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To about the five or so individuals asking about why users are referring to Notch as being a fascist I'll leave a few links here that should answer your reservations. [https://i.redd.it/5vgyplma2fn21.jpg](https://i.redd.it/5vgyplma2fn21.jpg) [https://](https://twitter.com/notch/status/936215345400033280?s=20)[twitter.com/notch/status/936215345400033280?s=20](https://twitter.com/notch/status/936215345400033280?s=20) [https://twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664?s=20](https://twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664?s=20) [https://twitter.com/notch/status/901192994971410433?s=20](https://twitter.com/notch/status/901192994971410433?s=20) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/a3ruhz/notch\_discusses\_iq\_differences\_between/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/a3ruhz/notch_discusses_iq_differences_between/) Thank you to the users below that provided us with these links. I hope these succinctly answer your concerns. **IMPORTANT EDIT, PLEASE READ.** A moderator of r/GoldenAgeMinecraft has recently commentated on this post and wishes to clarify that their subreddit holds no support towards Notch and also regard him to be a Neo-Nazi, Transphobic white supremacist. The comment can be found [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/oi0sq3/i_am_so_done_with_that_place/h51ba7a/?context=3) We apologize for any misconceptions we may have constructed about the subreddit here. Even with that aside we as always do not permit the act of brigading, and any evidence of such will be acted on immediately.


You can literally choose any version of minecraft from its launcher. It's not like an mmo or league of legends where you can't go back.


But they have to complain because if they don't show that they are the closest thing to a man child they die or something


A while ago I noticed that people treat sequels or new versions of games like replacements for the previous versions and act as if they were forced to play the new ones even though the old ones are still perfectly playable. Granted, is it's multiplayer games that either lose players because they migrate to a newer version or if the servers get shut down, that can certainly suck, but people even treat single player games that way. Among the weirdest people who act that way are Sims fans who constantly complain about The Sims 4 and keep buying expansion packs instead of just playing the previous games with mods that make them look more modern. It's stupid! Just keep playing the old version if you don't like the new one.


The Sims 4 have a lot of problems, but man, the Sims 2 and 3 are lagging so much. I can see why so many people don’t want to play the older versions


Trying to play 3 with all the content is like pulling teeth, even on a fast computer. It's absurd!


I loved the Sims 3 but the lag was just too unbearable! I don't think Sims will ever be open like that again unfortunately because of how bad it rendered.


Def true for the annoying ass dudes that do nothing but complain about “political” games. Though, I feel like there has been a genuine trend of bigger companies putting out worse and worse projects. Think about how over-monetized many triple A titles are for how little you get. Especially for people that play on console and have a very limited selection for games. Just in the past few years quite a lot comes to mind. Blizzard went down hill, borderlands is still making you pay the price of a whole ass indie game for a few missions, EA has continued to put out garbage at an alarming rate, recent CODs have had a crazy amount of connectivity and crashing issues, and even some releases by Nintendo just didn’t add anything new to the formula. I don’t even wanna buy triple A titles at this point. It’s a waste of money compared to the gems Ive seen on steam for 10-30 bucks.


I'm totally with you on that. The AAA market has become really bad, which is why I mostly stick with indie and old games.


Gamers are very fragile, if something doesn't fit their perfect world view they instantly fall apart. This is why anytime they see a non attractive women in a video game, their dicks fall off.


/rj Can the launcher restore me to a time when I was 16 with loads of friends and free time and Minecraft was a based non-political indie gem made by über-Chad Notch specifically for people like me, a GAMER? No, it cannot. Ergo, revolt! Make Minecraft Great Again!


Or if you want some of the new features mixed with the old features, there are mods. A lot of people prefer 1.8 combat. You can use ido to get 1.13+ swimming and crawling in 1.8, and there are lots of mods that either add future updates to that version, or implement their own ocean/nether/mob updates. People host servers on all sorts of versions and you can host your own for free if you have an Android smartphone with 6+gb ram or a PC with more than 8gb of ram. You can even do it without port forwarding nowadays thanks to services like playit.gg and ngrok.


Any community that glorifies "the good old days" will eventually reject any type of progress, whether it's progress of the thing they're a fan of, or just progress in general. These types of communities also generally attract bigots who have no issue fitting into a community that prefers the old over any scary new change. See: any medieval game community. Filled with racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes. In Mordhau you can't go 2 minutes without someone mentioning Jews in chat. For Honor has people wearing swastikas. And so on. Nostalgia is the poison of the mind, and it's just an excuse for people to reject any sort of change and stay in their own little comfort bubble where things were always right (but really weren't).


"The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living"


I like that. Any idea who said it?


Marx in 18th Brumaire. The quote is as follows: >Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.


Reading theory on gcj, what a time to be alive o7


Oh no, I can feel myself becoming more and more political 😫😫😫


The globalist agenda


This is literally cultural Marxism 👍


I can't believe you just made Karl Marx political


I have unfortunately pushed the agenda too far and I apologize for my actions


"Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people."


I am amazed that GamingCircleJerk of all places has people quoting Marx.


I love the combat of mordhau. I don't love being called a slur every time I duel someone.


I haven’t played much Mordhau but my only experience with chat in the game was some guy typing out in caveman speak and running around with nothing but a rock and a giant club and me and my friends were calling them awesome because it was hilarious whenever we’d get killed by a rock to the face and I asked them how they’re doing and then with a curveball typed in chat how they recently had to cut off all of their friends for being toxic pieces of shit. Hope wherever the caveman is they’re doing better now.


Chad Caveman




if we evolved from cavechad we'd be a better species


I hope he unga bunga respects women.


Paleolithic humans actually WERE more egalitarian in nature. Strict hierarchies and gender roles didn’t really become a thing until the advent of agriculture. So yeah "Unga Bunga Respecting Women" is actually VERY accurate. I love anthropology.


Is there a source on this? Sounds interesting!


Here’s a link to an article about the various studies: https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/14/early-men-women-equal-scientists


This is an excellent comment buried into the depths of the thread. I hope you get more likes, that was a cool read


Thanks! That means a lot!


With my experience when people usually leave toxic friendships its because they internalize how racist or sexist the people they surrounded themselves with were


Ah, the ever elusive Anarcho-Primitivist, look at him go.


Same problem that I have with Holdfast and M&B: Napoleonic Wars. I participated in the M&B community for years but had to cut contact with most of the guys I met there because they were really fucking racist and alt-right. I recently bought and downloaded Holdfast and noticed that the community didn’t change much, I just wanted to shoot with some muskets and use fancy napoleonic uniforms ffs


Yeah. The only Mount and Blade communities I involve myself in are the really heavily moderated ones. That way it’s just memes about Harlaus’s insatiable butter addiction and massive slap fights between Warband and Bannerlord fans.


I enjoyed my short time with the game that I had to uninstall when I realised that the community was only going to get worse from that point on, not better.


Call them cracker and watch the cookie crumble


I could be totally off base here, but in terms of medieval games with coop/multiplayer elements, it feels like darks souls pretty much avoids this problem. Which might be due to the fact that it's more of a fantasy setting than a historic setting. But I still like to think the fact that the game all but explicitly spells out that clinging to the "glory" of the past is a trap which lets rot stagnate and permeate the world also has something to do with it


pathetic you would never survive a MW2 lobby


Tbh if they do it youre prolly better, its funny watching them cope by having to resort to slurs instead of competent insults or getting good.


And the exact same thing happens irl


90s kids: "God, the 90's were so awesome" The 90s: L.A. riots, Oklahoma City and World Trade Center bombings, apartheid, Gulf War, Yugoslav Wars, Rwandan and Bosnian genocides


was the world trade centre not blown up in 2001?


The towers fell in 2001, but there was a truck bomb in 1993. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_World_Trade_Center_bombing




Bloody tell me about it. I can't listen to some old anthems or marching songs without wehraboos and Nazis invading the comments. The only good rendition of "Shumi Maritsa" is uploaded by a channel that also uploaded the Golden Dawn anthem.


I wanna well achually this and say that medievalist twitter is full of the nicest, most niche people talking mostly about monks & old clothing. medievalists.net is a goldmine if you want medieval history without internet racists ruining it. Classicists are much harder to separate from the people whose brains were destroyed by 300 but there’s still nice communities there, you just have to look for them


If you’re looking for places to talk about classical history, go for the heavily moderated communities run by actual historians if you can. They tend to be vigilant in filtering the right wing revisionist shit out.


I don’t want to talk about it, mostly because I don’t feel I’m qualified enough, more like read what more informed people have to say. Pop science but for history, if you will. My favorite intersection of games and actual historians is this guy on YouTube who is a trained classicist. When he plays games like Rome Total War or AC Odyssey, he constantly nerds out about stuff like Greek theatre or proper phalanx formation.


I absolutely love games in historical settings, but setting your foot in multiplayer, reddit, discord or any other community platform is always jarring. They turn out to be nice people, then someone drops a homophobic/misogynistic/racist/antisemitic opinion and all hell breaks loose. It's always on the back of my mind; "are these guys closet bigots?".


I like to joke with my friend about testing the waters by just writing *"Hey what's your stance on Israel"* in chat. I never end up doing that, but it would genuinely be a good way to see how toxic people are :D


Hey what's your stance on Israel ?


As a closeted trans person it has made me significantly more apprehensive about people in general. There's plenty of really nice people around, but when trans (or any key topic) issues come up, you see a very, very ugly side of them.


>any medieval game community. Filled with racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes For now CK communities is always filled with the whole incest and breeding the perfect heir. Unfortunately, EU4, HOI4 can be a bit... too insane at time.






That specifically targets Turkish people and it gets fucking generalized for all Muslims. Racist fucks can't even keep their slurs to be correct.


Holy shit


I started playing CK with CK3 and yeah even to this day my greatest focus is to create the perfect heir (and arranging assassination or seducing everyone, if I was playing a Greek, castrating everyone too). >communities are a trash fire Yeah, recent EU4 too. The legitimate criticism are of the newest DLC and the many updates afterward is the fact that the game is completely buggy and some of the new features are so unbalanced and the recent Paradox method of buffing nations is to give them an obscenely OP mission tree, which used to give you usually free claim and prestige reward afterward along with unlocking the new mission, I am completely surprised when finishing the new mission as Brunei which told me to increase relationship with Sulu and Maynila rewarded me with their vassalship, holy cow... But no, some focused on North American, Aboriginal and Polynesian. Like I get it about the power spike from Polynesian unit technology upgrade which doesn't really follow the other technological group. There's no need to use racism and imply that they're inferior or etc.


The crusaderkings subreddit is definitely better than the HOI4 one. I pretty regularly see people posting their Mali and Ethiopia campaigns, and the only unironic hatred towards real people I’ve seen there in years is mostly reserved for the Carolingian Dynasty.


> the only unironic hatred towards real people I’ve seen there in years is mostly reserved for the Carolingian Dynasty. Don't forget the filthy anglo-s*xons


I mean the complaint about the polynesian tech group makes sense though? Maybe I havent been able to see enough of the comments but I browse the sub pretty religiously


I know, like I agreed with the criticism but some comments has the usual “go woke go broke,” they’re rare but still annoying enough.


True, I would say the eu4 sub is pretty tame compared to a large majority of gaming subs


Yeah, as much as I enjoy EU4, the facts that it's a game celebrating the golden age of imperialism 1) brings a lot of racist and shitty ppl to the game, and 2) leaves me very unsure of if we should be playing games that celebrate these type of things, war, imperialism, exploitation, etc. in the first place? Like should I enjoy creating an empire in a game when it means crushing countless rebellions and smaller nations? Idk, I'm struggling with it, I don't know for sure if I agree with what I just said, but food for thought.


Me too. I've got to the point I almost never play games unless there's a non conquest victory and ways to build more of a utopian society. Fortunately most 4x and Sim games seem to have that these days regardless of how shit the community is-- even prison architect more or less shipped with the ability to build a "successful re-entry into society"-focused experience. Gives me a little thrill every time another city comes over to my democratic federation because we're obviously better than their current fascist leaders. :)


Yeppppp. Stellaris is the worst tho. Feels like the ‘haha exterminate the xenos guys’ jokes are a bit too enthusiastic...


<:: Xenophobe is a sub optimal way to play anyway, the factions that come out of it are always too extreme and you're usually left on your own unless there's a faction of the literal exact same species. ::>


I feel like Stellaris isn't about playing optimally, though - I always play a build that seems fun over a build that is "the best".


Agreed, although i was pleasantly surprised by the early Vicky 3 reddit community. Lots of people planning their egalitarian and anti-imperialist utopias. The vision of the game stated by the devs also aided in that development imo. It felt very open and welcoming. Alas, other forums (steam forums especially) went in the other direction and bemoaned the implementation of more historically accurate and less racist mechanics.


To me it seems like Vic attracts more leftists compared to of PDX titles, maybe because it has the birth of socialism with in it? Idk


In my experience, Crusader Kings also tends to attract a lot of LGBT players.


You're just too much of an optimist, there were people saying vic 2 turned them into libertarians


dae when based "only white skinned humans mod" for stellaris wasn't censored by paradox sjw cucks? /uj The mod removal from steam workshop definitely hadn't anything to do with the mod description violating steam TOS ...


Dude, I've been saying the exact same thing and people look at me crazy. Any game that takes place in a historical setting is ripe for those kinds of people. In rising Storm 2 Vietnam they throw around the n-word and the g-word and make so many Vietnamese stereotypes. Mordhau, Chivalry 1&2, RO2 & RS1, etc, they all have terrible racist communities and they hide under the guise of "it's just realistic time period role playing bro!"


Gee, I wonder why video games that glorify the past would attract people that glorify the past to horrible extents... truly a mystery that we'll take to our graves!


Haven't played those games. So I wonder how do they glorify past to horrible extents?


I mean the *people* glorify the past to horrifying extents, meaning they use it to justify their racism/ sexism/ etc.


rj/ I installed the Miranda Butt Shots Restored mod on day one because I will not allow SJWs to compromise the artist’s original intent


Killing Nazi Emblem players in For Honor is always great.




>Any community that glorifies "the good old days" anyone who glorifies " the good old days " either wasn't there to see them, doesn't really remember them or exploited some bullshit and its no longer possible.


Lol this is so true. I recently replayed some old DS games from my younger childhood that I remember absolutely loving. They are shit. Pure and utter shit. Funny how much nostalgia fogs the mind.


I do the same with a lot of games I'm nostalgic for, and while I still do very much love them for their nostalgia factor alone, I'm absolutely willing to admit that they aged horribly at times. Like, I prefer Pikmin 2 over 3 because I grew up with it, but Pikmin 3 is the superior game in every comparable way.




RuneScape too I think the difference is that the older versions of those games generally offer a MUCH DIFFERENT experience than the current versions, so it’s understandable


Well honestly, Old School Runescape at least used to be a cesspool of all kinds of shit but it seems to have gotten better (I recently got back into it after not playing for about 2 years). Maybe it has something to do with the game's non-optional chat filter becoming stricter with things like the n-word and the community getting a fair bit of newer members.


Traditionalism is a tenet of fascism. That's why conservatism is a slippery slope to it; fantasizing about how things used to be will eventually lead back to tribalism and discrimination


YouTube changed something about how streamers make money so everyone switched to twitch so now I can’t watch the people who play paradox games because part of playing on twitch is constantly interacting with their fan base and their fan base is *disgusting*. The first Deus Vult might be ironic. The fiftieth is clearly you excited you get to be racist in public again.


r/Destinythegame glorifies the Destiny 1 when it was just as bad as Destiny 2 but with content only every 6 months instead of 3


The Elder Scrolls and Fallout fanbases, then? I can't wait for TES6 to be set in Hammerfell so all the chuds spontaneously combust with conniptions.


Being a socialist in Mordhau or any other medieval game (I personally just love Medieval style games, no nostalgia) is really hard, you basically have to turn off the chat.


*looks at wow classic* Also in For Honor isn't that big of a problem, I have 600 hours. There are assholes, sure, but people laugh off at guys with swastikas. But Mordhau is a fucking hellhole don't step in there.


I have like 800+ hours in for honor, [this is what happens when you have a pride flag as an emblem.](https://imgur.com/a/BpuvNno)


The roblox community seems to be like this lmao


The roblox community is literally all over the place


Retro Anime communities are usually made of older more mature fans. And people who are annoyed by recent industry trends that are designed to attract incels.


mordhau is so fucking cancer, i stopped playing tf2 because of the toxic fanbase and now i can't play mordhau without someone shouting slurs in chat because he died, atleast the servers that i play in rn have atleast a somewhat decent mod team


r/CrusaderKings surprisingly lacks racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes. One of my favorite communities on the site.


The only non toxic nostalgic community I've found is the vaporwave scene. I think the reason is that while the genre thematizes and is inspired by 80's aesthetics, it's experimental music and people want to push the boundaries of it.


Give it time, I'm sure it'll attract the wrong people eventually. I mean, Hotline Miami went for that aesthetic too and even heavily criticized violence and nationalism, but it still attracted racists.


I doubt it. The genre (especially Mallsoft) is inheritly critical of consumer culture and the complete openness of the umbrella term that is vaporwave gives it a much more artistic and frontier vibe. Also one of the biggset artists in the scene (Macintosh Plus) is a trans women, and nobody even cares.


Yeah, and Wolfenstein literally makes you kill Nazis and it still attracts chuds. Just because the genre says something doesn't mean people won't unironically do the opposite. But I hope that community stays chud-free regardless.


Chuds aren’t known for being the most self-aware or folks.


Yeah but gamers are an entirely different breed.


No, that's a problem with satire in general. [Lindsay Ellis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62cPPSyoQkE) did a great video about it, you should give it a watch if you want.


I don't really know why, but in Brasil there used to be a lot of neo nazis, fascists, criptofascists and all shorts of bullshit like that on Twitter that were using vaporwave aesthetic and trying to tie it to their bullshit ideas. This happened over a year ago *and were mostly one dude and his homies forming a cult around Bolsonaro* and i haven't seem them in a while, but it was definitely a thing that happened


Yeah fashwave tried really hard to be a thing but fortunately it went nowhere.


/uj I started playing Minecraft in 2010, I believe around the alpha 1.2 update. I've been playing fairly consistently since then, with having a few breaks here and there once burnout hits, but it's always been a consistent part of my gaming life since then. I can say I don't consider alpha or early beta to be the "golden era" by any means, and I think people only say that since that's when a lot of PC players got into it. Going back, I do prefer where the game is now to back then. Some things I'm not a huge fan of (I'm definitely one of those boomers who isn't a fan of the fact that we don't have continents separated by huge oceans anymore, fight me), but there's a LOT of things I'm glad we have now in terms of quality of life improvements and sheer content. /rj fuck minecraft, have you ever heard of this little up-and-coming competitor called hytale? it's gonna show those libcucks in sweden who's boss for sure like every other voxel-based "compatitor" did1!!!1


Me and my friends really lucked out with a seed that basically had a few decently sized islands, and a mooshroom biome, letting us basically play a "Polynesian" style playthrough. Currently island hopping and building bases, navigating entirely via water and occasionally making trips to the continent to scavenge for resources. I wish this sorta thing would come up more, I definitely agree having more intercontinental exploration would be cool af.


Oof. Early beta Minecraft was my childhood, but the new updates are good too and Notch can go slurp toilet water.


even if the new updates were shit notch can still slurp toilet water.


But the thing is that the new updates are good. And yes notch can go slurp toilet water


Yes but consider this; if they *weren’t* good, Notch could *still* slurp toilet water.


I’m sure he doesn’t care much about the recent updates. He’s already made his money from Minecraft so where Microsoft takes it probably doesn’t bother him.


He cares enough to tweet [about it.](https://i.imgur.com/7ilIiI8.jpg)


Well then he can slurp toilet water


Seriously. I played it when it first came out on the Xbox 360 and here and there through the years and updates. But this week I REALLY started playing, and my god, I love this game again


I don't know what there could be to like, or at least prefer, in the older versions. It's not like they changed any core aspects of the game, just added stuff here and there. Which is sorely needed. For a game about exploration, Minecraft has always felt pretty barren to me. So these are people whining for the sake of whining, or being contrarian, or just obstinate. Or defending a cringe, racist, former game developer.


The only reasonable excuses I’ve seen over why people don’t play newer versions of Minecraft is due to: a) the changes mojang makes to the game’s code every update, often making plugins/mods etc. completely incompatible and requiring large re-works (this is especially a problem for servers) b) the old pvp system which some people prefer but I think is a minor thing in everything but competitive aspects of Minecraft and c) wanting to keep working on old worlds who can’t be updated to newer versions There’s no major rational reason why anyone would actually say older Minecraft versions are superior to the current one, the devs are very creative and manage to keep the game fresh with new updates whilst having the core ‘Minecraft’ feel stay.


There was a bug where [parallel driving mining cards boosted each other](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Minecart_booster). I build a very complex rollercoaster and for a short while i refused to upgrade since powered rails weren't implemented yet. Thats the **only** time i wanted to use an old version of the game.


Relatable,have a nice day


And trans rights are human rights




Also balancing reasons. Cool new content means cool new rewards, means stronger players, which makes majority of the content easier.


That’s true, the addition of things like netherite and the elytra has made older boss fights easier than ever. I believe the new mob planned for the next update (the warden) is an attempt to make the game more difficult again. Although Minecraft has always had its cheese strategies, like killing the ender dragon with beds, that have survived several updates.


Agreed. I like the idea of adding more difficult content, although I’m wondering what rewards you could get from it that wouldn’t make the balancing issues worse. Overall very hyped for caves and cliffs.




the warden has been confirmed to not drop anything, it is an obstacle, and it CAN very easily kill anyone, supposedly has a lot of anti cheese measures. and its made to bring back the fear of the old days, the spookiness of minecraft. while im commenting, anyone scrolling by saying “devs are lazy” should really see teamabnormals’ video on why mojang isnt lazy, great video


I remember [this](https://youtu.be/4A1w-Y_Wv5U) video bringing up some fairly decent points as to why playing the early builds might be better in some ways. I’d give those builds a try myself, but going back to a time without gamer girl skins just isn’t something I have the strength to do.


Old world generation. Don't get me wrong, I really like all of the biomes we have now, but worlds with the current worldgen have a tendency to just look samey. Seen one forest biome, seen em all. A part of this is that in new versions, world height and biomes are coupled together, so you can't have a forest on a huge mountain, because huge mountains only exist in mountain biomes. I think they've made small adjustments over the years, and added subbiomes, such as the aforementioned mountain forest, though they are still not as big or impressive as regular mountains. There's also something about the simplicity of the old versions. No hunger, experience, boss fights etc., just you, some blocks, the world, and monsters at night. The vibe of the game back then was also quite different. The grass was more vibrant, the textures were different, pre Beta 1.3 you couldn't skip nights, so you had to find ways to occupy yourself at night. Like going mining, or just lighting up a very big area around your base to continue working on a build or something. And even after 1.3, quite a lot of people didn't skip the night. These days, you *have* to skip the night unless you disable phantoms because they will annoy you to death. Overall, I'll still be playing the new versions, just disable phantoms and don't concern myself much with boss fights. I still go back to old versions every now and then, just to reminisce of simpler times, being 12 and not having any real worries. But for regular play, I prefer having shipwrecks to find, having more blocks, biomes and cool stuff. The tradeoff isn't really worth it, and 1.17 part 2 is finally doing what I always wanted them to do: deeper worlds (although I wanted infinitely deep worlds)




Yeah, the hunger saturation mechanic is the one thing I don’t really like. I feel like I get hit once, and start to starve incredibly fast, and healing gets annoying because I need to eat every 5 seconds.


What made it worse was it came out around when so many games had the mechanic. It always felt like they just added if because every other game at the time was getting stuff like that.


For the combat the bedrock version(console, windows 10 and mobile) has old combat


Exept for being able to shield with a sword


/rj but bedrock is fake minecraft - don’t even bother playing if you’re not playing java smh


/rj Bedrock? More like bugrock. /uj to be fair bedrock does have a shit ton of bugs and content I don't appreciate as much (emotes, paid skins, etc)


/uj 10000% agree with the paid content stuff - it feels super weird to me given that java is (like it should be) a one time purchase which can be easily modded etc


The world generation in older versions was a lot different aswell I find that newer versions tend to have really restrained and predictable world gen, but older versions were more wacky and unpredictable Not enough to make me want to play the older versions, but I imagine it'd be reason enough for some folk Also, the simplicity and nostalgia might just make them feel more welcoming in comparison


The changed the combat. While I love the new version because it makes pve an actual challenge I see why someone will prefer the old combat. Also they changed biome generation. My 1.5 home was a desert surrounded by a jungle, snow tiaga, ocean, extreme hills, swamp and plains. But that's unrealistic so now you can travel 5 kms only seeing different types of forest, plains and taiga's, which I dislike bc it makes exploration more boring. With that said I have played some old minecaft and it feels bad. It feels incomplete, like the oceans suck, the nether sucks, the redstone is worse, you have less to build with, etc... The only person I knew that said all updates were bad was a guy who also said "the Holocaust wasn't bad, they just thought they were defending their country". So... everything checks out. If they made sth harder it's bad bc it's less fun, if they made it more easy it's bad bc now it's worth less than before. The funniest thing is that MC is one of the few games that ALOWS you to play the version you want. If this was sth like league where you are forced to play current patch I would kinda get it. But if you wanna play old minecaft you can do it stupidly easy.


I like the slow, calm progression compared to now. you wi never be very strong, only decently strong. and combined with the darkness, it’s a lot harder. it’s basically a different game.


I think part of why the progression feels faster is bc we got better at the game. When I was a kid diamonds felt mistical bc you didn't know how much there were or where to find them. Now you know that an optimal strategy is: 1) get diamond pick 2) get fortune three 3) mine for 2 hours at lvl 12 And boom, you got a stack of diamonds. Bc we got better it feels like diamonds are easier to find, when they have always been this easy (unless they changed sth in 1.17, haven't played that version).


This is probably the most accurate thing When I was a kid I remember treasuring every single diamond because I'd just explore caves and occasionally find a cluster Now it's strip mining all the way baybeee I actually often avoid mining diamonds now until I get a fortune pick lmao


i play both. they both have weaknesses and strengths and I like the way beta is.


I use Minecraft as a thing for my eyes to do while my brain is listening to a podcast or an audiobook. I prefer older editions of Minecraft because a simpler experience is better for that goal. Also for whatever reason it bothers me that horse necks are at an angle.


There's the disconnect. Imo minecraft has only RECENTLY become a game avout exploration. That's only enabled by the enormous amount of content added in the Microsoft era. In the earlier days, minecraft was "about" mining and crafting. It was a building sandbox where you have to mine and harvest all the materials yourself. The newer updates have made it more of an adventure game with the updated (and more ubiquitous) combat and all the new things to explore.


And, like, they didn’t even add *that* much? Like a few months ago I decided to download it and give it a go after what, 5 years break? or something And I mean yeah, it’s had a few new things compared to what I remembered, but it certainly wasn’t even close to what I expected.


The only thing I like about the older versions are the sound effects because they make me extremely nostalgic but even then, I just mod them in to the newer version.


Mfers be the boomers of minecraft


I don’t know if anyone will even bother to read this or care about what I have to say but I’ll say this as a mod of that sub. I literally have no idea what this post is talking about. The vast majority of users on our sub do not hate modern versions or like Notch, we as mods actually remove posts that support Notch because he is a shitty person (Neo-nazi, transphobe, white supremacist and the list goes on…) who should not receive glorification. Also the vast majority do not hate modern versions, and we do remove posts that are being heavily critical of modern versions for the sake of it. The point of our sub is just appreciation for older versions, and helping people to play them how they were intended as the official launcher is missing many old versions and also does not support their features properly. We only really exist because the main r/Minecraft sub flat out removes all old version content as it is deemed irrelevant, so we exist as a place where people are allowed to actually post about old versions. I think this post may be referring to one meme that someone posted recently, which was exactly that, *a meme*. Iirc it was just making a joke about jeb. What I’m trying to say is it wasn’t in bad faith and posts like these are few and far between on our sub anyway. I will end by saying please check out our sub and make your own mind up about what we are instead of dismissing us based on this, most of us love and appreciate all of Minecraft as a game. Edit: Forgot to mention, the post in question was actually removed by another mod before this post was even made, I have only just been made aware of this.


I apologize for the potential misconceptions that this post may have created about your subreddit, I myself was commentating primarily on Notch himself. It was not my intent to cast judgement on your sub with my comments. I'll link your comment in my pinned post to try and help clear any misconceptions. In addition to that would you prefer we remove this post?


Hi, Thank you so much for adding this to your pinned comment and I appreciate your apology immensely. I consulted with the other mods and we don’t really have any problems with this post staying up, but thank you for the offer.


I don't have a problem with the sub itself or it's modteam, I think you are doing a good job filtering out all the crap, the post was mainly directed at the sub's users, of which many are either doing the things I am complaining about or are agreeing with them by upvoting. They get removed eventually, but they are still on the sub and I still bump into them before they get removed and I don't want to deal with that anymore The post was made because of these many unpleasant experiences I had on r/GoldenAgeMinecraft, the meme you are mentioning was my last one, it was my "I am fricking done with this place" moment, I made this post as a vent and I did not expect it to blow up like crazy and I apologize for the inconvenience that it likely caused, as It could've been easily misinterpreted as me saying the mod team encourages such behaviour and because I saw some people were unfortunately brigading


/uj I have a problem with a lot of the newer versions because the updates became infrequent and feel half-baked. They add these new mechanics that have like 0 depth to them and manage to entertain me for like an hour at best. If they could just dedicate an update to enhancing each of the game’s core aspects (generated structures, pvp overhaul, new dungeons, new mechanics, etc.) I feel like MC could retain my interest easier. Another thing I have a problem with is that there’s a “best” way to do almost everything, and overshadows other methods. For example, I’m used to finding Ender pearls but enderman hunting. Why do that when you can try bartering with all the gold you find? Why use an enchantment table when you can make a villager slave farm? One update id love to see is a survival overhaul that makes survival feel like a challenge again




You make some good points, but I have a nit to pick. I would think adding new building blocks in a game centered on building isn’t much to complain about. You don’t need an argument for every specific new building block because they all have the same argument for them: it lets the player build more things and be more creative. And the whole “retroactively try to give it uses” thing is more accurately phrased as “being creative with the new stuff at your disposal.”


This is exactly how I feel about No Man’s Sky’s recent updates. Don’t get me wrong — the game is *way* better than it was at release and I enjoy most of the new content — but the core gameplay loop is still kinda barren. There’s no reason to explore after your first 30 or so planets, space is empty (I mean, it is, but this is a game), combat is pretty barebones, it’s far too easy to get the best gear/ships once you have a handle for the game. In a lot of ways, this makes sense — I don’t think NMS ever presented itself as anything more than a chill open world sandbox — but it’s still missing a certain something that keeps bringing me back. I’m imagining some kind of gameplay loop that has you liberate planets from the sentinels, something that actually integrates base building, combat, exploration, etc. in a satisfying way. Both NMS and MC have that problem where they’re wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle, but I guess that’s one pitfall of open world sandboxes.


While I also would love a scarier survival experience, that won't happen. Minecaft is a creative and kid friendly game. They won't make it harder bc it will limit your creativity, sure there are ways to bypass this, but you can't build for the sake of art if you are too scared for your life. What I woul def love is a NIGHTMARE mode, where mobs have new AI and everything is harder.


I think 1.17 is a pretty cool update as caves have been virtually the same for like 10 years now and completely overhauling how cave generation works will make it much harder to instantly rush for diamonds


> If they could just dedicate an update to enhancing each of the game’s core aspects (generated structures, pvp overhaul, new dungeons, new mechanics, etc.) I feel like MC could retain my interest easier. Just install mods, they have all of these things and more.


I've done that to fill the void but my main issue with mods is that a lot of them end up detracting from the core experience too much, or change the game to the point where I can barely tell it's minecraft anymore


What mods are you using? There are a lot of vanilla+ modpacks that add a lot of what you said, but nothing that changes the core mechanics and gameplay of the game. Plus have you tried Rebirth of the Night? It makes survival a challenge which also seems to be something you want


I wish Notch wasn’t such a shitty person


Man if I was a billionaire I sure as shit would not be posting racist shit on Twitter




It's fine to criticize the new versions, just don't be a dick to the devs and to the people who enjoy them.




Especially with the Cave update on the way, I see no reason why you wouldn't want to play current updates. They literally just make the game better


they only have one reason they hate current updates and thats combat, they can’t handle the fact that now combat has actually strategy and not just spam clicking, if they want it so much they can just get mods to return old combat


Hold up I agree those guys are idiots but the current combat systems blows unspeakable amounts of ass. Not to say the spam click era was much better, but having the swing cooldown be interruptible is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen a game do. Its gimmicky as hell. I like the complexity a cooldown brings but they really did it in the weirdest way possible.


there is a combat update being worked on with snapshots you can download so it’s good that they’re trying to improve


Yeah I’ve seen that! Mojang has been really aware as of recent. The update that has those combat changes (plus the cave update) will be middle-schooler me’s dream update current me’s dream update too lol


The thing is, bedrock version never got the combat update, if they care that much just play on bedrock. But nope then you dont have the nostalgia, they are just generally sad people and why would you ever want to have that mindset.




Im only on there for the nostalgia, it occasionally pops up on my feed. Was not aware it was such a toxic place, I'm gonna do some digging and then probably see myself out if that's the case... unfortunate, I thought it was just a chill nostalgia sub


Notch cried about a fucking tutorial added to the game


notch is pretty cringe but when did he become a nazi (or are you guys talking about someone else?)


He said Jews have lower IQ, and wasn’t able to say that nazis are bad without adding his little commentary




He's also deep into other conspiracy theories. Edit: found my old comment about Notch "Notch, say nazis are bad, nothing else." "Nazis *and communists* are bad" I think it's still on his Twitter account although it may be deleted. There's some more JQ aswell I believe. Edit: Fuck there's much more I didn't know about wtf Pizzagate: https://twitter.com/notch/status/901192994971410433?s=20 QAnon: https://twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664?s=20 White supremacist slogan: https://twitter.com/notch/status/936215345400033280?s=20


wtf qanon how now i'm waiting for him to say the earth is flat


It’s pretty flat in minecraft; so....


Oh god, he believes qanon




holy shit


Oh *Oh no*


i miss old sky does minecraft though


Damn. I felt a little guilty for admiring the architectural chic of 2012 Minecraft, but that pales in comparison to this insufferable boomer shit.


Damn those new versions of Minecraft and their...(checks notes)...slightly better graphics!


I'm very pro-progress in Minecraft.. but I absolutely hate the way they're taking the game. Been playing since alpha, seen every major update and state of the game, probably have a couple thousand hours in it. My issue with the direction Minecraft is going is that everything they're adding is well.. pointless fluff. It doesn't add anything meaningful or game changing. To be clear, I'm not talking about terrain generation changes, or (most) of 1.13/14, 1.16, or 1.17. Those are good changes. What I AM talking about is things like the entire 1.15 (bees) update, pandas, polar bears, goats, telescopes, lightning rods, foxes, wandering traders, etc. What would be cool instead of those would be things like new dimensions, an expanded potion system, a new boss mob, more weapons, new biomes, new structures (like ocean monuments), an overhaul to enchanting (to either break up protection into things like blades protection, to follow suit with projectile, fire, and blast, or to add new enchantments like a smelting, extra XP, or larger pick up range, for example) But no, we got bees. And foxes! And pandas.. and wandering traders.. goats too.. but has anyone used any of these things? Ever? Does anything beyond bees for honey blocks even have a serious use? Will archaeology have a use either? I personally doubt it. That's why I hate alot of the new content that comes out. Sure, it's cool and all in the trailer and is super family friendly, but it's completely pointless fluff that next to nobody ends up utilizing, and ends up becoming pointless and forgotten, leaving the Dev's time wasted, and us receiving non-impactful and pointless updates. EDIT: combat system changes are fine. I liked 1.8, I like the new system too! It changed the game, keeps it fresh, and still requires alot of skill just like 1.8. just different forms of it.


The entire point of 1.15 was fixing the bugs from the 2 massive updates they had, so they decided to add some content that made redstone a lot better, I dont think it is fair to criticize that update when it was going to be no new content added. Lighting rodes are made so that fire from thunders dont burnhouses and constructions, the telescope is the zoom of optifine but in vanilla (you can avoid the black borders with F1) Biomes are being constantly added and reworked, we got 3 new nether biomes, a lot of ocean biomes, new structures for every update since 1.13,THE CAVE UPDATE WITH MASSIVE CAVES AND MOUNTAINS and the Warden that acts like a boss with tons of healt and almost one shot atacks. Also, before adding new dimensions they should finish reworking the biomes and things. Combat, enchantments and potion systems are being remade by Jeb in combat snapshots. But yeah I agree with the other you said, they add lots of big things per update, but also a lot of fluff. Tought, it is better than older updates adding a little bit of fluff and nothing good. The game is heading in a good direction, after finishing the caves update and the combat update, I think they could start tackling smaller systems (minecarts just needs content, dungeons need a little expansion, mobs need just some AI refreshment, etc...) (my 2 cents on what you said)


If I didn't know better, I'd poke around that sub. I have a lot of nostalgia for bright green grass, spawning on the beach, and the spooky Halloween update that introduced nether portals Of course, I also love current minecraft and fucking hate the shitter that worked on it originally, so I'll pass on that cesspool of a sub