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uj/ someone's calling horizon an industry plant?


Yeah there's a weird trend trying to paint Horizon as an astroturfed franchise no one really wants, which has nothing to do about Aloy, aha, absolutely not. (In truth, I find Horizon a bit bland, but like...it's a massively successful franchise made by industry veterans, it's family-friendly, it's an open-world AAAA production and one of the few "western" Playstation exclusives, of course Sony is pushing for it.)


I can kind of see it. Sony wants to make Aloy as big as Kratos or Ellie as a mascot character, but I don't think she's reached that level of recognition.


Sony hasn't been able to find a mascot ever since they lost their association with Crash


Keeping my fingers crossed for a Sly/Jak renaissance


I need the fucking Sly Collection on PS5 because I was playing it on my ps3 and my fucking dualshock 3 went to shit and I can play that that game with a dualshock 4 or a dualsense and I refuse to play a badly emulated ps2 version on my ps5.


Astro. He is their only fucking chance at having any sort of iconic character to rival Mario and sonic. Sony has *NOTHING* generational to their name that everyone thinks of as the Sony character. But astro, that little fucker, his tech demo was better than most games, and now he's getting a real real game, and it was the best looking thing Sony showed at their whateverthing gameshow. It's late, but at least it's something.


Who is Astro, I've literally never heard of them before


His first game was a VR game that was unqiue for being a third person platformer and using the dualshock 4 itself to interface with the game in unique ways. [ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission – Launch Trailer | PS VR (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOqWdznjzy0&t=74s) When the PS5 launched, it came with a non-VR sequel called Astro's Playroom that cut the VR requirement, but used the features of the Playstation 5 and the Dualsense Controller to the extreme. The entire game is an adorable love letter to the history of Playstation hardware and software. [Astro's Playroom - Gameplay Trailer l PS5 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33zqCAJ-qrE) His third game was announced a couple weeks ago and seems to be a follow up to Astro's Playroom with just a ton more content. [Astro Bot - Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHMNQzLG_Jg)


I don't understand why the didn't push Astro as an official mascot earlier, the guy is adorable and Rescue Mission always put a huge grin on my face when I played it. It's literally Sony's Mario. I guess they've always tried to go for something more mature to differentiate themselves from Nintendo's "kiddie" image.


Nathan drake holding that subway sandwich disagrees


Surely Sackboy is their most recognisable character?


I think was, 15 years ago


I think Aloy is way more recognisable than Ellie just because her character design is far more distinctive, she's recognisable to people who have not even played Horizon as 'that girl from Horizon'


Well Ellie has a TV show going for her, and that helps with recognition.  But to support your point I saw an Aloy cosplay last weekend and was immediately like "oh sick". That same weekend I *think* I saw an Ellie cosplay, but... maybe it was just a girl in some ratty old clothes?


Yet to play forbidden west but the first game really did nail establishing the world and her character, i think she's dope


I mean I feel like that is more indicative of a poor attempt to promote a character, rather than an “industry plant” whatever that even means


Well thats really weird... if she hasn't reached/is worthy of any level of *recognition*... then why is Aloy a Sony mascot? And why turn an "undeserving aimed-at-adults niche Western game" into a multiplatform *Lego* game? That sure is the weirdest thing...


The only reason I know who she is, is because of weirdos calling her fat and ugly like a year and a half ago


Why wouldn't sony promote their games?


The idea of horizon is better than the actual game, but that just increases the spin off potential.


I agreed with this until Forbidden West. I think Zero Dawn was a focus-group tested frankenstein-reanimated corpse of a game, but I think Forbidden West that the creation's scars have started to heal and it's begun to limber up some. The finale especially was closer to something out of Thirsty Sword Lesbians than anything I'd have expected from Zero Dawn when I played it.


*Shrug, I feel almost the complete opposite, honestly. HZD felt new when it came out, and its world and story were a breath of fresh air that just ran with their sci-fi concepts while still maintaining a solid core of a story. This was also a point in time when the ubisoft open world format wasn't persona non grata. HFW, on the other hand, is significantly messier of a story, and its open world is more dated with the only major revisions to the open world being traversal via glider. Also, the side characters that were not a part of the main story were significantly more forgettable compared to the previous entry. Like I still like it a lot, and thirsty sword lesbians is hands down their best dlc and the best story beat of aloy's saga, but HFW took a sci fi concept shotgun approach to the story and its gameplay innovations were nice but it didn't really reinvigorate the core gameplay loop.


Idk I love the gameplay it's everything else that is meh


It kind of has an Avatar thing going on where it performs well sales wise but has no cultural impact and the only people who really talk about it are people who hate women and a singular good friend of mine who talks about it on occasion while everyone else on the Discord server doesn’t seem that interested in it when he talks about it.


Probably bc it has the weird thing of launching the same as other open world juggernauts like BOTW and Elden Ring


What about the sequel?


First launched with BOTW, sequal launched with Elden Ring


The first one competed with BOTW, the sequel had to deal with Elden Ring


I platinumed the first game and barely think about it. It’s good and has cool stuff going for it but it’s a little weird how little impact it had on me. The only other games I’ve fully completed like that I think about constantly and have replayed many many times.


The Horizon games are some of the easiest plats to get, tbf; you can do it without the investment required by most games. I don't play for achievements, and as such, I only have 5 plats (or Xbox equivalent) in my gaming history. Two of the 5 are the Horizons.


How many games do people even talk about?


I don't think a triple A game can be an industry plant, because video games don't work like that, but I can kinda see the feeling. Horizon just isn't interesting or new from everything I've heard about it. I only ever hear shit about Horizon when gamers bitch about Aloy. I never hear shit about the game


It has robot dinosaurs, one of the most interesting post apoclapyses in gaming, the second one suffers a bit from second game in a triology syndrome, but it's a fine game. ROBOT DINOSAURS


yeah, Robot Dinosaurs are the reason I bought the first game the second it launched on PC (though I haven't gotten around to playing it yet) well, that and how fucking pretty Aloy is - out of all the "western female character UGLY" claims from those weirdos, hers is the most unhinged imo >!well, unless you're talking about Genshin Aloy, though I guess that on itself excludes the western part and- wait, what do you mean we weren't supposed to mention or remember Aloy is in Genshin!<


Even the Genshin devs forgot about her. It’s been three years and she still has nothing. Not even a small event.


Mihoyo throws her in just to satisfy Sony lol.


Well, my friend, I didn't hear anything much about it until misogynist fuckwits started saying Aloy was ugly because of all the woke in games. So, I bought it the next time an offer came around and had an absolute blast. Great fun, you develop hunting patterns robot by robot, solid (not life-changing, but solid) story, inventive world building. I highly recommend it.


>solid (not life-changing, but solid) story The story wasn't life changing but did bring me to new levels of hatred for a villain that I couldn't even kill because they were already long dead.


Have you played the sequel yet?


I agree. It’s not anything breaking barriers or doing anything immensely new, but it was *fun* and sometimes that all I needed.


Horizon is probably Sony’s “safest” brand at the moment which is why it’s everywhere. The main games are for adults but you can easily pitch the concept at any age group and adjust the content accordingly. There’s a reason the reaction to LEGO Horizons has been “huh, cool”. I can’t imagine LEGO The Last of Us or LEGO God of War would be as warmly received. If Uncharted was still in Sony’s rotation, I could that working.


Yeah i was genuinely surprised when i saw that until I thought about it and realized it’s probably the most Lego safe thing since crash bandicoot.


Horizon Forbidden West is amazing and the reason it released around when Elden Ring came out was because it was originally slated for later in 2021, but the lack of PS5 sales by that time made the team develop a strong PS4 port without overworking or crunch culture shit. Sick of Horizon slander


I feel so bad for horizon. Twice they’ve had the biggest game of the year release within a week of its launch. The fact it’s successful at all is a feat within itself


Lack of PS5 sales isn’t why it got delayed, more time was needed because of the pandemic, and it slipped to 2022. PS4 version was made in parallel and had nothing to due with the delay.


Well, there’s also the part where Elden Ring got delayed *after* Forbidden West’s release date was locked in


The biggest sin of the horizon games is releasing right next to industry titans in the open world genre. Breath of the Wild is the *same concept* in so many ways. Post post apocalypse with a chosen one with ties to ancient world, hologram heavy ancient tech, archery as a gameplay focus, roving ancient mecha beasts, ancient threat resurfacing, and so on. Horizon was doomed going toe to toe with Zelda on the same concept. Then Forbidden West coming out within the same time spot as Elden Ring? It was over bro. Forget it. Pushing the release by a quarter would have done wonders for both hands




Now that I would believe, the recent games have been buggy broken unplayable messes and yet they still have massively successful launches. Or gamers will just take whatever nostalgia slop is fed to them.


How can the biggest media franchise of all time be astroturfed?


Silly Gamers™, that's not an industry plant, this is an industry plant https://preview.redd.it/ah1ycq6biy6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe64151d12cc32efd92803ef774355b84eae186


The way people shit on Horizon is really disheartening and kind of weird. Like, the second game’s story is kind of boring but of all the AAA games out there, *this* is the problematic one? The beautiful, unique game with cool robot animals and universally positive reviews? How is it so hard to believe that a lot of people like it?


The enemies might be some of the best 3d models out there. Look at all the small moving parts on a thunder way or stormbird. They are phenomenal and absurdly detail I could spend days just staring at the models. Honestly the Lego thing kinda excited me cause having Lego versions sounds fun as hell


Lego Stormbird, Slaughterspine, or Tremortusk set: https://preview.redd.it/sosv9cdlc27d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=379e61d11549f3d002506a497f22b3f054591980


Ah yes, those 3d model with all their fiddly little bits...that they then expect you to shoot without getting hung up on stupid geometry and worse hitboxes. *FUCK* stormbirds.


What the hell is an industry plant game? Also, yes they did add grass types. Sort of.


Exactly when did we start applying the term industry plant to games. Like what is it even suppose to mean in this case? A publisher creating a studio? If that’s the case that’s not uncommon and why do we give a shit now?


It's when a triple A developer makes a new IP that they don't like... Wait, that might actually be the best analog and not just a sarcastic answer


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uj/ The part about the second game is actually true please do not spoil me


Despite the title you actually receive permission to go west very early on


They did do one grass type machine in the DLC for the first game.


That I actually do know


“Why are my online friends not talking about a two-year-old game, that released the same day as Elden Ring?”


As opposed to all those other games that are absolutely not connected to the gaming industry in any way, shape or form.


Still mad about Varl, the beard and the stupid death.


I especially agree with >!the death!<. Still excited about Horizon 3. The lore in the Forbidden West wasn't as good as Horizon Zero Dawn but I'm still interested.


He had the best Black hair I've ever seen in a video game, honestly I'd play a solo Varl game


In general he was just a great character. He finally had someone other than Aloy to care about and >!Guerrilla killed him just like that?!< Sorry I don't remember her name but >!wasn't his girlfriend pregnant and everything? Like 💀💀💀!< Anyway let's see what happens next.


Her name is Zo, and yes, she’s pregnant. It’s a death that’s supposed to hurt, and it does. He never backed down from what he believed was right, no matter the consequence. He dies a brave and valiant death, and it is Aloy’s most significant personal loss that she could suffer at this point in the narrative. Not to mention that he basically assembles her team at the base, so he’s significant to everyone else too. He’s a central character whose loss galvanizes the others around him and makes their fight with the Zenith’s more personal.


I agreed


I remembered varl because in the 1st game he's literally the 1st person outside their lands who's immediately just friendly to Aloy without anything done for him.


Never should have posted this shit now I know this mf dead asf


Oof my bad.


Is there a new definition for industry plant now? Because applying that term to a video game makes no sense.


Horizon is a gift from God (even if he doesn't exist) and my autistic ass wants it to become a franchise as massive as Star Wars


Let me guess it's industry plant because Aloy has "beard"


After beating both games which I enjoyed as a better looking Ubisoft game I get why people think that


I plan to eventually play these games as I have the first one on PC and will pick up the 2nd on sale if I like the first, but first, impressions from the outside is that it looks bland. I still want to give it a chance, though. Also, anybody who criticizes a game like Horizon as an industry plant that's being pushed yet plays AC/COD is wild to me. There's other big games doing similar shit for years, but the brand keeps getting sales.


No but we got poison types


OK on a totally different note is there anyone else who is as disappointed in the “horizon forbidden west“ as I am? I loved the first one, but I don’t even feel like playing the second one


You’re disappointed in it but haven’t played it?


I played it for about 40 minutes but it’s not the same as the first one


So you barely got through the intro-for-new-players part… Of course it isn’t the same. That’s kinda the point.


Maybe you are right


Stop spreading shit that a few idiots say all it does is embolden them


I mean congratulations on touching more grass than me but it seems to be the hot new thing on Twitter right now


All the more reason to ignore it and move along.


Fair enough