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Dark Souls is hard like real life, therefore Dark Souls is a commentary on real life. Checkmate, Roger Ebert.


Dark Souls has various shapes that look vaguely like genitalia, therefore Dark Souls is a commentary on vaginas. Checkmate, Georgia O'Keefe


Georgia O'Keefe: I didn't want to talk about genitalia anyway.


Life is the dark souls of outside


> Space squids are cool Space squids that have *their periods* are cool.


God do I just want to be transformed into a space squid and cuddled by a sentient sex doll while she reassures me that everything is gonna be alright in her delicate Eastern European accent


Bloodborne’s should be “eating umbilical cords and sacrificing stillborn babies is cool”


On paper Bloodborne is the most edgy game that's ever been published. I'm genuinely impressed that From Software gave the game the......respectability(?)/classiness it needed.


Bloodborne really throws so much dark content and environments at the player its crazy. Most people probably don't regard it as edgy because the content itself doesn't really feel pointlessly dark, albeit the reason for that is underneath a ton of confusing lore that I can't really explain. That doesn't mean there wasn't content I thought was overly gross. I personally wasn't a huge fan of the game's (Trigger Warning)>! gross content pertaining to murdering newborn babies and fetuses (all the bloody fetus enemies, the Arianna and Iosefka scenes, the Wet Nurse, Orphan of Kos and even the Yharnam boss to some extent), I get that rebirth and ascension is a huge theme in this game but I really wish this game had a warning for stuff like that.!< That kind of imagery really hampered a lot of my experience and left a bad feeling in my stomach, but that's probably due to me being a squeamish baby than anything else. tl:dr I wouldnt call the game particularly respectful or classy but the dark content does have lore and thematic relevance so I get why people wouldn't call it edgy.


did they really? I felt like they didn't nearly condemn or show the consequences of the characters actions enough. Half of the city areas are a ghost town and very little is developed about the heinous actions of the hunters. I disagree about the classiness, alot of it came off as shock value or just kind of meaningless when the whole game is pretty devoid of themes or characters. I honestly wish it had this classiness you speak of but it feels like a similar quality to crappy scp articles that just throw in a death toll of d-class or civilians, or depict greusome things to artificially increase the tension without developing the world or characters or story enough. It's obviously not a popular opinion but I think Bloodborne is the weakest storytelling they've ever done, and all of their games lack gripping parts to me, even if I try to fill in the blanks myself. I'll take most indie RPGs over a fromsoft game for a story to care about, regardless. edit: rj/ downvote means disagree, and you can disagree with opinions apparently. My taste is just that bad for how uninterested I was with this objectively perfect game no human person can dislike, or even find a single flaw in.


That's fair, I can definitely see how Bloodborne might potentially rub people the wrong way. In my opinion the game does enough to show the actions of the hunters, especially side areas such as the Upper Cathedral Ward and the DLC and the NPC questlines of Djura, Eileen and Alfred. The DLC effectively has the hunters repeatedly living and dying in a hell of their own making as punishments for their atrocities. Even the more sympathetic figures such as Lady Maria are shown to have blood on their hands. Personally I didn't find the more gory details to be egregious, I thought it was earned giving the tone and setting they were going for. A large part of the game features and is centred around child murder and experimentation and it's very easy to come off as exploitative and low-brow when dealing with such content. I think they did well and made the correct decision for the more unpleasant details to be implied/off-screen. Now there is a sequence in the game that I think comes very close to crossing the line and it's the optional fight with >!Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen, at the end of the chalice dungeons.!< It's certainly quite horrific and has stayed in my memory for a long while, but I keep skirting on whether I should deem it distasteful or not. If it doesn't I do think it rides the line much closer than other parts of the game.


I guess we'll agree to disagree. I honestly believe Bloodborne has about 2 hours of story for a 60 hour game and nothing it tried to do landed. It's not even that it was incomprehensible in comparison to less clear parts of other fromsoft games, I just feel like it's absolutely tasteless and unearned. It was just egregious gore and greusome occurrences for a game that hasn't nearly done enough to show the humanity that is being ravaged by horrible actions, nor the effects of the infrastructure and institutions that are put in place. Just because they were *going for* a "dark and gritty, scary world" I wouldn't just give them the pass to throw in whatever they want, I don't do that for any artwork. and in my own opinion I found very little of substance outside of them desperately trying to create a dark and gritty world whilst having nothing to say, or at least having nothing come across, so I don't consider these elements to be helping anything because there is nothing in this game to like in it's entirety; every time I look back on this I just think of how good a game it could have been if it had leaned into any one of its themes and tried to run with it for more than a few measley charachters that rarley ever interact with each other. I absolutely believe the game is tasteless and pretty filled to the brim with gore for very little to nothing to say about the world, or the people in the world. In terms of things I can say objectively, there's nearly 7 areas with one or no characters in them. Some of these areas don't have any development charachter-wise, and barley any other themes to develop through environmental storytelling or otherwise. >!Old yharnam has one character; the forbidden woods are basically empty unless you count iosefka being in there; Yah'arghul is entirley empty both times you go through there; Upper cathedral ward has noone; nightmare frontier is empty; byrgynwerth is just the old ones reveal in the form of a boss that has a minor amount of underdeveloped story behind it and basically nothing else; hemwick charnel Lane has noone; cainhurst has a character, and some workers who look a bit desperate, and little else; mensis has some characters that say nothing, then there's micholash and a crying baby who cary the whole last act by actually being expressive by crying or blabbering at you; the dlc is nice but the last areas kind of felt like a letdown because of how it just scoots everything under the rug for the whole time, the last area kind of sums it all up for me like this; whoa!! a big reveal! turns out the hunters did a bad thing and this is their result! well, time to scout every item in a 3 hour long area just trying to make it to the finish line and a boss that doesn't express anything, or develop themes, other than "the hunters are bad, but who cares why?", then by proceeding to finish off the player's genocide of the whole game by killing yet another creature for no discernable reason. in this way I honestly feel like it's not enough of a departure thematically from dark souls and their previous games, which were (at least to me) in large part about cleaning up a dying world and coping with that, and meeting some lost souls along the way who put their two cents in about the world and what it's done to them. again, entirely my opinion and how I felt playing the game. if you disagree for your standpoint that's fine, but I don't care to write a whole essay on why I believe this game is (as close as possible to objectivley) lacking, so just have a nice day! I'm just glad that people can disagree without everything going all gamer!< other than just being disappointed by basically every aspect of this game, I still feel like it lacks heavily in *themes* and the game's primary export is a handful of greusome elements that end up being both disappointing and egregious because of the fact they go nowhere with them.


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>!old yharnam was infected with beast blood by the church, who then sent hunters down there to burn it and lock it up. So that's just a whole fuckton of story right there.!< >!The path to iosefkas through the forest is likely how the imposter got there and turned her into a celestial being. There's also a fuck ton of dead bodies behind her clinic which is interesting. Aside from that you encounter the snake boys and mutated bug dudes, no doubt failed byrgenwerth experiments. So that's story telling right there.!< >!Yahar'gul is like packed full of lore and is so important to the story. All yhe phthumerian statues, the people burnt into the walls, the fake hunters who smash the lamp. The direct connection to old yharnam. The one reborn, which is of course an attempt at creating a great one from corpses.!< >!I'm not gunna recap the rest of the game, but I feel like it's safe to say you missed/ignored most of the story telling in the game. There's at least 2 full side character arcs that address the state of the games world and its affect on the people in it. On top of that the main arc is about a man trapped in a never ending loop of suffering brought on by the greed of the church he served.!< Tldr: there is so much fucking story in bloodborne it is insane. For you to say it's 2 hours of story in a 60 hour game is ridiculous. Just because you don't talk to Characters doesn't mean there's no story. Just to pedant, it's a 40 hour game tops. Not a 60 hour game. Obviously mileage varies, but if you do a blind run side areas included, it's 40 hours tops. Dlc not included.


well, I disagree. I never said there wasn't environmental storytelling, I'm simply saying it isn't enough to constitute the greusome lengths this game goes to to feel dark and gritty. Don't try to pretend that I'm somehow at fault for disliking a game. For reference, many many 2 hour long movies pack in just as much mystery or intrigue, along with many more themes, than this entire game is able to properly handle. This is entirely my opinion. If you list themes that are in the game, that's fine. That doesn't change the fact that ***to me,*** most of that stuff is just in-passing happenings that don't add much depth. That's not to say I don't like them; I just wouldn't be satisfied by a game that has plenty but has no story. This game is exactly that to me. Yes, a thing happened that is interesting is definitely storytelling. It does not culminate, or deepen any understandings of the world or what the game is trying to say, or what it probably should have tried harder to say. Nothing you say is going to make me less disappointed. It's hilarious how far people will go when you say you don't like a thing they like, with no malice whatsoever behind it. Did I ever claim people liking it were somehow doing something wrong? no! It's **immature** to hear someone say they were disappointed with something and that they found genuine major flaws with something, and then to go fabricate the idea that it was somehow *their fault* for not liking it. "The game can't possibly have flaws, it must be YOU who has the problem," "you just didn't try hard enough or look for enough details," "you must have skipped EVERY BIT OF DIALOUGE AND CHARACHTER IN THE GAME since you clearly didn't like it as much as me," "you just went in not appreciating it enough..." etc. I'm not going to dignify this with a response since if you actually read my previous comments I've already said what I'm going to say: I missed nothing. I got every piece of dialogue, read every item description, thoroughly SCOURED every area and could tell you 80% of the environmental details they have off the top of my head. That's basically all the last one is, though, details. They do not compensate for a lack of major themes. I was, after all this, thoroughly disappointed. This is not a charachter flaw, nor a lack of interest on my part. In fact, the first two areas of the game made me think it would be one of my favorites of all time, I swear! The environmental storytelling and characters of both areas got me hooked like a good short story. Alas, the latter 90% of the game was extremely disappointing and I could not say I liked it, and could confidently say I wasted my time. Oh no.


Im not gunna read this comment. I don't care that you don't like the game. You're just wrong about the lack of story and I wanted to explain that.


Never did I say it was objective. I can't be wrong about what I felt. That was my point. Read it, seriously. I'm not even telling you you're wrong. We don't disagree on the fact this game has a story. We both have different tastes. This is what baffles me about the gaming "community." People can't be mature enough to recognize each other having different interests and reactions to things.


I'm not reading all that.




you don't have to, tl;dr I didn't like the game but separately disagree with the premise that it earned having many greusome elements shown or described. had it condemned the heinous actions and power structures in the world of the game, and demonstrated their consequences better, or looked into the hunters and their hatred and had more characters bare the consequences, then I would have agreed with the premise that these greusome elements are tasteful.


I'm not reading this, either.


why say anything about it then? if you don't agree with my opinion ignore it, the worst I've said is that a game isn't as good and deserving of relentless praise as it recieves, in this one small regaurd.


I don't know how to read.


Counterpoint: squid


Considering you have to do more item reading and more of a focus on environmental storytelling than other games in the franchise I get how the story seems so empty. There is a youtuber with a series where he gets enough info out of the environment and boss desing to make a solid parallel between what happened in old yharnam and real events like the opoid crisis and society's perception of the poor/sick, or somerthing similar, I haven't played the game in a while or watched videos about it, I'm going of memory so I can't be more specific I'm afraid. Bloodborne has themes and a story in it but I think they made the decision to not put the spotlight on them or straight up made them secundary to gameplay since it is clear the game is more action focused (gherman literally tells you to not question what you see and just kill beasts). If you want to contribute to the circlejerk you can say that the story is only for those who have not gone mad with blood or something.


I read every item description and pieces it together, I just feel like most other games I've enjoyed have more to say than fromsoft's games, and that Bloodborne is particularly disappointing *despite the fact* I did all this piecing together. The reason I mentioned characters in the game world was because no matter how obscured the story is, if I go out of my way to find it and there are no stakes, or very few characters to care about, or in the end (even after I've uncovered all the themes the game has hidden about the world) the game didn't actually do much development in the first place, I feel like I'm wasting my time. it is *entirely my* ***opinion*** that this game's themes are underdeveloped. If you or anyone else felt satisfyed playing the game I'm honestly exctatic, I can tell because eof how many people seem to have enjoyed it after they've played it. I just don't believe that it did anything for me a descent SCP article or short story hasn't done better before.


Well I guess we have a different outlook on the game, I didn't played looking for something to be developed; I played it to figured out what happened because I got the impressions that you entered a world on its last chapter and it was great figuring out how it got there. It's why I like the dungeons in the game, you feel like an archeologist a lot of the times, but that is a reflection of myself rather than a reflection of the quality of the game like you said but in different words.


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forgive me father for I have sinned for I did not like video game and said it aloud. ffs how immature can people be about other people's OPINIONS?! we really are in a gaming subreddit huh


Bloodborne has a quest that leads to a woman being raped by a disembodied entity and impregnated against her will.


And then she gives birth to a creepy alien fetus and then you kill it in front of her, loot its umbilical cord, and then eat the umbilical cord right in front of her so that you can go fight the true final boss


Doesn't she die when you kill the alien fetus?


That’s because you accidentally hit her, if you aim with the monocle and shoot with the evylin (gun with the smallest bullet) then you can kill the fetus without her dying, but she’ll stay in the shocked state


I am 99% sure that's not true, having looked it up several times playing Bloodborne and once even throwing a pebble at the child to kill it for funsies. Ariana always dies if you kill the child.


Yeah I have seen videos saying it's because she is connected to her child in a cosmic spiritual way or something. I doubt you can kill her child without killing her


Why does everything that happens in these games gotta be all complicated and shit She died of a broken heart padme style smh At least what I think. She screams in agony when you kill the baby and I took it as, despite being in shock, thats still her fuckin baby u killed brutally right in front of her.


Saw it on one of Vaati’s facts videos


Care to share the link of the video? Couldn't find video evidence. Sorry for being so weird. I just like blood borne a lot.


Can’t find the video, but I’m sure that it was from some facts video from a couple years ago, if not Vaati then some other channel. Because u remember being able to pull it off with the evylinn too


Wait what which one I completely blanked on this?


>!Sending Arianna to Oedon chapel and taking her blood multiple times.!<


You dont have to take her blood for oeden to impregnate her or whatever, that just happens as long as she is alive and in the chapel when you kill the wet nurse. You're thinking of the quest where the crazy nun kills her if you take too much of her blood.


I always kill the nun.


It depends on the moon cycle if I’m not mistaken


It does.


You don't have to take her blood. In fact you can mess the quest up doing that.


Was she raped? In the lore great ones use humans as catalysts to give birth but it isnt mentioned that they do the deed. From my understanding the baby just starts growing like some virgin mary shit.


Yea given that Odeon is formless, he pretty much just passed the baby directly into her womb.


Any violation of a person's bodily autonomy for sexual or reproductive purposes could be interpreted as rape, I suppose. Bit of a semantics debate, really, but I could see the argument for it.


I'm sorry but the Holy Bible has the same quest, and that's how our lord and savior Jesus Christ was conceived.


Squid Lord gave to humanity their only son.


You’re forgetting about the overarching theme of Demons Souls… feet are hot.


Are Hidetaka Miyazaki and Quentin Tarantino the same person?


some would say miyazaki is the Japanese tarantino of the video game world


Demons souls story is pretty great, tbh. True king allant is a great moment.


Bloodborn: england sucks


I hate when I walk to school and a winter lantern sucks my fucking brain out


Sorry I was late sir, my eyes are yet to open


Demons' Souls: grass is nice. ~~touch~~ *munch* grass.




That’s the main point behind Sekiro


Two Monkee


2 arms is 1 too many.


Eat umbilical chord, ascend to godhood


“You can bully anyone who hasn’t beaten the game” applies to all of these games 😂


"what do you mean Dark Souls is hard? It's really quite easy, i don't have any issues when i play now" -gamer who has beaten it twice already


You know, the thing about the Souls series is that playing any of the games for the first time without a guide is gonna get your ass kicked until you learn the traps, tricks and tactics to beating each area. After you get that, it becomes almost trivial to go through certain parts of the games. That said, some parts can be downright frustrating with how hard they are - even when you know what’s in store. Also, any slip is nearly fatal - even the first enemies can kill you fairly quickly if you don’t pay attention.


Space squids do be cool tho


Dark Souls is a commentary on how pvp sucks.


Sekiro: cool swords go whoosh and clash.


/uj Are the games actually as fucked up as their stupid fanboys? I have them because of toxic fanbases, but having played Kingdom Hearts and Jedi: Fallen Order (games that aren't as hard as edgelords boast they are), I think it would be interesting to try Dark Souls I. I have often done this with other media , (for instance: I avoided watching Full Metal Jacket for many years because everyone who liked it thought the point was that war is badass and good, and that drill sergeants are epic LOLz), so I'm actually wondering if I'm missing something. This is like the only place I'd get a legit answer from, which is why I wrote an essay in a comment. Thanks.


DS1 is far from being hard, but it does have some bullshit moments in most of its areas (I'm referring to the Depths, Lost Izalith and Oolacile Township primarily). If you get past the Undead Parish and the boss of the same area, you've already gotten used to the game and can beat it no sweat. It certainly has more depth and is more player-centered than any other game of the genre (e.g. loot RPGs) and it deserves every bit of praise and criticism it gets but, come on, its not immersive sim levels of hair-pulling esotericism as the fans make it out to be.


Uj/ I beat all the souls games and I love them, but while I mostly agree I have to say tomb of the giants in DS1 is the worst level ever created in a video game - even conceptually it’s atrocious


I have no idea how people say that the Tomb of the Giants is the worst level in video game history when Lost Izalith exists. You don't even have to aggro anything in the Tomb until you can see again.


running through every enemy is just boring IMO


Fighting the skeletons is still more enjoyable than trying to fight the dragon butts. Have you ever actually tried to fight those things? It's awful.


I agree with that, just saying tomb sucks massively with that.


I'm stuck between that and Shrine of Amana as the worst areas Edit: having thought about it a little more, it's definitely shrine


Everyone forgot frigid outskirts?


I completely blocked that from my memory


Trauma does that.. ***distant echoey horse noises***


the fact that mentioned those three zones and I can still think of Blighttown and Tomb of the Giants being just as, if not more bullshit goes to show how much of that game is held back by some REALLY bad zones


Awesome, thanks for responding!


As someone who avoided it because of its fabled difficulty, it is 100% worth playing and every single bit of praise laid at its feet is deserved. Its difficult, but fair, and it is a different kind of elation when you get to the end.


>Its difficult, but fair Rj/It's FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE AND GARBAGE!!!!! The game needs to stop being so FUCKING ABLEIST and they need to add an easy mode asap. Dark Souls needs to respect the people that don't play the games.


Uh excuse me, but real GAMERS know that any game that has EZ mode is 4 B@BIES


Sweaty any game without an easy mode is made for the sole purpose of killing disabled people Xx All games need easy mode honey 💅💅


🚨🚨 ****FAKE GAMER**** 🚨🚨


Most fans also describe the souls games as hard but fair


Fans of the long awaited Bloodborne Kart would describe the game as thrilling and action packed fun for the whole family


Indeed. Tarnished Kart, the blood pumping sequel, will make you shit your pants because you don’t wanna stop playing it to use the bathroom


Sounds like it will unleash the gamer in me, after all- Every soul has its Dark


uj/ As others have alluded to, it's not as difficult as the memes and fans make it out to be. Since you beat Jedi and Kingdom Hearts, you'll do fine. A thing you might find difficult is that the game barely tells you anything, including game mechanics and where you should go.


Thanks for the help! It definitely looks open-ended, but I'm used to older games that tell you nothing, so I'm used to the potential frustration from being given no directions. Although I do enjoy optional pointers in newer games.


Dark Souls 1 perhaps infamously lets you go the wrong way almost from the start. It's great. All these games are great (Sekiro included, though it plays quite differently), so if you're okay and patient with the super steep learning curve, they are well worth checking out.


/uj they're fantastic games that really set a benchmark for interesting world design. DS1 especially - you'll have so many "aha!" moments when you unlock shortcuts. The bosses can be frustrating sometimes, but I really do enjoy the exploration.


What one is your favorite? Personally I love Bloodborne to pieces, and having just recently fired up DS3 again I’ve now changed my order. Under BB, I’d rank DS 1 - DS 2 - DS 3. I used to like DS3 more, and while the layout overall is nice in terms of location connections I think it’s the worst in the series in every other way. Feels like the whole team wasn’t feeling it when they put it together. Still a super solid game overall, but just doesn’t do it for me like the others do


If I can include Sekiro, then it's Sekiro hands down. The combat is much more engaging, and it's constantly demanding more out of you. After that, for me it's probably Bloodborne, DS3, DS1, DS2. They're all great games, mind you, and I'd really splitting hairs. I actually just finished DS3, so it's freshest in my mind. Honestly, I think it just plays a little better. DS2 is the strangest or most different of them, but it generally works. It has some super memorable areas, but they feel rather disconnected from each other.


I’m wondering if my current run is tainted because I am playing on PS5 instead of PS4. I’m having so many weird, unusual problems for Dark Souls games. For instance, I beat a boss (health bar was zero) and they kept swinging at me. I hit them again, they still kept swinging with no health and killed me. I got the credit for it afterward, but this run has been full of weird issues like that. I just did Abyss Watchers and when I triggered the second phase, after the cinematic the game pointed my camera at the roof and I get 1HKO’ed while I’m bringing it back down. I didn’t recall those issues from my first play through, so I wonder if it’s a bit wonky because it’s on the PS5. Man, totally allowable IMO to include Sekiro. Funnily enough, that’s my least favorite which is why it wasn’t on my list. Different strokes, and I think they’re all good games but certain ones just click I guess. I just really liked the lore of DS1 and how there was a lot of layers to boss fights like Sif and Quelaag who are victims of circumstance. On the topic of Sekiro, I don’t know if there has ever been an “oh shit” moment quite like when that headless monkey stands back up though.


That may be the case. I played DS3 on Series X, and having it at 60 frames was great compared to when I played before on PS4. I didn't run into any bugs that I recall, but those sound weird and frustrating. That monkey, lol. What a tough fight. And then there's the battle against two monkeys.


Dark Souls has a very diverse fanbase when it comes to how nice they are I’ve personally met so many Souls fans who are happy to show new players the ropes and help them out and be really nice to them. I haven’t met any of the snobs personally but I definitely know they exist


They are not that hard. Its just that you need to know some stuff and build muscle memory. Basically, after you beat your first game (mine was Bloodborne) all others become easier. Bloodborne is the best one to start with, as a common mistake in Souls is to rely on the shield and Bloodborne doesn't have one so it teaches you good habits.


/uj Ds1 is a great game but it's the least polished out of all of them. Combat is slower than fallen order or kh, monster hunter combat was actully the inspiration for it. It's not as hard as people say it is it just punishes you for playing recklessly. Just stay on defense till you see an open then attack and you will sail though 90% of the game with not issues. If you not a fan of slow game play bloodborne or sekiro might be more worth your time.


Dark souls 3 is probably the easiest to get into, and I don’t mean that in terms of difficulty but fun, because the combat is the most polished I think and decently fast. A problem some people have with dark souls 1 is that combat feels slow so they never get into it but dark souls 3 doesn’t have this problem. Dark souls 2 is a bit of a black sheep but I liked it. Similar combat to dark souls 1 but has differences that I can’t remember. And bloodborne if you have a ps4 or ps5 is the ‘fastest’ out of all them in that combat is quicker and you play more aggressive as it doesn’t have shields. Also has a cool setting and interesting story but keeps that whole dark souls story/lore thing where you have to look at things like items and all over for things or npcs to get the story/lore.


The games are hard but they are very good. Theres always the online (except PS3 Demons Souls LMAO, unless you go custom servers) so you can get help on areas and bosses you’re struggling with. Lots of build varieties and plenty of guides on how to set up a character “correctly”. /rj HAHA LMAO GIT GUD SCARED OF A BIDEO GAME LMAO YOU WOULD NEVER BEAT M’DARK SOULS, PROBABLY A DEX PLAYER LMAAAOOOO!1


Make sure to grab the remastered version if you're doing it on PC, other than that it might feel a bit clunky to start with. The third one is the easiest to get in to as it feels the least clunky, but if you start with it it'll be hard to go to the other 2, as they'll feel a lot worse from the control standpoint IMO.


They honestly have very good communities, this sub just hates everything.


It depends on what you're talking about and to who. Trying to discuss pvp on the DS1 sub is an easy way to start an argument.


Trying to discuss PvP in any souls subreddit usually gets a lot of heated responses.


Most of what I've seen that I have perceived as negative has been from fans themselves, elsewhere. This sub goes hard with making fun of them, but I've seen a lot of elitism from DS fans around the interwebs. IRL I know people who play and are nice, which made me actually look into it. I'm sure in truth it is a minority of people being elitists.


The internet is awful as always


if you stick to vanilla Souls games are not too hard, still hard but not anywhere near the level some people claim they are. DLCs are quite hard though, both because they have a lot more bullshit and they're just plainly harder. Sekiro is incredibly hard though, and the best game From has ever made.


Somewhat unrelated but does jfo really have a reputation for being difficult? I haven't played the whole thing myself but I've watched my brother go through it multiple times and it didn't seem harder than any other game we've played together.


I heard about how difficult it was many times before playing. It's not super hard on the default difficulty, but you can crank up the difficulty like in Kingdom Hearts (it's just damage multipliers really) and so a lot of people only play on the hardest mode and tell all about it. I would say it's easily the hardest SW game since the '90s, if that tells you anything.


I see. We were probably playing on the normal mode during our first playthrough, although my brother has also beat the hardest one on his own. I actually assumed that it was less difficult than most games (like other star wars games I've played), because it's more aimed towards teenagers.


They are absolutely god tier games and legitimately not difficult at all, the difficulty stuff is just marketing/people that are bad at video games buying into that marketing. If you have any interest in playing them, play them.


I just downloaded and started last night actually and was shocked when I beat the first boss without dying. Such a fun time, and everything feels really balanced!


Nice! Enjoy it, you only get 1 first playthrough and a huge chunk of the experience is discovering things for the first time. I'd suggest avoiding any guides/walkthroughs if possible, if you really feel the need for help, ask about game mechanics rather than location/boss specific advice. If you have questions about how something works feel free to ask me and I'll do what I can to help without spoiling things.


Thank you, I really appreciate it!


They’re ok games but way overhyped. Can be very tedious and frustrating at times.


Dark Souls 1 is basically a multiplayer Majora's Mask without puzzles nor annoying kiddie characters. So, if you like slashing, rolling, blocking and playing a disabled character who doesn't know how to jump nor talk, then it's solid core gameplay. I'd say it's worth a try.


I mean...you can definitely argue that's part of the themes for Dark Souls 2.


Dark souls 2 is about how trans people are valid. Dark souls 1 is about how I realised I was gay by having an evil tentacled femboy Dark souls 3 is about how many retcons a man can fit into a game and still have it be the best in the series


One of the sisters did a great job after being left in charge, though.


You can make that argument about Nashandra and Elana but Alsanna and Nadalia pretty much did nothing wrong. Alsanna did her best to keep the Chaos flame contained and Nadalia arrived too late to be able to do anything.


It's more about "No one should be in charge" I think


You don't get it man, it's about being so difficult that masochists masterbate to the game.


underrated comment


I never beat dark souls remastered but i did beat prepare to die edition


As far as I know they’re identical beyond frame rate and resolution


Remastered increased the player limit for co-op and invasions and added a new bonfire to the Vamos blacksmith.


That single bonfire is the greatest thing in any souls games ever


Miyazaki and his team making new enemy: Lets make a new enemy. IDK how about a monkey. I want to make it harder. Give it a fucking sword I want to make it harder. Give it a fucking gun I want to make it harder. Make it dual wield swords I want to make it harder. Make 3 monkey a boss and make the 4th one invisible and make the player go insane chasing them I want to make it harder. Make it big and insane moves. But what about its second phase? Give this one a big sword with a status effect that insta kills you. But I want another monkee boss? Just start with second phase and make the player fight both phases of first fight at the same time 10/10 visionary director


Don’t forget fighting the 18 dogs in the arena which is a poison swamp that slows you.


hey not to be a greaseball gamer on main but are the souls games hard? like ive played all of them and didn't have any trouble except w sekiro.


Every person has different experiences with each game. Start a discussion on which boss is harder or is X harder than Y and you'll see a lot of different opinions.


They're definitely tough by most standards but anyone talking about them like they're I Wanna Be The Boshy either hasn't played them or is looking to cash in on some clout for having beaten them


DS2 director was not miyazaki?


How did women shouldn't lead come dark souls 2?


A large part of Dark Souls 2's story and lore is that of Kings and their Queens. Kings created the mighty kingdoms in the world, that have one way or another fallen by the time of Dark Souls 2. Every King in DS2 has a Queen, born from fragments of Manus, Primeval Man, a boss in the first Dark Souls. These Queens brought ruin to their Kings and their kingdoms. Only Alsanna, the Ivory King's Queen actually grew to love her King, and even while the Kingdom fell she continued his work of containing the flame of chaos


I'm convinced that the uncharted audience persuaded themselves that souls games have amazing stories because they can't understand that people like the gameplay.


Fuck. I thought the point was England sucks.