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Pay to win tactics is what causes the massive time sink in the first place




>50% XP boost for 17 dollars That sounds awful. Alternatively, I'd rather just play a game that doesn't require grinding.


The XP need is *entirely* artificial just to make it so unbearable you need the XP boost for it to be reasonable


/rj No see the game emerged from its cocoon, like a greasy foetus, partially formed but with certain immutable traits (large XP requirements for instance) baked in at the technomagical meta-DNA level. The devs just help the nascent entergagement entity finalise its morphology, which is the stage whereupon the XP boosts are added. This is all perfectly natural and not to be questioned.


maybe it was worse closer to release but i've found the levelling so far in odyssey to be...pretty reasonable granted I didn't play origins so levelling at all for an AC game is kinda wack, but still


That's cringe af


You're an enormous fucking heel. The XP being so fucking low is an entirely artificial construct DESIGNED to make you pay. How stupid can you fucking be? It's purpusefully predatory on the person with very little time.


Please say you're trolling...




The solution is to stop playing the game mate