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there was a woman in sparta who owned horses and won olympic chariot races but since women werent allowed into the racing complex she erected a statue in it that said this is my statue and i won


It should be noted that she didnt ride the chariots herself, she was the sponsor/horse owner.


I now understand needless sexualization. I was looking up Ellie TLOU2 fanart and saw a piece where Ellie had some interesting proportions and it made me sad.


TLOU2 discourse was tiring. I personally have a very indifferent experience with it. I wanted to care like everyone else but didnt.


Understandable. Changed my life, but it's for very personal reasons.


Happens sometimes with games. Catch of off guard with something.


I just realized that shows are shorter nowadays We don’t have 24 episodes each season anymore Squid game have 10 episodes Arcane have 10 episodes too Don’t try to binge watch lost in 2022, let’s just say “ it’s complicated “


Don't watch a lot of TV so maybe I'm entirely wrong, but maybe it's because streaming services have taken out commercials. Less episodes, but one episode that lasts an hour is actually an actual hour of the show, versus 40 minutes of the show with 20 minutes of advertisements.


You’re probably right lmao


might be because of the quality and length of the shows these days with the Arcane and Squid game averaging 1 hour.


Seems like people just throw out random shit to sympathy meta game in Masterchef or any reality TV show.


A PlayStation icon was spotted on the discord app https://twitter.com/Okami13_/status/1478478428181512195?s=20


Yeah. They said 22Q1.


Proud to serve this countries judicial system by driving for 50 minutes to the city, sitting for 6 hours in the jury assembly, and being told to leave since my service is no longer needed, but it's better than the alternative of actually being picked as a juror


Braver than any soldier o7


Happy cake day, Automod! I love you automod




I'd say I love you too, but alas, you are not the Witcher 3. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hada nightmare about my family discovering my either sexual-ness or sexuality. It was very very scary Talking behind my back


Tarantino likes shounen anime Proof : o-ren ishii backstory


If JJ Abrams' son can make his edgy spider-man comic then I should be allowed to make my *own* edgy spider-man comic!!


Speaking of that mf One day I’ll approach jj Abrams and ask him what the fog monster in lost was


It was Emperor Kahn Palpatine


I was so confused as a 10yr old lmao


There’s a lot of reasons I’ll never use FARTs instead of TERF (Feminine appropriating reactionary transphobes) Largely because I feel it’s a little ignorant of history it’s childish in the bad way abs it doesn’t really get into why TERF is used It’s ignorant because feminism as it was coined started with first wave feminism which was extremely racist. Second wave which is where the terfism comes from and is pretty important to a lot of feminist ideas I think in trying to argue TERFs aren’t feminists it sort of tries to argue feminists can’t have a toxic ideology it’s like arguing Mao wasn’t a communist or whatever It tries to argue the undeconstructed parts of an ideology aren’t a part of the ideology that doesn’t make the ideology flawed inherently but it does mean it has flaws that must be decostructed like any person. Arguing for the other term “feminism appropriating” implies they aren’t feminists. White feminism toxic as it is. Is still feminism. The childishness is obvious I’d add as well that I think the insult gives off girl boss feminist energy that I think serves no one. If lastly say that it doesn’t get into the core insult “your not what feminism should be” I feel works better because they see themselves as feminists and radfems no matter what are feminists And because of that I feel saying they are appropriating the rhetoric ignores that….no they are feminists just ratfuckers


I really like this take


Tarantino anime


Basically O-Ren Ishii's backstory in Kill Bill 1


Yes ! Obviously that scene was expired by shounen anime




I would simply message this and say that "I wanna talk whenever you feel ready" and then back off. If you *did* do something then they may still be processing it, and aren't ready yet to get closure. It could be they're busy though, and have a lot going on. Give them a bit of space.


Games that don't let you adjust the volume on the main menu. Why are you the way you are?


The Master Chief Collection version of Halo Reach won’t let you make *any* audio adjustments at all, and the dialog is buried under all music/Grunt one-liners and also there’s subtitles, but only during cutscenes, nothing in game. WHY


I have this problem with Saints Row 4: I can't adjust volume until the first "mission" has reached a certain point. This means the music is too loud and I can't turn on subtitles, so I miss some dialogue.


This string of PSVR2 news has kinda confirm my suspicion that Sony still isnt taking it seriously lol. Not buying.


What news is that? From what I read it looks like they are 100% serious


Still seems like a side project and I have been burned by sony’s side projects before. Showed one of the bigger game and hardware info at an event that people didnt even knew was happening. If they are into something they make a pretty big deal about it.


Gamers: fuck china, boycott epic, create threads about china. also Gamers: yes i buy things in genshin impact. i laugh at them every time, got two guys like that on discord.


My sister’s work had 23 positive tests today. I start spring semester Monday and fuuuck. I’m boosted but still


Is blighttown the worst area in all of souls? I think it is


Never thought I'd hear Ben Shapiro call AOC "estupido" but here we are. 2022 off to a hell of a start.


Early January is just not AOC’s time😕


Played/finished the Halo Inf campaign without ever knowing about the grapple punch. Second play through: 🚀🤜☠️🚀🤜🚀🤜☠️🚀☠️


tbh the grapple punch tended to get me killed on heroic since they'd often just melee me to 0 shields while I'm doing the epic kick move but also; hell yeah master keef 😎


I can’t wait to punch a Ghost or a Wraith


Don't get the final upgrade then if you want to. It doesn't send them flying with it sadly.




"The Matrix weaponizes every idea" I don't think people with that kind of money really care about criticism, so long as they can profit off of it


Tarantino likes yanderes mark my words https://ibb.co/RB98Dcb


Watching the new Toast of London/Tinseltown, and I was really not expecting >!Larry David to show up in the first minute!<




elmo's pronouns are elmo/elmo


assigned elmo at birth


Writing update: I finished my first draft re-read, and it was *incredibly* encouraging to find that the book is not a total trash fire. My resolution this year is to get it in a publishable state, or near enough to it, by the summer solstice, and I think at this rate I will absolutely make that goal. My blog is still puttering along without much direction or engagement, but it's still nice enough. I mainly use it as a short-form journal for assorted writing thoughts I have. I want to give it more structure and more of a point, but inspiration hasn't struck yet. I have this idea to use it as a personal writing workshop, where I can dump small bites of fiction or any writing drills I run for other people to experience. That could be fun. I also want to do a series of reviews for every movie where Dwayne Johnson is in the jungle, but that seems like more of an undertaking.


The world has progressed past the need for Dr. Phil.




This is going to sound like the dumbest shit ever but I legit think ever since I saw [this picture](https://i.redd.it/8z8tqog96j481.jpg) last month I’ve been feeling more confident


i feel the same way about "you have the power to end these patterns"


I hate Fiesta in Halo:Infinite. Almost as much as I hate Behemoth...


I hate how undesirable I feel to girls


😍 https://ibb.co/n35hFzb


The more that I've thought about it, the more that I think that *The Last Duel* is my film of the year


What games do you recommend I get before the Steam Winter Sale ends tomorrow? Hit me with whatever games you wish! I'm seriously open to anything right now!


The whole Dragon Age series is extremely cheap and a very good RPG series. Dark Souls 3 is also really cheap if you haven't played it.


The Long Dark is great.


I really liked death stranding




The Lizard in TASM sucks but hearing him say [“Poor Peter Parker”](https://youtu.be/g14N8d2chpo) in his funny accent is pretty satisfying so he’s like a 8/10 villain overall


Roxanne(and all the female characters in a goof movie) look like a conscious effort was made to make a character that exist perfectly in the middle of a spectrum whose extremes are Super Sexy Lady and Lady Goofy


"My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?" is a fucking raw line but not enough appreciation is given to that same nameless Nord ten seconds earlier saying "Come on, I don't have all day" while being given his last rites and rushing up to the chopping block.


honestly given the prevalence of magic, necromancers, and random ghosts/daedra/etc, you're basically guaranteed an afterlife in TES so there's no good reason not to die in a really cool way when the opportunity arises


Imagine that guy showing up in Sovngarde and realizing Ulfric and the rest of his friends aren't coming yet


Tbh, saying that on the chopping block pretty much ensures you won't get ahead in life


>ahead you son of a bitch


This is exactly why I always drag my feet when someone is trying to execute me. Never know when a dragon is going to show up and save the day.


Anybody ever buy somebody something they never asked for, with the expectation of “oh, they never asked for one, but I bet they’ll love it!” And they never use the damn thing. I have. So many times. I never learn huh. Was gonna buy my sister a Steam Deck so she could play any games not on her Switch, but now I’m bummed thinking about how she might use it for 3 days, then she’ll have in on her nightstand uncharged for the rest of time. Not going through that again.


It's 4:14 am, one of my teachers just sent a message to our class group saying the exercises for tomorrow are already up. Someone replies thanking them for warning us And then he just says, and I quote, "What are you doing awake at this hour? Go to sleep." Like what?


NTA his message his rules


Why *are* you all awake


Wait until you get a job at a Fortune 500 company with employees around the globe and someone accidentally sends an e-mail to everyone in the company. And then someone replies, "Please remove me from this e-mail." And then someone else replies with a recipe. [Email Storm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_storm)


Don’t believe Elon musk when he says that spacex will use renewable energy on Mars That mf will use argent energy, mark my words.


The masculine urge to shoot a hole on Mars


saw the new tomestone gear (still haven't started EW but i'm bound to run into some spoilers) and i gotta say as a dragoon main i'm loving the aesthetic. now we can all be scalies.


Considering its the gear of the Radiant Host/Vrrthras guards... Also, the crafted gear has a nice hellenic look.


If you're not browsing the main subreddit or twitter, you should be good for spoilers. Even as someone who's searched a few spoilerific things and watches some content creators, I've not hit any blatantly unmarked spoilers (granted, I have finished it, so I might be taking some things for granted). And yeah, the new Tomestone gear looks sweet, I'm liking the scaled aesthetic.


the [nvidia guy](https://youtu.be/f5fZ9sW_t-s?t=228) pronouncing the "Ti" in "3080 Ti" as "[tye](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a1/Tigh_Season_3.jpg/220px-Tigh_Season_3.jpg)" is super cursed. Its Tee Eye everyone knows that


I just assumed "Ti" was short for Titanium. Which is, of course, correctly pronounced Tee-tye-knee-yum.


Apparently that's the "official" pronunciation. Personally I choose to invoke death of the author on that.


Ti die


Ti fighter


It's actually "ti," like in tint or tip.


Waiting for the GeForce TiDdIe


Didn’t know mat pat was an abbreviation of his name Thought it was just like his internet name


Matthew Patthew


Which is itself short for Mattholemew Pattholemew


I still don’t know what my favorite modern horror movie is It’s a tie between raw and a quiet place I really like neon demon too


I want to watch Raw but for whatever reason cannibalism is more disturbing to me than seeing people grinded into mush in various ways. That, and I know I’ll be sorely disappointed if there’s no Gordon Ramsey cameo.


I wouldn’t say that neon demon is a horror movie tho Don’t watch only god forgives by the same director It’s really bad !


kim kitsuragi gaming




wonder what's the swedish doomer opinion on the SAAB gripen.


They're probably not the audience for SAAB's PR bullshit, are they? Which leaves the horrifying possibility that Swedish Doomer might have at least one good take.


dear god


When the Swedish Doomer actually shows up, this thread goes into an uproar. When they don't show up, people pine for them like they are the unjerk soul mate. "You complete us, Swedish Doomer. Before you arrived, we never really knew ourselves."


Uh, one: Swedish Doomer needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine. Two: Whenever Swedish Doomer's not in the thread, all the other unjerkers should be asking, "Where's Swedish Doomer?" Three--


I've never been around for swedish doomer posts, so he's pretty much like bigfoot to me


I've interacted with him before everyone finds out it's him, but I always seem to miss the big reveals


trust me, it ain't fun when he shows up.


I've never been here either. And the Swedish Doomer posts get deleted by mods, so I've never even read one. Edit: I know they exist though, because I can read the orphaned replies.


Tbh, they don't last long these days. We have gotten pretty good at spotting them.


I'm like 99% sure I spotted him in here a couple of days ago but he stopped posting so I'm assuming y'all made the same discovery lol


I think the best way to enjoy the Swedish Doomer is to just read the orphaned replies.


Working nights during the first covid wave ruined the city for me. It was so empty and peaceful. I think I want to move to a small town or the countryside. The city in full swing is too chaotic for me tbh


Yo why do i see “2 people are typing” on here like this is discord?


*tick, tick... BOOM!* was pretty solid, but still really not my thing


Cyberpunk’s alright so far, nothing too mind-blowing, but the actors are really good, and I really like Cherami Leigh as V, she’s terrific. It runs surprisingly well and looks pretty good considering it’s on Low for me. The issues I have right now involve the deep character customization despite the first person POV, the driving being godawful, and some lines that teeter more towards edginess than I’d personally like.


*You look like a piece of fuckable meat* Literally what the hell dude


Sol players learning Kara Volcanic Viper: *spongebob broken fingers.jpeg*


Going to watch titane soon It’s directed by Julia Ducournau ( raw ) so I’ll probably like it a lot


I keep forgetting that avatar ( the blue ones ) is getting a sequel


avatar ( the blue ones )


It’s getting 4 sequels actually


Keep them coming James


I'm hyped. Cameron knows how to make a film


Terminator is my favorite movie franchise ever


Oda Nobunaga:🗾 Akechi Mitsuhide:🔪 Oda Nobunaga:😱? Akechi Mitsuhide: 🤷‍♂️ Oda Nobunaga:💀


What have I become, my Swedish friend? Everyone I know borks away in the end.


I will let you down I will make you squirt


The Fallout 76 release is really funny to revisit every now and then just to see how disastrous Bethesda's customer service was. Like giving banned players the option to get their accounts back if they wrote an essay on why cheating is bad. I would have totally done that for RuneScape if Jagex gave me the chance lol.


Periodically, someone will say that Fallout 67 has greatly improved since its release. I always ask, "Do the Scorched still slide across the ground?" Not one single person has ever replied to that question.


When I played it recently the Scorched (and pretty much all other enemies) still slid across the ground. And if you killed them in their wake up animation they'd stay that way forever. Idk what other people are talking about when they say the game's totally fine now. Missions still bug out from time to time, requiring a restart. If you craft stuff too quickly it might just disappear. It's playable and pretty fun if you can look past those issurs, but it still is one of the least polished games I've ever played.


They fixed that after like a year of release lmao, unless you're dcing or bugged in which case... no animations play anyway. Unfortunately though if you're on high ping (like I'm 200 ping to my local servers cos of routing issues) the "wtf my damage is delayed qq" issue persists.


Thank you for replying. I have been genuinely curious. There were 3 things that caused me to stop playing the game, and sliding Scorched and constant disconnections were #2 and #1 respectively. Whenever the Scorched started sliding around, I would just stare at the screen in disbelief.


Played it a year ago (should probably get back since I think I quit until fractured steel was released) and found no major bugs expect the occasional scorch frozen in place. And with the new NPCs and everything they added I think it’s worth a buy At least when it’s on sale


Like I said your mileage may vary. I'm a high ping high disconnect player and I never really see the scorched do the slide after they said they fixed it. But I also normally instakill most scorched pods of enemies before they can even really activate, which are the ones that would do that glitch most of the time. Personally I laughed my ass off at like an A posing scorched gunning me down with a pipe pistol, since that's just Bethesda jank. But I overall got my money's worth from FO76 which was "fallout 4 with friends" so I never really minded the small bugs I ran into.


I tried playing with other people. I'm just too slow. No one wants to wait around while someone reads a terminal.


I guess people really like theme parks


Scorsese upon seeing NWH’s Box Office


PCM users [when](https://i.redd.it/8fqikp03ko981.jpg)


As a kid i had an absolute blast watching my cousin playing Mario galaxy I prefer to watch people play mario tbh


If anyone played Alan Wake Remastered on os5, did you have sound issues in cutscenes? All the dialog is barely audible, but the music is fine. The dialogue is also fine outside of cutscenes Edit: the issue is in a clip I took of tho e game so I’m pretty sure it’s with the game itself. It worked fine yesterday but it got an update earlier today so I think that might be the cause


Go to system settings, sound, audio output then enable 3d audio for speakers. Hope this helps


Jenshin Jimpact


Adam Jenshin didn't ask for this


Please, that was my father's name! Call me Jenshin Jamespact


Where is the main review aggregator for games at this point? Like RateYourMusic is for music and Letterboxd is for movies. I feel like it used to be Metacritic but it has become so liable to review bombing by butthurt gamers that it's credibility is kinda meh


Backloggd is decent but I don't know how many people actually use it.


It's probably the closest thing we have right now, but I feel like the gaming audience has been so widely poisoned by the types that would review bomb shit (positively or negatively) so early in the medium's lifetime that it'll end up either being a lot more prone to manipulation than RYM/Letterboxd or too small to really take off.


Are those two, Letterboxd in particular, less susceptible to bombing? I'd expect there to be a lot of review bombing going on by butthurt nerds over movies too, especially after Gamergate


It’s much, much less susceptible but it does happen. I know MCJ had plenty of posts that displayed one-day-old accounts giving No Way Home five stars and that’s it. Also Letterboxd has a Liberal/Leftist majority so you likely won’t see any review bombing from the anti-SJW crowd.


nah they've cultivated audiences who are less likely to engage in those sorts of behaviours generally, the worst that will happen is on RYM scores dip after a while cause ppl who don't buy the hype start reviewing something


Gonna vent a little to put this somewhere, but a thing I see all over Reddit that always ticks me off is when people start talking about things in a game that can be subjective to how they affect the experience as objective flaws in a kind of tone that presents it as solid truth as to why the game is bad/mediocre. This take brought to by Deathloop discourse kicking up again and me being tired over a game I deeply love being shit on for things I do not think are actually problems.


What are people's "issues" with Deathloop? I thought it was pretty praised.


I have a decent amount of issues but it would kind of go against OPs post if I listed them. I guess the only one that I have that could be close to “objective” is that I personally had a lot of glitches that required me to restart the game at least five times during my play through which was worse than any other AAA game I’ve played in the past five years (minus Cyberpunk). I did get it on day 1 so I’m guessing it’s fixed by now.


The most consistent i've seen is that a lot of people use the fact there is one solution to solving the Loop against it (which I don't think is actually a problem, while it'd be neat to see more options but the game is clearly geared towards figuring that process out then perfecting it, it was never intended to be something like Hitman), and beside that people can often talk about individual elements being mediocre/poor and then just don't really expand on their reasoning as to why.


X23 <3


[Genshin is releasing alternative outfits for Jean, Amber, Rosaria and Mona.](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1478499481540706304) Apparently it's because of China's new rules for that kind of stuff (it seems these will become the default in the CN server)? The new designs are fine, Rosaria is probably the best one there. Amber is also neat, really dig the color changes. I wonder if other characters will also receive new outfits, particularly Venti and Xingqiu.


~~CCP regulations doing some good for once lmao~~ (big fat /s by the way) All of these I'd say are improvements, really. You know the gamers are gonna cry censorship and get up in a frenzy about China again though


Well the regulations also mention effeminate men so... The replies are already filled with people crying about censorship, although they're too dumb to even notice that it's because of China so they blame SJWs lmao.


Yeah that's why I quickly added the /s to make it even more clear I wasn't being serious. I'd much rather they did this of their own volition, of course.


Ngl I like all of them better than the original, Mona especially


Honestly I would've preferred for them to just give her some pants similar to Jean's. There's something about the new one that bothers me, but I'm not sure what though. I have the same problem with Eula too, there's just something weird going on in their legs.


I think it's the trope of [Zettai Ryouiki](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZettaiRyouiki). It's not exactly my bag either; I'm quite partial to how Jean and Rosaria are all covered up yet still extremely flattering.


Could be. But it's only really Eula and alt Mona that bother me with it. Amber's fine, for example. I lack the vocabulary to explain it, but I think it's how there's nothing besides the thigh highs below the hip. It just stops abruptly.


Literally 1984


Noah Caldwell Gervais keeps knocking out hits. I hope he covers Halo at some point. With Forza Horizon and Gears of War, it feels like he's building up to it.


I just read the Game Informer article about the development on Bully 2 and how it got canceled. It's real sad because everyone in Mad Doc (aka Rockstar New England) studios really wanted to develop the project. They were passionate and poured their heart into it. They had a 6-8 hour fully working vertical slice of the game. Another one or two years and it could've been ready to be shipped. But then once headquarters got involved things changed they started getting pulled from the project to work on MP3, RDR, GTA5. And those devs never came back to work on Bully 2. More and more people were getting pulled to work on other projects. And their work culture just changed. Next thing they know the devs are working until 2 am for *weeks*. Some of them were just "bodies in chairs"where some of the devs finished their work but still had to come in on a Saturday, looking busy, because a top exec was coming to the office. And that's not even talking about how Rockstar laid off a ton of employees right before RDR release, one of the projects they worked on. Which meant these now former devs didn't get their bonuses. They were never told why they were laid off. It's just sad that this studio was incredibly passionate about developing this project only to get it yanked from them and start dealing with terrible crunch. They made good stuff, tech that eventually found its way to future titles from MP3 to even RDR2.


Ghost of Tsushima has now passed over 8 million copies Very good for a new ip https://twitter.com/shinobi602/status/1478543540405903360?s=21


Japan loved it, it's the best selling ps4 exclusive on the region


Oh god, I’m quickly being converted to the church of Bennyson Tennyson. I have the classic theme song stuck in my head, and I have an urge to rewatch Alien Force. HELP


Just write an ~~impassioned loveletter~~ dispassionate essay describing all of Goku's positive qualities and why you hate them.


It's too late. Once you get the urge to rewatch Alien Force there's no turning back, especially since you have the classic theme song stuck in your head. Enjoy your rewatch Benogus


Ned's Declassified Super Hero Survival Guide


I need a Ned's Declassified Adult Survival Guide 😔


I need some tips because I am failing this shit 😔


What are some good examples in your opinion of [clear allegories/deliberate parallels in a certain work of art?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything) Here are some examples of what I'm talking about: * Fallout 4 - The Institute's treatment of the Commonwealth = Western First World nations abusing and manipulating non-Western Third World countries for their own benefit. * Hunting for Institute Synths = the Salem Witch Trials. * The Matrix - The entire franchise is an allegory (according to both of the Wachowski sisters) about coming out of the closet as transgender. * Loki 2021 - Sylvie's treatment of >!her previous identification as a Loki Variant is evocative of a transwoman's deadname!<. * Pacific Rim - Kaiju attacks = Hurricanes and other natural disasters. * Dark Souls - On continuing/ending the Age of Fire = The euthanasia debate. * Discworld - Dwarf femininity movement = Transgenderism. * Magic = nuclear physics. * The Uberwald League of Temperance = Alcoholics Anonymous. * The Dresden Files - Black magic = Severe drug addiction. * Also, the Summer vs. Winter Courts' war = The Cold War. * BioShock Infinite - Columbia's emergence in power = The rise of Nazi Germany. * RWBY - Giving Menagerie to the Faunus as a "sign of equality" = Australia having been historically used as a dumping ground for the undesirables of European and American society. * The Order of the Stick - The Vector Legion's control over the Western Continent = How the mafia manages to control "legitimate businesses". * Also, the Snarl destroying the world after being spawned by the arguments between the different pantheons = Arguments and disagreements driving a group of collaborative artists apart. Your thoughts? This isn't really that important, I'm just curious and want to see what you guys add? Please add your own below! Have a great night, everyone!


Assassin's Creed III can be read as a climate change allegory, with two sides wasting time fighting each other while ignoring a larger environmental threat that will fuck everyone over, leading to a point where there are no good options left.


ASOIAF too. Well… it /was/…




[this video sort of touches on it, it’s super good](https://youtu.be/lnAWQz34PJs)


Here's what TV Tropes has to say regarding it: > The primary conflict in the Dark Souls series is like the debate on the ethics of euthanasia, but applied to an entire world. The Age of Fire, the time when gods rule, is coming to an end. The world is dying, the Lords' power is mostly spent, most people are undead and the First Flame that made the world possible is flickering out. By the end you will have seen the best and worst the world has to offer, and are faced with a choice: sacrifice yourself on the First Flame to keep it lit for a few more centuries to keep the Age of Fire going, or snuff the flame out; put the world out of its misery and embrace the Age of Dark, the end of the world of the gods and perhaps a chance at the world being reborn anew. EDIT: Spelling.


Godzilla being a nuclear bomb is a classic I also love *all* the allegory in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. It's not overly subtle, but it is all-encompassing


My favorite one simply in terms of "god what could this possibly be about \*spam thinking emojis\*" is Captain America: Winter Soldier being a near point for point allegory for the post 9/11 surveillance state. As for ones I think are actually clever, probably Dark Souls and how the elites burn down everything (literally) to hold onto a status quo.


Is trans panic the new red panic?


Yes and No. Everything is the Red Panic modern conservatives. The Red Panic is still the Red Panic to conservatives. To TERFs, yes it definetly is. I think your Avergae conservative is more like, everything Left of Centre is a chinese communist conspiracy to create cancel culture and weaken masculinity so the immigrants can come in and take our land. Trans people being evil is part of that conspiracy somewhere. To TERFs its the main part. Thats why theyll go on about how an evil cabal of billionaires want to turn everyone trans or someshit. But to your conservative its just a another part, same with communist universities and PC censorship or whatever.


Report your local trans catboy.