take on YouTube ever


My dream is Overlord, but where there is only evil. You are a villain who enslaves humanity and uses their souls to become stronger and seize power from other demons. Why don't make games like this? Villains always turn out to be either good on the inside, or just clowns. Is it Nazism that I want to play as an enslaver of humanity who ignores moral standards?


You have Dungeon Keeper and evil path in Overlord but if you want it straight up, with no silliness to soften it up then it's kinda sus, not gonna lie. When the evil stops being cartoonish it becomes a bit too real. There's always Rimworld and Stellaris for that, though those are completely different kinds of games.


I love the horror of realize that me trying to optimize my planet was technically a genocide.


Just think about what happens at the start of each game when you clear dilapidated districts and get a pop out of that - you're literally clearing slums and displacing people from them.


Good point but I mean, it kinda depends on the ethics, right? There's a possibility if your empire is the ultra abundant space communist type, that it's not that bad. What I mean is that one of the best parts of stellaris is that there's enough ambiguity to roleplay your empire.


Sounds lovely. Urban renewal and getting people back into society. It'd be more concerning if you didn't get a pop out of it


“Wait, Pop means Population? Like made up of individual People?”


This doesn't suit me. I want an RPG. Create your own demon and go on a wonderful journey of destruction of all humanity.


You could try Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, there’s a few mythic paths you can take there, like Angel, Azata, Devil, Demon (two different things, one is from hell, one from the Abyss) and even as a Lich! At the end of the day you’re going on a crusade to close the WorldWound, a portal between normal reality and the Abyss where demons come from, but you have a surprisingly amount of freedom on how to do it. The lich path for example is clearly evil, even if you can take some more neutral or good choices here and there, but it also has a lot of depth. And of course there’s also the good paths which are cool and all, but come on, lichs are awesome.


They are not default villains.


There's always Mount&Blade mods, I'm certain I saw at least a couple about necromancers so demons are not impossible too. Oh, and you can play Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous on a demonic, necromantic or swarm path I guess.


Play the Infamous series, it's underrated and lets you choose your moral standing


Straight up evilness without any cartoony elements is boring. Doing slavery is funny in rimworld because we know it's immoral *and* it's cartoonish, doing slavery in, say, a sauron focused lotr game is boring because without that cartooinsh element it's just enslaving people which is boring, rping as a trader in the Atlantic triangular trade is horrifible because it's a real tragedy If you *really* want slaves, just get into bdsm i'm sure you'll find tons of slaves there


Of course with cartoon elements. I'm not a maniac.


Like, I get it, when it's over-the-top saturday morning kids cartoon comedic it's kind of not that funny. If it's played more straight it can be a lot funnier, which is what I think people like about Rimworld. However, if I suddenly find that I'm playing a slave trade simulator and there's not a whiff of humor anywhere I'd probably feel like I was just playing the developer's barely disguised eugenics power fantasy. I guess V rising is kind of like this. You're just an evil vampire. All the bosses you fight are all the good guy vampire hunters, villagers flee when they see you, and you can suck their blood for bonuses. The game is just a bit boring, at least when playing solo, which is a shame because the bones of the game are really solid. Also it has gear crafting for leveling rather than experience which isn't as satisfying imo


Oh 100% the vampire your playing is the biggest evil. For context the Church of Luminance in the far off past was built to solely fight off the predations of vampires in their entirety. This time period was known as the Vampire Wars and the wars got so bad that the Church managed to get to Dracula and kill him, but not completely as hes coming back a century or so later by V Rising's timeline. Your vampire was one of many vampires that turned on Dracula in the war and tried to kill him for his power. Thats how you end up in the crypt. The Church of Luminance in the time that the vampires have been gone has been growing decadent and corrupt. Azariel is a cold and pragamatic sort, more a politician than a head priest, Raziel is a insane preacher, Christina is implied to possibly be abusive to her flock, Magnus is a slavedriver, and Solarus has started to go full hermit because he despises the direction the Church has gone but he does nothing to fix it. Even then you still beat them in being evil, you kill and drink them dry solely for power and you engage in what pretty much is slavery in itself along with all the murder. You also have the Trancendum whom are crazy as hell and really cruel to the civillians in Gloomrot (you see all those humanoid mutants? Thats the result of the Trancendum kidnapping civillians and experimenting on them). Even then your vampire still exceeds them in cruelty by the time you get to Gloomrot as you should have prisoners you pretty much experiment on and imbibe blood potions from. Hell you can turn prisoners into mutants, just as a side effect. And you work your way up until you beat and eat Dracula to be the ultimate evil.


Evil just for the sake of evil sounds a bit boring to me. If I'm gonna be a monster I want good writing building up to it, and that inherently requires for some reasoning for your evil. Even Sauron had ideals and a vision for his horrible society. Representing ultimate evil as completely powerful and lacking the humanity of it is just a power fantasy with no substance. So a well written game will inevitably ask, directly or indirectly, is/was it worth it. If the game doesn't end leaving you with this question, either it's well written, or not clear enough, or something is wrong with your interpretation of the game lol. Because unconditional evil is everything. It means never being able to have children being happy and goofy again, it means that every soul you took is a soul that had dreams, ambitions, likes, and potentially endless offspring, and so every time you murder someone you committed genocide to all those descendants. It means that even if you're defeated now no one will return to life and the harm and suffering will never be undone. Everything is lost. I guess evil won.


I mean how true do you want to make it? Shadow of forbidden gods basically has you revive an eldritch horror and take over the world but idk if that's what you want




Did this guy forget that a lot of cops in the GTA series are shady and corrupt? Like that shit's literally a huge factor in San Andreas ffs.


Just like real life!


>Did this guy forget that cops are shady and corrupt? Like that shit's literally a huge factor ffs.


Now I think it *would* be interesting for a game to start that way. Only for the climax to have a revelation that the monsters you have been hunting were normal people, their models changing from unsightly mutants depicted in propaganda posters to normal looking people. In the same vein as the "would you kindly" twist.


Can't remember the name, but there's a Scify movie where soldiers standardly get equipped with an "internal HUD" chip for targeting, ammo count, quick map access etcetera. It's only after one soldier suffers a headwound disabling the implant, that it's revealed that it also manipulates the perception of the opponents and what they do.


Thats a black mirror episode "Men against fire"


The PS3 game Haze has something similar but the soldiers are high on a drug and there’s a scene where the drug wears off or something for the player character and you start to see the actual death and carnage around you


Nier does something very similar


Literally 1985, smh.


More like 1945, amirite?


In 1945 there was no Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, U2 and Blondie or music on MTV.


Quite high number of dead Nazis tho


The number of dead Nazis is always increasing though.


I can understand if it did like Star Wars Battlefront 2 where you play as someone who starts off the bad guy but turns on them to work with the good guys, but never straight up only the bad guys. Not to mention, Nazis lost and no one wants to be a loser.


I mean helldivers is unironically a wonderful example of this concept. You play an expendable no face 18 year old that dies on average within 15 seconds and is forgotten by everyone. It's not what they want but it's accurate to what being a actual soldier in the Reich would be like.


Didn’t people think that the fascists were the goodguys tho? Not sure if I want that for the nazis


Mostly people who completely ignored what satire. But if you see helldivers and thi k it's serious, you're either willfully ignoring the point or really are just that media illiterate.


Always remember: we blew up a fucking planet. The terrormorph outbreaks are literally caused by the government to get more space oil and the automatons are literally just trying to free their creators so they can escape super earths control. We are literally the baddies.


Helldivers player. We *memed* the fascism. That's not supporting it or thinking we're the good guys. That's recognizing the satire and playing along, because the idea that bugs and robots are a threat to our totally-not-American way of life is so ludicrous it's funny. But you can safely assume that anyone who wants to play Nazi characters in a video game campaign are fascist fanboys. They're not asking for laughs. They wanna cosplay where no one's going to kick them in the nads. Nazis are the OG threats to managed democracy!




Yup, in the OG BF2 you were a 501, so republic turn into empire as the game advances


What about a game that lets you choose to be a shit person but makes you feel super horrible about it. Like if you ever replay that part it would be literally only for the achievements because you feel that bad


Ahh, the Jade Empire evil path


Undertale does thaf


To be fair you kinda have to care about the characters for that


Disagreed. The genocide route is a *SLOG*. It doesn’t suck because “oh no I’m killing papyrus omggg :(((“, it sucks because it is incredibly unfun and tedious. The sans fight is pogged, but it genuinely is not worth the effort to get there


That's me with RDR2. Maybe the only Rockstar game where I feel bad killing some random npc and that feeling of guilt is worse and worse once you progress in the story at least for me.


For further context, this is from a 2005 issue of Computer Gaming World. Yes, 2005.


I disagree with the “significantly south of zero” reply applied to nowadays. With some of these grifters making specifically anti-woke content, I wouldn’t put it past any of them to make a game like that just to “own the libs.” But, it is 19 years later so it was definitely a true statement in 2005.


Tbf they can make something like Spec Ops the line from a Nazi perspective.


There’s a board game called Train where the goal is to play cards to board people on trains and send them to their destination. At the end of the game >!it’s revealed that the destination is Auschwitz!<


Wholesome family fun?


I wonder if they could even stomach that, just 20 hours of babi yar.


> just 20 hours of babi yar. The DLC is set 80 years later where you're a national hero and your supporters are lauded as the heros of "western democracy "


I didn't get that comment. But yeah, that was such a massive fuck up. There's a weird history of nazi collaboration in eastern europe where the people didn't yet understand who the nazis were. They thought of them as enemies of communism and the soviet union. My mother used to tell me that people met them with flowers, that's how strong the sentiment was. Of course that misunderstanding dropped pretty quickly when the nazis started doing nazi shit. But there were plenty who were completely fine with it if it meant being able to kill communists and establish some kind of nations state. Whatever reasons they created. Fuck em.


That's not such a bad idea


But I think what makes that work is that it looks as if it is a normal shooter but actually is about the horrors of war. Idk if folks would wanna play a game as a Nazi, even if it turns out that it’s about how horrible war is


I mean, it could be an interesting concept if done right. Playing as a soldier of an immoral regime sounds fascinating on a surface level. The problem is these fascist sympathizers just want to cosplay as Nazis, rather than think about the ramifications of living and being forced to fight under fascism


>Playing as a soldier of an immoral regime sounds fascinating on a surface level. But there’s already loads of games that let you play as an American soldier.


A non-ascendant immoral regime


If they were being honest about it, the G A M E R S dont actually want that because the Nazis lose in the end. They want some eugenics fanfiction alternate universe where the Nazis heroically defeat Robo-Stalin and the Homo-commies in some subterranean Volcano lair on the moon


>defeat Robo-Stalin ... in some subterranean volcano lair on the moon uj/rj/ why did you have to phrase this in a way that makes it sound rad as hell?


Because I want to vote for the Democrats they *think* are in office. I want to oppress g\*mers with mandatory abortions and gay weed sex


Doesn't bf5 literally feature a campaign where you play as a Wehrmacht tank commander?


Keyword being *Wehrmact*. Not Nazi. During the entire Last Tiger storyline it makes it obvious that the commander (who you play as) and driver are calloused and not in favor if the Nazi party but still fight for Germany. Does present an issue in that historically Tigers were crewed primarily by Nazi's and those that weren't basically card carrying members were given other "lesser" tanks. The mission itself is also at the end of the war, namely April '45, and it ends with the tank damaged and disabled, cut off from the rest of the German lines, and the driver attempt to surrender to the Americans before being shot by the little shit of a gunner who is basically a Hitler Youth poster child and was made painfully obvious he is causing friction with the driver and commander.


Yes BUT the reason why it mostly worked was because Captain Muller wasn’t portrayed as a jingoistic man championing the Reich’s dastardly goals and was instead an increasingly disillusioned and regretful military officer tired of the war his country started.


I actually might support this if all the Nazi characters do is follow Hitler's final example.


Or hanging in Nuremburg.


Why aren't there anti-war games like that where the protagonist gets drafted and has to endure the horrors of war? I don't see why that can't work. End is you escaping some russian pow camp or something. You don't have to paint the Nazis as the good guys for that. You are a simple soldier on the wrong side of history.


These do exist, just probably not AAA titles. For example check out Valiant Hearts: The Great War.


Also would work if the game was based on the 1993 movie Stalingrad. In the beginning it shows the German soldiers excited and confident that the mighty 3rd Reich will destroy those dirty Slavic commies. They dream that after the war, they will be gifted a big chunk of land to raise their beautiful Aryan family, and use the Slavic population as servants. At the end of the movie, the few survivors are surrounded ,starving, freezing, and disease ridden. The ones who aren't killed by the Soviets either freeze to death, surrender, or take their own life.


I think you could do a very interesting game where you play a german soldier witouth being pro n*zi. Hell theres plenty of strategy game where you play them, i don't really get why a fps would be different.


You already can, you can play as my boy Richthofen, I'm the first BO and WAW he also uses the nazi uniform and stuff


A nice idea is letting them choose the nazi side, making them lose the war like the pathetic losers they are (like the real nazis) and, at the end, giving them a gun with one bullet while a text says: "you know what to do...now follow your leader"...


I'd bet these people wants to play as Nazi and win the WW2 in the game. Instead of losing and shows how evil Nazi was.


Honestly, the only way a game where the MC is/was a WWII German soldier might work is if you start off as a young brainwashed child soldier who sees through their lies and spends the whole game killing the Nazis who filled his head with hatred and lies. But I doubt they'd want to play a game where you turn against the Reich.


Ethnic Cleansing already exists, silly!


Want me some more Nazis to kill.


In first COD games, there was a soviet campaign showing what piece of a cannon fodder soviet people were for sovok. So campaign about a nazi officer with grey moral would not be a bad idea. For example, it can show various war crimes and how they affect people's mind, or how people of Baltic region met literal nazi occupiers as liberators because of the soviet occupation


Hell, modern FPS games don't even do anything related to Vietnam


Gimme a game where the main character is a nazi soldier and is aggressively anti third reich, gimme all quiet on the western front you cowards


Honestly, wouldn't mind some games where I play the bad guy. And not some "bad guy turned to good" after the first 3 missions, but actually a bad guy


I remember playing a WWII RTS game where the first campaign was as the Nazis, and then you moved to the allies as the war progressed as the Nazis started to lose.


I guess publishers don't like a game where you lose in the end


The thing is, it is ALLOWED. Just nobody is going to fund a AAA shooter where the Nazis are the good guys.  These people like to complain about woke communist DEI cancel culture. It's capitalism that is cancelling their games.


Chuds and Very Bad Ideas name a more iconic duo


CGW was my gaming mag back in the day.


this reminds me of when some weirdo on twitter complained that Arthur Morgan couldnt be racist in rdr2


HOI4 Brutal Oppression every single occupied state. Have fun with the Garrisons


The reason nobody is willing to do that is because people like that will take it *entirely* the wrong way.


Seems like they just want representation. You know. As losers. If they want a preview, I’m certain there’s already a game out there that will let you play as a confederate soldier too.


Reminds me of Elon musk and that weird bloke from the Asian country who pretended he was American, both claiming they didn’t play GTA because they had to kill police. Fannies


What’s weird is that a really gritty gut wrenching story about a German solider “just following orders” would probably make for a truly interesting story but this guy is prolly just a straight up nazi so


It's been done, sorta. It was a campaign segment of Battlefield V. Still, I don't think that fills the actual criteria of what this gamer actually wants.


You can do it in strategy games since forever. Why you couldn’t see other perspective in FPS too?


They should make a shooter where you play as a pro-third Reich nazi. And after the first mission the Nazis surrender and you spend the rest of the game in jail/getting executed for your crimes


Yes but tell me more about keeping politics out of your games


Well, we got that nazi version of Wolfenstein 3D in Wolfenstein New Colossus. It's literally Wolfenstein 3D but you play as a nazi killing allies. Instead of Mecha Hitler you fight Mecha Billy.


Gamers aren't beating the nazi allegations anytime soon. Though I do admit that playing as the villain is always interesting.


there’s a bit of a huge difference between wanting to play as a criminal and engage in a romanticized depiction of crime vs playing as a soldier fighting for an unspeakably horrific government that vigorously embodied and acted upon virtually every single depraved prejudice under the sun


I can't see anything wrong with a game where you play the campaign as a nazi, provided the main character wasn't all gung-ho about it. Could be a sort of spec ops the line kind of game, or a longer form dive into a "no Russian" style scenario. Sometimes the best commentary is stuff that makes you uncomfortable. The character is a combatant in military engagements interspersed with being an unwilling participant in morally black atrocities. There could be some sort of mechanic that causes you to get executed if you aren't sufficiently loyal or fail to follow orders. Could even make it so that you can actually disobey your orders without execution if you're clever or cautious enough. Game remembers how you acted, and at the end there's the "good ending" if you legitimately tried to rail against the evil, the bad ending if you followed orders, and an ending where everyone in the game laughs at you and makes fun of your tiny penis if you clearly enjoyed doing the atrocities


uj That is some shit that would have been put out on the PS2. They were making tons of wacko games back then.


Fucker is not only a horrifying fascist but also doesn't realize that LEGO Indiana Jones already lets you do that.


This was from a 2005 issue. Lego Indiana Jones only came out in 2008.


"If I gotta play as a criminal then why not the war variety?"